NJSIAA Sectionals North 1 Groups 2 and 3 2021

Wayne, NJ

Athlete Entries

Group 2 Boys 1,600 Meter Run 56 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kyung, Andrew NV - Demarest HS
Schneider, Jack Ramsey HS
Kayal, Logan Mahwah HS
Nelson, James Ramsey HS
McGinnis, Matthew River Dell HS
Kass, Jordan Pascack Hills HS
Harmer, Jayson 4:22.16 Hawthorne HS
Cheema, Marcus 4:25.12 Westwood HS
Fisher, Bryce 4:28.93 Glen Rock HS
Dvorsky, Anthony 4:31.30 Newton HS
Freund, Matt 4:31.98 Newton HS
Carroll, Aidan 4:34.38 Glen Rock HS
Long, Owen 4:37.90 Westwood HS
Montalvo, Sebastian 4:40.06 Newton HS
Horevay, Owen 4:41.14 Lakeland Regional HS
Caldwell, Nathan 4:41.68 Lakeland Regional HS
Saldana, Alex 4:43.52 River Dell HS
Emelo, Max 4:43.54 River Dell HS
Bramley, Kevin 4:44.40 West Milford HS
Davis, Theodore 4:44.50 NV - Demarest HS
Badenhausen, Graham 4:46.10 Ramsey HS
Stefans, Dylan 4:46.71 Jefferson Twp. HS
Kleinman, Andrew 4:47.41 NV - Demarest HS
Hwang, Joseph 4:47.48 NV - Demarest HS
Smutelovic, Peter 4:48.36 Glen Rock HS
Rabtzow, Mason 4:52.21 Jefferson Twp. HS
Vintimilla, Cristian 4:52.46 Vernon Twp HS
Chambers, Patrick 4:53.16 Ramsey HS
Kroczynski, Andrew 4:53.75 Mahwah HS
Fullem, Parker 4:54.89 High Point Reg. HS
Definis, Ethan 4:55.20 High Point Reg. HS
Barreto, Brandon 4:55.77 Dumont HS
Sethi, Akul 4:55.89 Pascack Hills HS
Menier, Colin 4:55.95 West Milford HS
Behar, Eli 4:57.63 Pascack Hills HS
Fancher, Philip 4:57.89 Lenape Valley HS
Barca, Dylan 5:00.49 Vernon Twp HS
Kearns, Sean 5:01.54 Pascack Hills HS
Torre, Peter 5:03.36 Pascack Hills HS
Ocotl, Jason 5:05.03 Westwood HS
Priestner, Peter 5:07.28 Pascack Hills HS
DeAngelis, Paul 5:10.14 Lenape Valley HS
Perez, Emiliano 5:10.23 Manchester Reg. HS
Petrosillo, Francesco 5:10.24 West Milford HS
Dong, Steven 5:10.61 High Point Reg. HS
Washburn, Michael 5:13.34 Hawthorne HS
Petroni, Ricardo 5:14.51 Mahwah HS
Oaks, Connor 5:14.58 Sussex County Tech
Kull, Joaquin 5:17.30 Ramsey HS
Gutierrez, Gabriel 5:17.97 Elmwood Park HS
Krauklis, Lukas 5:20.24 Lenape Valley HS
Sosa, Bryan 5:21.00 Manchester Reg. HS
Wynne, Christopher 5:21.21 Vernon Twp HS
Ursin, Andreas 5:24.42 Sussex County Tech
Sastry, Adithya 5:29.79 Mahwah HS
Slootmaker, Christopher 5:36.25 Hawthorne HS
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Group 2 Boys 100 Meter Dash 51 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Goehrig, Andrew Ramsey HS
Daraghmeh, Fares Pascack Hills HS
Ben Yossef, Gil River Dell HS
Mandler, Ben Pascack Hills HS
Haskell, Ryan River Dell HS
Sorenson, Lincoln NV - Demarest HS
Hwang, Justin NV - Demarest HS
Lim, Elliot NV - Demarest HS
Sconza, Jake River Dell HS
Latimer, Gabriel Newton HS
DeLorenzo, Tom 11.17 River Dell HS
Napier, Justin 11.36 Westwood HS
Kelly, Sean 11.38 Ramsey HS
Piazza, Jack 11.47 Glen Rock HS
O'Connell, Evan 11.53 Lenape Valley HS
Hebner, Lucas 11.59 Lakeland Regional HS
Mendoza, Erick 11.67 Hawthorne HS
Dellamo, James 11.77 Sussex County Tech
Zuckerman, Max 11.83 Pascack Hills HS
Glass, Nicholas 11.84 NV - Demarest HS
Hill, Sebastian 11.84 Pequannock HS
Lachman, Ryan 11.86 Lenape Valley HS
Kim, Eric 11.95 River Dell HS
Ricciardi, Daniel 11.97 River Dell HS
Goehrig, Grant 12.02 Ramsey HS
Meichsner, Christopher 12.05 Vernon Twp HS
Pothos, Dimitri 12.09 Westwood HS
Torres, Diogo 12.09 Vernon Twp HS
Bease, Michael 12.09 Pascack Hills HS
Hammerle, David 12.16 Lakeland Regional HS
Khemlani, Karan 12.17 NV - Demarest HS
Catalioto, James 12.17 Lakeland Regional HS
Glass, Michael 12.21 NV - Demarest HS
Condit, William 12.28 High Point Reg. HS
Kelly, Ryan 12.31 Glen Rock HS
Auslander, Andrew 12.37 Pequannock HS
Ayoso, Ryan 12.41 Newton HS
Justiniano, Darius 12.42 Manchester Reg. HS
Carlson, Andrew 12.45 High Point Reg. HS
Morrell, Jordan 12.49 Pascack Hills HS
Franck, Augie 12.56 Ramsey HS
Zhu, Max 12.59 Pascack Hills HS
Morris, Nae'qwon 12.62 West Milford HS
Qarmout, Jacob 12.63 Newton HS
Kalkanis, George 12.65 Mahwah HS
Sara, Andrew 12.68 Glen Rock HS
Ligas, Jakub 12.70 Pequannock HS
Paduani, Josh 12.72 Lakeland Regional HS
Cooper, Ryan 12.81 West Milford HS
Zambrano, Ian 12.84 Newton HS
Macon, Azmir 13.01 Mahwah HS
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Group 2 Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 38 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gheduzzi, Luke Pascack Hills HS
Lokshin, Matt Pascack Hills HS
Mangan, Dylan High Point Reg. HS
Hod, Ethan NV - Demarest HS
Gamil, Francis Ramsey HS
Twohig, Bobby Ramsey HS
Janz, Daniel 15.08 West Milford HS
Munson, Connor 15.19 Westwood HS
Weinberg, Max 15.26 River Dell HS
Case, Kyle 15.80 River Dell HS
Bussanich, Ryan 15.92 Ramsey HS
Sorenson, Lincoln 15.98 NV - Demarest HS
Skoglund, Shane 16.11 Manchester Reg. HS
Juliana, Jack 16.24 Glen Rock HS
Mercer, Christopher 16.24 Sussex County Tech
Lim, Elliot 16.42 NV - Demarest HS
McGinnis, Jack 16.59 River Dell HS
Tandler, Andrew 17.00 NV - Demarest HS
Zayer, Sam 17.19 Pascack Hills HS
Argueta, Christian 17.35 Manchester Reg. HS
Zhu, Max 17.54 Pascack Hills HS
Hough, James 17.80 High Point Reg. HS
LaCroix, Dylan 17.83 Lakeland Regional HS
Felix, Jeremy 17.86 Vernon Twp HS
Weintraub, Charles 17.91 Lakeland Regional HS
Van Itale, Jack 17.94 Mahwah HS
Biskup, Jan 17.99 Elmwood Park HS
Fofanah, Mohammad 18.06 Sussex County Tech
Keyes, Kyle 18.18 Lakeland Regional HS
Marchisin, Luke 18.21 Ramsey HS
Yanoff, Logan 18.33 High Point Reg. HS
Krebs, Jase 18.53 Westwood HS
Schwartz, Matthew 18.86 Pascack Hills HS
Kim, Daniel 18.98 Vernon Twp HS
Torres, Diogo 19.26 Vernon Twp HS
Deas, Carson 19.30 Ramsey HS
Dimitrovski, Damjan 20.25 Pequannock HS
Renga, Peter 21.08 Glen Rock HS
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Group 2 Boys 200 Meter Dash 57 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Laul, Kieran NV - Demarest HS
Goehrig, Andrew Ramsey HS
Zuckerman, Max Pascack Hills HS
Case, Kyle River Dell HS
Lim, Elliot NV - Demarest HS
Daraghmeh, Fares Pascack Hills HS
Ayoso, Ryan Newton HS
Skoglund, Shane Manchester Reg. HS
Haskell, Ryan River Dell HS
Schwartz, Matthew Pascack Hills HS
Latimer, Gabriel Newton HS
Glass, Nicholas NV - Demarest HS
March, Aaron Ramsey HS
Sconza, Jake River Dell HS
Napier, Justin 22.48 Westwood HS
Sorenson, Lincoln 23.43 NV - Demarest HS
Kelly, Sean 23.59 Ramsey HS
Bease, Michael 23.64 Pascack Hills HS
Khemlani, Karan 23.69 NV - Demarest HS
Langley, Sean 23.75 River Dell HS
O'Connell, Evan 23.75 Lenape Valley HS
Dellamo, James 23.80 Sussex County Tech
Hebner, Lucas 23.90 Lakeland Regional HS
Glass, Michael 23.91 NV - Demarest HS
Lachman, Ryan 23.94 Lenape Valley HS
Broderick, Shawn 24.17 Vernon Twp HS
Hill, Sebastian 24.27 Pequannock HS
Mountain, Zack 24.28 Vernon Twp HS
Ricciardi, Daniel 24.32 River Dell HS
Meichsner, Christopher 24.37 Vernon Twp HS
Catalioto, James 24.57 Lakeland Regional HS
Bernstein, Ethan 24.59 Pequannock HS
Gawrylo, James 24.62 River Dell HS
McGurr, Luke 24.71 Ramsey HS
Wasserman, Devan 24.74 Glen Rock HS
Kalkanis, George 24.86 Mahwah HS
Argueta, Christian 24.93 Manchester Reg. HS
Pothos, Dimitri 24.97 Westwood HS
McGinty, Liam 24.99 Lakeland Regional HS
Zhang, Jeffrey 25.09 Glen Rock HS
Morris, Nae'qwon 25.17 West Milford HS
Janz, Daniel 25.18 West Milford HS
Franck, Augie 25.23 Ramsey HS
Lokshin, Matt 25.24 Pascack Hills HS
Qarmout, Jacob 25.30 Newton HS
Auslander, Andrew 25.34 Pequannock HS
Morrell, Jordan 25.34 Pascack Hills HS
Justiniano, Darius 25.35 Manchester Reg. HS
Hammerle, David 25.56 Lakeland Regional HS
Pisani, Aidan 25.57 Westwood HS
Goehrig, Grant 25.62 Ramsey HS
Martress, Cade 25.65 High Point Reg. HS
Carlson, Andrew 25.71 High Point Reg. HS
Macon, Azmir 26.07 Mahwah HS
Kane, Kieren 26.27 Newton HS
Evanick, Michael 26.29 Vernon Twp HS
Zambrano, Ian 26.61 Newton HS
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Group 2 Boys 3,200 Meter Run 42 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Harmer, Jayson Hawthorne HS
Chambers, Patrick Ramsey HS
Wynne, Christopher Vernon Twp HS
Kass, Jordan Pascack Hills HS
Davis, Theodore NV - Demarest HS
Schneider, Jack Ramsey HS
Priestner, Peter Pascack Hills HS
Lee, Brian NV - Demarest HS
Catalfumo, Dan Pascack Hills HS
Carroll, Aidan 10:01.67 Glen Rock HS
Montalvo, Sebastian 10:07.62 Newton HS
Freund, Matt 10:11.46 Newton HS
Saldana, Alex 10:12.02 River Dell HS
Kleinman, Andrew 10:12.62 NV - Demarest HS
Horevay, Owen 10:17.18 Lakeland Regional HS
Caldwell, Nathan 10:19.38 Lakeland Regional HS
Lehr, Ethan 10:24.03 Lakeland Regional HS
Badenhausen, Graham 10:32.86 Ramsey HS
Menier, Colin 10:36.68 West Milford HS
Fullem, Parker 10:47.61 High Point Reg. HS
Rabtzow, Mason 10:51.92 Jefferson Twp. HS
Torre, Peter 10:52.86 Pascack Hills HS
Stefans, Dylan 10:57.21 Jefferson Twp. HS
Behar, Eli 10:58.83 Pascack Hills HS
Definis, Ethan 11:01.22 High Point Reg. HS
Emelo, Max 11:04.09 River Dell HS
Kyung, Andrew 11:07.15 NV - Demarest HS
Ocotl, Jason 11:10.65 Westwood HS
DeAngelis, Paul 11:12.30 Lenape Valley HS
Kroczynski, Andrew 11:17.16 Mahwah HS
Flanagan, Alex 11:30.02 High Point Reg. HS
Sethi, Akul 11:32.12 Pascack Hills HS
Barreto, Brandon 11:34.88 Dumont HS
Krauklis, Lukas 11:35.03 Lenape Valley HS
Oaks, Connor 11:35.76 Sussex County Tech
Schmick, Jack 11:46.69 Sussex County Tech
White, Joseph 11:48.75 Pequannock HS
Clavijo, Xavier 12:01.43 Hawthorne HS
Petroni, Ricardo 12:27.73 Mahwah HS
Sosa, Bryan 12:35.78 Manchester Reg. HS
Bode, Jay 12:43.94 Pequannock HS
Dvorsky, Anthony 9:51.94 Newton HS
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Group 2 Boys 400 Meter Dash 55 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ben Yossef, Gil River Dell HS
Duck, Zach Pascack Hills HS
Pothos, Dimitri Westwood HS
Berzon, Jason River Dell HS
Hallenbeck, John Pascack Hills HS
Postman, Quinn NV - Demarest HS
Kelly, Sean Ramsey HS
Pisani, Aidan Westwood HS
McDevitt, Thomas Pequannock HS
Kull, Joaquin Ramsey HS
Lokshin, Matt Pascack Hills HS
Sutherland, Michael Ramsey HS
Dastagir, Mikaal River Dell HS
March, Aaron 50.46 Ramsey HS
Napier, Justin 51.14 Westwood HS
Davis, Theodore 51.29 NV - Demarest HS
Mendoza, Erick 52.04 Hawthorne HS
Broderick, Shawn 53.05 Vernon Twp HS
Mountain, Zack 53.21 Vernon Twp HS
Grainger, Jake 53.46 Mahwah HS
Hwang, Justin 53.47 NV - Demarest HS
McGurr, Luke 53.79 Ramsey HS
Wasserman, Devan 53.99 Glen Rock HS
Lachman, Ryan 54.08 Lenape Valley HS
Scochemaro, Luke 54.09 Lakeland Regional HS
O'Connell, Evan 54.17 Lenape Valley HS
Mikolajczyk, Colton 54.19 Mahwah HS
Walker, Angel 54.50 Sussex County Tech
Merson, Bradley 54.59 Pascack Hills HS
Fullem, Parker 54.64 High Point Reg. HS
Jensen, Shane 54.70 Pascack Hills HS
Appell, Chase 54.73 West Milford HS
Neubart, Owen 54.77 Glen Rock HS
Sudol, Jack 54.86 Ramsey HS
Haskell, Ryan 54.88 River Dell HS
Dellamo, James 54.99 Sussex County Tech
Gillman, Tyler 55.08 Lakeland Regional HS
Hough, James 55.15 High Point Reg. HS
Kearney, Kevin 55.32 Mahwah HS
McGinty, Liam 55.58 Lakeland Regional HS
Ayoso, Ryan 55.70 Newton HS
Madara, Colin 56.16 West Milford HS
Perez, Adriel 56.36 Elmwood Park HS
Castillo, Genson 56.47 Elmwood Park HS
Lee, Allen 56.57 NV - Demarest HS
Evanick, Michael 56.97 Vernon Twp HS
Weiss, Adam 57.10 NV - Demarest HS
Vazquez, Evien 57.58 River Dell HS
Cooper, Ryan 57.71 West Milford HS
Hill, Sebastian 57.90 Pequannock HS
Kane, Kieren 58.08 Newton HS
Schwartz, Matthew 58.19 Pascack Hills HS
Martress, Cade 58.70 High Point Reg. HS
Auslander, Andrew 58.76 Pequannock HS
Walker, Sean 59.83 Lakeland Regional HS
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Group 2 Boys 400 Meter Hurdles 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ligasan, Zach Pascack Hills HS
Gamil, Francis Ramsey HS
Marchisin, Luke Ramsey HS
Jensen, Shane Pascack Hills HS
Bussanich, Ryan 1:00.11 Ramsey HS
Mikolajczyk, Colton 1:00.19 Mahwah HS
Laul, Kieran 1:00.44 NV - Demarest HS
Mullen, Dylan 1:00.50 River Dell HS
Juliana, Jack 1:00.60 Glen Rock HS
Keyes, Kyle 1:01.18 Lakeland Regional HS
Kearney, Kevin 1:01.76 Mahwah HS
Argueta, Christian 1:01.81 Manchester Reg. HS
Lokshin, Matt 1:02.05 Pascack Hills HS
LaCroix, Dylan 1:02.26 Lakeland Regional HS
Schwartz, Matthew 1:02.59 Pascack Hills HS
Biskup, Jan 1:02.63 Elmwood Park HS
Krebs, Jase 1:03.52 Westwood HS
Hough, James 1:03.54 High Point Reg. HS
Evanick, Michael 1:04.01 Vernon Twp HS
Martress, Cade 1:04.07 High Point Reg. HS
Skoglund, Shane 1:04.25 Manchester Reg. HS
Markarian, John 1:04.52 River Dell HS
Sweetman, Steven 1:04.66 Hawthorne HS
Neubart, Owen 1:04.92 Glen Rock HS
McGinnis, Jack 1:05.45 River Dell HS
Dimitrovski, Damjan 1:05.47 Pequannock HS
McVeigh, Alex 1:05.55 Sussex County Tech
Hurtado, Matthew 1:06.30 Mahwah HS
O'Keeffe, Owen 1:06.90 Ramsey HS
Kim, Daniel 1:07.55 Vernon Twp HS
Adler, Jack 1:10.20 Ramsey HS
Mangan, Dylan 1:14.82 High Point Reg. HS
Sorenson, Lincoln 58.29 NV - Demarest HS
Mercer, Christopher 58.73 Sussex County Tech
Madara, Colin 58.87 West Milford HS
Lim, Elliot 59.21 NV - Demarest HS
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Group 2 Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Sussex County Tech
Relay Team A Pascack Hills HS
Relay Team A Pequannock HS
Relay Team A 45.37 NV - Demarest HS
Relay Team A 45.62 River Dell HS
Relay Team A 46.12 Ramsey HS
Relay Team A 47.65 Lakeland Regional HS
Relay Team A 47.66 Hawthorne HS
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Group 2 Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:26.70 Westwood HS
Relay Team A 3:31.04 NV - Demarest HS
Relay Team A 3:32.32 Ramsey HS
Relay Team A 3:35.65 River Dell HS
Relay Team A 3:37.27 Glen Rock HS
Relay Team A 3:37.52 Vernon Twp HS
Relay Team A 3:38.65 Sussex County Tech
Relay Team A 3:39.44 Mahwah HS
Relay Team A 3:40.83 Hawthorne HS
Relay Team A 3:43.92 Pequannock HS
Relay Team A 3:44.63 Pascack Hills HS
Relay Team A 3:44.76 West Milford HS
Relay Team A 3:45.89 High Point Reg. HS
Relay Team A 3:46.48 Lakeland Regional HS
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Group 2 Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 8:20.80 Newton HS
Relay Team A 8:33.16 River Dell HS
Relay Team A 8:41.78 Vernon Twp HS
Relay Team A 8:48.86 NV - Demarest HS
Relay Team A 8:55.79 Pascack Hills HS
