NJSIAA Sectionals North 1 Groups 1 and 4 2021

Clifton, NJ

Athlete Entries

Group 1 Boys 1,600 Meter Run 41 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Suero, Nicholas Saddle Brook HS
Hur, Ryan Kinnelon HS
Armstrong, Nathan 4:18.40 Pompton Lakes HS
Gately, Elijah 4:31.42 Kinnelon HS
Carroll, Braeden 4:34.66 Kinnelon HS
Morrow, Evan 4:34.86 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Porco, Jake 4:35.54 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Weissenborn, Richard 4:38.84 Park Ridge HS
Garcia, Andrew 4:39.44 Kinnelon HS
Cortez, Matthew 4:40.13 Leonia HS
Michel, Jesus 4:42.40 Bogota HS
Itani, Khalid 4:42.42 Emerson HS
Shereshevsky, Andrew 4:43.99 Mountain Lakes HS
Kalender, Matthew 4:44.49 Leonia HS
Sonzogni, Cole 4:49.13 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Schuller, Jack 4:49.46 Leonia HS
Toremis, Dennis 4:51.88 Bogota HS
Mazurkiewicz, Matt 4:54.72 Kinnelon HS
Smith, Preston 4:54.88 Mountain Lakes HS
Burke, Michael 4:55.15 Pompton Lakes HS
Allegri, Gaetano 4:55.24 Pompton Lakes HS
Capuzzo, Joseph 4:56.46 Waldwick HS
Bjornson, Kyle 4:57.15 Kinnelon HS
Dooley, Matthew 4:59.83 Emerson HS
Sgambati, Justin 5:05.00 Saddle Brook HS
Cali, Zach 5:06.20 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Stephens, Colin 5:07.87 Mountain Lakes HS
Modak, Mizan 5:08.20 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Henderson, Joesph 5:08.59 Butler HS
Carver, Marshall 5:12.68 Waldwick HS
Brooks, Donte 5:12.84 Boonton HS
Stogiogolou, George 5:13.36 Cresskill HS
Loven, Conor 5:18.39 Hopatcong HS
Kubrin, Kenny 5:19.53 Wallkill Valley HS
Romain, Liam 5:23.29 Wallkill Valley HS
Ruddy, Billy 5:23.41 Kittatinny HS
Garcia, Dabbielle 5:24.99 New Milford HS
Mader, Aiden 5:28.25 Midland Park HS
Gesmundo, Josh 5:31.84 Bogota HS
Santamaria, Simon 5:37.84 Wood-Ridge HS
Kelly, Brayden 5:50.28 Kittatinny HS
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Group 1 Boys 100 Meter Dash 50 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Nunez, Gabriel Bogota HS
Kessel, Liam Kinnelon HS
Cuevas, Romeo Wallkill Valley HS
Kahn, Bilal Saddle Brook HS
Jones, Omari Leonia HS
Drezek, David Hasbrouck Heights HS
Papataros, Luke Park Ridge HS
Suero, Matthew Saddle Brook HS
Liverpool, Clyde 11.21 Boonton HS
Markman, Rashawn 11.24 Waldwick HS
Yoon, Joshua 11.31 Cresskill HS
Ahart, Jack 11.33 Kinnelon HS
DeGroat, Davin 11.40 Kittatinny HS
Stills, Payton 11.52 New Milford HS
Diaz, Jake 11.57 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Ochrym, Timothy 11.58 Kittatinny HS
Duncan, Kadir 11.63 Leonia HS
Mills, Shemar 11.65 New Milford HS
Urena, Oliver 11.71 Cresskill HS
Castaneira-Grigsby, Shawn 11.73 Midland Park HS
Yan, Andrew 11.74 New Milford HS
DeJulia, Jake 11.75 Saddle Brook HS
Tracy, Jack 11.85 Kinnelon HS
Behan, Thomas 11.87 Pompton Lakes HS
Ali, Jaheem 12.01 Boonton HS
Lorencovitz, Chase 12.03 Wallkill Valley HS
Donohue, Tim 12.06 Kinnelon HS
Cabrera, Andreas 12.06 Bogota HS
Mychaluk, Nicholas 12.07 Wood-Ridge HS
Umano, Mathew 12.07 Midland Park HS
Marchan, Jaden 12.12 Leonia HS
Schaffer, Nick 12.12 Pompton Lakes HS
Palmer, Luis 12.13 Hopatcong HS
Nugent, Shane 12.14 Wallkill Valley HS
DiLascio, Anthony 12.22 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Balsam, Ryan 12.23 Emerson HS
Riccardo, Alex 12.37 Cresskill HS
Ciolino, Nicholas 12.39 Saddle Brook HS
Prater, Nate 12.41 Boonton HS
Requeno, Walter 12.48 Waldwick HS
Mora, Demir 12.59 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Kispert, Matt 12.63 Kinnelon HS
Burt, Ethan 12.65 Kinnelon HS
Pinero, Dakota 12.67 Leonia HS
Anderson, Brady 12.73 Kittatinny HS
Golembiewski, Matthew 12.78 Park Ridge HS
Covello, Dylan 12.89 Emerson HS
Canavatchel, Mike 13.17 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Matula, Patrick 13.21 Saddle Brook HS
Banach, Michael 13.45 Saddle Brook HS
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Group 1 Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jimenez, Luke Hasbrouck Heights HS
Medina, Andrew New Milford HS
Hicks, Ivan 15.02 Wallkill Valley HS
Liverpool, Clyde 15.10 Boonton HS
Burt, Ethan 15.80 Kinnelon HS
Tsering, Kunga 16.34 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Jones, Omari 17.20 Leonia HS
Manhardt, Batisse 17.21 Boonton HS
Stevens, Kaden 17.46 New Milford HS
Van Sickle, Aidan 17.68 Mountain Lakes HS
Disanza, Jack 17.69 Park Ridge HS
Chantre, Devin 17.74 Wallkill Valley HS
Umano, Mathew 17.80 Midland Park HS
Hwang, Bryan 18.15 Cresskill HS
Boon, Ryan 18.22 Butler HS
Mazzola, Jude 18.27 Emerson HS
Freschi, Hunter 18.40 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Patel, Om 18.41 Emerson HS
Hong, Ray 18.65 Leonia HS
Sorce, Joe 18.74 Boonton HS
Weppler, Glenn 18.95 Emerson HS
Auriemma, Donovan 19.20 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Juhlin, Luke 19.24 Kinnelon HS
Kest, Luke 19.44 Hasbrouck Heights HS
McDonald, Shea 19.58 Leonia HS
DeLeon, Sammy 19.58 Saddle Brook HS
Ruehle, Steven 19.79 Kinnelon HS
Nelson, Jacob 20.23 Kittatinny HS
Autore, Jacob 21.58 Kittatinny HS
Williams, Malachi 21.89 Wallkill Valley HS
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Group 1 Boys 200 Meter Dash 51 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gibbard, Thomas Emerson HS
Papataros, Luke Park Ridge HS
Naumoski, Damian Boonton HS
Canavatchel, Mike Hasbrouck Heights HS
Miniotis, Alex Midland Park HS
Stinson, Luke Mountain Lakes HS
Suero, Matthew Saddle Brook HS
Mora, Demir Hasbrouck Heights HS
Banach, Michael Saddle Brook HS
Drezek, David Hasbrouck Heights HS
Yan, Andrew New Milford HS
Ciolino, Nicholas Saddle Brook HS
Kessel, Liam Kinnelon HS
Donohue, Tim Kinnelon HS
Tormo, Robbie 22.28 New Milford HS
Tilp, Brandon 23.00 Cresskill HS
Stills, Payton 23.14 New Milford HS
DeGroat, Davin 23.15 Kittatinny HS
Ahart, Jack 23.17 Kinnelon HS
Markman, Rashawn 23.25 Waldwick HS
Urena, Oliver 23.34 Cresskill HS
Castaneira-Grigsby, Shawn 23.46 Midland Park HS
Tracy, Jack 23.47 Kinnelon HS
Diaz, Jake 23.59 Hasbrouck Heights HS
DeJulia, Jake 23.64 Saddle Brook HS
Yoon, Joshua 23.73 Cresskill HS
Ochrym, Timothy 23.74 Kittatinny HS
Campbell, Brandon 23.74 Wallkill Valley HS
Duncan, Kadir 23.78 Leonia HS
Schaffer, Nick 23.89 Pompton Lakes HS
Klein, Ben 23.98 Cresskill HS
Behan, Thomas 24.34 Pompton Lakes HS
Lorencovitz, Chase 24.35 Wallkill Valley HS
Fernandez, Alexis 24.45 Bogota HS
Palmer, Luis 24.50 Hopatcong HS
Mills, Shemar 24.51 New Milford HS
Balsam, Ryan 24.65 Emerson HS
Marchan, Jaden 24.66 Leonia HS
DiLascio, Anthony 24.81 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Mychaluk, Nicholas 24.95 Wood-Ridge HS
Requeno, Walter 25.03 Waldwick HS
Wenckus, Evan 25.12 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Burt, Ethan 25.14 Kinnelon HS
Nugent, Shane 25.29 Wallkill Valley HS
Savage, Jacob 25.44 Kittatinny HS
Pinero, Dakota 25.49 Leonia HS
Kispert, Matt 25.50 Kinnelon HS
Covello, Dylan 26.21 Emerson HS
Matula, Patrick 26.61 Saddle Brook HS
Stitt, Thomas 26.77 Mountain Lakes HS
Kahn, Bilal 26.95 Saddle Brook HS
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Group 1 Boys 3,200 Meter Run 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cali, Zach Hasbrouck Heights HS
Michel, Jesus Bogota HS
Weissenborn, Richard Park Ridge HS
Oettinger, Andrew Hasbrouck Heights HS
Bjornson, Kyle Kinnelon HS
Bjornson, Ryan Kinnelon HS
Burke, Michael 10:03.64 Pompton Lakes HS
Porco, Jake 10:06.33 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Gately, Elijah 10:14.40 Kinnelon HS
Garcia, Andrew 10:16.23 Kinnelon HS
Shereshevsky, Andrew 10:26.35 Mountain Lakes HS
Carroll, Braeden 10:27.55 Kinnelon HS
Schuller, Jack 10:37.15 Leonia HS
Morrow, Evan 10:37.59 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Gelayder, Joshua 10:46.52 Leonia HS
Sonzogni, Cole 10:48.33 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Smith, Preston 10:48.56 Mountain Lakes HS
Capuzzo, Joseph 10:52.08 Waldwick HS
Toremis, Dennis 10:57.50 Bogota HS
Leynse, Ben 11:04.76 Leonia HS
Stephens, Colin 11:20.17 Mountain Lakes HS
Carver, Marshall 11:22.05 Waldwick HS
Mazurkiewicz, Matt 11:31.83 Kinnelon HS
Modak, Mizan 11:55.40 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Itani, Khalid 11:57.64 Emerson HS
Sgambati, Justin 12:08.42 Saddle Brook HS
Armstrong, Nathan 9:32.21 Pompton Lakes HS
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Group 1 Boys 400 Meter Dash 50 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Schurr, Aidan Leonia HS
Unis, Colin Saddle Brook HS
Wenckus, Evan Hasbrouck Heights HS
Armstrong, Nathan Pompton Lakes HS
Donohue, Tim Kinnelon HS
Ciolino, Nicholas Saddle Brook HS
Naumoski, Damian Boonton HS
Pinero, Dakota Leonia HS
Urena, Oliver Cresskill HS
Rios, Daniel Leonia HS
Kahn, Bilal Saddle Brook HS
Ryan, Emmett 1:00.45 Waldwick HS
Tatta, George 1:00.53 Leonia HS
Matula, Patrick 1:00.80 Saddle Brook HS
Banach, Michael 1:02.42 Saddle Brook HS
Klein, Ben 50.40 Cresskill HS
Tormo, Robbie 51.54 New Milford HS
Gibbard, Thomas 51.74 Emerson HS
Diaz, Jake 51.99 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Castaneira-Grigsby, Shawn 52.00 Midland Park HS
Tilp, Brandon 52.05 Cresskill HS
Tracy, Jack 52.47 Kinnelon HS
Ahart, Jack 52.55 Kinnelon HS
DeJulia, Jake 52.59 Saddle Brook HS
Schaffer, Nick 52.88 Pompton Lakes HS
Mucci, Joey 53.06 Mountain Lakes HS
Rowen, George 53.67 Wallkill Valley HS
Yan, Andrew 54.51 New Milford HS
Mora, Demir 55.86 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Nunez, Gabriel 55.90 Bogota HS
Riccardo, Alex 56.25 Cresskill HS
DiLascio, Anthony 56.26 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Connelly, Ryan 56.43 Kittatinny HS
Gioia, Nick 56.83 Kinnelon HS
Hernandez, Alejandro 56.90 Kittatinny HS
Bonnet, Mathew 56.91 Pompton Lakes HS
Kessel, Liam 57.15 Kinnelon HS
Cuevas, Romeo 57.34 Wallkill Valley HS
Miniotis, Alex 57.39 Midland Park HS
Cazar, Justin 57.63 Bogota HS
Barnes, Roland 57.65 Leonia HS
Balbo, Thomas 57.68 Kittatinny HS
Dolinsky, Jason 58.00 Mountain Lakes HS
Kispert, Matt 58.43 Kinnelon HS
Tallman, Patrick 58.64 Park Ridge HS
Oliveri, Anthony 58.80 Leonia HS
Bennett, Ryan 58.88 Waldwick HS
Parris, Joshua 59.13 New Milford HS
Formisano, Joe 59.56 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Ashton, John 59.96 Wallkill Valley HS
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Group 1 Boys 400 Meter Hurdles 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jimenez, Luke Hasbrouck Heights HS
Meyer, Jack Midland Park HS
Tormo, Robbie 1:00.19 New Milford HS
Liverpool, Clyde 1:00.74 Boonton HS
Bonser, Dylan 1:00.77 Wallkill Valley HS
Unis, Colin 1:00.97 Saddle Brook HS
Brooks, Donte 1:01.75 Boonton HS
Suero, Matthew 1:02.83 Saddle Brook HS
Van Sickle, Aidan 1:02.91 Mountain Lakes HS
Medina, Andrew 1:03.70 New Milford HS
McDonald, Shea 1:03.72 Leonia HS
Disanza, Jack 1:03.81 Park Ridge HS
Hong, Ray 1:03.88 Leonia HS
Mazzola, Jude 1:04.09 Emerson HS
Juhlin, Luke 1:04.31 Kinnelon HS
Wenckus, Evan 1:04.65 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Boon, Ryan 1:04.80 Butler HS
Auriemma, Donovan 1:05.51 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Weppler, Glenn 1:05.54 Emerson HS
Miniotis, Alex 1:05.56 Midland Park HS
Kest, Luke 1:05.72 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Parris, Joshua 1:06.10 New Milford HS
Oh, Owen 1:06.82 Cresskill HS
Nugent, Shane 1:07.06 Wallkill Valley HS
Munem, Gibran 1:07.50 Kinnelon HS
Yelpo, Steven 1:08.82 Mountain Lakes HS
Ruehle, Steven 1:09.22 Kinnelon HS
Cabrera, Andreas 1:09.25 Bogota HS
Tatta, George 1:09.89 Leonia HS
Ashton, John 1:11.35 Wallkill Valley HS
De Leon, Reign 1:13.33 Saddle Brook HS
Kelly, Brayden 1:13.38 Kittatinny HS
Kaplan, Jacob 1:23.22 Mountain Lakes HS
Gibbard, Thomas 58.70 Emerson HS
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Group 1 Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Kittatinny HS
Relay Team A 45.29 New Milford HS
Relay Team A 45.54 Kinnelon HS
Relay Team A 46.29 Boonton HS
Relay Team A 46.91 Wallkill Valley HS
Relay Team A 47.47 Leonia HS
Relay Team A 47.58 Saddle Brook HS
Relay Team A 47.80 Cresskill HS
Relay Team A 47.94 Midland Park HS
Relay Team A 49.56 Emerson HS
Relay Team A 51.46 Hasbrouck Heights HS
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Group 1 Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:34.52 Cresskill HS
Relay Team A 3:36.46 Saddle Brook HS
Relay Team A 3:39.27 New Milford HS
Relay Team A 3:41.08 Wallkill Valley HS
Relay Team A 3:41.10 Kinnelon HS
Relay Team A 3:41.80 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Relay Team A 3:43.13 Pompton Lakes HS
Relay Team A 3:44.18 Mountain Lakes HS
Relay Team A 3:49.83 Park Ridge HS
Relay Team A 3:51.80 Emerson HS
Relay Team A 3:55.11 Leonia HS
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Group 1 Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Mountain Lakes HS
Relay Team A Waldwick HS
Relay Team A 8:44.42 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Relay Team A 8:49.90 Kinnelon HS
Relay Team A 8:54.40 Leonia HS
Relay Team A 8:55.68 Saddle Brook HS
Relay Team A 9:26.93 Emerson HS
Relay Team A 9:49.70 Cresskill HS
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Group 1 Boys 800 Meter Run 47 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mader, Aiden Midland Park HS
Hur, Ryan Kinnelon HS
Cali, Zach Hasbrouck Heights HS
Gioia, Nick Kinnelon HS
Sonzogni, Cole Hasbrouck Heights HS
Modak, Mizan Hasbrouck Heights HS
Balbo, Thomas Kittatinny HS
Armstrong, Nathan 1:57.93 Pompton Lakes HS
Cortez, Matthew 1:59.96 Leonia HS
Mucci, Joey 2:00.06 Mountain Lakes HS
Carroll, Braeden 2:01.36 Kinnelon HS
Gately, Elijah 2:03.06 Kinnelon HS
Klein, Ben 2:03.24 Cresskill HS
Weissenborn, Richard 2:03.95 Park Ridge HS
Michel, Jesus 2:04.74 Bogota HS
Morrow, Evan 2:05.36 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Tilp, Brandon 2:05.54 Cresskill HS
