Roxbury Invitational 2019

Roxbury Twp, NJ
Hosted by Roxbury HS
Timing/Results MCCATS

Athlete Entries

Fastest 4 Boys 132 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pedretti, Dan North Hunterdon HS
Fiesseler, John Newton HS
Goodyear, Stephen Mount Olive HS
Gonzalez, Matthew East Brunswick HS
Himstreet, Gregory Chatham HS
Sembrat, Schafer Roxbury HS
Gonzalez, Freddi Hopatcong HS
Decker, Thomas Freehold Township HS
Ritter, Stephen Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Byers, Edward Bernards HS
Ford, Jordan West Morris Central HS
Bogus, Christian Toms River North HS
Bates, James Sparta HS
Keaney, James Randolph HS
Garrity, Steven Passaic Valley HS
Plummer, Myles Union Catholic Reg. HS
Bigsby, Mark Somerville HS
Sohail, Taimoor McNair Academic HS
Kumar, Anish Nutley HS
Nguyen, Arnold Parsippany Hills HS
Park, Isaiah Paramus HS
Vives, Harrison Delbarton School
Ignacz, John North Hunterdon HS
VanOrden, Peter Newton HS
Carney, Thomas Morris Knolls HS
Hemmige, Ishan Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Perez, Aedrick Belleville HS
Dauchert, Tyler Hackettstown HS
Sabaya, Emmanuel Dickinson HS
Strain, Chris Ridge HS
Ruggiero, Louis Sussex County Tech
Shore, Thomas Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Liebl, Devon High Point Reg. HS
Mullan, Albin Morris Hills HS
Marquez, Rylan Paramus HS
Palacio, Andrew Union Catholic Reg. HS
Fernandes, Dannie Somerville HS
McQuillan, Ryan Sparta HS
Duca, Nick Nutley HS
Green, Matthew Mount Olive HS
Tiongko, Matthew East Brunswick HS
Grosso, Finn Chatham HS
Hajel, Matthew Roxbury HS
Hadowanetz, Harry Hopatcong HS
Gonzalez, Jacob Memorial HS WNY
Gagliardi, Tyler Freehold Township HS
Ingrassia, Alexander Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Agarwal, Nikhil Bridgewater-Raritan HS
McGrath, Tim Bernards HS
Ackerman, Erik West Morris Central HS
Pinto, Kevin Toms River North HS
Hecht, Joseph Randolph HS
Kressman, Jonathan Sussex County Tech
Whitney, Elliot Passaic Valley HS
Hoye, Robert Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Gangaram, Danraj McNair Academic HS
Reehal, Kerrn Morris Hills HS
Gaitonde, Sohum Parsippany Hills HS
Chartoff, Nicholas East Brunswick HS
Gironda, Alec Chatham HS
Failla, Chris Delbarton School
Schulz, Thomas Roxbury HS
Mugavero, Adam North Hunterdon HS
Freund, Matt Newton HS
Bruseo, Brayden Morris Knolls HS
Echevarria, Christopher Belleville HS
Lettieri, Jake Hackettstown HS
Libutsi, Julius Dickinson HS
Pinto, Will Ridge HS
Hymans, Bobby Ramapo HS
Kleinert, Ryan Bernards HS
Pierson, Chris Sparta HS
Tiger, Troy High Point Reg. HS
Tse, Matt Paramus HS
Arias, Pablo Passaic Valley HS
Turner, Zach Union Catholic Reg. HS
Wooby, Evan Somerville HS
McCormack, Brian Nutley HS
Rauh, Donovan Mount Olive HS
Shah, Darshil Parsippany Hills HS
Loven, Conor Hopatcong HS
Rosas, Elvis Memorial HS WNY
Infozino, Joe Freehold Township HS
Morrissey, Kenneth Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Bixon, Bryce Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Manning, Chad Belleville HS
LUSSKIN, Luke West Morris Central HS
Samayamantula, Harshith McNair Academic HS
Chabuel, Jake Toms River North HS
Donovan, Evan Randolph HS
Rauchbach, Zach Sussex County Tech
LePage, Gabe Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Rau, Akshay Morris Hills HS
Pedretti, Brian North Hunterdon HS
Dvorsky, Anthony Newton HS
Christman, Donovan Morris Knolls HS
Maroulis, Apostolos East Brunswick HS
Scerbo, Anthony Chatham HS
Dolan, Evan Delbarton School
Hajel, Nathaniel Roxbury HS
Cranmer, Sean Hopatcong HS
Dickerson, Josh Hackettstown HS
Chaudhari, Dhruv Dickinson HS
Reyda, Chris Bernards HS
Barna, Jackson Ridge HS
Stefancik, Andrew Sparta HS
Citro, Roman High Point Reg. HS
Ribeiro, Brian Paramus HS
Lechguar, Akram Passaic Valley HS
Granizo, Matt Union Catholic Reg. HS
Chilcoat, Trystan Somerville HS
Joyce, Garrett McNair Academic HS
Bernardo, Sean Nutley HS
Vatanapradit, Justin Mount Olive HS
Noor, Wasay Parsippany Hills HS
Daly, Stephen Delbarton School
Bao, Jonathan Memorial HS WNY
Kinder, Joseph Freehold Township HS
Robinson, Tim Morris Knolls HS
Chrisan, Ethan Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Boone, Foster Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Chowdhury, Faraz Belleville HS
Pillai, Arjun Hackettstown HS
Saha, Topu Dickinson HS
Gillikin, Benjamin West Morris Central HS
Lewis, Sam Ridge HS
Sabo, Matt Toms River North HS
Zacieracha, Alex Randolph HS
Savage, Itai Sussex County Tech
Buck, Kevin Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Billings, Ethan High Point Reg. HS
Wallace, Domenick Morris Hills HS
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Fastest 4 Girls 112 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rana, Krisha Passaic Valley HS
Frohnapfel, Carly Chatham HS
Cuyar, Katie Randolph HS
Gilhuley, Catherine Kent Place School
LaCapra, Grace Ridge HS
Granrath, Abby Union Catholic Reg. HS
Moutis, Emily Parsippany Hills HS
Ashby, Samiah Belleville HS
Bossdorf, Abigail Freehold Township HS
Patel, Bhavi Mount Olive HS
Miruelo, Tiffany Nutley HS
Maceira, Victoria Morris Knolls HS
Schneider, Josie Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Moore, Kalie Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Early, Makayla West Morris Central HS
Sadek, Sphia McNair Academic HS
Donou, Gabrielle East Brunswick HS
Horan, Moira Chatham HS
Conklin, Julianna High Point Reg. HS
Turner, Melina Morris Hills HS
Mercurio, Juliana Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Musum, Olivia Bernards HS
Hand, Lindsay Hopatcong HS
Vives, Grace Mendham HS
Lee, Zoe Union Catholic Reg. HS
Sanchez, Genesis Sparta HS
Gordon, Violet Columbia HS
Welch, Zoe Jackson Memorial HS
Campiglia, Isabella Roxbury HS
Isemann, Caroline West Morris Central HS
McGill, Emma Voorhees HS
Koman, Lauren Passaic Valley HS
DiFusco, Sophia Randolph HS
Schmitz, Xenia Kent Place School
Delgado, Aleia Morris Hills HS
Keiling, Lilly Ridge HS
Singh, Preya Parsippany Hills HS
Luca, Claudia Hopatcong HS
Egeonu-Okoro, Kaitochi Belleville HS
Curry, Ava Mendham HS
Marchant, Sarah Freehold Township HS
Obuah, Terrene Mount Olive HS
Perlman, Darcy Columbia HS
Spina, Erica Nutley HS
Nash, Nicole Morris Knolls HS
Dalfonzo, Sophia Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Joseph, Athalya Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Santos, Rosaly McNair Academic HS
Chen, Christina East Brunswick HS
Van Wie, Anna Chatham HS
Finley, Meredith Randolph HS
Veldran, Ava High Point Reg. HS
Schildiner, Sydney Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Judd, Lauren Ramapo HS
Klein, Kelsey Bernards HS
Patterson, Ashleigh Union Catholic Reg. HS
Hynes, Nuala Sparta HS
Bossdorf, Molly Freehold Township HS
Barnes, Alyson Jackson Memorial HS
Mejia, Katrina Belleville HS
Garcia, Cassidy Dickinson HS
Tom, Lauren Roxbury HS
Alai, Lily West Morris Central HS
Akhadova, Bonu McNair Academic HS
Pankuck, Grace Voorhees HS
Lorsbach, Miranda Kent Place School
Dong, Bonnie High Point Reg. HS
Kaczmarek, Carolina Morris Hills HS
Liljegren, Daisy Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Melillo, Jamie Ridge HS
Yang, Amy Parsippany Hills HS
Kestenholz, Gianna Hopatcong HS
Augustine, Ava Mendham HS
Acevedo, Isabella Mount Olive HS
Christman, Beth Nutley HS
Otero, Chloe Morris Knolls HS