Relay Team A 8:58.95 Lakeland Regional HS
Relay Team A 9:09.40 Ramsey HS
Relay Team A 9:21.96 West Milford HS
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Group 2 Boys 800 Meter Run 55 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ramakrishnan, Jagjit Pascack Hills HS
Space, Wyatt West Milford HS
Ligasan, Zach Pascack Hills HS
Petroni, Ricardo Mahwah HS
Badenhausen, Graham Ramsey HS
Kroczynski, Andrew Mahwah HS
Kalajian, Ethan NV - Demarest HS
Priestner, Peter Pascack Hills HS
Nelson, James Ramsey HS
Cheema, Marcus 1:54.99 Westwood HS
Harmer, Jayson 1:58.16 Hawthorne HS
Fisher, Bryce 2:00.31 Glen Rock HS
Davis, Theo 2:00.98 NV - Demarest HS
Vintimilla, Cristian 2:01.37 Vernon Twp HS
Long, Owen 2:02.89 Westwood HS
McElroy, Aidan 2:03.20 River Dell HS
Schneider, Jack 2:04.12 Ramsey HS
Hwang, Joseph 2:05.28 NV - Demarest HS
Smutelovic, Peter 2:05.94 Glen Rock HS
Jensen, Shane 2:07.24 Pascack Hills HS
O'Gorman, William 2:07.25 Newton HS
Chambers, Patrick 2:07.32 Ramsey HS
Berzon, Jason 2:07.40 River Dell HS
Stefans, Dylan 2:07.87 Jefferson Twp. HS
Castillo, Genson 2:08.37 Elmwood Park HS
Grainger, Jake 2:08.64 Mahwah HS
Gibson, Owen 2:09.31 Lakeland Regional HS
Fancher, Philip 2:09.79 Lenape Valley HS
Rabtzow, Mason 2:10.20 Jefferson Twp. HS
Ortega, Tristan 2:10.66 Newton HS
McVeigh, Alex 2:10.79 Sussex County Tech
Bramley, Kevin 2:10.82 West Milford HS
Emelo, Max 2:10.84 River Dell HS
Murray, Jack 2:11.25 River Dell HS
Basil, Johnathan 2:11.43 West Milford HS
Manni, Vincent 2:11.66 Newton HS
Tiger, Troy 2:12.61 High Point Reg. HS
Trocolar, Matthew 2:12.78 Pequannock HS
Petrosillo, Francesco 2:12.78 West Milford HS
Barca, Dylan 2:13.30 Vernon Twp HS
Kearns, Sean 2:14.97 Pascack Hills HS
Dong, Steven 2:15.66 High Point Reg. HS
Perez, Emiliano 2:17.59 Manchester Reg. HS
Flanagan, Alex 2:17.89 High Point Reg. HS
Slootmaker, Christopher 2:18.44 Hawthorne HS
Torres, Javier 2:18.46 Pascack Hills HS
Lee, Brian 2:18.66 NV - Demarest HS
Cece, Jacob 2:18.92 Glen Rock HS
Wynne, Christopher 2:19.08 Vernon Twp HS
Kull, Joaquin 2:20.44 Ramsey HS
Washburn, Michael 2:22.92 Hawthorne HS
Sastry, Adithya 2:25.61 Mahwah HS
Romero, Sebastian 2:27.03 Ramsey HS
Geissler, Adam 2:27.70 Pequannock HS
Sosa, Bryan 2:28.28 Manchester Reg. HS
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Group 2 Boys Discus 40 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mikay, Daniel 166-1 NV - Demarest HS
Lipchus-Wong, Robert 163-3 Jefferson Twp. HS
De Croce, Joseph 155-8 NV - Demarest HS
McCormack, TJ 154-1 Lakeland Regional HS
Larson, Tyler 133-4 Ramsey HS
Venticinque, Antonino 124-0 Lakeland Regional HS
Yanoff, Logan 120-10 High Point Reg. HS
Gioffre, Christian 120-9 River Dell HS
Bond, Philip 120-8 West Milford HS
Coutinho, Nassar 119-4 Hawthorne HS
Tibus, Matt 119-2 River Dell HS
Rosenberger, Arthur 117-9 Dumont HS
Ambartsoumian, Ohan 117-6 NV - Demarest HS
Christie, Tanner 117-4 West Milford HS
Hong, Roger 115-7 NV - Demarest HS
Arnau, Nick 115-4 Pequannock HS
Gardenier, Chris 115-0 High Point Reg. HS
Clark, Nolan 113-5 Glen Rock HS
Diaz, Jacob 113-1 Pascack Hills HS
Iannantuano, Nick 111-1 River Dell HS
Weiner, Bradley 110-10 Ramsey HS
Martinez, Jonathan 105-8 Ramsey HS
Piazza, Angelo 104-11 Glen Rock HS
Manning, Joshua 104-6 Manchester Reg. HS
Rosas, Sam 101-8 Westwood HS
Fernbacher, Mason 100-6 West Milford HS
Stupski, Jeffrey 100-4 Pequannock HS
Noonan, Andrew 96-9 High Point Reg. HS
Rodeiro, Michael 95-0 Pequannock HS
Tarabocchia, Dylan 92-11 Ramsey HS
McCormack, Will 88-10 Ramsey HS
Lachenauer, Jake 87-8 Glen Rock HS
Van Klingeren, Timothy 79-5 Lenape Valley HS
Lee, Aaron 67-9 Pascack Hills HS
Dontas, Ethan 65-2 Pascack Hills HS
Duck, Zach Pascack Hills HS
Alicea, Brandon Ramsey HS
Tzoulafis, George NV - Demarest HS
Lee, Andrew Glen Rock HS
Van Riper, Ian River Dell HS
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Group 2 Boys High Jump 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Munson, Connor 6-2 Westwood HS
Mandler, Ben 6-0 Pascack Hills HS
Ussher-Keushkerian, Jack 6-0 NV - Demarest HS
Gilmour, Nolan 6-0 River Dell HS
Jensen, Shane 5-10 Pascack Hills HS
Milnes, Ryan 5-10 River Dell HS
Appell, Chase 5-8 West Milford HS
Mercer, Christopher 5-8 Sussex County Tech
Muller, Reese 5-8 Mahwah HS
Ruocco, Matthew Henry 5-8 NV - Demarest HS
Tandler, Andrew 5-8 NV - Demarest HS
Piazza, Jack 5-8 Glen Rock HS
Melendez, Miquel 5-8 Hawthorne HS
LaCroix, Dylan 5-8 Lakeland Regional HS
Sara, Andrew 5-6 Glen Rock HS
Marchisin, Luke 5-6 Ramsey HS
Nigrelli, Marc 5-6 Ramsey HS
Robinson, Nazir 5-4 Ramsey HS
Attali, Jack 5-4 NV - Demarest HS
Reilly, Everett 5-2 River Dell HS
Weintraub, Charles 5-2 Lakeland Regional HS
Wanamaker, Brian 5-0 Mahwah HS
Twohig, Bobby 5-0 Ramsey HS
Gheduzzi, Luke Pascack Hills HS
Hallenbeck, John Pascack Hills HS
Kushner, Benjamin NV - Demarest HS
Carolan, Chris Ramsey HS
Bussanich, Ryan Ramsey HS
Mangan, Dylan High Point Reg. HS
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Group 2 Boys Javelin 42 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McCormack, TJ 164-8 Lakeland Regional HS
Hester, Damitrius 155-6 Mahwah HS
Kalkanis, George 154-6 Mahwah HS
Condit, William 138-11 High Point Reg. HS
Diaz, Jacob 137-11 Pascack Hills HS
Rosenberger, Arthur 137-3 Dumont HS
Arnau, Nick 136-7 Pequannock HS
Stupski, Jeffrey 134-2 Pequannock HS
Christie, Tanner 132-9 West Milford HS
Mountain, Zack 131-10 Vernon Twp HS
Bruno, Joe 130-6 Lakeland Regional HS
Coutinho, Nassar 130-2 Hawthorne HS
Poage, Tejan 128-6 Ramsey HS
Fishkind, Jason 127-10 NV - Demarest HS
Witte, Mason 126-5 Sussex County Tech
Abdallah, Mohammed 125-6 Lenape Valley HS
Winge, Brian 125-3 River Dell HS
Fernbacher, Mason 124-5 West Milford HS
Bease, Michael 122-10 Pascack Hills HS
Valenciano, Joseph 119-7 Elmwood Park HS
Ryu, Hojin 117-7 Mahwah HS
Strohmeyer, Matthew 117-6 Ramsey HS
Hong, Roger 116-11 NV - Demarest HS
Gruber, Trevor 116-4 Sussex County Tech
Roby, Jacob 114-1 Pequannock HS
Geerheart, Mike 113-4 Sussex County Tech
De Croce, Joseph 112-0 NV - Demarest HS
Sutherland, Christopher 110-6 Ramsey HS
Petrich, Collin 109-11 West Milford HS
Lee, Aaron 109-3 Pascack Hills HS
Somma, David 105-5 High Point Reg. HS
Lee, Andrew 103-10 Glen Rock HS
Thomas, Isaac 101-3 Vernon Twp HS
Casey, Willliam 99-8 Glen Rock HS
Carey, Jack 95-6 River Dell HS
DePalo, Luca 88-0 Ramsey HS
Dontas, Ethan Pascack Hills HS
Duck, Zach Pascack Hills HS
Sutherland, Michael Ramsey HS
Ambartsoumian, Ohan NV - Demarest HS
Nyfenger, Charles NV - Demarest HS
Vance, Joe High Point Reg. HS
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Group 2 Boys Long Jump 40 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Weinberg, Max 21-10.5 River Dell HS
Munson, Connor 21-10 Westwood HS
Zayer, Sam 21-1.5 Pascack Hills HS
Glass, Michael 20-11.75 NV - Demarest HS
Zuckerman, Max 20-8 Pascack Hills HS
Walker, Angel 20-2 Sussex County Tech
Cabany, George 20-2 River Dell HS
Palmer, Michael 20-1.5 Hawthorne HS
Tandler, Andrew 19-10 NV - Demarest HS
Catalioto, James 19-9.5 Lakeland Regional HS
Ricciardi, Daniel 19-3 River Dell HS
Piazza, Jack 19-2.75 Glen Rock HS
Melendez, Miquel 19-1 Hawthorne HS
Ussher-Keushkerian, Jack 19-0.5 NV - Demarest HS
Muller, Reese 18-11.25 Mahwah HS
Gjini, Albi 18-8.5 Elmwood Park HS
Wanamaker, Brian 18-7.5 Mahwah HS
Mandler, Ben 18-6.75 Pascack Hills HS
Paduani, Josh 18-4.5 Lakeland Regional HS
Avena, Jovan 18-0.5 Pequannock HS
Deas, Carson 17-11 Ramsey HS
Fofanah, Mohammad 17-11 Sussex County Tech
Kim, Eric 17-10.5 River Dell HS
Kelly, Ryan 17-10 Glen Rock HS
Yanoff, Logan 17-9.75 High Point Reg. HS
Banks, Carlos 17-9 West Milford HS
Appell, Chase 17-3 West Milford HS
Twohig, Bobby 17-2.25 Ramsey HS
Condit, William 17-1 High Point Reg. HS
Robinson, Nazir 16-8 Ramsey HS
Gleason, Daniel 16-6.5 Vernon Twp HS
Carolan, Chris 16-2 Ramsey HS
Traverso, Noah 15-8.75 West Milford HS
Sutherland, Michael 15-6.5 Ramsey HS
Zhu, Max Pascack Hills HS
Bease, Michael Pascack Hills HS
Gheduzzi, Luke Pascack Hills HS
Glass, Nicholas NV - Demarest HS
Attali, Jack NV - Demarest HS
Bussanich, Ryan Ramsey HS
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Group 2 Boys Pole Vault 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Zuckerman, Max 15-8 Pascack Hills HS
Munson, Connor 14-0 Westwood HS
Muller, Reese 13-0 Mahwah HS
Mandler, Ben 12-0 Pascack Hills HS
Pereira, Kevin 11-6 NV - Demarest HS
Rodriguez, Daniel 11-6 Mahwah HS
Minunni, Matthew 11-0 Lakeland Regional HS
Nyfenger, Charles 11-0 NV - Demarest HS
Steiner, Gabe 10-6 Ramsey HS
Ha, Matthew 10-0 NV - Demarest HS
Cornell, Wyatt 10-0 Glen Rock HS
Pinto, Andrew 10-0 Mahwah HS
Case, Gabe 10-0 River Dell HS
Spano, Andrew 10-0 River Dell HS
Acosta, Emmanuel 9-6 West Milford HS
Zhu, Max 9-0 Pascack Hills HS
Ioselevich, Nick 9-0 Pascack Hills HS
Stellmann, Erik 9-0 High Point Reg. HS
Kerr, Max 9-0 Ramsey HS
Noel, Nathaneil 9-0 Sussex County Tech
Randolph, Eric 8-6 Glen Rock HS
Raser, Ben 8-6 Glen Rock HS
Sanchez, Alex 8-6 West Milford HS
Citro, Carson 8-0 High Point Reg. HS
DePalo, Luca Ramsey HS
Stella, Mark Ramsey HS
Costa, Alec Ramsey HS
Sands, Matthew NV - Demarest HS
Vance, Joe High Point Reg. HS
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Group 2 Boys Shot Put 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
De Croce, Joseph 50-9 NV - Demarest HS
McCormack, TJ 49-6.25 Lakeland Regional HS
Lipchus-Wong, Robert 49-4 Jefferson Twp. HS
Ambartsoumian, Ohan 44-3 NV - Demarest HS
Christie, Tanner 43-8 West Milford HS
Iannantuano, Nick 43-6 River Dell HS
Mikay, Daniel 43-5 NV - Demarest HS
Yanoff, Logan 43-4.75 High Point Reg. HS
Hester, Damitrius 43-1.5 Mahwah HS
Coutinho, Nassar 43-0.5 Hawthorne HS
Larson, Tyler 43-0 Ramsey HS
Clark, Nolan 42-10 Glen Rock HS
Tibus, Matt 41-1.5 River Dell HS
Manning, Joshua 40-10 Manchester Reg. HS
Lachenauer, Jake 38-10.5 Glen Rock HS
Gioffre, Christian 38-8.25 River Dell HS
Gardenier, Chris 38-7 High Point Reg. HS
Van Riper, Ian 38-2.5 River Dell HS
Sara, Andrew 37-8.25 Glen Rock HS
Hoogmoed, Robert 36-3.5 Lakeland Regional HS
McCormack, Will 36-0 Ramsey HS
Weiner, Bradley 35-0.5 Ramsey HS
Martinez, Jonathan 35-0 Ramsey HS
Updegrove, Stephen 34-7.25 Pequannock HS
DelCorpo, Jake 34-7 Pequannock HS
Hughes, Andrew 33-7.5 Mahwah HS
Rosas, Sam 33-0.5 Westwood HS
Roby, Jacob 32-10.5 Pequannock HS
Magarino, Massimo 29-8.25 High Point Reg. HS
Dontas, Ethan Pascack Hills HS
Duck, Zach Pascack Hills HS
Zhu, Cuddy Pascack Hills HS
Kim, Andy Pascack Hills HS
Alicea, Brandon Ramsey HS
Yahalomi, Nimo NV - Demarest HS
Hong, Roger NV - Demarest HS
Tzoulafis, George NV - Demarest HS
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Group 2 Boys Triple Jump 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Palmer, Michael 44-8.75 Hawthorne HS
Walker, Angel 42-5 Sussex County Tech
Zayer, Sam 42-3.25 Pascack Hills HS
Tandler, Andrew 40-7.5 NV - Demarest HS
Catalioto, James 39-10.5 Lakeland Regional HS
Bussanich, Ryan 39-9 Ramsey HS
Melendez, Miquel 39-8 Hawthorne HS
Kim, Eric 39-2 River Dell HS
Kushner, Benjamin 39-1.75 NV - Demarest HS
Attali, Jack 38-11.25 NV - Demarest HS
Weinberg, Max 38-9 River Dell HS
Cabany, George 38-4.5 River Dell HS
Amusan, Teyo 37-9 Westwood HS
Gleason, Daniel 37-8 Vernon Twp HS
Twohig, Bobby 37-6 Ramsey HS
Sara, Andrew 37-3.75 Glen Rock HS
Avena, Jovan 36-8.75 Pequannock HS
Gheduzzi, Luke 36-7.5 Pascack Hills HS
Robinson, Nazir 36-1 Ramsey HS
Zhu, Cuddy 35-1.5 Pascack Hills HS
Conyers, Chris 35-0.5 Sussex County Tech
Kelly, Ryan 34-6.5 Glen Rock HS
Griner, Jesse 33-9.5 Sussex County Tech
Zambrano, Ian 33-7 Newton HS
Wright, Donald NV - Demarest HS
Wright, Jordan Alexander NV - Demarest HS
Srebnik, Brandon NV - Demarest HS
Nigrelli, Marc Ramsey HS
Juliana, Jack Glen Rock HS
Gjini, Albi Elmwood Park HS
Gilmour, Nolan River Dell HS
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Group 2 Girls 1,600 Meter Run 53 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kim, Elaine NV - Demarest HS
Sailer, Zoey Ramsey HS
Mills, Rachel River Dell HS
Leishear, Emma Glen Rock HS
Patire, Alena Mahwah HS
Hughes, Reese Pascack Hills HS
Poulas, Madison Jefferson Twp. HS
Kim, Lydia NV - Demarest HS
Bravo, Kenya Ramsey HS
Armendariz, Ana Mahwah HS
Gabay, Isabella River Dell HS
Gorman, Jamie Ramsey HS
Patelsky, Cora Pascack Hills HS
Dipple, Lily NV - Demarest HS
Conroy, Ruby Hawthorne HS
Klanke, Alexandra Mahwah HS
Perez, Angelina 4:54.38 Lakeland Regional HS
Allen, Christina 5:08.87 River Dell HS
Quayle, Kimi 5:11.11 NV - Demarest HS
Walter, Casey 5:15.02 NV - Demarest HS
Latincsics, Molly 5:20.53 Sussex County Tech
Horevay, Abigail 5:20.76 Lakeland Regional HS
Jarski, Kayla 5:24.74 Westwood HS
Renshaw, Corinne 5:25.78 Jefferson Twp. HS
Friedland, Alexa 5:26.93 Ramsey HS
Fahy, Caitlin 5:33.39 Lakeland Regional HS
Ebneter, Ava 5:35.21 River Dell HS
Dursema, Megan 5:36.62 Mahwah HS
Landel, Ella 5:39.89 Ramsey HS
Coyle, Faith 5:41.45 Jefferson Twp. HS
Winger, Maya 5:41.84 Ramsey HS
Batelli, Anna 5:43.55 Jefferson Twp. HS
Coultrap, Ella 5:54.17 Glen Rock HS
Weber, Carissa 5:55.92 Mahwah HS
Iovino, Ava 5:56.55 Hawthorne HS
Sen, Nicole 5:58.87 Pascack Hills HS
Kolonoski, Hannah 5:59.86 Vernon Twp HS
Guerrero, Maria 6:01.83 Manchester Reg. HS
Merryman, Zoe 6:02.34 Mahwah HS
Mulroy, Ciara 6:05.79 Lenape Valley HS
Frey, Lauren 6:08.28 West Milford HS
Witters, Kelly 6:09.69 Vernon Twp HS
Miller, Ava 6:11.46 NV - Demarest HS
Veldran, Ava 6:16.86 High Point Reg. HS
Dodd, Alexa 6:17.60 Newton HS
Witters, Caitlin 6:20.01 Vernon Twp HS
Florio, Julia 6:23.63 Newton HS
Conklin, Julianna 6:24.82 High Point Reg. HS
Michelis, Chrissy 6:25.17 Pascack Hills HS
Duran, Nya 6:28.70 Elmwood Park HS
Shauger, Emily 6:29.95 High Point Reg. HS
Rossig, Maeve 6:35.62 Pascack Hills HS
Maday, Melissa 6:38.09 Pascack Hills HS
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Group 2 Girls 100 Meter Dash 51 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Byrne, Darcy River Dell HS
O'Keeffe, Claire Ramsey HS
Wheeler, Miranda Pascack Hills HS
Smith, Maddie Ramsey HS
Zwernemann, Ava NV - Demarest HS
Kezmarsky, Sofia Mahwah HS
Centanni, Laura NV - Demarest HS
Velcic, Anastasia NV - Demarest HS
Quinn, Kelly Pascack Hills HS
Andreoli, Briana 12.16 Hawthorne HS