Porco, Jake 2:05.59 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Itani, Khalid 2:06.28 Emerson HS
Unis, Colin 2:08.28 Saddle Brook HS
Kalender, Matthew 2:08.67 Leonia HS
Oettinger, Andrew 2:08.88 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Brooks, Donte 2:09.81 Boonton HS
Gelayder, Joshua 2:10.06 Leonia HS
Allegri, Gaetano 2:10.71 Pompton Lakes HS
Mazurkiewicz, Matt 2:11.43 Kinnelon HS
Toremis, Dennis 2:11.52 Bogota HS
Dooley, Matthew 2:11.57 Emerson HS
Armstrong, Andrew 2:12.63 Pompton Lakes HS
Ryan, Emmett 2:13.26 Waldwick HS
Suero, Nicholas 2:14.25 Saddle Brook HS
Henderson, Joesph 2:14.34 Butler HS
Dolinsky, Jason 2:14.39 Mountain Lakes HS
Garcia, Andrew 2:14.75 Kinnelon HS
Quimby, Joseph 2:15.17 Saddle Brook HS
Yelpo, Steven 2:17.66 Mountain Lakes HS
Murphy, Dylan 2:17.84 New Milford HS
Sgambati, Justin 2:18.81 Saddle Brook HS
Garcia, Dabbielle 2:19.70 New Milford HS
Kubrin, Kenny 2:19.86 Wallkill Valley HS
McDiarmid , Kevin 2:20.55 Butler HS
Senzamici, Kevin 2:22.57 New Milford HS
Bennett, Ryan 2:24.36 Waldwick HS
Kramer, Jake 2:24.75 Kittatinny HS
Ruddy, Billy 2:25.18 Kittatinny HS
Marion , Luke 2:25.98 Butler HS
Losquadro, Alex 2:32.98 Midland Park HS
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Group 1 Boys Discus 46 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ballen, Jason 153-1 Midland Park HS
Davis, Cassion 145-6 Kinnelon HS
Tarabokija, Thomas 142-7 Kinnelon HS
Ramos, Michael 139-3 Saddle Brook HS
Makris, Jerry 125-10 Cresskill HS
Sawslha, Qossay 125-7 Saddle Brook HS
Nolan, Hunter 125-6 Wallkill Valley HS
Di Rese, Giancarlo 125-1 Cresskill HS
Hartung, Zach 124-4 Saddle Brook HS
Coleman, Anthony 123-5 Cresskill HS
Coleman, Nicholas 120-3 Cresskill HS
Campen, Kevin 118-5 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Fisher, Jason 117-8 Wallkill Valley HS
Formisano, Bryan 117-7 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Febbi, Renato 116-3 Mountain Lakes HS
Gilhooley, Nick 112-8 Kinnelon HS
Holm, Braden 112-4 Midland Park HS
Lester, Lamont 112-3 Waldwick HS
Flores, Kevin 104-10 Bogota HS
Testino, Tommy 98-5 Wallkill Valley HS
Rosado, Owen 97-8 Bogota HS
Kim, Daniel 97-5 Park Ridge HS
Patel, Om 97-3 Emerson HS
Morse, Lathan 96-6 Leonia HS
Baker, Jack 96-6 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Furrer, Blake 95-7 Mountain Lakes HS
Sanmartin, Alex 95-0 Emerson HS
Winters, Ryan 94-0 Kinnelon HS
Tennant, Joseph 93-7 New Milford HS
Vazquez, Rommel 92-6 New Milford HS
Norvis, Shane 92-5 Kinnelon HS
Schels, Eddie 89-10 Emerson HS
Campbell, Brady 88-2 Wallkill Valley HS
Goetz, Evan 88-0 Mountain Lakes HS
Mazzella, Spencer 86-10 Bogota HS
Ramos, Christian 84-10 Saddle Brook HS
Hurd, Charlie 83-6 Boonton HS
Stanzione, Brian 80-1 Saddle Brook HS
Damiano, Marco 79-2 Kinnelon HS
Wentink, Andrew 78-8 Pompton Lakes HS
Bazbaz, Adam 76-7 Pompton Lakes HS
Leduc, Esteban 71-11 Park Ridge HS
Masson, Steve 66-2 Park Ridge HS
Velazquez, Jair 59-5 Park Ridge HS
McCauley, Jason Saddle Brook HS
Santos, Edgar Park Ridge HS
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Group 1 Boys High Jump 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gibbard, Thomas 6-0 Emerson HS
Siino, Joseph 6-0 Mountain Lakes HS
Havison, Connor 5-10 Park Ridge HS
Urena, Oliver 5-10 Cresskill HS
Tsering, Kunga 5-8 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Molfetto, Trent 5-8 Kittatinny HS
George, Anthony 5-8 Waldwick HS
Tracy, Jack 5-8 Kinnelon HS
McLaughlin, Luke 5-8 Park Ridge HS
Yoon, Joshua 5-8 Cresskill HS
Coyle, Matthew 5-6 Emerson HS
Arroyo, Vincent 5-6 New Milford HS
Burns, Evan 5-6 Park Ridge HS
Nguyen, Jaden 5-6 Kinnelon HS
Bonser, Dylan 5-6 Wallkill Valley HS
Marchan, Jaden 5-4 Leonia HS
Rondon, Carlos 5-4 Bogota HS
Ruehle, Steven 5-3 Kinnelon HS
Kramer, Jake 5-3 Kittatinny HS
Di Rese, Giancarlo 5-2 Cresskill HS
Legaspi, Kevin 5-0 Emerson HS
Oliveri, Anthony 4-10 Leonia HS
Canavatchel, Mike Hasbrouck Heights HS
Wenckus, Evan Hasbrouck Heights HS
Sonzogni, Cole Hasbrouck Heights HS
Hur, Ryan Kinnelon HS
Duncan, Kadir Leonia HS
Del Valle, Matthew Leonia HS
Jusic, Adel Leonia HS
Park, Moses Leonia HS
McKeon, Brandon Kinnelon HS
Medina, Andrew New Milford HS
Singh, Gamen Saddle Brook HS
Parris, Joshua New Milford HS
Chantre, Devin Wallkill Valley HS
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Group 1 Boys Javelin 43 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Toto, Joseph 158-7 Cresskill HS
Tarabokija, Thomas 157-0 Kinnelon HS
Kim, Daniel 155-6 Park Ridge HS
Nolan, Hunter 152-0 Wallkill Valley HS
Makris, Jerry 151-1 Cresskill HS
Freschi, Hunter 150-5 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Ballen, Jason 148-4 Midland Park HS
Velazquez, Jair 147-3 Park Ridge HS
Davis, Cassion 146-4 Kinnelon HS
Coleman, Nicholas 144-1 Cresskill HS
Vignola, Massimo 136-2 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Rowen, Garrett 133-6 Wallkill Valley HS
Biddulph, Jake 130-7 Wallkill Valley HS
Hartung, Zach 127-10 Saddle Brook HS
Canavatchel, Mike 127-6 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Sanmartin, Alex 122-5 Emerson HS
Van Sickle, Aidan 121-10 Mountain Lakes HS
Ramos, Michael 120-9 Saddle Brook HS
Campbell, Brady 118-9 Wallkill Valley HS
Wentink, Andrew 116-5 Pompton Lakes HS
Norvis, Shane 116-5 Kinnelon HS
Ramos, Christian 114-8 Saddle Brook HS
Digiacopo, Luca 113-9 Boonton HS
Hurd, Charlie 113-0 Boonton HS
McDonald, Isiah 112-10 Leonia HS
Furrer, Blake 111-3 Mountain Lakes HS
Winters, Ryan 110-8 Kinnelon HS
LeMay, Dylan 110-2 Bogota HS
Goetz, Evan 109-10 Mountain Lakes HS
Vazquez, Rommel 109-2 New Milford HS
Salas, Matt 107-3 Midland Park HS
Anderson, Brady 101-10 Kittatinny HS
Falchetta, Joseph 100-2 Kittatinny HS
Cho, Luke 97-7 Wood-Ridge HS
Schels, Eddie 96-9 Emerson HS
Coyle, Matthew 96-9 Emerson HS
Masson, Steve 75-3 Park Ridge HS
Leduc, Esteban 69-11 Park Ridge HS
Baker, Jack Hasbrouck Heights HS
Santos, Edgar Park Ridge HS
Stanzione, Brian Saddle Brook HS
Sawslha, Qossay Saddle Brook HS
McCauley, Jason Saddle Brook HS
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Group 1 Boys Long Jump 40 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Markman, Rashawn 23-8.5 Waldwick HS
Storz, Nathan 21-8.5 Emerson HS
Klein, Ben 21-7.75 Cresskill HS
Stevens, Kaden 21-4.5 New Milford HS
Urena, Oliver 21-0.5 Cresskill HS
Diaz, Jake 21-0.5 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Stills, Payton 20-10.25 New Milford HS
Yoon, Joshua 20-8.5 Cresskill HS
Hicks, Ivan 20-5.25 Wallkill Valley HS
McDowell, Brendan 20-4.25 Park Ridge HS
Rowen, George 20-1 Wallkill Valley HS
Campbell, Brandon 19-7.5 Wallkill Valley HS
Suero, Matthew 19-4.5 Saddle Brook HS
DiLascio, Anthony 19-3 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Hahm, Eunwoo 19-2.75 Boonton HS
Kessel, Liam 19-2.5 Kinnelon HS
Prater, Nate 19-0 Boonton HS
Jones, Omari 19-0 Leonia HS
Ruehle, Steven 18-9 Kinnelon HS
Murphy, Dylan 18-7 New Milford HS
Singh, Gamen 18-6 Saddle Brook HS
Havison, Connor 18-3.75 Park Ridge HS
Molfetto, Trent 18-2.25 Kittatinny HS
Palmer, Luis 17-11.25 Hopatcong HS
George, Anthony 17-11 Waldwick HS
Mora, Demir 17-10.25 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Kispert, Matt 17-9.25 Kinnelon HS
Golembiewski, Matthew 17-6.5 Park Ridge HS
Nelson, Jacob 17-4.5 Kittatinny HS
Kahn, Jason 17-2.5 Mountain Lakes HS
Pinero, Dakota 16-9.75 Leonia HS
Meyer, Jack 16-6 Midland Park HS
Savage, Jacob 16-5.5 Kittatinny HS
Requeno, Walter 16-3.75 Waldwick HS
Jusic, Adel 16-2.25 Leonia HS
Tsering, Kunga Hasbrouck Heights HS
Ali, Jaheem Boonton HS
McKeon, Brandon Kinnelon HS
Oliveri, Anthony Leonia HS
Makris, Jerry Cresskill HS
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Group 1 Boys Pole Vault 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Freschi, Hunter 11-0 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Mazzola, Jude 10-6 Emerson HS
Balsam, Ryan 10-6 Emerson HS
DeGroat, Davin 10-6 Kittatinny HS
Zeigher, Jack 10-0 Cresskill HS
Juhlin, Luke 10-0 Kinnelon HS
Stitt, Thomas 9-6 Mountain Lakes HS
Caamano, Diego 9-0 Emerson HS
Hamburger, Sidney 9-0 Cresskill HS
Formisano, Joe 8-6 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Drezek, David Hasbrouck Heights HS
LaLama, Damian Hasbrouck Heights HS
Scuilla, Connor Hasbrouck Heights HS
Cho, Jaeho Cresskill HS
Makris, Jerry Cresskill HS
Spina, Michael Cresskill HS
Bonser, Brady Wallkill Valley HS
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Group 1 Boys Shot Put 48 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hartung, Zach 49-5 Saddle Brook HS
Ramos, Michael 46-3 Saddle Brook HS
Ballen, Jason 45-1 Midland Park HS
Freschi, Hunter 44-10 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Nolan, Hunter 44-8 Wallkill Valley HS
Holm, Braden 44-4 Midland Park HS
Campen, Kevin 44-0.5 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Vignola, Massimo 42-6 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Bailey, Khiare 42-2 Waldwick HS
Coleman, Anthony 42-1.25 Cresskill HS
Testino, Tommy 41-8.25 Wallkill Valley HS
Spina, Michael 40-11.75 Cresskill HS
Furrer, Blake 40-9.25 Mountain Lakes HS
Ramos, Christian 40-8 Saddle Brook HS
Smith, Matt 40-4.25 Kinnelon HS
Tarabokija, Thomas 39-11 Kinnelon HS
Makris, Jerry 38-5 Cresskill HS
Chavez, Daniel 38-3.75 Mountain Lakes HS
Haasenstab, Joseph 37-8.5 Cresskill HS
Fisher, Jason 37-8 Wallkill Valley HS
Sanmartin, Alex 37-3.25 Emerson HS
Patel, Om 37-2.5 Emerson HS
Davis, Cassion 36-8.5 Kinnelon HS
Behan, Thomas 36-5 Pompton Lakes HS
Abreu, Luis 36-2 Cresskill HS
Stanzione, Brian 35-9.5 Saddle Brook HS
Bazbaz, Adam 34-10 Pompton Lakes HS
Hurd, Charlie 34-9 Boonton HS
Cirigliano, Alex 34-5.75 Kinnelon HS
Morse, Lathan 33-1 Leonia HS
Winters, Ryan 32-10.5 Kinnelon HS
Campbell, Brady 32-1.25 Wallkill Valley HS
Herman, Samuel 32-0 Wood-Ridge HS
Catuogno, Marcus 31-11 Midland Park HS
Altieri, Joseph 31-9.5 Wood-Ridge HS
Masson, Steve 31-9 Park Ridge HS
Schels, Eddie 31-2 Emerson HS
Mazzella, Spencer 30-9 Bogota HS
Norvis, Shane 28-3 Kinnelon HS
Velazquez, Jair 24-6 Park Ridge HS
McCauley, Jason Saddle Brook HS
Kravitz, Jonathan Saddle Brook HS
Kim, Daniel Park Ridge HS
Baker, Jack Hasbrouck Heights HS
Formisano, Bryan Hasbrouck Heights HS
Leduc, Esteban Park Ridge HS
Di Rese, Giancarlo Cresskill HS
Santos, Edgar Park Ridge HS
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Group 1 Boys Triple Jump 40 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Markman, Rashawn 45-7.5 Waldwick HS
Storz, Nathan 45-4 Emerson HS
Hicks, Ivan 44-2 Wallkill Valley HS
Stevens, Kaden 42-6.5 New Milford HS
Urena, Oliver 41-7.5 Cresskill HS
Yoon, Joshua 41-4.75 Cresskill HS
Rowe, Gary 40-8.5 Wood-Ridge HS
Legaspi, Kevin 40-2 Emerson HS
McDowell, Brendan 39-6 Park Ridge HS
Jones, Omari 39-5.5 Leonia HS
Murphy, Dylan 39-3.75 New Milford HS
Brooks, Donte 39-3.5 Boonton HS
Campbell, Brandon 39-0.75 Wallkill Valley HS
Kessel, Liam 38-6.25 Kinnelon HS
Palmer, Luis 38-4.5 Hopatcong HS
Zeigher, Jack 38-1.75 Cresskill HS
Elezaj, Klejdi 37-5 Wood-Ridge HS
Kispert, Matt 37-5 Kinnelon HS
Arroyo, Vincent 37-4 New Milford HS
Digiacopo, Luca 37-3 Boonton HS
Singh, Gamen 36-9.5 Saddle Brook HS
Molfetto, Trent 36-9.5 Kittatinny HS
Golembiewski, Matthew 36-6.75 Park Ridge HS
Jusic, Adel 36-6.75 Leonia HS
Munem, Gibran 36-4.25 Kinnelon HS
Coyle, Matthew 35-4.75 Emerson HS
Hutch, Christian 35-3.75 Wood-Ridge HS
Jimenez, Luke 35-2 Hasbrouck Heights HS
George, Anthony 34-10.25 Waldwick HS
Kest, Luke 34-2.5 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Ziarno, Dawid 33-11 Wallington HS
Nelson, Jacob 33-7.5 Kittatinny HS
Tsering, Kunga 33-6 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Requeno, Walter 33-3 Waldwick HS
Testino, Tommy 32-3.25 Wallkill Valley HS
Opilla, Nick 32-1.25 Wallkill Valley HS
Kelly, Brayden 30-8 Kittatinny HS
Juhlin, Luke 29-6.75 Kinnelon HS
McKeon, Brandon Kinnelon HS
Parris, Joshua New Milford HS
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Group 1 Girls 1,600 Meter Run 41 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Waalberg, Emily Kinnelon HS
Kasper, Hayley Hasbrouck Heights HS
Bednarz, Julia Saddle Brook HS
Kayden, Sydney Kinnelon HS
Trimarchi, Samina Leonia HS
Davila, Devin Saddle Brook HS
Roberts, Jacqueline Kinnelon HS
Kaprelian, Caroline Saddle Brook HS
Wills, Grace 5:14.08 Mountain Lakes HS
Tilp, Danielle 5:20.45 Cresskill HS
Kutner, Lucia 5:30.67 Leonia HS
Drezek, Isabella 5:31.79 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Marck, Cali 5:35.21 Emerson HS
Knerr, Sophia 5:38.12 North Warren HS
Smith, Ava 5:42.98 Mountain Lakes HS
McCallum, Emily 5:47.84 Wallkill Valley HS
Sonzogni, Devon 5:48.18 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Mougalian, Grace 5:48.22 Kinnelon HS
Espinosa, Ashley 5:52.11 Kittatinny HS
Hornby, Jillian 5:52.76 Mountain Lakes HS
Fernandez, Amandine 5:54.82 Bogota HS
Gardella, Emily 5:56.83 Wood-Ridge HS
Dul, Eliza 6:00.05 Emerson HS
DeMagistris, Erin 6:00.35 Emerson HS
Negro, Callie 6:00.70 Wood-Ridge HS
Bode, Ashley 6:00.88 Kittatinny HS
Murphy, Julie 6:01.69 Wallkill Valley HS
Hand, Lindsay 6:01.91 Hopatcong HS
Juhasz, Vivien 6:02.12 Wallington HS
Bohan, Maya 6:03.65 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Newsome, Kayleigh 6:08.25 Wallkill Valley HS
Raskin, Sasha 6:09.30 Leonia HS
Michel, Isabel 6:12.92 Bogota HS
Xheraj, Halyn 6:14.07 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Coutts, Yasemin 6:16.56 Butler HS
Monesmith, Abigail 6:18.82 Kinnelon HS
Kaur, Rashvir 6:19.25 Saddle Brook HS
Twomey, Nina 6:19.28 Leonia HS
Sonderfan, Abigail 6:34.36 Midland Park HS
Asquith, Ellie 6:42.88 Kinnelon HS
Bautista, Ashley 7:01.44 Bogota HS
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Group 1 Girls 100 Meter Dash 44 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Riley, Carissa Saddle Brook HS
Collins, Deanna Saddle Brook HS
Santos, Elisha Hasbrouck Heights HS
Reyes, Briana Saddle Brook HS