Beemer, Kate Columbia HS
Rehder, Sofia Rumson-Fair Haven HS
McCurry, Mattison Sussex County Tech
Harris, Eleora Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Piasecki, Maggie East Brunswick HS
Mistele, Ivey Bernards HS
Franz, Alexandra Chatham HS
Fucci, Susie Randolph HS
Eccles, Phoebe Kent Place School
Simpson, Kayleigh Sparta HS
Williams, Morgan Union Catholic Reg. HS
Modin, Carolyn Parsippany Hills HS
Perez, Zach Belleville HS
Chaudhari, Dhuvee Dickinson HS
Kirsch, Brianna Freehold Township HS
Arturi, Arianna Mount Olive HS
Fosgreen, Erin Jackson Memorial HS
Rainforth, Megan West Morris Central HS
Merghoub, Safaa McNair Academic HS
Torkildsen, Kali Voorhees HS
Coleman, Caroline Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Onorevole, Kayla High Point Reg. HS
Rana, Deepika Morris Hills HS
Mathew, Hannah Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Shimsky, Samantha Ridge HS
McDowell, Caroline Bernards HS
Malizzi, Faith Hopatcong HS
Orlins, Madison Mendham HS
O'Hare, Madison Sparta HS
Gibney, Sarah Nutley HS
Uveges, Stephanie Jackson Memorial HS
Tianga, Kirah Columbia HS
Pusung, Emma East Brunswick HS
Price-Elliott, Delainey Sussex County Tech
Sell, Emily Voorhees HS
Sentilkumar, Harrinee Bridgewater-Raritan HS
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Future 4 Boys 137 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Valentino, Daniel Freehold Township HS
Woods, Michael Morris Knolls HS
Fishman, Jake Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Bentz, Patrick Delbarton School
Marroquin, Douglas Memorial HS WNY
Jabamani, Melvin Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Cubas, Sergio Belleville HS
Jagnandan, Ian Hackettstown HS
Abdelrahem, Amr Dickinson HS
Corwin, Evan West Morris Central HS
Rivera, Joseph Dover HS
Ursin, Andreas Sussex County Tech
Bergquist, William Ramapo HS
Mazurek, Christopher Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Maduka, Kingsley Union HS
Vicente, Jake Ridge HS
Cordinao, Jack Toms River North HS
Zarro, Frank Randolph HS
Heun, Robert Roxbury HS
Wysocki, Aaron North Hunterdon HS
Lotruglio, Domenic Newton HS
Greenblatt, Max Mount Olive HS
Lane, Joshua Morris Hills HS
Definis, Ethan High Point Reg. HS
Messenger, Samuel Triton Regional HS
Soufi, Kareem East Brunswick HS
Fortuna, Jake Chatham HS
Hernandez, Andrew Memorial HS WNY
Golub, Jason Freehold Township HS
Sileo, Matthew Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Da Cruz, Lucas Bernards HS
Leonard, Ryan West Morris Central HS
Dominguez , Gustavo Dover HS
Smith, Collin Somerville HS
Salib, Flobatier McNair Academic HS
Pinto, Keith Toms River North HS
Del Coro, Anthony Sparta HS
Tish, Jonathan Randolph HS
Rodas, Eduardo Passaic Valley HS
Alston, Noah Union Catholic Reg. HS
Bernardo, Jimmy Nutley HS
Reppen, Jack Parsippany Hills HS
Decker, Zachary North Hunterdon HS
Zuzze, Joseph Newton HS
Zucker, Andrew Morris Knolls HS
Collins, Dennis Delbarton School
Ross, Ryan Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Reyes, Adalberto Belleville HS
Heath, James Hackettstown HS
Chastain, Blake Sussex County Tech
Walloga, William Ramapo HS
DePaulis, Dean Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Murphy, Justin Union HS
Sargen, Alex Ridge HS
Shumlas, Paul Sparta HS
Labrie, Daniel Union Catholic Reg. HS
Muller, Andrew Somerville HS
Campbell, Aidan Roxbury HS
Vespa, Luca Nutley HS
Penczak, Owen Mount Olive HS
Laudati, Jack Morris Hills HS
Dolan, Conor High Point Reg. HS
Gjini, Michael Paramus HS
Messenger, Caleb Triton Regional HS
Neary, Griffin East Brunswick HS
Tapper, Jack Chatham HS
Marroquin, Erick Memorial HS WNY
Guarino, Jacob Freehold Township HS
Richards, Christopher Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Gitterman, John Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Griffin, Timothy Bernards HS
Richards, Thomas West Morris Central HS
Ruiz, Cesar Dover HS
Gilbert, Tyrese McNair Academic HS
Klalo, James Toms River North HS
Cirella, Joe Randolph HS
Gervald, Logan Sussex County Tech
Soriano, Jessier Passaic Valley HS
Barnum, Gray Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Spalt, Christian Morris Hills HS
Murundi, Akul Parsippany Hills HS
Nguyen, Raymond North Hunterdon HS
O'Gorman, William Newton HS
Burke, Will Morris Knolls HS
Gultekinoglu, Aleksander East Brunswick HS
Shimchak, Aidan Chatham HS
Smart, Patrick Delbarton School
Stone, Kevin Roxbury HS
Parr, Evan Hackettstown HS
Somppi, Nate Ramapo HS
Porr, Charles Bernards HS
Pedrosa, Darcy Union HS
McCabe, Aidan Ridge HS
Talish, Spencer Somerville HS
Yurchak, Nicholas Sparta HS
Koch, Frank Passaic Valley HS
Hernandez, Sam Union Catholic Reg. HS
Briones, Alvin Nutley HS
Solis, Brandon Mount Olive HS
Wechsler, Cory Parsippany Hills HS
Dong, Steven High Point Reg. HS
Doyle, Michael Paramus HS
Yu, Ryan Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Fajardo, David Memorial HS WNY
Lew, Nicholas Freehold Township HS
Riano, Brian Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Retortillo, Brian Belleville HS
Chen, Brandon West Morris Central HS
Montoya, William Dover HS
Squillace, Joseph Ramapo HS
Lanfrank, Jaden Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Abushanab, Adam McNair Academic HS
Rodriguez, Diego Toms River North HS
Houston, Daniel Randolph HS
Gomez, Finley Sussex County Tech
Rossi, Daniel Morris Hills HS
Fortuna, Dennis Triton Regional HS
Kohner, Zach Roxbury HS
Beswick, Carter North Hunterdon HS
Lotruglio, JoJo Newton HS
Capala, Max Morris Knolls HS
George, Emil East Brunswick HS
Viola, Sam Chatham HS
Teehan, Connor Delbarton School
Dericks, Ethan Hackettstown HS
Frank, Ryan Bernards HS
Nathan, Joel Union HS
McCabe, Andrew Ridge HS
Jaconski, Ryan Somerville HS
Skulason, Isar McNair Academic HS
Wood, Adam Sparta HS
Minaya, Mauricio Passaic Valley HS
Handlin, Noah Union Catholic Reg. HS
Chang, Tyler Nutley HS
Turi, Dominick Mount Olive HS
Hockwitt, Jacob Parsippany Hills HS
Vance, Joe High Point Reg. HS
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Future 4 Girls 120 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Power, Kathryn Union Catholic Reg. HS
Meng, Audrey Parsippany Hills HS
Scaglione, Michele Sparta HS
Homentosky, Marie Kittatinny HS
Miller, Madeline High Point Reg. HS
Aivazis, Sophia Nutley HS
Fleming, Molly Rumson-Fair Haven HS
DiLillo, Adriana Hackettstown HS
Kheir, Ayah Dickinson HS
Cassavell, Zoey Voorhees HS
Maldonado, Jasmin Sussex County Tech
Iroka, Chioma Union HS
Benoit, Sloan Morris Hills HS
Weuste, Kaitlyn Paramus HS
Hodges, Jennifer Ridge HS
Weiss, Ayla Ramapo HS
Kaczynski, Annie Bernards HS
Michel, Avalina Randolph HS
Delgardio, Alivia Jackson Memorial HS
Farley, Ella Mendham HS
Xie, Helen Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Chacko, Tara Mount Olive HS
Cammarata, Katherine Roxbury HS
Lin, Kayleigh Freehold Township HS
Marinaro, Gianna Nutley HS
Cantillo, Liliana East Brunswick HS
Tang, Victoria Morris Knolls HS
D'Costa, Anya Chatham HS
Juricova, Zofia Kent Place School
Munoz, Marissa Sussex County Tech
VanWoert, Katherine West Morris Central HS
Patel, Priya McNair Academic HS
Orr, Alison Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Nyinah, Maameyaa Union Catholic Reg. HS
Pan, Janet Parsippany Hills HS
Burke, Kaela Sparta HS
Ward, Emily Kittatinny HS
Shauger, Emily High Point Reg. HS
Shukla, Krishi Morris Hills HS
