Camden County Championships 2023

Haddon Township, NJ

Athlete Entries

Division 1 Boys 100 Meter Dash 41 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Shockley, Nasyir Haddon Heights HS
Cabrera, Derwin Mastery HS of Camden
Lacy, Tahir Haddon Heights HS
Steele, Jaiden Mastery HS of Camden
Johnson, Jahmere Mastery HS of Camden
Rosario, Yandel Mastery HS of Camden
Ashers, Fitzgerald 11.0 Lindenwold HS
Frazier, Josh 11.00 Overbrook HS
Pepe-Magro, Isaiah 11.04 Collingswood HS
Gruber, Zach 11.16 Haddon Township HS
McCullough, Anthony 11.2 Sterling HS
Lindemuth, William 11.24 Audubon HS
Banks, Christopher 11.3 Sterling HS
Watson, Nate 11.36 Camden Catholic HS
Stokes, De'Andre 11.36 Haddon Heights HS
Ragin, Corey 11.39 Overbrook HS
Blum, Gabriel 11.50 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Burkhardt, Trevin 11.50h Gloucester City HS
Forrest, Jonathan 11.58 Bishop Eustace Prep
Wynn, Aosuuta 11.6 Haddon Township HS
Richards, Kai 11.60 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Blount, Randall 11.60h Collingswood HS
Washington, Mekhai 11.60h Collingswood HS
Okeke, Germaine 11.62 Lindenwold HS
Cannon, James 11.70h Collingswood HS
Alessi, Aidan 11.80h Haddon Township HS
Hoke, Luke 11.82 Audubon HS
Bangura, Ali 11.9 Haddon Township HS
Turner, Eli 11.90 The King's Christian School
Johnson, Jaevonn 12.02 Lindenwold HS
Lagual, Lo'Renzo 12.04h Haddon Heights HS
Berardi, Cristian 12.09 Bishop Eustace Prep
Russell-Wiggins, Josiah 12.10 Lindenwold HS
Elliot, Dawson 12.10h Haddonfield Memorial HS
Szkotak, Payton 12.14 Audubon HS
Tillman, Jayden 12.18 Gloucester City HS
Barson, Max 12.2 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Glenn, Noah 12.21 Bishop Eustace Prep
Concepcion, Benjamin 12.33 Camden Catholic HS
Limbaga, Kowie 12.44 Audubon HS
Richie, Manny 14.59 The King's Christian School
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Division 1 Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Golden, Kani Haddon Heights HS
Agbessi, Samuel 14.9 Sterling HS
Washington, Vincent 15.28 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Holloway, Marquis 15.90h Sterling HS
Ross, Keith 15.90h Sterling HS
Curran, Leo 16.24 Gloucester City HS
Chamberlain, Sebastian 16.50h Collingswood HS
Donnelly, Taylor 16.57 Audubon HS
Forrest, Jonathan 16.80 Bishop Eustace Prep
DiMedio, Mark 16.90h Haddonfield Memorial HS
Cedar, Evan 17.47 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Santiago, Andres 17.72 Haddon Township HS
Hayes, Alex 17.81 Haddon Township HS
Johnson, Wyatt 18.03 Lindenwold HS
Signorile, Christian 18.04h Haddon Heights HS
Trow, Andrew 18.13 Audubon HS
Brown, Quincy 18.50h Collingswood HS
Wilde, Dylan 18.84 Overbrook HS
Weick, Thomas 18.84 Audubon HS
Wilson, Wesley 19.00h Haddonfield Memorial HS
Glenn, Noah 19.17 Bishop Eustace Prep
Frye, Jake 19.64 Bishop Eustace Prep
Widman, Mason 20.27 Gloucester City HS
Rodriguez, Xzavier 21.00 Lindenwold HS
Hawkins, Tyzier 21.42 Lindenwold HS
Carter, Joseph 21.80 Lindenwold HS
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Division 1 Boys 1600 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
DiPinto, Damian Collingswood HS
Andrus, George 4:10.97 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Bolling, Jack 4:15.12 Haddon Heights HS
DiMedio, Robert 4:23.81 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Jellig, Donald 4:24.97 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Steidle, Ean 4:26.55 Collingswood HS
Wright, Bennett 4:26.90 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Hastings, Jonathon 4:30.00 Haddon Heights HS
Gonzalez, Jayden 4:32.00 Haddon Heights HS
Koehn, Sebastian 4:40.00 Haddon Heights HS
Colden, Matt 4:41.88 Bishop Eustace Prep
Doms, Cole 4:42 Sterling HS
McInerney, Patrick 4:43.83 Camden Catholic HS
Sennhenn, Jackson 4:45.62 Haddon Township HS
Caprarola, Ethan 4:49.23 Bishop Eustace Prep
Reynolds, Graham 4:50 Collingswood HS
Vera, Will 4:51 Sterling HS
Carter, Dallas 4:58.64 Lindenwold HS
Carey, Desmond 4:59.21 Bishop Eustace Prep
Amorosi, David 5:05.00h Audubon HS
Camm, Logan 5:05.00h Audubon HS
Brown, Kyle 5:05.00h Audubon HS
Walsh, Daniel 5:09.87 Camden Catholic HS
Dietz, Alexander 5:11.45 Bishop Eustace Prep
Dyce, Everold 5:12.05 Gloucester City HS
Medina, Mark 5:12.30 Gloucester City HS
Flocco, James 5:22.07 Haddon Township HS
Rayo, Obed 5:33.81 Lindenwold HS
Aaron, Samuel 5:36.24 Collingswood HS
Steele, Tim 5:39.41 Overbrook HS
Watters, Jayden 5:40 Overbrook HS
Trinidad-Palillero, Alex 5:45 Overbrook HS
Bronkema, Jay 6:24.15 The King's Christian School
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Division 1 Boys 200 Meter Dash 38 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rosario, Yandel Mastery HS of Camden
Cabrera, Derwin Mastery HS of Camden
Steele, Jaiden Mastery HS of Camden
Johnson, Jahmere Mastery HS of Camden
Pepe-Magro, Isaiah 22.59 Collingswood HS
Ashers, Fitzgerald 22.82 Lindenwold HS
Frazier, Josh 22.90h Overbrook HS
McCullough, Anthony 23.00 Sterling HS
Burkhardt, Trevin 23.10h Gloucester City HS
Washington, Vincent 23.10h Haddonfield Memorial HS
Crump, Braelen 23.14 Camden Catholic HS
Okeke, Germaine 23.19 Lindenwold HS
Stokes, De'Andre 23.2 Haddon Heights HS
Forrest, Jonathan 23.25 Bishop Eustace Prep
Lacy, Tahir 23.3 Haddon Heights HS
Lindemuth, William 23.30 Audubon HS
Richards, Kai 23.30h Haddonfield Memorial HS
Ragin, Corey 23.32 Overbrook HS
Gruber, Zach 23.33 Haddon Township HS
Watson, Nate 23.36 Camden Catholic HS
Blum, Gabriel 23.40h Haddonfield Memorial HS
Banks, Christopher 23.5 Sterling HS
Washington, Mekhai 23.50h Collingswood HS
Blount, Randall 23.60h Collingswood HS
Wynn, Aosuuta 23.91 Haddon Township HS
Hoke, Luke 23.97 Audubon HS
Tillman, Jayden 24.00h Gloucester City HS
Turner, Eli 24.15 The King's Christian School
Golden, Kani 24.5 Haddon Heights HS
Thomas, Ty'Mere 24.76 Lindenwold HS
Hayes, Alex 24.79 Haddon Township HS
Glenn, Noah 24.85 Bishop Eustace Prep
Szkotak, Payton 24.90h Audubon HS
Gonzalez, Alexander 24.90h Audubon HS
Barson, Max 25.10h Haddonfield Memorial HS
Russell-Wiggins, Josiah 25.47 Lindenwold HS
Berardi, Cristian 25.77 Bishop Eustace Prep
Richie, Manny 30.21 The King's Christian School
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Division 1 Boys 3200 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Carter, Dallas Lindenwold HS
Gaspari, Joseph 10:00.75 Audubon HS
Wells, Ryan 10:04.90 Haddon Heights HS
Hernandez, Reggie 10:06.52 Haddon Heights HS
Doms, Cole 10:09.00 Sterling HS
Colden, Matt 10:26.88 Bishop Eustace Prep
Dybus, Owen 10:30 Haddon Township HS
Sennhenn, Jackson 10:30 Haddon Township HS
Kelly, Vincent 10:54.00 Gloucester City HS
Clauson, James 11:00.00 Haddon Township HS
O'Callaghan, Ryan 11:12.86 Camden Catholic HS
Aaron, Samuel 11:20 Collingswood HS
Staffieri, Vince 11:20 Sterling HS
Ventura, Eugenio 11:22.93 Camden Catholic HS
Fitzpatrick, Trey 11:53.72 Gloucester City HS
Wilde, Dylan 12:05 Overbrook HS
Steele, Tim 13:20 Overbrook HS
Trinidad-Palillero, Alex 14:30 Overbrook HS
Andrus, George 9:09.38 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Bolling, Jack 9:18.45 Haddon Heights HS
Forrest, Elijah 9:30 Collingswood HS
DiMedio, Robert 9:33.32 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Romea, Ian 9:40.69 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Jellig, Donald 9:46.65 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Gonzalez, Jayden 9:56.02 Haddon Heights HS
Williams, Aiden 9:57.63 Audubon HS
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Division 1 Boys 400 Meter Dash 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Steele, Jaiden Mastery HS of Camden
Hicks, Quameer Mastery HS of Camden
Iuvara, Matthew 50.08 Haddon Heights HS
Crump, Braelen 51.16 Camden Catholic HS
Johnson, Wyatt 52.00 Lindenwold HS
McCullough, Anthony 52.00h Sterling HS
Agbessi, Samuel 52.00h Sterling HS
Ashers, Fitzgerald 52.00h Lindenwold HS
Bovell, Mateo 52.40 Haddon Heights HS