Unnithan, Tavi Leonia HS
Barnett, Adrianna Saddle Brook HS
Fieldhouse, Samantha Butler HS
Garcia, Alexa Hasbrouck Heights HS
Na, Ashley Leonia HS
Sampong, Kayla 12.67 Pompton Lakes HS
Sorvino, Carli 12.75 Emerson HS
Palazzi, Kendall 13.13 Mountain Lakes HS
Sienkiewicz, Gianna 13.23 Wallkill Valley HS
Samperi, Alexandra 13.34 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Tighe, Caroline 13.41 Kinnelon HS
Nascimento, Cristina 13.44 Kinnelon HS
Molfetto, Sophia 13.48 Kittatinny HS
Mianowski, Natalia 13.64 Wallkill Valley HS
Brito, Kayla 13.65 Leonia HS
Memija, Anna 13.65 Saddle Brook HS
Gordon, Ashley 13.68 Kittatinny HS
Sampong, Jasmine 13.72 Pompton Lakes HS
Hall, Kendall 13.72 Leonia HS
McGuire, Paige 13.74 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Coyle, Jessica 13.79 Emerson HS
Grskovic, Maya 13.85 Midland Park HS
Lachman, Allie 13.86 Emerson HS
Beyer, Madison 13.90 Kittatinny HS
Kaczerski, Zoe 14.02 Wallkill Valley HS
Freiler, Nicole 14.02 Park Ridge HS
Granados, Stephania 14.10 Midland Park HS
Miniotis, Tasia 14.16 Midland Park HS
Scully, Sophia 14.32 Kinnelon HS
Yildiz, Leyla 14.33 Kinnelon HS
Baker, Julia 14.42 Kinnelon HS
Adelung, Melissa 14.49 New Milford HS
Turner, Ines 14.61 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Jera, Dea 14.64 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Cabana, Kylie 14.66 Bogota HS
McVeigh, Katelyn 14.75 Saddle Brook HS
Boone, Olivia 14.94 Butler HS
Darlington, Riley 15.00 Kinnelon HS
Rapoport, Callie 15.15 Butler HS
Unnithan, Roshni 15.99 Leonia HS
Back to Top

Group 1 Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 40 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Unnithan, Roshni Leonia HS
Kroncke, Natalie Hasbrouck Heights HS
Barrios, Amber Hasbrouck Heights HS
Sorvino, Carli 16.22 Emerson HS
Tighe, Caroline 16.63 Kinnelon HS
Napolitano, Megan 17.07 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Keating, Emma 17.11 Pompton Lakes HS
Cirinelli, Mazzy 17.22 Boonton HS
Valentin , Jordyn 17.26 Butler HS
Petrolia, Abby 17.62 New Milford HS
Reyngoudt, Ella 17.68 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Callagy, Emma 17.74 Emerson HS
Tuozzo, Samantha 18.26 Midland Park HS
Guerrero, Odalys 18.32 Park Ridge HS
Haefele, Alexandra 18.35 Boonton HS
Gitto, Alexa 18.62 Emerson HS
Hlywa, Katie 18.77 Kittatinny HS
Cue, Cassidy 18.78 Saddle Brook HS
Ballen, Kelly 18.78 Midland Park HS
Escobar, Natalie 18.81 Saddle Brook HS
Marut, Alicja 18.81 Kinnelon HS
Corigliano, Mia 19.06 Kinnelon HS
Porada, Shea 19.08 Kinnelon HS
Fieldhouse, Samantha 19.12 Butler HS
Brito, Kayla 19.26 Leonia HS
Penniston, Melina 19.32 Mountain Lakes HS
Cifelli, Katie 19.39 Boonton HS
Collins, Deanna 19.75 Saddle Brook HS
Alvarez, Chiara 19.77 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Collado, Avelyn 19.92 Waldwick HS
Hall, Kendall 20.04 Leonia HS
Sarabamon, Mira 20.10 Bogota HS
Unnithan, Tavi 20.16 Leonia HS
Slater, Saige 20.47 Wallkill Valley HS
Duda, Lula 20.78 Mountain Lakes HS
Corigliano, Ella 20.83 Kinnelon HS
Vierzchalek, Sydney 21.02 Wallkill Valley HS
Powers, Emma 21.30 Mountain Lakes HS
Na, Ashley 21.43 Leonia HS
Doty, Jordan 22.05 Kinnelon HS
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Group 1 Girls 200 Meter Dash 48 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Reyes, Briana Saddle Brook HS
Devlin , Lianne Butler HS
McGuire, Paige Hasbrouck Heights HS
Sheridan, Sabrina Park Ridge HS
Burrell, Olyvia Emerson HS
Memija, Anna Saddle Brook HS
Valentin , Jordyn Butler HS
Baksh, Elizabeth Leonia HS
Gupta, Megan Boonton HS
Garcia, Alexa Hasbrouck Heights HS
Torres, Mariah Saddle Brook HS
Fieldhouse, Samantha Butler HS
Brito, Kayla Leonia HS
Freiler, Nicole Park Ridge HS
Collins, Deanna Saddle Brook HS
Palazzi, Kendall 26.11 Mountain Lakes HS
Sorvino, Carli 26.68 Emerson HS
Samperi, Alexandra 27.18 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Sampong, Kayla 27.33 Pompton Lakes HS
Sanders, Sarina 27.33 Wallkill Valley HS
Robertson, Kristine 27.56 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Turner, Ines 27.76 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Sienkiewicz, Gianna 27.82 Wallkill Valley HS
Nascimento, Cristina 27.84 Kinnelon HS
Eitner, Ella 27.96 Waldwick HS
Molfetto, Sophia 28.05 Kittatinny HS
Sampong, Jasmine 28.34 Pompton Lakes HS
Miniotis, Tasia 28.51 Midland Park HS
Tuozzo, Samantha 28.53 Midland Park HS
Gordon, Ashley 28.74 Kittatinny HS
O'Leary, Jenny 28.88 Park Ridge HS
Grskovic, Maya 28.91 Midland Park HS
Petrolia, Abby 28.99 New Milford HS
Keating, Emma 29.00 Pompton Lakes HS
Jera, Dea 29.05 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Hall, Kendall 29.26 Leonia HS
Lachman, Allie 29.71 Emerson HS
McVeigh, Katelyn 29.92 Saddle Brook HS
Kaczerski, Zoe 29.99 Wallkill Valley HS
Baker, Julia 30.06 Kinnelon HS
Scully, Sophia 30.09 Kinnelon HS
Adelung, Melissa 30.24 New Milford HS
Yildiz, Leyla 31.32 Kinnelon HS
Darlington, Riley 31.41 Kinnelon HS
Unnithan, Roshni 31.52 Leonia HS
Corigliano, Ella 31.74 Kinnelon HS
Na, Ashley 32.06 Leonia HS
Barnett, Adrianna 32.15 Saddle Brook HS
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Group 1 Girls 3,200 Meter Run 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sonzogni, Devon Hasbrouck Heights HS
Mougalian, Grace Kinnelon HS
Trimarchi, Samina Leonia HS
Xheraj, Halyn Hasbrouck Heights HS
Tilp, Danielle 11:32.41 Cresskill HS
Knerr, Sophia 12:05.52 North Warren HS
Drezek, Isabella 12:15.13 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Kutner, Lucia 12:23.68 Leonia HS
McCallum, Emily 12:32.06 Wallkill Valley HS
Marck, Cali 12:33.03 Emerson HS
Guetzov, Rebecca 12:40.52 Kinnelon HS
Fernandez, Amandine 12:52.46 Bogota HS
Espinosa, Ashley 12:52.97 Kittatinny HS
Hornby, Jillian 13:14.64 Mountain Lakes HS
Murphy, Julie 13:35.95 Wallkill Valley HS
Dul, Eliza 13:36.25 Emerson HS
Kasper, Hayley 13:47.68 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Raskin, Sasha 13:52.94 Leonia HS
Newsome, Kayleigh 13:58.33 Wallkill Valley HS
Twomey, Nina 14:12.16 Leonia HS
Bohan, Maya 14:40.97 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Kaur, Rashvir 14:43.07 Saddle Brook HS
Monesmith, Abigail 14:59.65 Kinnelon HS
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Group 1 Girls 400 Meter Dash 45 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bednarz, Julia Saddle Brook HS
Coutts, Yasemin Butler HS
Heid, Meghan Kinnelon HS
Turner, Ines Hasbrouck Heights HS
Unnithan, Roshni Leonia HS
Petrolia, Emma New Milford HS
Samperi, Alexandra Hasbrouck Heights HS
Torres, Mariah Saddle Brook HS
Garcia, Alexa Hasbrouck Heights HS
Na, Ashley Leonia HS
Reyes, Briana Saddle Brook HS
Urena, Melany Leonia HS
Palazzi, Kendall 1:00.53 Mountain Lakes HS
Robertson, Kristine 1:00.64 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Samay, Ava 1:01.15 Mountain Lakes HS
Eitner, Ella 1:02.17 Waldwick HS
Tilp, Danielle 1:02.31 Cresskill HS
Jera, Dea 1:02.56 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Burrell, Olyvia 1:03.67 Emerson HS
Miniotis, Tasia 1:03.70 Midland Park HS
Sanders, Sarina 1:03.80 Wallkill Valley HS
Kaprelian, Caroline 1:04.33 Saddle Brook HS
Freiler, Nicole 1:04.47 Park Ridge HS
Wills, Grace 1:05.11 Mountain Lakes HS
O'Leary, Jenny 1:05.12 Park Ridge HS
Sheridan, Sabrina 1:05.65 Park Ridge HS
Nascimento, Cristina 1:05.72 Kinnelon HS
Iwinski, Natalia 1:06.03 Wallington HS
Gupta, Megan 1:06.07 Boonton HS
Wikander, Iris 1:06.29 Kittatinny HS
Merrill, Claire 1:06.43 Kittatinny HS
Granados, Stephania 1:06.74 Midland Park HS
Baksh, Elizabeth 1:06.85 Leonia HS
Scully, Sophia 1:07.12 Kinnelon HS
Kaczerski, Zoe 1:07.23 Wallkill Valley HS
Baker, Julia 1:07.51 Kinnelon HS
Sutherland, Ashley 1:08.78 Wallkill Valley HS
Callagy, Emma 1:08.97 Emerson HS
Boone, Olivia 1:09.65 Butler HS
McVeigh, Katelyn 1:11.07 Saddle Brook HS
Riley, Carissa 1:11.41 Saddle Brook HS
Rapoport, Callie 1:13.85 Butler HS
Stubbs, Jess 1:14.24 Kinnelon HS
Gianforte, Sophia 1:15.52 Kinnelon HS
Barrios, Amber 59.73 Hasbrouck Heights HS
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Group 1 Girls 400 Meter Hurdles 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Na, Ashley Leonia HS
Unnithan, Roshni Leonia HS
Barrios, Amber 1:05.21 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Samay, Ava 1:08.37 Mountain Lakes HS
O'Leary, Jenny 1:08.51 Park Ridge HS
Guerrero, Odalys 1:08.83 Park Ridge HS
Keating, Emma 1:09.12 Pompton Lakes HS
Goriscak, Arin 1:09.16 Kittatinny HS
Petrolia, Emma 1:09.19 New Milford HS
Gupta, Megan 1:09.41 Boonton HS
Petrolia, Abby 1:11.20 New Milford HS
Kroncke, Natalie 1:11.70 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Ruiz, Daniella 1:12.77 Leonia HS
Marut, Alicja 1:13.31 Kinnelon HS
Freiler, Nicole 1:13.43 Park Ridge HS
Reyngoudt, Ella 1:14.35 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Callagy, Emma 1:15.44 Emerson HS
Butler, Emily 1:16.07 Emerson HS
Penniston, Melina 1:16.30 Mountain Lakes HS
Ludlam, Lucia 1:16.80 Mountain Lakes HS
Einreinhofer, Jane 1:17.13 Wallkill Valley HS
Sutherland, Ashley 1:17.16 Wallkill Valley HS
Wikander, Iris 1:17.22 Kittatinny HS
Bednarz, Julia 1:17.45 Saddle Brook HS
Collins, Deanna 1:18.06 Saddle Brook HS
Wolverton, Haleigh 1:18.29 Wallkill Valley HS
Roberts, Jacqueline 1:19.50 Kinnelon HS
Dul, Emilia 1:19.75 Emerson HS
Duda, Lula 1:19.86 Mountain Lakes HS
Escobar, Natalie 1:20.05 Saddle Brook HS
Porada, Shea 1:20.11 Kinnelon HS
Unnithan, Tavi 1:21.48 Leonia HS
Coutts, Yasemin 1:22.59 Butler HS
Sarabamon, Mira 1:26.88 Bogota HS
Butler, Julianna 1:27.32 Midland Park HS
Rapoport, Callie 1:29.45 Butler HS
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Group 1 Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Kittatinny HS
Relay Team A 52.44 Mountain Lakes HS
Relay Team A 52.53 Emerson HS
Relay Team A 53.48 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Relay Team A 53.91 Midland Park HS
Relay Team A 54.31 Leonia HS
Relay Team A 55.82 Wallkill Valley HS
Relay Team A 55.93 Kinnelon HS
Relay Team A 55.93 Saddle Brook HS
Relay Team A 56.66 Boonton HS
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Group 1 Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:08.23 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Relay Team A 4:12.39 Mountain Lakes HS
Relay Team A 4:20.37 Park Ridge HS
Relay Team A 4:22.78 Wallkill Valley HS
Relay Team A 4:30.08 Kinnelon HS
Relay Team A 4:36.70 Emerson HS
Relay Team A 4:41.30 Leonia HS
Relay Team A 4:42.88 Saddle Brook HS
Relay Team A 4:54.73 Butler HS
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Group 1 Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Mountain Lakes HS
Relay Team A Wallkill Valley HS
Relay Team A 10:30.28 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Relay Team A 11:08.40 Saddle Brook HS
Relay Team A 11:14.55 Leonia HS
Relay Team A 11:25.94 Emerson HS
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Group 1 Girls 800 Meter Run 42 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Reyes, Briana Saddle Brook HS
Kayden, Sydney Kinnelon HS
Bohan, Maya Hasbrouck Heights HS
Kaur, Rashvir Saddle Brook HS
Sonzogni, Devon Hasbrouck Heights HS
DePass, Gaea Hasbrouck Heights HS
Waalberg, Emily Kinnelon HS
Torres, Mariah Saddle Brook HS
Wills, Grace 2:20.24 Mountain Lakes HS
Tilp, Danielle 2:21.74 Cresskill HS
Barrios, Amber 2:22.84 Hasbrouck Heights HS
von der Lieth, Elyse 2:26.43 Park Ridge HS
Drezek, Isabella 2:27.68 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Kaprelian, Caroline 2:29.39 Saddle Brook HS
Petrolia, Emma 2:29.42 New Milford HS
Smith, Ava 2:30.61 Mountain Lakes HS
Eitner, Ella 2:32.30 Waldwick HS
Ruiz, Daniella 2:34.13 Leonia HS
Mougalian, Grace 2:34.38 Kinnelon HS
Marck, Cali 2:34.72 Emerson HS
Kaufmann, Lauren 2:35.21 Mountain Lakes HS
Kroncke, Natalie 2:36.80 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Gardella, Emily 2:38.18 Wood-Ridge HS
Sterinsky, Victoria 2:40.82 Emerson HS
Bode, Ashley 2:41.68 Kittatinny HS
DeMagistris, Erin 2:41.79 Emerson HS
Davila, Devin 2:43.21 Saddle Brook HS
Derr, Ava 2:43.26 Boonton HS
Monesmith, Abigail 2:43.45 Kinnelon HS
Bednarz, Julia 2:44.60 Saddle Brook HS
Negro, Callie 2:44.68 Wood-Ridge HS
Devlin , Lianne 2:45.33 Butler HS
Roberts, Jacqueline 2:46.70 Kinnelon HS
Trimarchi, Samina 2:48.16 Leonia HS
Michel, Isabel 2:48.96 Bogota HS
Urena, Melany 2:54.79 Leonia HS
Sonderfan, Abigail 2:54.92 Midland Park HS
Coutts, Yasemin 2:58.18 Butler HS
Polizzi, Isabella 2:58.81 Pompton Lakes HS
Bautista, Ashley 3:06.80 Bogota HS
Asquith, Ellie 3:11.04 Kinnelon HS
Kula, CJ 3:29.52 Wallkill Valley HS
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Group 1 Girls Discus 40 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cobb, Camryn 109-10 Hopatcong HS
Karaway, Erin 105-3 Emerson HS
Akintunde, Oluwatomilayo 99-10 Wallkill Valley HS
Szabo, Madison 91-9 Park Ridge HS
Armstrong, Sarah 88-9 Kinnelon HS
Condon, Emily 85-7 Hasbrouck Heights HS
D'Alessandro, Gianna 84-0 Saddle Brook HS
O'Malley, Jenna 83-10 Hasbrouck Heights HS
De Klerk, Maya 82-3 Leonia HS
Solis, Gabriela 81-5 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Aleksovska, Emanuela 79-10 Boonton HS
Ballen, Kelly 77-1 Midland Park HS
Fernandez, Shania 77-0 Kittatinny HS
Elek, Julia 76-11 Emerson HS
Chirkis, Kaitlyn 76-5 Midland Park HS
Nakahara, Miranda 75-10 Pompton Lakes HS
Tulloch, Jordyn 75-4 Saddle Brook HS
Wolodkowicz, Olivia 74-2 Waldwick HS
Brennan, Christy 73-5 Hopatcong HS
Tenebruso, Katie 73-3 Emerson HS
Russo, Samantha 72-10 Hasbrouck Heights HS
DiStaso, Ava 72-7 Pompton Lakes HS
Torres, Leila 68-7 Boonton HS
Mateo, Victoria 68-0 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Eddy, Elliot 67-7 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Carey, Emily 67-7 Wallkill Valley HS
Kabir, Zainab 67-3.25 Kinnelon HS
Stephens, Annalise 66-3 Mountain Lakes HS