Flockhart, Laurel Jackson Memorial HS
Cartagena, Francesca Hackettstown HS
Barrezueta, Amanda Dickinson HS
Roskowski, Darby Voorhees HS
Green, Makeda Union HS
Kao, Diane Paramus HS
Torales, Melanie Ridge HS
Jackson, Natalie Ramapo HS
Santoro, Sophia Bernards HS
Cammalleri, Melissa West Morris Central HS
Houston, Amanda Randolph HS
Bailey, Alysha Parsippany Hills HS
Smith, Megan Mendham HS
Mitchko, Alexia Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Stecher, Isabelle Wallkill Valley HS
Maier, Amy Mount Olive HS
Jackson, Morgan Union Catholic Reg. HS
Berta, Kelsey Roxbury HS
Kirsch, Christiana Freehold Township HS
Demikoff, Skylar Nutley HS
Celi, Gianna Newton HS
Landy, Sarah Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Shenouda, Sarah East Brunswick HS
Caracciolo, Katie Chatham HS
Nalavala, Noe Kent Place School
Cecere, Joanna Sussex County Tech
Abdalla, Carolyn McNair Academic HS
DeLorenzo, Olivia Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Wilchek, Jacqueline Ramapo HS
Lim, Abigail Bernards HS
Takach, Erin Sparta HS
O'keefe, Bridget Kittatinny HS
Dragon, RaeAnn High Point Reg. HS
Fleming, Hannah Morris Hills HS
Valencia, Regina Paramus HS
Falcone, Talia Jackson Memorial HS
Timoney, Shannon Mendham HS
Tonczos, Colleen Mount Olive HS
Saitta, Olivia Dickinson HS
Staten, Alina Voorhees HS
Hornstein, Ella East Brunswick HS
Nwanonyiri, Uju Union HS
Frohnapfel, Emma Chatham HS
Lindrud, Erin Ridge HS
Masterson, Catherine West Morris Central HS
Blacher, Lindsey Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Olson, Rachel Randolph HS
McCallum, Emily Wallkill Valley HS
Peralta, Daniela Union Catholic Reg. HS
Vergel De Dios, Chloe Parsippany Hills HS
O'Hare, Marina Sparta HS
Zinner, Cara High Point Reg. HS
Collins, Brooke Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Dietz, Abby Roxbury HS
Galvanek, Isabella Freehold Township HS
Seckler, Maddy Nutley HS
James, Mia Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Maslowska, Karolina Hackettstown HS
Pankuck, Emma Voorhees HS
Schreeibman, Clara Kent Place School
Demir, Kaya Sussex County Tech
Morris, Emilia Morris Hills HS
Puentes, Emily Paramus HS
Goya, Ana Ridge HS
Schwartz, Sophia Ramapo HS
Dolan, Maggie Bernards HS
Espinosa, Ashley Kittatinny HS
Hogg, Victoria Jackson Memorial HS
Vazquez, Kaitlin Mendham HS
Joshi, Surina Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Dziejma, Liana Mount Olive HS
Williamson, Breanna Roxbury HS
Klotz, Emily Freehold Township HS
Bores, Sarah East Brunswick HS
Azinheira, Sofia Union HS
Schlemmer, Stefanie Morris Knolls HS
Takacs, Cassidy Randolph HS
Walsh, Aidan Chatham HS
Hausman, Lindsay Kent Place School
Share, Maddie West Morris Central HS
Guglielmi, Jillian Northern Highlands Reg. HS
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JV Boys 394 entries

Athlete Seed Team
MacIntyre, Alex West Morris Central HS
Madan, Vidit East Brunswick HS
Malla, Tanay Chatham HS
Imparato, Nicholas Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Palladino, Damiano North Hunterdon HS
Finer, Matthew Hackettstown HS
Bloomfield, Javoun Passaic Valley HS
Rowen, Sean Ramapo HS
Chauhan, Alakh Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Flynn, Connor Bernards HS
Walker, Angel Sussex County Tech
Calderon, Dylan Passaic Valley HS
Strzeminiski, Tyler Ramapo HS
Doshi, Rohan Ridge HS
Fleming, Michael Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Kelly, Matt Union Catholic Reg. HS
McNamara, Sam Somerville HS
Caruso, Domenic Delbarton School
Donohoe, Owen Chatham HS
Ningaiah, Aditiya East Brunswick HS
Ouimette, Jordan Sparta HS
Strutt, Connor Chatham HS
Weg, Timothy Freehold Township HS
Green, Brian Ridge HS
Bhatti, Zain Mount Olive HS
Hu, Isaac Parsippany Hills HS
Sadowski, Kyle Somerville HS
Cardinale, Henry High Point Reg. HS
Loia, Anthony Delbarton School
Roskell, Ryan Chatham HS
Bartleson, Elijah Triton Regional HS
Narvaez, Erick Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Schneiderman, Max Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Mannuzza, Christopher Freehold Township HS
Bliesath, Adam West Morris Central HS
Mateo, Joshua Morris Knolls HS
Dobrowolski, Luke Ridge HS
Terwilliger, Andrew High Point Reg. HS
Maguire, Andrew Delbarton School
Perez, Nicolas Roxbury HS
Gallop, Matt Chatham HS
Bartley, Brian Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Kumar, Vikram North Hunterdon HS
Tagliareni, William Hackettstown HS
Aljarrah, Mohammad Passaic Valley HS
Martucci, Michael Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Crain, Dylan Bernards HS
DeChiaro, Nicholas West Morris Central HS
Lally, Jack Wallkill Valley HS
pender, kye Kittatinny HS
Han, David East Brunswick HS
Stewart, Aidan North Hunterdon HS
Tivade, Joseph Chatham HS
O'Reilly, Casey Chatham HS
McArthur, Neil Randolph HS
Kadakia, Kiran Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Sheelar, Ben Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Christian, Nyle East Brunswick HS
Goldfield, Benjamin Chatham HS
McQueen, Timothy Sussex County Tech
Coyne, Avery North Hunterdon HS
Kendra, James Hackettstown HS
Victoria, Temoc Passaic Valley HS
Alain, Ramy Ramapo HS
Kong, Aiden Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Sulistyono, Ryan Union Catholic Reg. HS
Moore, Ahmad Union HS
Paredes, Kevin Dover HS
Noel, Nathaneil Sussex County Tech
Yu, Hudson Ridge HS
Garbarino, Jack Parsippany Hills HS
Mariani, Vincenzo Somerville HS
Ritchie, Trevor Delbarton School
Windels, Liam Chatham HS
Pusung, Christopher East Brunswick HS
Bowles, Brandon Toms River North HS
Lynch, Patrick Sparta HS
Mojares, Chris Chatham HS
VanHouten, Tyler High Point Reg. HS
Yaman, Evren Delbarton School
Sosa, Diego Roxbury HS
Doherty, Matt Chatham HS
Lundberg, Steven Freehold Township HS
Rowland, Andrew West Morris Central HS
Vespucci, Ryan Ridge HS
Gisinger, Augustin Mount Olive HS
Roy, Owen Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Tiwari, Roshun Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Langley, Josh Kittatinny HS
Kahlau, Nicholas Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Miller, Lucas North Hunterdon HS
Lamberty, Fernando Passaic Valley HS
Hazeghi, Sina Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Griffin, Patrick Bernards HS
Ghaleb, Justin Newton HS
DiGabriele, Andrew West Morris Central HS
Benny, Melwin Ridge HS
Ahmadi, Adam East Brunswick HS
Schmidt, Cole North Hunterdon HS
DeWaal, Magnus High Point Reg. HS
Crann, Reagan Delbarton School
Harrington, Alex Roxbury HS
Henwood, PJ Chatham HS
Newman, Quinn Chatham HS
Coyle, Aidan Randolph HS
Dunaway, Eric Randolph HS
Vanko, Mike West Morris Central HS
Peer, William East Brunswick HS
Mathews, Jacob Chatham HS
Menendez, Zachary Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Tomljanovich, Evan North Hunterdon HS
Galacio, Santo Hackettstown HS
Idelfonso, Justin Passaic Valley HS
Carollo, Joey Ramapo HS
Bhatia, Siddhart Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Ruffer, Alex Bernards HS
Griner, Jesse Sussex County Tech
Gassaway, Thomas North Hunterdon HS
Falduti, Alex Passaic Valley HS
Feroz, Matthew Ramapo HS
Bijukovic, Jakob Ridge HS
Goldstein, Brent Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Ruiz-Webb, Derek Union Catholic Reg. HS
Williams, Nasir Somerville HS
Skilton, Charles Delbarton School
Mitchell, Jared Dover HS
