NJSIAA Sectionals Central Groups 2 and 3 2019

Jackson Twp, NJ

Athlete Entries

Group 2 Boys 1,600 Meter Run 52 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Higgins, Michael Governor Livingston HS
Maguire, Aidan Governor Livingston HS
Lalicon, Jeremiah Spotswood HS
Smith, Ryan 4:24.54 North Plainfield HS
Dias, Christopher 4:25.90 Rahway HS
Moran, Jack 4:26.46 Wall HS
McConnell, Daniel 4:30.07 Voorhees HS
Harold, Joseph 4:31.90 Spotswood HS
Malague, Ed 4:33.69 Metuchen HS
Hood, Ethan 4:35.23 Holmdel HS
Stevens, Ford 4:39.23 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
LoPresti, Dylan 4:42.30 Matawan Reg. HS
Gardell, Jack 4:42.72 Matawan Reg. HS
Kinsky, Joshua 4:43.08 Voorhees HS
LePage, Gabe 4:43.09 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Carrero, Mark 4:43.98 Rahway HS
Laskowski, Michael 4:44.19 Rahway HS
Gentry, Tyler 4:45.05 Bordentown Regional HS
Kwok, Thomas 4:45.19 Metuchen HS
Eiffert, Nicholas 4:46.91 Bordentown Regional HS
Carr, Nolan 4:47.26 Robbinsville HS
Smith, Ian 4:49.08 North Plainfield HS
Rao, Abhay 4:49.15 Holmdel HS
Almeida, Renzo 4:50.95 Bordentown Regional HS
Brar, Sahil 4:53.52 Carteret HS
Manzano, Chris 4:54.05 North Plainfield HS
Woods, Brandon 4:54.62 Governor Livingston HS
Kaus, Josh 4:54.81 Robbinsville HS
Mihalenko, Alec 4:56.75 Holmdel HS
Anand, Romir 4:56.87 Metuchen HS
Beacher, Colin 4:58.28 Metuchen HS
Simeone, Michael 4:58.68 Metuchen HS
Alcazar, Mikel 4:59.48 Spotswood HS
Jha, Pratyush 5:02.27 Metuchen HS
Jacobs, Matthew 5:02.55 Raritan HS
Sepe, Dylan 5:03.58 Monmouth Reg. HS
Shapiro, Tommy 5:03.79 Delaware Valley HS
Ramirez, Steven 5:04.08 Wall HS
Saini, Sukhpal 5:04.55 Carteret HS
McLaughlin, James 5:04.80 Matawan Reg. HS
Baldasarre, Tav 5:09.94 South Plainfield HS
Connell, Timothy 5:10.57 Raritan HS
Comeau, Tyler 5:10.58 Delaware Valley HS
Ballard, Tashir 5:11.95 Rahway HS
Freeman, Jon 5:13.34 Robbinsville HS
Hoye, Robert 5:18.03 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Anthony, Petrillo 5:22.29 Newark Collegiate Charter
Christopher, George 5:24.72 Raritan HS
Pascale, Brandon 5:28.06 South Plainfield HS
Dobrynio, Braedon 5:30.58 South Plainfield HS
Murphy, Vaughn 5:40.31 Delaware Valley HS
Tito, Luis 5:49.93 Carteret HS
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Group 2 Boys 100 Meter Dash 55 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Walker, Messiah Bordentown Regional HS
Garcia, George Governor Livingston HS
Ritter, Shane Bordentown Regional HS
Duncan, Daniel 10.81 North Plainfield HS
Akande, Ola 11.21 Rahway HS
Hall, Zachery 11.21 Matawan Reg. HS
Ondy, Christopher 11.24 Robbinsville HS
Volker, John 11.29 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Hayles, Jaheem 11.32 Roselle - Abraham Clark HS
Appell, Avi 11.37 Metuchen HS
Kelley-Gordon, Stephon 11.40 Carteret HS
Willis, Shadon 11.41 Hillside HS
Calloway, Justice 11.42 Newark Collegiate Charter
Tarawali, John 11.51 Bordentown Regional HS
Kline, Matthew 11.56 Holmdel HS
Louis, James 11.65 Hillside HS
Biggins, Nahree 11.67 Hillside HS
Bradford, Rashon 11.67 Rahway HS
Barnes, Nahri 11.71 Newark Collegiate Charter
Day, Myles 11.71 Holmdel HS
deGroot, Ashwin 11.73 South Plainfield HS
Zheng, Jason 11.73 Holmdel HS
Brown, Matthew 11.74 Metuchen HS
Brutus, Cliff 11.78 Roselle - Abraham Clark HS
Moran, Christopher 11.80 Spotswood HS
Rivera, Bobby 11.83 South Plainfield HS
Arduini, Nick 11.84 Delaware Valley HS
Allen, Jah'Quan 11.86 North Plainfield HS
Bails, Mark 11.86 Rahway HS
Dibetta, Nicholas 11.86 Delaware Valley HS
Guillette, Emari 11.87 Rahway HS
Henderson, James 11.94 Carteret HS
Lanfrank, Jaden 11.95 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Lu, Anthony 11.97 Holmdel HS
Rogers, Kristian 12.09 Rahway HS
Micca, Christopher 12.10 Governor Livingston HS
Joassailnte, Sebastian 12.11 Delaware Valley HS
Ruane, Ryan 12.14 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Domingues, Michael 12.17 Governor Livingston HS
Miller, Mark 12.18 Metuchen HS
Tate, Dondre 12.18 South Plainfield HS
Lordi, Greg 12.19 A. L. Johnson HS
Zukowski, Matthew 12.29 A. L. Johnson HS
Hackett, Jack 12.30 Robbinsville HS
Ford, Aidan 12.38 A. L. Johnson HS
Crawford, William 12.40 Raritan HS
Walton, Milton 12.43 North Plainfield HS
Laudani, Anthony 12.56 South Plainfield HS
Gallagher, Brian 12.71 South Plainfield HS
Lugli, Daniel 13.00 Raritan HS
Searcy, Jakai 13.00 Newark Collegiate Charter
Strange, Richard 13.06 Voorhees HS
Rodas, Justin 13.19 South Plainfield HS
El-Zahr, Jacob 13.31 Voorhees HS
Gora, Joe 13.37 Voorhees HS
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Group 2 Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 42 entries

Athlete Seed Team
AmanKwah, Ethan Bordentown Regional HS
Rojas, Genaro Rahway HS
Jakubowski-Lewis, Daniel Roselle - Abraham Clark HS
Hayles, Jaheem 14.01 Roselle - Abraham Clark HS
Akande, Ola 14.46 Rahway HS
Prestigiacomo, Anthony 14.87 Holmdel HS
Getter, Jayden 14.97 Matawan Reg. HS
Horowitz, Garrett 15.15 Robbinsville HS
Wilson, Laurence 15.20 Matawan Reg. HS
Walier, Mark 15.36 Holmdel HS
Campbell, Naji 15.50 North Plainfield HS
Agyemang, Jason 15.51 North Plainfield HS
Sommer, Kevin 15.51 Voorhees HS
Jean-Baptiste, Quasson 15.54 North Plainfield HS
Ferris, Jahmir 15.54 Rahway HS
Kebe, Hamady 15.67 Carteret HS
Soder, Thomas 15.76 Monmouth Reg. HS
Coelho, Justin 15.98 Rahway HS
Wang, Jonathan 16.17 Holmdel HS
Ani, Anas 16.19 Holmdel HS
Janiak, Alexander 16.20 Governor Livingston HS
Henderson, James 16.26 Carteret HS
Coleman, Adam 16.58 Matawan Reg. HS
Lawrence, Michael 16.60 South Plainfield HS
Rainey, Giovanni 16.75 Rahway HS
Archibald, Malachi 16.96 Rahway HS
Karczewski, Steven 16.98 Spotswood HS
Arnold, Kyle 17.39 Governor Livingston HS
Marino, Mark 17.59 Governor Livingston HS
Obado, Kyle 17.74 Spotswood HS
Aiello, Nicholas 17.86 South Plainfield HS
Kolbasowski, Alexander 17.97 Spotswood HS
Billich, Justin 18.72 South Plainfield HS
Krebs, William 18.93 Wall HS
Morelli, Tyler 18.98 Robbinsville HS
Evangeliou, KJ 19.14 Wall HS
Longo, Alex 19.49 Wall HS
Riley, Timothy John 19.61 Robbinsville HS
Umana, Jafeth 19.83 Newark Collegiate Charter
Ng, Joshua 20.57 South Plainfield HS
Snyder, Aiden 20.81 Delaware Valley HS
Snyder, Damien 21.30 Raritan HS
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Group 2 Boys 200 Meter Dash 66 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Berardi, Tyler South Plainfield HS
Searcy, Jakai Newark Collegiate Charter
Hackett, Jack Robbinsville HS
Aguilar, Angelo Rahway HS
AmanKwah, Ethan Bordentown Regional HS
Polynice, Marvin Rahway HS
Gallagher, Brian South Plainfield HS
Ritter, Shane Bordentown Regional HS
McFadden, Isaiah Hillside HS
Mount, Sam Robbinsville HS
Duncan, Daniel 21.81 North Plainfield HS
Hall, Zachery 22.26 Matawan Reg. HS
Hayles, Jaheem 22.53 Roselle - Abraham Clark HS
Ondy, Christopher 22.83 Robbinsville HS
Akande, Ola 22.99 Rahway HS
Appell, Avi 23.05 Metuchen HS
Dreher, Jai 23.21 Metuchen HS
Bradford, Rashon 23.35 Rahway HS
Tarawali, John 23.43 Bordentown Regional HS
deGroot, Ashwin 23.44 South Plainfield HS
Jean-Baptiste, Quasson 23.47 North Plainfield HS
Hearns, Starrell 23.48 Carteret HS
Delva, Jonathan 23.49 Hillside HS
Laube, Lovany 23.66 Roselle - Abraham Clark HS
Brown, Matthew 23.71 Metuchen HS
Kline, Matthew 23.78 Holmdel HS
Allen, Jah'Quan 23.79 North Plainfield HS
Zheng, Jason 23.79 Holmdel HS
McManus, Cade 23.81 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Smith, Ruben 23.81 Roselle - Abraham Clark HS
Bails, Mark 23.88 Rahway HS
Day, Dylan 23.90 Holmdel HS
Barnes, Nahri 23.91 Newark Collegiate Charter
Rivera, Bobby 23.93 South Plainfield HS
Cordes, Thomas 23.98 Metuchen HS
Haines, Braeden 23.99 Raritan HS
Ledo, Connor 24.05 Holmdel HS
Lu, Anthony 24.07 Holmdel HS
Miller, Mark 24.09 Metuchen HS
Acheampong, Justin 24.10 Spotswood HS
Laster, Mikell 24.24 Matawan Reg. HS
Delgado, Jose 24.24 South Plainfield HS
Rogers, Kristian 24.25 Rahway HS
Lanfrank, Jaden 24.30 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Kebe, Hamady 24.35 Carteret HS
Ruane, Ryan 24.41 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Garcia, George 24.41 Governor Livingston HS
Joassailnte, Sebastian 24.42 Delaware Valley HS
Domingues, Michael 24.55 Governor Livingston HS
Manivannan, Arvin 24.60 Metuchen HS
Gerber, Drew 24.61 Wall HS
Tate, Dondre 24.62 South Plainfield HS
Larkin, Casey 24.70 Wall HS
Freeman, Mathew 24.76 Matawan Reg. HS
Pitt, Alex 24.78 Governor Livingston HS
Walker, Messiah 25.10 Bordentown Regional HS
Ford, Aidan 25.10 A. L. Johnson HS
Zukowski, Matthew 25.32 A. L. Johnson HS
Arduini, Nick 25.46 Delaware Valley HS
Lankford, Dylan 25.69 Delaware Valley HS
Caso, Jaren 25.83 Raritan HS
Strange, Richard 26.11 Voorhees HS
Lugli, Daniel 26.29 Raritan HS
Swanson, Ari 26.79 Wall HS
Gora, Joe 26.91 Voorhees HS
El-Zahr, Jacob 26.99 Voorhees HS
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Group 2 Boys 3,200 Meter Run 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Carrero, Mark Rahway HS
Beacher, Colin Metuchen HS
Poole, Greg Bordentown Regional HS
Anand, Romir Metuchen HS
Anthony, Petrillo Newark Collegiate Charter
Skurat, Evan 10:00.48 Monmouth Reg. HS
Malague, Ed 10:01.31 Metuchen HS
Marty, Jonathan 10:14.89 Holmdel HS
Sood, Aakash 10:26.34 Metuchen HS
Gardell, Jack 10:29.07 Matawan Reg. HS
Laskowski, Michael 10:30.34 Rahway HS
Manzano, Chris 10:32.33 North Plainfield HS
Schreyer, Ryan 10:32.83 Robbinsville HS
Pagdanganan, Lorenzo 10:33.09 Governor Livingston HS
Aranas, Alex 10:38.46 Governor Livingston HS
Kwok, Thomas 10:38.51 Metuchen HS
Carr, Aidan 10:39.82 Robbinsville HS
Lombardo, Christopher 10:47.00 Matawan Reg. HS
Bradley, Kenneth 10:55.92 North Plainfield HS
D'Amico, Anthony 11:01.93 Raritan HS
Saini, Sukhpal 11:05.11 Carteret HS
Marinko, Christopher 11:05.34 Governor Livingston HS
Machanpalli, Rishi 11:11.33 Bordentown Regional HS
LoPresti, Carter 11:13.33 Matawan Reg. HS
Simeone, Michael 11:18.72 Metuchen HS
Christopher, George 11:27.49 Raritan HS
Wasserman, Jonathan 11:34.72 Spotswood HS
Ballard, Tashir 12:00.55 Rahway HS
Mocarski, Brian 12:34.52 Raritan HS
Smith, Ryan 9:37.30 North Plainfield HS
Higgins, Luke 9:44.03 Voorhees HS
TAYLOR, Jared 9:47.04 Robbinsville HS
Fritz, Dylan 9:47.95 Voorhees HS
Tavaglione, Jack 9:50.51 Voorhees HS
Dias, Christopher 9:51.13 Rahway HS
Movva, Arun 9:51.17 Holmdel HS
Silvergold, Kevin 9:57.54 Holmdel HS
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Group 2 Boys 400 Meter Dash 62 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Campbell, Steven Rahway HS
Appell, Avi Metuchen HS
Haegley, Bennett Robbinsville HS
Polynice, Marvin Rahway HS
Delgado, Jose South Plainfield HS
Anderson, khaliq Newark Collegiate Charter
Hyman, Noah Metuchen HS
Hall, Zachery 48.72 Matawan Reg. HS
Serrano, Charlie 49.82 Matawan Reg. HS
Duncan, Daniel 49.96 North Plainfield HS
Reers, Kyle 50.30 Delaware Valley HS
Smith, Ruben 51.27 Roselle - Abraham Clark HS
Gaddis, Leaundre 51.54 North Plainfield HS
Willis, Shadon 51.55 Hillside HS
Dreher, Jai 51.56 Metuchen HS
Bails, Mark 51.73 Rahway HS
Delva, Jonathan 52.14 Hillside HS
deGroot, Ashwin 52.25 South Plainfield HS
Haines, Braeden 52.48 Raritan HS
Cordes, Thomas 52.52 Metuchen HS
Laube, Lovany 52.57 Roselle - Abraham Clark HS
Acheampong, Justin 52.62 Spotswood HS
Dockery, Tyquan 52.66 Newark Collegiate Charter
AmanKwah, Ethan 52.81 Bordentown Regional HS
Lordi, Greg 53.01 A. L. Johnson HS
Cabbell, Timyan 53.36 North Plainfield HS
Rogers, Kristian 53.39 Rahway HS
Gerber, Drew 53.40 Wall HS
Aguilar, Angelo 53.67 Rahway HS
Jakubowski-Lewis, Daniel 54.22 Roselle - Abraham Clark HS
Priester, Duwun 54.35 Newark Collegiate Charter
Natsis, Peter 54.37 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Freeman, Mathew 54.39 Matawan Reg. HS
Ledo, Connor 54.41 Holmdel HS
Rivera, Bobby 54.41 South Plainfield HS
Leonard, Bryan 54.50 Monmouth Reg. HS
Erakin, Devin 54.51 Holmdel HS
McManus, Cade 55.02 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Arduini, Nick 55.31 Delaware Valley HS
Ritter, Shane 55.67 Bordentown Regional HS
Eromosele, Oseghale 55.85 Hillside HS
Gallagher, Brian 55.88 South Plainfield HS
Schroeder, Geoffrey 56.02 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Dispenza, Samuel 56.12 Voorhees HS
Day, Dylan 56.24 Holmdel HS
Adams, Cody 56.45 South Plainfield HS
Etherton, Vincent 56.49 Robbinsville HS
Walker, Messiah 56.61 Bordentown Regional HS
Menzie, Kevin 56.64 Voorhees HS
Ojo, Elijah 56.75 Rahway HS
Manivannan, Arvin 56.77 Metuchen HS
Domingues, Michael 56.81 Governor Livingston HS
Caso, Jaren 56.95 Raritan HS
Serio, Dean 56.97 Metuchen HS
Garcia, George 57.48 Governor Livingston HS
Dalton, Van 57.73 South Plainfield HS
Gisoldi, Samuel 58.12 Wall HS
Umana, Jafeth 58.34 Newark Collegiate Charter
Martinez, Nicholas 58.64 Governor Livingston HS
Crawford, Corey 58.73 Delaware Valley HS
Nolan, Michael 59.70 Wall HS
Zdepski, Mathew 59.72 Delaware Valley HS
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Group 2 Boys 400 Meter Hurdles 46 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jean-Baptiste, Quasson 1:00.04 North Plainfield HS
Ani, Anas 1:00.15 Holmdel HS
AmanKwah, Ethan 1:00.48 Bordentown Regional HS
Jakubowski-Lewis, Daniel 1:00.51 Roselle - Abraham Clark HS
Coleman, Adam 1:00.75 Matawan Reg. HS
Morelli, Tyler 1:00.80 Robbinsville HS
Smith, Ruben 1:00.89 Roselle - Abraham Clark HS
Agyemang, Jason 1:01.29 North Plainfield HS
Lanfrank, Jaden 1:01.93 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Thomas, Al'Quan 1:02.43 Hillside HS
Krebs, William 1:02.63 Wall HS
Karczewski, Steven 1:02.82 Spotswood HS
Ani, Tarek 1:02.94 Holmdel HS
Longo, Alex 1:02.99 Wall HS
Billich, Justin 1:03.70 South Plainfield HS
Ritter, Shane 1:03.96 Bordentown Regional HS
Brown, Coady 1:04.04 Governor Livingston HS
Archibald, Malachi 1:04.12 Rahway HS
Jerome, Marcus 1:04.14 Hillside HS
Obado, Kyle 1:04.14 Spotswood HS
Evangeliou, KJ 1:05.26 Wall HS
Krebs, Frederik 1:05.45 Metuchen HS
Umana, Jafeth 1:05.65 Newark Collegiate Charter
Paris, Nate 1:05.75 Robbinsville HS
Minor, Owen 1:06.10 Voorhees HS
Lawrence, Michael 1:06.49 South Plainfield HS
Marino, Mark 1:06.74 Governor Livingston HS
Kebe, Hamady 1:07.35 Carteret HS
Campbell, Ryan 1:09.33 Delaware Valley HS
Snyder, Damien 1:09.89 Raritan HS
Pien, Jason 1:09.93 Governor Livingston HS
Aiello, Nicholas 1:10.81 South Plainfield HS
Ng, Joshua 1:12.13 South Plainfield HS
Hayles, Jaheem 54.37 Roselle - Abraham Clark HS
Reers, Kyle 54.81 Delaware Valley HS
Sommer, Kevin 55.48 Voorhees HS
Horowitz, Garrett 56.40 Robbinsville HS
Gaddis, Leaundre 56.65 North Plainfield HS
Delva, Jonathan 56.96 Hillside HS
Coelho, Justin 57.27 Rahway HS
Soder, Thomas 57.70 Monmouth Reg. HS
Getter, Jayden 58.34 Matawan Reg. HS
Ferris, Jahmir 58.53 Rahway HS
Aglione, Joseph 59.33 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Prestigiacomo, Anthony 59.50 Holmdel HS
Rojas, Genaro 59.92 Rahway HS
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Group 2 Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Carteret HS
Relay Team A 43.82 Metuchen HS
Relay Team A 44.04 Rahway HS
Relay Team A 44.35 North Plainfield HS
Relay Team A 44.49 Robbinsville HS
Relay Team A 44.61 Hillside HS
Relay Team A 45.06 Holmdel HS
Relay Team A 45.10 South Plainfield HS
Relay Team A 45.17 Roselle - Abraham Clark HS
Relay Team A 45.45 Spotswood HS
Relay Team A 45.73 Matawan Reg. HS
Relay Team A 46.34 Governor Livingston HS
Relay Team A 48.70 Delaware Valley HS
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Group 2 Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Delaware Valley HS
Relay Team A 3:21.39 Matawan Reg. HS
Relay Team A 3:23.11 Metuchen HS
Relay Team A 3:25.06 Rahway HS
Relay Team A 3:27.61 North Plainfield HS
Relay Team A 3:28.70 Hillside HS
Relay Team A 3:31.61 Roselle - Abraham Clark HS
Relay Team A 3:32.34 South Plainfield HS
Relay Team A 3:33.21 Robbinsville HS
Relay Team A 3:38.77 Holmdel HS
Relay Team A 3:44.55 Governor Livingston HS
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Group 2 Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 8:09.74 Matawan Reg. HS
Relay Team A 8:10.04 Rahway HS
Relay Team A 8:24.73 Metuchen HS
Relay Team A 8:31.28 Voorhees HS
Relay Team A 8:35.35 Robbinsville HS
Relay Team A 8:49.10 North Plainfield HS
Relay Team A 8:50.22 Bordentown Regional HS
Relay Team A 8:54.70 Wall HS
Relay Team A 9:04.96 Spotswood HS
Relay Team A 9:06.04 Governor Livingston HS
Relay Team A 9:13.69 South Plainfield HS
Relay Team A 9:38.71 Raritan HS
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Group 2 Boys 800 Meter Run 63 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Siracusa, Zachary Robbinsville HS
Dobrynio, Braedon South Plainfield HS
Woods, Brandon Governor Livingston HS
Hyman, Noah Metuchen HS
Singh, Arshvir Bordentown Regional HS
Campbell, Steven Rahway HS
Kolvites, Dylan South Plainfield HS
Rajmane, Arya Robbinsville HS
Ojo, Elijah Rahway HS
Shaikh, Haroon Holmdel HS
Reers, Kyle 1:55.19 Delaware Valley HS
LoPresti, Dylan 1:55.81 Matawan Reg. HS
Serrano, Charlie 1:56.57 Matawan Reg. HS
Gaddis, Leaundre 1:59.10 North Plainfield HS
Wright, Andrew 1:59.81 Rahway HS
Coelho, Justin 2:00.34 Rahway HS
Dias, Christopher 2:01.20 Rahway HS
Moran, Jack 2:01.41 Wall HS
Harold, Joseph 2:02.07 Spotswood HS
Zibbell, Luke 2:02.13 Matawan Reg. HS
Ortega, Giovanni 2:02.41 Metuchen HS
Stevens, Ford 2:03.45 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Carrero, Mark 2:03.60 Rahway HS
Hueston, colin 2:04.70 Metuchen HS
Adabe, Kenechukwu 2:05.25 Hillside HS
Nara, Sriteja 2:05.34 Robbinsville HS
Schloesser, Che 2:05.56 Monmouth Reg. HS
Eiffert, Nicholas 2:05.86 Bordentown Regional HS
Valenzuela, William 2:06.04 Holmdel HS
Gerber, Drew 2:06.83 Wall HS
LePage, Gabe 2:06.85 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Haines, Braeden 2:07.55 Raritan HS
Brar, Sahil 2:07.98 Carteret HS
Jackman, Declan 2:08.31 Holmdel HS
Kowalenko, Matthew 2:08.49 A. L. Johnson HS
Smith, Ian 2:08.63 North Plainfield HS
Longo, Alex 2:08.73 Wall HS
Lehman, Keith 2:10.02 South Plainfield HS
Safi, Raj 2:10.58 Metuchen HS
Beard, Christian 2:10.72 Voorhees HS
Jacobs, Matthew 2:11.16 Raritan HS
Oliver, Niklas 2:11.26 Voorhees HS
Sternheim, Matthew 2:11.28 Governor Livingston HS
Delaney, Jack 2:11.87 A. L. Johnson HS
Gaudreault, Andrew 2:12.21 Bordentown Regional HS
Aragon, Christian 2:13.07 South Plainfield HS
Mazzeo, Guy 2:13.21 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Almeida, Renzo 2:13.32 Bordentown Regional HS
Koskoski, Emmett 2:13.83 Metuchen HS
Maguire, Aidan 2:13.95 Governor Livingston HS
Billich, Justin 2:14.38 South Plainfield HS
Rojas, Sergio 2:14.58 Wall HS
Chavez, Maldini 2:14.94 North Plainfield HS
Rogers, Derrick 2:15.81 Hillside HS
Shapiro, Tommy 2:16.69 Delaware Valley HS
Peterman, Thomas 2:17.26 Raritan HS
Pereira, Andrew 2:17.33 A. L. Johnson HS
Xie, Phil 2:17.47 Metuchen HS
Gentry, Tyler 2:21.18 Bordentown Regional HS
Anderson, khaliq 2:21.63 Newark Collegiate Charter
Murphy, Vaughn 2:22.55 Delaware Valley HS
Robles, Luis 2:25.18 Carteret HS
Saini, Sukhpal 2:28.00 Carteret HS