DiFilippo, Sabrina 12.31 Hawthorne HS
Latimer, Madison 12.63 Newton HS
Yaskovic, Meredith 12.84 High Point Reg. HS
Bryant, Sanai 13.06 Dumont HS
Anguilla, Grace 13.25 NV - Demarest HS
Wu, Michelle 13.27 NV - Demarest HS
Holliday, Dior 13.27 Manchester Reg. HS
Buquicchio, Kelly 13.45 Pascack Hills HS
Mullin, Katie 13.51 Lakeland Regional HS
Kannenberg, Siena 13.61 Mahwah HS
Cusack, Julia 13.62 Lenape Valley HS
Manderson, Annalise 13.65 Dumont HS
Neill, Allyson 13.66 Newton HS
Croom, Tia 13.66 Sussex County Tech
Levine, Morgan 13.74 River Dell HS
DePol, Kayla 13.75 River Dell HS
Okuzu, Courtney 13.77 Newton HS
Martini, Kayla 13.78 Pequannock HS
Murphy, Skyler 13.79 Newton HS
Alfaro, Elizabeth 13.80 Vernon Twp HS
McKeown, Catriona 13.89 Ramsey HS
Moro, Karolyn 13.93 Hawthorne HS
Anderson, Olivia 13.95 High Point Reg. HS
Manderson, Brianna 14.00 Dumont HS
Walther, Dallas 14.00 High Point Reg. HS
Poulas, Emily 14.04 Jefferson Twp. HS
Tonuzi, Allie 14.05 Pascack Hills HS
Saros, Christina 14.12 Ramsey HS
Celli, Francesca 14.12 Pascack Hills HS
Caughey, Jordan 14.18 Lakeland Regional HS
Garger, Kristin 14.31 Westwood HS
Klein, Madison 14.37 West Milford HS
Miles, Elisabet 14.37 Lakeland Regional HS
Ataalla, Amy 14.45 Pascack Hills HS
Schneider, Isabelle 14.50 River Dell HS
Porucznik, Anna 14.54 Mahwah HS
Cohen, Lihi 14.61 NV - Demarest HS
Manzi, Emma 14.68 Mahwah HS
Francis, Rebecca 14.95 Ramsey HS
Murphy, Molly 15.17 Lakeland Regional HS
Monico, Katie 15.78 Ramsey HS
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Group 2 Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 39 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Carson-Keane, Claudia Pascack Hills HS
Heffernan, Bridget Ramsey HS
Ge, Olivia Pascack Hills HS
Nolan, Erin NV - Demarest HS
Pedalino, Mia River Dell HS
Presha, Scartlett Pascack Hills HS
Cotes, Sofia Ramsey HS
Cohen, Lihi NV - Demarest HS
D'Amico, Julia 16.49 Ramsey HS
Rilveria, Abreeana 16.68 River Dell HS
Medunick, Morgan 16.70 Newton HS
Alves, Leah 16.91 Hawthorne HS
Constantine, Victoria 16.94 NV - Demarest HS
Burke, Alexa 17.05 Westwood HS
Strasser, Sierra 17.16 Newton HS
Alden, Maura 17.18 Pascack Hills HS
Velcic, Anastasia 17.24 NV - Demarest HS
Argenziano, Liz 17.26 NV - Demarest HS
Ruvo, Leia 17.26 High Point Reg. HS
Bergen, Katelyn 17.28 Ramsey HS
Turschmann, Emily 17.50 River Dell HS
Hodgson, Jenna 17.56 West Milford HS
Vizzari, Maria 17.81 Ramsey HS
Yappen, Cassis 18.32 Lenape Valley HS
Biss, Sarah 18.61 Lakeland Regional HS
Terranova, Cali 18.75 Elmwood Park HS
O'Neill, Sarah 18.77 Ramsey HS
Ra, Abigail 18.82 River Dell HS
Muller, Skylar 18.86 Dumont HS
Chiariello, Makayla 19.23 High Point Reg. HS
Manzi, Emma 19.67 Mahwah HS
Oberman, Georgia 19.72 Jefferson Twp. HS
Meneses, Olivia 19.81 Vernon Twp HS
Calayan, Diandra 19.86 Pequannock HS
Austin, Lorraine 19.93 Vernon Twp HS
Mull, Kassandra 20.14 Newton HS
Dates, Mackenzie 20.78 West Milford HS
Wikfors, Libby 21.04 Pascack Hills HS
Sullivan, Gianna 21.61 Elmwood Park HS
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Group 2 Girls 200 Meter Dash 57 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ohlendorf, Abigail River Dell HS
Boos, Sophie NV - Demarest HS
Sailer, Zoey Ramsey HS
Quinn, Kelly Pascack Hills HS
Yappen, Cassis Lenape Valley HS
Schoenberg, Marisa River Dell HS
Mazin, Abigail Glen Rock HS
Centanni, Laura NV - Demarest HS
Celli, Francesca Pascack Hills HS
DePol, Kayla River Dell HS
Perino, Alison Ramsey HS
Byrne, Darcy River Dell HS
Ataalla, Amy Pascack Hills HS
Hodgson, Jenna West Milford HS
Andreoli, Briana 25.54 Hawthorne HS
Latimer, Madison 25.67 Newton HS
DiFilippo, Sabrina 26.56 Hawthorne HS
Hansen, Sydney 26.61 Hawthorne HS
Anguilla, Grace 26.62 NV - Demarest HS
Bryant, Sanai 26.63 Dumont HS
Yaskovic, Meredith 26.70 High Point Reg. HS
Patterson, Phoebe 26.78 Pequannock HS
O'Keeffe, Claire 27.03 Ramsey HS
Miles, Hanna 27.04 Lakeland Regional HS
Kannenberg, Siena 27.07 Mahwah HS
McKeown, Catriona 27.40 Ramsey HS
Mullin, Katie 27.59 Lakeland Regional HS
Buquicchio, Kelly 27.66 Pascack Hills HS
Velcic, Anastasia 27.70 NV - Demarest HS
Wu, Michelle 27.80 NV - Demarest HS
Manderson, Annalise 27.93 Dumont HS
Tonuzi, Allie 28.07 Pascack Hills HS
Schneider, Isabelle 28.09 River Dell HS
Garger, Kristin 28.22 Westwood HS
Neill, Allyson 28.26 Newton HS
Holliday, Dior 28.32 Manchester Reg. HS
Saros, Christina 28.33 Ramsey HS
Oberman, Georgia 28.44 Jefferson Twp. HS
Blum, Romy 28.50 NV - Demarest HS
Croom, Tia 28.54 Sussex County Tech
Cusack, Julia 28.60 Lenape Valley HS
Alfaro, Elizabeth 28.65 Vernon Twp HS
Murphy, Skyler 28.74 Newton HS
Manderson, Brianna 28.77 Dumont HS
Walther, Dallas 28.99 High Point Reg. HS
Levine, Morgan 29.01 River Dell HS
Okuzu, Courtney 29.06 Newton HS
Shiels, Emma 29.09 Glen Rock HS
Hajal, Nadia 29.30 Mahwah HS
Miles, Elisabet 29.45 Lakeland Regional HS
Ortega, Chaya 29.65 High Point Reg. HS
Klein, Madison 29.88 West Milford HS
Porucznik, Anna 30.01 Mahwah HS
Amram, Jordyn 30.22 Glen Rock HS
Caughey, Jordan 30.30 Lakeland Regional HS
Francis, Rebecca 30.49 Ramsey HS
Wheeler, Miranda 31.32 Pascack Hills HS
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Group 2 Girls 3,200 Meter Run 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Quayle, Kimi NV - Demarest HS
Friedland, Alexa Ramsey HS
Michelis, Chrissy Pascack Hills HS
Dipple, Lily NV - Demarest HS
Rossig, Maeve Pascack Hills HS
Sen, Nicole Pascack Hills HS
Perez, Angelina 10:32.62 Lakeland Regional HS
Allen, Christina 11:14.60 River Dell HS
Walter, Casey 11:16.99 NV - Demarest HS
Horevay, Abigail 11:34.76 Lakeland Regional HS
Latincsics, Molly 11:40.19 Sussex County Tech
Fahy, Caitlin 12:08.29 Lakeland Regional HS
Mills, Rachel 12:12.40 River Dell HS
Dursema, Megan 12:33.70 Mahwah HS
Gabay, Isabella 12:34.37 River Dell HS
Winger, Maya 12:49.63 Ramsey HS
Landel, Ella 12:49.77 Ramsey HS
Batelli, Anna 12:50.20 Jefferson Twp. HS
Frey, Lauren 12:53.21 West Milford HS
Kolonoski, Hannah 13:03.67 Vernon Twp HS
Witters, Kelly 13:31.95 Vernon Twp HS
Schwartz, Alexa 14:23.27 Mahwah HS
Maday, Melissa 14:28.88 Pascack Hills HS
Witters, Caitlin 14:31.88 Vernon Twp HS
Conklin, Julianna 14:33.28 High Point Reg. HS
Whitesell, Emma 14:45.85 High Point Reg. HS
Poulas, Madison 14:49.06 Jefferson Twp. HS
Shauger, Emily 15:14.35 High Point Reg. HS
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Group 2 Girls 400 Meter Dash 46 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dipple, Lily NV - Demarest HS
McNierney, Emma Pascack Hills HS
Hodgson, Jenna West Milford HS
Grivas, Alex River Dell HS
Francis, Rebecca Ramsey HS
Izzo, Alyssa Pascack Hills HS
Zwernemann, Ava NV - Demarest HS
Moro, Karolyn Hawthorne HS
McNeill, Kayleigh Ramsey HS
Andreoli, Briana Hawthorne HS
Buquicchio, Kelly Pascack Hills HS
Gorman, Jamie Ramsey HS
Sen, Nicole Pascack Hills HS
Gresko, Anastasiya Pascack Hills HS
Garger, Kristin Westwood HS
McKeown, Catriona 1:00.91 Ramsey HS
Patterson, Phoebe 1:00.99 Pequannock HS
Miles, Hanna 1:01.43 Lakeland Regional HS
Manderson, Annalise 1:01.63 Dumont HS
Wu, Michelle 1:02.20 NV - Demarest HS
Yappen, Cassis 1:02.21 Lenape Valley HS
Kannenberg, Siena 1:02.72 Mahwah HS
Anguilla, Grace 1:03.56 NV - Demarest HS
Yaskovic, Meredith 1:04.12 High Point Reg. HS
Chiariello, Makayla 1:04.91 High Point Reg. HS
Schlereth, Anna 1:05.02 Newton HS
Connolly, Emily 1:05.58 Ramsey HS
Cookson, Sarah 1:05.74 River Dell HS
Klanke, Alexandra 1:05.81 Mahwah HS
Kopelman, Carly 1:05.98 Glen Rock HS
Okuzu, Courtney 1:07.07 Newton HS
Hamilton, Cassie 1:07.27 Sussex County Tech
Sciabica, Mia 1:07.71 High Point Reg. HS
Webber, Alexa 1:07.78 Mahwah HS
Ohlendorf, Abigail 1:08.10 River Dell HS
Meneses, Olivia 1:08.28 Vernon Twp HS
Centanni, Laura 1:08.54 NV - Demarest HS
Martini, Kayla 1:08.91 Pequannock HS
Boos, Sophie 1:09.13 NV - Demarest HS
Quinn, Kelly 1:09.42 Pascack Hills HS
MacSweeney, Kaitlyn 1:09.55 Pequannock HS
Anderson, Olivia 1:10.03 High Point Reg. HS
Latimer, Madison 57.64 Newton HS
Mircovich, Amanda 58.96 River Dell HS
O'Keeffe, Claire 59.28 Ramsey HS
Hansen, Sydney 59.94 Hawthorne HS
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Group 2 Girls 400 Meter Hurdles 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Carson-Keane, Claudia Pascack Hills HS
Calayan, Diandra Pequannock HS
Wikfors, Libby Pascack Hills HS
MacSweeney, Kaitlyn Pequannock HS
Grisham, Gianna River Dell HS
Sielski, Aleksandra 1:07.84 Pequannock HS
Kalvani, Ashna 1:07.88 NV - Demarest HS
Yaskovic, Meredith 1:09.18 High Point Reg. HS
Hansen, Sydney 1:09.92 Hawthorne HS
Nolan, Erin 1:10.15 NV - Demarest HS
Yappen, Cassis 1:10.35 Lenape Valley HS
Bergen, Katelyn 1:11.16 Ramsey HS
Terranova, Cali 1:11.77 Elmwood Park HS
Hodgson, Jenna 1:12.10 West Milford HS
Velcic, Anastasia 1:12.18 NV - Demarest HS
Vanderbeck, Sarah 1:12.46 River Dell HS
McNierney, Emma 1:12.95 Pascack Hills HS
Tong, Lauren 1:13.29 NV - Demarest HS
Puentes, Liz 1:14.06 River Dell HS
Fitzgerald, Bryn 1:14.19 Jefferson Twp. HS
Kopelman, Carly 1:14.53 Glen Rock HS
Schlereth, Anna 1:14.72 Newton HS
Sailer, Zoey 1:15.00 Ramsey HS
Alves, Leah 1:15.45 Hawthorne HS
Muller, Skylar 1:15.48 Dumont HS
Alden, Maura 1:15.61 Pascack Hills HS
Sciabica, Mia 1:16.10 High Point Reg. HS
Lustig, Sarah 1:17.78 Lakeland Regional HS
O'Neill, Sarah 1:18.11 Ramsey HS
Presha, Scartlett 1:18.54 Pascack Hills HS
Ra, Abigail 1:19.17 River Dell HS
Biss, Sarah 1:19.28 Lakeland Regional HS
Gorman, Jamie 1:19.50 Ramsey HS
Dates, Mackenzie 1:20.51 West Milford HS
Pispapia, Faith 1:21.50 Sussex County Tech
Sullivan, Gianna 1:25.45 Elmwood Park HS
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Group 2 Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 51.65 NV - Demarest HS
Relay Team A 52.08 Hawthorne HS
Relay Team A 52.47 River Dell HS
Relay Team A 52.88 Pascack Hills HS
Relay Team A 52.91 Newton HS
Relay Team A 53.61 Ramsey HS
Relay Team A 56.14 Lakeland Regional HS
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Group 2 Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:09.92 NV - Demarest HS
Relay Team A 4:10.26 Newton HS
Relay Team A 4:12.45 River Dell HS
Relay Team A 4:14.11 Ramsey HS
Relay Team A 4:19.34 Hawthorne HS
Relay Team A 4:24.08 Pequannock HS
Relay Team A 4:24.51 Glen Rock HS
Relay Team A 4:28.33 High Point Reg. HS
Relay Team A 4:28.36 Mahwah HS
Relay Team A 4:39.04 Pascack Hills HS
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Group 2 Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Jefferson Twp. HS
Relay Team A Lenape Valley HS
Relay Team A 10:12.65 River Dell HS
Relay Team A 10:23.52 Ramsey HS
Relay Team A 10:27.39 Lakeland Regional HS
Relay Team A 10:46.70 Mahwah HS
Relay Team A 10:57.17 Pascack Hills HS
Relay Team A 9:56.80 NV - Demarest HS
Back to Top

Group 2 Girls 800 Meter Run 52 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sailer, Zoey Ramsey HS
Merryman, Zoe Mahwah HS
Gresko, Anastasiya Pascack Hills HS
Kim, Lydia NV - Demarest HS
McNeill, Kayleigh Ramsey HS
Allen, Christina River Dell HS
Walter, Casey NV - Demarest HS
Patelsky, Cora Pascack Hills HS
Ebneter, Ava River Dell HS
Miller, Ava NV - Demarest HS
Patire, Alena Mahwah HS
Hughes, Reese Pascack Hills HS
Cookson, Sarah River Dell HS
Mircovich, Amanda 2:15.56 River Dell HS
Jarski, Kayla 2:18.06 Westwood HS
Quayle, Kimi 2:18.12 NV - Demarest HS
Dipple, Lily 2:20.20 NV - Demarest HS
Perez, Angelina 2:23.77 Lakeland Regional HS
Renshaw, Corinne 2:23.80 Jefferson Twp. HS
Coyle, Faith 2:25.75 Jefferson Twp. HS
Sielski, Aleksandra 2:26.68 Pequannock HS
Friedland, Alexa 2:27.06 Ramsey HS
Weber, Carissa 2:27.80 Mahwah HS
Novick, Alyson 2:31.15 Glen Rock HS
Devita, Alyssa 2:31.75 Lakeland Regional HS
O'Keeffe, Claire 2:31.76 Ramsey HS
Bravo, Kenya 2:31.97 Ramsey HS
Grivas, Alex 2:32.95 River Dell HS
Schuddeboom, Mia 2:34.07 Lenape Valley HS
Sen, Nicole 2:34.41 Pascack Hills HS
Fitzgerald, Bryn 2:35.12 Jefferson Twp. HS
Gorman, Jamie 2:35.40 Ramsey HS
Shea, Isabel 2:35.50 Glen Rock HS
Morin, Tessa 2:38.96 Lenape Valley HS
McNierney, Emma 2:39.47 Pascack Hills HS
Szanto, Megan 2:41.06 Lakeland Regional HS
Guerrero, Maria 2:42.51 Manchester Reg. HS
Klanke, Alexandra 2:42.61 Mahwah HS
Kim, Elaine 2:43.41 NV - Demarest HS
Rosenfeld, Laci 2:43.73 Lenape Valley HS
Scienski, Lauren 2:43.80 Pequannock HS
Goodman, Leah 2:45.80 Glen Rock HS
Michelis, Chrissy 2:46.16 Pascack Hills HS
Veldran, Ava 2:46.26 High Point Reg. HS
Armendariz, Ana 2:47.91 Mahwah HS
Dodd, Alexa 2:49.85 Newton HS
Florio, Julia 2:53.55 Newton HS
Pispapia, Faith 2:53.60 Sussex County Tech
Wagner, Olivia 2:57.77 High Point Reg. HS
Annunziata, Victoria 3:00.36 Vernon Twp HS
Hamilton, Reagan 3:03.09 Vernon Twp HS
Nuss, Ella 3:12.83 High Point Reg. HS
Back to Top

Group 2 Girls Discus 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ambartsoumian, Julietta 119-9 NV - Demarest HS
Sullivan, Casey 115-5 NV - Demarest HS
Struble, Josie 114-4 Pequannock HS
Eucker, Alianna 109-3 Westwood HS
Lombardo, Sophia 107-7 High Point Reg. HS
Moon, Amelie 102-0 River Dell HS
Robinson, Isabelle 100-2 Hawthorne HS
Gordon, Samantha 100-1 Pequannock HS
Raso, Mia 97-1 River Dell HS
Feichtl, Riley 97-0 Sussex County Tech
Sharif, Lubaba 94-0 NV - Demarest HS
D'Alessio, Isabella 92-11 Pequannock HS
Taseva, Maria 92-2 Elmwood Park HS
Cerdeira, Avelina 87-7 Pascack Hills HS
Lombardi, Tayia 86-11 High Point Reg. HS
Dinning, Lillian 84-3 Ramsey HS
Strasser, Taylor 83-9 Newton HS
Rourk, Riley 83-1 Westwood HS
Ahmad, Christine 82-10 Newton HS
Mitreski, Sophia 81-11 Hawthorne HS
Vega, Natalya 79-3 Westwood HS
Martinez, Olivia 79-2 Pascack Hills HS
Magrini, Christina 78-5 Lenape Valley HS
Rod, Amy 75-3 Lakeland Regional HS
Cox, Vaughnicia 73-11 Ramsey HS
Golden, Kathleen 73-5 River Dell HS
Buonanno, Alexandra 70-1 West Milford HS
Anderson, Olivia 69-1 High Point Reg. HS
Schindelar, Shea 68-3 Lenape Valley HS
Gjini, Angela 64-2 Ramsey HS
Quinn, Kelly 54-2 Pascack Hills HS
Piantino, Mia Pascack Hills HS
Camargo, Gavriella Ramsey HS
Tom, Abby Ramsey HS
Back to Top

Group 2 Girls High Jump 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ruvo, Leia 5-2 High Point Reg. HS
Previglian, Maggie 5-0 Vernon Twp HS
Haray, Gretchen 5-0 NV - Demarest HS