Mackessy, TJ Chatham HS
Pandit, Kal East Brunswick HS
Krapohl, Evan Sparta HS
West, Aidan Chatham HS
Kosakowski, Kyle Ridge HS
Sinojia, Aman Parsippany Hills HS
Butler, Jacob Somerville HS
Vandenheuvel, Sam High Point Reg. HS
Sandhu, Sahej Delbarton School
Ram, Brian McNair Academic HS
Sabih, Nyle Chatham HS
Noiem, Tarek Triton Regional HS
Vivolo, Anthony Toms River North HS
Dailey, Ryan Chatham HS
Baron, Bernard Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Fischer, Sean Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Enriquez, Alexis Freehold Township HS
Mack, Dylan West Morris Central HS
Kingsbury, Paul Morris Knolls HS
Gil, Nick Ridge HS
Minong, Luke High Point Reg. HS
McChesney, Luke Delbarton School
Rawla, Vinnie Roxbury HS
Rao, Mihir Chatham HS
Bernstein, Michael Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Bixon, Grant Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Leopold, Evan North Hunterdon HS
Benbow, Dylan Hackettstown HS
Marchese, Vinnie Passaic Valley HS
Rotella, Luke Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Doyle, Jack Bernards HS
George, Bryce Newton HS
Koop, Kai West Morris Central HS
Ebisch, Eric Wallkill Valley HS
Otash, Ethan Ridge HS
Schultz, Jake East Brunswick HS
Barro, Gavin North Hunterdon HS
Chen, Alan Delbarton School
O'Connor, Jack Chatham HS
Romano, Michael Chatham HS
Trinker, Benjamin Randolph HS
Kim, Jack Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Farber, Jack East Brunswick HS
Iqbal, Suhaib Chatham HS
Egg, Matthew North Hunterdon HS
Timoldi, Stephen Hackettstown HS
Calderon, Joseph Passaic Valley HS
Fuhr, Weston Ramapo HS
Pichardo, Giancarlo Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Saez, Angelo Bernards HS
Sunner, Gagandeep Union Catholic Reg. HS
Chudzik, Dylan Union HS
Mercer, Christopher Sussex County Tech
Bennett, Edward Passaic Valley HS
Hess, Harry Ridge HS
Mansolelli, Gabriel Parsippany Hills HS
McArthur, Mark Somerville HS
Traynor, Declan Delbarton School
Gilman, James Chatham HS
Abbate, Andrew East Brunswick HS
Phung, Brian Toms River North HS
Galluccio, Jake Sparta HS
Patterson, Matt Chatham HS
Aguesseau, Jeremy Parsippany Hills HS
Holder, William High Point Reg. HS
Tripido, Perry Delbarton School
Hachey, Jacob Roxbury HS
Cifelli, Thomas Chatham HS
Parks, Ellis Freehold Township HS
Karavelioglu, Jon Ridge HS
Meisel, Daniel Mount Olive HS
Schreiner, Camden Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Hardy, Eamon Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Alviani, Ryan Kittatinny HS
Limaye, Ahaan Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Chin, Jonathan North Hunterdon HS
Cookson, Brandon Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Stevens, Tyler Bernards HS
Vasquez, Pedro Freehold Township HS
Bunda, Ayden Newton HS
Van Slooten, Jake West Morris Central HS
Wills, Graham Morris Knolls HS
Mishra, Akash Ridge HS
Dacey, Alan East Brunswick HS
Kobylski, James North Hunterdon HS
McKenna, Steven High Point Reg. HS
Davis, Owen Delbarton School
Straut, Brendan Roxbury HS
Schelling, William Chatham HS
Allen, James Chatham HS
Judith, Thomas Randolph HS
Mathaney, Sebastian Randolph HS
Bishop, Tyler West Morris Central HS
Owens, Luke Wallkill Valley HS
Soherwardy, Zain East Brunswick HS
McEvoy, Timothy Chatham HS
Patel, Shivam Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Mahaney, Brendan North Hunterdon HS
Gajda, Jarod Hackettstown HS
Abdelsalam, Zachary Passaic Valley HS
Messineo, Andrew Ramapo HS
Hascup, Colin Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Chaudhry, Dhruv Bernards HS
Cerra, Robert Sparta HS
Prill, Ben Chatham HS
Bassett, William Sussex County Tech
Stewart, Liam North Hunterdon HS
Khalil, Youssef Passaic Valley HS
Lam, Christopher Ramapo HS
Healy, Griffin Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Montemayor, Addison Union Catholic Reg. HS
Constant, Aiden Somerville HS
Lopez, Eugenio Delbarton School
Gonzalez, Jose Dover HS
Manicone, Joey Chatham HS
Mohan, Kavin East Brunswick HS
Savage, Itai Sussex County Tech
Kosakowski, Christopher Ridge HS
Stone, Jasper Parsippany Hills HS
Wong, Tyler Somerville HS
Margarum, Sean High Point Reg. HS
Lee, Nathan Delbarton School
Lin, Dan McNair Academic HS
Chan, Willy Chatham HS
Johnson, Craig Triton Regional HS
Cordasco, Matthew East Brunswick HS
Gomero, Gustavo Toms River North HS
Fortuna, Matt Chatham HS
Corazza, Matt High Point Reg. HS
Mistichelli, Richie Delbarton School
Crysler, Aidan Roxbury HS
Davenport, Jack Chatham HS
Kalra, Nikhil Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Frank, Matthew Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Hodges, Christopher Freehold Township HS
Dickey, Evan West Morris Central HS
Kopas, Andrew Morris Knolls HS
Peskin, Bobbie Ridge HS
Smith, Daniel Mount Olive HS
Lucas, Thomas Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Bae, Riky Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Chennapragada, Vishnu Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Chlebowski, Xavier North Hunterdon HS
Walling, Joseph Hackettstown HS
Castaneda, Justin Passaic Valley HS
Turco, Michael Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Gast, Matthew Bernards HS
Florio, Will Newton HS
Lee, Justin West Morris Central HS
Andersen, David Wallkill Valley HS
Quinn, Jason Ridge HS
Reynoso-Perez, Diego East Brunswick HS
Hoyer, Niklas North Hunterdon HS
Li, William Delbarton School
Grosso, Patrick Chatham HS
Singer, Jackson Chatham HS
Luckett, Garrett Randolph HS
Seidel, Kurt Randolph HS
DelGuercio, John West Morris Central HS
Cassandra, Michael Union HS
Lee, Vincent East Brunswick HS
Arias, Brendan Chatham HS
Busler, Ben Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Gilhooly, Sean North Hunterdon HS
Welsh, James Hackettstown HS
Dickson, Joseph Passaic Valley HS
Rensel, Nicolas Ramapo HS
Squadron, Harrison Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Scaperdas, Nicholas Bernards HS
King, Eric Sussex County Tech
Dahhan, Zakria Passaic Valley HS
Bizub, John Ramapo HS
Kisker, James Ridge HS
Dhamodharen, Hemanth Parsippany Hills HS
Lordi, Nathan Somerville HS
Mikula, Charles Delbarton School
West, Drew Chatham HS
Narla, Rohit East Brunswick HS
Adames, Samuel Sparta HS
Sofo, Matt Chatham HS
Clerici, Anthony Ridge HS
McGill, Josh Mount Olive HS
Chen, Henry Parsippany Hills HS
Trinidad, Michael High Point Reg. HS
Bentz, Andrew Delbarton School
Johnson, Aidan Chatham HS
Roman, Cristian Freehold Township HS
Agostin, Nicholas Randolph HS
Ianelli, Devin Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Arularasu, Akhil Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Ruddy, Billy Kittatinny HS
Luo, Howard Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Cao, Sizhe North Hunterdon HS
Fosshage, Kai Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Mannuzza, Mike Freehold Township HS
Kelly, Patrick West Morris Central HS
Happy, John Morris Knolls HS
Dobrowolski, Jake Ridge HS
Youssef, Mena East Brunswick HS
Yager, Luke North Hunterdon HS
Dunn, Aaron High Point Reg. HS
Jagoe, John Delbarton School
Byrne, Timothy Roxbury HS
Azzinaro, Joseph Chatham HS
Irwin, Edward Chatham HS
Arigo, Matthew Randolph HS
Gladdis, Sean North Hunterdon HS
Martin, Joseph Hackettstown HS
Castaneda, Jaidon Passaic Valley HS
Livathares, Cole Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Connelly, Terrence Bernards HS