Sedlacek, Sage 66-0 Kinnelon HS
Szczech, Amelia 65-8 Saddle Brook HS
Carr, Meagan 64-7 Wallkill Valley HS
Martinez, Jackie 63-0.5 Boonton HS
O'mahoney, Chloe 62-4 Hopatcong HS
Kosco, Marissa 62-0 Kinnelon HS
Douglas, Makayla 59-5 Bogota HS
Sanchez, Sabrina 53-0 Saddle Brook HS
Castelan, Marilin 49-3 Park Ridge HS
Gorrin, Amanda 44-6 Park Ridge HS
Ciappina, Gabriella Saddle Brook HS
Ahumada, Kayla Saddle Brook HS
Back to Top

Group 1 Girls High Jump 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Tighe, Caroline 5-4 Kinnelon HS
Wikander, Iris 5-0 Kittatinny HS
Marut, Alicja 5-0 Kinnelon HS
Burrell, Olyvia 4-10 Emerson HS
Derr, Ava 4-10 Boonton HS
Mironenko, Kiley 4-10 Waldwick HS
Corigliano, Ella 4-10 Kinnelon HS
Cirinelli, Mazzy 4-8 Boonton HS
Haefele, Alexandra 4-8 Boonton HS
Scherman, Kathryn 4-8 Mountain Lakes HS
DePass, Gaea 4-6 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Coyle, Jessica 4-6 Emerson HS
Moallen, Carley 4-6 Cresskill HS
Choi, Eva 4-6 Cresskill HS
Vierzchalek, Sydney 4-6 Wallkill Valley HS
Ludlam, Lucia 4-6 Mountain Lakes HS
Gomez, Odaliana 4-4 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Reyngoudt, Ella 4-4 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Legaspi, Kaitlyn 4-4 Emerson HS
Daniello, Georgiana 4-4 Waldwick HS
Valentin , Jordyn 4-4 Butler HS
Agrati, Ava 4-4 Midland Park HS
Powers, Emma 4-4 Mountain Lakes HS
Beyer, Madison 4-3 Kittatinny HS
Hand, Lindsay 4-3 Hopatcong HS
Baksh, Elizabeth 4-2 Leonia HS
Hall, Kendall 4-2 Leonia HS
McGuire, Paige Hasbrouck Heights HS
Cue, Cassidy Saddle Brook HS
Leto, Alyssa Saddle Brook HS
Devlin , Lianne Butler HS
O'Malley, Jenna Hasbrouck Heights HS
Na, Ashley Leonia HS
Modafferi, Aubrey Kittatinny HS
Back to Top

Group 1 Girls Javelin 38 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ross, Tamia 126-10 Wallkill Valley HS
O'Malley, Jenna 105-0 Hasbrouck Heights HS
O'mahoney, Chloe 104-6 Hopatcong HS
Gomez, Odaliana 101-0 Hasbrouck Heights HS
McGuire, Paige 98-8 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Chirkis, Kaitlyn 94-10 Midland Park HS
Szabo, Madison 94-0 Park Ridge HS
Brennan, Christy 91-8 Hopatcong HS
Hartman, Valerie 90-9 New Milford HS
Stephens, Annalise 89-8 Mountain Lakes HS
Tarkanpour, Sara 87-4 Mountain Lakes HS
Worthington, Emma 86-8 Emerson HS
Turi, Stephanie 86-2 Wood-Ridge HS
Eddy, Elliot 85-1 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Wallace, Emily 81-7 Midland Park HS
Elek, Julia 79-8 Emerson HS
Seals, Jeila Rain 79-3 Leonia HS
Armstrong, Sarah 78-5 Kinnelon HS
Akintunde, Oluwatomilayo 78-0 Wallkill Valley HS
Aleksovska, Emanuela 74-7 Boonton HS
D'Alessandro, Gianna 71-9 Saddle Brook HS
Wittig, Taylor 67-4 Kinnelon HS
Giglio, Mia 67-2 Kinnelon HS
Gunderman, Madison 66-7 Wallkill Valley HS
Vitale, Sophia 64-3 Kinnelon HS
Sanchez, Sabrina 58-0 Saddle Brook HS
Kosco, Marissa 57-8 Kinnelon HS
Cobb, Camryn 53-6 Hopatcong HS
Tenebruso, Katie 50-0 Emerson HS
Ciappina, Gabriella 49-6 Saddle Brook HS
Castelan, Marilin 46-7 Park Ridge HS
Gorrin, Amanda 37-9 Park Ridge HS
Kontos, Lindsey Midland Park HS
Ahumada, Kayla Saddle Brook HS
Tulloch, Jordyn Saddle Brook HS
Szczech, Amelia Saddle Brook HS
Mateo, Victoria Hasbrouck Heights HS
Mucci, Marissa Hasbrouck Heights HS
Back to Top

Group 1 Girls Long Jump 41 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Samperi, Alexandra 17-3 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Mironenko, Kiley 16-9 Waldwick HS
Petrolia, Emma 16-8 New Milford HS
Memija, Anna 16-3.5 Saddle Brook HS
Burrell, Olyvia 16-2.5 Emerson HS
Molfetto, Sophia 15-7.5 Kittatinny HS
Mianowski, Natalia 15-5.75 Wallkill Valley HS
Goriscak, Arin 15-3.5 Kittatinny HS
Ludlam, Lucia 15-2.75 Mountain Lakes HS
Napolitano, Megan 15-2.5 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Valentin , Jordyn 15-0.5 Butler HS
Heid, Meghan 14-8.75 Kinnelon HS
Opilla, Sam 14-4.5 Wallkill Valley HS
Eitner, Ella 14-4 Waldwick HS
Ballen, Kelly 14-4 Midland Park HS
Merrill, Claire 14-3.75 Kittatinny HS
Alvarez, Chiara 14-3 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Daniello, Georgiana 14-1.75 Waldwick HS
Vierzchalek, Sydney 14-1.5 Wallkill Valley HS
Hand, Lindsay 14-1.25 Hopatcong HS
Bonner, Mia 14-0.75 Emerson HS
Zuba, Kamila 13-11 Wallington HS
Moallen, Carley 13-10.5 Cresskill HS
Brennan, Christy 13-10.5 Hopatcong HS
Shollenberger, Adison 13-10 Boonton HS
Jera, Dea 13-8 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Sampong, Jasmine 13-8 Pompton Lakes HS
Devlin , Lianne 13-7 Butler HS
Stubbs, Jess 13-7 Kinnelon HS
Cue, Cassidy 13-7 Saddle Brook HS
Leto, Alyssa 13-5 Saddle Brook HS
O'Leary, Jenny 13-4 Park Ridge HS
Torres, Mariah 13-0.5 Saddle Brook HS
Fieldhouse, Samantha 12-9 Butler HS
Doty, Jordan 12-6 Kinnelon HS
Na, Ashley 12-2 Leonia HS
Darlington, Riley 12-1.5 Kinnelon HS
Cebulski, Samantha 11-9.5 Midland Park HS
Unnithan, Roshni 11-1 Leonia HS
Cirinelli, Mazzy Boonton HS
Hall, Kendall Leonia HS
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Group 1 Girls Pole Vault 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Napolitano, Megan 9-7 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Gitto, Alexa 8-6 Emerson HS
Coyle, Jessica 8-6 Emerson HS
Cunningham, Emma 8-0 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Legaspi, Kaitlyn 7-6 Emerson HS
Ward, Meagan 7-0 Kittatinny HS
Hlywa, Katie 7-0 Kittatinny HS
Sonzogni, Devon 7-0 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Borin, Simone 7-0 Mountain Lakes HS
Turner, Ines Hasbrouck Heights HS
Corigliano, Mia Kinnelon HS
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Group 1 Girls Shot Put 39 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Akintunde, Oluwatomilayo 38-9 Wallkill Valley HS
Ross, Tamia 35-1 Wallkill Valley HS
Szabo, Madison 34-7 Park Ridge HS
Stephens, Annalise 33-6.5 Mountain Lakes HS
Gomez, Odaliana 33-4 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Russo, Samantha 32-8.5 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Karaway, Erin 31-1.5 Emerson HS
Mucci, Marissa 31-1.5 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Armstrong, Sarah 30-10 Kinnelon HS
Padovano, Samantha 30-6 Midland Park HS
Bhargava, Shannon 29-2 Wood-Ridge HS
Wolodkowicz, Olivia 29-1.5 Waldwick HS
Torres, Leila 29-1.5 Boonton HS
Sarama, Ella 28-5.5 Leonia HS
Gibbs, Megan 28-4 Boonton HS
Chirkis, Kaitlyn 27-9.5 Midland Park HS
Douglas, Makayla 27-6.5 Bogota HS
Carr, Meagan 26-3.25 Wallkill Valley HS
Fernandez, Shania 25-11.5 Kittatinny HS
Reicher, Toby 25-11 Midland Park HS
Lindao, Leahna 25-8.5 Pompton Lakes HS
Valentin , Jordyn 25-4.5 Butler HS
Malka, Yaam 25-3 Pompton Lakes HS
Sanchez, Sabrina 25-3 Saddle Brook HS
Kosco, Marissa 24-10.5 Kinnelon HS
Stallard, Brooke 24-2 Waldwick HS
Elek, Julia 24-1 Emerson HS
Ciappina, Gabriella 24-0.5 Saddle Brook HS
Vitale, Sophia 23-10 Kinnelon HS
Tenebruso, Katie 22-10 Emerson HS
Wittig, Taylor 22-1.75 Kinnelon HS
D'Alessandro, Gianna 21-2 Saddle Brook HS
Gorrin, Amanda 18-0 Park Ridge HS
Castelan, Marilin 16-0.5 Park Ridge HS
Szczech, Amelia Saddle Brook HS
Tulloch, Jordyn Saddle Brook HS
Eddy, Elliot Hasbrouck Heights HS
Solis, Gabriela Hasbrouck Heights HS
Mateo, Victoria Hasbrouck Heights HS
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Group 1 Girls Triple Jump 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mironenko, Kiley 37-11.5 Waldwick HS
Memija, Anna 35-10.5 Saddle Brook HS
Petrolia, Emma 33-6.5 New Milford HS
McGuire, Paige 33-6 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Baksh, Elizabeth 32-3.5 Leonia HS
Butler, Emily 31-10.75 Emerson HS
Shollenberger, Adison 31-10 Boonton HS
Haefele, Alexandra 31-10 Boonton HS
Worthington, Emma 31-9.75 Emerson HS
Daniello, Georgiana 31-7 Waldwick HS
Barrios, Amber 31-6 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Torres, Mariah 31-3 Saddle Brook HS
Corigliano, Ella 30-10 Kinnelon HS
Reyngoudt, Ella 30-7.5 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Goriscak, Arin 30-7 Kittatinny HS
Bonner, Mia 30-6 Emerson HS
O'Leary, Jenny 30-5.25 Park Ridge HS
Picinic, Lyndsey 30-4.5 New Milford HS
Merrill, Claire 30-2.5 Kittatinny HS
Vierzchalek, Sydney 30-2.5 Wallkill Valley HS
DePass, Gaea 30-1.25 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Corigliano, Mia 29-9 Kinnelon HS
Cue, Cassidy 29-8.75 Saddle Brook HS
Szabo, Jamie 29-8.75 Waldwick HS
Brennan, Christy 29-6 Hopatcong HS
Devlin , Lianne 29-5.5 Butler HS
Gomez, Odaliana 29-2.25 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Alvarez, Chiara 29-2 Hasbrouck Heights HS
Ward, Meagan 29-0.5 Kittatinny HS
Unnithan, Tavi 28-11.5 Leonia HS
Moallen, Carley 28-11 Cresskill HS
Marut, Alicja 28-8 Kinnelon HS
Opilla, Sam 28-5 Wallkill Valley HS
Ballen, Kelly 27-10.5 Midland Park HS
Leto, Alyssa Saddle Brook HS
Na, Ashley Leonia HS
Mianowski, Natalia Wallkill Valley HS
Back to Top

Group 4 Boys 1,600 Meter Run 76 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Perdomo, Jordan Hackensack HS
Leard, John Bloomfield HS
Heaney, Brendan Bloomfield HS
Remache, Brian Hackensack HS
Heredia, Jacob 4:21.69 Clifton HS
Fortunato, Sean 4:23.07 Ridgewood HS
Counsell, Oscar 4:24.92 Montclair HS
McCutcheon, Quinn 4:26.11 Ridgewood HS
Boogaert, Jay 4:26.55 Ridgewood HS
Coughlin, Joseph 4:30.29 Morristown HS
Barbi, Mick 4:31.87 Ridgewood HS
Kuelker, Theodore 4:31.90 Morristown HS
Zacieracha, Alex 4:33.27 Randolph HS
Lustberg, Michael 4:34.30 Fair Lawn HS
Donovan, Evan 4:35.29 Randolph HS
Schimpf, Harrison 4:37.03 Clifton HS
Mullane, Quaid 4:37.29 Bloomfield HS
Houston, Daniel 4:37.90 Randolph HS
Gallos, Taso 4:38.08 Bergen County Tech
Diouf, Abdourahmane 4:38.08 Memorial HS WNY
Wolf, Robert 4:38.11 Bloomfield HS
Dani, Senay 4:42.37 West Orange HS
Villacres, Brandon 4:44.22 Kearny HS
Toro, Sebastian 4:44.52 Bergen County Tech
Melendez, Ryan 4:44.64 Mount Olive HS
Schmidt, Aidan 4:44.65 Bloomfield HS
Bonnar, Christopher 4:46.47 Livingston HS
Arata, Alexander 4:47.37 Montclair HS
Cirella, Joe 4:48.14 Randolph HS
Hertzig, Christian 4:48.19 Mount Olive HS
Abreu, Luis 4:48.97 Passaic County Tech
Guarquila, Dylan 4:49.12 Hackensack HS
Myers, Ciaran 4:49.84 Morristown HS
Aromin-Gabbay, Alexande 4:50.07 West Orange HS
Byrne, Declan 4:50.75 Ridgewood HS
Batres, Joel 4:51.55 North Bergen HS
Fahey, Liam 4:51.75 Ridgewood HS
Ettayebi, Hisham 4:51.96 Clifton HS
Skerry, Simon 4:52.35 Montclair HS
Folk, Donald 4:52.52 Bergen County Tech
Vatanapradit, Justin 4:52.56 Mount Olive HS
Waldstein, Trevor 4:54.24 Mount Olive HS
Velez, Eduardo 4:55.27 Memorial HS WNY
Gawler, Joseph 4:55.43 Montclair HS
Stephens, David 4:55.97 Morristown HS
Gardberg, Jonah 4:56.22 Morristown HS
Sotomayor, William 4:56.81 Passaic County Tech
Waldron, Mike 4:57.95 Randolph HS
Agostin, Nicholas 5:00.31 Randolph HS
Sinchi, Cristian 5:03.08 Memorial HS WNY
Ulloa, Matthew 5:03.37 Union City HS
Silva, Moises 5:04.30 North Bergen HS
Collantes, Justin 5:06.84 Kearny HS
Kennedy, Robert 5:07.11 Kearny HS
Silva, Jimmy 5:07.49 Bergen County Tech
Lencsak, Christian 5:08.63 Bergen County Tech
Viteri, Kyle 5:09.11 Livingston HS
Camacho, Mario 5:10.24 Bergen County Tech
Aguilar, David 5:10.38 Passaic County Tech
Lang, Thomas 5:10.56 Livingston HS
Hack, Maxwell 5:12.86 Mount Olive HS
Correa, Dante 5:13.39 Kearny HS
DeSimone, Sebastian 5:13.43 West Orange HS
Laveman, Andrew 5:14.99 Livingston HS
Rosas, Erick 5:17.87 Kearny HS
Rodriguez, Gabriel 5:18.90 North Bergen HS
Martin, Thomas 5:19.23 J F Kennedy HS - Paterson
Jaramillo, Ivan 5:20.53 Kearny HS
Flores, Edward 5:21.03 Passaic HS
Ledesma, Zack 5:21.42 Livingston HS
Mickus, Stephen 5:22.94 Mount Olive HS
Rodriguez, Angel 5:23.36 Passaic HS
Payares, Diego 5:27.86 Passaic HS
Chun, Thomas 5:38.81 Livingston HS
Rivera, Alex 5:53.54 J F Kennedy HS - Paterson
Pizzaro, Brian 5:56.76 J F Kennedy HS - Paterson
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Group 4 Boys 100 Meter Dash 68 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Balcacer, Brandon Hackensack HS
Capet, Alex Bloomfield HS
Frye, Reuven Montclair HS
Armstrong, Cristian Bloomfield HS
Brown, Nathaniel Bloomfield HS
Smith, Jayden Hackensack HS
Carlanian, Justin Mount Olive HS
Holt, Keshon 10.92 Passaic County Tech
Williams, Truman 10.99 Montclair HS
Kislenko, Alexander 11.05 Fair Lawn HS
Brown, Jamir 11.06 Morristown HS
Green, Makhi 11.17 West Orange HS
Maya, Gabriel 11.21 Mount Olive HS
Blumenthal, Jake 11.27 Randolph HS
Bodnar, Josh 11.28 Randolph HS
Thulin, Anthony 11.29 Mount Olive HS
Swasey, Donovan 11.29 Clifton HS
Malhotra, Krish 11.45 Livingston HS
Nelken, Ben 11.46 Clifton HS
Grant, Christian 11.47 Clifton HS
Carroll, Elijah 11.54 Eastside HS - Paterson
Nina, Anthony 11.56 Passaic HS
Phillip, Jalen 11.57 Union City HS
Emmanuel, Sean 11.63 Ridgewood HS
Kehayas, James 11.63 Randolph HS
Trombley, John Lucas 11.64 Mount Olive HS
Darius, Elvin 11.64 Bloomfield HS
Kenyatta, Tahir 11.66 Ridgewood HS
Nixon, Daniel 11.67 Montclair HS
Marte, Jean 11.68 Passaic HS
McNamara, Kalen 11.68 Morristown HS
McKay, AJ 11.68 Mount Olive HS
Rembert, Gavin 11.69 West Orange HS
Johnson, Mikhai 11.70 Passaic County Tech
Denizard, Sebastien 11.71 Randolph HS
Kogut, Jacob 11.71 Livingston HS
Singh, Rameesh 11.77 Hackensack HS
Munoz, Aneuris 11.83 Eastside HS - Paterson
Nelson, Jordan 11.84 Bergen County Tech
Weiner, Ethan 11.86 Fair Lawn HS
Jones, Tavario 11.92 Bloomfield HS
Henry, Hemron 11.93 J F Kennedy HS - Paterson
Rocco, Anthony 11.94 Mount Olive HS
Petryna, Luke 11.97 Livingston HS
Robinson, Michael 11.99 Montclair HS
Figueroa, Bobby 12.00 Bloomfield HS
Natale, Logan 12.02 Hackensack HS
Zeris, Chris 12.02 Randolph HS
Golden, Jake 12.04 Bergen County Tech
Zwillman, Andrew 12.06 Randolph HS
Sutherland, Kahleed 12.06 Morristown HS
Devlin, Quinn 12.12 Livingston HS
Mouzone, Adrian 12.12 Passaic HS
Akmal, Siraj 12.17 Livingston HS
Smith, Amir 12.20 Eastside HS - Paterson
Rivera, Juan 12.21 North Bergen HS