Chiariello, Makayla 4-10 High Point Reg. HS
Lee, Gloria 4-10 River Dell HS
Bennorth, Katie 4-8 Lakeland Regional HS
Harnett, Shannon 4-8 Lakeland Regional HS
D'Amico, Julia 4-8 Ramsey HS
Woods, Nicole 4-8 NV - Demarest HS
Ra, Abigail 4-8 River Dell HS
Balboni, Giuliana 4-6 Pascack Hills HS
Hamilton, Cassie 4-6 Sussex County Tech
Schlereth, Anna 4-6 Newton HS
Tyburczy, Helene 4-6 Ramsey HS
Press, Halle 4-6 NV - Demarest HS
Weber, Carissa 4-6 Mahwah HS
Miller, Taylor 4-6 NV - Demarest HS
Ra, Gabriella 4-6 River Dell HS
Krol, Gabby 4-4 Pascack Hills HS
Alves, Leah 4-4 Hawthorne HS
Bergen, Katelyn 4-4 Ramsey HS
O'Neill, Sarah 4-4 Ramsey HS
Rossi, Alex 4-4 Ramsey HS
Tom, Abby 4-4 Ramsey HS
Wikfors, Libby 4-2 Pascack Hills HS
Corcoran, Grace 4-0 Glen Rock HS
Heiden, Anastasia Pascack Hills HS
Piantino, Mia Pascack Hills HS
Galli, Gianna NV - Demarest HS
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Group 2 Girls Javelin 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Woods, Nicole 141-9 NV - Demarest HS
Eucker, Alianna 126-0 Westwood HS
Catalano, Dana 125-9 Newton HS
Andreoli, Briana 115-11 Hawthorne HS
Ambartsoumian, Julietta 110-6 NV - Demarest HS
Feichtl, Riley 100-7 Sussex County Tech
Sullivan, Casey 98-4 NV - Demarest HS
Gordon, Samantha 97-4 Pequannock HS
Struble, Josie 97-4 Pequannock HS
Morstatt, Jordan 94-4 Jefferson Twp. HS
Vega, Natalya 93-8 Westwood HS
D'Alessio, Isabella 91-3 Pequannock HS
Del Valle, Gabriella 85-5 Hawthorne HS
Segura, Milagro 82-9 Lenape Valley HS
Camargo, Gavriella 82-8 Ramsey HS
Giannetto, Alexandra 78-0 Pequannock HS
Corbliss, Dana 75-6 River Dell HS
Boorse, Hannah 74-1 Lakeland Regional HS
Santana, Mia 73-0 Lenape Valley HS
Keane, Katherine 72-11 Ramsey HS
Martinez, Olivia 72-9 Pascack Hills HS
Lombardo, Sophia 72-3 High Point Reg. HS
Schlamp, Audrey 71-11 Ramsey HS
Buonanno, Alexandra 71-10 West Milford HS
Sharif, Lubaba 71-7 NV - Demarest HS
Golden, Kathleen 71-3 River Dell HS
Cerdeira, Avelina 70-7 Pascack Hills HS
Lombardi, Tayia 70-7 High Point Reg. HS
Piantino, Mia 67-4 Pascack Hills HS
Dennison, Mei 61-11 West Milford HS
Rod, Amy 59-11 Lakeland Regional HS
Post, Colleen 59-2 Ramsey HS
Quinn, Kelly 55-5 Pascack Hills HS
Dureny, Janiesha 54-4 High Point Reg. HS
Brancato, Caroline 54-1 River Dell HS
Pedalino, Mia River Dell HS
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Group 2 Girls Long Jump 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Harnett, Shannon 17-4 Lakeland Regional HS
Lee, Gloria 17-4 River Dell HS
McQueeney, Grace 16-7.25 River Dell HS
Martino, Kayla 16-4 Ramsey HS
DePol, Kayla 16-3 River Dell HS
Terranova, Cali 16-2 Elmwood Park HS
Ruvo, Leia 16-0.75 High Point Reg. HS
Boorse, Hannah 15-9.5 Lakeland Regional HS
Hecker, Jordan 15-9 NV - Demarest HS
Argenziano, Liz 15-7 NV - Demarest HS
D'Amico, Julia 15-3.25 Ramsey HS
Croom, Tia 15-1.75 Sussex County Tech
Keane, Katherine 15-1 Ramsey HS
Dzurenko, Julia 15-0 Glen Rock HS
Robinson, Isabelle 15-0 Hawthorne HS
Medunick, Morgan 14-9 Newton HS
Sames, Vasilia 14-8 NV - Demarest HS
Bennorth, Katie 14-6 Lakeland Regional HS
Balboni, Giuliana 14-5 Pascack Hills HS
Mulroy, Ciara 14-1.75 Lenape Valley HS
Kalvani, Ashna 14-1.5 NV - Demarest HS
Schoenberg, Marisa 14-0.75 River Dell HS
Orsino, Jessica 13-10.5 West Milford HS
Buquicchio, Kelly 13-10 Pascack Hills HS
Walther, Dallas 13-7 High Point Reg. HS
Veldran, Ava 13-4 High Point Reg. HS
Carlin, Emma 13-3 Glen Rock HS
Sachs, Ella 13-2.5 Hawthorne HS
Carson-Keane, Claudia 13-1 Pascack Hills HS
Rossi, Alex 13-1 Ramsey HS
Pfohl, Meghan 12-8.5 River Dell HS
McNeill, Kayleigh 12-4.5 Ramsey HS
Youn, Catherine 11-8 Glen Rock HS
Celli, Francesca Pascack Hills HS
Krol, Gabby Pascack Hills HS
Parrella, Cristina NV - Demarest HS
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Group 2 Girls Pole Vault 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hecker, Jordan 11-0 NV - Demarest HS
Lee, Michelle 11-0 NV - Demarest HS
Mason, Rachel 10-6 High Point Reg. HS
Fowler, Abigal 10-0 NV - Demarest HS
Martino, Kayla 9-6 Ramsey HS
Strasser, Sierra 9-6 Newton HS
Pasek, Chloe 9-6 West Milford HS
Bruce, Danielle 9-0 Vernon Twp HS
Sciaino, Olivia 8-6 Mahwah HS
Abou-Jaoude, Elissar 8-0 Newton HS
Bonura, Selena 7-6 Mahwah HS
Sachs, Ella 7-6 Hawthorne HS
Weiss, Sam 7-6 River Dell HS
Keane, Katherine 7-6 Ramsey HS
Mazus, Livia 7-0 Lakeland Regional HS
Ge, Olivia 7-0 Pascack Hills HS
Chiariello, Makayla 7-0 High Point Reg. HS
Fosdick, Jackie 6-6 Ramsey HS
Berardi, Beth 5-0 Lakeland Regional HS
Gresko, Anastasiya Pascack Hills HS
Krol, Gabby Pascack Hills HS
Maywether, Dream Pascack Hills HS
Shah, Tiya Ramsey HS
Nyfenger, Susan NV - Demarest HS
Weisenblum, Sydney NV - Demarest HS
Ortega, Chaya High Point Reg. HS
Muzafarov, Kira Mahwah HS
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Group 2 Girls Shot Put 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sullivan, Casey 42-4 NV - Demarest HS
Ambartsoumian, Julietta 36-8 NV - Demarest HS
Lombardo, Sophia 33-10.25 High Point Reg. HS
Eucker, Alianna 33-10 Westwood HS
Robinson, Isabelle 33-0.5 Hawthorne HS
D'Alessio, Isabella 32-6 Pequannock HS
Moon, Amelie 32-1 River Dell HS
Lombardi, Tayia 31-11.5 High Point Reg. HS
Raso, Mia 31-11 River Dell HS
Dinning, Lillian 30-7.75 Ramsey HS
Feichtl, Riley 30-4.5 Sussex County Tech
Sharif, Lubaba 30-4 NV - Demarest HS
Nickels, Callia 30-1 Mahwah HS
Gordon, Samantha 29-5.5 Pequannock HS
Cerdeira, Avelina 29-3.5 Pascack Hills HS
Vega, Natalya 28-7.5 Westwood HS
McElroy, Avery 28-5.75 Sussex County Tech
Mitreski, Sophia 28-5 Hawthorne HS
Garcia, Angelina 28-3 Hawthorne HS
Laryea, Janelle 28-2 Sussex County Tech
Rod, Amy 27-7.5 Lakeland Regional HS
Golden, Katie 27-7 River Dell HS
Buonanno, Alexandra 27-1.75 West Milford HS
Giannetto, Alexandra 26-7.5 Pequannock HS
Cox, Vaughnicia 26-7 Ramsey HS
Tom, Abby 25-8 Ramsey HS
Struble, Josie 25-4.25 Pequannock HS
Dureny, Janiesha 25-2 High Point Reg. HS
Martinez, Olivia 24-11 Pascack Hills HS
Piantino, Mia 24-5 Pascack Hills HS
Dennison, Mei 24-3.75 West Milford HS
Rourk, Riley 24-3 Westwood HS
Quinn, Kelly 18-10 Pascack Hills HS
Gjini, Angela Ramsey HS
Argenziano, Christina NV - Demarest HS
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Group 2 Girls Triple Jump 38 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lee, Gloria 35-7 River Dell HS
Ruvo, Leia 34-10.25 High Point Reg. HS
Martino, Kayla 34-2.25 Ramsey HS
Bennorth, Katie 34-1.5 Lakeland Regional HS
Ra, Gabriella 33-11 River Dell HS
Turschmann, Emily 33-7.75 River Dell HS
Kalvani, Ashna 33-6.75 NV - Demarest HS
Alden, Maura 32-4 Pascack Hills HS
Terranova, Cali 32-3 Elmwood Park HS
Hecker, Jordan 32-1.25 NV - Demarest HS
Argenziano, Liz 31-10.75 NV - Demarest HS
McNeill, Kayleigh 31-7 Ramsey HS
Medunick, Morgan 31-5.5 Newton HS
Sachs, Ella 31-5 Hawthorne HS
Robinson, Isabelle 31-4.5 Hawthorne HS
McQueeney, Grace 31-3.25 River Dell HS
Alves, Leah 31-1 Hawthorne HS
Strasser, Sierra 30-6 Newton HS
Kulesha, Irina 30-1.75 Lakeland Regional HS
Hamilton, Cassie 29-9 Sussex County Tech
Kriz, Kathryn 29-6.5 Ramsey HS
Wikfors, Libby 29-5 Pascack Hills HS
Calayan, Diandra 29-4 Pequannock HS
Parrella, Cristina 29-1.75 NV - Demarest HS
Mora, Leah 29-0 West Milford HS
Rossi, Alex 28-11.5 Ramsey HS
Freideman, Madison 28-10.25 West Milford HS
Alderson, Grace 28-9.5 Lenape Valley HS
Schuddeboom, Mia 28-9.25 Lenape Valley HS
Youn, Catherine 28-3 Glen Rock HS
Ortega, Chaya 27-11 High Point Reg. HS
Ge, Olivia 26-2.25 Pascack Hills HS
Whitesell, Emma 25-1 High Point Reg. HS
Krol, Gabby Pascack Hills HS
Keane, Katherine Ramsey HS
Monico, Katie Ramsey HS
Sames, Vasilia NV - Demarest HS
Schoenberg, Marisa River Dell HS
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Group 3 Boys 1,600 Meter Run 74 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Monaco, Carter Northern Highlands Reg. HS
DiVincent, Thomas Ramapo HS
Connell, Samuel NV - Old Tappan HS
Wolmer, Jacob Tenafly HS
Feehan, Stevie Ramapo HS
Burke, Will Morris Knolls HS
Stone, Nathan Passaic Valley HS
Ferrara, Luc NV - Old Tappan HS
Rodman, Jacob Tenafly HS
Gencarelli, Sal Wayne Valley HS
Belkhayat, Ibrahim Garfield HS
Rome, Max Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Pomeranz, Ben Tenafly HS
Keary, Chris Ramapo HS
Oidor, Alfredo Garfield HS
Schulz, Thomas 4:22.61 Roxbury HS
Mullan, Albin 4:24.58 Morris Hills HS
Horgan, Alex 4:25.15 Ramapo HS
Pena, Ryan 4:35.04 Wayne Valley HS
Hatano, Steven 4:36.84 NV - Old Tappan HS
Hajel, Nathaniel 4:36.91 Roxbury HS
Hymans, Bobby 4:38.93 Ramapo HS
Uram, Jaden 4:39.21 Tenafly HS
Malora, Matthew 4:40.05 NV - Old Tappan HS
Bruseo, Brayden 4:42.69 Morris Knolls HS
Macejka, Anthony 4:43.88 Indian Hills HS
Gologorsky, Daniel 4:43.91 Montville Twp. HS
Maraziti, Jack 4:44.72 Sparta HS
Stephen, Caleb 4:45.36 Roxbury HS
McOgons, Arthur 4:45.75 Montville Twp. HS
Atlas, Zach 4:45.97 West Essex HS
Carney, Thomas 4:46.31 Morris Knolls HS
Navarro, Kevin 4:46.56 Garfield HS
Klarreich, Jack 4:47.26 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Johnson, Gabriel 4:47.49 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Schagelin, Luke 4:47.57 Morris Knolls HS
Pizzella, Michael 4:47.97 Pascack Valley HS
Rau, Akshay 4:48.50 Morris Hills HS
Hernandez, Carlos 4:49.49 Garfield HS
Esmeraldino, Steven 4:49.76 Morris Hills HS
Alepa, Chris 4:50.21 Pascack Valley HS
Yu, Ryan 4:50.46 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Capala, Max 4:51.84 Morris Knolls HS
Somppi, Nate 4:52.06 Ramapo HS
Jarrell, Remson 4:53.54 Sparta HS
Ortiz, Andrew 4:54.48 Montville Twp. HS
Scroble, Patrick 4:55.33 Wayne Hills HS
Tong, Alex 4:55.84 Morris Hills HS
Park, Isaiah 4:56.66 Paramus HS
Hajel, Matthew 4:56.97 Roxbury HS
Delgado, Michael 4:57.13 Teaneck HS
Matthews, Sean 4:57.18 Wayne Valley HS
Symons, Casey 4:58.64 NV - Old Tappan HS
Stacks, Avery 4:59.77 Teaneck HS
Weiss, Jared 5:01.64 Roxbury HS
Garrity, Steven 5:02.45 Passaic Valley HS
Khan, Zaki 5:02.60 Tenafly HS
McGreevey, Ian 5:03.13 NV - Old Tappan HS
Rodas, Eduardo 5:03.92 Passaic Valley HS
Esak, Trey 5:05.10 Indian Hills HS
Langbaum, Justin 5:05.69 Wayne Hills HS
Krumerman, Aidan 5:06.61 Tenafly HS
Lane, Anthony 5:06.62 Sparta HS
Sohn, Jeffery 5:06.83 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Brim, Ryan 5:07.58 Wayne Hills HS
Braver, Russell 5:08.64 Indian Hills HS
Califf, Matthew 5:09.91 Wayne Valley HS
Whitney, Elliot 5:13.77 Passaic Valley HS
Lechguar, Akram 5:15.94 Passaic Valley HS
Hajel, Jeremy 5:15.98 Roxbury HS
Wala, Peter 5:19.64 Garfield HS
Novembre, Jon 5:20.91 Wayne Hills HS
Lee, Sean 5:25.76 Garfield HS
Flowers, Ramon 5:26.86 Teaneck HS
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Group 3 Boys 100 Meter Dash 70 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Calarco, Austin Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Lim, Hweeho Roxbury HS
Samarro, Michael Ramapo HS
Coffee, Jordan Teaneck HS
Carvajal, Manuel Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Garza, Hector Wayne Hills HS
Kim, Daniel NV - Old Tappan HS
rojas, gael Teaneck HS
Cassanova, Matthew Wayne Valley HS
Mensah, Jaden Teaneck HS
Madison, Zach Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Kerin, Connor Ramapo HS
Redden, Nehemiah Passaic Valley HS
Duffus, Aidan Ramapo HS
Grusser, Jack 11.28 Ramapo HS
Bryan, Clayton 11.30 Roxbury HS
Fletcher, Ryan 11.33 Dwight Morrow HS
Thomas, Ronald 11.33 Dwight Morrow HS
Baratta, JC 11.35 NV - Old Tappan HS
Uchida, Kenny 11.36 Tenafly HS
Litchult, Matthew 11.37 Indian Hills HS
Shimabuku, Ken 11.41 Montville Twp. HS
Fokuoh-Mensah, Dyllon 11.45 Bergenfield HS
Turner, David 11.47 Morris Hills HS
Marcelo, Matt 11.49 Indian Hills HS
Ramirez, Kevin 11.52 Teaneck HS
Krystiniak, Ryan 11.58 NV - Old Tappan HS
Hajal, Alex 11.61 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Czerepak, Luke 11.62 Ramapo HS
Braun, Michael 11.64 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Stewart, Lacquan 11.66 Bergenfield HS
Dawson, Joe 11.69 Morris Hills HS
Tryon, Justin 11.69 Morris Knolls HS
Arjona, Enzo 11.69 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Meribe, Jayson 11.72 Roxbury HS
Muoio, Vincent 11.77 Passaic Valley HS
Heaney, Aidan 11.78 NV - Old Tappan HS
Gonzalez, Eddionel 11.80 Passaic Valley HS
Kennedy, Tyler 11.80 Roxbury HS
Moore, CJ 11.83 Morris Knolls HS
Scordato, Will 11.86 Ramapo HS
Morales, Brandon 11.89 Roxbury HS
Diaz Viola, Caleb 11.93 Morris Hills HS
Blackwell, Laron 11.94 Morris Knolls HS
Wong, Ryan 12.03 Morris Knolls HS
Gruben, Michael 12.04 Montville Twp. HS
Anaemeje, Adrian 12.06 Wayne Valley HS
Youm, David 12.07 Sparta HS
Moorer, Jordan 12.08 Dwight Morrow HS
Cerra, Robert 12.13 Sparta HS
Caba, Alex 12.16 Teaneck HS
Vitulli, Dominick 12.19 West Essex HS
Murphy, Callan 12.19 Morris Knolls HS
Fragomeni, Peter 12.20 Montville Twp. HS
LaRusso, Aidan 12.20 Wayne Hills HS
Szabo, Luke 12.25 Sparta HS
Gencarelli, Gianni 12.25 West Essex HS
Bula, Andy 12.27 Passaic Valley HS
Mercurio, Joe 12.27 Pascack Valley HS
Ryu, James 12.30 Wayne Hills HS
Bastos, Elijah 12.34 Morris Knolls HS
Bhuiyan, Hasan 12.43 Passaic Valley HS
Messina, Nick 12.44 Pascack Valley HS
Sabeh, Andrew 12.45 Wayne Hills HS
Longo, Nick 12.49 Indian Hills HS
Kim, William 12.50 Pascack Valley HS
Collito, Anthony 12.57 West Essex HS
Casey, Trey 12.86 Wayne Valley HS
Rodriguez, Jordan 12.87 Passaic Valley HS
Mondestin, Justin 12.94 Wayne Valley HS
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Group 3 Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Soto, Jason Wayne Valley HS
Skutnik, Nathanial Roxbury HS
Kim, Jack Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Amoroso, Nicholas 14.91 Montville Twp. HS
Lim, Hweeho 15.08 Roxbury HS
DuPree Kemp, Cameron 15.11 Morris Knolls HS
Blackwell, Laron 15.12 Morris Knolls HS
Chicketano, Anthony 15.50 Wayne Valley HS
Joung, Daniel 15.71 Tenafly HS
Tomes, William 15.75 Passaic Valley HS
Conover, Kevin 16.24 Morris Knolls HS
Santiago, Diego 16.24 Ramapo HS
Victoria, Tavi 16.62 Passaic Valley HS
Jusma, Sebastian 16.63 Teaneck HS
Beifus, Liam 16.71 Morris Hills HS
Carollo, Joey 17.08 Ramapo HS
Rinaldo, Joseph 17.13 Wayne Hills HS
Bastos, Elijah 17.14 Morris Knolls HS