Zeier, John West Morris Central HS
Paddock, Nick Wallkill Valley HS
Zakher, Christiano East Brunswick HS
Moynihan, Dennis Chatham HS
Rossi, Nicholas Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Krops, Andrew Sparta HS
Fox, Liam Chatham HS
Dunay, Christian Sussex County Tech
Altamirano, Erick North Hunterdon HS
Lijoi, Thomas Passaic Valley HS
Squillace, Nicholas Ramapo HS
Karmen, William Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Robb, Liam Union Catholic Reg. HS
Lapola Arias, Ramiro Somerville HS
Radler, Zachary Union HS
Gonzalez, Irvin Dover HS
Chase, Steven East Brunswick HS
Gervald, Logan Sussex County Tech
Possanza, Christopher Ridge HS
Desai, Shiv Parsippany Hills HS
Mc Hale, Robert Somerville HS
Drew, Jayden High Point Reg. HS
Gulati, Sachin Delbarton School
Ram, Kevin McNair Academic HS
Doroski, Alex Chatham HS
Mennig, William Triton Regional HS
Kaplan, Steven East Brunswick HS
Cordiano, Michael Toms River North HS
Leininger, Ethan Chatham HS
Cronen, Colin High Point Reg. HS
Ritter, William Delbarton School
Grapes, Aiden Roxbury HS
Ellis, Sam Chatham HS
LaCanna, Nicholas Freehold Township HS
Sardo, Brayden West Morris Central HS
Perno, Jake Morris Knolls HS
Vespucci, Alexander Ridge HS
Kirspel, Gabriel Mount Olive HS
Park, Dillon Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Jiao, Patrick Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Conover, Andrew Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Coronato, Anthony North Hunterdon HS
Faust, Philip Hackettstown HS
Spadaccini, Jesse Passaic Valley HS
Orefice, Matthew Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Lukacsko, Bryce Bernards HS
Sayner, Jesse Newton HS
Bell, Matthew West Morris Central HS
Liu, Jonathan Ridge HS
Buonopane, Dante East Brunswick HS
Luling, Garett North Hunterdon HS
Martin, Scott Delbarton School
Marchesi, Nicholas Roxbury HS
Malanga, John Chatham HS
Lieberman, Ben Chatham HS
Girardi, Lucas Randolph HS
Williams, Richard Randolph HS
Back to Top

JV Girls 213 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wasko, Alexandra Nutley HS
Ramirez, Olivia Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Ingrey, Lindsey Mendham HS
Clapp, Lauren Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Kirshner, Melinda East Brunswick HS
Yacykewych, Lara Chatham HS
Romero, Julia Voorhees HS
Coakley, Ryleigh Roxbury HS
Phillips, Sarah Newton HS
Stevenson, Emily Morris Knolls HS
De Luca, Danielle Morris Knolls HS
McMaster, Chiara Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Lee, Maya Chatham HS
Tang, Alicia Bridgewater-Raritan HS
McNiff, Jennifer Chatham HS
Young, Jillian Bridgewater-Raritan HS
DePersis, Emma Ramapo HS
Orr, Elizabeth Rumson-Fair Haven HS
McGee, Cydney Bernards HS
Kim, Maxine Mendham HS
Wu, Emily West Morris Central HS
Haggard, Christine Ridge HS
Post, Gabriella Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Hanson, Celine Kittatinny HS
Sieminski, Julia High Point Reg. HS
O'Neill, Caroline Mendham HS
O'Sullivan, Caroline Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Kaspar, Rebecca Passaic Valley HS
Uyar, Melisa Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Tangreti, Catherine Union Catholic Reg. HS
Marran, Julianna Mendham HS
Vuchic, Maya Kent Place School
Yeager, Lauren Ridge HS
O'Hare, Maura Sparta HS
Logan, Melanie East Brunswick HS
Franz, Frankie Chatham HS
Fleming, Allison Roxbury HS
Hergenhan, Alexa Nutley HS
Lee, Maya Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Abramo, Mia Voorhees HS
Dickerson, Jiselle Morris Knolls HS
Kamidoi, Mariko Northern Highlands Reg. HS
O'Neill, Katie Chatham HS
Angley, Alison West Morris Central HS
Silva, Maria Union HS
Spence, Maren Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Hodapp, Veronica Chatham HS
Oliver, Jamie Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Smith, Saniya Ramapo HS
Farley, Keeley Bernards HS
Young, Isabel Randolph HS
Barcelona, Emma Mendham HS
Grynberg, Sarah Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Khattar, Navya Ridge HS
Cottone, Katharine Passaic Valley HS
Conklin, Elizabeth Ramapo HS
Burns, Megan Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Myrtetus, Skylar Bernards HS
Weinerman, Samantha Mendham HS
King, Kelly Ridge HS
Hong, Krystal Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Olson, Katherine Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Kornick, Emily Mendham HS
Huang, Sabrina East Brunswick HS
Hartnett, Maddie Chatham HS
Otto, Kaitlyn Roxbury HS
Waddleton, Kelly Nutley HS
Cross, Jordan Newton HS
Boyle, Lindsay Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Tran, Laura Morris Knolls HS
Lu, Lindsey Morris Knolls HS
Jimenez, Jaylene Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Booth, Carly Chatham HS
Robinson, Morgan Chatham HS
Zhang, Hannah Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Wertheimer, Bianca Ramapo HS
Streger, Julia Bernards HS
Dolan, Sophia West Morris Central HS
Morath, Cate Ridge HS
Rodriguez, Victoria Northern Highlands Reg. HS
smith, joyce Kittatinny HS
Cantu, Elise High Point Reg. HS
Miller, Isabella Mendham HS
Lu, Dorothy Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Nakhleh, Chelsea Passaic Valley HS
Rodriguez, Isabela Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Gamboa, Alejandra Union Catholic Reg. HS
Schurter, Mary Mendham HS
Gordon, Naomi Kent Place School
Goya, Sonia Ridge HS
Regeimbal, Sophie Sparta HS
Macaluso, Meghan Nutley HS
Kuras, Kristy Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Brennan, Kerrigan Voorhees HS
Gomez, Ana Morris Knolls HS
Dunker, Kaitlyn Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Nevin, Emma Chatham HS
DelGuercio, Shannon West Morris Central HS
DeStefano, Angelica Union HS
Mahan, Carley Morris Knolls HS
Carter, Emma Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Darby, Spencer Chatham HS
Xiong, Emma Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Whiting, Chloe Randolph HS
Bishop, Alexandra Mendham HS
Gadalla, Hader Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Antil, Nikhita Ridge HS
Schneider, Megan Ramapo HS
Foggia, Elizabeth Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Byers, Daisy Bernards HS
Gaspers, Apolline Mendham HS
Oualim, Lila West Morris Central HS
Saifee, Zarin Ridge HS
Struckus, Olivia Bridgewater-Raritan HS
O'Toole, Kylie Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Cruz, Jessica Union Catholic Reg. HS
Boesgaard, Isabella Mendham HS
Prasad, Roma East Brunswick HS
Karski, Julia Chatham HS
Molina, Katelyn Roxbury HS
Granelli, Shannon Nutley HS
Matullo, Grace Newton HS
Pattwell, Ryan Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Williams, Jacqueline Morris Knolls HS
Remondelli, Grace Hackettstown HS
Cana, Antigona Morris Knolls HS
Lu, Mai Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Cashel, Karen Chatham HS
Fracchiolla, Elize West Morris Central HS
Torres, Sofia Ridge HS
Edelson, Kimberly Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Ulla, Alyssa Chatham HS
Zhang, Rebecca Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Pinney, Maddy Ramapo HS
Damratoski, Anna Bernards HS
Pender, Kai Kittatinny HS
Hernandez, Alexa High Point Reg. HS
Sawicki, Annie Mendham HS
Lee, Michelle Paramus HS
Rountree, Jazmine Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Boylan, Sarah Passaic Valley HS