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Group 2 Boys Discus 51 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Huang, Len 167-11 Holmdel HS
Bailey, Tahlee 156-10 Rahway HS
Castaneda, Lucas 132-2 Matawan Reg. HS
Witkowski, Robert 129-4 Monmouth Reg. HS
Lumpkins, Qualil 127-1 Rahway HS
Darisme, Joshua 125-7 Rahway HS
Coponi, Steven 120-4 Raritan HS
Barthelus, Joshua 119-2 Rahway HS
Connors, Ryan 116-4 Raritan HS
Tarabokia, Nicholas 116-2 Governor Livingston HS
Peluso, James 116-1 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Hatton, Daniel 115-1 Monmouth Reg. HS
Dukes, Zachery 113-1 Matawan Reg. HS
Wu, Chris 111-8 Metuchen HS
Koehn, Avery 111-8 Governor Livingston HS
Nair, Rohit 111-3 Robbinsville HS
Onuoha, Samuel 110-10 Matawan Reg. HS
DellaRagione, Gennaro 110-6 Monmouth Reg. HS
O'Brien, John 110-4 South Plainfield HS
Pfeiffer, Everette 110-3 South Plainfield HS
Sullivan, Tyler 110-3 North Plainfield HS
Robertson, Ahmaad 109-5 North Plainfield HS
Dhillon, Sahib 109-0 Robbinsville HS
Roberts, David 107-11 Wall HS
Calcavecchio, Giancarlo 107-10 Delaware Valley HS
Arthur, Chris 107-6 Delaware Valley HS
Cook, Ryan 107-3 Bordentown Regional HS
Vesely, Dan 104-9 Holmdel HS
Bailey, Joseph 102-10 North Plainfield HS
Splaine, Connor 102-7 Governor Livingston HS
Fletcher, Zack 102-5 Voorhees HS
Hines, August 100-10 Metuchen HS
bianchini, nick 100-5 Metuchen HS
Johnson, Patrick 96-9 A. L. Johnson HS
Cassano, Vito 96-4 A. L. Johnson HS
Clough, George 96-1 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Kenta, Javin 95-8 Carteret HS
Riley, Colin 95-6 Wall HS
Persaud, Aneil 95-5 South Plainfield HS
Grieco, Quinn 93-7 Voorhees HS
Davis, Elijah 91-4 Bordentown Regional HS
Ince, Andrew 90-9 Raritan HS
Smith, Trey 88-10 Delaware Valley HS
Passantino, Frank 88-8 Wall HS
Muller, Andrew 87-11 Bordentown Regional HS
Kushnir, Michael 87-2 Holmdel HS
Moriarty, Charles 83-1 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Bianchini, Matt 82-9 Metuchen HS
Malgapo, Mike 80-9 Voorhees HS
Garwood, Peter South Plainfield HS
Puma, Dante Rahway HS
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Group 2 Boys High Jump 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Allen, Dominic 6-3 Matawan Reg. HS
Hearns, Starrell 6-0 Carteret HS
Caso, Jaren 5-10 Raritan HS
Dockery, Tyquan 5-8 Newark Collegiate Charter
Dukes, Kizmar 5-8 Hillside HS
Rojas, Genaro 5-8 Rahway HS
Akande, Ola 5-8 Rahway HS
Wilson, Laurence 5-8 Matawan Reg. HS
Arnold, Kyle 5-8 Governor Livingston HS
Chan, Douglas 5-8 Holmdel HS
Herman, Jake 5-6 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Moscardelli, Nick 5-6 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Aiello, Nicholas 5-6 South Plainfield HS
Murkey, Ahmaad 5-6 North Plainfield HS
Gardner, Jared 5-6 North Plainfield HS
Lumsden, Brian 5-6 Spotswood HS
Robinson, Jakir 5-6 Rahway HS
Micca, Christopher 5-6 Governor Livingston HS
Movva, Ajay 5-6 Holmdel HS
Nicolas Paul, Boris 5-4 Hillside HS
Sawycky, Darian 5-4 Governor Livingston HS
DelDuca, Darren 5-4 Governor Livingston HS
Roman, Nicholas 5-4 Monmouth Reg. HS
Connors, Ryan 5-4 Raritan HS
Arduini, Nick 5-4 Delaware Valley HS
Koslowski, Joseph 5-4 Robbinsville HS
Patterson, Ryan 5-2 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Huggins-Filozof, Logan 5-2 Monmouth Reg. HS
Cordes, Thomas 5-2 Metuchen HS
Tate, Dondre 5-0 South Plainfield HS
Oduro, Joseph 5-0 South Plainfield HS
Aguilar, Angelo 5-0 Rahway HS
Serio, Dean 5-0 Metuchen HS
Zhang, Bill 5-0 Holmdel HS
Williams, Chaz Rahway HS
Khan, Hamza Robbinsville HS
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Group 2 Boys Javelin 58 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Coponi, Steven 169-9 Raritan HS
Flanagan, Tom 155-9 A. L. Johnson HS
Rojas, Genaro 155-3 Rahway HS
Radosti, Michael 152-7 Robbinsville HS
Qualls, Colyn 148-4 Metuchen HS
Skamarak, Nicholas 148-0 Holmdel HS
Bailey, Tahlee 146-1 Rahway HS
Gasperini, Dominic 145-4 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Callahan, Joe 144-0 Raritan HS
Maccille, Philip 143-3 Metuchen HS
Peloro, Anthony 141-9 Holmdel HS
Smith, Jeremy 137-9 Robbinsville HS
Aiello, Nicholas 135-0 South Plainfield HS
Vassilakos, Peter 133-2 Holmdel HS
Dukes, Zachery 133-1 Matawan Reg. HS
Walsh, John 131-2 Governor Livingston HS
Passantino, Frank 130-11 Wall HS
DiGregorio, Lucas 130-9 Matawan Reg. HS
Roman, Nicholas 129-2 Monmouth Reg. HS
Zdepski, Mathew 129-0 Delaware Valley HS
Pearson, Charles 128-8 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Lumpkins, Qualil 127-7 Rahway HS
Witkowski, Robert 126-6 Monmouth Reg. HS
Elsias, Adam 124-11 North Plainfield HS
Calo, Ryan 123-8 Matawan Reg. HS
Aquilano, Nick 123-6 Raritan HS
Sieczka, Andrew 123-1 Governor Livingston HS
Adoptante, Jaycob 123-0 North Plainfield HS
Wojtczak, Charlie 121-6 Governor Livingston HS
DiPaolo, Anthony 121-4 Delaware Valley HS
Roberts, David 119-5 Wall HS
Hyman, Josh 119-2 Metuchen HS
Hatton, Daniel 117-7 Monmouth Reg. HS
Jediny, Michael 116-1 A. L. Johnson HS
Nair, Rohit 115-6 Robbinsville HS
DellaRagione, Gennaro 114-4 Monmouth Reg. HS
Fletcher, Zack 112-4 Voorhees HS
Bianchini, Matt 112-0 Metuchen HS
Smith, Christian 111-0 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Canada, Jalen 110-6 North Plainfield HS
Clevenger, Kenneth 107-10 South Plainfield HS
LaFrance, Joshua 107-0 Delaware Valley HS
Johal, Amrit 103-10 Carteret HS
Berton, Michael 103-7 Bordentown Regional HS
Bigelow, Connor 101-2 Governor Livingston HS
Hogue, Radwan 100-5 Metuchen HS
Darisme, Joshua 99-8 Rahway HS
Hill, Dwayne 97-7 Rahway HS
Kertes, Trotman 96-1 Bordentown Regional HS
Vega, Isaiah 96-0 Carteret HS
Vesely, Dan 95-0 Holmdel HS
Gaudreault, Andrew 93-4 Bordentown Regional HS
Puma, Dante 91-7 Rahway HS
Davis, Elijah 89-7 Bordentown Regional HS
Pfeiffer, Everette 88-6 South Plainfield HS
Asare, Kenny 87-7 Bordentown Regional HS
Kluthe, Luke 86-4 Voorhees HS
Tenesaca, John 77-8 Roselle - Abraham Clark HS
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Group 2 Boys Long Jump 56 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kelley-Gordon, Stephon 22-4.5 Carteret HS
Allen, Dominic 22-0 Matawan Reg. HS
Louis, James 21-9 Hillside HS
Guillette, Emari 21-8.25 Rahway HS
Larkin, Casey 21-6.25 Wall HS
Day, Dylan 21-1 Holmdel HS
Day, Ryan 20-8.25 Holmdel HS
Brutus, Cliff 20-7.25 Roselle - Abraham Clark HS
Garcia, Jevauhn 20-6 Monmouth Reg. HS
Lester, Jalen 20-5.5 Robbinsville HS
Ugwu, Brian 20-5 Hillside HS
Ferris, Jahmir 20-4.5 Rahway HS
Dibetta, Nicholas 20-3.5 Delaware Valley HS
Walier, Mark 20-3 Holmdel HS
Murkey, Ahmaad 20-2.25 North Plainfield HS
Gardner, Jared 20-0 North Plainfield HS
Nash, Jalil 19-11 Monmouth Reg. HS
Janiak, Alexander 19-7.75 Governor Livingston HS
Patterson, Ryan 19-7.75 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Delaney, Jack 19-7 A. L. Johnson HS
Arnold, Kyle 19-6.5 Governor Livingston HS
Moran, Christopher 19-4.75 Spotswood HS
Volker, John 19-4.5 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Bradford, Rashon 19-2 Rahway HS
deGroot, Ashwin 19-2 South Plainfield HS
Williams, Chaz 19-1.25 Rahway HS
Rogers, Kristian 19-0.25 Rahway HS
Gagneron, Marcandrew 18-10 Matawan Reg. HS
DelDuca, Darren 18-10 Governor Livingston HS
Delgado, Jose 18-9.75 South Plainfield HS
McFadden, Isaiah 18-7.25 Hillside HS
Smith, Ian 18-7 North Plainfield HS
Caso, Jaren 18-5.5 Raritan HS
Oduro, Joseph 18-3 South Plainfield HS
Khan, Hamza 18-3 Robbinsville HS
Swanson, Ari 18-2 Wall HS
Hearns, Starrell 18-1.5 Carteret HS
Tate, Dondre 18-1 South Plainfield HS
Sawycky, Darian 18-1 Governor Livingston HS
Ruane, Ryan 17-11.25 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Calloway, Justice 17-8 Newark Collegiate Charter
Krebs, Frederik 17-7 Metuchen HS
Madsen, Claus 17-6 Delaware Valley HS
Kenta, Javin 17-5.5 Carteret HS
Ford, Aidan 17-4 A. L. Johnson HS
Myers, Marcus 17-3 Matawan Reg. HS
Mandato, Pietro 17-3 Delaware Valley HS
Zukowski, Matthew 17-2.75 A. L. Johnson HS
Umana, Jafeth 17-0.25 Newark Collegiate Charter
Mbeele, Damian 16-10 South Plainfield HS
Micca, Christopher 16-8 Governor Livingston HS
El-Zahr, Jacob 15-9 Voorhees HS
Gora, Joe 15-8.5 Voorhees HS
Cavalli, Emilio 15-5 Robbinsville HS
Nguyen, Andy 15-3 Monmouth Reg. HS
Strange, Richard 14-11 Voorhees HS
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Group 2 Boys Pole Vault 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Raphael, Daniel 13-6 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Ferrara, Anthony 13-0 Matawan Reg. HS
Garcia, Jevauhn 12-0 Monmouth Reg. HS
Prestigiacomo, Anthony 12-0 Holmdel HS
Moscardelli, Nick 11-6 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Francis, William 11-0 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Freligh, Henry 11-0 Voorhees HS
McCarthy, Kyle 11-0 Governor Livingston HS
DelDuca, Darren 11-0 Governor Livingston HS
Concepcion, Jacob 11-0 Robbinsville HS
Avallone, Joe 10-6 Voorhees HS
Lehman, Keith 10-6 South Plainfield HS
Befeler, Jack 10-6 Governor Livingston HS
Koslowski, Joseph 10-6 Robbinsville HS
Anagnostis, Nick 10-0 Monmouth Reg. HS
Corpus, Aidan 9-6 Matawan Reg. HS
Crawford, William 9-6 Raritan HS
Rivera, Orlandus 9-6 Rahway HS
Aiello, Nicholas 9-0 South Plainfield HS
Hintelmann, Thomas 9-0 Monmouth Reg. HS
Slovenz, Frank 9-0 Monmouth Reg. HS
Scibilia, Drew 9-0 Robbinsville HS
Lugli, Daniel 8-6 Raritan HS
Singh, Arshvir 8-6 Bordentown Regional HS
Gaudreault, Andrew 8-6 Bordentown Regional HS
Ledo, Connor 8-0 Holmdel HS
Baldasarre, Tav South Plainfield HS
Mount, Flynn Bordentown Regional HS
McDuffie, Taevon Rahway HS
Shafer, Bailey Metuchen HS
Swanson, Ronan Delaware Valley HS
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Group 2 Boys Shot Put 43 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Huang, Len 51-0 Holmdel HS
Witkowski, Robert 50-2 Monmouth Reg. HS
Bailey, Tahlee 48-2 Rahway HS
Barthelus, Joshua 48-1.25 Rahway HS
Adoptante, Jaycob 46-7 North Plainfield HS
Splaine, Connor 44-11.75 Governor Livingston HS
Lumpkins, Qualil 44-6 Rahway HS
Delise, Matt 42-9.25 A. L. Johnson HS
Wu, Chris 42-2.75 Metuchen HS
Bailey, Joseph 41-6.5 North Plainfield HS
Helbock, Joseph 41-3.75 Holmdel HS
Cassano, Vito 41-1 A. L. Johnson HS
Heine, Jeff 41-0.75 South Plainfield HS
DellaRagione, Gennaro 40-11.75 Monmouth Reg. HS
Ahmed, Omar 40-8.5 Monmouth Reg. HS
Connors, Ryan 40-4.5 Raritan HS
Cokley, Abdul 39-11.25 South Plainfield HS
Pfeiffer, Everette 39-10.75 South Plainfield HS
Sullivan, Tyler 39-8 North Plainfield HS
Onuoha, Samuel 39-5 Matawan Reg. HS
McKay, Ryan 39-2 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Ervin, Elijah 38-11.25 Metuchen HS
Hines, August 38-10 Metuchen HS
Heverin, Matthew 38-7.25 Robbinsville HS
Bigelow, Connor 38-5 Governor Livingston HS
Peluso, James 38-2 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Trotta, Jason 37-5.5 Raritan HS
Koehn, Avery 36-11 Governor Livingston HS
Pearson, Charles 36-0 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Johnson, Patrick 35-11.75 A. L. Johnson HS
Baker, John 35-11.75 Robbinsville HS
Calcavecchio, Giancarlo 35-6.75 Delaware Valley HS
Puma, Dante 35-1 Rahway HS
Casiano, Anthony 34-6.5 Raritan HS
Purssell, Colin 34-2 Delaware Valley HS
Malgapo, Mike 32-1.5 Voorhees HS
Vesely, Dan 31-4.75 Holmdel HS
Ditmar, Logan 29-0 Delaware Valley HS
Tenesaca, John 28-9.5 Roselle - Abraham Clark HS
Allen, Matthew 20-4 Roselle - Abraham Clark HS
Darisme, Joshua Rahway HS
Babar, Hanan Matawan Reg. HS
Nair, Rohit Robbinsville HS
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Group 2 Boys Triple Jump 45 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kelley-Gordon, Stephon 46-8 Carteret HS
Day, Ryan 44-9.75 Holmdel HS
Robinson, Jakir 44-7.25 Rahway HS
Dibetta, Nicholas 42-10.5 Delaware Valley HS
Ferris, Jahmir 42-10 Rahway HS
Garcia, Jevauhn 42-7.75 Monmouth Reg. HS
Dockery, Tyquan 42-3 Newark Collegiate Charter
Walier, Mark 41-9 Holmdel HS
Lumsden, Brian 41-5 Spotswood HS
Nash, Jalil 40-0.5 Monmouth Reg. HS
Prestigiacomo, Anthony 40-0.5 Holmdel HS
Hearns, Starrell 40-0.25 Carteret HS
Gagneron, Marcandrew 39-10.5 Matawan Reg. HS
Ugwu, Brian 39-10 Hillside HS
Ani, Anas 39-8.25 Holmdel HS
Louis, James 39-8 Hillside HS
Balan, Nick 39-6.75 Matawan Reg. HS
Murkey, Ahmaad 39-4.5 North Plainfield HS
Mandato, Pietro 39-2.75 Delaware Valley HS
Pane, Agnello 39-1 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Aglione, Joseph 38-11.25 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Calloway, Justice 38-10 Newark Collegiate Charter
Williams, Chaz 38-9 Rahway HS
Oduro, Joseph 38-8.25 South Plainfield HS
Campbell, Naji 38-6.5 North Plainfield HS
Nicolas Paul, Boris 37-10 Hillside HS
Strulowitz, Michael 37-8.25 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Hill, Dwayne 37-4 Rahway HS
Delgado, Jose 36-0.25 South Plainfield HS
Karczewski, Steven 35-9 Spotswood HS
Slovenz, Frank 35-6.5 Monmouth Reg. HS
Krebs, Frederik 35-5.5 Metuchen HS
Pien, Jason 35-3.5 Governor Livingston HS
El-Zahr, Jacob 34-11.5 Voorhees HS
Kolvites, Dylan 34-8 South Plainfield HS
Izzo, Dylan 34-4.5 Delaware Valley HS
Myers, Marcus 34-3.75 Matawan Reg. HS
Isola, Christian 34-1 Governor Livingston HS
Mbeele, Damian 33-8.5 South Plainfield HS
Barnum, Rafe 33-7 Governor Livingston HS
Buzeta, Miguel 32-11 Monmouth Reg. HS
Strange, Richard 32-1.25 Voorhees HS
Aguilar, Angelo 31-1 Rahway HS
Lugli, Daniel Raritan HS
Russell, Jalen South Plainfield HS
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Group 2 Girls 1,600 Meter Run 50 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Felder, Zaniyah Newark Collegiate Charter
Sieczka, Lily Governor Livingston HS
Wang, Cady Governor Livingston HS
Lyness, Corinne Matawan Reg. HS
Wagner, Lauren 4:59.48 Voorhees HS
McGill, Emma 5:01.03 Voorhees HS
Stone, Amanda 5:03.87 Monmouth Reg. HS
Todd, Sydney 5:05.42 Monmouth Reg. HS
Swell, Eliana 5:11.06 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Daniele, Cassandra 5:12.84 Matawan Reg. HS
Suss, Nina 5:13.93 Metuchen HS
Schleif, Caroline 5:14.15 Metuchen HS
Malague, Molly 5:17.75 Metuchen HS
Ferraro, Julianne 5:22.78 South Plainfield HS
Tambaro, Julia 5:26.50 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Wheeler, Emily 5:28.55 Bordentown Regional HS
Trent, Carolyn 5:30.39 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Kacani, Emma 5:33.58 Metuchen HS
Pais, Tasha 5:36.26 Metuchen HS
Ai, Madeline 5:37.88 Holmdel HS
Strand, Aubrey 5:43.54 Robbinsville HS
Williams, Faith 5:44.83 Monmouth Reg. HS
Doskoch, Evelyn 5:46.25 Governor Livingston HS
Pray-Brown, Asydiah 5:47.64 Newark Collegiate Charter
Pharo, Katheryn 5:50.74 Monmouth Reg. HS
Torkildsen, Kali 5:50.90 Voorhees HS
Nerenberg, Alexis 5:51.31 Wall HS
Lignell, Sara 5:52.03 Metuchen HS
Sayne, Catherine 5:52.54 Wall HS
Collins, Gabriella 5:53.31 Matawan Reg. HS
McDaniels, Emma 5:55.32 Bordentown Regional HS
Fitz, Riley 5:57.74 Delaware Valley HS
Jones, Kylie 5:57.79 Robbinsville HS
Politis, Sophia 5:58.71 Matawan Reg. HS
Flower, Elizabeth 5:59.80 Delaware Valley HS
Gomez, Alexiana 6:00.35 South Plainfield HS
Escuadro, Toni 6:01.91 Robbinsville HS
Wyber, Ashley 6:06.93 South Plainfield HS
Oyekeje, Adjit 6:09.92 Hillside HS
Wasserman , Samantha 6:10.36 Spotswood HS
Gleason, Amy 6:11.45 Raritan HS
Long, Amanda 6:14.41 Raritan HS
Currie, Sydney 6:18.86 Raritan HS
Schaefer, Abby 6:19.90 Delaware Valley HS
Kaur, Amrit 6:24.08 Carteret HS
Scott, Mikaela 6:24.36 Delaware Valley HS
Taylor, Simone 6:27.48 Hillside HS
Moffitt, Alyssa 6:35.64 South Plainfield HS
Kaur, Manpreet 6:53.01 Carteret HS
Kaur, Gurjeet 7:02.92 Carteret HS
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Group 2 Girls 100 Meter Dash 62 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pantina, Victoria Governor Livingston HS
Smith, Timia Rahway HS
Jones, Ayiona Newark Collegiate Charter
Bennett, Dymond Matawan Reg. HS
Watson, Sofia South Plainfield HS
Orr, Lily 12.20 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Ellis, Tiana 12.63 Matawan Reg. HS
Whitner, Nakiyah 12.74 Hillside HS
Erickson, Samantha 12.75 Governor Livingston HS
Goldson, Sydney 12.76 Holmdel HS
Dotts, Chloee 12.80 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Peterson, Alexis 12.81 Rahway HS
Dotts, Marlee 12.81 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Sprague, Katelyn 12.88 Bordentown Regional HS
Thackalapatti, Monica 12.91 Robbinsville HS
Orr, Maddie 12.97 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Bannis, Khoryn 13.09 Matawan Reg. HS
Yap, Rachel 13.09 Robbinsville HS
Bartholemew, Arianna 13.16 Holmdel HS
Palmer, Hailey 13.22 South Plainfield HS
Aglione, Katie 13.25 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Johnson, Imani 13.33 Newark Collegiate Charter
Enwerekowe, Somfenna 13.47 North Plainfield HS
Prince, Serena 13.51 Newark Collegiate Charter
Muhando, Sydney 13.53 North Plainfield HS
Mirabella, Lily 13.56 Delaware Valley HS
Calderon, Melissa 13.58 South Plainfield HS
Ingram, Autumn 13.59 Newark Collegiate Charter
Charles, Shadae 13.59 Hillside HS
Zyska, Lauren 13.59 Governor Livingston HS
Sullivan, Kayla 13.62 Delaware Valley HS
Pullen, Samantha 13.63 South Plainfield HS
Penna, Jackie 13.67 Governor Livingston HS
Farr, Eva 13.67 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Borys, Megan 13.67 Raritan HS
Vassilakos, Katie 13.68 Holmdel HS
Smilovic, Kate 13.68 Raritan HS
Cherry, Iyanah 13.73 Roselle - Abraham Clark HS
Douglas, Julia 13.80 Wall HS
Jennings, Anaya 13.82 Rahway HS
Rosales, Rachel 13.84 Voorhees HS
Taylor, Danayah 13.86 Hillside HS
Guzman, Sarita 13.92 Matawan Reg. HS
Post, Allison 13.94 Governor Livingston HS
Ciardiello, Samantha 13.96 Metuchen HS
Carretta, Alexis 13.96 Wall HS
Massoquoi, Priscilla 14.03 Bordentown Regional HS
Polin, Claire 14.05 Delaware Valley HS
Cosom, Oshynn 14.21 Bordentown Regional HS
Lembrick, Astassia 14.23 Rahway HS
Smith, Alisha 14.25 Rahway HS
Barker, Jessica 14.25 Holmdel HS
Lackland, Elizabeth 14.32 Metuchen HS
Goodman, Rai 14.39 Rahway HS
Sandhu, Jaspreet 14.40 Raritan HS
Lopez, Ashlee 14.41 Wall HS
Harris, Brianna 14.54 South Plainfield HS
Scepkowski, Sarah 14.70 A. L. Johnson HS
Flannigan, Joenay 14.72 Roselle - Abraham Clark HS
Nalesnik, Deborah 14.79 Delaware Valley HS
Prygrocki, Samantha 14.89 Voorhees HS
Lambert, Xenia 15.17 South Plainfield HS
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Group 2 Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 54 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pierce, Mackenzie Governor Livingston HS
Lovett, Jordan South Plainfield HS
LaRock, Christina Governor Livingston HS
Cherry, Iyanah Roselle - Abraham Clark HS
Logiudice, Marissa Bordentown Regional HS
Watson, Michelle Roselle - Abraham Clark HS
Smith, Alexus 14.89 Rahway HS
Muhando, Sydney 14.97 North Plainfield HS
Wojie, Margaret 15.75 Holmdel HS
Kret, Hailey 16.09 Raritan HS
Devlin, Campbell 16.14 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Wojie, Lexie 16.15 Holmdel HS
Arko, Alina 16.21 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Orange, Raven 16.56 Carteret HS
Cassu, Alexandra 16.69 Governor Livingston HS
Prophete, Justine 16.89 Holmdel HS
Tarentino, Carly 17.02 A. L. Johnson HS
Ballard, Na'laysia 17.32 Hillside HS
Ryazanova, Stephanie 17.35 Robbinsville HS