Pepe-Magro, Isaiah 52.50h Collingswood HS
Curran, Leo 52.63 Gloucester City HS
Doyle, Beckett 53.00h Haddonfield Memorial HS
McCracken, James 53.50h Haddonfield Memorial HS
Wynn, Aosuuta 53.72 Haddon Township HS
Lagual, Lo'Renzo 53.80 Haddon Heights HS
Blum, Gabriel 54.00h Haddonfield Memorial HS
Hayes, Alex 54.5 Haddon Township HS
Harris, Kadon 54.55 Gloucester City HS
Laywhyee, Mark 54.88 Overbrook HS
Carter, Joseph 54.99 Lindenwold HS
Wright, Matthew 54.99 Audubon HS
McGarrigel, Jack 55.0 Haddon Township HS
Williams, Connor 55.00 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Gallagher, Dylan 55.09 Audubon HS
Ferguson, Elijah 55.10 Collingswood HS
Limbaga, Kowie 56.50h Audubon HS
Szkotak, Payton 57.20h Audubon HS
Powell, Bryce 57.27 Overbrook HS
Reynolds, Graham 58.92 Collingswood HS
Johnson, Jaevonn 59.26 Lindenwold HS
Maah, Excel 59.9 Overbrook HS
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Division 1 Boys 400 Meter Hurdles 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Holloway, Marquis 1:01 Sterling HS
Cedar, Evan 1:01.43 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Wilson, Wesley 1:01.80h Haddonfield Memorial HS
Hewitt, Ian 1:01.86 Haddon Township HS
Chamberlain, Sebastian 1:02 Collingswood HS
Gonzalez, Alexander 1:02.00h Audubon HS
Trow, Andrew 1:02.00h Audubon HS
Caprarola, Ethan 1:02.40 Bishop Eustace Prep
Signorile, Christian 1:03.50 Haddon Heights HS
Hayes, Alex 1:03.64h Haddon Township HS
Wilde, Dylan 1:04.00h Overbrook HS
Maloney, Shaun 1:05.0 Haddon Township HS
Golden, Kani 1:06.00 Haddon Heights HS
Carter, Joseph 1:08.00h Lindenwold HS
Rodriguez, Xzavier 1:08.00h Lindenwold HS
Frye, Jake 1:08.33 Bishop Eustace Prep
Hawkins, Tyzier 1:10 Lindenwold HS
Brown, Quincy 1:13.09 Collingswood HS
Nicholls, Brant 1:14.16 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Iuvara, Matthew 55.50 Haddon Heights HS
Agbessi, Samuel 56.81 Sterling HS
Garris, Jaden 57.80 Gloucester City HS
Pimentel, Amauri 59.00h Audubon HS
Washington, Vincent 59.00h Haddonfield Memorial HS
Johnson, Wyatt 59.26 Lindenwold HS
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Division 1 Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Mastery HS of Camden
Relay Team A 3:33.19 Collingswood HS
Relay Team A 3:34.35 Sterling HS
Relay Team A 3:37.60 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Relay Team A 3:38.00 Haddon Heights HS
Relay Team A 3:41.41 Haddon Township HS
Relay Team A 3:42.59 Gloucester City HS
Relay Team A 3:44.49 Lindenwold HS
Relay Team A 3:45.97 Bishop Eustace Prep
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Division 1 Boys 800 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bolling, Jack 1:57.00 Haddon Heights HS
Bovone, Anton 1:58 Collingswood HS
Patterson, Colin 1:58.00 Haddon Heights HS
Steidle, Ean 1:59.99 Collingswood HS
Jellig, Donald 2:01.00 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Vera, Will 2:02.00 Sterling HS
Hastings, Jonathon 2:02.25 Haddon Heights HS
Gaulrapp, Ryan 2:03.14 Bishop Eustace Prep
Gervasi, Reid 2:03.50 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Stoner, Brandon 2:04 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Andresen, Luke 2:04.30 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Ganskopp, Nevon 2:05 Sterling HS
Williams, Aiden 2:05.00h Audubon HS
Hudson, Nyeeam 2:08.13 Lindenwold HS
Reynolds, Graham 2:08.60 Collingswood HS
Koehn, Sebastian 2:09.00 Haddon Heights HS
Aylmer, Eric 2:10.0 Haddon Township HS
Hewitt, Ian 2:10.0 Haddon Township HS
Pimentel, Amauri 2:10.00h Audubon HS
Flagg, Marcus 2:11.35 Gloucester City HS
Alfaro, Sean 2:12.42 Camden Catholic HS
Hunter, Tyler 2:13.18 Gloucester City HS
Maloney, Shaun 2:14.27 Haddon Township HS
Cruz, Alex 2:14.31 Camden Catholic HS
Carter, Dallas 2:16.03 Lindenwold HS
Sennhenn, Jackson 2:21.80 Haddon Township HS
Rayo, Obed 2:24.90 Lindenwold HS
Maah, Excel 2:28 Overbrook HS
Collier, Amir 2:30 Overbrook HS
Trinidad-Palillero, Alex 2:37 Overbrook HS
Emmons, Jackson 2:45.00 The King's Christian School
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Division 1 Boys Discus 38 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Clax, Christopher 156-11 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Brady, Shawn 156-5 Bishop Eustace Prep
Chavous, Jayson 135-6 Overbrook HS
Diven, Sean 127-9.5 Haddon Heights HS
Dugan, Nick 122-4 Camden Catholic HS
Dolson, Justice 119-4 Gloucester City HS
Wood, Malachi 118-5 Camden Catholic HS
Olevsky, Ozzy 117-0 Haddon Township HS
Colon, Juan 112-8.5 Camden Catholic HS
Ogbeide, Favour 108-2 Lindenwold HS
Grier, Jayden 108-0 Overbrook HS
Durkin, Julian 105-9 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Holland, Jacob 105-2.5 Audubon HS
Hooper, Russell 105-0 Sterling HS
Paris, Ryan 103-8 Sterling HS
Hamlin, Paris 102-0 Sterling HS
Dootay, Aden 100-9 Audubon HS
Bovell, Mateo 100-4 Haddon Heights HS
Sharkey, Andrew 100-0 Haddon Heights HS
Ventura Perez, Edgar 99-9 Haddon Township HS
Hoff, Dylan 99-3 Audubon HS
Tarditi, Jack 98-0 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Burutis, Niko 96-5 Gloucester City HS
McCormick, John 92-9 Bishop Eustace Prep
Baran, Michael 92-3 Collingswood HS
Griffault, Sebastien 91-4 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Conover, WIll 86-0 Haddon Township HS
Knorr, Danny 84-5 Haddon Township HS
Pizzutillo, Bastion 82-0 Collingswood HS
Cunningham, Barry 79-10 Lindenwold HS
Villeda, Gianlucas 78-1 Lindenwold HS
Rodrigues, Louis Mastery HS of Camden
Benito, Andy Mastery HS of Camden
Cromartie-Cooper, Azahmir Mastery HS of Camden
Val-Roman, Adrian Mastery HS of Camden
Watson, Dyheim Gloucester Catholic HS
Yeager, Edward Gloucester Catholic HS
Bennett, Nyeim Collingswood HS
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Division 1 Boys High Jump 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gamble, Justice 6-3 Sterling HS
Harris, Kadon 6-2 Gloucester City HS
Garrison, Walter 6-0 Sterling HS
James, Ryan 6-0 Gloucester City HS
Stabinski, Christian 5-10 Haddon Heights HS
Holloway, Marquis 5-10 Sterling HS
Weick, Thomas 5-10 Audubon HS
Teh, Forweah 5-8 Haddon Heights HS
Blum, Gabriel 5-8 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Carr, Christopher 5-8 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Glenn, Noah 5-6 Bishop Eustace Prep
Pritchett, Josh 5-6 Collingswood HS
Trow, Andrew 5-4 Audubon HS
Sherwin, Paul 5-2 Haddon Township HS
Dempsey, Colin 5-2 Haddon Township HS
Birdwell, Nathan 5-0 Haddon Township HS
Field, Nathan Haddonfield Memorial HS
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Division 1 Boys Javelin 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lukaitis, Demetrio 166-0 Haddon Heights HS
Paris, Ryan 161-5 Sterling HS
Dolson, Justice 150-7 Gloucester City HS
Knorr, Danny 148-4 Haddon Township HS
Lindemuth, William 147-1 Audubon HS
Hurly, Alexander 143-11 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Tillman, Lucas 142-8 Camden Catholic HS
McCracken, Breyson 133-4 Audubon HS
Olevsky, Ozzy 131-1 Haddon Township HS
Threston Jr., Chris 130-0 Bishop Eustace Prep
Johnson, Will 129-11 Haddon Township HS
Rosen, Cooper 124-10 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Keller, Luke 122-8 Camden Catholic HS
Johnson, Julian 121-0 Sterling HS
Grier, Jayden 120-2 Overbrook HS
Kipp, Nicholas 120-0 Haddon Heights HS
Mohr, Jacob 119-10 Bishop Eustace Prep
Gilbert, Logan 117-0 Audubon HS
Haltiwanger, Jaden 114-8 Haddon Township HS
Johnson, Reif 109-8 Audubon HS
Corbin, Derrick 99-8 Overbrook HS
Tarditi, Jack 99-1 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Sanders, Noah 98-7 Camden Catholic HS
Hernandez, Emilio 97-7 Lindenwold HS
Elliot, Dawson 94-0 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Cunningham, Barry 82-7 Lindenwold HS
Dao, Alhaji 81-9 Lindenwold HS
Petito, Michael Gloucester Catholic HS
Yeager, Edward Gloucester Catholic HS
Chamberlain, Sebastian Collingswood HS