Altamuro, Jenna Ramapo HS
Barabas, Sophie Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Connelly, Meghan Bernards HS
Eldridge, Tenajah Union Catholic Reg. HS
Strobel, Megan Mendham HS
Szot, Kaitlyn Kent Place School
Miele, Francesca Ridge HS
Groome, Corinne Sparta HS
Mui, Kaitlin Nutley HS
DelVecchio, Madelyn Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Latif, Mohona Mount Olive HS
Greco, Natalie Mendham HS
Panagakos, Elyse Chatham HS
Kinsky, Lindsay Voorhees HS
Young, Grace Newton HS
Graham, Chloe Morris Knolls HS
Perna, Emma Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Bhumbri, Tanya East Brunswick HS
Ford, Taylor West Morris Central HS
Vargas, Blanca Union HS
Aguanno, Emily Morris Knolls HS
Phillips, Sydney Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Grant, Cameron Chatham HS
Garcia, Norma-Francis Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Wilkins, Maya Randolph HS
Marion, Albane Chatham HS
House, Samantha Mendham HS
Kaetzel, Emma Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Tandon, Roshni Ridge HS
Samarro, Lizzie Ramapo HS
Lyle, Louisa Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Certisimo, Nicole Bernards HS
Spence, Ella Mendham HS
Porrao, Savannah West Morris Central HS
Barclay, Monica Ridge HS
Mathew, Rachel Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Fearick, Alexis High Point Reg. HS
Holzberger, Amy Mendham HS
Sullivan, Nina Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Russo, Lauren Passaic Valley HS
Sullivan, Mackenzie Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Coyne, Danielle Union Catholic Reg. HS
Villapando, Ellen Sparta HS
Swiatkowski, Cheyenne East Brunswick HS
Rubacky, Claire Chatham HS
Longtine, Carly Roxbury HS
DeFluri, Morgan Nutley HS
Murray, Kaiya Newton HS
Osofsky, Jordyn Rumson-Fair Haven HS
O'Brien, Catherine Voorhees HS
Hefferle, Alyson Morris Knolls HS
Post, Alyssa Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Marion, Alice Chatham HS
Zeman, Julia West Morris Central HS
Kerner, Samantha Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Ankel, Royce Chatham HS
Kahlau, Allie Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Silverman, Haley Ramapo HS
Erikson, Kate Bernards HS
Graham, Brianna Mendham HS
Ribeiro, Julie Paramus HS
Ramon- Chile, Nancy Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Cui, Karen Ridge HS
Collins, Victoria Passaic Valley HS
Lander, Cortney Ramapo HS
Barry, Sophia Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Lipper, Christina Bernards HS
Spoor, Elsa Union Catholic Reg. HS
Ling, Shana Mendham HS
Chou, Clare Kent Place School
Trujillo, Isabella Ridge HS
Johnson, Laura Sparta HS
Back to Top

Novice Boys 321 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Munot, Sehaj Morris Hills HS
Todd, Brandon Wallkill Valley HS
Malik, Aryan Ridge HS
Angelopolos, Chris Randolph HS
Pilato, Jesser Columbia HS
Ahrens, Joseph Randolph HS
Fardin, Harry Columbia HS
Morris, John North Hunterdon HS
Henrickson, John Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Beach, Carson Bernards HS
Clark, Justin Morris Hills HS
Vergel, Josh Union HS
Sakele, Alex Ridge HS
Schabacker, William Columbia HS
O'Brien, Brendan North Hunterdon HS
Sellito, Cooper Passaic Valley HS
Roth, Ian Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Chirichillo, Nick Union Catholic Reg. HS
Dollase, Daniel Morris Hills HS
Page, Noah McNair Academic HS
London, Nicholas East Brunswick HS
Hassloch, Owen Sparta HS
Orr, Aidan Chatham HS
Worrell, Justis St. Benedict's Prep
Goldberger, Jeremy East Brunswick HS
McSweeney, Eamon Chatham HS
Dunham, Jacob North Hunterdon HS
Harrington, Dan Nutley HS
Silver, Jayden Mount Olive HS
Gottleib, Ryan Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Grant, Jason Morris Hills HS
Williams, Finnian Columbia HS
Alim, Murad Parsippany Hills HS
Kramer, Nathan Triton Regional HS
Lee, Joshua Columbia HS
Kelly, Ethan Delbarton School
Vinueza, Francisco Memorial HS WNY
Rome, Thomas Morris Hills HS
Finamore, Christopher Freehold Township HS
Branch, Kieran Morris Knolls HS
Corrigan, James Ridge HS
Cassese, Luca Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Butkus, Daniel Columbia HS
Krzastek, Walter Delbarton School
Sinchi, Cristian Memorial HS WNY
O'Leary, Matthew Roxbury HS
Kumar, Rohan Randolph HS
Hull, Drew Randolph HS
D'Amico, Luka Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Casella, Javier Columbia HS
McCarty, Murphy Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Pesce, Angelo Bernards HS
Cruz, Jeremy Morris Hills HS
Tomczak, Alexander West Morris Central HS
Grant, Alex Ridge HS
Helfenstein, Ryan Columbia HS
Wachenheim, James North Hunterdon HS
Youngberg, Beck Passaic Valley HS
Gostkowski, Steven Ramapo HS
McGowan, Broderick Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Toomey, Eli Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Reidy, Aidan Union Catholic Reg. HS
Tong, Alex Morris Hills HS
Muhlstock, Zachary Union HS
Randriatsimialona, Louis Ridge HS
Mabrukar, Arnav Randolph HS
Lu, James Morris Hills HS
Behaylo, Walker Columbia HS
Yu, Spark Parsippany Hills HS
Nieves, Antonio Triton Regional HS
Puritz, Jakob East Brunswick HS
Valenzuela, Leo Chatham HS
Smith, Yasir St. Benedict's Prep
Martoccia, John North Hunterdon HS
Rivera, Justice Nutley HS
O'Connell, Chase Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Rae, Walter Columbia HS
Nyre, Henry Delbarton School
Velez, Eduardo Memorial HS WNY
Sosa, Diego Roxbury HS
Hansen, Gabriel Freehold Township HS
Bavaro, Jeremy North Hunterdon HS
Macalalad, Connor Morris Knolls HS
Hertzig, Christian Mount Olive HS
Dobriner, Benjamin Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Kobylka, Scott Morris Hills HS
Lee, Jaden Columbia HS
Jang, Joseph Paramus HS
Miller, Forrest Triton Regional HS
Christian, Mark East Brunswick HS
Beegle, Ryan Chatham HS
Petry, Daniel Morris Hills HS
Pettit, Brady Freehold Township HS
Romain, Liam Wallkill Valley HS
McMahon, Connor Ridge HS
Anderson, Sebastian Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Gil, Fernando Randolph HS
Turnley, Isaac Columbia HS
Saurborn, Hunter Memorial HS WNY
Soni, Vivek Randolph HS
Budd, Ty Columbia HS
Schroeder, Michael Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Flaherty, George Bernards HS
Kuzmich, Alexander Morris Hills HS
Capello, Christian West Morris Central HS
Ribardo, Paul Union HS
Woo, Evan Ridge HS
Muson, Oliver Columbia HS
Sargent, Nicholas North Hunterdon HS
Meletta, Connor Passaic Valley HS
Russo, James Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Cajuste, Caudell Union Catholic Reg. HS
Donnelly, Aidan Morris Hills HS
Ghauri, Ammar East Brunswick HS
Lane, Anthony Sparta HS
Badlani, Nikhil Randolph HS
Cooley, Kelvin St. Benedict's Prep
Lee, Edward East Brunswick HS
Raskin, Craig Chatham HS
Grygon, Cooper North Hunterdon HS
Wuebben, Benjamin Nutley HS
Wooster, Sean Mount Olive HS
Hekemian, Bryan Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Grayson, Liam Morris Hills HS
Wilde, Ryland Columbia HS
Hoffman, Justin Parsippany Hills HS
Leinhauser, Gavin Triton Regional HS
Gaudelli, Alexander Columbia HS
Wu, Warren Delbarton School
Cardenas, Adrian Memorial HS WNY
Retana, Tomas Morris Hills HS
Kemp, Joshua Freehold Township HS
Alderman, Asa North Hunterdon HS