Igwe, Chinonye 17.47 Hillside HS
Muhando, Jasmine 17.47 North Plainfield HS
Muhando, Ashley 17.53 North Plainfield HS
Chisholm, Raven 17.69 Newark Collegiate Charter
Stewart, Aly 17.78 Holmdel HS
Eshert, Amanda 17.80 Matawan Reg. HS
Senkarik, Shelby 17.90 Governor Livingston HS
Fajardo, Kaysi 17.93 Spotswood HS
Watson, Sofia 17.95 South Plainfield HS
Clarke, Allison 18.14 Spotswood HS
Anthony, Gillian 18.46 Voorhees HS
Stuart, Lillian 18.50 Governor Livingston HS
Guzman, Sarita 18.51 Matawan Reg. HS
Saad, Grace 18.54 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Calcavecchio, Cristina 18.69 Delaware Valley HS
Edwards, Kyan 18.74 Metuchen HS
Byrd, Brya 18.79 Hillside HS
Burroughs, Miya 18.92 Newark Collegiate Charter
Smith, Timia 18.99 Rahway HS
Hetsberger, Nylah 19.23 Rahway HS
Hemphill, Alli 19.51 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Caufield, Natalie 19.76 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Crisitello, Kaylee Fayth 19.89 Voorhees HS
Grabinsky, McKayla 20.07 South Plainfield HS
Jewell, Vanessa 20.10 Raritan HS
Bowe, Domonique 20.18 South Plainfield HS
Kowalenko, Kayla 20.28 A. L. Johnson HS
Draganoff, Julia 20.61 Raritan HS
Lenkey, Gabbie 20.81 Delaware Valley HS
Murray, Deziah 21.11 Rahway HS
Goodman, Rai 21.36 Rahway HS
Lambert, Xenia 21.70 South Plainfield HS
Smith, Alisha 21.73 Rahway HS
Dougherty, Ava 22.12 Delaware Valley HS
Kearny-Moye, Makhiya 22.32 Newark Collegiate Charter
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Group 2 Girls 200 Meter Dash 72 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Penna, Jackie Governor Livingston HS
Goodman, Rai Rahway HS
Colendenski, Caitlin Governor Livingston HS
Taylor, Danayah Hillside HS
Flannigan, Joenay Roselle - Abraham Clark HS
Acosta, Gabriela Raritan HS
Watson, Sofia South Plainfield HS
Pantina, Victoria Governor Livingston HS
Fajardo, Kaysi Spotswood HS
Rosales, Rachel Voorhees HS
Vreeland, Kaylee Governor Livingston HS
DiGiacomo, Gina Raritan HS
Watson, Michelle Roselle - Abraham Clark HS
Orr, Lily 25.39 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Goldson, Sydney 25.44 Holmdel HS
Vanriele, Victoria 25.57 Governor Livingston HS
Ellis, Tiana 25.99 Matawan Reg. HS
Peterson, Alexis 26.19 Rahway HS
Smith, Alexus 26.29 Rahway HS
Dotts, Chloee 26.31 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Orr, Maddie 26.39 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Erickson, Samantha 26.45 Governor Livingston HS
Dotts, Marlee 26.80 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Wojie, Margaret 26.90 Holmdel HS
Sprague, Katelyn 26.95 Bordentown Regional HS
Palmer, Hailey 27.06 South Plainfield HS
Wojie, Lexie 27.14 Holmdel HS
Aglione, Katie 27.23 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Bartholemew, Arianna 27.30 Holmdel HS
Johnson, Imani 27.50 Newark Collegiate Charter
Li, Joy 27.51 Metuchen HS
Ingram, Autumn 27.70 Newark Collegiate Charter
Kalynchuk, Julia 27.71 A. L. Johnson HS
Torres, Natalya 27.73 A. L. Johnson HS
Orange, Raven 27.86 Carteret HS
Vassilakos, Katie 27.92 Holmdel HS
Farr, Eva 27.94 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Jennings, Anaya 27.97 Rahway HS
Jones, Malia 27.99 North Plainfield HS
Cherry, Iyanah 28.05 Roselle - Abraham Clark HS
Thackalapatti, Monica 28.14 Robbinsville HS
Sullivan, Kayla 28.25 Delaware Valley HS
Charles, Shadae 28.30 Hillside HS
Jones, Ayiona 28.31 Newark Collegiate Charter
Carretta, Alexis 28.37 Wall HS
Enwerekowe, Somfenna 28.42 North Plainfield HS
Barthelus, Diana 28.45 Roselle - Abraham Clark HS
Calderon, Melissa 28.69 South Plainfield HS
Lembrick, Astassia 28.70 Rahway HS
Mont, Isabella 28.72 South Plainfield HS
Lackland, Elizabeth 28.77 Metuchen HS
Ciardiello, Samantha 28.78 Metuchen HS
Fleuristin, Christerlie 28.95 Rahway HS
Douglas, Julia 28.95 Wall HS
Pilla, MaryCate 29.10 Wall HS
Polin, Claire 29.11 Delaware Valley HS
Guzman, Sarita 29.17 Matawan Reg. HS
Oleksy, Amy 29.22 Spotswood HS
Barker, Jessica 29.22 Holmdel HS
Mirabella, Lily 29.25 Delaware Valley HS
Bowe, Domonique 29.37 South Plainfield HS
Canty, Zinnia 29.46 North Plainfield HS
Larson, Paige 29.92 Metuchen HS
Massoquoi, Priscilla 30.01 Bordentown Regional HS
Harris, Brianna 30.19 South Plainfield HS
Cosom, Oshynn 30.41 Bordentown Regional HS
Ruby, Samantha 30.45 Delaware Valley HS
Fontaine, Christine 30.75 Carteret HS
Zemanek, Casey 31.52 Voorhees HS
Amin, Asada 31.64 Roselle - Abraham Clark HS
Whetstone, Mia 32.56 Roselle - Abraham Clark HS
Davies, Julia 32.69 Raritan HS
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Group 2 Girls 3,200 Meter Run 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Strand, Aubrey Robbinsville HS
Ragenklint, Samantha 11:00.68 Monmouth Reg. HS
Levonas, Emily 11:10.57 Holmdel HS
Joyce, Caitlyn 11:15.84 Holmdel HS
Daniele, Cassandra 11:24.17 Matawan Reg. HS
Malague, Molly 11:34.14 Metuchen HS
Sell, Emily 11:45.88 Voorhees HS
Lussier, Camille 11:48.69 Metuchen HS
Tambaro, Julia 11:51.07 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Blasiak, Alexa 11:51.85 Holmdel HS
Suss, Nina 11:54.22 Metuchen HS
El-Zahr, Sophia 12:10.19 Voorhees HS
Mondelli, Caroline 12:13.89 Governor Livingston HS
Jankojc, Julia 12:21.03 Matawan Reg. HS
Irvine, Tayte 12:21.82 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Kacani, Emma 12:21.94 Metuchen HS
Dalfonzo, Sophia 12:23.82 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Sepcic, Alyssa 12:26.44 Robbinsville HS
Pais, Tasha 12:30.21 Metuchen HS
Doskoch, Evelyn 12:40.09 Governor Livingston HS
Sell, Katherine 12:42.85 Voorhees HS
Trent, Carolyn 12:43.46 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Jones, Kylie 12:57.56 Robbinsville HS
Oyekeje, Adjit 13:50.96 Hillside HS
Wilson, Jessica 14:15.10 Bordentown Regional HS
Zembricki, Emily 14:30.65 Raritan HS
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Group 2 Girls 400 Meter Dash 64 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Benko, Kailie Matawan Reg. HS
Colendenski, Caitlin Governor Livingston HS
Lambert, Xenia South Plainfield HS
Devlin, Campbell Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Cherry, Iyanah Roselle - Abraham Clark HS
Pantina, Victoria Governor Livingston HS
Colavito, Olivia Matawan Reg. HS
Pilla, MaryCate Wall HS
Vreeland, Kaylee Governor Livingston HS
Watson, Michelle Roselle - Abraham Clark HS
Flannigan, Joenay Roselle - Abraham Clark HS
Post, Allison Governor Livingston HS
Sprague, Katelyn Bordentown Regional HS
Igwe, Chidimma 1:01.16 Hillside HS
Hill, Ka'Rynn 1:01.16 Rahway HS
Li, Joy 1:01.57 Metuchen HS
Pray-Brown, Asydiah 1:01.63 Newark Collegiate Charter
Sullivan, Kayla 1:01.87 Delaware Valley HS
Schleif, Caroline 1:02.06 Metuchen HS
Jones, Malia 1:02.24 North Plainfield HS
Bennett, Dymond 1:02.35 Matawan Reg. HS
Watson, Sofia 1:02.37 South Plainfield HS
Farr, Eva 1:02.50 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Whitner, Nakiyah 1:02.75 Hillside HS
Vassilakos, Katie 1:02.96 Holmdel HS
Erickson, Samantha 1:03.15 Governor Livingston HS
Jennings, Anaya 1:03.43 Rahway HS
Smilovic, Kate 1:03.93 Raritan HS
Marran, Sonia 1:03.97 Voorhees HS
Swanzey, Keilan 1:04.12 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
McDaniels, Emma 1:04.33 Bordentown Regional HS
Barthelus, Diana 1:04.50 Roselle - Abraham Clark HS
Boucher, Merin 1:04.60 Metuchen HS
Barker, Jessica 1:04.63 Holmdel HS
Fleuristin, Christerlie 1:04.75 Rahway HS
Thomas, Tahasia 1:04.79 Roselle - Abraham Clark HS
Edwards, Kyan 1:04.90 Metuchen HS
Mont, Isabella 1:05.10 South Plainfield HS
Abita, Inah 1:05.12 Newark Collegiate Charter
Goswami, Keya 1:05.26 Robbinsville HS
Anthony, Kayla 1:05.28 Monmouth Reg. HS
Walker, Aliyah 1:05.36 North Plainfield HS
Boachie, Akua 1:05.82 Roselle - Abraham Clark HS
Draganoff, Julia 1:05.96 Raritan HS
Bodin, Kailee 1:06.04 Matawan Reg. HS
Rosales, Rachel 1:07.33 Voorhees HS
Dorval, Anna 1:07.77 Robbinsville HS
Peterson, Alivia 1:07.81 Rahway HS
Lembrick, Astassia 1:07.82 Rahway HS
Metenosky, Amanda 1:07.88 Delaware Valley HS
Thomas, Kiresten 1:07.91 Robbinsville HS
Delva, Sarah 1:08.01 Hillside HS
Goodman, Rai 1:08.67 Rahway HS
McMillan, Lauryn 1:09.27 South Plainfield HS
Fontaine, Christine 1:09.87 Carteret HS
Nalesnik, Deborah 1:10.31 Delaware Valley HS
DiGiacomo, Gina 1:11.19 Raritan HS
Andrade, Jessica 1:15.76 South Plainfield HS
Vanriele, Victoria 54.33 Governor Livingston HS
Orr, Lily 56.25 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Goldson, Sydney 57.10 Holmdel HS
Rehder, Olivia 58.10 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Palmer, Hailey 59.36 South Plainfield HS
Orr, Maddie 59.96 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
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Group 2 Girls 400 Meter Hurdles 48 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cherry, Iyanah Roselle - Abraham Clark HS
Edwards, Kyan Metuchen HS
Lovett, Jordan South Plainfield HS
Devlin, Campbell 1:01.90 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Arko, Alina 1:04.63 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Smith, Alexus 1:04.80 Rahway HS
Wojie, Margaret 1:04.90 Holmdel HS
Wojie, Lexie 1:07.22 Holmdel HS
Kret, Hailey 1:07.67 Raritan HS
Li, Joy 1:08.45 Metuchen HS
Golis, Angelina 1:08.61 Matawan Reg. HS
Orange, Raven 1:08.89 Carteret HS
Marran, Sonia 1:09.05 Voorhees HS
Ryazanova, Stephanie 1:09.22 Robbinsville HS
Watson, Sofia 1:09.43 South Plainfield HS
DelPrete, Joelle 1:10.18 Robbinsville HS
Pilla, MaryCate 1:10.30 Wall HS
Walker, Aliyah 1:10.47 North Plainfield HS
Farr, Eva 1:10.84 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Watson, Michelle 1:10.87 Roselle - Abraham Clark HS
Hyman, Jordan 1:10.88 Raritan HS
Benko, Kailie 1:11.15 Matawan Reg. HS
Brumond, Gabrielle 1:11.63 Spotswood HS
Byrd, Brya 1:11.82 Hillside HS
Stewart, Aly 1:11.96 Holmdel HS
Prophete, Justine 1:11.96 Holmdel HS
Smith, Timia 1:12.28 Rahway HS
Barden, Niya 1:12.29 Rahway HS
Eshert, Amanda 1:12.48 Matawan Reg. HS
Snellen, Caitlin 1:12.56 Voorhees HS
Swanzey, Keilan 1:12.67 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Logiudice, Marissa 1:12.92 Bordentown Regional HS
Kinsky, Lindsay 1:14.06 Voorhees HS
Clarke, Allison 1:15.02 Spotswood HS
Grabinsky, McKayla 1:15.21 South Plainfield HS
Igwe, Chinonye 1:16.48 Hillside HS
Boucher, Merin 1:16.70 Metuchen HS
Aquilino, Isabella 1:17.38 Robbinsville HS
Smith, Alisha 1:17.97 Rahway HS
Pierce, Mackenzie 1:19.07 Governor Livingston HS
Hetsberger, Nylah 1:19.09 Rahway HS
Andrade, Jessica 1:20.61 South Plainfield HS
Freeman, Hailey 1:21.43 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Alexis, Carmelle 1:22.89 Hillside HS
Murray, Deziah 1:25.00 Rahway HS
Lenkey, Gabbie 1:25.50 Delaware Valley HS
LaRock, Christina 1:25.63 Governor Livingston HS
Grossi, Emily 1:31.30 Governor Livingston HS
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Group 2 Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 48.62 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Relay Team A 49.97 Rahway HS
Relay Team A 50.21 Hillside HS
Relay Team A 50.53 Holmdel HS
Relay Team A 50.81 South Plainfield HS
Relay Team A 51.19 Matawan Reg. HS
Relay Team A 51.59 Governor Livingston HS
Relay Team A 52.42 North Plainfield HS
Relay Team A 52.84 Metuchen HS
Relay Team A 53.23 Newark Collegiate Charter
Relay Team A 53.59 Raritan HS
Relay Team A 54.54 Robbinsville HS
Relay Team A 54.72 Voorhees HS
Relay Team A 55.06 Roselle - Abraham Clark HS
Relay Team A 55.27 Carteret HS
Relay Team A 56.23 Delaware Valley HS
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Group 2 Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:54.39 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Relay Team A 3:59.92 Rahway HS
Relay Team A 4:01.25 Hillside HS
Relay Team A 4:03.23 Governor Livingston HS
Relay Team A 4:04.90 Holmdel HS
Relay Team A 4:11.94 Metuchen HS
Relay Team A 4:12.03 South Plainfield HS
Relay Team A 4:13.71 Matawan Reg. HS
Relay Team A 4:15.35 Voorhees HS
Relay Team A 4:16.28 North Plainfield HS
Relay Team A 4:19.49 Robbinsville HS
Relay Team A 4:19.70 Raritan HS
Relay Team A 4:23.44 Bordentown Regional HS
Relay Team A 4:24.04 Roselle - Abraham Clark HS
Relay Team A 4:34.48 Delaware Valley HS
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Group 2 Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:07.16 Matawan Reg. HS
Relay Team A 10:15.39 Voorhees HS
Relay Team A 10:43.11 Robbinsville HS
Relay Team A 10:56.09 South Plainfield HS
Relay Team A 11:09.38 Raritan HS
Relay Team A 11:20.53 Bordentown Regional HS
Relay Team A 11:42.59 Delaware Valley HS
Relay Team A 9:28.50 Metuchen HS
Relay Team A 9:31.00 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Relay Team A 9:38.48 Governor Livingston HS
Relay Team A 9:51.30 Holmdel HS
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Group 2 Girls 800 Meter Run 58 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Benko, Kailie Matawan Reg. HS
Splaine, Erin Governor Livingston HS
Pharo, Katheryn Monmouth Reg. HS
Staten, Alina Voorhees HS
Arko, Alina Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Wyber, Ashley South Plainfield HS
Vanriele, Victoria 2:06.68 Governor Livingston HS
Wagner, Lauren 2:15.57 Voorhees HS
Swell, Eliana 2:18.19 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Todd, Sydney 2:18.55 Monmouth Reg. HS
Schleif, Caroline 2:19.57 Metuchen HS
Rehder, Olivia 2:19.71 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Cresitello, Sophie 2:21.91 Governor Livingston HS
Stone, Amanda 2:22.07 Monmouth Reg. HS
Suss, Nina 2:22.14 Metuchen HS
Barden, Niya 2:23.84 Rahway HS
Pray-Brown, Asydiah 2:24.21 Newark Collegiate Charter
Ongsiako, Rica 2:25.10 Matawan Reg. HS
Wheeler, Emily 2:26.78 Bordentown Regional HS
Trent, Carolyn 2:27.28 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Liberator, Rylie 2:30.60 Holmdel HS
Brennan, Kerrigan 2:30.78 Voorhees HS
Gommoll, Blake 2:32.31 Robbinsville HS
Lapinski, Maya 2:32.41 Holmdel HS
Sayne, Catherine 2:33.73 Wall HS
Nerenberg, Alexis 2:34.25 Wall HS
Pais, Tasha 2:34.27 Metuchen HS
McDaniels, Emma 2:34.38 Bordentown Regional HS
Lignell, Sara 2:34.74 Metuchen HS
Thomas, Tahasia 2:35.16 Roselle - Abraham Clark HS
Barbarino, Natalie 2:35.46 Holmdel HS
Williams, Faith 2:35.88 Monmouth Reg. HS
Ferraro, Julianne 2:36.28 South Plainfield HS
Lyness, Corinne 2:36.37 Matawan Reg. HS
Kacani, Emma 2:37.11 Metuchen HS
Waldron, Caitlin 2:40.07 Metuchen HS
Oyekeje, Adjit 2:40.55 Hillside HS
Escuadro, Toni 2:41.66 Robbinsville HS
Perez, Ava 2:41.82 Spotswood HS
Mann, Sanya 2:42.63 Robbinsville HS
Boachie, Akua 2:43.69 Roselle - Abraham Clark HS
Pruscino, Isabella 2:43.74 Raritan HS
Fitz, Riley 2:43.86 Delaware Valley HS
Trappe, Sara 2:45.95 Bordentown Regional HS
Osorio, Sandy 2:46.06 Roselle - Abraham Clark HS
Gomez, Alexiana 2:46.27 South Plainfield HS
Gleason, Amy 2:46.44 Raritan HS
Marshall, Skye 2:46.95 Rahway HS
Moffitt, Alyssa 2:47.14 South Plainfield HS
Flower, Elizabeth 2:47.45 Delaware Valley HS
Scott, Mikaela 2:48.30 Delaware Valley HS
Currie, Sydney 2:49.04 Raritan HS
Kaur, Amrit 2:50.20 Carteret HS
Duverneau, Maya 2:51.47 Rahway HS
Schaefer, Abby 2:52.86 Delaware Valley HS
DeNapoli, Jileah 2:56.79 South Plainfield HS
Rector, Tayla 3:08.85 Carteret HS
Ochs, Christina 3:13.15 Carteret HS
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Group 2 Girls Discus 53 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Nonnenberg, Abby 137-6 Wall HS
Aiello, Gianna 113-9 Matawan Reg. HS
Ollerenshaw, Elizabeth 113-0 Voorhees HS
Turner, Kailah 109-4 Rahway HS
Mastroianni, Tara 107-8 Robbinsville HS
Garofalo, Emma 107-1 Matawan Reg. HS
Ferrador, Alexandra 105-2 Raritan HS
Reeves, Aja 102-6 Bordentown Regional HS
Collins, Sydney 101-8 Voorhees HS
McCollum, Taji'Ney 100-6 Carteret HS
Ader, Hailey 98-5 Voorhees HS
Taylor, Sahni 98-0 Rahway HS
Morgan, Dana 98-0 Matawan Reg. HS
Polynice, Sarah 97-4 Hillside HS
Dela Cruz, Patricia 93-5 Metuchen HS
Vakili, Ava 93-0 Holmdel HS
Drew, Marissa 92-6 Bordentown Regional HS
Young, Story 91-10 Rahway HS
Jones, Alexis 91-9 Roselle - Abraham Clark HS
Shapiro, Morgan 89-10 Robbinsville HS
Vaughn, Kennedy 88-8 Roselle - Abraham Clark HS
Dudley, Domonique 88-7 Metuchen HS
Ogunnowo, Victoria 88-1 Hillside HS
Atubi, Jessica 87-3 North Plainfield HS
Panicaro, Victoria 86-7 Delaware Valley HS
Ould-Hammou, Lilia 85-3 Metuchen HS
Massa, Nicole 81-10 Governor Livingston HS
Brusco, Julia 80-8 Holmdel HS
Maxwell, Molly 80-6 Delaware Valley HS
Evans, Kimberly 80-6 Robbinsville HS
Patel, Jasmine 80-5 South Plainfield HS
Kpehe, Emanie 79-1 Bordentown Regional HS
Giuliano, Brianna 79-0 Delaware Valley HS
Juntunen, Cheyanne 78-10 Raritan HS
Johnson, Abigail 77-1 Spotswood HS
Grebenstein, Celia 76-8 Raritan HS
Kelly, Gabriela 76-7 Holmdel HS
Gagliardi, Ali 74-2 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Flannery, Lucy 73-0 South Plainfield HS
DeFronzo, Deeana 72-3 Governor Livingston HS
Gavilanes, Priscilla 71-5 South Plainfield HS
Williams, Justine 70-8 Hillside HS
Fritsche, Lyla 70-1 Delaware Valley HS
Scheuss, Julia 69-11 Wall HS
Vaughn, Madison 68-3 Roselle - Abraham Clark HS
Tambaro, Grace 67-9 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Adesina, Comfort 64-3 Rahway HS
Hines, Kamry 62-10 Rahway HS
Caldwell, Mackenzie 62-2 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Zimmermann, Allie 60-10 Governor Livingston HS
Deniz, Serena 59-11 Metuchen HS
Barthelus, Elizabeth 53-8 Rahway HS
Jackson, Emma 52-11 Delaware Valley HS
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Group 2 Girls High Jump 41 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Tarentino, Carly 5-6.5 A. L. Johnson HS
Torres, Natalya 5-4 A. L. Johnson HS
Aiello, Gianna 5-2 Matawan Reg. HS
Logiudice, Marissa 5-0 Bordentown Regional HS
Crisitello, Kaylee Fayth 5-0 Voorhees HS
Calvey, Lauren 5-0 South Plainfield HS
Ford, Maya 4-10 Wall HS
Parajon, Tiffany 4-10 South Plainfield HS
Prophete, Justine 4-10 Holmdel HS
Wiese, Jenna 4-10 A. L. Johnson HS
Borys, Megan 4-8 Raritan HS
Pray-Brown, Asydiah 4-8 Newark Collegiate Charter
Carroll, Mue 4-8 Matawan Reg. HS
Hall, Cara 4-8 Matawan Reg. HS
Cassu, Alexandra 4-8 Governor Livingston HS
Senkarik, Shelby 4-8 Governor Livingston HS
Calcavecchio, Cristina 4-8 Delaware Valley HS
Thornton, Shayla 4-6 Monmouth Reg. HS
Sjosward, Abigail 4-6 Monmouth Reg. HS
Prince, Serena 4-6 Newark Collegiate Charter
Watson, Sofia 4-6 South Plainfield HS
Walker, Aliyah 4-6 North Plainfield HS
Lista, Allison 4-6 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Piccolo, Sophia 4-6 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Malague, Molly 4-6 Metuchen HS
Ciardiello, Alex 4-6 Metuchen HS
Zavala, Jamie 4-6 Spotswood HS
Bartholemew, Arianna 4-6 Holmdel HS
Goswami, Keya 4-6 Robbinsville HS
Jewell, Vanessa 4-4 Raritan HS
Harris, Brianna 4-4 South Plainfield HS
McAndrews, Grace 4-4 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Dudley, Domonique 4-4 Metuchen HS
LaRock, Christina 4-4 Governor Livingston HS
Lapinski, Maya 4-4 Holmdel HS
Thomas, Kiresten 4-4 Robbinsville HS
Hellerich, Madelyn 4-2 Spotswood HS
Wilson, Madison 4-2 Delaware Valley HS
O'Boyle, Kaitlin 4-0 Delaware Valley HS
Grabinsky, McKayla South Plainfield HS