Madison, Zach 17.56 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Markovski, Connor 17.78 Morris Hills HS
Brooks, Evan 17.87 NV - Old Tappan HS
Saric, Goran 17.87 NV - Old Tappan HS
Palma, Gregory 18.41 Morris Knolls HS
Kiame, Neil 18.86 Wayne Valley HS
Polidoro, Garrett 18.93 NV - Old Tappan HS
Ryan, Jake 19.05 Wayne Valley HS
Harrison, Gabriel 19.43 Sparta HS
Miller, Jackson 19.66 Morris Hills HS
Scheidecker, Kyle 19.87 Morris Hills HS
Iacovo, Nicolas 20.33 Passaic Valley HS
Scheidecker, Eric 20.85 Morris Hills HS
Golden, John 23.26 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Scielzo, Anthony 25.80 Passaic Valley HS
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Group 3 Boys 200 Meter Dash 71 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Serrao, Paul Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Reiser, William Tenafly HS
Supple, John Pascack Valley HS
Mensah, Jaden Teaneck HS
Carvajal, Manuel Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Skead, John Ramapo HS
Kim, Daniel NV - Old Tappan HS
Supple, Michael Pascack Valley HS
Kerin, Connor Ramapo HS
Moorer, Jordan Dwight Morrow HS
DeMilia, Daniel Pascack Valley HS
Bryan, Clayton Roxbury HS
Babe, Joshua 21.69 Morris Hills HS
Anderson, Donavan 22.05 Bergenfield HS
Grusser, Jack 22.50 Ramapo HS
Cortez, Juan 22.68 Morris Hills HS
Litchult, Matthew 22.77 Indian Hills HS
Uchida, Kenny 23.01 Tenafly HS
Thomas, Ronald 23.02 Dwight Morrow HS
Fokuoh-Mensah, Dyllon 23.03 Bergenfield HS
Baratta, JC 23.03 NV - Old Tappan HS
Gonzalez, Eddionel 23.09 Passaic Valley HS
Muoio, Vincent 23.27 Passaic Valley HS
Turner, David 23.29 Morris Hills HS
Sembrat, Schafer 23.35 Roxbury HS
Braun, Michael 23.36 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Duffus, Aidan 23.39 Ramapo HS
Czerepak, Luke 23.47 Ramapo HS
Krystiniak, Ryan 23.61 NV - Old Tappan HS
Marcelo, Matt 23.63 Indian Hills HS
Meribe, Jayson 23.71 Roxbury HS
Hurley, Anthony 23.72 Montville Twp. HS
Stewart, Lacquan 23.73 Bergenfield HS
Arjona, Enzo 23.78 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Blackwell, Laron 23.79 Morris Knolls HS
Cerra, Robert 23.82 Sparta HS
Garza, Hector 23.83 Wayne Hills HS
Caba, Alex 23.86 Teaneck HS
DuPree Kemp, Cameron 23.87 Morris Knolls HS
Morales, Brandon 23.98 Roxbury HS
Iacovo, Nicolas 24.00 Passaic Valley HS
Mercurio, Joe 24.02 Pascack Valley HS
Shimabuku, Ken 24.02 Montville Twp. HS
Samarro, Michael 24.05 Ramapo HS
MacLaren, Dhylan 24.05 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Tacchi, Ryan 24.07 NV - Old Tappan HS
Heaney, Aidan 24.07 NV - Old Tappan HS
Ramirez, Kevin 24.09 Teaneck HS
Dawson, Joe 24.13 Morris Hills HS
McGriff, Solomon 24.15 Roxbury HS
Redden, Nehemiah 24.16 Passaic Valley HS
Kennedy, Tyler 24.35 Roxbury HS
Moore, CJ 24.42 Morris Knolls HS
Fragomeni, Peter 24.44 Montville Twp. HS
LaRusso, Aidan 24.51 Wayne Hills HS
Szabo, Luke 24.55 Sparta HS
Wong, Ryan 24.58 Morris Knolls HS
Murphy, Callan 24.62 Morris Knolls HS
Tryon, Justin 24.95 Morris Knolls HS
Speiser, Gabe 25.06 Indian Hills HS
Youm, David 25.07 Sparta HS
Ryu, James 25.23 Wayne Hills HS
Calarco, Austin 25.36 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Ailara, Connor 25.52 Sparta HS
Cassanova, Matthew 25.64 Wayne Valley HS
Messina, Nick 25.76 Pascack Valley HS
rojas, gael 25.99 Teaneck HS
Fletcher, Ryan 26.27 Dwight Morrow HS
Hall, Cordon 26.52 Wayne Valley HS
Rodriguez, Jordan 26.68 Passaic Valley HS
Bula, Andy 27.56 Passaic Valley HS
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Group 3 Boys 3,200 Meter Run 52 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McGreevey, Ian NV - Old Tappan HS
Macejka, Anthony Indian Hills HS
Sohn, Jeffery Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Keary, Chris Ramapo HS
Weiss, Jared Roxbury HS
Burke, Will Morris Knolls HS
Rodman, Jacob Tenafly HS
Ogle, Gannon Ramapo HS
Connell, Samuel NV - Old Tappan HS
Capala, Max Morris Knolls HS
Khan, Zaki Tenafly HS
Shenkman, Jake Montville Twp. HS
Stone, Nathan Passaic Valley HS
Oidor, Alfredo Garfield HS
Stephen, Caleb Roxbury HS
Hymans, Bobby 10:03.52 Ramapo HS
Mullan, Albin 10:08.30 Morris Hills HS
Hajel, Nathaniel 10:08.91 Roxbury HS
Rau, Akshay 10:18.51 Morris Hills HS
Hatano, Steven 10:26.35 NV - Old Tappan HS
Phillips, Daniel 10:26.41 Indian Hills HS
Bruseo, Brayden 10:31.12 Morris Knolls HS
Uram, Jaden 10:31.44 Tenafly HS
Somppi, Nate 10:33.42 Ramapo HS
Hajel, Matthew 10:34.89 Roxbury HS
Hernandez, Carlos 10:35.58 Garfield HS
Klarreich, Jack 10:37.18 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Vogel, Jackson 10:37.36 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Jarrell, Remson 10:38.75 Sparta HS
Johnson, Gabriel 10:39.28 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Ferrara, Luc 10:40.01 NV - Old Tappan HS
Pomeranz, Ben 10:41.26 Tenafly HS
Symons, Casey 10:43.90 NV - Old Tappan HS
Langbaum, Justin 10:46.15 Wayne Hills HS
Flannery, Edward 10:47.93 Sparta HS
Vallarta, Avery 10:49.36 Wayne Hills HS
Matthews, Sean 10:50.32 Wayne Valley HS
Monaco, Carter 10:50.93 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Gummere, Brian 10:52.96 Indian Hills HS
Brim, Ryan 11:02.95 Wayne Hills HS
Schagelin, Luke 11:04.32 Morris Knolls HS
Tong, Alex 11:06.28 Morris Hills HS
Lane, Anthony 11:06.48 Sparta HS
Garrity, Steven 11:15.34 Passaic Valley HS
Rodas, Eduardo 11:17.11 Passaic Valley HS
Lechguar, Akram 11:31.63 Passaic Valley HS
Hyatt, Hogan 11:55.96 Morris Knolls HS
Gencarelli, Sal 12:02.59 Wayne Valley HS
Araya, Emiliano 12:19.11 Teaneck HS
Schulz, Thomas 9:35.93 Roxbury HS
Horgan, Alex 9:48.54 Ramapo HS
Wolmer, Jacob 9:58.30 Tenafly HS
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Group 3 Boys 400 Meter Dash 62 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Saric, Goran NV - Old Tappan HS
Gurkovic, Maxwel Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Leocata, Ryan NV - Old Tappan HS
Skutnik, Nathanial Roxbury HS
Manikantan, Sanjay Morris Hills HS
Mensah, Jaden Teaneck HS
Hurley, Anthony Montville Twp. HS
Flynn, Harrison Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Saltz, Jarred Morris Hills HS
DiVincent, Thomas Ramapo HS
Redden, Nehemiah Passaic Valley HS
Kennedy, Tyler Roxbury HS
Ramirez, Kevin Teaneck HS
Bodart, Dylan Ramapo HS
Darragh, Dylan 1:02.29 Wayne Hills HS
Mulroony, Tyler 1:03.86 Passaic Valley HS
Babe, Joshua 48.33 Morris Hills HS
Cortez, Juan 49.27 Morris Hills HS
Wallace, Domenick 49.59 Morris Hills HS
Anderson, Donavan 50.03 Bergenfield HS
Sembrat, Schafer 51.21 Roxbury HS
Baratta, JC 52.16 NV - Old Tappan HS
Fokuoh-Mensah, Dyllon 52.25 Bergenfield HS
Santiago, Diego 52.31 Ramapo HS
Supple, Michael 52.31 Pascack Valley HS
Garza, Hector 52.46 Wayne Hills HS
Grayson, Liam 52.54 Morris Hills HS
Martin, Elijah 52.63 Dwight Morrow HS
MacLaren, Dhylan 52.71 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
McGriff, Solomon 52.90 Roxbury HS
Malora, Matthew 52.92 NV - Old Tappan HS
Muoio, Vincent 52.93 Passaic Valley HS
Kalkandelen, Deniz 53.65 Indian Hills HS
Cerra, Robert 53.66 Sparta HS
Hascup, Colin 53.68 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Caba, Alex 53.84 Teaneck HS
Costa, Dan 53.99 Ramapo HS
Bloomfield, Javoun 54.01 Passaic Valley HS
Wong, Ryan 54.03 Morris Knolls HS
Iacovo, Nicolas 54.22 Passaic Valley HS
Annis, Max 54.27 Roxbury HS
Tacchi, Ryan 54.36 NV - Old Tappan HS
Placide, Bertin 54.40 Dwight Morrow HS
Skead, John 54.48 Ramapo HS
Braun, Michael 54.59 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Spillane, Tyler 54.67 Morris Knolls HS
Carney, Thomas 54.74 Morris Knolls HS
Sosa, Diego 54.79 Roxbury HS
Hashadourian, Jack 54.83 Pascack Valley HS
Kim, Daniel 54.90 NV - Old Tappan HS
Ruggiero, Matt 55.13 Indian Hills HS
Fragomeni, Peter 55.13 Montville Twp. HS
George, Robert 55.51 Montville Twp. HS
Reiser, William 55.86 Tenafly HS
Tryon, Justin 56.43 Morris Knolls HS
Ailara, Connor 56.61 Sparta HS
Carvajal, Manuel 56.88 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
McKenna, Ryan 56.89 Ramapo HS
Sirot, Tyler 57.93 Wayne Hills HS
Sinha, Anshul 58.62 Wayne Hills HS
Soto, Jonathan 58.77 Wayne Valley HS
Hall, Cordon 58.88 Wayne Valley HS
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Group 3 Boys 400 Meter Hurdles 42 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lateano, Dante Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Ziolkowski, Connor Montville Twp. HS
Garcia, Reyjosiah Teaneck HS
Braun, Michael Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Skutnik, Nathanial Roxbury HS
Carvajal, Manuel Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Washington, Xavier Teaneck HS
Richardson, Rashaad Teaneck HS
Beifus, Liam 1:00.00 Morris Hills HS
Kim, Daniel 1:00.30 NV - Old Tappan HS
Bastos, Elijah 1:00.89 Morris Knolls HS
Iacovo, Nicolas 1:01.13 Passaic Valley HS
Annis, Max 1:01.95 Roxbury HS
Palma, Gregory 1:02.50 Morris Knolls HS
Victoria, Tavi 1:02.51 Passaic Valley HS
Scielzo, Anthony 1:02.54 Passaic Valley HS
Jusma, Sebastian 1:02.77 Teaneck HS
Supple, Michael 1:02.78 Pascack Valley HS
Markovski, Connor 1:02.94 Morris Hills HS
Frederick, Jake 1:03.01 Indian Hills HS
Rinaldo, Joseph 1:03.32 Wayne Hills HS
Polidoro, Garrett 1:03.33 NV - Old Tappan HS
Bodart, Dylan 1:03.42 Ramapo HS
Kiame, Neil 1:03.72 Wayne Valley HS
Carollo, Joey 1:04.01 Ramapo HS
Brooks, Evan 1:04.53 NV - Old Tappan HS
Olmsted, Carter 1:06.46 Roxbury HS
Kuzmich, Alexander 1:07.02 Morris Hills HS
Soto, Jason 1:07.43 Wayne Valley HS
Sinha, Anshul 1:07.73 Wayne Hills HS
Dolan, Jack 1:08.83 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Gotian, Isaac 1:09.07 Wayne Hills HS
Ryan, Jake 1:09.41 Wayne Valley HS
Harrison, Gabriel 1:11.19 Sparta HS
Cassese, Joseph 1:14.18 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Amoroso, Nicholas 55.56 Montville Twp. HS
DuPree Kemp, Cameron 56.67 Morris Knolls HS
Soriano, Jessier 57.40 Passaic Valley HS
Sembrat, Schafer 58.21 Roxbury HS
Saric, Goran 58.85 NV - Old Tappan HS
MacLaren, Dhylan 59.08 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Santiago, Diego 59.14 Ramapo HS
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Group 3 Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Pascack Valley HS
Relay Team A 43.47 Morris Hills HS
Relay Team A 44.27 Dwight Morrow HS
Relay Team A 44.63 Roxbury HS
Relay Team A 44.73 NV - Old Tappan HS
Relay Team A 45.33 Ramapo HS
Relay Team A 45.73 Indian Hills HS
Relay Team A 45.93 Morris Knolls HS
Relay Team A 46.11 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Relay Team A 46.59 Teaneck HS
Relay Team A 47.23 Passaic Valley HS
Relay Team A 49.45 Wayne Valley HS
Relay Team A 49.82 Wayne Hills HS
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Group 3 Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:20.02 Morris Hills HS
Relay Team A 3:32.16 NV - Old Tappan HS
Relay Team A 3:33.48 Roxbury HS
Relay Team A 3:33.53 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Relay Team A 3:34.65 Ramapo HS
Relay Team A 3:35.04 Passaic Valley HS
Relay Team A 3:40.00 Pascack Valley HS
Relay Team A 3:40.11 Morris Knolls HS
Relay Team A 3:41.94 Indian Hills HS
Relay Team A 3:42.16 Sparta HS
Relay Team A 3:42.40 Teaneck HS
Relay Team A 3:42.52 Wayne Hills HS
Relay Team A 3:47.71 Wayne Valley HS
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Group 3 Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Garfield HS
Relay Team A 8:11.71 Morris Hills HS
Relay Team A 8:16.55 Ramapo HS
Relay Team A 8:22.78 NV - Old Tappan HS
Relay Team A 8:37.23 Roxbury HS
Relay Team A 8:43.50 Passaic Valley HS
Relay Team A 8:44.37 Morris Knolls HS
Relay Team A 8:54.02 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Relay Team A 8:54.39 Indian Hills HS
Relay Team A 8:55.11 Wayne Valley HS
Relay Team A 9:12.01 Sparta HS
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Group 3 Boys 800 Meter Run 69 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sohn, Jeffery Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Califf, Matthew Wayne Valley HS
Symons, Casey NV - Old Tappan HS
Garcia, Reyjosiah Teaneck HS
Ferrara, Luc NV - Old Tappan HS
Johnson, Gabriel Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Belkhayat, Ibrahim Garfield HS
Klarreich, Jack Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Oidor, Alfredo Garfield HS
Hatano, Steven NV - Old Tappan HS
Bruseo, Brayden Morris Knolls HS
Hymans, Bobby Ramapo HS
Spillane, Tyler Morris Knolls HS
Novembre, Jon Wayne Hills HS
Somppi, Nate Ramapo HS
Hernandez, Carlos Garfield HS
Wallace, Domenick 1:53.34 Morris Hills HS
Grayson, Liam 1:58.15 Morris Hills HS
Mullan, Albin 1:58.77 Morris Hills HS
Pena, Ryan 1:59.52 Wayne Valley HS
Navarro, Kevin 2:00.58 Garfield HS
Soriano, Jessier 2:00.99 Passaic Valley HS
Schulz, Thomas 2:01.19 Roxbury HS
Malora, Matthew 2:01.79 NV - Old Tappan HS
DiVincent, Thomas 2:02.09 Ramapo HS
Horgan, Alex 2:02.62 Ramapo HS
Carney, Thomas 2:03.04 Morris Knolls HS
Hascup, Colin 2:03.37 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Flynn, Harrison 2:03.66 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Gologorsky, Daniel 2:04.13 Montville Twp. HS
Esmeraldino, Steven 2:04.21 Morris Hills HS
Leocata, Ryan 2:04.24 NV - Old Tappan HS
Munoz, Anthony 2:04.44 Wayne Hills HS
Macejka, Anthony 2:04.54 Indian Hills HS
Whitney, Elliot 2:04.65 Passaic Valley HS
Ingrassia, Alexander 2:04.70 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Maraziti, Jack 2:05.15 Sparta HS
Keary, Chris 2:06.85 Ramapo HS
Capala, Max 2:06.90 Morris Knolls HS
McOgons, Arthur 2:07.37 Montville Twp. HS
Stephen, Caleb 2:07.39 Roxbury HS
Oates, Connor 2:07.83 Pascack Valley HS
Batista, Javian 2:09.43 Bergenfield HS
Schagelin, Luke 2:09.86 Morris Knolls HS
Ortiz, Andrew 2:09.96 Montville Twp. HS
Park, Isaiah 2:10.22 Paramus HS
Hajel, Nathaniel 2:10.28 Roxbury HS
Kalkandelen, Deniz 2:10.48 Indian Hills HS
Annis, Max 2:10.69 Roxbury HS
Scielzo, Anthony 2:11.19 Passaic Valley HS
Sosa, Diego 2:11.37 Roxbury HS
Connell, Samuel 2:11.56 NV - Old Tappan HS
Scroble, Patrick 2:11.69 Wayne Hills HS
Stacks, Avery 2:11.97 Teaneck HS
Burke, Will 2:12.22 Morris Knolls HS
Byrnes, Jonathan 2:12.87 Sparta HS
Rodas, Eduardo 2:12.96 Passaic Valley HS
Bates, Daniel 2:13.18 Sparta HS
Atlas, Zach 2:13.87 West Essex HS