Higgins, Duncan Morris Knolls HS
Christensen, Ryan Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Boyd, Dylan Columbia HS
Sinchi, Daniel Memorial HS WNY
Schraft, William Roxbury HS
Perelman, Jonah Randolph HS
Patel, Rishi Randolph HS
Mostow, Benjamin Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Colding, Sean Columbia HS
adamson, cameron Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Edwards, Thomas Morris Hills HS
Bilaniuk, Yaro West Morris Central HS
Kandra, Tarun Ridge HS
Weber, Issac Columbia HS
Walsh, Ryan North Hunterdon HS
Lynch, Eric Ramapo HS
Newman, Matthew Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Wood, Kyle Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Engle, Elias Union Catholic Reg. HS
Lehmer, Vincent Morris Hills HS
Ejiofor, Favor Union HS
Xie, Jim Ridge HS
Michaels, Nicholas Randolph HS
Nakano, Kanta Morris Hills HS
Jaconski, Tyler Somerville HS
Perichetti, Vincent Triton Regional HS
Quan, Tyler East Brunswick HS
Caswell, Dillon Sparta HS
Valli, Ronan Chatham HS
Thomas, Aasad St. Benedict's Prep
McKinnon, David North Hunterdon HS
Rome, Max Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Givan, Nick Union Catholic Reg. HS
Egan, Michael Chatham HS
Glassman, Aaron Columbia HS
Pasko, Matthew Delbarton School
Puentes, Joseph Memorial HS WNY
Iuliano, Anthony Roxbury HS
Carosi, Anthony North Hunterdon HS
Fequiere, Dante Nutley HS
Keyler, Jacob Mount Olive HS
Doll, Christopher Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Melhorn, Jake Morris Hills HS
Levy, Charles Columbia HS
Miyazaki, Yousuke Paramus HS
Benfield, Michael Triton Regional HS
Ditzel, Joseph East Brunswick HS
Wei, David Morris Hills HS
Weg, Timothy Freehold Township HS
Rivera, Nick Ridge HS
Bukosky, Michael Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Hines, Doug Randolph HS
Griffith, William Columbia HS
Fuentes, Hector Memorial HS WNY
Alt, Steven Randolph HS
Eckert, Matthew Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Flynn, Daniel Columbia HS
Simpson, Patrick Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Stauffer, Ty Bernards HS
Bruseo, William Morris Hills HS
Mancini, Matthew West Morris Central HS
DiGirolamo, Nick Union HS
Dobkin, Aaron Ridge HS
Facey, Adrion Columbia HS
Stadulis, Justin North Hunterdon HS
Berrigan, Sean Passaic Valley HS
Payne, Christopher Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Sammarco, Justin Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Laskowski, Liam Union Catholic Reg. HS
Martinez, Conner Morris Hills HS
DiPasquale, James Sparta HS
Bortnick, Emmett Randolph HS
Brennan, Kieran St. Benedict's Prep
Lemon, Sean Triton Regional HS
Lohani, Siddharth East Brunswick HS
Reardon, Ian Chatham HS
Kearsley, David North Hunterdon HS
Dwivedi, Saumya Nutley HS
Katz, Turner Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Karim, Raimi Morris Hills HS
Lyons, Mikhail Columbia HS
Patel, Yash Parsippany Hills HS
Macintosh, Quinton Columbia HS
Loughlin, Jake Delbarton School
Mendez, Carlos Memorial HS WNY
Harrington, Alex Roxbury HS
Moffler, James Freehold Township HS
Aralar, Angelo North Hunterdon HS
Tran, Douglas Morris Knolls HS
Cornacchia, Thomas Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Davis, Jackson Morris Hills HS
Garriga, Alex Columbia HS
Castillo-Vele, Boris Memorial HS WNY
Terrero, Nicholas Roxbury HS
Vernamonti, Jude Triton Regional HS
Ahmed, Zafir East Brunswick HS
Krack, Alexander Chatham HS
Kolshorn, Timmy Ridge HS
WIlliams, Patrick Randolph HS
Evans, James Columbia HS
Jain, Arush Morris Hills HS
Hickman, Zach Columbia HS
Glaser, Jack North Hunterdon HS
D'Angelo, Jake Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Datla, Akash Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Caminiti, Andino Bernards HS
Cichocki, Ryan Union Catholic Reg. HS
Tomaszeski, Raymond Morris Hills HS
Longo, Isaac Union HS
Haware, Rohan Ridge HS
Ricupero, Giovanni Randolph HS
Menachery, Sangeeth North Hunterdon HS
Lechguar, Ayoub Passaic Valley HS
Roth, Daniel Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Schutz, Matthew Union Catholic Reg. HS
Esmeraldino, Steven Morris Hills HS
Neves, Lukas Somerville HS
Smith, Lukas Triton Regional HS
Storm, Ethan East Brunswick HS
Maher, Daniel Sparta HS
Reece, Liam Chatham HS
Eastmond, Jonai St. Benedict's Prep
Fein, Oscar Columbia HS
Henne, Charles Chatham HS
Victorious, Eric Columbia HS
Kraeutler, Connor Delbarton School
Alobuela, Steven Memorial HS WNY
Morris, Max Roxbury HS
DiLanno, Matthew North Hunterdon HS
Alcalde, Sebastian Nutley HS
Mickus, Stephen Mount Olive HS
Egan, Ryan Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Yates, Nicholas Morris Hills HS
Paganini, Jackson Columbia HS
Leander, Zachary Parsippany Hills HS
Hennessy, Raymond Paramus HS
Gailer, Mark Triton Regional HS
Gerould, Jack East Brunswick HS
Jerez, Ivan Memorial HS WNY
Cortezano, Elisha Morris Hills HS
Billings, Jacob Freehold Township HS
Ruggiero, John Ridge HS
Cacciabaudo, Billy Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Kouidri, Samy Randolph HS
Dawkins, Patrick Columbia HS
Borinski, Ryan Randolph HS
Hu, Aaron Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Campbell, Andrew Columbia HS
Whetzel, Aiden Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Dickson, Markus Bernards HS
Chidella, Anish Morris Hills HS
Rainforth, Brendan West Morris Central HS
Doran, Patrick Ridge HS
Schmitt, Maximailian Columbia HS
Voorhees, Ryan North Hunterdon HS
Romayo, Michael Passaic Valley HS
Frenkel, Daniel Ramapo HS
Sutsko, Carter Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Solley, Dylan Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Townsell, Christian Union Catholic Reg. HS
Ramesh, Hari Morris Hills HS
Sandgran, Charlie Sparta HS
Drazek, Collin Randolph HS
Stone, Sebastian Parsippany Hills HS
Moore, Andrew Triton Regional HS
Paglia, Julian East Brunswick HS
Tracey, Aidan Chatham HS
English, Matthew St. Benedict's Prep
MacKinnon, Luke North Hunterdon HS
Bibbo, Chris Nutley HS
McMaster, Dillon Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Villarreal, Stiven Morris Hills HS
Choi, Scarlett Columbia HS
Balbo, Thomas Kittatinny HS
Fadael, David Columbia HS
Brady, Paul Delbarton School
Argueta, Harry Memorial HS WNY
Byrne, Timothy Roxbury HS
Wicke, John Freehold Township HS
Barro, Brayden North Hunterdon HS
Zucker, Jake Morris Knolls HS
DiGiacomo, Anthony Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Harju, Anthony Morris Hills HS
Hampton, Quincy Columbia HS
Baria, Christian Paramus HS
Martino, Nicholas Triton Regional HS
Chan, Trey East Brunswick HS
Albert, Hayden Chatham HS
Back to Top

Novice Girls 205 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gordon, Violet Columbia HS
Kobren, Julia Ridge HS
Judd, Samantha Ramapo HS
Ayala, Valeria Bernards HS
Champagne, Tori Morris Hills HS
Barnett, Abigail Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Jyung, Erin Paramus HS
Talon, Audrey Sparta HS
Patel, Jiya Jackson Memorial HS
Ling, Tori Mendham HS
Schwartz, Lucy Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Cazzato, Angela Columbia HS
Sterling, Claudia Mount Olive HS
Massage, Shannon Roxbury HS
Antelis, Sarah Bridgewater-Raritan HS
O'Connell, Molly Columbia HS
Ugliarolo, Stefania Nutley HS
Braceland, Jacqueline Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Suresh, Nivriti East Brunswick HS