Kolbe, Skyler Robbinsville HS
Back to Top

Group 2 Girls Javelin 51 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hutnik, Olivia 125-10 Raritan HS
Riker, Kimberly 115-5 Delaware Valley HS
Kelly, Gabriela 106-3 Holmdel HS
Massa, Nicole 103-5 Governor Livingston HS
Pierson, Bailee 102-8 Bordentown Regional HS
Reeves, Aja 102-5 Bordentown Regional HS
Parajon, Tiffany 98-5 South Plainfield HS
McCollum, Taji'Ney 98-1 Carteret HS
Eggleston, Veronica 98-1 Delaware Valley HS
Roll, Kacie 97-11 Voorhees HS
Hellerich, Madelyn 97-10 Spotswood HS
Morgan, Dana 95-1 Matawan Reg. HS
Coponi, Olivia 93-0 Raritan HS
Shapiro, Morgan 92-5 Robbinsville HS
Panicaro, Victoria 91-0 Delaware Valley HS
Deniz, Serena 89-10 Metuchen HS
DeGeorge, Helena 89-3 Matawan Reg. HS
Ricci, Ava 88-1 Matawan Reg. HS
Muir, Lily 87-10 Robbinsville HS
Mayes, Nyasia 87-9 Wall HS
Riley, Madison 84-4 Voorhees HS
Dela Cruz, Patricia 83-7 Metuchen HS
Wladika, Tanya 81-9 Holmdel HS
Young, Story 81-7 Rahway HS
Miragliotta, Megan 81-2 Raritan HS
Fournell, Jenn 80-3 Voorhees HS
Smith, Evelyn 79-2 Spotswood HS
Martinez, Samantha 77-11 Spotswood HS
Olsen, Ella 77-8 Holmdel HS
Comerford, Sarah 77-8 Governor Livingston HS
Mejias, Ellenie 77-0 South Plainfield HS
Jones, Alexis 75-10 Roselle - Abraham Clark HS
Emslie, Amara 75-1 Metuchen HS
Laporta, Alyssa 73-5 Metuchen HS
Bottone, Alyssa 73-1 Governor Livingston HS
Evans, Kimberly 71-4 Robbinsville HS
Braswell, Aliyah 70-0 Newark Collegiate Charter
Schucht, Natalie 69-2 Wall HS
Turner, Kailah 67-5 Rahway HS
Kennedy, Ellie 67-3 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Taylor, Sahni 64-8 Rahway HS
Jackson, Mecca 64-8 Newark Collegiate Charter
Hayles, Jamilah 64-3 Roselle - Abraham Clark HS
Ould-Hammou, Lilia 63-8 Metuchen HS
Dudley, Domonique 62-11 Metuchen HS
Caldwell, Mackenzie 62-7 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Cheung, Ming 62-6 South Plainfield HS
Hines, Kamry 60-10 Rahway HS
Tambaro, Grace 55-4 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Barthelus, Elizabeth Rahway HS
Adesina, Comfort Rahway HS
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Group 2 Girls Long Jump 49 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bartholemew, Arianna 16-11.75 Holmdel HS
Bannis, Khoryn 16-11 Matawan Reg. HS
Pullen, Samantha 16-9.5 South Plainfield HS
Watson, Sofia 16-4 South Plainfield HS
Ford, Maya 16-3.75 Wall HS
Parajon, Tiffany 16-1 South Plainfield HS
Carroll, Mue 16-0.5 Matawan Reg. HS
Cassu, Alexandra 15-9.75 Governor Livingston HS
Mirabella, Lily 15-8 Delaware Valley HS
Dotts, Chloee 15-6.25 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Arko, CeCe 15-4 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Dotts, Marlee 15-4 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Enwerekowe, Somfenna 15-2 North Plainfield HS
Crisitello, Kaylee Fayth 15-1 Voorhees HS
Akinsola, Oluwabukola 14-11 Hillside HS
Antonakakis, Kathleen 14-11 Holmdel HS
Canty, Zinnia 14-9.75 North Plainfield HS
Peterson, Alivia 14-8 Rahway HS
Ingram, Autumn 14-7.75 Newark Collegiate Charter
Zyska, Lauren 14-7.5 Governor Livingston HS
Scepkowski, Sarah 14-7.25 A. L. Johnson HS
Thackalapatti, Monica 14-6.5 Robbinsville HS
Kelly, Gabriela 14-5 Holmdel HS
Prince, Serena 14-4 Newark Collegiate Charter
Taylor, Danayah 14-1.5 Hillside HS
Zavala, Jamie 14-1.5 Spotswood HS
Harris, Brianna 14-1 South Plainfield HS
Polin, Claire 14-0 Delaware Valley HS
Igwe, Chinonye 13-11.25 Hillside HS
Hu, Tiffany 13-11.25 Holmdel HS
Senkarik, Shelby 13-10.75 Governor Livingston HS
Ruby, Samantha 13-9 Delaware Valley HS
Smith, Alisha 13-7.5 Rahway HS
Fajardo, Kaysi 13-7.25 Spotswood HS
Goodman, Rai 13-4 Rahway HS
Hetsberger, Nylah 12-11.5 Rahway HS
Zemanek, Casey 12-11 Voorhees HS
Calvey, Lauren 12-8.25 South Plainfield HS
Acosta, Gabriela 12-5 Raritan HS
Murray, Deziah 12-3 Rahway HS
Jones, Ayiona 12-0 Newark Collegiate Charter
Rowens, Rachael 11-8.25 Raritan HS
Vaughn, Kennedy Roselle - Abraham Clark HS
Amin, Asada Roselle - Abraham Clark HS
Hayles, Jamilah Roselle - Abraham Clark HS
Cherry, Iyanah Roselle - Abraham Clark HS
Whetstone, Mia Roselle - Abraham Clark HS
Flannigan, Joenay Roselle - Abraham Clark HS
DelPrete, Joelle Robbinsville HS
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Group 2 Girls Pole Vault 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Carroll, Mue 11-0 Matawan Reg. HS
Moyer, Dayna 10-6 Matawan Reg. HS
VanDuyne, Chloe 10-6 Delaware Valley HS
Shafer, Julia 9-0 Monmouth Reg. HS
Donnelly, Sara 9-0 Holmdel HS
Larson, Paige 8-6 Metuchen HS
Zyska, Lauren 8-6 Governor Livingston HS
Perez, Jillian 8-6 Bordentown Regional HS
Stewart, Aly 8-6 Holmdel HS
Lee, Lucie 8-0 Metuchen HS
Hunt, Shannon 8-0 Governor Livingston HS
Siter, Brooke 8-0 Governor Livingston HS
Kraynanski, Emily 8-0 Delaware Valley HS
Arko, CeCe 8-0 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Schwartz, Allison 7-6 Governor Livingston HS
Fisher, Caitlin 7-0 Monmouth Reg. HS
Buck, Delaney 7-0 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Dorval, Anna 7-0 Robbinsville HS
Carr, Gillian 7-0 Robbinsville HS
Andrade, Jessica 6-0 South Plainfield HS
Chopra, Ravin 6-0 Robbinsville HS
Lovett, Jordan South Plainfield HS
Silverstein, Mia South Plainfield HS
Grabinsky, McKayla South Plainfield HS
Giannakis, Jenny South Plainfield HS
Wheeler, Emily Bordentown Regional HS
Applegate, Ellie Rumson-Fair Haven HS
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Group 2 Girls Shot Put 48 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Tullo-McVicar, Trinity 42-7.5 Voorhees HS
Small, Latiesha 39-10.5 Matawan Reg. HS
Turner, Kailah 39-8 Rahway HS
Nonnenberg, Abby 36-10 Wall HS
Ferrador, Alexandra 36-2.5 Raritan HS
Jones, Alexis 35-6.5 Roselle - Abraham Clark HS
Collins, Sydney 35-2 Voorhees HS
Young, Story 34-11.5 Rahway HS
Carmon, Aniyah 34-4 Newark Collegiate Charter
Pierce, Hailie 34-3.5 Matawan Reg. HS
Taylor, Sahni 33-6.5 Rahway HS
Mastroianni, Tara 32-11.5 Robbinsville HS
Panicaro, Victoria 31-9.25 Delaware Valley HS
Drew, Marissa 31-4 Bordentown Regional HS
Atubi, Jessica 31-3 North Plainfield HS
Garofalo, Emma 30-9.75 Matawan Reg. HS
Loiacono, Sydney 30-8.75 South Plainfield HS
Shapiro, Morgan 30-5 Robbinsville HS
Fallet, Rachel 30-4 South Plainfield HS
Patel, Jasmine 30-3.5 South Plainfield HS
DeFronzo, Deeana 30-0.75 Governor Livingston HS
Ould-Hammou, Lilia 29-11.75 Metuchen HS
Vakili, Ava 29-9.5 Holmdel HS
Martinez, Samantha 29-4.25 Spotswood HS
Serieux, Stephorah 28-10.25 Metuchen HS
Walsh, Giavanna 28-9.25 Spotswood HS
Miragliotta, Megan 28-7.75 Raritan HS
Riker, Kimberly 28-7 Delaware Valley HS
Ollerenshaw, Elizabeth 28-5 Voorhees HS
Zimmermann, Allie 28-4.25 Governor Livingston HS
Johnson, Abigail 28-1.75 Spotswood HS
Bobien, R'Kaiya 28-1.5 Newark Collegiate Charter
Reeves, Aja 28-0 Bordentown Regional HS
Ciardiello, Alex 27-9.25 Metuchen HS
Padovano, Brianna 27-7 South Plainfield HS
Vaughn, Madison 27-6 Roselle - Abraham Clark HS
Kelly, Maura 27-4.25 Robbinsville HS
O'Neill, Alivia 27-4 Raritan HS
Massa, Nicole 27-3.5 Governor Livingston HS
Hayles, Jamilah 27-2.25 Roselle - Abraham Clark HS
Adesina, Comfort 26-8.25 Rahway HS
Wladika, Tanya 25-9 Holmdel HS
Dudley, Domonique 25-7.25 Metuchen HS
Canty, Zinnia 25-6.5 North Plainfield HS
Kpehe, Emanie 24-10 Bordentown Regional HS
Giuliano, Brianna 24-2.25 Delaware Valley HS
Barthelus, Elizabeth 24-2 Rahway HS
Kim, Shelby 22-5 Holmdel HS
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Group 2 Girls Triple Jump 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bannis, Khoryn 36-3.5 Matawan Reg. HS
Bartholemew, Arianna 35-10.5 Holmdel HS
Akinsola, Oluwabukola 35-5.5 Hillside HS
Kret, Hailey 34-6.75 Raritan HS
Anthony, Kayla 33-6 Monmouth Reg. HS
Canty, Zinnia 32-10 North Plainfield HS
Enwerekowe, Somfenna 32-10 North Plainfield HS
Sayne, Catherine 32-6 Wall HS
Cazeau, Layna 32-5 Monmouth Reg. HS
Pullen, Samantha 32-3.5 South Plainfield HS
Carroll, Mue 32-3.5 Matawan Reg. HS
Parajon, Tiffany 32-3 South Plainfield HS
Hemphill, Alli 31-11 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
McCollum, Taji'Ney 31-10.5 Carteret HS
Antonakakis, Kathleen 31-8 Holmdel HS
Ford, Maya 31-7 Wall HS
Prince, Serena 31-0.25 Newark Collegiate Charter
Hu, Tiffany 30-9 Holmdel HS
Senkarik, Shelby 30-7.5 Governor Livingston HS
Piccolo, Sophia 30-7.5 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Zavala, Jamie 30-4.25 Spotswood HS
Grabinsky, McKayla 30-3.75 South Plainfield HS
Yashmanov, Kate 29-11.75 Holmdel HS
Arko, CeCe 29-9.25 Rumson-Fair Haven HS
Kelly, Gabriela 29-6 Holmdel HS
Lackland, Elizabeth 29-4 Metuchen HS
Waring, Charlotte 28-11.25 Metuchen HS
Polin, Claire 28-10.5 Delaware Valley HS
Calvey, Lauren 28-9 South Plainfield HS
Nerenberg, Alexis 28-8.25 Wall HS
LaRock, Christina 28-0 Governor Livingston HS
Hellerich, Madelyn 28-0 Spotswood HS
Papantoniou, Maria 27-4.5 Monmouth Reg. HS
Kolbe, Skyler 26-8.25 Robbinsville HS
Watson, Sofia South Plainfield HS
Cassu, Alexandra Governor Livingston HS
Ruby, Samantha Delaware Valley HS
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Group 3 Boys 1,600 Meter Run 65 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fulmore, Jahmere Hamilton North - Nottingham
Castro, Vince Lawrence HS
Tomko, Taylor Hamilton HS West
Dolan, Sean 4:12.69 Hopewell Valley HS
Titus, Will 4:17.05 Hopewell Valley HS
Murphy, Liam 4:18.76 Allentown HS
O'Connor, John 4:18.77 Hopewell Valley HS
Johnson, Luke 4:20.28 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Bogdan, Matt 4:21.45 Colts Neck HS
LoCurcio, Joseph 4:26.28 Freehold Boro HS
Mannion, Dylan 4:26.51 Ocean Township HS
Valenzuela, Devin M. 4:28.69 Jackson Liberty HS
Roeder, Kyle 4:29.12 Colts Neck HS
Lad, Vedang 4:29.45 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Schwinn, Tyler 4:29.72 Red Bank Regional HS
Purdon, Teddy 4:30.87 Red Bank Regional HS
Mendez, Steven 4:32.39 Burlington Twp. HS
Dean, William 4:33.21 Colts Neck HS
Burtnett, Sean 4:33.76 Burlington Twp. HS
Agrawal, Anish 4:35.10 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Oyuela, Dakota 4:36.32 Burlington Twp. HS
Rocha, Aaron 4:37.36 Jackson Liberty HS
Dumont, Alex 4:37.50 Hopewell Valley HS
Somers, Nate 4:38.03 Allentown HS
Stinner, Dylan 4:39.55 Jackson Liberty HS
Chen, Jeffrey 4:41.60 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Halvorsen, Matt 4:42.57 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Dean, James 4:43.31 Hamilton HS West
Delakowski, Hagen 4:44.55 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Stanley, Kyle 4:44.92 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Kandasamy, Ajit 4:45.19 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Rachakunta, Ashrrith 4:46.83 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Obika, Emanuel 4:47.10 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Navarro, Dylan 4:48.11 Ewing HS
Lee, Noah 4:48.70 Freehold Boro HS
Howard, Anthony 4:50.14 Pennsauken HS
Dow, Cormac 4:50.71 Hopewell Valley HS
Zamichieli, Dante 4:50.94 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Angwenyi, Ben 4:52.16 Hopewell Valley HS
Kenney, Sean 4:52.37 Middletown South HS
Mentonis, Matt 4:52.40 Colts Neck HS
Mariner, Christian 4:54.11 Colts Neck HS
Radwanski, Michael 4:54.44 Neptune HS
Mastromarino, Tim 4:55.02 Allentown HS
Lanier, Alex 4:55.49 Jackson Liberty HS
Martarella, Frank 4:56.59 Colts Neck HS
Beckford, Solomon 4:56.79 Lawrence HS
McDermott, Cullen 4:57.10 Lawrence HS
Moraller, Matthew 4:59.28 Red Bank Regional HS
Frabizio, Matt 4:59.93 Ocean Township HS
Ghosh, Indy 5:01.28 Red Bank Regional HS
Smith, Michael 5:01.39 Middletown South HS
Pavlovich, Jackson 5:03.23 Freehold Boro HS
Rodriguez, Joseph 5:05.66 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Marmelstein, David 5:13.48 Jackson Liberty HS
Swaggerty, Matt 5:14.35 Red Bank Regional HS
Thach, Jordan 5:15.54 Pennsauken HS
Filipowicz, Chris 5:22.04 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Sackie, Edwin 5:22.71 Hamilton HS West
Pardon, Devin 5:24.56 Ocean Township HS
Sirimis, Kyle 5:27.85 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Ainsworth, Max 5:30.23 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Rivera, Jovan 5:34.42 Red Bank Regional HS
Gu, Zubin 5:35.85 Lawrence HS
Gash-Karpowich, Jacob 5:45.67 Hamilton North - Nottingham
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Group 3 Boys 100 Meter Dash 80 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fellenz, Andrew Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Brown, Izhaan Jackson Liberty HS
Grom, Wyatt Jackson Liberty HS
Elmogi, Ahmed West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Gromadzki, Kevin Jackson Liberty HS
McLean, Deon Lawrence HS
Ditta, Chris Jackson Liberty HS
Akpadago, Louis 10.68 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Mitchell, Nigel 10.71 Red Bank Regional HS
Porter, Javon 10.75 Hamilton HS West
Smith, Dede 10.83 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Ridley, Dana 10.87 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Battle IV, George 10.93 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Theosmy, Makhi 10.96 Freehold Boro HS
Stillitano, Aaron 10.97 Middletown South HS
Jenkins, Javon 11.01 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Joseph, Raven 11.03 Neptune HS
Pena, Trebor 11.05 Ocean Township HS
Dibsie, Justin 11.10 Colts Neck HS
Robertson, Semi 11.12 Burlington Twp. HS
Alfred, Wilby 11.14 Neptune HS
Huegel, Robert 11.14 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Gibson, Mekhi 11.15 Ewing HS
Washington, Tyrese 11.18 Neptune HS
Orsini-Bryant, Alex 11.19 Ocean Township HS
Patterson, Desmond 11.24 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Mirac, Judeson 11.24 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Muir, Brandon 11.28 Hamilton HS West
Williams, Leland 11.30 Burlington Twp. HS
Greene, Devante 11.30 Pennsauken HS
Carasia, Christopher 11.32 Ocean Township HS
Murray, Kevin 11.38 Hopewell Valley HS
Munoz, Evan 11.39 Red Bank Regional HS
Morris, Dante 11.39 Lakewood HS
Barksdale, Haziq 11.39 Lakewood HS
Rogers, Eric 11.41 Burlington Twp. HS
Boswell, Kevin 11.42 Hamilton HS West
D'Adamo, Salvatore 11.42 Allentown HS
Abel, Gabe 11.55 Ewing HS
Lartey, Jonathan 11.57 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Lee, Jordan 11.58 Burlington Twp. HS
Despeignes, Marco 11.59 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Weisneck, Tyler 11.60 Brick Township HS
Williams, Aaron 11.60 Pennsauken HS
Nelson, Jaier 11.61 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Marrone, Matthew 11.63 Middletown South HS
Cleary, Bryan 11.66 Freehold Boro HS
Lee, Raiquon 11.68 Burlington Twp. HS
Lewis, Nyron 11.70 Neptune HS
Wright, Parris 11.71 Ewing HS
Plumeri, Matt 11.75 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Norris, Devon 11.76 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Peace, Andre 11.76 Lakewood HS
Mickens, Makai 11.77 Red Bank Regional HS
Pulley, Myles 11.77 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Hicks, David 11.78 Red Bank Regional HS
Hearst, Bryon 11.78 Hamilton HS West
Robinson, Jameel 11.82 Ewing HS
Barnes, Isaiah 11.88 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Kelly, Andre 11.88 Freehold Boro HS
Wynkoop, Jacob 11.92 Brick Township HS
Vanover, Michael 11.94 Hopewell Valley HS
Browne, Will 11.94 Brick Township HS
Forte, Chris 11.95 Allentown HS
Dastinot, Semaj 11.95 Lawrence HS
Jackson, James 12.00 Hopewell Valley HS
Lacy, Tameen 12.04 Pennsauken HS
Hunter, Moses 12.07 Hamilton HS West
Gough, Liam 12.07 Middletown South HS
Monaghan, Connor 12.12 Lawrence HS
VanDenAkker, Ben 12.13 Colts Neck HS
Virdee, Shaan 12.14 Hopewell Valley HS
Manos, John 12.24 Colts Neck HS
Jones, Trae 12.32 Lawrence HS
Kessler, Demari 12.50 Allentown HS
Lopez, Lance 12.65 Lawrence HS
Morales, Cristian 12.69 Lakewood HS
Saito, Kaoru 12.78 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Niesz, Jack 12.87 Red Bank Regional HS
Stevenson, Christopher 12.90 Lawrence HS
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Group 3 Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 43 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dean, Ryan Jackson Liberty HS
Oge, Alix 14.31 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Whittle, Shamali 14.41 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Wright, Donovan 14.49 Burlington Twp. HS
Bland, Nasir 14.52 Ewing HS
Assadullah, Najib 14.65 Ocean Township HS
Williamson, Myles 14.72 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Augustin, Valentin 14.92 Hamilton HS West
Smith, Miles 15.25 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Rankl, Evan 16.09 Jackson Liberty HS
Delk, Brian 16.44 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Martino, Chris 16.56 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Carsky-Wilson, Andrew 16.67 Hopewell Valley HS
Lentini, Tim 16.75 Jackson Liberty HS
Quanvie, Jaedon 16.78 Jackson Liberty HS
Jones, Jahmere 16.83 Jackson Liberty HS
Cummings, Antonio 17.06 Lakewood HS
Nkemka, Arinze 17.18 Ewing HS
Kwon, Nuri 17.30 Allentown HS
Johnson, Yahmal 17.36 Lakewood HS
Ezeukwu, Uche 17.38 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Riddell, Nolan 17.50 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Griffin, Amaury 17.57 Hopewell Valley HS
Ballard, Nate 17.65 Lawrence HS
Mbachu, Claudius 17.72 Allentown HS
Pope, Jaquan 17.74 Ewing HS
MacDonald, Liam 17.87 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Louis-Jean, Cory 17.89 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Suresh, Nikhil 17.99 Ocean Township HS
Hughes, Robert 18.63 Ocean Township HS
Ricciardi, James 18.82 Allentown HS
Redavid, Mikey 18.93 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
DeJesus, Angel 19.39 Hamilton HS West
Slaby, Kristen 19.93 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Virdee, Shaan 20.17 Hopewell Valley HS
Firestine, Nicholas 20.37 Hamilton HS West
Wrenn, Thai 20.62 Hamilton HS West
Anderson, Jahmir 20.65 Lawrence HS
Shah, Jay 21.14 Hopewell Valley HS
Glodowski, Tyler 21.16 Pennsauken HS
Ware, Aaron 21.55 Pennsauken HS
Tandon, Aryak 21.76 Lawrence HS
Ponder, Savian 23.21 Lawrence HS
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Group 3 Boys 200 Meter Dash 82 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lacy, Tameen Pennsauken HS
Cantuña, Ethan Jackson Liberty HS
Lee, Raiquon Burlington Twp. HS
Barron, Bryce Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Decrescenzo, Daniel Middletown South HS
Lopez, Lance Lawrence HS
Brown, Izhaan Jackson Liberty HS
Nelson, Jaier Hamilton North - Nottingham
Rogers, Eric Burlington Twp. HS
Emenuga, DuBem Jackson Liberty HS
Nkemka, Arinze Ewing HS
Mitchell, Nigel 21.48 Red Bank Regional HS
Whittle, Shamali 21.75 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Ridley, Dana 21.76 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Conte, Jared 21.83 Ocean Township HS
Porter, Javon 21.96 Hamilton HS West
Stillitano, Aaron 22.13 Middletown South HS
Battle IV, George 22.29 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Edward-Chew, Dahvae' 22.38 Ewing HS
Joseph, Raven 22.40 Neptune HS