Justin, Joshua 12.22 Passaic County Tech
Hinton, Marquan 12.30 J F Kennedy HS - Paterson
Zhang, Raymond 12.40 Bergen County Tech
Thomas, Anthony 12.45 J F Kennedy HS - Paterson
Rodgers, Jack 12.46 Morristown HS
Ashkenazi, Gabriel 12.49 Bergen County Tech
Santos, Marcos 12.55 Ridgewood HS
Napolean, Aiden 12.56 Bergen County Tech
Jefferson, Keimaj 12.57 J F Kennedy HS - Paterson
Donegan, Marcus 12.67 Hackensack HS
Wang, Ethan 12.73 Livingston HS
Carmona, Hansel 13.10 Bergen County Tech
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Group 4 Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Halvorsen, Sean Ridgewood HS
Trapp, Trevor Bloomfield HS
McKenna, Ryan Ridgewood HS
Wigdor, Mike Randolph HS
Nelson, Jordan 14.85 Bergen County Tech
Kossick, Red 15.37 Ridgewood HS
Pinyan, Daniel 15.89 Randolph HS
Brown, Tyrece 15.93 North Bergen HS
Patterson, Elijahjaun 16.00 West Orange HS
Kriz, David 16.42 Bergen County Tech
Readus, Kyle 16.50 J F Kennedy HS - Paterson
Hyatt, Matthew 16.55 Randolph HS
Contreras, Johann 16.77 Passaic County Tech
Tufano, Joseph 16.83 Bergen County Tech
Aono, Matthew 16.84 Ridgewood HS
Burgos, Joshua 16.87 J F Kennedy HS - Paterson
Zeris, Chris 16.92 Randolph HS
Deshommes, Dedrick 17.08 Mount Olive HS
Ho, Matthew 17.24 Livingston HS
Solomon, Maximus 17.35 Hackensack HS
Stadulis, Jake 17.42 Ridgewood HS
Joseph, Jalani 17.57 Mount Olive HS
Garcia, Jesse 17.91 Passaic HS
King, Adrian 18.08 Hackensack HS
Kirkley, Justin 18.46 Montclair HS
Marenco, Esteban 18.82 North Bergen HS
Burt, Benjamin 18.87 Livingston HS
Galarraga, Kevin 18.89 North Bergen HS
Darius, Elvin 19.51 Bloomfield HS
Lawton, Jordan 20.25 Passaic County Tech
Canent, Laurenz 20.43 Livingston HS
Thomas, Anthony 20.84 J F Kennedy HS - Paterson
Albaum, Parker 20.91 Bloomfield HS
Di Giano, Biaggio 21.65 Bloomfield HS
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Group 4 Boys 200 Meter Dash 80 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wang, Ethan Livingston HS
Robinson, Michael Montclair HS
Kopas, Robbie Mount Olive HS
Kislenko, Alexander Fair Lawn HS
Smith, Jayden Hackensack HS
Kenyatta, Tahir Ridgewood HS
Capet, Alex Bloomfield HS
Chow, Anthony Livingston HS
Balcacer, Brandon Hackensack HS
Trombley, John Lucas Mount Olive HS
Hirsch, Ethan Livingston HS
Stadulis, Jake Ridgewood HS
Collins, Nathan Montclair HS
Legister, Jessie 21.58 Montclair HS
Holt, Keshon 22.08 Passaic County Tech
Williams, Truman 22.10 Montclair HS
Maya, Gabriel 22.25 Mount Olive HS
Ricketts, Jordan 22.43 Passaic County Tech
Thulin, Anthony 22.56 Mount Olive HS
Brown, Tyrece 22.65 North Bergen HS
Green, Makhi 22.71 West Orange HS
Grant, Christian 22.83 Clifton HS
Jean-Baptiste, Hensley 22.90 Passaic County Tech
Chalmers, Jameil 23.07 Passaic HS
Meza, Jason 23.11 Morristown HS
Brown, Jamir 23.11 Morristown HS
Carroll, Elijah 23.19 Eastside HS - Paterson
McKenna, Ryan 23.22 Ridgewood HS
Bodnar, Josh 23.26 Randolph HS
Frye, Reuven 23.29 Montclair HS
Phillip, Jalen 23.30 Union City HS
Blumenthal, Jake 23.33 Randolph HS
Malhotra, Krish 23.40 Livingston HS
Barrales, Lucas 23.45 Ridgewood HS
Emmanuel, Sean 23.51 Ridgewood HS
Rocco, Anthony 23.52 Mount Olive HS
Nelken, Ben 23.53 Clifton HS
Kehayas, James 23.60 Randolph HS
Singh, Rameesh 23.65 Hackensack HS
Swasey, Donovan 23.67 Clifton HS
Kogut, Jacob 23.68 Livingston HS
Kriz, David 23.80 Bergen County Tech
Darius, Elvin 23.84 Bloomfield HS
Weiner, Ethan 23.85 Fair Lawn HS
Petryna, Luke 23.86 Livingston HS
Rembert, Gavin 24.03 West Orange HS
Figueroa, Bobby 24.06 Bloomfield HS
Armstrong, Cristian 24.07 Bloomfield HS
Golden, Jake 24.09 Bergen County Tech
Rodrigues, Hunter 24.14 Randolph HS
Carlanian, Justin 24.15 Mount Olive HS
Natale, Logan 24.17 Hackensack HS
Sutherland, Kahleed 24.24 Morristown HS
Jefferson, Keimaj 24.30 J F Kennedy HS - Paterson
Denizard, Sebastien 24.31 Randolph HS
McNamara, Kalen 24.32 Morristown HS
Marte, Jean 24.40 Passaic HS
King Jr., Walter 24.40 Hackensack HS
Zeris, Chris 24.59 Randolph HS
Santos, Marcos 24.65 Ridgewood HS
Brown, Nathaniel 24.74 Bloomfield HS
Readus, Kyle 24.83 J F Kennedy HS - Paterson
Munoz, Aneuris 24.92 Eastside HS - Paterson
Mouzone, Adrian 24.95 Passaic HS
Jacobs, Ahsin 24.96 Eastside HS - Paterson
Thomas, Anthony 25.05 J F Kennedy HS - Paterson
Hinton, Marquan 25.26 J F Kennedy HS - Paterson
Beckles, Isaiah 25.39 Kearny HS
Jones, Tavario 25.40 Bloomfield HS
Rodgers, Jack 25.51 Morristown HS
Henry, Hemron 25.71 J F Kennedy HS - Paterson
Branco, Nicolas 25.97 Kearny HS
Donegan, Marcus 26.02 Hackensack HS
Ashkenazi, Gabriel 26.07 Bergen County Tech
Jimenez, Brandon 26.39 Memorial HS WNY
Kharechko, Vladyslav 26.46 Bergen County Tech
Napolean, Aiden 26.61 Bergen County Tech
Kouevi, Geophrey 27.00 Kearny HS
Chicas, Jair 27.35 Memorial HS WNY
Carmona, Hansel 33.38 Bergen County Tech
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Group 4 Boys 3,200 Meter Run 61 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Aracena, Jhon Hackensack HS
Israel, Max Livingston HS
McGill, Josh Mount Olive HS
Ledesma, Zack Livingston HS
Villacres, Brandon Kearny HS
Bravo-Lima, Mauricio Hackensack HS
Murphy, DJ Ridgewood HS
Viteri, Kyle Livingston HS
Payares, Diego Passaic HS
Bortnick, Emmett Randolph HS
Hertzig, Christian Mount Olive HS
Guarquila, Dylan Hackensack HS
Counsell, Oscar Montclair HS
Rodriguez, Angel Passaic HS
Alt, Steven Randolph HS
Byrne, Declan Ridgewood HS
Rosas, Erick Kearny HS
Fahey, Liam 10:05.55 Ridgewood HS
Schimpf, Harrison 10:09.92 Clifton HS
Ehlis, Charles 10:20.02 Montclair HS
Stephens, David 10:24.86 Morristown HS
Dani, Senay 10:25.64 West Orange HS
Cirella, Joe 10:25.70 Randolph HS
Ettayebi, Hisham 10:27.60 Clifton HS
Toro, Sebastian 10:30.08 Bergen County Tech
Melendez, Ryan 10:31.94 Mount Olive HS
Abreu, Luis 10:37.11 Passaic County Tech
Gallos, Taso 10:38.34 Bergen County Tech
Hymowitz, Charles 10:39.03 Montclair HS
Aromin-Gabbay, Alexande 10:40.38 West Orange HS
Dia, Lucas 10:41.98 Montclair HS
Mullane, Quaid 10:44.17 Bloomfield HS
Vatanapradit, Justin 10:46.05 Mount Olive HS
Bonnar, Christopher 10:46.21 Livingston HS
Gardberg, Jonah 10:47.92 Morristown HS
Agostin, Nicholas 10:50.33 Randolph HS
Schmidt, Aidan 10:52.54 Bloomfield HS
Batres, Joel 10:56.76 North Bergen HS
Sinchi, Cristian 11:04.17 Memorial HS WNY
Waldron, Mike 11:07.04 Randolph HS
Wolf, Robert 11:12.27 Bloomfield HS
Pavon, Alexis 11:14.56 Passaic HS
Hernandez, Hazael 11:18.85 Union City HS
Silva, Jimmy 11:24.94 Bergen County Tech
Moul, Scott 11:25.15 West Orange HS
Lencsak, Christian 11:25.71 Bergen County Tech
Lang, Thomas 11:27.39 Livingston HS
Smith, Joshua 11:33.31 Passaic County Tech
Laveman, Andrew 11:34.66 Livingston HS
Vinueza, Francisco 11:42.29 Memorial HS WNY
Mickus, Stephen 11:58.54 Mount Olive HS
Correa, Dante 11:59.36 Kearny HS
Folk, Donald 12:14.07 Bergen County Tech
Camacho, Mario 12:36.30 Bergen County Tech
Heredia, Jacob 9:17.00 Clifton HS
Fortunato, Sean 9:43.79 Ridgewood HS
Boogaert, Jay 9:45.78 Ridgewood HS
McCutcheon, Quinn 9:46.72 Ridgewood HS
Kuelker, Theodore 9:50.38 Morristown HS
Zacieracha, Alex 9:56.12 Randolph HS
Lustberg, Michael 9:59.19 Fair Lawn HS
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Group 4 Boys 400 Meter Dash 71 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rocco, Anthony Mount Olive HS
Malhotra, Krish Livingston HS
Collantes, Justin Kearny HS
Decambre, Dylan Bergen County Tech
Luvalle, Brian Morristown HS
Walker, Mekhi Hackensack HS
Barbi, Mick Ridgewood HS
Santos, Marcos Ridgewood HS
Trapp, Trevor Bloomfield HS
Ma, Ming Livingston HS
Branco, Nicolas Kearny HS
Garcia, Jesse 1:00.58 Passaic HS
Hazel, Abayomi 1:01.30 West Orange HS
Lewin, Marc 1:03.08 Livingston HS
Legister, Jessie 48.48 Montclair HS
Ricketts, Jordan 49.24 Passaic County Tech
Holt, Keshon 49.70 Passaic County Tech
Maya, Gabriel 49.78 Mount Olive HS
Jean-Baptiste, Hensley 50.25 Passaic County Tech
Trombley, John Lucas 50.79 Mount Olive HS
Coleman, Mali 50.80 West Orange HS
Thulin, Anthony 51.15 Mount Olive HS
Haynes, Lawton 51.31 Montclair HS
Wigdor, Mike 51.37 Randolph HS
Kriz, David 51.50 Bergen County Tech
Kehayas, James 51.51 Randolph HS
McKenna, Ryan 51.90 Ridgewood HS
Barrales, Lucas 52.20 Ridgewood HS
Rodrigues, Hunter 52.39 Randolph HS
Meza, Jason 52.51 Morristown HS
Ly, Racine 52.54 Ridgewood HS
Zhang, Raymond 52.78 Bergen County Tech
Nelken, Ben 53.19 Clifton HS
Frye, Reuven 53.21 Montclair HS
Diaz, Isaac 53.23 Passaic HS
Kogut, Jacob 53.48 Livingston HS
Chambers, Luke 53.63 Clifton HS
Petryna, Luke 53.70 Livingston HS
Chalmers, Jameil 54.07 Passaic HS
Donaldson, Rayon 54.18 West Orange HS
Lesnicki, Piotr 54.84 Bergen County Tech
Garzon, Brandon 54.95 Mount Olive HS
Jha, Rohan 55.06 Ridgewood HS
Kennedy, Robert 55.19 Kearny HS
Whittle, Amiri 55.48 Hackensack HS
Baitey, Zion 55.57 Morristown HS
Carroll, Elijah 55.75 Eastside HS - Paterson
Kopas, Robbie 56.12 Mount Olive HS
Capet, Alex 56.49 Bloomfield HS
Rosenberg, Bence 56.94 Morristown HS
Darius, Elvin 56.97 Bloomfield HS
Henry, Hemron 57.19 J F Kennedy HS - Paterson
Daughtry, Jaiden 57.32 Kearny HS
Munoz, Aneuris 57.44 Eastside HS - Paterson
Butto, Junor 57.45 Eastside HS - Paterson
Olivo, Nicholas 57.53 North Bergen HS
Diouf, Abdourahmane 57.69 Memorial HS WNY
Beckles, Isaiah 57.84 Kearny HS
Murphy, Owen 57.89 Morristown HS
Rattanasoontorn, Ton 57.95 Livingston HS
Kharechko, Vladyslav 58.19 Bergen County Tech
Hinton, Marquan 58.25 J F Kennedy HS - Paterson
Ellis, Jaden 58.63 Hackensack HS
Aguilar, Kevin 58.65 Memorial HS WNY
Thomas, Anthony 58.72 J F Kennedy HS - Paterson
Sanchez, William 58.82 Kearny HS
Di Giano, Biaggio 59.00 Bloomfield HS
Cleary, Jahiem 59.15 J F Kennedy HS - Paterson
Carmona, Hansel 59.29 Bergen County Tech
Synnott, Justin 59.68 Bloomfield HS
Jimenez, Brandon 59.97 Memorial HS WNY
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Group 4 Boys 400 Meter Hurdles 48 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Zeris, Chris Randolph HS
Ly, Racine Ridgewood HS
Halvorsen, Sean Ridgewood HS
Di Giano, Biaggio Bloomfield HS
Canent, Laurenz Livingston HS
Sanchez, William Kearny HS
Joseph, Jalani Mount Olive HS
Contreras, Johann 1:00.11 Passaic County Tech
Ephrem, Joseph 1:00.24 North Bergen HS
Tufano, Joseph 1:00.27 Bergen County Tech
Ho, Matthew 1:00.44 Livingston HS
Kirkley, Justin 1:00.95 Montclair HS
Hyatt, Matthew 1:01.06 Randolph HS
Barrales, Lucas 1:01.20 Ridgewood HS
Boscarino, Daniel 1:01.78 Passaic County Tech
Burgos, Joshua 1:02.13 J F Kennedy HS - Paterson
Chow, Anthony 1:02.48 Livingston HS
Patterson, Elijahjaun 1:04.19 West Orange HS
Deshommes, Dedrick 1:04.40 Mount Olive HS
Zeris, Elias 1:04.62 Randolph HS
Baitey, Zion 1:04.66 Morristown HS
Diaz, Isaac 1:04.83 Passaic HS
Cabana, Leonel 1:05.40 Mount Olive HS
Burt, Benjamin 1:05.40 Livingston HS
Darius, Elvin 1:05.58 Bloomfield HS
Plaisimond, Joel 1:05.58 West Orange HS
Gantman, Benjamin 1:07.44 Livingston HS
Iacono, Jacob 1:07.67 Mount Olive HS
Garcia, Jesse 1:07.72 Passaic HS
Biscup, Peter 1:07.83 Bergen County Tech
Branco, Nicolas 1:08.56 Kearny HS
Marenco, Esteban 1:08.86 North Bergen HS
Arturi, Christian 1:09.06 Mount Olive HS
Crean, William 1:09.18 Morristown HS
Thomas, Anthony 1:09.85 J F Kennedy HS - Paterson
Davoren, Conor 1:10.12 Mount Olive HS
Trapp, Trevor 1:10.27 Bloomfield HS
Galarraga, Kevin 1:10.40 North Bergen HS
Albaum, Parker 1:10.86 Bloomfield HS
Sierzputowski, Mateusz 1:11.20 Kearny HS
Belchior, Matthew 1:16.50 Kearny HS
Ricketts, Jordan 55.37 Passaic County Tech
Zarro, Frank 55.91 Randolph HS
Kriz, David 56.64 Bergen County Tech
McKenna, Ryan 56.92 Ridgewood HS
Kossick, Red 58.59 Ridgewood HS
Wigdor, Mike 58.79 Randolph HS
Barbi, Mick 58.86 Ridgewood HS
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Group 4 Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Montclair HS
Relay Team A 43.45 Mount Olive HS
Relay Team A 44.17 Randolph HS
Relay Team A 44.73 Passaic County Tech
Relay Team A 45.11 Ridgewood HS
Relay Team A 45.62 Bloomfield HS
Relay Team A 45.67 Clifton HS
Relay Team A 45.70 Livingston HS
Relay Team A 45.90 West Orange HS
Relay Team A 45.93 Morristown HS
Relay Team A 45.99 Hackensack HS
Relay Team A 46.63 Bergen County Tech
Relay Team A 47.41 Eastside HS - Paterson
Relay Team A 48.41 J F Kennedy HS - Paterson
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Group 4 Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:21.34 Mount Olive HS
Relay Team A 3:23.99 Montclair HS
Relay Team A 3:25.72 Randolph HS
Relay Team A 3:29.45 Ridgewood HS
Relay Team A 3:30.54 Bergen County Tech
Relay Team A 3:32.86 Passaic County Tech
Relay Team A 3:34.01 West Orange HS
Relay Team A 3:35.17 Morristown HS
Relay Team A 3:36.72 Clifton HS
Relay Team A 3:37.56 Hackensack HS
Relay Team A 3:37.95 Livingston HS
Relay Team A 3:38.51 Bloomfield HS
Relay Team A 3:45.07 North Bergen HS
Relay Team A 3:46.05 Kearny HS
Relay Team A 3:51.86 J F Kennedy HS - Paterson
Relay Team A 3:56.31 Eastside HS - Paterson
Relay Team A 3:59.51 Passaic HS
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Group 4 Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 8:08.44 Randolph HS
Relay Team A 8:13.88 Bergen County Tech
Relay Team A 8:24.72 West Orange HS
Relay Team A 8:24.79 Ridgewood HS
Relay Team A 8:27.45 Bloomfield HS
Relay Team A 8:35.15 Hackensack HS
Relay Team A 8:35.34 Montclair HS
Relay Team A 8:41.56 Passaic County Tech
Relay Team A 8:43.41 Clifton HS
Relay Team A 8:58.05 Mount Olive HS
Relay Team A 9:04.87 Kearny HS
Relay Team A 9:17.01 Morristown HS
Relay Team A 9:35.62 Livingston HS
Relay Team A 9:58.19 J F Kennedy HS - Paterson
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Group 4 Boys 800 Meter Run 76 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Schmidt, Aidan Bloomfield HS
Chun, Thomas Livingston HS
Zhang, Raymond Bergen County Tech
Oriente, Alex Ridgewood HS
Alt, Steven Randolph HS