Keeley, Elizabeth Jackson Memorial HS
Chung, Kaylin East Brunswick HS
Abengowe, Omenma Columbia HS
Dodge, Brooke Hackettstown HS
Bonocore, Madison Voorhees HS
Johnson, Diana Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Balestro, Kate Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Luo, Janet Kent Place School
Jean, Angelina Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Rosenfeld, Alexandra Columbia HS
Tencza, Sydney Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Wagner, Emma Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Davis, Lauren Chatham HS
Romano, Kate Chatham HS
Ippolito, Jade Parsippany Hills HS
Yarnall, Sarah Sparta HS
Tianga, Kirah Columbia HS
Wang, Yuying Ridge HS
Neiper, Michaela Wallkill Valley HS
Hunter, Kayla Union Catholic Reg. HS
LaCrosse, Dyana Jackson Memorial HS
Romero-Hernandez, Michelle Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Bachia, Brooke Columbia HS
Yurcik, Isabella Newton HS
Unger, Sarah Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Gabrial, Demi Mount Olive HS
Moore, McKenna Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Dong, Elaine Nutley HS
Burns, Megan Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Lin, Emma East Brunswick HS
Badua, Paula Columbia HS
Peshkopia, Emily Hackettstown HS
Weldon, Amelia Voorhees HS
D'Onofrio, Ariana East Brunswick HS
Krikorian, Ana Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Vallejo, Isabella Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Ostella, Maxine Columbia HS
Schulz, Darcy Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Pires, Gabriela Union HS
Bowen, Ellie Rumson-Fair Haven HS
McKenzie, Cami Chatham HS
Levy, Sophia Columbia HS
Kolshorn, Bridget Ridge HS
Robertson, Nicolette Ramapo HS
Da Cruz, Briana Bernards HS
Hartnett, Maddie Chatham HS
Cornacchia, Sarah Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Park, Sei Paramus HS
Von Eisenburg, Mia Sparta HS
Martin, Kelly Mendham HS
Tang, Alicia Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Signorelli, Nicole Columbia HS
McLaughlin, Savanah Mount Olive HS
Sherer, Meghan Union Catholic Reg. HS
Norris, Gianna Roxbury HS
Belmont, Amanda Bridgewater-Raritan HS
rosenberg, Sari Columbia HS
Riccardi, Megan Nutley HS
Gotch, Gabrielle Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Logan, Melanie East Brunswick HS
Sheikhzadeh, Samantha Jackson Memorial HS
Iyer, Katya East Brunswick HS
Haskin, Abby Columbia HS
Heath, Didem Hackettstown HS
Jelvani, Gabrielle Voorhees HS
Chan, Emile Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Coughlin, Molly Rumson-Fair Haven HS
McKern, Kelsa Kent Place School
Powell, Ciara Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Krakower, Olivia Columbia HS
Osofsky, Camryn Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Karoleski, Kait Northern Highlands Reg. HS
DiGiovanni, Ava Chatham HS
Yarcheski, Kiera Chatham HS
Moriarty, Cora Sparta HS
Riva, Molly Kittatinny HS
Blender, Rebecca Morris Hills HS
Delisle, Phoebe Columbia HS
XX, XX Ridge HS
Walling, Karissa Jackson Memorial HS
Arana, Michelle Hopatcong HS
Farley, Ava Mendham HS
Shah, Aarsha Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Beemer, Kate Columbia HS
Hertzig, Lauren Mount Olive HS
Hoo, Catherine Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Wendt, Eloise Columbia HS
Hergenhan, Kendra Nutley HS
Butler, Sarah Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Shah, Anushka East Brunswick HS
Uhl, Pilar Columbia HS
Patel, Anmol Hackettstown HS
Jelvani, Cecelia Voorhees HS
Evans, Alyssa East Brunswick HS
Bruno, Brooke Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Covello, Kyra Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Ostella, Sophie Columbia HS
Gadalla, Hader Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Silva, Sabrina Union HS
Boyle, Cameron Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Nieliwocki, Chloe Chatham HS
Rojer, Ellie Columbia HS
Ondishin, Brianna Ridge HS
Cottone, Katharine Passaic Valley HS
Bankert, Isabella Chatham HS
Chase, Libby Randolph HS
Dhupar, Serena Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Liang, Huichun Sparta HS
Gaunt, Natalie Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Brittani, Gagnon Columbia HS
Dines, Erica Union Catholic Reg. HS
Daskalova, Gabriella Roxbury HS
Garcia, Norma-Francis Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Ezeokoli, Angel Columbia HS
Haley, Megan Freehold Township HS
Granelli, Reilley Nutley HS
Osofsky, Sydney Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Garretson, Delaney Jackson Memorial HS
Wachtel, Emma Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Kalra, Navvya East Brunswick HS
Hill, Caroline Columbia HS
Nadir, Sarah Hackettstown HS
Pershad, Alyssa Voorhees HS
Jambekar, Ananya Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Liu, Selena Kent Place School
Reilly, Emily Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Machado, Ariana Columbia HS
Akhadova, Farangiz McNair Academic HS
Keegan, Avery Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Hui, Grace Chatham HS
Braver, Brianna Ramapo HS
White, Lindsey Kittatinny HS
Skorupski, Sophia Morris Hills HS
Bainbridge, Margaret Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Dann, Daliah Paramus HS
Freeman, Lucy Columbia HS
Ott, Allison Ridge HS
Salim, Rowan Jackson Memorial HS
Hartle, Lara Mendham HS
Shan, Elise Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Codner, Becky Columbia HS
Ramirez, Valeria Mount Olive HS
Farris, Carla Maria Roxbury HS
Aginkya, Ruhl Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Young, Julia Columbia HS
Kremer, Lily Nutley HS
Fanning, Chloe Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Sun, Amanda East Brunswick HS
Barai, Twinkal East Brunswick HS
Kennedy, Kate Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Kaur, Keeret Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Janney, Ella Columbia HS
Svyda, Anna-Marie Hackettstown HS
Conklin, Elaina Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Vargas, Adriana Union HS
Dotts, Chloee Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Parikh, Kareena Chatham HS
Kim, Kayla Kent Place School
Dhupar, Simran Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Rojer, Sasha Columbia HS
Bresnahan, Lindsey Chatham HS
Brennan, Libby Randolph HS
Hoffman, Amanda Parsippany Hills HS
Hollywood, Shannon Sparta HS
Meilhede, Erica Columbia HS
Kula, CJ Wallkill Valley HS
McKnight, Kaitlyn Union Catholic Reg. HS
Hayden, Katherine Jackson Memorial HS
Goldberg, Sydney Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Perlman, Darcy Columbia HS
Ismael, Shayla Nutley HS
Shanes, Julia Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Eagleson, Victoria Mount Olive HS
Aronne, Mallory Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Kim, Josephine East Brunswick HS
Miklaszewski, Sophia Columbia HS
Nair, Anagha Hackettstown HS
Robbins, Emily Voorhees HS
Lopa, Emanuela Bridgewater-Raritan HS
Martin, Maggie Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Rowland, Lauren Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Salort, Alexandra Columbia HS
Nuzman, Shania Union HS
Kilic, Aleyna McNair Academic HS
Shaw, Emma Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Lee, Ava Chatham HS
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