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Division 1 Boys Long Jump 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Crump, Braelen 20-9.5 Camden Catholic HS
Frazier, Josh 20-5.5 Overbrook HS
Gamble, Justice 20-1 Sterling HS
John, Bright 19-4.5 Sterling HS
Wynn, Aosuuta 19-0 Haddon Township HS
Blum, Gabriel 19-0 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Teh, Forweah 18-10 Haddon Heights HS
Turner, Eli 18-8 The King's Christian School
Nesbeth, Xavier 18-1 Haddon Heights HS
Klaus, Weston 17-11.5 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Burton, Christian 17-7.5 Audubon HS
Powell, Bryce 17-7 Overbrook HS
Semiraglio, Thomas 17-6 Bishop Eustace Prep
Johnston, Cole 17-5 Haddon Township HS
McCracken, James 17-4 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Hayes, Alex 17-3 Haddon Township HS
Ferguson, Elijah 17-2.25 Collingswood HS
Pescatore, Christian 17-2 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Glenn, Noah 17-1 Bishop Eustace Prep
Wiener, John 16-11.5 Camden Catholic HS
Pritchett, Josh 16-7.5 Collingswood HS
Brasteter, Quinn 16-0 Audubon HS
Weick, Thomas 15-8.5 Audubon HS
Little, Cole 14-6 Gloucester City HS
McCray, KaLee Mastery HS of Camden
Hicks, Quameer Mastery HS of Camden
Steele, Jaiden Mastery HS of Camden
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Division 1 Boys Pole Vault 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Davis, Leo 13-0 Audubon HS
Hurly, Alexander 12-6 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Furlong, Adam 12-0 Haddon Heights HS
Dempsey, Colin 11-0 Haddon Township HS
James, Ryan 10-6 Gloucester City HS
Hunter, Tyler 9-6 Gloucester City HS
Gallagher, Dylan 9-6 Audubon HS
Kipp, Nicholas 9-0 Haddon Heights HS
George, Jacob 9-0 Haddon Township HS
Ervin, Brayden 8-6 Audubon HS
Cannon, James Collingswood HS
Nicholls, Brant Haddonfield Memorial HS
Wixted, Garrett Haddonfield Memorial HS
Doyle, Beckett Haddonfield Memorial HS
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Division 1 Boys Shot Put 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brady, Shawn 48-2 Bishop Eustace Prep
Clax, Christopher 44-2 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Grier, Jayden 44-0 Overbrook HS
Chavous, Jayson 44-0 Overbrook HS
Sanders, Noah 43-8.5 Camden Catholic HS
Sharkey, Andrew 42-11 Haddon Heights HS
Diven, Sean 42-1 Haddon Heights HS
Odedele, Semi 41-2 The King's Christian School
Tarditi, Jack 41-0.25 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Wood, Malachi 40-0.5 Camden Catholic HS
Colon, Juan 40-0 Camden Catholic HS
Hamlin, Paris 39-10 Sterling HS
Campbell, Shane 39-0.5 Haddon Township HS
Olevsky, Ozzy 38-6.5 Haddon Township HS
McKinney, Aiden 38-0 Audubon HS
Ventura Perez, Edgar 37-6.5 Haddon Township HS
Holland, Jacob 37-0 Audubon HS
Hoff, Dylan 37-0 Audubon HS
Hooper, Russell 36-8.5 Sterling HS
Ogbeide, Favour 36-2.75 Lindenwold HS
Villeda, Gianlucas 36-2.5 Lindenwold HS
Paris, Ryan 36-0 Sterling HS
DiBlasio, Dominic 34-10.5 Bishop Eustace Prep
Furia, Michael 34-10 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Gayer, Nicolas 34-10 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Jordan, Jonah 33-0 Audubon HS
DePoder, Logan 32-3 Gloucester City HS
Burutis, Niko 31-3 Gloucester City HS
Val-Roman, Adrian Mastery HS of Camden
Rodrigues, Louis Mastery HS of Camden
Cromartie-Cooper, Azahmir Mastery HS of Camden
Benito, Andy Mastery HS of Camden
Petito, Michael Gloucester Catholic HS
Bradley, Teigan Haddon Heights HS
Watson, Dyheim Gloucester Catholic HS
Bennett, Nyeim Collingswood HS
Blount, Randall Collingswood HS
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Division 1 Boys Triple Jump 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gamble, Justice 43-0 Sterling HS
James, Ryan 41-6.75 Gloucester City HS
Holloway, Marquis 39-10 Sterling HS
Furlong, Adam 39-7.5 Haddon Heights HS
Stabinski, Christian 39-1 Haddon Heights HS
Frazier, Josh 38-9.25 Overbrook HS
Semiraglio, Thomas 37-11 Bishop Eustace Prep
Klaus, Weston 36-7.75 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Freeman, Joshua 36-4 Haddon Heights HS
Birdwell, Nathan 35-11.5 Haddon Township HS
Ferguson, Elijah 35-8 Collingswood HS
Brasteter, Quinn 35-5.5 Audubon HS
Pritchett, Josh 35-1.75 Collingswood HS
Little, Cole 35-0 Gloucester City HS
Johnston, Cole 33-2 Haddon Township HS
Moran, Joseph 32-2 Audubon HS
Mazzone, Joseph 31-0 Audubon HS
Frye, Jake 30-9.5 Bishop Eustace Prep
Pescatore, Christian 30-7.5 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Nicholls, Brant 29-6.75 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Corbin, Derrick Overbrook HS
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Division 1 Girls 100 Meter Dash 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Laumer, Bella Gloucester Catholic HS
Okeke, Whitney Lindenwold HS
Santomauro, Lilli 12.20 Haddon Township HS
Kamp, Chloe 12.57 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Bovell, Elena 12.67 Haddon Heights HS
Joseph, Leeya 12.76 Sterling HS
Pinkerton, Nicolette 12.96 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Minor, Molly 13.16 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Garcia, Aisha 13.30h Sterling HS
Bresch, Hailey 13.32 Haddon Township HS
Gamble, Jessiah 13.34 Sterling HS
Pietruszka, Sammantha 13.39 The King's Christian School
Perez, Gianna 13.40h Sterling HS
Criss, Jayla 13.41 Haddon Heights HS
Repolio, Brainne 13.48 Haddon Heights HS
Kamulda, Alli 13.50 Haddon Township HS
Nordlien, Maja 13.50 Collingswood HS
Bunnell, Madison 13.58 Collingswood HS
Flemming, Kyla 13.70 Gloucester City HS
Vukovic-Gartlan, Mia 13.78 Collingswood HS
Hepburn, Amaya 13.85 Bishop Eustace Prep
Bolan, Egypt 13.91 Lindenwold HS
Owens, Charlie 13.95 Audubon HS
Howard, Cionni 14.01 Audubon HS
Waysome, Makayla 14.02 Camden Catholic HS
Pollard, Christin 14.03 Bishop Eustace Prep
Evans, Gianna 14.11 Gloucester City HS
Irvin, Alexandria 14.24 Camden Catholic HS
Clark, Rylee 14.25 Overbrook HS
Kaloustian, Sophia 14.55 Bishop Eustace Prep
Ewing, Erin 14.64 Audubon HS
Zachary-Hairston, Nalae 14.79 Overbrook HS
Lucier, Allison 14.86 Overbrook HS
Waitimyer, Sofia 15.13 The King's Christian School
DeShazo, Kamilyah 15.28 Bishop Eustace Prep
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Division 1 Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Barnes, Samajah Overbrook HS
Adams, Audrey 16.18 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Coleman, Nylah 16.50h Sterling HS
McConnell, Mia 16.75 Collingswood HS
Zacamy, Quin 16.96 Haddon Heights HS
Butrica, Elizabeth 17.20h Audubon HS
Curran, Elise 17.70 Haddon Township HS
Douglas, Caroline 18.31 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Powers, Emily 18.50h Audubon HS
Connor, Avery 18.72 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Foster, Alexa 18.95 Camden Catholic HS
Lovett, Siehra 19.57 Overbrook HS
Evans, Gianna 19.67 Gloucester City HS
Musciano, Marly 19.71 Collingswood HS
Earney, Caitlin 19.89 Bishop Eustace Prep
Spearman, Jordyn 20.14 Sterling HS
Cooper, Zaryn 20.32 Overbrook HS
Accardi, Siena 20.78 Camden Catholic HS
Clark, Cecelia 20.88 Collingswood HS
James, Shylah 21.13 Gloucester City HS
Burnham, Lucia 21.24 Haddon Township HS
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Division 1 Girls 1600 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Yucis, Sarafina Gloucester Catholic HS
Thomas, Ava 5:04.13 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Usher, Helene 5:12.47 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Slootsky, Riley 5:15.74 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Coppolino, Cara 5:24.69 Sterling HS
Fayer, Riley 5:25.00h Audubon HS
Stolarick, Anna 5:25.63 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Cane, Arianna 5:28.30 Bishop Eustace Prep
Cicchini, Elena 5:30.43 Bishop Eustace Prep
Adames, Jonalee 5:31.11 Sterling HS
Kazemi, Anya 5:32.34 Bishop Eustace Prep