Perdomo, Jordan Hackensack HS
Zacieracha, Alex Randolph HS
McGill, Josh Mount Olive HS
Heaney, Brendan Bloomfield HS
Leard, John Bloomfield HS
Flores, Edward Passaic HS
Mantos, Jeremiah Eastside HS - Paterson
Pandey, Sid Livingston HS
Heredia, Jacob 1:57.50 Clifton HS
Counsell, Oscar 1:57.74 Montclair HS
Coleman, Mali 1:57.88 West Orange HS
Coughlin, Joseph 1:58.56 Morristown HS
Fortunato, Sean 2:00.29 Ridgewood HS
Boogaert, Jay 2:00.63 Ridgewood HS
Hai, Alex 2:00.77 Randolph HS
Barbi, Mick 2:00.78 Ridgewood HS
Gallos, Taso 2:01.10 Bergen County Tech
McCutcheon, Quinn 2:01.70 Ridgewood HS
Decambre, Dylan 2:02.54 Bergen County Tech
Donovan, Evan 2:02.78 Randolph HS
Dani, Senay 2:02.99 West Orange HS
Villacres, Brandon 2:03.37 Kearny HS
Remache, Brian 2:03.51 Hackensack HS
Houston, Daniel 2:03.68 Randolph HS
Synnott, Justin 2:03.96 Bloomfield HS
Sparkes, Joshua 2:03.98 Passaic County Tech
Blackburn, Maxwell 2:05.63 Montclair HS
Luvalle, Brian 2:05.70 Morristown HS
Hertzig, Christian 2:06.06 Mount Olive HS
Wolf, Robert 2:06.24 Bloomfield HS
Barrera, Moses 2:06.58 Hackensack HS
Diouf, Abdourahmane 2:06.64 Memorial HS WNY
Sotomayor, William 2:07.03 Passaic County Tech
Byrne, Declan 2:07.04 Ridgewood HS
Folk, Donald 2:07.67 Bergen County Tech
Walker, Mekhi 2:08.21 Hackensack HS
Mullane, Quaid 2:08.24 Bloomfield HS
Brooks, Justin 2:08.80 Fair Lawn HS
Cirella, Joe 2:09.16 Randolph HS
Rodriguez, Daniel 2:09.21 Fair Lawn HS
Aromin-Gabbay, Alexande 2:09.50 West Orange HS
Waldstein, Trevor 2:09.57 Mount Olive HS
Martin, Thomas 2:09.60 J F Kennedy HS - Paterson
Batres, Joel 2:09.68 North Bergen HS
Myers, Ciaran 2:09.90 Morristown HS
Collantes, Justin 2:10.18 Kearny HS
Kennedy, Robert 2:10.32 Kearny HS
Welch, Turhan 2:10.39 Montclair HS
Silva, Moises 2:11.70 North Bergen HS
Xochipa, Josue 2:11.94 Clifton HS
Nunez, Jonathan 2:13.80 Hackensack HS
Daughtry, Jaiden 2:14.54 Kearny HS
Ulloa, Matthew 2:15.65 Union City HS
Silva, Daniel 2:16.76 Livingston HS
Aguilar, Kevin 2:16.96 Memorial HS WNY
Miller, Colin 2:17.18 Livingston HS
Arroyo, Kevin 2:17.30 Clifton HS
Lewin, Marc 2:17.38 Livingston HS
Velez, Eduardo 2:18.49 Memorial HS WNY
Mickus, Stephen 2:18.65 Mount Olive HS
Solis, Brandon 2:18.92 Mount Olive HS
Hazel, Abayomi 2:19.18 West Orange HS
Payares, Diego 2:20.00 Passaic HS
Lencsak, Christian 2:20.80 Bergen County Tech
Urgiles, Michael 2:22.69 North Bergen HS
Rodriguez, Angel 2:24.57 Passaic HS
Hack, Maxwell 2:25.45 Mount Olive HS
Silva, Jimmy 2:28.13 Bergen County Tech
Lyons, Shane 2:29.33 Livingston HS
Pizzaro, Brian 2:29.50 J F Kennedy HS - Paterson
Rivera, Alex 2:33.14 J F Kennedy HS - Paterson
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Group 4 Boys Discus 53 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bailey, Hassan 167-0 Hackensack HS
Abaogye, Elijah 135-3 Hackensack HS
Gomez, Yosue 134-0 Passaic County Tech
Nifah, Prince 131-1 Hackensack HS
Alshujaieh, Omar 126-2 Clifton HS
Abedrabo, Mohammad 124-9 Clifton HS
Perez, Jacob 115-4 Bloomfield HS
Almero, Reigal 115-2 Randolph HS
Mahmoud, Barry 114-5.25 Clifton HS
Parra, Brandon 113-8 Passaic County Tech
Bermudez, Carlos 113-2 Ridgewood HS
Kim, Jason 112-8 Livingston HS
Wilson, Kwesi 111-9 Bloomfield HS
Rodriguez, Yajuan 111-6 Passaic County Tech
Toribio, Wesley 111-0 Bloomfield HS
Maxey, Jasiah 109-5 West Orange HS
Ulman, Jacob 109-2 Livingston HS
Roberts, Jason 107-11 Ridgewood HS
Pruitt, William 106-9 Ridgewood HS
Swann, Aaron 103-3 Memorial HS WNY
Fortune, Richard 101-2 Montclair HS
Vialva, Kai 99-7 Mount Olive HS
McAuley, Tylor 99-2 Montclair HS
Freeman, Shamar 98-6 Eastside HS - Paterson
Clark, Michael 96-11 Passaic HS
Hunter IV, Dorian 96-2 West Orange HS
Ghahary, Darian 95-9 Randolph HS
Merlino, Nick 93-4 Ridgewood HS
Enchautegui, Jadiel 93-1 Livingston HS
Taveras, Mike 92-0 Union City HS
Loia, Thomas 87-3 Randolph HS
Bernstein, Zach 85-11 Randolph HS
Sammarco, Alejandro 85-5 Mount Olive HS
Maddan, Quameer 85-4 J F Kennedy HS - Paterson
Millan, Justus 85-3 Memorial HS WNY
Ford, Jeremiah 84-3 Bergen County Tech
Thomas, Noah 82-6 Bergen County Tech
Madrid, Mathew 81-8 Memorial HS WNY
Christiana, Cole 81-6 Bergen County Tech
Steele, Amier 81-0 Eastside HS - Paterson
Petr, Elliott 80-11 Morristown HS
Carelock, Will 78-11 Passaic HS
Monegro, Nelson 78-10 Union City HS
Felice, Roberto 78-6 North Bergen HS
Cespedes, Isaac 70-3 Passaic HS
Ortiz, Esteban 64-11 Union City HS
Bedoya, Sebastian 63-8 North Bergen HS
Jefferson, Keimaj 59-5 J F Kennedy HS - Paterson
Rogers, Cosmire 56-3 Eastside HS - Paterson
Garcia, Justin 54-2 J F Kennedy HS - Paterson
Pou, Jaylon 47-4 J F Kennedy HS - Paterson
Curry, Da'Sean 45-5 J F Kennedy HS - Paterson
Brabant, Kent Ridgewood HS
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Group 4 Boys High Jump 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brown, Tyrece 6-4 North Bergen HS
Nelson, Jordan 6-2 Bergen County Tech
Haun, Dylan 6-0 Randolph HS
Cox, Brendan 6-0 Randolph HS
McKay, AJ 6-0 Mount Olive HS
Devlin, Quinn 6-0 Livingston HS
Ho, Matthew 5-8 Livingston HS
Joseph, Jalani 5-8 Mount Olive HS
Shevchenko, Alex 5-8 Ridgewood HS
Mouzone, Adrian 5-8 Passaic HS
Meza, Jason 5-6 Morristown HS
Patterson, Elijahjaun 5-6 West Orange HS
Cleary, Jahiem 5-6 J F Kennedy HS - Paterson
Justin, Joshua 5-6 Passaic County Tech
Goodman, Cole 5-6 Bergen County Tech
Rocco, Anthony 5-6 Mount Olive HS
Dickson, Tyrone 5-4 Ridgewood HS
Readus, Kyle 5-4 J F Kennedy HS - Paterson
Hinton, Marquan 5-4 J F Kennedy HS - Paterson
Garcia, Jared 5-4 Passaic County Tech
Jendayi, David 5-4 Passaic County Tech
Covington, Dylan 5-4 Bergen County Tech
Gnospelius, Luke 5-2 Ridgewood HS
Armstrong, Cristian 5-2 Bloomfield HS
Harmeyer, Lukas 5-2 Bergen County Tech
Stewart, Jair 5-0 Eastside HS - Paterson
Colter, Khyienne 5-0 Eastside HS - Paterson
Staninets, Michael 5-0 Bergen County Tech
Ly, Racine Ridgewood HS
Krishnamurthy, Angris Livingston HS
Gilbert, Kyron Eastside HS - Paterson
Kirkley, Justin Montclair HS
Thom-Rogers, David Montclair HS
Odige, Dadensky Montclair HS
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Group 4 Boys Javelin 49 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mohr, Jason 184-1 Randolph HS
Halvorsen, Sean 152-5 Ridgewood HS
Mai, Victor 146-5 Hackensack HS
Christiana, Cole 144-4 Bergen County Tech
Abedrabo, Mohammad 139-8 Clifton HS
DeLorenzo, Brian 138-8 Randolph HS
Blumenthal, Jake 133-5 Randolph HS
Nunez, Jonathan 129-7 Hackensack HS
Parra, Brandon 129-5 Passaic County Tech
Freeman, Shamar 127-6 Eastside HS - Paterson
Rodriguez, Yajuan 126-1 Passaic County Tech
Ulman, Jacob 122-2 Livingston HS
Akmal, Siraj 120-1 Livingston HS
Lisa, James 116-1 Bloomfield HS
Gomez, Yosue 114-10 Passaic County Tech
Moul, Scott 114-5 West Orange HS
Jha, Rohan 112-3 Ridgewood HS
Ortiz, Esteban 112-0 Union City HS
Enchautegui, Jadiel 110-2 Livingston HS
Gelsi, Jonah 109-3 Montclair HS
Huntley, Gordon 109-1 Mount Olive HS
Fortune, Richard 109-1 Montclair HS
Spiegler, Chase 108-4 Livingston HS
Nifah, Prince 108-4 Hackensack HS
Candelaria, Leo 106-6 Bergen County Tech
Cleary, Jahiem 106-5 J F Kennedy HS - Paterson
Abaogye, Elijah 105-4 Hackensack HS
Petr, Elliott 102-5 Morristown HS
Sammarco, Alejandro 101-11 Mount Olive HS
Dean, Tyler 100-11 Mount Olive HS
Mahmoud, Barry 99-3 Clifton HS
Pruitt, William 94-10 Ridgewood HS
Steele, Amier 92-5 Eastside HS - Paterson
Taveras, Mike 92-3 Union City HS
Felice, Roberto 91-9 North Bergen HS
Senior, Shakeem 91-5 Eastside HS - Paterson
Kouevi, Geophrey 90-10 Kearny HS
Da Silva, Michael 85-2 Clifton HS
Salas, George 79-11 Bloomfield HS
Garcia, Justin 78-5 J F Kennedy HS - Paterson
Keefe, James 74-10 Bergen County Tech
Monegro, Nelson 71-4 Union City HS
Maddan, Quameer 70-3 J F Kennedy HS - Paterson
Farquharson-Urquhart, Keandre 59-2 Bloomfield HS
Almonte, Aden 56-8 Bergen County Tech
Curry, Da'Sean 55-2 J F Kennedy HS - Paterson
Stewart, Jair Eastside HS - Paterson
Devlin, Quinn Livingston HS
Pou, Jaylon J F Kennedy HS - Paterson
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Group 4 Boys Long Jump 54 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Maya, Gabriel 22-9.5 Mount Olive HS
McKay, AJ 22-4 Mount Olive HS
Zarro, Frank 22-1.5 Randolph HS
Emmanuel, Sean 21-6.25 Ridgewood HS
Kislenko, Alexander 21-0 Fair Lawn HS
Holt, Keshon 20-9.75 Passaic County Tech
Armstrong, Cristian 20-8.5 Bloomfield HS
Green, Makhi 20-8.5 West Orange HS
Rocco, Anthony 20-6 Mount Olive HS
Goodman, Cole 20-5.75 Bergen County Tech
Carlanian, Justin 20-2 Mount Olive HS
Thom-Rogers, David 20-2 Montclair HS
Smith, Charles 20-1.5 Randolph HS
Haun, Dylan 20-1.25 Randolph HS
Ampadu, Thomas 19-9 West Orange HS
Devlin, Quinn 19-7 Livingston HS
Grant, Christian 19-7 Clifton HS
Ephrem, Joseph 19-5 North Bergen HS
Kossick, Red 19-3.75 Ridgewood HS
Samuel, Rahim 19-3.75 West Orange HS
Johnson, Mikhai 19-3 Passaic County Tech
King Jr., Walter 19-0.5 Hackensack HS
Hinton, Marquan 18-11 J F Kennedy HS - Paterson
Akmal, Siraj 18-10 Livingston HS
Dye, Trashon 18-9.5 Passaic County Tech
Golden, Jake 18-9 Bergen County Tech
Nina, Anthony 18-6 Passaic HS
Blount, Chance 18-4.5 Clifton HS
Odige, Dadensky 18-4.5 Montclair HS
Robinson, Michael 18-4.5 Montclair HS
Joseph, Jalani 18-3.25 Mount Olive HS
Decambre, Dylan 18-2.25 Bergen County Tech
Stadulis, Jake 18-1.25 Ridgewood HS
Marte, Jean 18-1 Passaic HS
Cleary, Jahiem 18-0 J F Kennedy HS - Paterson
Robinson, Gilberto 18-0 West Orange HS
King, Adrian 17-9.5 Hackensack HS
Weiner, Ethan 17-9 Fair Lawn HS
Santos, Marcos 17-9 Ridgewood HS
Carroll, Elijah 17-8.5 Eastside HS - Paterson
Krishnamurthy, Angris 17-8 Livingston HS
Rodgers, Jack 17-5 Morristown HS
Brown, Nathaniel 17-5 Bloomfield HS
Harmeyer, Lukas 17-5 Bergen County Tech
Kogut, Jacob 17-5 Livingston HS
Saleh, Laith 17-4.5 Clifton HS
Smith, Amir 16-11 Eastside HS - Paterson
Dickson, Tyrone 16-5 Ridgewood HS
Colter, Khyienne 16-0 Eastside HS - Paterson
McNamara, Kalen 15-9.5 Morristown HS
Boveli, Nikhil 14-6 Bergen County Tech
Richardson, Amir 12-10 J F Kennedy HS - Paterson
Shevchenko, Alex Ridgewood HS
Henry, Hemron J F Kennedy HS - Paterson
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Group 4 Boys Pole Vault 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gnospelius, Luke 13-0 Ridgewood HS
Akmal, Siraj 12-0 Livingston HS
Pfund, Ryan 11-6 Ridgewood HS
Tufano, Joseph 11-0 Bergen County Tech
Aono, Matthew 11-0 Ridgewood HS
Hernandez, Juan 10-6 Passaic County Tech
Mai, Victor 10-6 Hackensack HS
Ho, Matthew 10-0 Livingston HS
O'Meara, Liam 9-6 Ridgewood HS
Arroyo, Kevin 9-6 Clifton HS
Burgos, Joshua 9-6 J F Kennedy HS - Paterson
Meyers, Jacob 9-6 Randolph HS
Spoelstra, Ian 9-6 Passaic County Tech
Bordamonte, Antonio 9-0 Clifton HS
Lesnicki, Piotr 9-0 Bergen County Tech
Zeris, Elias 9-0 Randolph HS
Zeris, Chris 9-0 Randolph HS
Nunez, Jonathan 9-0 Hackensack HS
Mendez, Jaiden 8-6 West Orange HS
Suarez, Matthew 8-6 West Orange HS
Capet, Alex 8-6 Bloomfield HS
DeCeglie, Frank 8-6 Passaic County Tech
Lawson, Landon 8-6 Ridgewood HS
Seunguin, Jun 8-6 Ridgewood HS
Burt, Benjamin 7-0 Livingston HS
Leard, John 7-0 Bloomfield HS
Kuczynski, Adam Bergen County Tech
Mickus, Stephen Mount Olive HS
Natale, Logan Hackensack HS
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Group 4 Boys Shot Put 56 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Frattina, Nicholas 53-10 Mount Olive HS
Bailey, Hassan 48-3.75 Hackensack HS
Gomez, Yosue 47-9.25 Passaic County Tech
Abedrabo, Mohammad 47-6 Clifton HS
Alshujaieh, Omar 46-3 Clifton HS
Grant, Michael 44-6 Hackensack HS
Fortune, Richard 44-1.75 Montclair HS
Maxey, Jasiah 44-0.5 West Orange HS
Wilson, Kwesi 43-10 Bloomfield HS
Ghahary, Darian 43-6.75 Randolph HS
Freeman, Shamar 43-6.5 Eastside HS - Paterson
Almero, Reigal 42-1 Randolph HS
Barnett, Marcus 42-1 Hackensack HS
Vialva, Kai 41-5 Mount Olive HS
McAuley, Tylor 40-5 Montclair HS
Rodriguez, Yajuan 40-2.5 Passaic County Tech
Mason, Rene 39-9 Passaic County Tech
Kim, Jason 39-5 Livingston HS
Taveras, Mike 39-1 Union City HS
Swann, Aaron 39-0 Memorial HS WNY
Hunter IV, Dorian 38-11 West Orange HS
Perez, Jayson 38-7.75 Randolph HS
Madrid, Mathew 38-7.75 Memorial HS WNY
Clark, Michael 37-11 Passaic HS
Farquharson-Urquhart, Keandre 37-8 Bloomfield HS
Miller, Seth 37-7 Ridgewood HS
Petruzziello, Stephen 37-4 Randolph HS
Pruitt, William 37-4 Ridgewood HS
Salas, George 36-6 Bloomfield HS
Rosier, Hens Peter 35-9 Livingston HS
Da Silva, Michael 35-9 Clifton HS
Jimenez, Luis 35-5 Mount Olive HS
Mahmoud, Barry 35-4 Clifton HS
Steele, Amier 34-10.5 Eastside HS - Paterson
Enchautegui, Jadiel 34-7.5 Livingston HS
Nifah, Prince 34-6 Hackensack HS
Navarres, Devin 33-10 Kearny HS
Lisa, James 33-9.75 Bloomfield HS
Felice, Roberto 33-7.5 North Bergen HS
Jacobs, Jahsin 33-2 Eastside HS - Paterson
Merlino, Nick 33-1.75 Ridgewood HS
Pou, Jaylon 32-10.5 J F Kennedy HS - Paterson
Ormaza, Israel 32-2 Kearny HS
Millan, Justus 32-1 Memorial HS WNY
Maddan, Quameer 30-9.5 J F Kennedy HS - Paterson
Carelock, Will 30-0 Passaic HS
Andino, Aaron 29-11.5 Morristown HS
Cespedes, Isaac 28-9.25 Passaic HS
Ford, Jeremiah 27-6.5 Bergen County Tech
Thomas, Noah 24-2.25 Bergen County Tech
Jefferson, Keimaj 23-11.5 J F Kennedy HS - Paterson
Curry, Da'Sean 20-11 J F Kennedy HS - Paterson
Ortiz, Dylan 16-2 Bloomfield HS
Gardener, Jayvon Eastside HS - Paterson
Brabant, Kent Ridgewood HS
Marchetti, Zach Ridgewood HS
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Group 4 Boys Triple Jump 42 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McKay, AJ 48-7 Mount Olive HS
Goodman, Cole 44-0 Bergen County Tech
Ampadu, Thomas 43-1 West Orange HS
Cox, Brendan 41-5 Randolph HS
Zarro, Frank 41-3 Randolph HS
Bodnar, Josh 41-2 Randolph HS
Readus, Kyle 40-10.25 J F Kennedy HS - Paterson
Samuel, Rahim 40-8.5 West Orange HS
King Jr., Walter 40-7.25 Hackensack HS
Robinson, Gilberto 40-7 West Orange HS