Akpadago, Louis 22.41 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Greene, Devante 22.43 Pennsauken HS
Patterson, Desmond 22.43 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Theosmy, Makhi 22.46 Freehold Boro HS
McLean, Deon 22.47 Lawrence HS
Williamson, Myles 22.47 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Huegel, Robert 22.57 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Morris, Dante 22.60 Lakewood HS
Orsini-Bryant, Alex 22.65 Ocean Township HS
Wright, Donovan 22.72 Burlington Twp. HS
D'Adamo, Salvatore 22.80 Allentown HS
Jenkins, Javon 22.82 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Mirac, Judeson 22.83 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Robertson, Semi 22.89 Burlington Twp. HS
Smith, Dede 22.90 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Dibsie, Justin 22.92 Colts Neck HS
Elmogi, Ahmed 22.94 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Muir, Brandon 22.96 Hamilton HS West
Alfred, Wilby 23.02 Neptune HS
Williams, Aaron 23.04 Pennsauken HS
Washington, Tyrese 23.08 Neptune HS
Lee, Jordan 23.10 Burlington Twp. HS
Johnson, Jahmiq 23.12 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Munoz, Evan 23.13 Red Bank Regional HS
Jones, Devin 23.16 Neptune HS
Sanchez, Rickie 23.21 Neptune HS
Kroll, Gabe 23.21 Red Bank Regional HS
Carasia, Christopher 23.22 Ocean Township HS
Boswell, Kevin 23.23 Hamilton HS West
Marrone, Matthew 23.25 Middletown South HS
Gibson, Mekhi 23.26 Ewing HS
Ming, Rohan 23.31 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Abel, Gabe 23.33 Ewing HS
Clark, Will 23.34 Hamilton HS West
Murray, Kevin 23.65 Hopewell Valley HS
Ditta, Chris 23.69 Jackson Liberty HS
Weisneck, Tyler 23.72 Brick Township HS
Forte, Chris 23.76 Allentown HS
Mosley, Breyon 23.80 Pennsauken HS
Bazydlo, JB 23.87 Brick Township HS
Hicks, David 23.92 Red Bank Regional HS
Plumeri, Matt 23.98 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Griffin, Amaury 23.99 Hopewell Valley HS
Peace, Andre 24.03 Lakewood HS
Cleary, Bryan 24.19 Freehold Boro HS
Browne, Will 24.19 Brick Township HS
Lartey, Jonathan 24.19 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Jackson, James 24.24 Hopewell Valley HS
Dastinot, Semaj 24.36 Lawrence HS
Wynkoop, Jacob 24.48 Brick Township HS
Virdee, Shaan 24.55 Hopewell Valley HS
Thomas, Josiah 24.61 Burlington Twp. HS
Jones, Trae 24.67 Lawrence HS
Gromadzki, Kevin 24.98 Jackson Liberty HS
Kelly, Andre 24.99 Freehold Boro HS
Kessler, Demari 25.24 Allentown HS
Monaghan, Connor 25.29 Lawrence HS
Christian, Jacob 25.29 Colts Neck HS
VanDenAkker, Ben 25.55 Colts Neck HS
Ertle, Brendan 25.56 Jackson Liberty HS
Saito, Kaoru 25.82 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Neves, Andrew 25.95 Colts Neck HS
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Group 3 Boys 3,200 Meter Run 51 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Carey, Charles Allentown HS
Sackie, Edwin Hamilton HS West
Lanier, Alex Jackson Liberty HS
O'Connor, John Hopewell Valley HS
Ghosh, Indy Red Bank Regional HS
Valenzuela, Devin M. Jackson Liberty HS
Dumont, Alex Hopewell Valley HS
Kandasamy, Ajit 10:02.78 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Titus, Will 10:03.84 Hopewell Valley HS
Stinner, Dylan 10:10.65 Jackson Liberty HS
Stanley, Kyle 10:11.04 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Meth, Devon 10:14.96 Lawrence HS
Fowler, Sam 10:16.22 Hopewell Valley HS
Rocha, Aaron 10:19.06 Jackson Liberty HS
Delakowski, Hagen 10:22.83 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Zamichieli, Dante 10:23.11 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Halvorsen, Matt 10:29.82 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Mariner, Christian 10:30.24 Colts Neck HS
Fowler, Gavin 10:31.51 Hopewell Valley HS
Frabizio, Matt 10:34.80 Ocean Township HS
McDermott, Cullen 10:37.66 Lawrence HS
Kostin, Tyler 10:40.53 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Patrizio, Sebastian 10:41.65 Colts Neck HS
Somers, Nate 10:43.07 Allentown HS
Howard, Anthony 10:48.26 Pennsauken HS
Colella, Brandon 11:04.07 Brick Township HS
Zerillo, John 11:11.10 Burlington Twp. HS
Marmelstein, David 11:12.87 Jackson Liberty HS
Moraller, Matthew 11:15.30 Red Bank Regional HS
Tomko, Taylor 11:20.47 Hamilton HS West
Rodriguez, Joseph 11:26.70 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Filipowicz, Chris 11:32.94 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Webster, Ryan 11:42.02 Ewing HS
Swaggerty, Matt 11:52.25 Red Bank Regional HS
Pardon, Devin 12:03.02 Ocean Township HS
Guzman-Aparicio, Eheratl 12:24.14 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Dolan, Sean 9:02.66 Hopewell Valley HS
Murphy, Liam 9:04.43 Allentown HS
Lad, Vedang 9:18.17 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Johnson, Luke 9:25.71 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Bogdan, Matt 9:29.50 Colts Neck HS
LoCurcio, Joseph 9:35.30 Freehold Boro HS
Mannion, Dylan 9:38.60 Ocean Township HS
Mendez, Steven 9:45.39 Burlington Twp. HS
Chen, Jeffrey 9:45.59 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Agrawal, Anish 9:46.42 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Rachakunta, Ashrrith 9:47.55 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Roeder, Kyle 9:49.00 Colts Neck HS
Schwinn, Tyler 9:55.61 Red Bank Regional HS
Dean, William 9:57.92 Colts Neck HS
Purdon, Teddy 9:58.72 Red Bank Regional HS
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Group 3 Boys 400 Meter Dash 70 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sharma, Sagar West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
James, Michael Jackson Liberty HS
Ridley, Dana Hamilton North - Nottingham
Rashid, Yassin Hamilton North - Nottingham
Lee, Raiquon Burlington Twp. HS
Dastinot, Semaj Lawrence HS
Aguilar, Kevin West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Zimmerman, Andrew Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Wright, Donovan Burlington Twp. HS
Mapp, Ian Burlington Twp. HS
Mack, Elijah Pennsauken HS
Anselmi, Mark Middletown South HS
Heinz, Mike Allentown HS
Negron, Christpher Hamilton North - Nottingham
Lee, Jordan Burlington Twp. HS
Assadullah, Najib Ocean Township HS
Robertson, Semi Burlington Twp. HS
Mir, Muhammed 1:02.47 Hamilton HS West
Theosmy, Makhi 48.64 Freehold Boro HS
McLean, Deon 48.85 Lawrence HS
Kroll, Gabe 48.99 Red Bank Regional HS
Conte, Jared 49.23 Ocean Township HS
Edward-Chew, Dahvae' 49.51 Ewing HS
Williamson, Myles 50.51 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Williams, Aaron 50.56 Pennsauken HS
Elmogi, Ahmed 50.58 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Pulley, Myles 51.18 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Clark, Will 51.23 Hamilton HS West
Greene, Devante 51.29 Pennsauken HS
Ditta, Chris 51.35 Jackson Liberty HS
Corbin, Jalen 51.45 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Lyken, Sekai 51.65 Allentown HS
Selesnick, Emilio 51.77 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Kuni, Brian 52.07 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Sanchez, Rickie 52.79 Neptune HS
Shenefield, Sean 52.92 Middletown South HS
Wilcox, Jackson 53.10 Red Bank Regional HS
Tagaram, Suhas 53.19 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Lefebvre, Gabe 53.25 Hopewell Valley HS
Mosley, Breyon 53.26 Pennsauken HS
Jones, Devin 53.33 Neptune HS
Ang, Jian Kai 53.39 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Connolly, Brady 53.50 Middletown South HS
Bazydlo, JB 53.54 Brick Township HS
Lewis, Nyron 53.68 Neptune HS
Neustater, Michael 54.12 Colts Neck HS
Tuohy, John 54.18 Red Bank Regional HS
Gibson, Mekhi 54.32 Ewing HS
Thomas, Josiah 54.43 Burlington Twp. HS
Nubile, Sam 54.47 Colts Neck HS
Chong, Eli 54.48 Brick Township HS
Borgia, Luke 54.60 Ocean Township HS
Perfetto, Gianni 55.13 Red Bank Regional HS
Cleary, Bryan 55.36 Freehold Boro HS
Jones, Trae 55.44 Lawrence HS
Diecidue, Anthony 55.44 Allentown HS
Virdee, Shaan 55.48 Hopewell Valley HS
Gromadzki, Kevin 55.64 Jackson Liberty HS
Jelinsky, Benjamin 55.83 Freehold Boro HS
Riordan, Michael 55.90 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Ertle, Brendan 55.97 Jackson Liberty HS
Ruano, Hugo 56.08 Lawrence HS
Mateo Ramirez, Carlos 56.11 Lakewood HS
Griffin, Amaury 56.40 Hopewell Valley HS
Boykin, Davon 57.04 Lawrence HS
MacDonald, Liam 57.12 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Morris, Akeem 57.49 Neptune HS
Dean, Ryan 57.66 Jackson Liberty HS
Neves, Andrew 57.66 Colts Neck HS
Cantuña, Ethan 58.18 Jackson Liberty HS
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Group 3 Boys 400 Meter Hurdles 54 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Norris, Devon West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Crawford, Norman Ewing HS
Rogers, Eric Burlington Twp. HS
Cummings, Antonio Lakewood HS
Nkemka, Arinze Ewing HS
Oge, Alix 1:00.01 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Redavid, Mikey 1:00.98 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Carsky-Wilson, Andrew 1:01.24 Hopewell Valley HS
Wilcox, Jackson 1:01.96 Red Bank Regional HS
Delk, Brian 1:02.26 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Louis-Jean, Cory 1:02.36 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Mack, Elijah 1:02.61 Pennsauken HS
Wright, Donovan 1:02.84 Burlington Twp. HS
Pope, Jaquan 1:02.90 Ewing HS
Suresh, Nikhil 1:02.96 Ocean Township HS
Husar, Jack 1:03.17 Middletown South HS
Boyer, David 1:04.06 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Riddell, Nolan 1:04.20 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Griffin, Amaury 1:04.45 Hopewell Valley HS
Hughes, Robert 1:04.59 Ocean Township HS
Ricciardi, James 1:04.70 Allentown HS
Zita, Christian 1:05.27 Colts Neck HS
Dean, Ryan 1:05.48 Jackson Liberty HS
DeJesus, Angel 1:05.61 Hamilton HS West
Quanvie, Jaedon 1:06.03 Jackson Liberty HS
Small, Jermaine 1:06.31 Burlington Twp. HS
Hyppolyte, Marc 1:06.33 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Virdee, Shaan 1:06.40 Hopewell Valley HS
Olivares, David 1:06.63 Lakewood HS
Sharma, Sagar 1:06.83 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Ballard, Nate 1:07.27 Lawrence HS
Wall, Evan 1:07.49 Lakewood HS
Mosley, Breyon 1:07.59 Pennsauken HS
Ezeukwu, Uche 1:07.85 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Slaby, Kristen 1:09.08 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Anderson, Jahmir 1:09.16 Lawrence HS
Shah, Jay 1:09.61 Hopewell Valley HS
Wrenn, Thai 1:10.05 Hamilton HS West
Baloyi, Malwandla 1:10.27 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Ponder, Savian 1:11.23 Lawrence HS
Berry, Bryce 1:13.31 Burlington Twp. HS
Tandon, Aryak 1:13.94 Lawrence HS
Burton, Terris 52.93 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
DeVito, Joe 54.95 Jackson Liberty HS
Williamson, Myles 55.37 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Augustin, Valentin 56.19 Hamilton HS West
Assadullah, Najib 56.20 Ocean Township HS
Whittle, Shamali 57.24 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Lentini, Tim 57.63 Jackson Liberty HS
Rankl, Evan 57.63 Jackson Liberty HS
Anselmi, Mark 57.66 Middletown South HS
Lawes, Alexander 57.95 Brick Township HS
Zimmerman, Andrew 58.53 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Martino, Chris 59.51 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
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Group 3 Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 41.82 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Relay Team A 42.20 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Relay Team A 42.68 Neptune HS
Relay Team A 42.89 Hamilton HS West
Relay Team A 43.08 Ocean Township HS
Relay Team A 43.24 Ewing HS
Relay Team A 43.36 Red Bank Regional HS
Relay Team A 43.67 Burlington Twp. HS
Relay Team A 43.69 Lakewood HS
Relay Team A 43.80 Pennsauken HS
Relay Team A 45.36 Brick Township HS
Relay Team A 45.42 Lawrence HS
Relay Team A 45.52 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Relay Team A 45.59 Hopewell Valley HS
Relay Team A 45.94 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Relay Team A 47.33 Jackson Liberty HS
Relay Team A 51.10 Colts Neck HS
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Group 3 Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:23.98 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Relay Team A 3:25.35 Jackson Liberty HS
Relay Team A 3:25.50 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Relay Team A 3:27.97 Ewing HS
Relay Team A 3:28.35 Middletown South HS
Relay Team A 3:29.38 Hopewell Valley HS
Relay Team A 3:29.51 Allentown HS
Relay Team A 3:30.70 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Relay Team A 3:31.38 Burlington Twp. HS
Relay Team A 3:32.42 Lawrence HS
Relay Team A 3:32.65 Pennsauken HS
Relay Team A 3:33.51 Hamilton HS West
Relay Team A 3:33.68 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Relay Team A 3:34.00 Brick Township HS
Relay Team A 3:34.09 Red Bank Regional HS
Relay Team A 3:35.62 Neptune HS
Relay Team A 3:38.71 Colts Neck HS
Relay Team A 3:46.47 Ocean Township HS
Relay Team A 3:52.78 Lakewood HS
Back to Top

Group 3 Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Middletown South HS
Relay Team A 8:07.83 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Relay Team A 8:09.82 Jackson Liberty HS
Relay Team A 8:15.34 Burlington Twp. HS
Relay Team A 8:16.95 Allentown HS
Relay Team A 8:18.87 Colts Neck HS
Relay Team A 8:40.43 Red Bank Regional HS
Relay Team A 8:41.78 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Relay Team A 8:46.46 Ewing HS
Relay Team A 8:46.54 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Relay Team A 8:50.44 Hamilton HS West
Relay Team A 8:51.81 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Relay Team A 9:18.32 Lakewood HS
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Group 3 Boys 800 Meter Run 73 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McLean, Deon Lawrence HS
Borkowski, Patrick Jackson Liberty HS
Petit, Frantzley Hamilton North - Nottingham
Obika, Emanuel Hamilton East - Steinert HS
O'Connor, John Hopewell Valley HS
Lentini, Tim Jackson Liberty HS
Rashid, Yassin Hamilton North - Nottingham
Valenzuela, Devin M. Jackson Liberty HS
Andriana, Chris Ewing HS
Dolan, Sean 1:52.81 Hopewell Valley HS
Johnson, Luke 1:55.24 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Titus, Will 1:56.84 Hopewell Valley HS
DeVito, Joe 1:57.12 Jackson Liberty HS
Heinz, Mike 1:57.88 Allentown HS
Kroll, Gabe 1:59.36 Red Bank Regional HS
Lad, Vedang 2:00.07 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Bagchi, Nikhil 2:00.43 Ocean Township HS
LoCurcio, Joseph 2:00.58 Freehold Boro HS
Boev, Ryan 2:00.71 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Burtnett, Sean 2:00.87 Burlington Twp. HS
Mendez, Steven 2:01.18 Burlington Twp. HS
Makker, Nikhil 2:01.49 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Shrivastava, Yesh 2:01.81 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Patrone, Erik 2:02.40 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Dean, William 2:02.53 Colts Neck HS
Yang, Jeffrey 2:02.64 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Klingele, Josh 2:02.93 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Dean, James 2:03.63 Hamilton HS West
Oyuela, Dakota 2:03.74 Burlington Twp. HS
Hayes, Jack 2:03.83 Colts Neck HS
Kirgan, Sean 2:03.83 Allentown HS
Daly, Lang 2:04.11 Middletown South HS
Schwinn, Tyler 2:04.31 Red Bank Regional HS
Vasquez, Lucas 2:04.68 Ewing HS
Eng, Reece 2:04.82 Allentown HS
Roeder, Kyle 2:04.84 Colts Neck HS
Arnou, Remy 2:05.01 Middletown South HS
Wilcox, Jackson 2:06.04 Red Bank Regional HS
Fowler, Sam 2:06.59 Hopewell Valley HS
Morreale, Mike 2:06.72 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Radwanski, Michael 2:06.95 Neptune HS
Navarro, Dylan 2:08.00 Ewing HS
Ruano, Hugo 2:09.66 Lawrence HS
Jelinsky, Benjamin 2:09.81 Freehold Boro HS
Berry, Bryce 2:10.30 Burlington Twp. HS
Tuohy, John 2:10.39 Red Bank Regional HS
Negron, Christpher 2:10.57 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Schandall, Joey 2:10.66 Colts Neck HS
Small, Jermaine 2:10.82 Burlington Twp. HS
Nysather, Shawn 2:10.99 Burlington Twp. HS
Popov, Maksim 2:11.40 Colts Neck HS
Nava, Endy 2:11.47 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Qhibi, Khathuchero 2:12.39 Neptune HS
Ambridge, Anthony 2:12.56 Lakewood HS
Deffigos, Christopher 2:12.67 Freehold Boro HS
Fowler, Gavin 2:12.73 Hopewell Valley HS
Guzman, Victor 2:12.84 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Lanier, Alex 2:12.93 Jackson Liberty HS
Kenney, Sean 2:13.02 Middletown South HS
Fileus, Wildjeff 2:13.16 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Angwenyi, Ben 2:13.43 Hopewell Valley HS
James, Michael 2:15.69 Jackson Liberty HS
Rios, Solomon 2:15.94 Hamilton HS West
Rojas-Gomez, Alberto 2:16.19 Lakewood HS
Beckford, Soloman 2:16.19 Lawrence HS
Perfetto, Gianni 2:17.07 Red Bank Regional HS
Neary, Kashe 2:17.21 Hamilton HS West
Thach, Jordan 2:17.95 Pennsauken HS
Kapin, Aaron 2:19.00 Ocean Township HS
Huerta, Fausto 2:19.87 Lakewood HS
Rivera, Jovan 2:20.83 Red Bank Regional HS
Cholak, Danny 2:25.17 Ocean Township HS
Fulmore, Jahmere 2:25.82 Hamilton North - Nottingham
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Group 3 Boys Discus 58 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sherard, Jacoby 159-6 Lawrence HS
Obidike, Chukwuka 153-8 Hopewell Valley HS
Loftus, Brendan 152-9 Red Bank Regional HS
Cooper, Savion 148-6 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Daaram, Sathvik 144-2 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Teresi, Joseph 139-5 Ocean Township HS
Tucker, Cole 137-9 Colts Neck HS
Morris, Dante 135-2 Lakewood HS
Burke, Shaun 132-2 Colts Neck HS
Carter, Arthur 126-3 Pennsauken HS
Muoio, John 125-10 Hopewell Valley HS
Calhoun, James 125-0 Freehold Boro HS
Austin, Edward 123-10 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Riehl, Michael 121-2 Ewing HS
Ralph, Neville 118-8 Neptune HS
McCarthy, Ryan 117-6 Red Bank Regional HS
Cucci, Jordan 117-5 Neptune HS
Lynch, Brian 116-5 Ocean Township HS
DeLorenzo, John 116-1 Hopewell Valley HS
Cassidy, Josh 115-7 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Gawron, Nicholas 114-10 Jackson Liberty HS
Ahmed, Yousaf 114-1 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Gaston, Emmanuel 114-0 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Nasr, Moammen 113-2 Lawrence HS
McGlauglin, Christopher 113-1 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Varela, Peter 112-5 Freehold Boro HS
Blasi, Garrett 111-6 Jackson Liberty HS
John, Kenny 107-11 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Clark, Bey-Shan 107-10 Ewing HS
Montefusco, Chris 107-4 Colts Neck HS
Rosa, Hector 107-1 Hamilton HS West
Baratelli, Antonio 106-11 Jackson Liberty HS
Vergara, Nick 106-9 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Lester, Mason 106-1 Ewing HS
Thomas-Palafox, Isaias 104-10 Neptune HS
Schmitz, Steven 104-9 Jackson Liberty HS
Hall, Nick 104-6 Freehold Boro HS
Chadha, Samir 101-10 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Nwachukwu, Ekene 101-2 Lawrence HS