Hernandez, Ricardo 2:14.32 Wayne Hills HS
Kamm, Colin 2:15.02 Indian Hills HS
Ramirez, Jay 2:15.10 Pascack Valley HS
Araya, Emiliano 2:18.06 Teaneck HS
Hajel, Jeremy 2:18.69 Roxbury HS
Delgado, Michael 2:19.82 Teaneck HS
Lee, Robert 2:20.35 Wayne Valley HS
Wala, Peter 2:24.22 Garfield HS
Lee, Sean 2:25.09 Garfield HS
Funiciello, Nino 2:25.95 Wayne Valley HS
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Group 3 Boys Discus 48 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McGarrity, Gavin 157-4 Wayne Valley HS
O'neill, Patrick 151-11 NV - Old Tappan HS
Karibi-Whyte, Daye 140-2 Teaneck HS
Carter, Joshua 139-10 Teaneck HS
Huang, Dylan 137-6 Montville Twp. HS
Renaghan , Jack 125-2 NV - Old Tappan HS
Lara, Raymond 123-11 Morris Knolls HS
Bargiel, Antonio 123-6 Passaic Valley HS
Supple, John 120-7 Pascack Valley HS
Fox, Brandon 120-2 Wayne Valley HS
Paray, Devin 119-7 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Page, Kevin 118-0 Morris Hills HS
Smith, Jake 116-10 NV - Old Tappan HS
Bateman, Zion 115-8 Garfield HS
Carmagnola, Nicholas 112-9 Morris Knolls HS
Figueroa, Julian 111-4 Morris Hills HS
Zuber, Troy 107-1 Wayne Valley HS
Albert, John 107-0 Ramapo HS
Glennon, Aidan 105-11 Montville Twp. HS
Simon, Jamal 103-11 Teaneck HS
Ward, Matthew 102-10 Teaneck HS
Carri, Braeden 102-0 Morris Knolls HS
Squillace, Nicholas 101-7 Ramapo HS
Hascup, Jake 97-2 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Young, Charles 92-1 Morris Knolls HS
Marraero, Christian 91-7 Roxbury HS
Castaneda, Jaidon 90-3 Passaic Valley HS
Dokus, Gabriel 89-6 Morris Knolls HS
Haddouche, Hatem 89-0 Passaic Valley HS
Mulroony, Tyler 87-7 Passaic Valley HS
James, Quincy 86-4 Morris Hills HS
Zhang, Oliver 85-7 Montville Twp. HS
Alarcon, Thomas 85-3 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Hurley, Gianni 84-11 Montville Twp. HS
Hakimi, Tarik 82-4 Montville Twp. HS
Everson, Amir 80-1 Morris Knolls HS
Park, Nathan 79-2 Ramapo HS
Campiglia, Dean 79-0 Roxbury HS
Sabeh, Andrew 73-3 Wayne Hills HS
Terrero, Nicholas 71-4 Roxbury HS
Kovach, Joseph 66-9 Roxbury HS
Garrison, VeRon Dwight Morrow HS
Puccio, Vinny Ramapo HS
Roughgarden, Joe Fred Ramapo HS
McDonald, Benjamin Roxbury HS
Libroia, Alec NV - Old Tappan HS
Ax, Robert Pascack Valley HS
Ramkarran, Justin Teaneck HS
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Group 3 Boys High Jump 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Joung, Daniel 6-0 Tenafly HS
Madison, Zach 6-0 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Lateano, Dante 6-0 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Miller, Jeremy 5-10 Ramapo HS
Whitney, Elliot 5-10 Passaic Valley HS
Redden, Nehemiah 5-10 Passaic Valley HS
McKenna, Ryan 5-8 Ramapo HS
Digeratu, Brian 5-8 Pascack Valley HS
Conover, Kevin 5-8 Morris Knolls HS
Herlihy, Shaun 5-8 NV - Old Tappan HS
DiPasquale, James 5-6 Sparta HS
Saric, Goran 5-6 NV - Old Tappan HS
Jang, Ethan 5-4 Tenafly HS
Gonzalez, Eddionel 5-4 Passaic Valley HS
Robinson, John 5-2 Morris Knolls HS
Brooks, Evan 5-2 NV - Old Tappan HS
Bloomfield, Javoun 5-0 Passaic Valley HS
Pizzella, Michael 5-0 Pascack Valley HS
Sileo, Anthony 5-0 Pascack Valley HS
Ward, Edward Tenafly HS
Stanescu, Stefan Pascack Valley HS
Dobriner, Benjamin Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Diggins, Jack NV - Old Tappan HS
Back to Top

Group 3 Boys Javelin 49 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Huang, Dylan 174-4 Montville Twp. HS
Ryu, Kevin 174-2 NV - Old Tappan HS
Akos, Niko 153-4 NV - Old Tappan HS
Heaney, Dylan 150-7 NV - Old Tappan HS
Dokus, Gabriel 144-1 Morris Knolls HS
King, Grant 143-8 West Essex HS
Ramadan, Ammar 143-6 Morris Hills HS
McDonald, Benjamin 141-8 Roxbury HS
Maltese, Brian 132-9 Garfield HS
Klukowicz, Kevin 128-3 West Essex HS
Simmers, Andrew 127-10 Indian Hills HS
Marraero, Christian 126-7 Roxbury HS
Zhang, Oliver 123-9 Montville Twp. HS
Lee, Andrew 122-1 Paramus HS
Carmagnola, Nicholas 121-1 Morris Knolls HS
Ward, Matthew 120-4 Teaneck HS
Schweizer, Matthew 119-5 Sparta HS
Fox, Brandon 119-2 Wayne Valley HS
Mulroony, Tyler 115-9 Passaic Valley HS
Ramadan, Abubakr 114-7 Passaic Valley HS
Mulkerin, Timothy 114-3 Sparta HS
Puccio, Vinny 114-0 Ramapo HS
Roughgarden, Joe Fred 113-5 Ramapo HS
Carri, Braeden 113-5 Morris Knolls HS
Carter, Joshua 113-2 Teaneck HS
Chia, Ethan 113-2 Tenafly HS
Kovach, Joseph 112-11 Roxbury HS
Park, Nathan 112-8 Ramapo HS
Cisko, Jack 111-6 Sparta HS
Brim, Ryan 111-4 Wayne Hills HS
Laux, Nicholas 108-7 Morris Hills HS
Alarcon, Thomas 108-6 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Leschner , Michael 108-6 Tenafly HS
Fierro, Ben 106-9 Ramapo HS
MacLaren, Dhylan 106-8 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Kearney, Ian 101-7 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Everson, Amir 96-5 Morris Knolls HS
Campiglia, Dean 96-1 Roxbury HS
Alain, Ramy 95-5 Ramapo HS
Colon, Asani 95-5 Teaneck HS
Hurley, Gianni 85-6 Montville Twp. HS
Christensen, Ryan 85-4 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Terrero, Nicholas 84-11 Roxbury HS
Chung, Isaac 81-11 Pascack Valley HS
Saadah, Saleh 76-2 Wayne Valley HS
Lara, Raymond Morris Knolls HS
DuPree Kemp, Cameron Morris Knolls HS
Lateano, Dante Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Scherer, Graydon NV - Old Tappan HS
Back to Top

Group 3 Boys Long Jump 62 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Anderson, Donavan 24-0 Bergenfield HS
Lateano, Dante 21-6.25 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Joung, Daniel 21-3.5 Tenafly HS
Uchida, Kenny 20-9.5 Tenafly HS
Batista, Javian 20-9 Bergenfield HS
Babe, Joshua 20-8.5 Morris Hills HS
Stewart, Lacquan 20-2.75 Bergenfield HS
Heaney, Aidan 20-1 NV - Old Tappan HS
Miller, Jeremy 20-0.5 Ramapo HS
Bassey, Marvellous 19-9 Dwight Morrow HS
Kim, Daniel 19-9 NV - Old Tappan HS
Madison, Zach 19-8 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Coffee, Jordan 19-8 Teaneck HS
Abboud, James 19-7.75 Morris Hills HS
Bloomfield, Javoun 19-2.5 Passaic Valley HS
McDonald, Benjamin 19-2.5 Roxbury HS
Conover, Kevin 19-2.25 Morris Knolls HS
Gencarelli, Gianni 19-1 West Essex HS
Morales, Brandon 19-0 Roxbury HS
Donnelly, Ryan 18-11 Roxbury HS
Thomas, Ronald 18-10.25 Dwight Morrow HS
Redden, Nehemiah 18-10 Passaic Valley HS
Mercurio, Joe 18-9.75 Pascack Valley HS
Wong, Ryan 18-9.5 Morris Knolls HS
Szabo, Luke 18-9.5 Sparta HS
Curcio, Thomas 18-8 Ramapo HS
Jang, Ethan 18-7.5 Tenafly HS
LaRusso, Aidan 18-7 Wayne Hills HS
Duffus, Aidan 18-4.5 Ramapo HS
Herlihy, Shaun 18-4.5 NV - Old Tappan HS
Spillane, Tyler 18-4.25 Morris Knolls HS
Carter, Joshua 18-3.25 Teaneck HS
Hurley, Anthony 18-2.25 Montville Twp. HS
Bhuiyan, Hasan 18-1.5 Passaic Valley HS
Kim, William 17-11.75 Pascack Valley HS
Manikantan, Sanjay 17-11.25 Morris Hills HS
Glennon, Aidan 17-10.75 Montville Twp. HS
Krystiniak, Ryan 17-9 NV - Old Tappan HS
rojas, gael 17-9 Teaneck HS
Murphy, Callan 17-8.5 Morris Knolls HS
Markovski, Connor 17-8 Morris Hills HS
Chicketano, Anthony 17-7 Wayne Valley HS
Vitulli, Dominick 17-7 West Essex HS
Yilmaz, Arikan 17-7 Garfield HS
Sileo, Anthony 17-6 Pascack Valley HS
Olmsted, Carter 17-5 Roxbury HS
DeMilia, Daniel 17-5 Pascack Valley HS
Robinson, John 17-3.5 Morris Knolls HS
DiPasquale, James 17-2.25 Sparta HS
Ziolkowski, Connor 17-1 Montville Twp. HS
Saltz, Jarred 17-0 Morris Hills HS
Casey, Trey 16-7 Wayne Valley HS
Patel, Aryan 16-5 Wayne Valley HS
Arjona, Enzo 15-11 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Iacovo, Nicolas 15-9 Passaic Valley HS
Ryu, James 15-5.25 Wayne Hills HS
Glennon, Emmett 15-1 Montville Twp. HS
Zhang, Oliver 14-8.75 Montville Twp. HS
DuPree Kemp, Cameron Morris Knolls HS
Jasko, Shane Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Faison jr, Alfred Teaneck HS
Gonzalez, Eddionel Passaic Valley HS
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Group 3 Boys Pole Vault 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Herlihy, Shaun 14-0 NV - Old Tappan HS
Robinson, John 11-0 Morris Knolls HS
George, Robert 11-0 Montville Twp. HS
Gologorsky, Daniel 11-0 Montville Twp. HS
Park, Caleb 10-6 NV - Old Tappan HS
Anaemeje, Adrian 10-0 Wayne Valley HS
Kuzmich, Alexander 10-0 Morris Hills HS
DeMarco, Tyler 10-0 NV - Old Tappan HS
Mohideen, Theo 10-0 Montville Twp. HS
Chicketano, Anthony 9-6 Wayne Valley HS
Murphy, Callan 9-6 Morris Knolls HS
Kearney, Ian 9-6 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Diggins, Jack 9-6 NV - Old Tappan HS
Supple, James 9-6 Pascack Valley HS
Bhuiyan, Hasan 9-0 Passaic Valley HS
Garrity, Steven 9-0 Passaic Valley HS
Brookes, Dylan 9-0 Morris Knolls HS
Richards, Christopher 9-0 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Castaneda, Jaidon 8-6 Passaic Valley HS
Madison, Samuel 8-0 Morris Hills HS
Ocelotl, Orlando Pascack Valley HS
Brady, Aidan Teaneck HS
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Group 3 Boys Shot Put 43 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Garrison, VeRon 59-2.75 Dwight Morrow HS
McGarrity, Gavin 52-9.5 Wayne Valley HS
O'neill, Patrick 49-2.75 NV - Old Tappan HS
Renaghan , Jack 48-0 NV - Old Tappan HS
Karibi-Whyte, Daye 46-6.5 Teaneck HS
Smith, Jake 46-0.75 NV - Old Tappan HS
Lara, Raymond 45-3 Morris Knolls HS
Page, Kevin 45-1 Morris Hills HS
Glennon, Aidan 44-0.25 Montville Twp. HS
Bargiel, Antonio 43-9 Passaic Valley HS
Paray, Devin 43-2.75 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
McDonald, Benjamin 43-0.5 Roxbury HS
Marraero, Christian 41-0 Roxbury HS
Zhang, Oliver 40-7.5 Montville Twp. HS
Peterson, Hunter 39-11.5 Sparta HS
Cisko, Jack 39-10.25 Sparta HS
Malaniak, Wade 39-7.5 Morris Hills HS
Albert, John 39-6 Ramapo HS
Huang, Dylan 39-5 Montville Twp. HS
James, Quincy 39-0 Morris Hills HS
Figueroa, Julian 37-11.25 Morris Hills HS
Ostrowski, Nicholas 36-10 Pascack Valley HS
Young, Charles 36-8.25 Morris Knolls HS
Squillace, Nicholas 36-3.5 Ramapo HS
Alarcon, Thomas 36-2.75 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Hascup, Jake 35-11 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Roughgarden, Joe Fred 35-9.25 Ramapo HS
Zuber, Troy 35-6.5 Wayne Valley HS
Carri, Braeden 35-2 Morris Knolls HS
Calvo, Winston 35-1.5 Wayne Valley HS
Dokus, Gabriel 34-7 Morris Knolls HS
Hurley, Gianni 34-5.75 Montville Twp. HS
Simon, Jamal 34-0 Teaneck HS
Everson, Amir 33-11.75 Morris Knolls HS
Elliot, Darius 33-0 Teaneck HS
Campiglia, Dean 31-10.5 Roxbury HS
Blackwell, Laron 31-8 Morris Knolls HS
Terrero, Nicholas 30-5.5 Roxbury HS
Kovach, Joseph 29-3 Roxbury HS
Vialonga, Dale NV - Old Tappan HS
Delaney, Denis NV - Old Tappan HS
Libroia, Alec NV - Old Tappan HS
Fierro, Ben Ramapo HS
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Group 3 Boys Triple Jump 44 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Anderson, Donavan 46-2 Bergenfield HS
Bassey, Marvellous 43-9 Dwight Morrow HS
Saric, Goran 42-6.25 NV - Old Tappan HS
Bloomfield, Javoun 41-8 Passaic Valley HS
Lateano, Dante 41-4 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Redden, Nehemiah 41-3 Passaic Valley HS
Miller, Jeremy 41-0 Ramapo HS
Batista, Javian 40-0.25 Bergenfield HS
Joung, Daniel 39-7.25 Tenafly HS
Bhuiyan, Hasan 39-6.5 Passaic Valley HS
Diggins, Jack 39-5.25 NV - Old Tappan HS
Markovski, Connor 39-4.5 Morris Hills HS
Hurley, Anthony 39-4 Montville Twp. HS
Fokuoh-Mensah, Dyllon 38-6 Bergenfield HS
Brooks, Evan 38-3.5 NV - Old Tappan HS
Spillane, Tyler 38-1.5 Morris Knolls HS
McKenna, Ryan 37-7 Ramapo HS
Conover, Kevin 37-5.25 Morris Knolls HS
Glennon, Aidan 37-2.75 Montville Twp. HS
Szabo, Luke 37-1.5 Sparta HS
Sileo, Anthony 36-8.25 Pascack Valley HS
Saltz, Jarred 36-7.5 Morris Hills HS
Robinson, John 36-7.5 Morris Knolls HS
Gruben, Michael 36-6 Montville Twp. HS
Manikantan, Sanjay 36-3.5 Morris Hills HS
Lee, Ethan 36-1 NV - Old Tappan HS
Francis, Joron 35-9 Morris Hills HS
Coffee, Jordan 35-8 Teaneck HS
Christensen, Ryan 35-5 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Patel, Aryan 34-11 Wayne Valley HS
Dokus, Gabriel 34-6.5 Morris Knolls HS
Carter, Joshua 34-5.75 Teaneck HS
Casey, Trey 33-11 Wayne Valley HS
Moreno, Julian 33-10 Morris Knolls HS
Jasko, Shane 33-2.75 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
DeMaria, Vincent 32-6.5 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Ntansah, Logan 32-6 Wayne Hills HS
Sotomayor, Adriano 31-7.5 Garfield HS
Jang, Ethan Tenafly HS
DuPree Kemp, Cameron Morris Knolls HS
Polidoro, Garrett NV - Old Tappan HS
Faison jr, Alfred Teaneck HS
Gonzalez, Eddionel Passaic Valley HS
Iacovo, Nicolas Passaic Valley HS
Back to Top

Group 3 Girls 1,600 Meter Run 49 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hliboki, Cara NV - Old Tappan HS
Powell, Michaela Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Schneider, Megan Ramapo HS
Schildiner, Sydney Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Johnson, Kristen NV - Old Tappan HS
Lounsbury, Allison 5:10.59 Indian Hills HS
Braver, Brianna 5:12.73 Ramapo HS
Maclaren, Rebecca 5:14.22 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Delgado, Aleia 5:23.39 Morris Hills HS
McDonough, Mylie 5:29.63 Morris Knolls HS
Champagne, Tori 5:30.72 Morris Hills HS
Leathers, Kyla 5:31.42 Wayne Hills HS
Devlin, Aidan 5:35.03 Tenafly HS
Reilly, Jessica 5:37.52 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Latz, Holly 5:38.44 NV - Old Tappan HS
Graham, Chloe 5:40.50 Morris Knolls HS
Bainbridge, Margaret 5:41.22 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Pierson, Abigail 5:41.75 Sparta HS
Schmidt, Haley 5:42.67 Ramapo HS
Keogh, Amelia 5:42.74 Ramapo HS
Weldon, Emma 5:42.80 Morris Knolls HS
Gargiulo, Madison 5:43.23 Roxbury HS
Hain, Lauren 5:43.98 West Essex HS
Rice, Sarah 5:44.51 Roxbury HS
Hynes, Nuala 5:46.57 Sparta HS
Ritter, Autumn 5:47.27 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Bolson, Emily 5:50.53 Wayne Valley HS
Mogensen, Lexi 5:51.77 Tenafly HS
Strauss, Leah 5:52.80 Wayne Hills HS
Harrington, Elizabeth 5:53.94 Roxbury HS
Simpson, Kayleigh 5:57.58 Sparta HS
Criscuolo, Tori 5:58.34 Pascack Valley HS
Dubov, Isabel 5:58.69 Tenafly HS
Grimes, Skye 5:58.97 West Essex HS
Meeks, Ally 5:59.48 NV - Old Tappan HS
Lin, Olivia 6:01.47 Morris Hills HS
Campiglia, Isabella 6:01.81 Roxbury HS