Kossick, Red 40-4.5 Ridgewood HS
Armstrong, Cristian 40-4.5 Bloomfield HS
Nina, Anthony 40-1.5 Passaic HS
Matsumoto, Benjamin 39-11 Passaic County Tech
Haun, Dylan 39-10.5 Randolph HS
Johnson, Mikhai 39-10 Passaic County Tech
Cleary, Jahiem 39-5 J F Kennedy HS - Paterson
Krishnamurthy, Angris 39-3 Livingston HS
Covington, Dylan 38-10.25 Bergen County Tech
Thom-Rogers, David 38-5 Montclair HS
Devlin, Quinn 38-2.25 Livingston HS
Stadulis, Jake 38-2 Ridgewood HS
Odige, Dadensky 38-0 Montclair HS
Blount, Chance 37-10 Clifton HS
Pinyan, Daniel 37-7.25 Randolph HS
Shevchenko, Alex 37-6 Ridgewood HS
Golden, Jake 37-4.75 Bergen County Tech
King, Adrian 37-3 Hackensack HS
Dickson, Tyrone 36-9 Ridgewood HS
Joseph, Jalani 36-9 Mount Olive HS
Dye, Trashon 36-5 Passaic County Tech
Jones, Micah 35-10.5 Mount Olive HS
Brown, Nathaniel 35-3.5 Bloomfield HS
Solomon, Maximus 35-0.25 Hackensack HS
Turi, Dominick 34-7.75 Mount Olive HS
Pizzaro, Brian 34-4.75 J F Kennedy HS - Paterson
Staninets, Michael 33-9 Bergen County Tech
Burt, Benjamin 33-4 Livingston HS
Napolean, Aiden 33-4 Bergen County Tech
Petryna, Luke Livingston HS
Kogut, Jacob Livingston HS
Santos, Marcos Ridgewood HS
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Group 4 Girls 1,600 Meter Run 48 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Capet, Flavia Bloomfield HS
Rabolli, Lucia Ridgewood HS
Gulfo, Bridget Livingston HS
Angeles, Bridget Kearny HS
Peng, Chelsea Livingston HS
Tretola, AnnaMarie 5:02.39 Ridgewood HS
Dubac, Mia 5:02.82 Clifton HS
Policano, Sarah 5:07.17 Ridgewood HS
Williams, Lily 5:08.00 Ridgewood HS
Whiting, Chloe 5:11.16 Randolph HS
Shattuck, Olivia 5:16.13 Ridgewood HS
Dubac, Remy 5:22.90 Clifton HS
Wilkins, Maya 5:27.42 Randolph HS
Ross, Violet 5:32.24 Montclair HS
Haraka, Emily 5:33.75 Bloomfield HS
Cerny, Eleanor 5:36.78 Morristown HS
McAdams, Avery 5:36.89 Montclair HS
Lesiczka, Nicole 5:44.40 Bergen County Tech
Duncan, Madeline 5:45.24 Montclair HS
Aguilar, Denisse 5:45.53 Passaic County Tech
Rabolli, Cellina 5:46.50 Ridgewood HS
Young, Meghan 5:50.09 Morristown HS
Vasquez, Marisol 5:52.05 Union City HS
Adams, Kaitlyn 5:52.20 Bloomfield HS
Dannis, Taylor 5:54.78 Livingston HS
Albarracin, Sheila 5:55.38 Union City HS
Gonzalez, Marilyn 5:59.23 Passaic HS
Leigh, Katrina 5:59.51 Livingston HS
Samms, Jessica 6:07.26 Morristown HS
Milligan, Kaitlyn 6:09.14 Randolph HS
Gomez, Sarah 6:13.29 Passaic County Tech
Sterling, Claudia 6:15.23 Mount Olive HS
Son, Jiahn 6:16.32 Bergen County Tech
Parelli, Victoria 6:18.67 Bloomfield HS
Reyes, Samantha 6:19.03 Hackensack HS
Kerr, Delaney 6:21.49 West Orange HS
Frederic, Vanessa 6:22.16 West Orange HS
Salmeron, Gabriela 6:22.61 Memorial HS WNY
Perez, Kiara 6:33.72 Passaic HS
Patel, Preeti 6:34.92 Memorial HS WNY
Frederic, Taylor 6:36.54 West Orange HS
Checo, Keyla 6:37.49 Union City HS
De Matos, Kayleen 6:42.92 Kearny HS
Feldman, Payton 6:44.24 Livingston HS
Leigh, Sydney 6:45.20 Livingston HS
Torres, Natalie 6:51.64 Bloomfield HS
Wu, Danae 6:52.98 Bergen County Tech
Montero, Genesis 7:05.58 North Bergen HS
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Group 4 Girls 100 Meter Dash 56 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Nicholas, Ciara Hackensack HS
Llanes, Sophia Bloomfield HS
McAdams, Ella Montclair HS
Silva, Kayla Bloomfield HS
Almonte, Nahioly 12.47 Clifton HS
Fasoli, Briana 12.49 Passaic County Tech
Webb, Stephanie 12.58 Montclair HS
Redmond, Sophia 12.59 Mount Olive HS
Mieses, Hailey 12.64 Passaic County Tech
Robinson, Jordan 12.65 Morristown HS
Spencer, Alysia 12.66 Ridgewood HS
Lawson, Kiya 12.74 Montclair HS
Grace, Olivia 12.84 Ridgewood HS
Simon, Bayliss 12.85 Morristown HS
Webber, Tomi 12.87 Morristown HS
Kakascik, Katie 12.94 Clifton HS
Luperon, Kiomy 12.97 North Bergen HS
Scott, Zharia 13.06 Hackensack HS
Kestenbaum, Jadyn 13.11 Livingston HS
Peterson, Nai'a 13.19 West Orange HS
Jovellanos, Kassandra 13.22 Kearny HS
Shanga, Aurelia 13.25 Mount Olive HS
Chen, Emily 13.28 Bergen County Tech
Oshodi, Nicole 13.29 West Orange HS
Doshi, Nisha 13.32 Bloomfield HS
Sweeney, Emma 13.34 Morristown HS
Burke, Mackenzie 13.35 Bergen County Tech
Mancuso, Olivia 13.35 Randolph HS
Wilson, Samyah 13.40 Bloomfield HS
Agodomou, Anicha 13.41 Mount Olive HS
Rex, Nia 13.50 Passaic County Tech
Sharma, Monica 13.51 Livingston HS
Roberts, Janae 13.58 Clifton HS
Gorospe, Jianna 13.64 Mount Olive HS
Rubino, Luciana 13.66 Bloomfield HS
Oliver, Amaia 13.70 Hackensack HS
Simmons, Atiyya 13.73 West Orange HS
Crespo, Isabel 13.75 Union City HS
Reis, Charlotte 13.82 Ridgewood HS
Chape, Ayanna 13.91 Hackensack HS
Hartman, Alyssa 14.02 Livingston HS
Choi, Michelle 14.09 Bergen County Tech
Jan, Kristen 14.10 Bergen County Tech
McLaughlin, Lara 14.12 Bergen County Tech
Glorie, Anna 14.18 Montclair HS
Nadelmann, Ellie 14.22 Livingston HS
Dos Santos, Leandra 14.27 Kearny HS
Senior, Breanna 14.43 Clifton HS
Givens, Kimora 14.49 Hackensack HS
Martins, Mariana 14.50 Kearny HS
Savage, Sarrah Lee 14.52 Passaic HS
Johnson, Dayniya 14.53 Passaic HS
Bradley, Natasha 14.67 Eastside HS - Paterson
Pimentel, Jocelyn 15.10 Passaic HS
Cepeda, Andreina 15.66 Eastside HS - Paterson
Garcia, Ciara 15.85 Eastside HS - Paterson
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Group 4 Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McCloud, Taylor Bloomfield HS
Celestin, Andree 14.96 West Orange HS
Brodsky, Hannah 15.79 Ridgewood HS
Dusajn, Kaysia 16.19 North Bergen HS
Burke, Mackenzie 16.38 Bergen County Tech
Kakascik, Katie 16.59 Clifton HS
Silva, Kayla 16.60 Bloomfield HS
Fasoli, Briana 16.70 Passaic County Tech
Mignano, Fran 16.80 Bergen County Tech
Yung, Summer 17.30 Livingston HS
Masri, Maya 17.40 Passaic County Tech
Carr, Cocoro 17.49 North Bergen HS
Martins, Mariana 17.75 Kearny HS
Reinke, Emma 17.86 Ridgewood HS
Mantilla, Sarah 17.98 Fair Lawn HS
Siao, Magdalene 18.00 Livingston HS
Roupe, Shilin 18.11 West Orange HS
Shen, Annie 18.23 Livingston HS
Nadelmann, Ellie 18.29 Livingston HS
Medina, Maite 18.46 Union City HS
Garcia, Emma Stefanie 18.89 Passaic County Tech
Millar, Katelyn 18.92 Kearny HS
Glorie, Teah 19.21 Montclair HS
Papin, Charlotte 19.29 Ridgewood HS
Laviola, Alexis 19.57 Bloomfield HS
Willis, Honney 19.57 Passaic HS
Soja, Aniela 19.96 Bloomfield HS
Castillo, Priscilla 20.19 Kearny HS
Torres, Blake 21.20 Kearny HS
Silva, Karina 21.26 Bloomfield HS
Trommelen, Saskia 21.96 Bergen County Tech
Grullon, Niobe 22.18 North Bergen HS
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Group 4 Girls 200 Meter Dash 66 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Reinke, Emma Ridgewood HS
McAdams, Ella Montclair HS
Llanes, Sophia Bloomfield HS
Sayers, Kailyn Bloomfield HS
Sayers, Rylie Bloomfield HS
Sweeney, Emma Morristown HS
Hartman, Alyssa Livingston HS
Webb, Stephanie 25.44 Montclair HS
Spencer, Alysia 25.51 Ridgewood HS
Lawson, Kiya 25.76 Montclair HS
Grace, Olivia 25.84 Ridgewood HS
Robinson, Jordan 26.08 Morristown HS
Luperon, Kiomy 26.29 North Bergen HS
Almonte, Nahioly 26.37 Clifton HS
Redmond, Sophia 26.52 Mount Olive HS
Webber, Tomi 26.56 Morristown HS
Mancuso, Olivia 26.58 Randolph HS
Simon, Bayliss 26.69 Morristown HS
Oshodi, Nicole 26.70 West Orange HS
Redmond, Natasha 26.87 Mount Olive HS
Finley, Erin 26.96 Randolph HS
Fasoli, Briana 26.99 Passaic County Tech
Peterson, Nai'a 27.00 West Orange HS
Kakascik, Katie 27.02 Clifton HS
Scott, Zharia 27.32 Hackensack HS
Kestenbaum, Jadyn 27.37 Livingston HS
Agodomou, Anicha 27.47 Mount Olive HS
Reis, Charlotte 27.51 Ridgewood HS
Shanga, Aurelia 27.68 Mount Olive HS
Mieses, Hailey 27.75 Passaic County Tech
Burke, Mackenzie 27.76 Bergen County Tech
Chen, Emily 27.77 Bergen County Tech
Crespo, Isabel 27.78 Union City HS
Doshi, Nisha 27.85 Bloomfield HS
McLaughlin, Lara 27.87 Bergen County Tech
Jovellanos, Kassandra 27.92 Kearny HS
Glorie, Anna 27.99 Montclair HS
Brodsky, Hannah 28.08 Ridgewood HS
Wilson, Samyah 28.09 Bloomfield HS
Jones, Alicia 28.10 Mount Olive HS
Sharma, Monica 28.11 Livingston HS
Matos, Alyssa 28.17 North Bergen HS
Gorospe, Jianna 28.29 Mount Olive HS
Rubino, Luciana 28.29 Bloomfield HS
Simmons, Atiyya 28.41 West Orange HS
Nadelmann, Ellie 28.47 Livingston HS
Roberts, Janae 28.54 Clifton HS
Rivas, Alyssa 28.64 North Bergen HS
Chape, Ayanna 28.74 Hackensack HS
Roupe, Shilin 28.88 West Orange HS
Jan, Kristen 28.97 Bergen County Tech
Martins, Mariana 29.82 Kearny HS
Choi, Michelle 30.01 Bergen County Tech
Savage, Sarrah Lee 30.08 Passaic HS
Angeles, Bridget 30.18 Kearny HS
Willis, Honney 30.23 Passaic HS
Bradley, Natasha 30.25 Eastside HS - Paterson
Givens, Kimora 30.46 Hackensack HS
Millar, Katelyn 30.72 Kearny HS
Higgs, Paris 31.30 Eastside HS - Paterson
Pimentel, Jocelyn 31.49 Passaic HS
Garcia, Ciara 32.24 Eastside HS - Paterson
Oyola, Leyla 32.45 J F Kennedy HS - Paterson
Lee, Eun Soe 32.60 Bergen County Tech
Cepeda, Andreina 34.33 Eastside HS - Paterson
Silverio, Ashley 36.75 J F Kennedy HS - Paterson
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Group 4 Girls 3,200 Meter Run 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lesiczka, Nicole Bergen County Tech
Dannis, Taylor Livingston HS
Torres, Natalie Bloomfield HS
Heifler, Nikki Livingston HS
Wu, Danae Bergen County Tech
Adams, Kaitlyn Bloomfield HS
Peng, Chelsea Livingston HS
Shah, Simran Passaic County Tech
Dubac, Mia 10:58.30 Clifton HS
Shattuck, Olivia 11:14.76 Ridgewood HS
Dubac, Remy 11:31.21 Clifton HS
Wilkins, Maya 11:36.73 Randolph HS
Policano, Sarah 11:41.94 Ridgewood HS
Williams, Lily 11:42.18 Ridgewood HS
Hamlet, Claire 11:42.58 Ridgewood HS
Tretola, AnnaMarie 11:43.32 Ridgewood HS
Cerny, Eleanor 11:45.78 Morristown HS
Ross, Violet 12:06.46 Montclair HS
Son, Jiahn 12:25.85 Bergen County Tech
Duncan, Madeline 12:31.17 Montclair HS
Young, Meghan 12:44.02 Morristown HS
Aguilar, Denisse 12:57.32 Passaic County Tech
Haraka, Emily 12:58.18 Bloomfield HS
Vasquez, Marisol 13:06.91 Union City HS
Svenson, Estelle 13:09.78 Montclair HS
Leigh, Katrina 13:10.49 Livingston HS
Gonzalez, Marilyn 13:24.04 Passaic HS
Nunez, Tatiana 13:45.50 North Bergen HS
Gulfo, Bridget 13:50.44 Livingston HS
Albarracin, Sheila 13:52.76 Union City HS
Vazquez, Carolina 14:06.15 Passaic County Tech
Samms, Jessica 14:13.01 Morristown HS
Parelli, Victoria 14:19.13 Bloomfield HS
Perez, Kiara 14:27.29 Passaic HS
Checo, Keyla 14:34.40 Union City HS
Capet, Flavia 14:38.50 Bloomfield HS
Culver, Sasha 14:44.07 Livingston HS
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Group 4 Girls 400 Meter Dash 59 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Moul, Santija West Orange HS
Scharf, Sophia Livingston HS
Jan, Kristen Bergen County Tech
Doshi, Nisha Bloomfield HS
Grullon, Kimberly Hackensack HS
Brassel, Bea Ridgewood HS
Laviola, Alexis Bloomfield HS
Golan, Hadas Livingston HS
Millar, Katelyn Kearny HS
Chen, Emily Bergen County Tech
McCloud, Taylor Bloomfield HS
Glorie, Anna Montclair HS
Chape, Ayanna Hackensack HS
Martins, Mariana Kearny HS
Rubino, Luciana Bloomfield HS
McAdams, Ella 1:00.25 Montclair HS
Grace, Olivia 1:00.25 Ridgewood HS
Noonan, Anne 1:01.56 Passaic County Tech
Almonte, Nahioly 1:01.63 Clifton HS
Redmond, Natasha 1:01.88 Mount Olive HS
Wilson, Tiara 1:02.08 West Orange HS
Luperon, Kiomy 1:02.43 North Bergen HS
Rubio, Jessica 1:02.44 Clifton HS
Scott, Zharia 1:02.50 Hackensack HS
Mancuso, Olivia 1:02.50 Randolph HS
Sayers, Rylie 1:02.54 Bloomfield HS
Ryerson, Morgan 1:03.14 Mount Olive HS
Sayers, Kailyn 1:03.20 Bloomfield HS
Scott, Olivia 1:03.29 Mount Olive HS
McLaughlin, Lara 1:03.36 Bergen County Tech
Domanska, Weronika 1:03.52 Ridgewood HS
Draxler, Sophia 1:03.83 Montclair HS
Reis, Charlotte 1:04.25 Ridgewood HS
Rex, Nia 1:04.28 Passaic County Tech
Siao, Magdalene 1:04.32 Livingston HS
Crespo, Isabel 1:04.81 Union City HS
Flores, Lylah 1:04.81 Clifton HS
Dugan, Sydney 1:05.05 Mount Olive HS
Skelly, Christine 1:05.06 Passaic County Tech
Annuik, Claire 1:05.09 Morristown HS
Matos, Alyssa 1:05.10 North Bergen HS
Wyszynski, Nicole 1:05.35 Clifton HS
Gorospe, Jianna 1:05.41 Mount Olive HS
Kestenbaum, Jadyn 1:05.63 Livingston HS
Johnson, Dayniya 1:05.90 Passaic HS
Rivas, Alyssa 1:07.73 North Bergen HS
Choi, Michelle 1:07.81 Bergen County Tech
Dos Santos, Leandra 1:08.52 Kearny HS
Roberts, Janae 1:09.12 Clifton HS
Angeles, Bridget 1:09.89 Kearny HS
Lee, Eun Soe 1:10.73 Bergen County Tech
Felner, Kayla 1:11.49 Livingston HS
Garcia, Ciara 1:12.53 Eastside HS - Paterson
Oyola, Leyla 1:18.36 J F Kennedy HS - Paterson
Jones, Zarria 1:19.37 Passaic HS
Castillo, Priscilla 1:22.47 Kearny HS
Silverio, Ashley 1:26.01 J F Kennedy HS - Paterson
Lawson, Kiya 58.69 Montclair HS
Redmond, Sophia 59.08 Mount Olive HS
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Group 4 Girls 400 Meter Hurdles 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gutierrez, Maya Montclair HS
Mampilly, Arthi Livingston HS
Grace, Olivia Ridgewood HS
Prendergast, Kylie 1:06.22 Livingston HS
Finley, Erin 1:06.27 Randolph HS
Noonan, Anne 1:07.05 Passaic County Tech
Rabolli, Lucia 1:07.40 Ridgewood HS
Bona, Sarah 1:08.41 Randolph HS
Ryerson, Morgan 1:08.53 Mount Olive HS
Brassel, Bea 1:09.21 Ridgewood HS
Rubio, Jessica 1:09.82 Clifton HS
Siao, Magdalene 1:10.38 Livingston HS
Cyrus, Madison 1:10.84 West Orange HS
Reinke, Emma 1:10.95 Ridgewood HS
Shen, Annie 1:10.97 Livingston HS
Carr, Cocoro 1:12.12 North Bergen HS
Mignano, Francesca 1:12.79 Bergen County Tech
Garcia, Emma Stefanie 1:13.58 Passaic County Tech
Roupe, Shilin 1:14.40 West Orange HS
Millar, Katelyn 1:14.89 Kearny HS
McCloud, Taylor 1:15.52 Bloomfield HS
Rivas, Alyssa 1:16.39 North Bergen HS
Masri, Maya 1:16.50 Passaic County Tech
Angeles, Bridget 1:16.75 Kearny HS
Domanska, Weronika 1:17.63 Ridgewood HS
Medina, Maite 1:19.10 Union City HS
Trommelen, Saskia 1:19.57 Bergen County Tech
Silva, Karina 1:19.60 Bloomfield HS
Laviola, Alexis 1:21.00 Bloomfield HS