Gentlesk, Genevieve 5:37.55 Haddon Township HS
Forrest, Madeline 5:40.00 Collingswood HS
Duffy, Grace 5:40.75 Haddon Heights HS
Kemery, Blake 5:43.28 Haddon Township HS
Carter, Madelin 5:45.00 Audubon HS
Straight, Macie 5:48.00 Collingswood HS
Tisera, Jennifer 5:48.34 Sterling HS
Owens, Mary Kate 5:57.70 Audubon HS
Munn, Mia 6:03.96 Audubon HS
Dunne, Carlie 6:21.99 Camden Catholic HS
Presenza, Donna 6:24.08 Bishop Eustace Prep
Yucis, Antonia 6:33.69 Gloucester Catholic HS
Sherwin, Ella 6:34.73 Haddon Township HS
Evans, Zarah 6:39.03 Overbrook HS
Thompson, Tiffany 6:40.38 Overbrook HS
Ramoundos, Aggeliki 6:47.25 Gloucester City HS
Diewert, Brynn 6:48.01 Camden Catholic HS
Still, Joeng So 6:50.12 Lindenwold HS
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Division 1 Girls 200 Meter Dash 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cooper, Zaryn Overbrook HS
Okeke, Whitney Lindenwold HS
Accardi, Siena Camden Catholic HS
Joseph, Leeya 25.62 Sterling HS
Kamp, Chloe 25.99 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Santomauro, Lilli 26.11 Haddon Township HS
Coleman, Nylah 26.16 Sterling HS
Bovell, Elena 26.26 Haddon Heights HS
Criss, Jordan 27.04 Haddon Heights HS
Minor, Molly 27.14 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Pinkerton, Nicolette 27.2 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Gamble, Jessiah 27.30h Sterling HS
Bresch, Hailey 27.54 Haddon Township HS
Criss, Jayla 27.74 Haddon Heights HS
Pietruszka, Sammantha 27.93 The King's Christian School
Murrow, Emily 28.00h Gloucester City HS
Collins, Kira 28.20h Audubon HS
Bittner, Arianna 28.40h Audubon HS
Bolan, Egypt 28.49 Lindenwold HS
Hepburn, Amaya 28.60h Bishop Eustace Prep
Jackson, Ayana 28.69 Camden Catholic HS
Pollard, Christin 28.70h Bishop Eustace Prep
Nelson, Alexis 29.00h Gloucester City HS
Howard, Cionni 29.10h Audubon HS
Clark, Rylee 29.16 Overbrook HS
Bunnell, Madison 29.50 Collingswood HS
Vukovic-Gartlan, Mia 29.50 Collingswood HS
Irvin, Alexandria 29.57 Camden Catholic HS
Kaloustian, Sophia 29.90 Bishop Eustace Prep
Ajayi, Eniola 29.92 Lindenwold HS
Pressley, Ja'el 30.57 Overbrook HS
Weber, Gracie 30.75 Haddon Township HS
Reid, Ronniah 30.93 Haddon Township HS
Lucier, Allison 30.97 Overbrook HS
Waitimyer, Sofia 31.96 The King's Christian School
DeShazo, Kamilyah 31.98 Bishop Eustace Prep
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Division 1 Girls 3200 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cane, Arianna Bishop Eustace Prep
Carter, Madelin Audubon HS
Thomas, Ava 11:02.19 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Usher, Helene 11:13.53 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Cicchini, Elena 11:31.00 Bishop Eustace Prep
Slootsky, Riley 11:36.71 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Fayer, Riley 11:40 Audubon HS
Ponnappan, Nilaa 11:45.16 Camden Catholic HS
Coppolino, Cara 11:52.90 Sterling HS
Adames, Jonalee 11:52.92 Sterling HS
Stolarick, Anna 12:20.25 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Forrest, Madeline 12:23.81 Collingswood HS
Straight, Macie 12:23.81 Collingswood HS
Gandolfo-Lucia, Catey 12:32.01 Haddon Heights HS
Gentlesk, Genevieve 12:37.85 Haddon Township HS
McGuire, Mary 12:40.80 Audubon HS
Munn, Mia 13:25.00 Audubon HS
Smith, Catherine 14:18.90 Haddon Township HS
Evans, Zarah 15:02.56 Overbrook HS
Thompson, Tiffany 17:19.29 Overbrook HS
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Division 1 Girls 400 Meter Dash 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Clark, Rylee Overbrook HS
Madjeska, Abigail Haddon Township HS
Coleman, Nylah 1:00.02 Sterling HS
Brown, Ayanna 1:00.37 Sterling HS
Spellmeyer, Thea 1:00.80 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Minor, Molly 1:01.00h Haddonfield Memorial HS
Frazier, Jordan 1:02.00h Sterling HS
McConnell, Mia 1:02.01 Collingswood HS
Verdone, Gabriella 1:02.01 Collingswood HS
Weideman, Sara 1:02.14 Haddon Township HS
Ammon, Makenna 1:02.80h Audubon HS
Collins, Kira 1:03.50h Audubon HS
Harris, Cameron 1:04.30 Gloucester City HS
Jackson, Ayana 1:05.37 Camden Catholic HS
Birdwell, Casey 1:05.51 Haddon Township HS
Cooper, Zaryn 1:06.00 Overbrook HS
Vukovic-Gartlan, Mia 1:06.01 Collingswood HS
Still, Phallen 1:06.01 Collingswood HS
Dunk, Cassidy 1:06.16 Bishop Eustace Prep
McGarigel, Lucy 1:06.73 Haddon Township HS
Miller, Hayley 1:07.07 Gloucester City HS
Hastings, Emily 1:07.70 Haddon Heights HS
Lucier, Allison 1:07.93 Overbrook HS
Ponnappan, Kuyill 1:08.06 Camden Catholic HS
Baines-Bulter, Kamaya 1:08.14 Lindenwold HS
Ajayi, Eniola 1:10.26 Lindenwold HS
Zachary-Hairston, Nalae 1:12.15 Overbrook HS
Panvini, Sierra 1:15.16 Bishop Eustace Prep
Okeke, Whitney 1:15.23 Lindenwold HS
Musalier, Ashley 1:17.61 Lindenwold HS
DeGour, Mary 1:17.80 Bishop Eustace Prep
Marshall, Estella 1:20.04 Bishop Eustace Prep
Kamp, Chloe 59.42 Haddonfield Memorial HS
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Division 1 Girls 400 Meter Hurdles 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McConnell, Mia 1:04.99 Collingswood HS
Malcarney, Grace 1:05.92 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Coleman, Nylah 1:06.00h Sterling HS
Adams, Audrey 1:07.52 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Brown, Ayanna 1:08.32 Sterling HS
Rizzo, Ava 1:09.5 Audubon HS
Bittner, Arianna 1:09.5 Audubon HS
Carey, Maya 1:11.33 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Jaconetti, Annabella 1:12.34 Haddon Heights HS
Musciano, Marly 1:16.13 Collingswood HS
Farnham, Sammy 1:17.91 Haddon Township HS
Clark, Cecelia 1:22.27 Collingswood HS
Kay, Mallory 1:23.97 Haddon Township HS
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Division 1 Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Lindenwold HS
Relay Team A Haddon Heights HS
Relay Team A 4:05.00h Sterling HS
Relay Team A 4:09.17 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Relay Team A 4:12.50 Collingswood HS
Relay Team A 4:21.88 Haddon Township HS
Relay Team A 4:53.59 Bishop Eustace Prep
Relay Team A 5:09.66 Gloucester City HS
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Division 1 Girls 800 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fayer, Riley Audubon HS
Yucis, Antonia Gloucester Catholic HS
Clear, Leah 2:20.28 Camden Catholic HS
Miller, Sabrina 2:20.29 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Thomas, Ava 2:20.84 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Spellmeyer, Thea 2:21.68 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Stolarick, Anna 2:23.00h Haddonfield Memorial HS
Weideman, Sara 2:24.53 Haddon Township HS
Lex, Meghan 2:27.19 Haddon Township HS
Kazemi, Anya 2:27.68 Bishop Eustace Prep
Rizzo, Ava 2:28.00h Audubon HS
Carter, Madelin 2:28.00h Audubon HS
Simpson, Elyse 2:30.10h Sterling HS
Patruno, Isabella 2:31.73 Sterling HS
Tisera, Jennifer 2:33.00h Sterling HS
McGarigel, Lucy 2:38.03 Haddon Township HS
Bell, Cadence 2:38.59 Collingswood HS
Dunn, Kayla 2:39.10 Camden Catholic HS
Forrest, Madeline 2:43.66 Collingswood HS
Davenport, Grace 2:50.00 Collingswood HS
Panvini, Sierra 2:50.00h Bishop Eustace Prep
Presenza, Donna 2:51.11 Bishop Eustace Prep
DeGour, Mary 2:57.37 Bishop Eustace Prep
Zachary-Hairston, Nalae 3:00.46 Overbrook HS
Mendoza, Khamila 3:02.66 Overbrook HS
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Division 1 Girls Discus 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Santiago, Catalina 99-3 Gloucester City HS
Bowman, Unique 94-3 Lindenwold HS
Caul, Jordyn 92-1 Sterling HS
Stanilla, Emalie 90-8 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Conway, Laurel 87-0 Sterling HS
DeWalt, Ashe 86-9 Sterling HS
Agyei-Sam, Nana 85-9 Lindenwold HS
Faulk, Charlotte 82-6 Bishop Eustace Prep
Evans, Sarah 79-7 Overbrook HS
Ruth, Amundam 78-9 Lindenwold HS
Malcarney, Clare 77-11 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Kamulda, Maddie 76-3 Haddon Township HS
Barnes, Samajah 75-1 Overbrook HS