Churchill, Abigail 6:02.74 Indian Hills HS
Daskalova, Gabriella 6:05.91 Roxbury HS
Cheesman, Sophie 6:07.55 Tenafly HS
Tam, Elisabeth 6:10.67 Montville Twp. HS
Vazquez, Isabella 6:12.62 Wayne Valley HS
Frankiewicz, Jessica 6:16.39 Garfield HS
Maybeck, Alyssa 6:18.01 Indian Hills HS
Coronado-Luz, Auriella 6:18.72 Passaic Valley HS
Collado, Arianna 6:26.73 Garfield HS
Cazimoska, Selma 6:39.51 Garfield HS
Cronin, Kaitlyn 6:46.53 Passaic Valley HS
Alva, Jeannie 7:20.72 Passaic Valley HS
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Group 3 Girls 100 Meter Dash 61 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Meeks, Kate NV - Old Tappan HS
Lee, Hana Tenafly HS
Alva, Maya Passaic Valley HS
McNamara, Bree NV - Old Tappan HS
Almazi, Marissa Wayne Valley HS
Albarella, Elizabeth Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Theuerkauf, Rylie Tenafly HS
Vernieri, Sophia Ramapo HS
Romanov, Victoria Tenafly HS
Kilkeary, Eileen Roxbury HS
Ghahyazi, Shanaz Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Dennis, Abigail 12.61 NV - Old Tappan HS
Blakeslee, Kyra 12.62 Wayne Hills HS
Beaver, Rebecca 12.77 Tenafly HS
Bennett, Belle 12.95 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Anzaldo, Izzie 12.95 Ramapo HS
Connolly, Shannon 13.06 Pascack Valley HS
Lander, Cortney 13.11 Ramapo HS
Knowles, Jenaliah 13.12 Bergenfield HS
Meribe, Danielle 13.22 Roxbury HS
Feeley, Hannah 13.22 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
DeLosSantos, Olivia 13.23 Tenafly HS
Contella, Cassandra 13.32 Wayne Hills HS
De, Anusha 13.34 Tenafly HS
Bradley, Willow 13.38 Roxbury HS
Kosiorowski, Emma 13.39 Morris Knolls HS
Slayne, Braden 13.40 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Stewart, Tyonna 13.42 Dwight Morrow HS
Brady, Megan 13.43 Morris Knolls HS
Clark, Erin 13.49 Wayne Valley HS
Milevski, Ava 13.49 Wayne Hills HS
Alstede, Nicolette 13.56 Roxbury HS
Silfies, Claire 13.57 Roxbury HS
Liput, Joanna 13.57 Wayne Valley HS
Carril, Natalie 13.58 NV - Old Tappan HS
Anvar, Neha 13.68 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Flores, Audrey 13.70 Montville Twp. HS
Megaro, Chloe 13.75 Montville Twp. HS
Ricco, Jessica 13.75 Pascack Valley HS
Murphy, Shaelin 13.76 Sparta HS
Bangs, Sydney 13.82 Ramapo HS
Morgenstond, Emily 13.84 Morris Hills HS
Izzi, Ella 13.87 Roxbury HS
Schmidt, Kendall 13.90 Ramapo HS
Venning, Aiyanna 13.92 Morris Knolls HS
Godfrey, Emma 13.95 Montville Twp. HS
Richardson, Angelique 13.95 Dwight Morrow HS
Silverman, Carli 14.00 Ramapo HS
Funiciello, Maria 14.05 Wayne Valley HS
Wilson, Julia 14.06 Sparta HS
Bergen, Avarie 14.07 Indian Hills HS
Rosolanko, Kaitlyn 14.25 Indian Hills HS
Gaines, Catherine 14.36 Sparta HS
Kim, Katie 14.39 NV - Old Tappan HS
Vielee, Jordan 14.67 Montville Twp. HS
Koman, Lauren 14.73 Passaic Valley HS
Cash, Alexa 14.77 Montville Twp. HS
Simpson, Amani 15.67 Passaic Valley HS
Boylan, Sarah 15.80 Passaic Valley HS
Matari, Leila 16.51 Passaic Valley HS
Paul, Sara 16.84 Wayne Valley HS
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Group 3 Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 41 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bryan-Jones, Anna Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Leddy, Rowan NV - Old Tappan HS
Smolyak, Julia Tenafly HS
Byrne, Gwendolyn Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Ward, Mackenzie NV - Old Tappan HS
Kluev, Varya Tenafly HS
Hamilton, Faith Ramapo HS
Branch, Zoe Teaneck HS
Hughes, Christina 15.87 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Jackson, Natalie 16.00 Ramapo HS
Bennett, Belle 16.35 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Hills, Sarah 16.50 Roxbury HS
Liput, Joanna 16.78 Wayne Valley HS
Bergman, Nicole 16.93 Wayne Hills HS
Lee, Morgan 17.21 West Essex HS
Kunisch, Caitlyn 17.23 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Cahill, Alexandra 17.33 Ramapo HS
Acosta, Alicia 17.35 NV - Old Tappan HS
Philp, Delaney 17.37 Wayne Valley HS
Khanzada, Norina 17.87 Tenafly HS
Kosiorowski, Emma 17.93 Morris Knolls HS
Cappelmann, Lauren 18.02 NV - Old Tappan HS
Hnatiuk, Olivia 18.08 Morris Hills HS
Saladino, Erica 18.16 Morris Knolls HS
Mehnert, Alex 18.28 Wayne Hills HS
Merola, Alexis 18.29 Roxbury HS
Galesi, Julia 18.50 Wayne Hills HS
Markovski, Emma 18.53 Morris Hills HS
Morante, Mackenzie 18.70 Ramapo HS
Stankiewicz, Samantha 19.38 Sparta HS
Joung, Hannah 19.38 Tenafly HS
Lai, Marin 19.43 Ramapo HS
Spinella, Carly 19.47 Indian Hills HS
Matari, Leila 19.50 Passaic Valley HS
Foster, Majia 19.53 Dwight Morrow HS
Koger, Janiya 19.78 Morris Knolls HS
Larkin, Charlotte 19.89 Roxbury HS
Han, Zoe 20.67 Tenafly HS
Alva, Maya 20.94 Passaic Valley HS
Singareddy, Dhriti 21.17 Morris Hills HS
Johnson, Laura 21.93 Sparta HS
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Group 3 Girls 200 Meter Dash 61 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Anvar, Neha Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Newman, Lillian Tenafly HS
Rodrigues, Ashley Morris Hills HS
Ghahyazi, Shanaz Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Bangs, Sydney Ramapo HS
Alva, Maya Passaic Valley HS
Brennan, Melissa NV - Old Tappan HS
Boylan, Sarah Passaic Valley HS
McNamara, Bree NV - Old Tappan HS
Lee, Hana Tenafly HS
Perez, Angelina Passaic Valley HS
Dennis, Abigail 25.22 NV - Old Tappan HS
Vernieri, Sophia 26.12 Ramapo HS
Bennett, Molly 26.13 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Anzaldo, Izzie 26.30 Ramapo HS
Knowles, Jenaliah 26.40 Bergenfield HS
Lander, Cortney 26.53 Ramapo HS
Feeley, Hannah 26.72 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Beaver, Rebecca 26.88 Tenafly HS
Blakeslee, Kyra 26.95 Wayne Hills HS
Connolly, Shannon 27.04 Pascack Valley HS
Slayne, Braden 27.28 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Kosiorowski, Emma 27.32 Morris Knolls HS
Poppe, Erin 27.34 Ramapo HS
Rome, Meredith 27.40 Morris Hills HS
DeLosSantos, Olivia 27.41 Tenafly HS
Carril, Natalie 27.51 NV - Old Tappan HS
Stewart, Tyonna 27.71 Dwight Morrow HS
Flores, Audrey 27.80 Montville Twp. HS
Contella, Cassandra 27.84 Wayne Hills HS
Bennett, Belle 27.91 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Milevski, Ava 27.99 Wayne Hills HS
Silverman, Carli 28.13 Ramapo HS
Alstede, Nicolette 28.36 Roxbury HS
Dietz, Abby 28.46 Roxbury HS
Murphy, Shaelin 28.52 Sparta HS
Cunningham, Mizani 28.59 Garfield HS
Megaro, Chloe 28.76 Montville Twp. HS
Chesney, Brooke 28.79 Indian Hills HS
Russo, Julia 28.83 Morris Hills HS
De, Anusha 28.88 Tenafly HS
Petreska, Angelina 29.01 Morris Knolls HS
Brady, Megan 29.02 Morris Knolls HS
Silfies, Claire 29.04 Roxbury HS
Pascua, Cristina 29.07 Roxbury HS
Young, Deja 29.13 Teaneck HS
Branch, Zoe 29.15 Teaneck HS
Izzi, Ella 29.22 Roxbury HS
Rosolanko, Kaitlyn 29.33 Indian Hills HS
Kilkeary, Eileen 29.61 Roxbury HS
Koman, Lauren 29.63 Passaic Valley HS
Gaines, Catherine 29.64 Sparta HS
Kim, Katie 29.74 NV - Old Tappan HS
Wilson, Julia 29.80 Sparta HS
Slunt, Nicole 29.83 Montville Twp. HS
Kim, Sheryl 30.01 Tenafly HS
Godfrey, Emma 30.40 Montville Twp. HS
Koo, Samantha 30.44 Morris Knolls HS
Vielee, Jordan 30.66 Montville Twp. HS
Simpson, Amani 30.91 Passaic Valley HS
Matari, Leila 31.66 Passaic Valley HS
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Group 3 Girls 3,200 Meter Run 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hliboki, Cara NV - Old Tappan HS
Coronado-Luz, Auriella Passaic Valley HS
Latz, Holly NV - Old Tappan HS
Ritter, Autumn Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Keogh, Amelia Ramapo HS
Powell, Michaela Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Hynes, Nuala Sparta HS
Courtney, Allison Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Delgado, Aleia 11:42.07 Morris Hills HS
Braver, Brianna 11:45.93 Ramapo HS
Champagne, Tori 11:51.63 Morris Hills HS
Reilly, Jessica 11:57.00 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Lounsbury, Allison 11:57.94 Indian Hills HS
Cheesman, Sophie 12:26.21 Tenafly HS
Schildiner, Sydney 12:32.79 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Leathers, Kyla 12:36.41 Wayne Hills HS
Weldon, Emma 12:37.47 Morris Knolls HS
Strauss, Leah 12:46.73 Wayne Hills HS
Vazquez, Isabella 12:56.60 Wayne Valley HS
Gargiulo, Madison 12:58.75 Roxbury HS
Kedzierska, Karolina 12:59.81 Morris Knolls HS
Meeks, Ally 13:03.59 NV - Old Tappan HS
Haag, Analiese 13:13.35 Morris Knolls HS
Campiglia, Isabella 13:17.46 Roxbury HS
Churchill, Abigail 13:17.57 Indian Hills HS
Morris, Emilia 13:37.27 Morris Hills HS
Mathew, Hannah 14:03.32 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Cronin, Kaitlyn 14:07.15 Passaic Valley HS
Daskalova, Gabriella 14:11.66 Roxbury HS
Takach, Erin 14:19.74 Sparta HS
Moriarty, Corinna 14:42.23 Sparta HS
Alva, Jeannie 15:09.28 Passaic Valley HS
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Group 3 Girls 400 Meter Dash 54 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Carril, Natalie NV - Old Tappan HS
Wowkun, Julia Ramapo HS
Bennett, Belle Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Feeley, Hannah Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Cottone, Katharine Passaic Valley HS
Knowles, Jenaliah Bergenfield HS
Perez, Angelina Passaic Valley HS
Wertheimer, Bianca Ramapo HS
Varano, Siena Wayne Hills HS
Meeks, Kate NV - Old Tappan HS
Connolly, Shannon Pascack Valley HS
Schmidt, Kendall Ramapo HS
Hliboki, Cara 1:00.50 NV - Old Tappan HS
Murray, Samantha 1:01.31 Morris Knolls HS
Hnatiuk, Olivia 1:01.94 Morris Hills HS
McNamara, Bree 1:02.06 NV - Old Tappan HS
Dennis, Abigail 1:02.30 NV - Old Tappan HS
Flores, Audrey 1:02.31 Montville Twp. HS
Bryan-Jones, Anna 1:02.52 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Pataki, Hailey 1:03.05 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Lee, Hana 1:03.36 Tenafly HS
Dietz, Abby 1:03.41 Roxbury HS
Crane, Ashley 1:03.80 Sparta HS
Rice, Kate 1:04.19 Roxbury HS
Otero, Chloe 1:04.32 Morris Knolls HS
Proto, Francesca 1:04.32 NV - Old Tappan HS
Slayne, Braden 1:04.72 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Mullaney, Julianna 1:04.76 Pascack Valley HS
Passaglia, Lauren 1:05.02 Wayne Valley HS
Murphy, Shaelin 1:05.32 Sparta HS
Chesney, Brooke 1:05.43 Indian Hills HS
Paul, Sara 1:06.45 Wayne Valley HS
Bush, Grace 1:06.63 Montville Twp. HS
Richardson, Angelique 1:06.72 Dwight Morrow HS
Blakeslee, Talia 1:06.85 Wayne Hills HS
Koman, Lauren 1:07.17 Passaic Valley HS
Slunt, Caroline 1:07.38 Montville Twp. HS
James, Jailyn 1:07.75 Wayne Hills HS
McGowan, Lauren 1:07.94 Roxbury HS
Slunt, Nicole 1:08.07 Montville Twp. HS
Venugopal, Mira 1:08.19 Montville Twp. HS
Romanov, Victoria 1:08.19 Tenafly HS
Simpson, Amani 1:09.41 Passaic Valley HS
Gaines, Catherine 1:09.83 Sparta HS
Vielee, Jordan 1:10.11 Montville Twp. HS
Cammarata, Katherine 1:10.82 Roxbury HS
Norris, Gianna 1:11.59 Roxbury HS
Longo, Christina 1:11.93 Indian Hills HS
Boylan, Sarah 1:12.32 Passaic Valley HS
Bennett, Molly 57.86 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Brookes, Hayley 59.17 Morris Knolls HS
Lander, Cortney 59.22 Ramapo HS
Vernieri, Sophia 59.24 Ramapo HS
Anzaldo, Izzie 59.35 Ramapo HS
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Group 3 Girls 400 Meter Hurdles 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Anvar, Neha Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Hamilton, Faith Ramapo HS
Bennett, Belle Northern Highlands Reg. HS
DeLorenzo, Olivia Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Branch, Zoe Teaneck HS
Cahill, Alexandra Ramapo HS
Bennett, Molly 1:03.58 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Brookes, Hayley 1:04.61 Morris Knolls HS
Bryan-Jones, Anna 1:07.23 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Cottone, Katharine 1:07.60 Passaic Valley HS
Pataki, Hailey 1:07.67 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Murray, Samantha 1:08.43 Morris Knolls HS
Hnatiuk, Olivia 1:08.63 Morris Hills HS
Meeks, Kate 1:09.37 NV - Old Tappan HS
Jackson, Natalie 1:09.88 Ramapo HS
Forcellati, Isabel 1:11.23 Pascack Valley HS
Lee, Arianna 1:11.67 West Essex HS
Maher, Ava 1:12.60 Wayne Valley HS
Acosta, Alicia 1:12.61 NV - Old Tappan HS
Johnson, Kristen 1:13.33 NV - Old Tappan HS
Morante, Mackenzie 1:13.42 Ramapo HS
Loffredo, Rylyn 1:14.05 Wayne Valley HS
Varano, Siena 1:14.54 Wayne Hills HS
McGowan, Lauren 1:14.70 Roxbury HS
Galesi, Julia 1:15.20 Wayne Hills HS
Bergman, Nicole 1:16.16 Wayne Hills HS
Joung, Hannah 1:16.54 Tenafly HS
Kim, Sheryl 1:17.20 Tenafly HS
Albert, Samantha 1:18.53 Tenafly HS
Slunt, Nicole 1:19.30 Montville Twp. HS
Slunt, Caroline 1:19.83 Montville Twp. HS
Lai, Marin 1:20.71 Ramapo HS
Venugopal, Mira 1:21.88 Montville Twp. HS
Alva, Maya 1:27.50 Passaic Valley HS
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Group 3 Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Passaic Valley HS
Relay Team A 50.55 Ramapo HS
Relay Team A 51.69 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Relay Team A 51.79 Tenafly HS
Relay Team A 52.04 Morris Hills HS
Relay Team A 52.09 NV - Old Tappan HS
Relay Team A 52.44 Roxbury HS
Relay Team A 53.70 Wayne Valley HS
Relay Team A 54.31 Wayne Hills HS
Relay Team A 58.66 Montville Twp. HS
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Group 3 Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Teaneck HS
Relay Team A 4:01.90 Ramapo HS
Relay Team A 4:05.39 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Relay Team A 4:08.02 Morris Knolls HS
Relay Team A 4:11.44 NV - Old Tappan HS
Relay Team A 4:13.35 Morris Hills HS
Relay Team A 4:21.75 Wayne Valley HS
Relay Team A 4:22.23 Pascack Valley HS
Relay Team A 4:23.47 Roxbury HS
Relay Team A 4:23.73 Passaic Valley HS
Relay Team A 4:28.27 Wayne Hills HS
Relay Team A 4:33.12 Tenafly HS
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Group 3 Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Tenafly HS
Relay Team A Passaic Valley HS
Relay Team A 10:14.50 NV - Old Tappan HS
Relay Team A 10:38.86 Morris Knolls HS
Relay Team A 10:44.46 Roxbury HS
Relay Team A 11:05.52 Wayne Valley HS
Relay Team A 11:15.62 Pascack Valley HS
Relay Team A 9:55.03 Ramapo HS
Relay Team A 9:58.01 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