Alexis, Geordany 101-0 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Barthelemy, Davidson 100-10 Hamilton HS West
Shamrock, Ean 99-11 Ocean Township HS
Mcdaniel, Jaevon 91-11 Lakewood HS
Le, Jason 90-6 Pennsauken HS
Azuno, Carlo 89-4 Pennsauken HS
Swaminathan, Vaideesh 88-11 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Ferrigno, Ryan 88-5 Middletown South HS
Vitello, Sal 88-0 Red Bank Regional HS
Lawlor, Evin 85-1 Red Bank Regional HS
Lamanno, Gary 83-8 Red Bank Regional HS
Huth, Drew 83-7 Allentown HS
Rafeh, Youseef 81-9 Pennsauken HS
Hreiz, Anthony 81-4 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Brown, Jaiden 81-3 Jackson Liberty HS
Abdulahad, Anthony 70-8 Jackson Liberty HS
Reimer, Kenneth Hamilton North - Nottingham
Barthelemy, Delou Hamilton HS West
Goldhammer, Josh West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
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Group 3 Boys High Jump 41 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Anselmi, Mark 6-8 Middletown South HS
Baloyi, Malwandla 6-2 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Wilson, Cameron 6-2 Jackson Liberty HS
Peck, Dailan 6-2 Ewing HS
Mulryne, Cody 6-2 Allentown HS
Barron, Bryce 6-2 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Williamson, Myles 6-0 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Brown, Nasee'em 6-0 Lakewood HS
Mabry, Kevin 6-0 Neptune HS
Ibe, Chigozie 6-0 Burlington Twp. HS
Salay, Skyler 6-0 Burlington Twp. HS
Francios, Shawn 6-0 Ocean Township HS
Brookins, Tye 6-0 Ocean Township HS
Nixon, Jonathan 6-0 Middletown South HS
White, Ahmad 6-0 Hamilton HS West
Shasha, Richmond 6-0 Hamilton HS West
Johnson, Jahmiq 5-10 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Whitehead, Michael 5-10 Colts Neck HS
Britton, Jaylen 5-10 Ewing HS
Whitaker, Nymere 5-10 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Morales, Cristian 5-8 Lakewood HS
Frederick, Jah'Mier 5-8 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Huth, Drew 5-8 Allentown HS
Floreal, Max 5-8 Hamilton HS West
Hill, DeAngelo 5-8 Hamilton HS West
Hannigan, Aidan 5-6 Middletown South HS
Jones, Jahmere 5-6 Jackson Liberty HS
Wigfall, Tyrell 5-6 Ocean Township HS
Queen, Maurice 5-6 Ewing HS
Marshall, Alexander 5-4 Burlington Twp. HS
Williams, Leland 5-4 Burlington Twp. HS
Dengler, Jack 5-4 Red Bank Regional HS
Lentini, Tim 5-4 Jackson Liberty HS
Boykin, Davon 5-4 Lawrence HS
Friedrich, Alexander 5-3 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Jones, Cameron 5-2 Jackson Liberty HS
Delk, Brian 5-0 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Gemino, Andrew Burlington Twp. HS
Anderson, Jahmir Lawrence HS
Norris, Devon West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Reese, Makai Lawrence HS
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Group 3 Boys Javelin 59 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pena, Trebor 168-10 Ocean Township HS
Nungesser, Robert 167-7 Ocean Township HS
John, Dylan 158-7 Hamilton North - Nottingham
DiDario, Joseph 154-10 Ocean Township HS
Prall, Tobias 153-11 Hamilton HS West
Bethea, Zion 152-5 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Baratelli, Antonio 147-5 Jackson Liberty HS
Cooke, Logan 145-4 Hamilton HS West
Huth, Drew 142-1 Allentown HS
Kirgan, Sean 136-10 Allentown HS
Grossman-Toliver, Tytus 135-7 Ewing HS
Elhossieni, Adam 135-6 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Lawlor, Evin 135-3 Red Bank Regional HS
Mossaad, Marcus 135-1 Colts Neck HS
Fessler, Andrew 133-3 Hamilton HS West
Daaram, Sathvik 133-2 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Torres, Erik 132-10 Lakewood HS
Mastromarino, Tim 132-3 Allentown HS
Angelucci, Christian 131-2 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Gomes, Jordan 130-9 Jackson Liberty HS
weaver, chris 130-8 Pennsauken HS
Boria, Daniel 126-6 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Muse, Ameer 125-1 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Saulys, Dylan 122-5 Red Bank Regional HS
Ribando, Jonathan 121-4 Middletown South HS
Gromadzki, Kevin 120-8 Jackson Liberty HS
Titus, Chris 120-3 Hopewell Valley HS
Santiago, Raymond 119-1 Colts Neck HS
Choi, David 118-8 Hopewell Valley HS
DiCicco, Joey 117-10 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Melillo, Nick 117-8 Hopewell Valley HS
Wereski, Marcus 116-7 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Fischer, Nick 116-1 Colts Neck HS
Ralph, Neville 116-0 Neptune HS
Jannuzzi, Michael 115-10 Red Bank Regional HS
Deckard, Brandon 115-7 Lawrence HS
Riehl, Michael 114-7 Ewing HS
Dash, Rohan 112-3 Lawrence HS
Lettieri, Gaetano 111-8 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Goldhammer, Josh 111-6 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Schmitz, Steven 110-9 Jackson Liberty HS
Swartz, Myles 110-2 Neptune HS
soto, sebastian 108-2 Lakewood HS
Blount, Zamarion 106-10 Neptune HS
Wilson, Jack 106-8 Hopewell Valley HS
Love-Stevens, Zion 106-5 Lawrence HS
Pearson, Diondre 106-2 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Long, James 102-9 Hopewell Valley HS
Matthews, Joseph 101-3 Middletown South HS
Muoio, John 101-2 Hopewell Valley HS
Comfort, Michael 97-6 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Cruz, Jose 95-8 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Le, Jason 94-5 Pennsauken HS
Azuno, Carlo 91-3 Pennsauken HS
Le, Ryan 88-4 Pennsauken HS
Abdulahad, Anthony 77-11 Jackson Liberty HS
Mewborn, Will 73-10 Red Bank Regional HS
Serebnick, Andrew 69-11 Jackson Liberty HS
Estrada, Nico Hamilton North - Nottingham
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Group 3 Boys Long Jump 59 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pena, Trebor 22-6.75 Ocean Township HS
Shasha, Richmond 22-4.5 Hamilton HS West
White, Ahmad 21-11.25 Hamilton HS West
Johnson, Jahmiq 21-5 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Peck, Dailan 21-3.5 Ewing HS
Brown, Nasee'em 21-3 Lakewood HS
Ilesanmi, Michael 21-1.75 Ewing HS
Coulanges, Matt 20-9.75 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Whitehead, Michael 20-5.5 Colts Neck HS
Oge, Alix 20-5 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Mulryne, Cody 20-4.75 Allentown HS
Hill, DeAngelo 20-4.25 Hamilton HS West
Abujawdeh, Andrew 20-2.25 Colts Neck HS
Frederick, Jah'Mier 19-11.75 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Battle IV, George 19-11.25 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Patterson, Desmond 19-10.25 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Wigfall, Tyrell 19-8.25 Ocean Township HS
Howe, Ethan 19-7 Neptune HS
Dengler, Jack 19-6 Red Bank Regional HS
Nelson, Jaier 19-6 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Kelly, Andre 19-5.5 Freehold Boro HS
Theosmy, Makhi 19-5.5 Freehold Boro HS
Orsini-Bryant, Alex 19-5 Ocean Township HS
Jupiter, Jacquel 19-4 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Thomas, Josiah 19-0.5 Burlington Twp. HS
Wilson, Cameron 18-10.75 Jackson Liberty HS
Ellis, Jevon 18-10.5 Jackson Liberty HS
Jones, Jahmere 18-9 Jackson Liberty HS
Peace, Andre 18-8.25 Lakewood HS
Britton, Jaylen 18-8 Ewing HS
Boykin, Davon 18-7 Lawrence HS
Lartey, Jonathan 18-6.5 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Vanover, Michael 18-6.25 Hopewell Valley HS
Gemino, Andrew 18-1.5 Burlington Twp. HS
Williams, Leland 18-1.5 Burlington Twp. HS
Ditta, Chris 17-10 Jackson Liberty HS
Aguilar, Kevin 17-8 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Glaze, Christopher 17-6.5 Burlington Twp. HS
Lauricella, Justin 17-6.5 Hopewell Valley HS
Evans, Noah 17-5 Freehold Boro HS
Rispoli, Stephen 17-4.5 Middletown South HS
Carsky-Wilson, Andrew 16-11 Hopewell Valley HS
Emenuga, DuBem 16-10 Jackson Liberty HS
Saito, Kaoru 16-10 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Anderson, Jahmir 16-9 Lawrence HS
Burbank, Luke 16-8.75 Middletown South HS
Johnson, Yahmal 16-8.5 Lakewood HS
Williams, Arterio 16-7.5 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Barnes, Isaiah 16-6 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Griffin, Amaury 16-2.5 Hopewell Valley HS
Stern, Matthew 15-1 Lawrence HS
Akpadago, Louis Hamilton North - Nottingham
Barksdale, Haziq Lakewood HS
Norris, Devon West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Smith, Dede West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Grant, Ryan Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Porter, Javon Hamilton HS West
Reese, Makai Lawrence HS
Barron, Bryce Northern Burlington Reg. HS
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Group 3 Boys Pole Vault 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Svirskyi, Anton 13-0 Brick Township HS
Makai, Luke 12-0 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Harris, Elijah 11-6 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Sherman, Grant 11-0 Hopewell Valley HS
Louis-Jean, Cory 11-0 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Pink, Kemoy 11-0 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Dressner, Andrew 11-0 Ocean Township HS
Hill, DeAngelo 11-0 Hamilton HS West
Redavid, Mikey 10-6 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Powers, Kyle 10-6 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Jadoo, Krishi 10-6 Hamilton HS West
Cantuña, Ethan 10-0 Jackson Liberty HS
Berman, Elijah 9-6 Hopewell Valley HS
Borgia, Luke 9-6 Ocean Township HS
Baloyi, Malwandla 9-6 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Rivera, Jovan 9-6 Red Bank Regional HS
Saulys, Dylan 9-0 Red Bank Regional HS
Boev, Ryan 8-0 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Randazzo, MIchael 8-0 Hopewell Valley HS
Sanchez, Carlos 7-0 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Zimmerman, Anthony 7-0 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Stern, Matthew 7-0 Lawrence HS
Higley, Tyler Colts Neck HS
Hybbeneth, Jacob Jackson Liberty HS
Simoes, Matthew Jackson Liberty HS
Brown, Izhaan Jackson Liberty HS
Ballard, Nate Lawrence HS
Monaghan, Connor Lawrence HS
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Group 3 Boys Shot Put 56 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Loftus, Brendan 58-1 Red Bank Regional HS
Tucker, Cole 50-7 Colts Neck HS
Obidike, Chukwuka 50-7 Hopewell Valley HS
Cooper, Savion 49-2.25 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Teresi, Joseph 48-3.5 Ocean Township HS
Sherard, Jacoby 47-9 Lawrence HS
Muoio, John 47-7 Hopewell Valley HS
Muzones, John-Victor 46-10.5 Colts Neck HS
McCarthy, Ryan 46-1.5 Red Bank Regional HS
Alexis, Geordany 45-11.25 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Vergara, Nick 45-5.5 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Blasi, Garrett 45-1 Jackson Liberty HS
Ibe, Chigozie 44-11 Burlington Twp. HS
Carter, Arthur 44-10.5 Pennsauken HS
Ralph, Neville 43-6.5 Neptune HS
Barthelemy, Davidson 43-5.75 Hamilton HS West
Calhoun, James 42-5.25 Freehold Boro HS
Varela, Peter 41-10 Freehold Boro HS
Lynch, Brian 41-9.5 Ocean Township HS
Daaram, Sathvik 41-1.75 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
John, Kenny 41-0.5 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Overton, Jaydin 40-9.25 Lakewood HS
Brown, Jaiden 40-9.25 Jackson Liberty HS
Joasil, Duvel 40-8.5 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Nasr, Moammen 40-6 Lawrence HS
Austin, Edward 39-5 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Cousins, Seth 39-4 Red Bank Regional HS
Pearson, Diondre 39-3.25 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Marcelus, Delano 39-1.5 Colts Neck HS
Ahmed, Yousaf 38-9.5 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Grossman-Toliver, Tytus 38-8.75 Ewing HS
Targbe, Richard 38-2.75 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Rowe, Jaeson 37-9 Ocean Township HS
Ellis, Dayne 37-9 Ewing HS
Azuno, Carlo 36-11.75 Pennsauken HS
Sena, Ronald 36-11.5 Hamilton HS West
Swartz, Myles 36-10 Neptune HS
Timberlake, John 36-9.5 Allentown HS
Hajduczka, Krystian 36-9.25 Lawrence HS
DeLorenzo, John 36-6.25 Hopewell Valley HS
Munroe, Joshua 36-6.25 Ewing HS
Gaston, Emmanuel 36-3.5 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Hall, Nick 36-1 Freehold Boro HS
Mcdaniel, Jaevon 35-10 Lakewood HS
Gawron, Nicholas 35-2 Jackson Liberty HS
Muse, Ameer 34-10.5 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Tulloch, Justin 34-4.75 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Moore, Yaron 34-3 Jackson Liberty HS
Lacroix, Sebastian 34-3 Hamilton HS West
Barthelemy, Delou 32-10.25 Hamilton HS West
Le, Jason 31-3.75 Pennsauken HS
Lamanno, Gary 31-0.5 Red Bank Regional HS
Spexarth, Aaron 30-5.75 Jackson Liberty HS
Shipley, Brandon 30-1.75 Hamilton North - Nottingham
DiCicco, Joey West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Rosa, Hector Hamilton HS West
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Group 3 Boys Triple Jump 46 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Shasha, Richmond 45-4.75 Hamilton HS West
Hill, DeAngelo 44-3 Hamilton HS West
Ilesanmi, Michael 44-1 Ewing HS
Whitehead, Michael 43-11 Colts Neck HS
Coulanges, Matt 43-6 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
White, Ahmad 43-1 Hamilton HS West
Ibe, Chigozie 43-0.5 Burlington Twp. HS
Wilson, Cameron 42-6.75 Jackson Liberty HS
Abujawdeh, Andrew 41-6 Colts Neck HS
Frederick, Jah'Mier 41-0.5 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Nelson, Jaier 41-0 Hamilton North - Nottingham
weaver, chris 40-9.5 Pennsauken HS
Barksdale, Haziq 40-9 Lakewood HS
Brown, Nasee'em 40-8 Lakewood HS
Dengler, Jack 40-5 Red Bank Regional HS
Palmer, Leighton 40-3 Ewing HS
Jupiter, Jacquel 39-6.5 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Smith, Dede 39-2 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Jones, Jahmere 39-0 Jackson Liberty HS
DiDario, Joseph 38-11 Ocean Township HS
Grant, Ryan 38-10.75 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Griffin, Amaury 38-8.75 Hopewell Valley HS
Queen, Maurice 38-8.25 Ewing HS
Glaze, Christopher 38-3.5 Burlington Twp. HS
Evans, Noah 38-2 Freehold Boro HS
Johnson, Yahmal 37-10 Lakewood HS
Marcelus, Delano 37-7.75 Colts Neck HS
Norris, Devon 37-6.25 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Quanvie, Jaedon 37-2.25 Jackson Liberty HS
Carsky-Wilson, Andrew 37-2.25 Hopewell Valley HS
Dressner, Andrew 37-1.75 Ocean Township HS
Gemino, Andrew 35-10.5 Burlington Twp. HS
Trezza, Nicholas 35-10.25 Middletown South HS
Anderson, Jahmir 35-6.75 Lawrence HS
Boykin, Davon 35-2.25 Lawrence HS
Finn, James 35-1 Middletown South HS
Burbank, Luke 35-0 Middletown South HS
Delk, Brian 34-4.25 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Louis, Christopher 33-10.75 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Shah, Jay 31-1.5 Hopewell Valley HS
Stern, Matthew 30-9.5 Lawrence HS
Johnson, Jahmiq West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Baloyi, Malwandla West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Wall, Evan Lakewood HS
Boswell, Kevin Hamilton HS West
Reese, Makai Lawrence HS
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Group 3 Girls 1,600 Meter Run 59 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sanchez, Jania Hamilton HS West
Zappley, Nicolina Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Ensana, Sadie Hamilton HS West
Etzel, Daniela Allentown HS
Russo, Delia 5:04.64 Colts Neck HS
Afanasewicz, Lucy 5:05.80 Middletown South HS
Shapiro, Natalie 5:08.09 Colts Neck HS
Wimmer, Catherine 5:11.59 Red Bank Regional HS
Shah, Kavita 5:19.05 Colts Neck HS
Gibson, Eva 5:19.94 Colts Neck HS
Cordasco, Callia 5:24.57 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Megerle, Colleen 5:24.74 Colts Neck HS
Dorony, Emily 5:24.85 Ocean Township HS
Iyer, Salini 5:29.31 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Silva, Molly 5:32.04 Neptune HS
Nunez, Natalina 5:35.26 Pennsauken HS
Kuwar, Sara 5:35.83 Lawrence HS
Venezia, Sophia 5:38.00 Hopewell Valley HS
Cavallaro, Emily 5:38.77 Freehold Boro HS
Coombs, Julia 5:39.21 Brick Township HS
Mansure, Keira 5:39.29 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Baney, Paige 5:41.29 Brick Township HS
Sood, Manya 5:43.00 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Corallo, Samantha 5:43.74 Jackson Liberty HS
Annasenz, Kelsey 5:43.74 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Curtis, Chloe 5:44.94 Colts Neck HS
Vaughn, Mia 5:45.52 Hopewell Valley HS
Hanson, Nicole 5:46.32 Allentown HS
Kaufman, Isabella 5:46.97 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Iyer, Sahana 5:48.11 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Filipowitz, Nicole 5:48.49 Hamilton North - Nottingham
McKeown, Tierney 5:50.87 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Gezahagne, Etsub 5:52.16 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Gioberti, Olivia 5:52.79 Brick Township HS
McCloskey, Makayla 5:53.90 Ewing HS
Ramos, Lily 5:54.22 Freehold Boro HS
Slimowicz, Kelly 5:55.89 Allentown HS
Van Selous, Abby 5:56.96 Hopewell Valley HS
Lutolf, Molly 5:57.67 Lawrence HS
Brown, Kendall 5:58.00 Jackson Liberty HS
Ney, Alyssa 6:00.75 Freehold Boro HS
Singh, Kavya 6:01.28 Lawrence HS
Drummond, Phoebe 6:01.95 Red Bank Regional HS
Falzone, Stephanie 6:02.41 Ewing HS
Weeks, Madeline 6:02.65 Lawrence HS
Newton, Lara 6:03.18 Jackson Liberty HS
Yorke, Emma 6:05.67 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
McGlew, Erin 6:05.76 Burlington Twp. HS
Badger, Ruth 6:11.03 Neptune HS
O'Connor, Paige 6:13.30 Red Bank Regional HS
Parisi, Gabriella 6:17.11 Burlington Twp. HS
Beavers, Corinne 6:19.23 Burlington Twp. HS
Hayes, Meara 6:20.40 Ewing HS
Bolos, Paige 6:24.21 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Austin, Claudia 6:28.19 Burlington Twp. HS
Nooney, Abagail 6:32.63 Red Bank Regional HS
Cassidy, Olivia 6:32.76 Red Bank Regional HS
Randolph, Grace 6:46.55 Burlington Twp. HS
Kha, Katy 7:02.02 Pennsauken HS
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Group 3 Girls 100 Meter Dash 76 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dahn, Oretha Ewing HS
Cartwright, Heaven Lawrence HS
Williams-Traylor, Machaya Ewing HS
Kennelly, Abby Brick Township HS
Brown, Jordan West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Cahill, Maggie 12.17 Red Bank Regional HS
Michael, Kenneithshia 12.43 Neptune HS
Lloyd, Jon'Nay 12.56 Pennsauken HS
Lerner, Sasha 12.68 Colts Neck HS
Hemingway, Khalin 12.69 Lawrence HS
Faivre, Emma 12.74 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Gongalla, Megha 12.75 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Crilly, Tara 12.76 Red Bank Regional HS
Sims, Camryn 12.89 Freehold Boro HS
Sendi, Kisakye 12.92 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Bohorquez, Yanely 12.93 Lakewood HS
Coret, Estelle 12.94 Hopewell Valley HS
Broadway, Jasmine 12.95 Burlington Twp. HS
Douglas, Jaclyn 12.95 Ocean Township HS
Garcia-Beltran, Lucia 12.95 Hopewell Valley HS
Jackson, La Niyah 13.05 Red Bank Regional HS
Leak, Akayla 13.07 Burlington Twp. HS
Bray, Natalia 13.12 Neptune HS
Riggins, Valandra 13.12 Lawrence HS
Negoiu, Anca 13.13 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Fortune-O'Brien, Genesis (Jackson) 13.17 Neptune HS