Witherington, Finola 72-5 Audubon HS
Rendfrey, Jordyn 71-3 Camden Catholic HS
Kelii, Anela 68-3 Audubon HS
McCracken, Jayden 67-6 Audubon HS
Wilson, Deon 67-6 Lindenwold HS
Whitham, Olivia 65-9 Haddon Heights HS
DeShazo, Kamilyah 63-0 Bishop Eustace Prep
Barger, Maya 62-3 Bishop Eustace Prep
Burnham, Lucia 60-2 Haddon Township HS
Bowerman, Olivia 57-6 Haddon Township HS
Mancinelli, Sophia Collingswood HS
Bell, Kendall Collingswood HS
Nussbaum, Josie Haddon Heights HS
Williams, Tyasia Overbrook HS
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Division 1 Girls High Jump 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Logan, Jenovia 5-6 Sterling HS
Patruno, Isabella 5-2 Sterling HS
Bolan, Egypt 5-0 Lindenwold HS
Kamulda, Alli 5-0 Haddon Township HS
McGary, Jessica 4-10 Haddon Township HS
Nelson, Alexis 4-10 Gloucester City HS
Adams, Audrey 4-10 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Malcarney, Grace 4-10 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Baines-Bulter, Kamaya 4-8 Lindenwold HS
Douglas, Caroline 4-8 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Waysome, Makayla 4-6 Camden Catholic HS
Butrica, Elizabeth 4-6 Audubon HS
Laxton, Julianna 4-6 Audubon HS
Birdwell, Casey 4-6 Haddon Township HS
Bittner, Arianna 4-4 Audubon HS
Barnes, Samajah 4-4 Overbrook HS
Connor, Avery 4-4 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Vassalluzzo, Sophia 4-2 Collingswood HS
Nordlien, Maja Collingswood HS
Still, Phallen Collingswood HS
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Division 1 Girls Javelin 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Conway, Laurel 104-4 Sterling HS
Kamulda, Maddie 94-1 Haddon Township HS
Geiger, Moira 92-4 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Revaitis, Camilla 87-8 Sterling HS
Santiago, Catalina 86-10 Gloucester City HS
McGarigel, Lucy 81-0 Haddon Township HS
Dunnings, Maya 80-0 Sterling HS
Giegerich, Gianna 76-2 Camden Catholic HS
Kuball, Katerina 75-1 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Ruth, Amundam 71-5 Lindenwold HS
Waverly, Marish 70-8 Collingswood HS
Turnage, Emily 69-2 Haddonfield Memorial HS
McMullen, Genevieve 66-9 Camden Catholic HS
Erwin, Riley 64-7 Audubon HS
Wilson, Deon 62-2 Lindenwold HS
Pressley, Ja'el 60-10 Overbrook HS
Bell, Kendall 57-10 Collingswood HS
Rendfrey, Jordyn 55-7 Camden Catholic HS
Barger, Maya 52-5 Bishop Eustace Prep
Agyei-Sam, Nana 44-3 Lindenwold HS
Reynolds, Kayla 42-6 Overbrook HS
Bowman, Unique Lindenwold HS
Repolio, Brainne Haddon Heights HS
Faulk, Charlotte Bishop Eustace Prep
DeShazo, Kamilyah Bishop Eustace Prep
Witherington, Finola Audubon HS
Nussbaum, Josie Haddon Heights HS
Rowe, Nevaeh Overbrook HS
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Division 1 Girls Long Jump 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Logan, Jenovia 17-10 Sterling HS
Bresch, Hailey 16-10.75 Haddon Township HS
Kamp, Chloe 16-6 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Pinkerton, Nicolette 16-4 Haddonfield Memorial HS
McGary, Jessica 15-11 Haddon Township HS
Bunnell, Madison 15-8.25 Collingswood HS
Flemming, Kyla 15-7 Gloucester City HS
Hauser, Caroline 15-5.75 Audubon HS
Lovett, Siehra 15-4.5 Overbrook HS
Dunnings, Maya 15-1 Sterling HS
Minor, Molly 14-10.25 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Collins, Kira 14-9 Audubon HS
Hepburn, Amaya 14-7.5 Bishop Eustace Prep
Foster, Alexa 14-6.25 Camden Catholic HS
Bell, Cadence 13-8.25 Collingswood HS
Pressley, Ja'el 13-4 Overbrook HS
Kaloustian, Sophia 13-2.5 Bishop Eustace Prep
Stephens, Jordyn Collingswood HS
Nordlien, Maja Collingswood HS
Narolewski, Lauren Gloucester Catholic HS
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Division 1 Girls Pole Vault 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bompensa, Mia 10-3 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Daverso, Beatrice 9-6 Camden Catholic HS
Levins, Emersen 9-6 Haddon Township HS
Zacamy, Quin 9-6 Haddon Heights HS
Butrica, Elizabeth 8-6 Audubon HS
Hoover, Rebecca 7-6 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Farnham, Sammy 7-6 Haddon Township HS
Kamulda, Alli 6-6 Haddon Township HS
Repetto, Isabella 6-0 Audubon HS
Michailovsky, Diana Bishop Eustace Prep
DeGour, Mary Bishop Eustace Prep
Presenza, Donna Bishop Eustace Prep
Cislo, Abigail Collingswood HS
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Division 1 Girls Shot Put 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Caul, Jordyn 37-2 Sterling HS
DeWalt, Ashe 33-8.25 Sterling HS
Santiago, Catalina 32-0.5 Gloucester City HS
Wilson, Deon 30-11.5 Lindenwold HS
Stanilla, Emalie 29-5.5 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Bowman, Unique 28-11 Lindenwold HS
McCracken, Jayden 28-9 Audubon HS
Geiger, Moira 28-5.25 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Whitham, Olivia 27-9.5 Haddon Heights HS
Kamulda, Maddie 26-10 Haddon Township HS
Reynolds, Kayla 26-8.5 Overbrook HS
Burnham, Lucia 26-3 Haddon Township HS
Bowerman, Olivia 25-9.5 Haddon Township HS
Barger, Maya 25-8.5 Bishop Eustace Prep
McMullen, Genevieve 25-6.25 Camden Catholic HS
Pressley, Ja'el 25-1.5 Overbrook HS
Agyei-Sam, Nana 24-11 Lindenwold HS
DeShazo, Kamilyah 24-3.75 Bishop Eustace Prep
Ruth, Amundam 24-0.5 Lindenwold HS
Rendfrey, Jordyn 23-2 Camden Catholic HS
Bell, Kendall 22-8 Collingswood HS
Hartshaw, Ellen 22-8 The King's Christian School
Evans, Sarah 22-5.5 Overbrook HS
Anderson, Tatiana 21-9 Haddon Township HS
Faulk, Charlotte 20-3 Bishop Eustace Prep
Mancinelli, Sophia Collingswood HS
Witherington, Finola Audubon HS
Nussbaum, Josie Haddon Heights HS
Rowe, Nevaeh Overbrook HS
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Division 1 Girls Triple Jump 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Logan, Jenovia 37-11.5 Sterling HS
Brown, Ayanna 35-7 Sterling HS
McGary, Jessica 33-10.5 Haddon Township HS
Lovett, Siehra 32-4.5 Overbrook HS
Flemming, Kyla 31-11.25 Gloucester City HS
Hauser, Caroline 31-8.5 Audubon HS
Butrica, Elizabeth 31-3.5 Audubon HS
Connor, Avery 31-0.25 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Laxton, Julianna 30-10.25 Audubon HS
Douglas, Caroline 30-2 Haddonfield Memorial HS
Hepburn, Amaya 27-10 Bishop Eustace Prep
Kaloustian, Sophia 26-10 Bishop Eustace Prep
Pressley, Ja'el 24-9.5 Overbrook HS
Still, Phallen Collingswood HS
Nordlien, Maja Collingswood HS
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Division 2 Boys 100 Meter Dash 43 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Long, Braheem Camden HS
Cobbs, Dhani Camden HS
Jennings, Elijah 10.84 Pennsauken HS
Hollimon, Phillip 11.01 Winslow Township HS
Dixon, Rajahn 11.02 Eastern Regional HS
Frazier, Tytan 11.1 Timber Creek Reg. HS
murray, asa 11.16 Highland Reg HS
Schexnayder, Dan 11.20 Cherry Hill West HS
Johnson, Je'Von 11.21 Winslow Township HS
Jamison, Julian 11.21 Eastern Regional HS
Miller, Xavier Lynell 11.30 Highland Reg HS
Miller, Cameron 11.37 Winslow Township HS
Whitmore, Bronze 11.38 Pennsauken HS
Long , Jalen 11.38 Eastside HS - Camden
stewart, avant 11.40 Highland Reg HS
Ali, KaRon 11.40 Pennsauken HS
Ndirangu, Erastus 11.41 Camden Co. V/T (Sicklerville)
Bailey, Austin 11.48 Paul VI HS
Saulters, Naseer 11.58 Triton Regional HS
Bittle, Jacob 11.59 Paul VI HS
Finney, Gabriel 11.6 Camden Co. V/T (Sicklerville)
Avery, Justice 11.6 Triton Regional HS
Purnell, Terrell 11.60 Highland Reg HS
Love, Will 11.65 Eastside HS - Camden
Gayle, Tymir 11.65 Cherry Hill East HS
Moore, Christian 11.66 Timber Creek Reg. HS
McDade, Dejon 11.7 Camden Co. V/T (Sicklerville)
Marcellus, Isiah 11.70 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Travaglini, Justin 11.70 Triton Regional HS
Munford, Christian 11.72 Winslow Township HS
Lee, Denzel 11.75 Cherry Hill East HS
Keshen, Mounir 11.83 Paul VI HS
Khan, Kysim 11.85 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Daniels, Ky-Mani 11.85 Cherry Hill West HS