Willis, Honney 1:22.95 Passaic HS
Soja, Aniela 1:25.87 Bloomfield HS
Castillo, Priscilla 1:26.04 Kearny HS
Torres, Blake 1:26.66 Kearny HS
Grullon, Niobe 1:28.01 North Bergen HS
Kelly, Joie 1:40.32 Bergen County Tech
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Group 4 Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Eastside HS - Paterson
Relay Team A Hackensack HS
Relay Team A 48.85 Montclair HS
Relay Team A 49.54 West Orange HS
Relay Team A 50.28 Mount Olive HS
Relay Team A 50.51 Morristown HS
Relay Team A 51.08 Ridgewood HS
Relay Team A 51.46 Randolph HS
Relay Team A 52.15 Livingston HS
Relay Team A 52.18 Bergen County Tech
Relay Team A 53.08 Bloomfield HS
Relay Team A 53.84 Clifton HS
Relay Team A 54.25 Passaic County Tech
Relay Team A 56.17 Passaic HS
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Group 4 Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Eastside HS - Paterson
Relay Team A 4:02.40 Montclair HS
Relay Team A 4:03.85 Mount Olive HS
Relay Team A 4:10.93 Ridgewood HS
Relay Team A 4:12.72 West Orange HS
Relay Team A 4:16.86 Passaic County Tech
Relay Team A 4:19.27 Bloomfield HS
Relay Team A 4:19.94 Randolph HS
Relay Team A 4:22.24 Livingston HS
Relay Team A 4:24.90 Clifton HS
Relay Team A 4:25.20 North Bergen HS
Relay Team A 4:25.22 Bergen County Tech
Relay Team A 4:29.74 Hackensack HS
Relay Team A 4:55.00 Passaic HS
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Group 4 Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:26.30 West Orange HS
Relay Team A 10:44.41 Mount Olive HS
Relay Team A 10:46.26 Clifton HS
Relay Team A 10:50.26 Randolph HS
Relay Team A 10:50.40 Montclair HS
Relay Team A 11:05.49 Bloomfield HS
Relay Team A 11:12.76 Passaic County Tech
Relay Team A 11:15.38 Livingston HS
Relay Team A 11:35.10 North Bergen HS
Relay Team A 9:50.68 Ridgewood HS
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Group 4 Girls 800 Meter Run 52 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Parelli, Victoria Bloomfield HS
Son, Jiahn Bergen County Tech
Adams, Kaitlyn Bloomfield HS
Culver, Sasha Livingston HS
Dannis, Taylor Livingston HS
Perez, Kiara Passaic HS
Rubio, Jessica Clifton HS
Rabolli, Cellina Ridgewood HS
Gulfo, Bridget Livingston HS
Rabolli, Lucia 2:18.81 Ridgewood HS
Policano, Sarah 2:19.99 Ridgewood HS
Tretola, AnnaMarie 2:20.54 Ridgewood HS
Whiting, Chloe 2:21.87 Randolph HS
Dubac, Mia 2:22.09 Clifton HS
Williams, Lily 2:24.53 Ridgewood HS
Dubac, Remy 2:25.57 Clifton HS
Spencer, Krisantha 2:25.69 Montclair HS
Prendergast, Kylie 2:26.31 Livingston HS
McAdams, Ella 2:28.33 Montclair HS
Morrison, Ajia Brenell 2:30.41 Passaic County Tech
Annuik, Claire 2:30.88 Morristown HS
Garraud, Leila 2:31.64 West Orange HS
Haraka, Emily 2:32.30 Bloomfield HS
Alfaro Rivera, Jennifer 2:32.94 West Orange HS
Lesiczka, Nicole 2:33.18 Bergen County Tech
Draxler, Sophia 2:34.84 Montclair HS
Wyszynski, Nicole 2:35.13 Clifton HS
Angeles, Bridget 2:35.62 Kearny HS
Arevalo, Karen 2:36.48 North Bergen HS
Smith, Sana'a 2:36.90 West Orange HS
Alfonso, Genesi 2:37.37 North Bergen HS
Milligan, Kaitlyn 2:39.23 Randolph HS
Sayers, Ava 2:39.66 Bloomfield HS
Silva, Karina 2:40.06 Bloomfield HS
Aguilar, Denisse 2:40.20 Passaic County Tech
Shen, Annie 2:40.41 Livingston HS
Grullon, Kimberly 2:40.94 Hackensack HS
Gonzalez, Marilyn 2:43.55 Passaic HS
Kirk, Ester 2:44.49 Morristown HS
Nunez, Paulina 2:45.43 North Bergen HS
Leigh, Katrina 2:45.82 Livingston HS
Reyes, Samantha 2:46.37 Hackensack HS
Nunez, Denise 2:46.77 Union City HS
Carlomagno, Isabella 2:47.27 Clifton HS
Sarinelli, Genevieve 2:47.29 Mount Olive HS
Dos Santos, Leandra 2:47.81 Kearny HS
Gomez, Sarah 2:49.21 Passaic County Tech
Green, Olivia 2:52.11 Clifton HS
Wu, Danae 2:52.90 Bergen County Tech
Torres, Natalie 2:54.63 Bloomfield HS
Ormaza, Shanel 2:54.82 Kearny HS
Sosa, Nicole 3:02.73 Kearny HS
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Group 4 Girls Discus 41 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Prescott, Olivia 125-8 West Orange HS
Anderson, Kaiese 103-2 Bloomfield HS
Giles, Taniya 98-8 Clifton HS
Valentin, Alyssa 97-1 Bloomfield HS
Thorpe, Khyaira 95-7 Randolph HS
Fitzgerald, Mackenzie 92-10.5 Morristown HS
Brown, Ciara 91-7 Hackensack HS
Odoemene, Leslie 89-6 West Orange HS
Martino, Cicilia 89-4 Passaic County Tech
Dolan, Casey 88-2 Bloomfield HS
Otterstedt, Hannah 83-4 Ridgewood HS
Linares, Kayla 82-8 Clifton HS
Mehari, Sinit 82-1 Livingston HS
Gibson, Grace 80-5 Montclair HS
Fernandez, Ivette 78-8 Hackensack HS
Frazier, Giselle 78-3 Montclair HS
Gutierrez Murillo, Angelissa 77-3 Morristown HS
Jackson, Ariyana 76-4.5 Randolph HS
Lofton, Raquel 76-3.75 Morristown HS
Balcacer, Aileen 75-9 Union City HS
Armand, Chanel 74-0 Montclair HS
Johnson, Isabel 73-7 Ridgewood HS
Leonarz, Ava 73-7 Ridgewood HS
Yurgelonis, Rebecca 73-0 Ridgewood HS
Florentino, Gabriela 72-0 Hackensack HS
Grzybowski, Izabelle 71-7 Passaic County Tech
Fernandez, Destiny Noemi 69-3 Passaic County Tech
Crosson, Isabella 68-10 Randolph HS
Bermudez, Gabriella 66-9 Clifton HS
Ortiz, Yojaira 66-2 North Bergen HS
Amoh, Hilary 63-5 Clifton HS
Silva, Giselle 61-0 Bergen County Tech
Rivera, Ariana 60-5 Clifton HS
Higgs, Paris 58-6 Eastside HS - Paterson
Acosta, Jazmin 56-7 Union City HS
Clancy, Madison 55-8 Bergen County Tech
Biamonte, Skylar 55-1 Bergen County Tech
Sumbultepe, Anastasia 49-10 Livingston HS
Wright, Amorrianah 47-0 Eastside HS - Paterson
Polevoy, Lindsey 47-0 Bergen County Tech
Thompson, Shamakae 46-8 Eastside HS - Paterson
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Group 4 Girls High Jump 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bartutis, Alejandra 5-2 North Bergen HS
Celestin, Andree 5-2 West Orange HS
Adams, Kourtney 5-0 West Orange HS
Shanga, Aurelia 5-0 Mount Olive HS
Jones, Alicia 4-10 Mount Olive HS
Bona, Sarah 4-10 Randolph HS
Carr, Cocoro 4-8 North Bergen HS
Almonte, Nahioly 4-8 Clifton HS
Millar, Katelyn 4-8 Kearny HS
Rex, Nia 4-8 Passaic County Tech
Mignano, Francesca 4-8 Bergen County Tech
Nunez, Tatiana 4-6 North Bergen HS
Brassel, Bea 4-6 Ridgewood HS
Pollock, Isabella 4-6 Fair Lawn HS
Rubio, Jessica 4-6 Clifton HS
Shen, Annie 4-4 Livingston HS
Laviola, Alexis 4-4 Bloomfield HS
Martins, Mariana 4-4 Kearny HS
Siao, Magdalene 4-3 Livingston HS
Reinke, Emma 4-2 Ridgewood HS
Kelly, Joie 4-2 Bergen County Tech
Tellado, Keira 4-0 Bergen County Tech
Mampilly, Arthi Livingston HS
Scharf, Sophia Livingston HS
Williams, Anna Ridgewood HS
Summers, Ava Montclair HS
Jordan, Leannah Montclair HS
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Group 4 Girls Javelin 42 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Romero, Hailey 135-1 Fair Lawn HS
Schmitt, Rachel 123-10 Fair Lawn HS
Viellette, Melissa 119-5 Fair Lawn HS
Fernandez, Destiny Noemi 109-6 Passaic County Tech
Cullin, Fiona 109-0 Ridgewood HS
Celestin, Andree 101-6 West Orange HS
Bartutis, Alejandra 97-6 North Bergen HS
Silva, Kayla 93-10 Bloomfield HS
Giles, Taniya 93-1 Clifton HS
Bona, Sarah 91-9 Randolph HS
Toro, Kaitlyn 83-10 Bloomfield HS
Farber, Lily 82-6 Passaic County Tech
Casareale, Ava 81-9 Randolph HS
Williams, Anna 80-9 Ridgewood HS
Johnson, Isabel 79-8 Ridgewood HS
Martino, Cicilia 77-11 Passaic County Tech
Fitzgerald, Mackenzie 75-2 Morristown HS
Jackson, Ariyana 75-0 Randolph HS
Scharf, Sophia 75-0 Livingston HS
Lofton, Raquel 71-7 Morristown HS
Brown, Ciara 70-10 Hackensack HS
Lovelsmith, Lillian 69-10 Morristown HS
Ortiz, Yojaira 69-9 North Bergen HS
Balcacer, Aileen 69-8 Union City HS
Waddell, Jennie 68-6 Clifton HS
Mampilly, Arthi 68-0 Livingston HS
Acosta, Jazmin 67-0 Union City HS
Yung, Summer 66-0 Livingston HS
Armand, Chanel 65-4 Montclair HS
Florentino, Gabriela 64-1 Hackensack HS
Wright, Amorrianah 63-10 Eastside HS - Paterson
Miqueli, Rylie 62-7 Memorial HS WNY
Polevoy, Lindsey 62-4 Bergen County Tech
Hassan, Caitlin 60-8 Morristown HS
Silva, Giselle 55-3 Bergen County Tech
Higgs, Paris 50-5 Eastside HS - Paterson
Asare-Gyan, Queenie 46-9 Bergen County Tech
Fernandez, Ivette 46-6 Hackensack HS
Anderson, Kaiese 46-2 Bloomfield HS
Thompson, Shamakae 37-5 Eastside HS - Paterson
Biamonte, Skylar 36-4 Bergen County Tech
Clancy, Madison 34-2 Bergen County Tech
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Group 4 Girls Long Jump 43 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Finley, Erin 17-6.5 Randolph HS
Celestin, Andree 17-6 West Orange HS
Fitzgerald, Elizabeth 17-6 Montclair HS
Bartutis, Alejandra 17-4 North Bergen HS
Scott, Hannah 17-1.5 Mount Olive HS
Summers, Ava 17-0 Montclair HS
Peterson, Nai'a 16-11 West Orange HS
Wilson, Tiara 16-11 West Orange HS
Kakascik, Katie 16-9.75 Clifton HS
Simon, Bayliss 16-6.75 Morristown HS
Jones, Alicia 16-6.5 Mount Olive HS
Adams, Kourtney 16-5 West Orange HS
Grace, Olivia 16-4 Ridgewood HS
Bradley, Natasha 16-0 Eastside HS - Paterson
Scott, Olivia 15-10 Mount Olive HS
Scharf, Sophia 15-9 Livingston HS
Dusajn, Kaysia 15-8.5 North Bergen HS
Reid, Denille 15-8.5 Passaic County Tech
Reinke, Emma 15-8 Ridgewood HS
Sweeney, Emma 15-7.25 Morristown HS
Carr, Cocoro 15-7 North Bergen HS
Yung, Summer 15-6 Livingston HS
Webber, Tomi 15-2.5 Morristown HS
Ryerson, Morgan 15-2.5 Mount Olive HS
Kung, Pauline Stephanie 14-11 Passaic County Tech
Rubio, Jessica 14-9.5 Clifton HS
Cruz-Fletcher, Angel 14-8 Bloomfield HS
Swanson, Elizabeth 14-8 Fair Lawn HS
Hartman, Alyssa 14-5.5 Livingston HS
Dang, Lee 14-5.25 Bergen County Tech
Mignano, Francesca 14-3.25 Bergen County Tech
Rabolli, Lucia 14-2 Ridgewood HS
Johnson, Dayniya 14-0 Passaic HS
Papin, Charlotte 13-7.25 Ridgewood HS
Llanes, Sophia 13-3 Bloomfield HS
Robinson, Jordan 13-1 Morristown HS
Kelly, Joie 12-6.75 Bergen County Tech
Sneed, Alaprentia 12-6 Montclair HS
Parelli, Catherine 12-4 Bloomfield HS
Tellado, Keira 11-3 Bergen County Tech
Brodsky, Hannah Ridgewood HS
Brassel, Bea Ridgewood HS
Kestenbaum, Jadyn Livingston HS
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Group 4 Girls Pole Vault 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fitzgerald, Elizabeth 11-7 Montclair HS
Hutchinson, Talia 10-0 Ridgewood HS
DeVera, Madison 9-0 Ridgewood HS
Yung, Summer 9-0 Livingston HS
Scharf, Sophia 8-6 Livingston HS
MacDonnell, Mallory 8-0 Ridgewood HS
Conenello, Marette 8-0 Ridgewood HS
Dillon, Jaidyn 8-0 Passaic County Tech
Robinson, Makenzie 7-0 Bloomfield HS
Hochegger, Lauren 7-0 Ridgewood HS
Reid, Denille 7-0 Passaic County Tech
Mur, Adeleen 7-0 Hackensack HS
Trommelen, Saskia 6-6 Bergen County Tech
Xu, Lucy 6-0 Livingston HS
Itkin, Anna 6-0 Bergen County Tech
Miller, Lauren 6-0 Ridgewood HS
Gonzalez, Yariannie 6-0 Passaic County Tech
Follaco, Aliyah Hackensack HS
Swaine, Gabrielle Bergen County Tech
Mampilly, Arthi Livingston HS
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Group 4 Girls Shot Put 44 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Prescott, Olivia 40-1 West Orange HS
Giles, Taniya 36-0.75 Clifton HS
Brown, Ciara 35-3 Hackensack HS
Grzybowski, Izabelle 32-1.25 Passaic County Tech
Jackson, Ariyana 32-0 Randolph HS
Johnson, Larryl 31-6.5 Passaic County Tech
Johnson, Isabel 30-9.5 Ridgewood HS
Anderson, Kaiese 30-0 Bloomfield HS
Clark, Crystal 29-10 Montclair HS
Thorpe, Khyaira 29-8 Randolph HS
Fitzgerald, Mackenzie 29-1 Morristown HS
Balcacer, Aileen 28-11.25 Union City HS
Karanja, Sera 28-4 Mount Olive HS
Lassiter, Chavi'Ola 28-0.75 Passaic County Tech
Baorto, Gianna 27-11 Randolph HS
Gibson, Grace 27-7 Montclair HS
Otterstedt, Hannah 27-4.5 Ridgewood HS
Lofton, Raquel 26-10.5 Morristown HS
Bermudez, Gabriella 26-10.5 Clifton HS
Ortiz, Yojaira 26-9.5 North Bergen HS
Amoh, Hilary 26-6.5 Clifton HS
Fernandez, Ivette 25-9 Hackensack HS
Higgs, Paris 25-8 Eastside HS - Paterson
Valentin, Alyssa 25-5.5 Bloomfield HS
Clancy, Madison 25-5 Bergen County Tech
Kemper, Olivia 25-3.5 Morristown HS
Armand, Chanel 25-3.5 Montclair HS
Florentino, Gabriela 25-1.5 Hackensack HS
Wright, Amorrianah 25-0.25 Eastside HS - Paterson
Mehari, Sinit 25-0 Livingston HS
Toro, Kaitlyn 24-9 Bloomfield HS
Yurgelonis, Rebecca 24-5 Ridgewood HS
Linares, Kayla 23-10.25 Clifton HS
Leonarz, Ava 23-7 Ridgewood HS
Acosta, Jazmin 23-1.25 Union City HS
Rivera, Ariana 22-9.75 Clifton HS
Safiya, Alexandra 20-4 Bloomfield HS
Silva, Giselle 20-4 Bergen County Tech
Asare-Gyan, Queenie 18-6.5 Bergen County Tech
Deochand, Anjali 17-2.25 Bloomfield HS
Thompson, Shamakae 16-7.5 Eastside HS - Paterson
Silverio, Ashley 16-0.25 J F Kennedy HS - Paterson
Oyola, Leyla 15-10.25 J F Kennedy HS - Paterson
Sumbultepe, Anastasia 15-9 Livingston HS
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Group 4 Girls Triple Jump 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wilson, Tiara 38-6.25 West Orange HS
Adams, Kourtney 37-5 West Orange HS
Bartutis, Alejandra 35-8 North Bergen HS
Fitzgerald, Elizabeth 35-2 Montclair HS
Almonte, Nahioly 35-1.25 Clifton HS
Jones, Alicia 34-9.5 Mount Olive HS
Finley, Erin 34-2 Randolph HS
Dusajn, Kaysia 33-10.5 North Bergen HS
Shanga, Aurelia 33-4 Mount Olive HS
Bona, Sarah 33-2 Randolph HS
Rabolli, Lucia 33-0 Ridgewood HS
Sweeney, Emma 32-8 Morristown HS
Reinke, Emma 32-6.5 Ridgewood HS
Scott, Hannah 32-4 Mount Olive HS
Brodsky, Hannah 32-1 Ridgewood HS
Mignano, Francesca 31-7.5 Bergen County Tech
Reid, Denille 31-7 Passaic County Tech
Llanes, Sophia 31-6 Bloomfield HS
Swanson, Elizabeth 31-5 Fair Lawn HS
Kung, Pauline Stephanie 31-5 Passaic County Tech
Shen, Annie 31-3 Livingston HS
Wyszynski, Nicole 30-11.5 Clifton HS
Siao, Magdalene 30-6.5 Livingston HS
Papin, Charlotte 30-0 Ridgewood HS
Parelli, Victoria 29-7.5 Bloomfield HS
Arango, Breana 29-5 Passaic County Tech
Mampilly, Arthi 29-3 Livingston HS
Parelli, Catherine 27-10 Bloomfield HS
Gringeri, Isabel 27-9 Morristown HS
Peterson, Nai'a West Orange HS
Simmons, Atiyya West Orange HS
Glorie, Teah Montclair HS
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