Targbe, Raymonah 13.18 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Marshall, Desiree 13.18 Red Bank Regional HS
Rajhel, Elizabeth 13.23 Jackson Liberty HS
White, Ciani 13.24 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Blackman, Yarene 13.25 Lakewood HS
Foster, Azariah 13.26 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Moore, Paris 13.29 Burlington Twp. HS
Rutkowski, Brooke 13.31 Middletown South HS
Dufrene, Alexi 13.31 Ocean Township HS
Wright, Isjae 13.34 Hamilton HS West
Bhattarcharjee, Jasmine 13.35 Colts Neck HS
Laramore, Nyani 13.36 Hamilton HS West
Lopez, Lanae 13.36 Lawrence HS
Sanders, Bianca 13.37 Freehold Boro HS
Ashmore, Christena 13.37 Hamilton HS West
Albano, Isabella 13.47 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Williams, Joshae 13.48 Neptune HS
Dickson, Jordyn 13.50 Neptune HS
Kundu, Julia 13.50 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Ventrella, Megan 13.50 Allentown HS
Chong, Kaila 13.57 Brick Township HS
Kennedy, Devyn 13.59 Ocean Township HS
Shah, Kruti 13.59 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Wemegah, Kristyne 13.61 Pennsauken HS
Thomas, Chase 13.64 Burlington Twp. HS
Gonzalez, Sophia 13.65 Middletown South HS
Daniels, Jiselle 13.69 Burlington Twp. HS
O'Brien, Katerina 13.70 Colts Neck HS
Montgomery, Namira 13.76 Lakewood HS
Colon, Olivia 13.77 Jackson Liberty HS
Marcinkiewicz, Isabella 13.77 Colts Neck HS
Brandon, Marisa 13.78 Colts Neck HS
McDonough, Kristen 13.80 Hopewell Valley HS
Macias, Evelyn 13.81 Hamilton HS West
Loving, Destiny 13.82 Ewing HS
Vital, Jessica 13.89 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Hooks, Beth 13.90 Hopewell Valley HS
Rush-Hagins, Najiyah 13.91 Ewing HS
Peyton, K'la 13.92 Ewing HS
Tunnell, Dajah 13.94 Pennsauken HS
Smith, Aniyah 14.01 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Arnou, Zoe 14.02 Middletown South HS
Poll, Mariah 14.04 Allentown HS
Kernizan, Jordanelle 14.07 Hamilton HS West
Pitt, Desiree 14.09 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Yorke, Samantha 14.20 Jackson Liberty HS
Blount-Davis, Aniya 14.36 Hamilton HS West
Driver, Brooke 14.38 Hopewell Valley HS
Angermiller, Amanda 14.38 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Dow, Jocelynn 14.45 Freehold Boro HS
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Group 3 Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 51 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Antonucci, Cassidy Middletown South HS
Sammarco, Erica Colts Neck HS
Schroeder, Meredith Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Codilla, Althea Ewing HS
Torres, Talia Pennsauken HS
Parekh, Aditi 14.66 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Hemingway, Khalin 14.68 Lawrence HS
Raymond, Kaneisha 14.84 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Chong, Kaila 15.48 Brick Township HS
Norway, Carsyn 16.46 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Miranda, Isabelle 16.54 Hamilton North - Nottingham
McCloskey, Camryn 16.55 Colts Neck HS
Puskas, Sophia 16.75 Middletown South HS
Cottle, Nzinga 16.83 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Rossini, Emily 16.85 Brick Township HS
Abitanto, Sydney 17.14 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Ritorto, Victoria 17.28 Ocean Township HS
Soliman, Sara 17.30 Allentown HS
Sendi, Kisakye 17.46 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Twum-Barima, Nana 17.71 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Kern, Vanessa 17.93 Freehold Boro HS
Ottinger, Elizabeth 17.96 Hopewell Valley HS
Erofeeva, Veronica 17.97 Freehold Boro HS
Suhocki, Grace 18.06 Colts Neck HS
Haddock, Jayonna 18.11 Burlington Twp. HS
Simeus, Sarah 18.12 Lawrence HS
Dufrene, Alexi 18.21 Ocean Township HS
Orem, Sophia 18.24 Hopewell Valley HS
Luongo, Brielle 18.36 Colts Neck HS
Plumeri, Marissa 18.39 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Bernstein, Morgan 18.96 Hopewell Valley HS
Gulsby, Olivia 19.05 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Bayne, Danielle 19.13 Ewing HS
Abdel-Latif, Nyla 19.15 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Nilles, Lindsay 19.17 Ocean Township HS
Gauthier, krystania 19.48 Hamilton HS West
Goddeyne, Kaleigh 19.58 Allentown HS
Kapadia, Aastha 19.64 Freehold Boro HS
Poole, Madison 19.68 Burlington Twp. HS
Michie, Lindsey 19.97 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Ogungbola, Helen 20.03 Ewing HS
Richards, Kayla 20.22 Hamilton HS West
Peralta, Marianny 20.32 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Britton, Jayda 20.40 Ewing HS
Ramirez, Rebecca 20.42 Jackson Liberty HS
Noon, Kelly 20.48 Allentown HS
Broderick, Grace 21.07 Middletown South HS
Battle, Sharee 21.42 Pennsauken HS
Driver, Brooke 22.27 Hopewell Valley HS
Reeves, Jordan 22.60 Burlington Twp. HS
Luedeke, Sarah 22.74 Hopewell Valley HS
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Group 3 Girls 200 Meter Dash 80 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Marshall, Desiree Red Bank Regional HS
Goddeyne, Kaleigh Allentown HS
Bohorquez, Yanely Lakewood HS
Ingram, Sania Pennsauken HS
Daniels, Jiselle Burlington Twp. HS
Norway, Carsyn Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Tunnell, Dajah Pennsauken HS
Temmer, Katherine Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Kennelly, Abby Brick Township HS
Wemegah, Kristyne Pennsauken HS
Loving, Destiny Ewing HS
Hooks, Beth Hopewell Valley HS
Faivre, Emma 25.41 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Cahill, Maggie 25.52 Red Bank Regional HS
Pope, Jade 25.66 Pennsauken HS
Broadway, Jasmine 26.00 Burlington Twp. HS
Shah, Kruti 26.04 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Michael, Kenneithshia 26.09 Neptune HS
Lerner, Sasha 26.11 Colts Neck HS
Brewer, Isabella 26.32 Hamilton HS West
Lloyd, Jon'Nay 26.33 Pennsauken HS
Perez, Tatum 26.45 Ocean Township HS
Moore, Paris 26.71 Burlington Twp. HS
Marcinkiewicz, Isabella 26.78 Colts Neck HS
Brown, Jordan 26.83 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Crilly, Tara 26.84 Red Bank Regional HS
Douglas, Jaclyn 26.88 Ocean Township HS
Fortune-O'Brien, Genesis (Jackson) 26.88 Neptune HS
Dahn, Oretha 26.88 Ewing HS
Sims, Camryn 26.92 Freehold Boro HS
Blackman, Yarene 27.03 Lakewood HS
Riggins, Valandra 27.08 Lawrence HS
Bray, Natalia 27.09 Neptune HS
Negoiu, Anca 27.09 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Cherayil, Sophie 27.15 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Coret, Estelle 27.18 Hopewell Valley HS
Thomas, Chase 27.21 Burlington Twp. HS
Pope, Jasmine 27.23 Pennsauken HS
Shenefield, Autumn 27.38 Middletown South HS
Dickson, Jordyn 27.50 Neptune HS
Ashmore, Christena 27.53 Hamilton HS West
Jackson, La Niyah 27.54 Red Bank Regional HS
Abdel-Gleil, Nadeen 27.61 Hamilton HS West
Virga, Dayna 27.67 Jackson Liberty HS
Willis-Parreott, Darita 27.87 Jackson Liberty HS
Sanders, Bianca 27.91 Freehold Boro HS
Papamanolis, Amanda 27.94 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Cartwright, Heaven 27.96 Lawrence HS
Kennedy, Devyn 27.97 Ocean Township HS
Kundu, Julia 28.04 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Brandon, Marisa 28.05 Colts Neck HS
Macias, Evelyn 28.05 Hamilton HS West
Williams, Joshae 28.12 Neptune HS
Bhattarcharjee, Jasmine 28.12 Colts Neck HS
Laramore, Nyani 28.22 Hamilton HS West
Rutkowski, Brooke 28.24 Middletown South HS
Foster, Azariah 28.26 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Lopez, Lanae 28.28 Lawrence HS
Thomas, Lindsey 28.38 Neptune HS
Connor, Caitlin 28.39 Jackson Liberty HS
Vital, Jessica 28.46 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Puskas, Sophia 28.56 Middletown South HS
Rojas, Roselyn 28.79 Lakewood HS
Hanson, Talia 28.82 Allentown HS
Wisser, Rebecca 28.90 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
McDonough, Kristen 28.97 Hopewell Valley HS
Peyton, K'la 28.98 Ewing HS
Rush-Hagins, Najiyah 29.00 Ewing HS
Poll, Mariah 29.04 Allentown HS
Targbe, Raymonah 29.10 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Driver, Brooke 29.30 Hopewell Valley HS
O'Brien, Katerina 29.45 Colts Neck HS
Bernstein, Morgan 29.84 Hopewell Valley HS
Pitt, Desiree 29.90 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Ehlers, Sally 29.93 Red Bank Regional HS
Selesnick, Paige 30.21 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Hill, Elizabeth 30.60 Hopewell Valley HS
Salmeron, Alyssa 31.18 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Hendrick, Azaria 31.31 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Guevara, Jenna 34.45 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
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Group 3 Girls 3,200 Meter Run 42 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Zaleski, Kendra Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Parisi, Gabriella Burlington Twp. HS
Colavita, Caroline Hopewell Valley HS
Brown, Kendall Jackson Liberty HS
Nunez, Natalina Pennsauken HS
Zappley, Nicolina Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Badger, Ruth Neptune HS
Sanchez, Jania Hamilton HS West
Van Selous, Abby Hopewell Valley HS
Heintzelman, Emily Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Russo, Delia 11:05.89 Colts Neck HS
Wimmer, Catherine 11:16.97 Red Bank Regional HS
Cordasco, Callia 11:19.96 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Shay, Kathleen 11:31.16 Middletown South HS
Shapiro, Natalie 11:34.97 Colts Neck HS
Gibson, Eva 11:36.64 Colts Neck HS
Shah, Kavita 11:36.95 Colts Neck HS
Iyer, Salini 11:50.97 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Duane, Allison 11:54.77 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Coyotl, Michelle 11:59.12 Middletown South HS
Sood, Manya 12:09.07 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Scotto, Angelina 12:09.08 Allentown HS
Crowe, Jamie 12:10.81 Allentown HS
Vaughn, Mia 12:21.03 Hopewell Valley HS
Filipowitz, Nicole 12:21.52 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Curtis, Chloe 12:26.24 Colts Neck HS
Brand, Tabby 12:33.22 Middletown South HS
Thompsen, Sophia 12:35.98 Allentown HS
Iyer, Sahana 12:37.77 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Weeks, Madeline 12:38.93 Lawrence HS
Silva, Molly 12:39.30 Neptune HS
Kaufman, Isabella 12:39.95 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Yorke, Emma 12:54.54 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Liao, Laura 13:03.98 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Lutolf, Molly 13:05.62 Lawrence HS
McCloskey, Makayla 13:05.89 Ewing HS
Hayes, Meara 13:08.34 Ewing HS
McKeown, Tierney 13:37.62 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Figueroa, Naomi 13:45.14 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
McGlew, Erin 13:47.43 Burlington Twp. HS
Austin, Claudia 13:58.63 Burlington Twp. HS
Newton, Lara 14:16.49 Jackson Liberty HS
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Group 3 Girls 400 Meter Dash 69 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Raymond, Kaneisha Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Salmeron, Alyssa Northern Burlington Reg. HS
McCormick, Brenna Allentown HS
Miranda, Isabelle Hamilton North - Nottingham
Smith, Keyoura Pennsauken HS
Sandoval, Mia Hamilton North - Nottingham
Negoiu, Anca West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Wemegah, Kristyne Pennsauken HS
Pope, Jasmine 1:00.05 Pennsauken HS
Cherayil, Sophie 1:00.39 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Abdel-Gleil, Nadeen 1:00.66 Hamilton HS West
Daniels, Jiselle 1:01.00 Burlington Twp. HS
Shenefield, Autumn 1:01.25 Middletown South HS
Michael, Kenneithshia 1:01.45 Neptune HS
Conner, Kailey 1:01.54 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Brewer, Isabella 1:01.55 Hamilton HS West
Brandon, Marisa 1:01.76 Colts Neck HS
Fortune-O'Brien, Genesis (Jackson) 1:01.91 Neptune HS
Thomas, Chase 1:01.95 Burlington Twp. HS
Gallagher, Kristin 1:02.33 Middletown South HS
Dahn, Oretha 1:02.62 Ewing HS
Larrier, Abigayle 1:02.68 Middletown South HS
Burden, Nina 1:02.75 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Cartwright, Heaven 1:02.79 Lawrence HS
Hall, McKenna 1:02.86 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Dickson, Jordyn 1:02.98 Neptune HS
Ingram, Sania 1:03.07 Pennsauken HS
Johnson, Daniela 1:03.28 Allentown HS
Moore, Paris 1:03.33 Burlington Twp. HS
Kundu, Julia 1:03.35 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Prestininzi, Jacqueline 1:03.63 Red Bank Regional HS
Shah, Kruti 1:03.96 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Virga, Dayna 1:04.31 Jackson Liberty HS
Broadway, Jasmine 1:04.31 Burlington Twp. HS
Rojas, Roselyn 1:04.47 Lakewood HS
Perry, Ashleigh 1:04.59 Freehold Boro HS
Kalmeijer, Natalia 1:04.79 Hopewell Valley HS
Williams-Traylor, Machaya 1:05.34 Ewing HS
Wisser, Rebecca 1:05.48 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Chinedu, Ozichi 1:05.59 Freehold Boro HS
Tillman, Kate 1:05.64 Hopewell Valley HS
Ehlers, Sally 1:05.74 Red Bank Regional HS
Macias, Evelyn 1:05.95 Hamilton HS West
Temmer, Katherine 1:06.19 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Connor, Caitlin 1:06.36 Jackson Liberty HS
Pennachio, Alexa 1:06.44 Colts Neck HS
Sonzongni, Emily 1:06.67 Hopewell Valley HS
Bray, Natalia 1:06.82 Neptune HS
McDonough, Kristen 1:06.99 Hopewell Valley HS
Marotta, Kristina 1:07.83 Jackson Liberty HS
Salvato, Olivia 1:08.22 Colts Neck HS
Dennis, Amanda 1:08.49 Hamilton HS West
Selesnick, Paige 1:08.57 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Palmer, Caroline 1:09.35 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Rush-Hagins, Najiyah 1:09.51 Ewing HS
Babu, Anita 1:09.83 Hopewell Valley HS
Ruiz, Siarra 1:10.19 Ewing HS
Winberry, Grace 1:10.64 Red Bank Regional HS
Critelli, Rose 1:13.35 Ocean Township HS
Fontanez, Angel 1:13.71 Lakewood HS
Moran, Jenniver 1:14.36 Hamilton HS West
Lynch, Brady 1:15.46 Red Bank Regional HS
Hendrick, Azaria 1:18.74 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Pope, Jade 56.08 Pennsauken HS
Perez, Tatum 57.35 Ocean Township HS
Riggins, Valandra 59.01 Lawrence HS
Lyons, Jessica 59.17 Allentown HS
Faivre, Emma 59.25 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Lerner, Sasha 59.66 Colts Neck HS
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Group 3 Girls 400 Meter Hurdles 46 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Battle, Sharee Pennsauken HS
Parekh, Aditi West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Raymond, Kaneisha 1:05.87 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Tillman, Ava 1:05.93 Hopewell Valley HS
Sonzongni, Emily 1:05.93 Hopewell Valley HS
Yepes, Diana 1:08.29 Lakewood HS
Suhocki, Grace 1:08.70 Colts Neck HS
Couillens, Milan 1:08.97 Hopewell Valley HS
Connor, Caitlin 1:09.02 Jackson Liberty HS
Rossini, Emily 1:09.53 Brick Township HS
Smith, Keyoura 1:09.66 Pennsauken HS
Marcinkiewicz, Isabella 1:09.77 Colts Neck HS
Guthrie, Sarah 1:10.12 Middletown South HS
Cottle, Nzinga 1:10.70 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Antonucci, Cassidy 1:11.38 Middletown South HS
Swale, Hannah 1:11.92 Allentown HS
Miranda, Isabelle 1:12.79 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Williams-Traylor, Machaya 1:13.00 Ewing HS
Ottinger, Elizabeth 1:13.32 Hopewell Valley HS
Kundu, Julia 1:13.87 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Britton, Jayda 1:14.19 Ewing HS
Soliman, Sara 1:14.42 Allentown HS
Sammarco, Erica 1:14.73 Colts Neck HS
Prestininzi, Jacqueline 1:14.74 Red Bank Regional HS
Slimowicz, Samantha 1:16.50 Allentown HS
Nilles, Lindsay 1:16.80 Ocean Township HS
Abdel-Latif, Nyla 1:16.98 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Haddock, Jayonna 1:16.99 Burlington Twp. HS
Obika, Kamila 1:17.44 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Winberry, Grace 1:17.49 Red Bank Regional HS
Poole, Madison 1:17.74 Burlington Twp. HS
Schroeder, Meredith 1:18.59 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Bayne, Danielle 1:18.67 Ewing HS
Doyle, Dominique 1:19.12 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Torres, Talia 1:19.37 Pennsauken HS
Lynch, Brady 1:19.69 Red Bank Regional HS
Reeves, Jordan 1:20.77 Burlington Twp. HS
Gauthier, krystania 1:20.99 Hamilton HS West
Bonforte, Olivia 1:22.18 Ocean Township HS
Wollard, Elena 1:22.51 Burlington Twp. HS
Flynn, Ann-Ysabelle 1:22.76 Ocean Township HS
Richards, Kayla 1:23.18 Hamilton HS West
Bosquet, Cynthia 1:25.16 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Okerson, Olivia 1:26.64 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Peralta, Marianny 1:28.60 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Ogungbola, Helen 1:36.68 Ewing HS
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Group 3 Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 48.96 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Relay Team A 49.05 Pennsauken HS
Relay Team A 49.13 Red Bank Regional HS
Relay Team A 49.33 Burlington Twp. HS
Relay Team A 49.60 Neptune HS
Relay Team A 50.86 Lawrence HS
Relay Team A 50.97 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Relay Team A 51.22 Hamilton HS West
Relay Team A 51.82 Ocean Township HS
Relay Team A 51.89 Ewing HS
Relay Team A 52.31 Lakewood HS
Relay Team A 52.68 Colts Neck HS
Relay Team A 52.81 Jackson Liberty HS
Relay Team A 52.89 Middletown South HS
Relay Team A 54.12 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Relay Team A 54.93 Hopewell Valley HS
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Group 3 Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:58.03 Pennsauken HS
Relay Team A 4:04.47 Middletown South HS
Relay Team A 4:06.40 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Relay Team A 4:09.02 Neptune HS
Relay Team A 4:09.22 Allentown HS
Relay Team A 4:09.47 Colts Neck HS
Relay Team A 4:12.06 Lawrence HS
Relay Team A 4:15.41 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Relay Team A 4:15.59 Burlington Twp. HS
Relay Team A 4:15.87 Hamilton HS West
Relay Team A 4:18.43 Ewing HS
Relay Team A 4:19.48 Hopewell Valley HS
Relay Team A 4:20.82 Jackson Liberty HS
Relay Team A 4:21.78 Lakewood HS
Relay Team A 4:24.60 Red Bank Regional HS
Relay Team A 4:25.50 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Relay Team A 4:26.33 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
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Group 3 Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:10.65 Hopewell Valley HS
Relay Team A 10:26.01 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Relay Team A 10:31.61 Ocean Township HS
Relay Team A 10:31.91 Red Bank Regional HS
Relay Team A 10:51.19 Hamilton HS West
Relay Team A 10:55.83 Jackson Liberty HS
Relay Team A 11:00.03 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Relay Team A 11:07.70 Burlington Twp. HS
Relay Team A 9:36.26 Middletown South HS
Relay Team A 9:53.13 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Relay Team A 9:55.34 Colts Neck HS
Relay Team A 9:55.99 Allentown HS
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Group 3 Girls 800 Meter Run 71 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hayes, Meara Ewing HS
Van Selous, Abby Hopewell Valley HS
McCloskey, Makayla Ewing HS