Kromer, Michael 11.9 Paul VI HS
Fisher , Nasir 11.90 Eastside HS - Camden
Mailman, Zachary 11.96 Cherry Hill East HS
Donaldson, Leon 11.97 Cherry Hill East HS
O'neal, Dashon 11.97 Eastside HS - Camden
Harper, Mekhi 12 Camden Co. V/T (Sicklerville)
Clary, Antonio 12.0 Triton Regional HS
Taylor, Christian 12.07 Cherry Hill West HS
Reyes, Carlos 12.85 Cherry Hill West HS
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Division 2 Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Devine, Joseph Camden HS
Taylor, Curtis Camden HS
Tucker, Bryce 14.12 Pennsauken HS
Frazier, Tytan 15.28 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Casa, Noah 15.50 Cherry Hill West HS
Oleaga, Carlos 15.52 Eastern Regional HS
Cade, Darien 15.70 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Wall, Jaylen 15.77 Winslow Township HS
Peterson, Jamil 15.85 Winslow Township HS
Bailey , Kamarion 16.52 Eastside HS - Camden
Bunting, Zymire 16.72 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Miller, Cameron 16.77 Winslow Township HS
Driggins, Jamir 16.90 Highland Reg HS
Money, Marcus 17.15 Highland Reg HS
Okpara, Kel 17.51 Paul VI HS
Sonnebeyatta, Jabari 17.51 Paul VI HS
Parker, Noah 17.54 Cherry Hill East HS
brown, brymir 17.56 Highland Reg HS
Robinson, Chase 17.70h Paul VI HS
Lyons, Jayden 17.86 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Harripersad, Ezekiel 17.91 Highland Reg HS
Marsh, Richard 17.96 Cherry Hill East HS
Carlson, Jacob 18.00h Cherry Hill West HS
Lisboa, Henry 18.46 Eastside HS - Camden
McMillan, Khai 19.00h Cherry Hill West HS
Fructuoso Sosa, Jamal 20.1 Camden Co. V/T (Sicklerville)
Ola, Theo 20.67 Eastern Regional HS
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Division 2 Boys 1600 Meter Run 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Velez, Ryan Winslow Township HS
Muhammad, Shaheem Winslow Township HS
Bogos, Brody 4:25.17 Cherry Hill East HS
Karcsh, Owen 4:27.51 Eastern Regional HS
Wakefield, Robert 4:28 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Webb, Cortland 4:30.0 Highland Reg HS
Greenberg, Ari 4:30.55 Cherry Hill East HS
Wigginton, Joseph 4:32.02 Paul VI HS
Smith, Jake 4:34.0 Highland Reg HS
Wence, Ethan 4:34.15 Triton Regional HS
Muhammad-Kane, Aziz 4:35.88 Highland Reg HS
Oquendo, Joel 4:38.00h Pennsauken HS
Guidarelli, Raine 4:38.14 Cherry Hill East HS
Raman, Nikhil 4:45.05 Cherry Hill East HS
Dopkin, Andrew 4:50.24 Highland Reg HS
Rich, Julian 4:50.63 Camden Co. V/T (Sicklerville)
Mack, Nick 4:53.92 Triton Regional HS
Bassey, Dominic 4:56.41 Winslow Township HS
Alemi, Sean 4:56.41 Paul VI HS
Oquendo, Jason 4:56.59 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Gruen, Kevin 4:56.65 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Keet, Liam 5:00.30 Eastern Regional HS
Reyes, Joel 5:01.00h Triton Regional HS
Takakjy, Rex 5:03.25 Cherry Hill West HS
Lenny, Vincenzo 5:06.13 Cherry Hill West HS
Breeze, Dylan 5:08.67 Cherry Hill West HS
Chestnut, Marquai 5:10.00 Pennsauken HS
Harrell, Brian 5:10.00 Pennsauken HS
Harris, Brody 5:19.29 Winslow Township HS
Garfalo, Michael 5:22.10 Triton Regional HS
Worrell, Aiden 5:25 Cherry Hill West HS
Pancoast, Ryan 5:26.23 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Collazzo, Robert 5:27.44 Paul VI HS
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Division 2 Boys 200 Meter Dash 42 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brownlee, Jawan Camden HS
Wilson, James Winslow Township HS
Martin, Micah Highland Reg HS
Rivera, Rafael Camden Co. V/T (Sicklerville)
Wynn, Premier 21.70 Pennsauken HS
Dixon, Rajahn 21.96 Eastern Regional HS
Jennings, Elijah 22.19 Pennsauken HS
Frazier, Tytan 22.2 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Pratt-Adams, Quentin 22.5 Winslow Township HS
Ali, Nasir 22.52 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Lee, Azir 22.63 Camden HS
Marcellus, Isiah 22.76 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Whitmore, Bronze 22.84 Pennsauken HS
Long , Jalen 22.90h Eastside HS - Camden
Miller, Xavier Lynell 22.92 Highland Reg HS
Ali, KaRon 23.00 Pennsauken HS
Johnson, Je'Von 23.1 Winslow Township HS
Matthews, Ben 23.12 Cherry Hill East HS
Daniels, Ky-Mani 23.20 Cherry Hill West HS
Brookins, Karon 23.22 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Arelquin, Michael 23.31 Highland Reg HS
Purnell, Terrell 23.44 Highland Reg HS
Jamison, Julian 23.44h Eastern Regional HS
Schexnayder, Dan 23.49 Cherry Hill West HS
Miller, Cameron 23.49 Winslow Township HS
Anderson , Montel 23.50 Eastside HS - Camden
Saulters, Naseer 23.52 Triton Regional HS
Harris, Justin 23.60 Paul VI HS
Bittle, Jacob 23.63 Paul VI HS
Mailman, Zachary 23.80 Cherry Hill East HS
Bailey , Kamarion 23.90 Eastside HS - Camden
Travaglini, Justin 24.00 Triton Regional HS
Ali III, Rasheed 24.00h Paul VI HS
Martino, Joshuah 24.37 Triton Regional HS
Smith, Kyle 24.42 Paul VI HS
Taylor, Christian 24.6 Cherry Hill West HS
McDade, Dejon 24.7 Camden Co. V/T (Sicklerville)
Donaldson, Leon 24.76 Cherry Hill East HS
Finney, Gabriel 24.8 Camden Co. V/T (Sicklerville)
Avery, Justice 24.80h Triton Regional HS
Brown, Roger 24.90 Eastside HS - Camden
Fowler, Ronan 25.50 Cherry Hill West HS
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Division 2 Boys 3200 Meter Run 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Velez, Ryan Winslow Township HS
Oquendo, Jason Timber Creek Reg. HS
Wassell, Mason 10:00.0 Highland Reg HS
Guidarelli, Raine 10:08.40 Cherry Hill East HS
Raman, Nikhil 10:10.74 Cherry Hill East HS
Haefele, Ryan 10:26 Eastern Regional HS
Rich, Julian 10:38.28 Camden Co. V/T (Sicklerville)
Houck, Matthew 10:40.61 Paul VI HS
Gruen, Kevin 10:45 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Alemi, Sean 10:45.63 Paul VI HS
Mack, Nick 10:48.75 Triton Regional HS
Napoli, Christian 10:50.00 Paul VI HS
Miller, Matthew 11:10.00 Paul VI HS
Pancoast, Ryan 11:15 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Fox, Justin 11:18 Eastern Regional HS
Rodriguez, Jonathan 11:30.00 Pennsauken HS
Leza, Gilberto 11:31.18 Winslow Township HS
Harris, Brody 11:32.07 Winslow Township HS
Martin, James 11:38.00 Cherry Hill West HS
Garfalo, Michael 11:43.00 Triton Regional HS
Colon, Yaniel 11:55.08 Pennsauken HS
Breeze, Dylan 12:12.90 Cherry Hill West HS
Worrell, Aiden 12:30 Cherry Hill West HS
Wence, Ethan 9:46.70 Triton Regional HS
Muhammad-Kane, Aziz 9:47.92 Highland Reg HS
Knoedler, Cole 9:51.23 Highland Reg HS
Wakefield, Robert 9:52.70 Timber Creek Reg. HS
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Division 2 Boys 400 Meter Dash 38 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Braxton, Christian Camden HS
Martin, Micah Highland Reg HS
Steeley, Jeremiah Camden HS
Wynn, Premier 47.86 Pennsauken HS
Tucker, Bryce 48.33 Pennsauken HS
Ali, Nasir 50.03 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Bassey, Dominic 50.28 Winslow Township HS
Ali, KaRon 50.51 Pennsauken HS
Pratt-Adams, Quentin 50.60 Winslow Township HS
Owusu-Twum, Prince 51.20h Winslow Township HS
Frazier, Tytan 51.3 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Dominguez, Julius 51.36 Eastside HS - Camden
Marcellus, Isiah 51.6 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Casa, Noah 51.60h Cherry Hill West HS
Ajaegbulemh, Uchechukwu 51.65 Winslow Township HS
Khan, Kysim 52.08 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Love, Will 52.50 Eastside HS - Camden
Okpara, Kel 52.62 Paul VI HS
Mulbah, Dewin 52.79 Highland Reg HS
Shaw, Trey 52.90 Cherry Hill East HS
Benson, Christian 53.08 Highland Reg HS
Travaglini, Justin 53.27 Triton Regional HS
Jenter, Landon 53.36 Eastern Regional HS
Shakir, Talib 53.50h Eastside HS - Camden
Ciullo, Hayden 53.69 Paul VI HS
Cruz, Gilberto 53.75 Cherry Hill West HS
Stephens, Alex 53.85 Paul VI HS
Martino, Joshuah 54.11 Triton Regional HS
Taylor, Jack 54.12 Paul VI HS
Weipz, Dylan 54.22 Eastern Regional HS
Saulters, Naseer 54.76 Triton Regional HS
Avery, Justice 55.00h Triton Regional HS