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Group 3 Girls 800 Meter Run 55 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Maybeck, Alyssa Indian Hills HS
Bainbridge, Margaret Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Mogensen, Lexi Tenafly HS
McGowan, Lauren Roxbury HS
Braver, Brianna Ramapo HS
Bennett, Molly Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Alva, Jeannie Passaic Valley HS
Meeks, Kate NV - Old Tappan HS
Schmidt, Kendall Ramapo HS
Rana, Deepika Morris Hills HS
Reilly, Jessica Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Albert, Samantha Tenafly HS
Brennan, Melissa NV - Old Tappan HS
Schmidt, Haley Ramapo HS
Hliboki, Cara 2:18.88 NV - Old Tappan HS
Langbaum, Kara 2:19.38 Wayne Hills HS
Schneider, Megan 2:20.75 Ramapo HS
Maclaren, Rebecca 2:20.94 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Wowkun, Julia 2:21.02 Ramapo HS
Proto, Francesca 2:25.75 NV - Old Tappan HS
Rice, Kate 2:26.40 Roxbury HS
Johnson, Kristen 2:27.30 NV - Old Tappan HS
Latz, Holly 2:28.31 NV - Old Tappan HS
Cottone, Katharine 2:29.12 Passaic Valley HS
Courtney, Allison 2:29.46 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Wertheimer, Bianca 2:29.83 Ramapo HS
Powell, Michaela 2:29.88 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Crane, Ashley 2:30.33 Sparta HS
Devlin, Aidan 2:30.85 Tenafly HS
McDonough, Mylie 2:31.93 Morris Knolls HS
Delgado, Aleia 2:31.96 Morris Hills HS
Gargiulo, Madison 2:32.53 Roxbury HS
Rice, Sarah 2:33.36 Roxbury HS
Pierson, Abigail 2:33.49 Sparta HS
Graham, Chloe 2:33.69 Morris Knolls HS
Nash, Nicole 2:35.40 Morris Knolls HS
Kaczmarek, Carolina 2:36.41 Morris Hills HS
Stepien, Kirsten 2:38.79 Wayne Hills HS
Forcellati, Isabel 2:39.87 Pascack Valley HS
Barney, Annelise 2:40.00 Indian Hills HS
Simpson, Kayleigh 2:40.16 Sparta HS
Churchill, Abigail 2:40.45 Indian Hills HS
Slunt, Caroline 2:40.61 Montville Twp. HS
Cazimoska, Selma 2:42.33 Garfield HS
Criscuolo, Tori 2:43.26 Pascack Valley HS
Gorman, Sarah 2:43.51 Montville Twp. HS
Considine, Kay 2:45.53 Tenafly HS
Harrington, Elizabeth 2:45.77 Roxbury HS
Daskalova, Gabriella 2:45.91 Roxbury HS
Jacobson, Hailey 2:47.58 Pascack Valley HS
Greaux-Gist, Dominique 2:49.55 Teaneck HS
Hiraldo, Christine 2:50.33 Dwight Morrow HS
Perez, Angelina 2:50.43 Passaic Valley HS
Coronado-Luz, Auriella 2:51.72 Passaic Valley HS
Greaux-Gist, Jordana 3:01.92 Teaneck HS
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Group 3 Girls Discus 41 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Madonna, Brynn 113-7 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Theuerkauf, Rylie 109-0 Tenafly HS
Meribe, Danielle 105-0 Roxbury HS
Ward, Mackenzie 102-10 NV - Old Tappan HS
Georgiades, Athena 93-3 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Huzien, Faten 91-8 Ramapo HS
Yoo, Sunny 91-4 Paramus HS
Perron, Riley 91-1 Indian Hills HS
Tapia, Isabella 85-3 Tenafly HS
Higgins, Meg 85-2 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Buckley, Chayse 83-4 Wayne Hills HS
Saladino, Erica 83-0 Morris Knolls HS
Bradley, Willow 82-0 Roxbury HS
Giordano, Maya 80-7 NV - Old Tappan HS
Hebbelinck, Elle 80-4 Morris Knolls HS
Forde, Sarah 80-2 Tenafly HS
Fajardo, Alison 79-7 Morris Hills HS
Izzi, Ella 79-5 Roxbury HS
Miske, Ashley 79-2 Roxbury HS
Forcellati, Noelle 79-2 NV - Old Tappan HS
Rogoff, Charlotte 79-2 Sparta HS
Rubin, Gabriela 78-10 Pascack Valley HS
Miller, Madison 77-11 Morris Hills HS
Gorelik, Allison 77-1 Wayne Valley HS
Bird, Rose 76-6 Morris Knolls HS
Vollers, Erin 75-3 Pascack Valley HS
Martin-Moons, Sarah 75-2 Pascack Valley HS
Jaworowski, Julia 66-5 Wayne Hills HS
Ferro, Lizzy 61-0 Ramapo HS
Failla, Ava 59-7 Montville Twp. HS
Kinney, Caitlin 58-9 Ramapo HS
Cummings, Elizabeth 58-5 Wayne Valley HS
Trewhella, Lia 45-5 Passaic Valley HS
Tapia, Sophia Tenafly HS
Giordano, Layla NV - Old Tappan HS
DeBonis, Skylyn NV - Old Tappan HS
Belous, Ashley NV - Old Tappan HS
Petrow, Maddison Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Boyle, Riley Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Carson, Erica Ramapo HS
Ciurciu, Madison Ramapo HS
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Group 3 Girls High Jump 40 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Khanzada, Norina 5-4 Tenafly HS
Theuerkauf, Rylie 5-2 Tenafly HS
Kunisch, Caitlyn 5-2 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Martin, Grace 4-10 Wayne Valley HS
DeLorenzo, Olivia 4-10 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Brady, Megan 4-10 Morris Knolls HS
Hamilton, Faith 4-8 Ramapo HS
Higgins, Meg 4-8 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Murray, Samantha 4-8 Morris Knolls HS
Opper, Reilly 4-6 Roxbury HS
Merola, Alexis 4-6 Roxbury HS
McGowan, Lauren 4-6 Roxbury HS
Kluev, Varya 4-6 Tenafly HS
Pogorelec, Emily 4-6 Wayne Valley HS
Giordano, Layla 4-6 NV - Old Tappan HS
Carril, Natalie 4-6 NV - Old Tappan HS
Allegri, Madelyn 4-6 Wayne Hills HS
Chen, Christina 4-6 Wayne Hills HS
Hatzoglu, Isabella 4-6 Wayne Hills HS
Jackson, Natalie 4-4 Ramapo HS
Robertson, Nicolette 4-4 Ramapo HS
Slunt, Caroline 4-4 Montville Twp. HS
James, Jailyn 4-4 Wayne Hills HS
Perez, Angelina 4-2 Passaic Valley HS
Jang, Sophie 4-2 Tenafly HS
Venugopal, Mira 4-2 Montville Twp. HS
Gorden, Kathryn 4-0 Wayne Hills HS
Annis, Sadie Roxbury HS
Cahill, Alexandra Ramapo HS
Thompson, Bianca Tenafly HS
Han, Zoe Tenafly HS
Simpson, Amani Passaic Valley HS
Dukaj, Zana Pascack Valley HS
Dennis, Abigail NV - Old Tappan HS
Brennan, Melissa NV - Old Tappan HS
Ward, Mackenzie NV - Old Tappan HS
Cappelmann, Lauren NV - Old Tappan HS
Bechtel, Michelle Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Katsikiotis, Zoe Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Criscuolo, Tori Pascack Valley HS
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Group 3 Girls Javelin 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Madonna, Brynn 129-7 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Vito, Daniella 125-0 Montville Twp. HS
Arone, Lindsay 118-11 Ramapo HS
Hughes, Christina 113-4 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Ward, Mackenzie 109-5 NV - Old Tappan HS
Kinney, Caitlin 94-3 Ramapo HS
Forcellati, Noelle 94-3 NV - Old Tappan HS
Oehler, Esmae 90-2 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Wiser, Emma 89-10 Paramus HS
Failla, Ava 88-9 Montville Twp. HS
Gorden, Kathryn 88-0 Wayne Hills HS
Farris, Carla Maria 87-1 Roxbury HS
Hofbauer, Alexandra 86-11 Montville Twp. HS
Kowal, Wiktoria 85-5 Garfield HS
Belous, Ashley 83-8 NV - Old Tappan HS
Young, Deja 82-0 Teaneck HS
Rubin, Gabriela 78-7 Pascack Valley HS
Bodnarchuk, Rachel 76-0 Morris Knolls HS
Daneshvari, Zhalae 72-0 Morris Knolls HS
McDonough, Avery 70-5 Morris Knolls HS
Opper, Hailey 70-0 Roxbury HS
Giordano, Maya 70-0 NV - Old Tappan HS
Godfrey, Emma 69-2 Montville Twp. HS
Lee, Isabella 65-4 Paramus HS
Sodora, Emilie 65-4 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Ferro, Lizzy 62-1 Ramapo HS
Gorelik, Allison 58-7 Wayne Valley HS
Salvia, Donatella 58-6 Roxbury HS
McGowan, Kaitlyn 58-4 Roxbury HS
Miske, Ashley 49-5 Roxbury HS
Trewhella, Lia 47-5 Passaic Valley HS
Giordano, Layla NV - Old Tappan HS
DeBonis, Skylyn NV - Old Tappan HS
Gezdir, Ariana Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Georgiades, Athena Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Carson, Erica Ramapo HS
Ciurciu, Madison Ramapo HS
Back to Top

Group 3 Girls Long Jump 54 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ricco, Jessica 16-11.5 Pascack Valley HS
Meribe, Danielle 16-7 Roxbury HS
Blakeslee, Kyra 16-6.5 Wayne Hills HS
Hughes, Christina 16-3.5 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Khanzada, Norina 16-2 Tenafly HS
Knowles, Jenaliah 16-2 Bergenfield HS
Kunisch, Caitlyn 16-2 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Saladino, Erica 16-1.75 Morris Knolls HS
Abate, Alexis 16-0.5 West Essex HS
Kosiorowski, Emma 15-11 Morris Knolls HS
De, Anusha 15-10.5 Tenafly HS
Giordano, Layla 15-10.5 NV - Old Tappan HS
Clark, Erin 15-6 Wayne Valley HS
Agbo, Adannia 15-4.75 Morris Hills HS
Ward, Mackenzie 15-3.25 NV - Old Tappan HS
Pogorelec, Emily 15-3 Wayne Valley HS
Feeley, Hannah 15-1.5 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Epstein, Madelyn 15-1.25 Morris Hills HS
Alstede, Nicolette 15-1 Roxbury HS
Smolyak, Julia 15-1 Tenafly HS
Brady, Megan 15-0.5 Morris Knolls HS
Enderle, Olivia 15-0 Sparta HS
Acosta, Alicia 14-10 NV - Old Tappan HS
Stankiewicz, Samantha 14-9 Sparta HS
Carril, Natalie 14-7 NV - Old Tappan HS
Young, Deja 14-6 Teaneck HS
McDermott, Madelyn 14-3 Wayne Valley HS
DeLorenzo, Olivia 14-1.25 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Blakeslee, Talia 14-0 Wayne Hills HS
Smith, Reese 13-11.75 Sparta HS
Larkin, Charlotte 13-11.5 Roxbury HS
Cahill, Alexandra 13-11.5 Ramapo HS
Galesi, Julia 13-7 Wayne Hills HS
Failla, Ava 13-6.75 Montville Twp. HS
Pascua, Cristina 13-4.25 Roxbury HS
Igbineweka, Eki 13-4 Teaneck HS
Bade, Jamie 13-4 Pascack Valley HS
Rossinow, Natalie 13-3.75 Montville Twp. HS
Merola, Alexis 13-3.25 Roxbury HS
Perez, Angelina 13-0 Passaic Valley HS
Koslow, Kate 12-7.75 Tenafly HS
Matari, Leila 12-2.75 Passaic Valley HS
Robertson, Nicolette 11-7 Ramapo HS
Simpson, Amani 11-1 Passaic Valley HS
Han, Zoe Tenafly HS
Nevins, Ava Tenafly HS
Philp, Delaney Wayne Valley HS
Martin, Grace Wayne Valley HS
Cappelmann, Lauren NV - Old Tappan HS
Dennis, Abigail NV - Old Tappan HS
Otero, Chloe Morris Knolls HS
Bennett, Belle Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Anvar, Neha Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Lee, Arianna West Essex HS
Back to Top

Group 3 Girls Pole Vault 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Conroy, Randi 11-0 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Merola, Alexis 10-0 Roxbury HS
Lee, Hana 9-6 Tenafly HS
Miller, Emma 9-6 Tenafly HS
Gross, Rebecca 9-6 NV - Old Tappan HS
McDermott, Madelyn 9-0 Wayne Valley HS
Klein, Katie 8-6 NV - Old Tappan HS
Iglesia, Athena 8-6 Teaneck HS
Sandt, Gabrielle 8-6 Pascack Valley HS
Copes, Rowan 8-0 Tenafly HS
Salerno, Angelina 8-0 NV - Old Tappan HS
Tuite, Alexandra 8-0 NV - Old Tappan HS
Bechtel, Michelle 8-0 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Gorden, Kathryn 8-0 Wayne Hills HS
Bennett, Belle 7-0 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Cammarata, Katherine Roxbury HS
Opper, Reilly Roxbury HS
Kim, Joie NV - Old Tappan HS
Regan, Avry NV - Old Tappan HS
Batenhorst, Sarah Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Powell, Ciara Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Adrignolo, Laura Montville Twp. HS
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Group 3 Girls Shot Put 39 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Madonna, Brynn 41-0.25 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Bradley, Willow 38-3 Roxbury HS
Meribe, Danielle 34-10 Roxbury HS
Arone, Lindsay 33-8.5 Ramapo HS
Yoo, Sunny 32-3.5 Paramus HS
Theuerkauf, Rylie 32-1.5 Tenafly HS
Hills, Sarah 31-3.25 Roxbury HS
Giordano, Maya 31-0 NV - Old Tappan HS
Hebbelinck, Elle 30-1.5 Morris Knolls HS
Georgiades, Athena 30-0 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Saladino, Erica 29-11 Morris Knolls HS
Izzi, Ella 29-7 Roxbury HS
Beaver, Rebecca 29-6.5 Tenafly HS
Huzien, Faten 29-6.5 Ramapo HS
Bird, Rose 28-10.25 Morris Knolls HS
Rogoff, Charlotte 28-7.5 Sparta HS
Kilkeary, Eileen 28-0.5 Roxbury HS
Giordano, Layla 28-0 NV - Old Tappan HS
Manansala, Alexandra 27-11.25 Morris Hills HS
Ward, Mackenzie 27-5.25 NV - Old Tappan HS
Fajardo, Alison 26-10.25 Morris Hills HS
Hansen, Elizabeth 26-2.25 Sparta HS
Vollers, Erin 26-1 Pascack Valley HS
Tapia, Sophia 26-0 Tenafly HS
Alarcon, Isabelle 25-10.5 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Green, Tenisha 25-8.75 Morris Hills HS
Considine, Kay 25-4.5 Tenafly HS
Ciurciu, Madison 24-4 Ramapo HS
Forcellati, Noelle 24-3 NV - Old Tappan HS
Tapia, Isabella 23-7.5 Tenafly HS
Ngai, Amy 21-8 Pascack Valley HS
Fragomeni, Ava 20-11.25 Montville Twp. HS
Bravo, Grazielle 20-3.25 Montville Twp. HS
Trewhella, Lia 20-1 Passaic Valley HS
Petrow, Maddison Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Bryan-Jones, Anna Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Boyle, Riley Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Ferro, Lizzy Ramapo HS
Carson, Erica Ramapo HS
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Group 3 Girls Triple Jump 40 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lee, Morgan 34-10 West Essex HS
Hughes, Christina 34-1.5 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Hills, Sarah 33-11 Roxbury HS
Kunisch, Caitlyn 33-8.75 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Theuerkauf, Rylie 33-7.5 Tenafly HS
Agbo, Adannia 33-7 Morris Hills HS
Smolyak, Julia 33-4.75 Tenafly HS
Ricco, Jessica 32-11.25 Pascack Valley HS
Pogorelec, Emily 32-9.5 Wayne Valley HS
Giordano, Layla 32-8 NV - Old Tappan HS
Lee, Arianna 32-5 West Essex HS
McDermott, Madelyn 32-2 Wayne Valley HS
Cahill, Alexandra 32-1.75 Ramapo HS
Khanzada, Norina 31-11 Tenafly HS
Alexander, Mika 31-10.5 Tenafly HS
Markovski, Emma 31-9 Morris Hills HS
Shih, Hannah 31-1.5 Morris Hills HS
Cappelmann, Lauren 30-6.5 NV - Old Tappan HS
Acosta, Alicia 30-4.75 NV - Old Tappan HS
Allegri, Madelyn 30-2.5 Wayne Hills HS
Hatzoglu, Isabella 30-1 Wayne Hills HS
Thompson, Bianca 30-0.5 Tenafly HS
Jackson, Natalie 29-11.25 Ramapo HS
Ward, Mackenzie 29-10.25 NV - Old Tappan HS
Larkin, Charlotte 29-8 Roxbury HS
Frankiewicz, Jessica 29-6 Garfield HS
Nash, Nicole 29-1.5 Morris Knolls HS
Bade, Jamie 28-7.75 Pascack Valley HS
Bautista, Seleyna 28-6 Morris Knolls HS
Failla, Ava 28-6 Montville Twp. HS
Rossinow, Natalie 28-5.5 Montville Twp. HS
Higgins, Meg 27-10.25 Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Matari, Leila 27-10 Passaic Valley HS
Miller, Emma 27-6.75 Tenafly HS
Silfies, Claire 27-1.5 Roxbury HS
Galesi, Madeline 26-4.25 Wayne Hills HS
Jimenez, Ashley 26-1.5 Garfield HS
DeLorenzo, Olivia Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Bennett, Belle Northern Highlands Reg. HS
Katsikiotis, Zoe Northern Highlands Reg. HS
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