Kalmeijer, Natalia Hopewell Valley HS
Zappley, Nicolina Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Lutolf, Molly Lawrence HS
Kha, Katy Pennsauken HS
McGlew, Erin Burlington Twp. HS
Rojas, Roselyn Lakewood HS
Singh, Kavya Lawrence HS
Zaleski, Kendra Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Parisi, Gabriella Burlington Twp. HS
Cordasco, Callia 2:17.63 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Lyons, Jessica 2:20.37 Allentown HS
Sakoutis, Arianna 2:20.43 Colts Neck HS
Dorony, Emily 2:20.45 Ocean Township HS
Afanasewicz, Lucy 2:22.04 Middletown South HS
Wimmer, Catherine 2:22.43 Red Bank Regional HS
Flynn, Julia 2:23.69 Middletown South HS
Tillman, Ava 2:25.38 Hopewell Valley HS
Prestininzi, Jacqueline 2:26.56 Red Bank Regional HS
Ensana, Sadie 2:27.34 Hamilton HS West
Pope, Jasmine 2:27.63 Pennsauken HS
Gibson, Eva 2:28.02 Colts Neck HS
Nunez, Natalina 2:28.15 Pennsauken HS
Corallo, Samantha 2:28.28 Jackson Liberty HS
Megerle, Colleen 2:29.09 Colts Neck HS
Ramos, Rachel 2:29.49 Jackson Liberty HS
Bizzoso, Tess 2:30.73 Middletown South HS
Liao, Laura 2:30.82 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Ko, Kayli 2:30.95 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Annasenz, Kelsey 2:32.00 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Lewis, Cheyenne 2:32.16 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Satav, Rhythm 2:32.22 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Silva, Molly 2:32.28 Neptune HS
Govorko, Dora 2:32.47 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Cavallaro, Emily 2:32.72 Freehold Boro HS
Goldberg, Isabella 2:32.84 Red Bank Regional HS
Foster, Kelly 2:34.13 Ocean Township HS
Couillens, Milan 2:34.17 Hopewell Valley HS
Simmons, Abigale 2:34.57 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Smith, Keyoura 2:34.59 Pennsauken HS
Jackson, Kate 2:34.66 Hopewell Valley HS
Yepes, Diana 2:34.70 Lakewood HS
Friend, Emily 2:35.02 Allentown HS
Appoy, Elizabeth 2:35.28 Ocean Township HS
Zaugg, Suzanne 2:36.36 Allentown HS
Ferigne, Gianna 2:36.74 Brick Township HS
Leland, Julia 2:37.67 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Kiel, Valerie 2:38.24 Allentown HS
Lang, Zoe 2:39.47 Lawrence HS
Zambor, Mia 2:39.82 Jackson Liberty HS
Ramos, Lily 2:39.89 Freehold Boro HS
Beavers, Corinne 2:40.10 Burlington Twp. HS
Dol, Chrisdina 2:41.39 Hamilton HS West
Chandler, Elizabeth 2:41.51 Hopewell Valley HS
Ehlers, Sally 2:42.54 Red Bank Regional HS
Dennis, Amanda 2:42.64 Hamilton HS West
Vuong, Melissa 2:43.09 Red Bank Regional HS
Wollard, Elena 2:44.36 Burlington Twp. HS
Abbruzzese, Sabrina 2:45.72 Burlington Twp. HS
Badger, Ruth 2:45.98 Neptune HS
Ruiz, Siarra 2:46.82 Ewing HS
Randolph, Grace 2:48.16 Burlington Twp. HS
Sandoval, Mia 2:50.68 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Clark-Livingston, Alyssa 2:50.94 Ewing HS
Sarno, Sarah 2:52.88 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Obika, Kamila 2:52.99 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Flanagan, Sydney 2:53.89 Freehold Boro HS
Schroeder, Meredith 2:53.90 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Falzone, Stephanie 2:56.47 Ewing HS
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Group 3 Girls Discus 58 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Filingeri, Jenna 110-2 Colts Neck HS
Palmer, Alana 107-6 Burlington Twp. HS
Wrenn, Tajanae 107-5 Hamilton HS West
McCabe, Lindsay 106-9 Brick Township HS
Diszler, Emily 106-6 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Abbruzzese, Gianna 105-11 Burlington Twp. HS
Halk, Sabrina 99-2 Brick Township HS
Riggins, Tionna 98-8 Pennsauken HS
Austin, Alyssa 98-0 Colts Neck HS
Alfonso, Vivianny 97-6 Brick Township HS
Hiers, Olivia 94-8 Ocean Township HS
Martin, Alicia 93-8 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Bonfrisco, Juliana 90-3 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Polovina, Nicolina 90-2 Jackson Liberty HS
Comfort, Victoria 89-11 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Elhossieni, Nadia 89-6 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Wurtz, Lillian 89-4 Hopewell Valley HS
Wright, Nathina 89-3 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Bell, Alexandra 86-3 Colts Neck HS
Gibson, Julianna 85-3 Colts Neck HS
Bennett, Emma 85-3 Middletown South HS
Leszcynski, Hannah 84-10 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
McCarthy, Kerri 84-9 Allentown HS
Pustrom, Krista 84-7 Ocean Township HS
Potochar, Amy 84-2 Freehold Boro HS
Osman, Nada 80-5 Freehold Boro HS
Clugsten, Emma 80-5 Hamilton HS West
Vines, Zhanye 79-5 Burlington Twp. HS
Thomas-Chan, Dougziana 78-4 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Crawford-Groom, Khrista 77-4 Burlington Twp. HS
Navarette, Maria 77-2 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Cox, Hazel 77-0 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Tregillies, Stephanie 76-5 Middletown South HS
Reese, Rachel 75-6 Allentown HS
Miah, Jasmine 75-3 Pennsauken HS
Johnson, Ebony 74-9 Pennsauken HS
Taggart, Meredith 74-3 Hopewell Valley HS
Carter, Anaiya 73-3 Ewing HS
Plaisir, Kaittlyn 73-1 Jackson Liberty HS
Bauer, Lily 72-10 Middletown South HS
Terry, Aniya 71-9 Lakewood HS
Elias, Michelle 71-6 Lakewood HS
Toler, Asia 70-8 Lawrence HS
DiDonato, Sophia 70-3 Hopewell Valley HS
Jackson, Kayla 70-2 Lawrence HS
Rivera, Jessica 69-9 Lakewood HS
Lee, Victoria 68-4 Ocean Township HS
Pessolano, Andie 65-5 Ewing HS
Owusu, Gloria 65-1 Hamilton HS West
Jean-Baptiste, Isabelle 64-10 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Sullivan, Julia 64-9 Red Bank Regional HS
Amiet, Kelsea 64-0 Hopewell Valley HS
Swart, Allesandra 60-8 Red Bank Regional HS
Jordan, Misha 58-0 Lawrence HS
Polovina, Katarina 51-6 Jackson Liberty HS
Zdybel, Kaitlyn 51-1 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Crawford, Kendall Ewing HS
Hawkins, Aliyah Ewing HS
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Group 3 Girls High Jump 40 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brown, Jordan 5-2 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Hemingway, Khalin 5-2 Lawrence HS
Pfaff, Abigail 5-0 Hamilton HS West
Pecoraro, Isabella 5-0 Colts Neck HS
Swale, Hannah 5-0 Allentown HS
Burke, Amanda 4-10 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Fabius, Isabelle 4-10 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Thomas, Lindsey 4-10 Neptune HS
Toure, Malama 4-10 Hamilton HS West
Castadot, Madeline 4-10 Hopewell Valley HS
Herelle, Jocelyn 4-10 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
DiMiceli, Gabby 4-10 Middletown South HS
Simeus, Sarah 4-8 Lawrence HS
Kirkpatrick, Alexa 4-8 Red Bank Regional HS
Benjamin, Eimiyah 4-8 Burlington Twp. HS
Albano, Isabella 4-8 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Taylor, Katherine 4-8 Colts Neck HS
Virga, Dayna 4-8 Jackson Liberty HS
Hall, McKenna 4-8 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Schroeder, Meredith 4-8 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Mulrine, Kayla 4-6 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Willis, Ateonna 4-6 Neptune HS
Kern, Vanessa 4-6 Freehold Boro HS
Gauthier, Malouka 4-6 Hamilton HS West
Haddock, Jayonna 4-6 Burlington Twp. HS
Nociolo, Mia 4-6 Hopewell Valley HS
Martin, Molly 4-6 Hopewell Valley HS
Arnou, Zoe 4-6 Middletown South HS
Bonforte, Olivia 4-6 Ocean Township HS
Ritorto, Victoria 4-6 Ocean Township HS
Benjamin, Subish 4-6 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Montgomery, Nakia 4-4 Lakewood HS
Kapadia, Aastha 4-4 Freehold Boro HS
Fisher, Stephanie 4-4 Burlington Twp. HS
Wilson, Cassidy 4-4 Colts Neck HS
Griffin, Anaya 4-2 Neptune HS
Vuong, Melissa 4-2 Red Bank Regional HS
Jackson, La Niyah 4-2 Red Bank Regional HS
Norway, Carsyn 4-0 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Rivera, Jessica Lakewood HS
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Group 3 Girls Javelin 50 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Collings, Alaina 107-11 Middletown South HS
Cataneo, Ashley 101-6 Colts Neck HS
Harding, Amanda 99-4 Hamilton HS West
Bonfrisco, Juliana 97-11 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Wurtz, Lillian 96-9 Hopewell Valley HS
Wright, Nathina 96-3 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
McCarthy, Kerri 94-8 Allentown HS
Setaro, Emily 88-7 Middletown South HS
Rivera, Jessica 86-6 Lakewood HS
Comfort, Victoria 86-6 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Pustrom, Krista 86-1 Ocean Township HS
Theocharides, Noni 85-11 Colts Neck HS
Smith, Carly 84-8 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Hiers, Olivia 82-4 Ocean Township HS
Owusu, Gloria 81-11 Hamilton HS West
Cerafice, Taylor 80-5 Ocean Township HS
Palmer, Alana 79-4 Burlington Twp. HS
Abbruzzese, Sabrina 78-0 Burlington Twp. HS
Byrne, Katelyn 77-10 Middletown South HS
Leszcynski, Hannah 77-6 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Sullivan, Julia 77-0 Red Bank Regional HS
Wisniewski, Kaya 77-0 Hopewell Valley HS
Gensinger, Caroline 76-9 Allentown HS
Martin, Anna 73-9 Hopewell Valley HS
Laramore, Jael 73-4 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Owusu, Grace 73-4 Hamilton HS West
Diszler, Emily 73-2 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Janks, Delaney 72-11 Hopewell Valley HS
DiDonato, Sophia 71-8 Hopewell Valley HS
Moffett, Abigail 69-7 Colts Neck HS
Ordonez, Blanca 68-2 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Johnson, Ebony 66-9 Pennsauken HS
Torres, Talia 66-5 Pennsauken HS
Riggins, Tionna 65-6 Pennsauken HS
Conti, Samantha 65-1 Jackson Liberty HS
Riggins, Chyna 62-4 Lawrence HS
Terry, Aniya 62-3 Lakewood HS
Staffordsmith, Molly 59-0 Jackson Liberty HS
Jackson, Kayla 58-3 Lawrence HS
Crawford, Kendall 56-8 Ewing HS
Elias, Michelle 56-5 Lakewood HS
Zdybel, Kaitlyn 56-3 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Fanta, Marie 54-11 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Agbalaya, Elizabeth 54-2 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Swart, Allesandra 53-9 Red Bank Regional HS
Jackson, Cherese 51-11 Lawrence HS
Pessolano, Andie 51-4 Ewing HS
Joseph, Jehovania 42-3 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Mulvihill, Piper Hopewell Valley HS
Miah, Jasmine Pennsauken HS
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Group 3 Girls Long Jump 55 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wright, Isjae 17-6 Hamilton HS West
Lloyd, Jon'Nay 17-5.25 Pennsauken HS
Cahill, Maggie 17-4 Red Bank Regional HS
Parekh, Aditi 17-3 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Crilly, Tara 16-9.5 Red Bank Regional HS
Kennelly, Abby 16-7 Brick Township HS
Leak, Akayla 16-6.5 Burlington Twp. HS
Sendi, Kisakye 16-5 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Radke, Brianna 16-3.5 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Brown, Jordan 16-3.25 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Raymond, Kaneisha 16-2 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Michie, Lindsey 15-11 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Cotilla, Victoria 15-10 Allentown HS
Foster, Azariah 15-9.75 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Kiernan, Bailey 15-8.75 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Negoiu, Anca 15-8.5 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Benjamin, Eimiyah 15-8.25 Burlington Twp. HS
Hill, Arianna 15-8 Neptune HS
Pinto, Anica 15-7.5 Hopewell Valley HS
Tunnell, Dajah 15-7.5 Pennsauken HS
Kundu, Julia 15-6.25 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Diawara, Aysha 15-4.75 Lakewood HS
Perry, Ashleigh 15-4 Freehold Boro HS
Rossini, Emily 15-3 Brick Township HS
Dow, Jocelynn 15-2 Freehold Boro HS
Toure, Malama 15-2 Hamilton HS West
Bacon, Francine 15-1.5 Burlington Twp. HS
Thomas, Chase 15-1.25 Burlington Twp. HS
Cadet, Beverly 15-1 Neptune HS
Arnou, Zoe 15-0.25 Middletown South HS
Montgomery, Nakia 15-0 Lakewood HS
Fendrich, Gianna 15-0 Middletown South HS
Swale, Hannah 15-0 Allentown HS
Montgomery, Namira 14-9 Lakewood HS
Colon, Olivia 14-8.5 Jackson Liberty HS
Matakonis, Olivia 14-8.5 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Dlugosz, Lara 14-8.5 Allentown HS
Dufrene, Alexi 14-8 Ocean Township HS
Gauthier, Malouka 14-6 Hamilton HS West
Gongalla, Megha 14-5.5 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Morgan, Amber 14-4.75 Neptune HS
Castadot, Madeline 14-4 Hopewell Valley HS
Willis, Ateonna 14-3 Neptune HS
Yorke, Samantha 14-2.25 Jackson Liberty HS
Mulrine, Kayla 14-2 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Martin, Molly 14-2 Hopewell Valley HS
Ritorto, Victoria 13-6.25 Ocean Township HS
Nociolo, Mia 13-3.25 Hopewell Valley HS
Wemegah, Kristyne 13-3 Pennsauken HS
Peyton, K'la 13-0 Ewing HS
Griffin, Anaya Neptune HS
Coret, Estelle Hopewell Valley HS
Palmer, Caroline West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Hurst, Rianna Ewing HS
Azeez, Jenna Hopewell Valley HS
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Group 3 Girls Pole Vault 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Michie, Lindsey 11-0 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Abitanto, Sydney 10-6 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
McCormick, Brenna 10-6 Allentown HS
McCloskey, Camryn 10-0 Colts Neck HS
Pinto, Anica 9-6 Hopewell Valley HS
Wilson, Rebecca 9-6 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Chandrasekhar, Anjali 9-0 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Ruble, Mary 9-0 Hamilton HS West
Rajhel, Elizabeth 8-6 Jackson Liberty HS
Satarawalla, Afreen 8-0 Lawrence HS
Abdel-Latif, Nyla 8-0 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Dlugosz, Lara 8-0 Allentown HS
Ottinger, Elizabeth 7-6 Hopewell Valley HS
Katz, Makenna 7-6 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Ventrella, Kira 7-6 Allentown HS
Nociolo, Mia 7-6 Hopewell Valley HS
Negoiu, Anca 7-0 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Quigley, Nia 7-0 Colts Neck HS
Fisher, Stephanie 7-0 Burlington Twp. HS
Mackersie, Kylie 6-0 Hamilton HS West
Bernstein, Morgan 6-0 Hopewell Valley HS
Laloi, Linsay Hamilton North - Nottingham
Fimiani, Jessica Brick Township HS
Ramirez, Rebecca Jackson Liberty HS
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Group 3 Girls Shot Put 58 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Elhossieni, Nadia 39-6.25 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Vines, Zhanye 37-4.5 Burlington Twp. HS
Abbruzzese, Gianna 36-4.5 Burlington Twp. HS
Wrenn, Tajanae 36-0.5 Hamilton HS West
Lopes, Casey 35-10 Brick Township HS
Fafowora, Joann 35-8.5 Middletown South HS
Diszler, Emily 33-8 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Gibson, Catherine 33-4 Colts Neck HS
Owusu, Gloria 32-11.25 Hamilton HS West
Plaisir, Kaittlyn 32-10.75 Jackson Liberty HS
Pustrom, Krista 32-9.5 Ocean Township HS
Hiers, Olivia 32-7.25 Ocean Township HS
McCarthy, Kerri 32-1.5 Allentown HS
Wurtz, Lillian 32-1.25 Hopewell Valley HS
Bennett, Emma 32-0.75 Middletown South HS
Wright, Nathina 31-8 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Palmer, Alana 31-5.5 Burlington Twp. HS
Williams, Naz 31-4.5 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Baker, Haylee 31-4 Colts Neck HS
Cerafice, Taylor 30-2 Ocean Township HS
Riggins, Tionna 29-10.25 Pennsauken HS
Crawford-Groom, Khrista 29-5.25 Burlington Twp. HS
Tregillies, Stephanie 29-1 Middletown South HS
Taggart, Meredith 29-0.5 Hopewell Valley HS
Johnson, Ebony 29-0.5 Pennsauken HS
Austin, Alyssa 29-0 Colts Neck HS
Potochar, Amy 28-11 Freehold Boro HS
Carter, Anaiya 28-8 Ewing HS
Thomas-Chan, Dougziana 28-6.5 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Bonfrisco, Juliana 28-6 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Martin, Alicia 28-3.25 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Norway, Carsyn 28-3 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Clugsten, Emma 28-2.75 Hamilton HS West
Smith, Nia 27-11 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Polovina, Katarina 27-9.5 Jackson Liberty HS
Jackson, Kayla 27-7.5 Lawrence HS
Fortune-O'Brien, Genesis (Jackson) 27-5 Neptune HS
Comfort, Victoria 27-2.25 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Lawery, Ariel 27-1 Ewing HS
Jean-Baptiste, Isabelle 27-0 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Covington, Junya 26-9 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Smith, Carly 26-8.75 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Toler, Asia 26-5 Lawrence HS
Terry, Aniya 26-4 Lakewood HS
Sullivan, Julia 25-11 Red Bank Regional HS
Naidrich, Gabrielle 25-10 Freehold Boro HS
Elias, Michelle 25-9.5 Lakewood HS
Swart, Allesandra 25-5.5 Red Bank Regional HS
DiDonato, Sophia 25-0 Hopewell Valley HS
Amiet, Kelsea 24-11.75 Hopewell Valley HS
Barrera, Cindy 24-10 Lawrence HS
Owusu, Grace 24-1.5 Hamilton HS West
Miah, Jasmine 24-0 Pennsauken HS
Crawford, Kendall 21-10.25 Ewing HS
Love, Raven 21-9 Neptune HS
Louis, Daniella 17-2 Neptune HS
Sigman, Hana Hopewell Valley HS
Hawkins, Aliyah Ewing HS
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Group 3 Girls Triple Jump 40 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wright, Isjae 38-5 Hamilton HS West
Leak, Akayla 37-8 Burlington Twp. HS
Negoiu, Anca 35-11.5 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Kiernan, Bailey 35-5 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Willis-Parreott, Darita 34-6 Jackson Liberty HS
Pinto, Anica 33-11.5 Hopewell Valley HS
Foster, Azariah 33-6 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Brown, Jordan 33-5.25 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Radke, Brianna 33-5 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Chong, Kaila 33-3.5 Brick Township HS
Crilly, Tara 33-0.5 Red Bank Regional HS
Gauthier, Malouka 33-0.5 Hamilton HS West
Daniels, Jiselle 32-11 Burlington Twp. HS
McCormick, Brenna 32-10.25 Allentown HS
Montgomery, Namira 32-6.75 Lakewood HS
Sendi, Kisakye 32-6.75 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Diawara, Aysha 32-0.75 Lakewood HS
Swale, Hannah 31-11 Allentown HS
Rossini, Emily 31-7.75 Brick Township HS
Montgomery, Nakia 31-7.5 Lakewood HS
Mulrine, Kayla 31-5 Hamilton North - Nottingham
Pecoraro, Isabella 31-3 Colts Neck HS
Dlugosz, Lara 31-3 Allentown HS
Azeez, Jenna 31-2.25 Hopewell Valley HS
Bacon, Francine 30-10.5 Burlington Twp. HS
Fendrich, Gianna 30-9.75 Middletown South HS
Colon, Olivia 30-8.5 Jackson Liberty HS
Doyle, Dominique 30-3.75 Northern Burlington Reg. HS
Ritorto, Victoria 30-3.25 Ocean Township HS
Fabius, Isabelle 30-0.25 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Matakonis, Olivia 29-10.25 Hamilton East - Steinert HS
Kapadia, Aastha 29-8 Freehold Boro HS
Martin, Molly 29-7.5 Hopewell Valley HS
Kane, Christyana 29-3.5 Burlington Twp. HS
Palmer, Caroline 28-10 West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Nolan, Erin 27-4 Middletown South HS
Hurst, Rianna 26-10 Ewing HS
Benjamin, Subish West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Burke, Amanda West Windsor-Plainsboro North HS
Toure, Malama Hamilton HS West
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