Purnell, Terrell 55.00h Highland Reg HS
Taylor, Christian 57.30h Cherry Hill West HS
D'Ambra, Luke 57.45 Cherry Hill West HS
Vargas-Trinidad, Leo 57.5 Camden Co. V/T (Sicklerville)
Rivera, Rafael 58 Camden Co. V/T (Sicklerville)
Brown , Abdullah 58.66 Eastside HS - Camden
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Division 2 Boys 400 Meter Hurdles 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Devine, Joseph Camden HS
Taylor, Curtis Camden HS
Adams, Zyin 1:00.00h Timber Creek Reg. HS
Harripersad, Ezekiel 1:02.19 Highland Reg HS
Peterson, Jamil 1:02.40 Winslow Township HS
Martino, Joshuah 1:02.87 Triton Regional HS
McMillan, Khai 1:03.70h Cherry Hill West HS
Mack, Nick 1:03.92 Triton Regional HS
Lyons, Jayden 1:04.50h Timber Creek Reg. HS
Shakir, Talib 1:04.69 Eastside HS - Camden
Ola, Theo 1:06 Eastern Regional HS
Bailey, Austin 1:06.00h Paul VI HS
Driggins, Jamir 1:07.26 Highland Reg HS
Lisboa, Henry 1:07.77 Eastside HS - Camden
Okpara, Kel 1:08.00h Paul VI HS
Rogers, Najae 1:09.00h Timber Creek Reg. HS
Fructuoso Sosa, Jamal 1:10.3 Camden Co. V/T (Sicklerville)
Mosley, Connor 1:11 Camden Co. V/T (Sicklerville)
Fowler, Ronan 1:13.07 Cherry Hill West HS
Tucker, Bryce 52.14 Pennsauken HS
Wynn, Premier 54.28 Pennsauken HS
Maklache , Ashraf 57.85 Cherry Hill East HS
Brookins, Karon 58.0 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Casa, Noah 58.00h Cherry Hill West HS
Wall, Jaylen 58.11 Winslow Township HS
Ajaegbulemh, Uchechukwu 58.3 Winslow Township HS
Webb, Cortland 58.79 Highland Reg HS
Bassey, Dominic 59.1 Winslow Township HS
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Division 2 Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:27.00h Pennsauken HS
Relay Team A 3:27.00h Timber Creek Reg. HS
Relay Team A 3:31.14 Eastern Regional HS
Relay Team A 3:31.26 Winslow Township HS
Relay Team A 3:32.46 Cherry Hill East HS
Relay Team A 3:32.99 Highland Reg HS
Relay Team A 3:35.95 Camden HS
Relay Team A 3:40.00h Cherry Hill West HS
Relay Team A 3:41.68 Paul VI HS
Relay Team A 3:45.00h Triton Regional HS
Relay Team A 3:46.06 Eastside HS - Camden
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Division 2 Boys 800 Meter Run 38 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Busbee, Antonio Camden HS
Wilson, Darren Camden HS
Tucker, Bryce 1:55.00 Pennsauken HS
Bassey, Dominic 1:56 Winslow Township HS
Wakefield, Robert 1:57.08 Timber Creek Reg. HS
McGrath, Ladanian 1:58.90 Pennsauken HS
McCurdy, Michael 1:58.95 Cherry Hill East HS
Mrozinski, Will 1:59 Paul VI HS
Greenberg, Ari 1:59.17 Cherry Hill East HS
Tepper, Peter 1:59.28 Cherry Hill East HS
Ali, Nasir 2:00.5 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Gallo, Gavin 2:01.16 Highland Reg HS
Bogos, Brody 2:01.18 Cherry Hill East HS
Muhammad-Kane, Aziz 2:01.8 Highland Reg HS
Wence, Ethan 2:02.44 Triton Regional HS
Smith, Jake 2:05.00h Highland Reg HS
Owusu-Twum, Prince 2:06.00h Winslow Township HS
Ajaegbulemh, Uchechukwu 2:09.33 Winslow Township HS
Oquendo, Jason 2:09.33 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Falk, Aden 2:10 Eastern Regional HS
Dopkin, Andrew 2:10.50h Highland Reg HS
Mack, Nick 2:10.61 Triton Regional HS
Smith, Tyler 2:10.92 Paul VI HS
Sirdashney, Nicholas 2:12 Eastern Regional HS
Ajaegbulemh, Chukwuemeka 2:15.47 Winslow Township HS
Martino, Joshuah 2:16.29 Triton Regional HS
Reyes, Joel 2:17.12 Triton Regional HS
Collazzo, Robert 2:17.91 Paul VI HS
Vargas-Trinidad, Leo 2:18.44 Camden Co. V/T (Sicklerville)
Takakjy, Rex 2:18.70 Cherry Hill West HS
Brown , Abdullah 2:18.77 Eastside HS - Camden
Figoroa, Aaron 2:20.00h Eastside HS - Camden
D'Ambra, Luke 2:20.00h Cherry Hill West HS
Tarrant, Sekou 2:20.61 Cherry Hill West HS
Logan, Yasir 2:20.69 Eastside HS - Camden
Chambers, Mathew 2:21.86 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Breeze, Dylan 2:26.50 Cherry Hill West HS
Evans, Artrill 2:27.01 Eastside HS - Camden
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Division 2 Boys Discus 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Higgs, Savien 148-6 Paul VI HS
Sweeney, Aidan 133-6 Cherry Hill East HS
Reddick, Jaheem 127-6 Eastside HS - Camden
Lubintus, Roseby 126-8 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Le, Aaron 123-3 Pennsauken HS
Mendoza, Jordan 122-1 Cherry Hill West HS
Keshen, Mounir 120-7.5 Paul VI HS
Williams, Cory 118-0 Winslow Township HS
Cade, Darien 117-3 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Farmer, Jayden 114-3 Pennsauken HS
Pryor, Anthony 112-4 Eastern Regional HS
Lytle, Isaiah 106-4 Eastside HS - Camden
Gonzalez, Zavier 102-4 Highland Reg HS
Carpenter, Immanuel 101-0 Cherry Hill West HS
Thompson, Elijah 100-0 Highland Reg HS
Bar, Guy 99-10 Cherry Hill East HS
Borromeo, Jacob 95-11 Eastern Regional HS
Caracciolo, Christopher 95-3 Paul VI HS
Longmire, Denase 95-1 Eastside HS - Camden
Ross, Jayson 92-6 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Jones, Miles 92-4 Triton Regional HS
Brown, Jo'Zyiah 82-0 Cherry Hill West HS
Hoff, Nolan 79-11 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Brown, Malachi 79-3 Winslow Township HS
Luong, Brandon 76-0 Cherry Hill West HS
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Division 2 Boys High Jump 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brookins, Karon 6-6 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Wall, Jaylen 6-4 Winslow Township HS
Baker, Tyshaun 6-4 Triton Regional HS
DeLeon, Jayden 6-2 Highland Reg HS
Oleaga, Carlos 6-0 Eastern Regional HS
Frazier, Tytan 5-10 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Gayle, Tymir 5-10 Cherry Hill East HS
Johnson, Je'Von 5-8 Winslow Township HS
McGrath, Ladanian 5-8 Pennsauken HS
Thomas, Isaiah 5-8 Paul VI HS
Carlson, Jacob 5-8 Cherry Hill West HS
Miller, Noah 5-6 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Williams, Lasan 5-4 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Avery, Justice 5-4 Triton Regional HS
McMillan, Khai 5-4 Cherry Hill West HS
harris, errick Highland Reg HS
stewart, avant Highland Reg HS
Shodolu, Abdulbasit Highland Reg HS
Torres, Mahjae Winslow Township HS
Devine, Joseph Camden HS
Miller, Cameron Winslow Township HS
Ferguson, Mazier Eastside HS - Camden
Fisher , Nasir Eastside HS - Camden
Back to Top

Division 2 Boys Javelin 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cade, Darien 170-6 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Wilson, James 152-2 Winslow Township HS
Jackson, Kristopher 149-1 Winslow Township HS
Higgs, Savien 147-9 Paul VI HS
Le, Aaron 146-2 Pennsauken HS
Jones, Miles 130-2 Triton Regional HS
Brooks, Aaden 128-9 Eastern Regional HS
Cruz, Gilberto 120-0 Cherry Hill West HS
Bickerdyke, Bobby 118-7 Eastern Regional HS
Caracciolo, Christopher 117-6 Paul VI HS
Karmade, David 113-3 Triton Regional HS
Hoff, Nolan 109-7 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Smith, Jaiden 107-4 Highland Reg HS
Le, Henry 106-2 Pennsauken HS
Cosme, Joel 96-8 Triton Regional HS
Henderson, Samuel 88-2 Cherry Hill West HS
Vasquez-Home, Joel 86-0 Cherry Hill West HS
Loper Jr, Tyrell 80-0 Paul VI HS
Morris, Tyler 75-9 Cherry Hill East HS
Ross, Jayson Timber Creek Reg. HS
Lubintus, Roseby Timber Creek Reg. HS
Bright, Tim Eastside HS - Camden
Lisboa, Henry Eastside HS - Camden
Brown, Roger Eastside HS - Camden
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Division 2 Boys Long Jump 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lee, Azir 21-8.25 Camden HS
Brookins, Karon 21-6 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Lemon, Sean 20-11.25 Triton Regional HS
Johnson, Je'Von 20-1 Winslow Township HS
Jennings, Elijah 19-7 Pennsauken HS
Ali, KaRon 19-5 Pennsauken HS
murray, asa 19-1 Highland Reg HS
Dominguez, Julius 19-0.5 Eastside HS - Camden
Hamilton-West, Kevin 18-6 Paul VI HS
Hollimon, Phillip 18-4.75 Winslow Township HS
Parker, Noah 18-4.75 Cherry Hill East HS
Virgilio, Samuel 18-4.5 Eastern Regional HS
Bailey, Austin 18-4 Paul VI HS
Frazier, Tytan 18-3.25 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Gayle, Tymir 18-0.5 Cherry Hill East HS
Hayes, King 18-0 Camden Co. V/T (Sicklerville)
brown, brymir 17-10.5 Highland Reg HS
Jones, Miles 17-9 Triton Regional HS
Kotsedakis, Anthony 17-6.5 Cherry Hill West HS
Harris, Justin 17-6.5 Paul VI HS
Williams, Lasan 17-5.5 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Bittle, Jacob 17-5 Paul VI HS
Young , Derek 17-3.5 Eastside HS - Camden
Evans, Artrill 16-8.75 Eastside HS - Camden
Fowler, Ronan 16-0 Cherry Hill West HS
CAMACHO, XAVIER 15-11 Highland Reg HS
Reyes, Carlos 15-7 Cherry Hill West HS
Miller, Noah Timber Creek Reg. HS
Miller, Xavier Lynell Highland Reg HS
Miller, Cameron Winslow Township HS
Redd, Malik Camden HS
Rothmiller, Zyaire Winslow Township HS
Bailey , Kamarion Eastside HS - Camden
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Division 2 Boys Pole Vault 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Luehrs, Jack 11-6 Cherry Hill East HS
Tishey, Kevin 10-6 Cherry Hill East HS
Berete, Sitta 9-6 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Karwowski, Noah 9-0 Triton Regional HS
Hui, Austin 8-0 Triton Regional HS
James, Jacoby Winslow Township HS
Cade, Darien Timber Creek Reg. HS
Perales, Christian Paul VI HS
Collazzo, Robert Paul VI HS
Back to Top

Division 2 Boys Shot Put 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cade, Darien 48-6 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Higgs, Savien 48-5.75 Paul VI HS
Ross, Jayson 44-11.5 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Reddick, Jaheem 44-8.5 Eastside HS - Camden
Keshen, Mounir 44-1 Paul VI HS
Lubintus, Roseby 42-4.75 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Farmer, Jayden 42-3.75 Pennsauken HS
Borromeo, Jacob 41-10.75 Eastern Regional HS
Jones, Isaiah 40-5 Pennsauken HS
Gonzalalez, Jeremy 39-1.5 Eastside HS - Camden
Bar, Guy 38-3.75 Cherry Hill East HS
Hatfield, Philip 37-9.75 Paul VI HS
Mendoza, Jordan 37-7.25 Cherry Hill West HS
Taylor, William 37-0 Highland Reg HS
Caracciolo, Christopher 36-2.75 Paul VI HS
Shanks, Mikal 36-2 Camden Co. V/T (Sicklerville)
Embrey, Jimmy 35-2.5 Eastern Regional HS
Sweeney, Aidan 35-1 Cherry Hill East HS
Allen, Dashon 35-1 Camden Co. V/T (Sicklerville)
Williams, Cory 34-7 Winslow Township HS
Brown, Malachi 33-5.75 Winslow Township HS
Hoff, Nolan 32-8.5 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Scott, Christopher 32-4 Cherry Hill West HS
Karmade, David 32-0.25 Triton Regional HS
Chavalier, Justin 30-6.75 Cherry Hill West HS
Brown, Jo'Zyiah 30-4.25 Cherry Hill West HS
Cosme, Joel 29-10.2 Triton Regional HS
Lytle, Isaiah Eastside HS - Camden
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Division 2 Boys Triple Jump 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brookins, Karon 40-11.5 Timber Creek Reg. HS
brown, brymir 40-11.25 Highland Reg HS
Dominguez, Julius 39-0 Eastside HS - Camden
Evans, Artrill 39-0 Eastside HS - Camden
Williams, Lasan 38-9 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Lemon, Sean 38-8 Triton Regional HS
DeLeon, Jayden 38-6.5 Highland Reg HS
harris, errick 37-7.5 Highland Reg HS
Simmons , Keon 37-1 Cherry Hill East HS
Atkins, Charles 36-3.5 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Carlson, Jacob 36-0 Cherry Hill West HS
Jones, Miles 35-11 Triton Regional HS
Bailey, Austin 35-8.5 Paul VI HS
Hamilton-West, Kevin 35-1 Paul VI HS
Pejavara, Siddarth 34-3 Cherry Hill East HS
Brown, Roger 33-10 Eastside HS - Camden
Jones, Deen 32-10 Winslow Township HS
Reyes, Carlos 32-8 Cherry Hill West HS
Kotsedakis, Anthony 32-0 Cherry Hill West HS
Mosley, Connor 30-9.5 Camden Co. V/T (Sicklerville)
Kostedakis, Anthony 30-2 Cherry Hill West HS
Shodolu, Abdulbasit 9-2 Highland Reg HS
Miller, Noah Timber Creek Reg. HS
Wall, Jaylen Winslow Township HS
Torres, Mahjae Winslow Township HS
Tucker, Nahmir Winslow Township HS
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Division 2 Girls 100 Meter Dash 45 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fooks-Benbow, Deonna Camden HS
Mims, Arian Camden HS
Jones, Naylah 12.05 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Brown, Briyel 12.27 Winslow Township HS
Jennings, Ryan 12.28 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Okaro, Olivia 12.47 Winslow Township HS
Jones, Chloe 12.60 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Gonter, Johnna 12.64h Eastern Regional HS
Magee, Claire 12.68 Paul VI HS
Dyer, Amina 12.70 Pennsauken HS
Jordan, Da'Ziyah 12.80h Triton Regional HS
Jones, Denirah 12.85 Camden HS
Lassiter, Nevaeh 12.90h Pennsauken HS
Jones, Nyla 12.97 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Tengbeh, Lomaria 13.00h Eastern Regional HS
Roark, Nevaeh 13.04h Eastern Regional HS
Maye, Kristin 13.05 Cherry Hill East HS
Fisher, Jaylin 13.12 Pennsauken HS
Kline, Charley 13.1h Camden Co. V/T (Sicklerville)
Morell, Lina 13.20 Pennsauken HS
Clement, Dominique 13.21 Winslow Township HS
Mordi, Janell 13.21 Cherry Hill East HS
Handy, Sierra 13.24 Winslow Township HS
Senior, Ila 13.2h Camden Co. V/T (Sicklerville)
Adankon, Hope 13.33 Cherry Hill East HS
Consilvio, Giavanna 13.38 Paul VI HS
Sutton, London 13.38 Highland Reg HS
Overton, Kayla 13.55 Cherry Hill West HS
Vessel-Priestley, Mercy 13.5h Camden Co. V/T (Sicklerville)
Diaz, Sasha 13.5h Camden Co. V/T (Sicklerville)
Purnell, Daejah 13.60h Triton Regional HS
Taylor, Jennah 13.61 Cherry Hill West HS
Brown, Anna Marie 13.62 Paul VI HS
Murray, Corey 13.76 Highland Reg HS
Black, Rachel 13.93 Paul VI HS
Griffin-Leyden, Samayah 13.98 Highland Reg HS
Kinard, Taniyah 14.16 Eastside HS - Camden
Swen, Elexis 14.43 Highland Reg HS
Darby, Syanhi 14.56 Triton Regional HS
Ward, Teena 14.81 Eastside HS - Camden
Kotsedakis, Erene 14.82 Cherry Hill West HS
Johnson, Britani 14.95 Cherry Hill West HS
Glover, Kealah 15.20 Camden HS
Vasquez, Cheyenne 15.26 Eastside HS - Camden
Colon, Jayla 16.00h Eastside HS - Camden
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Division 2 Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fooks-Benbow, Deonna Camden HS
Marshall, Janelle 15.09 Winslow Township HS
Pierre, Guerlande 15.31 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Brawner, Ma'Syiah 15.49 Winslow Township HS
Jones, Nyla 15.64 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Dumas, Natalie 16.04h Eastern Regional HS
McGinnis, Nadia 16.15 Cherry Hill East HS
Frazier, Billie 16.20 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Dupree, Olivia 16.49 Highland Reg HS
Holness, Kamryn 16.50h Winslow Township HS
Handy, Sierra 17.02 Winslow Township HS
Walker, Hasina 17.05 Camden HS
Taylor, Jennah 17.16 Cherry Hill West HS
Franks, Analia 17.27 Camden Co. V/T (Sicklerville)
Gerace, Mia 18.39 Cherry Hill West HS
Scrivanich, Giselle 18.94 Paul VI HS
Rellosa, Alana 19.08 Cherry Hill East HS
Greenberg, Brooke 19.13 Cherry Hill East HS
Haynes, Ashley 19.30 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Worley, Laila 19.52 Pennsauken HS
Doyle, Cara 19.87 Paul VI HS
Chambers, Carly 19.90h Paul VI HS
Kpaka, Mayatta 20.2 Camden Co. V/T (Sicklerville)
Pichardo, Jada 20.61 Pennsauken HS
Nwobu, Muna 21.73 Paul VI HS
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Division 2 Girls 1600 Meter Run 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Frazier, Billie Timber Creek Reg. HS
Haynes, Ashley Timber Creek Reg. HS
Wassell, Grace 5:04.57 Highland Reg HS
Dumas, Kadence 5:09.26 Eastern Regional HS
Huber, Macy 5:22.52 Paul VI HS
Conway, Shaelea 5:41.42 Cherry Hill East HS
Davidson, Ella 5:42.81 Cherry Hill East HS
Pedicelli, Madison 5:43.83 Paul VI HS
Billings, Reese 5:45.45 Cherry Hill West HS
Musmeci, Audrey 5:49.47 Highland Reg HS
Guillaume, Elaina 5:57.45 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Mosier, Maggie 5:59.00h Eastern Regional HS
Loverdi, Emi 6:04.30 Eastern Regional HS
Millner, Ava 6:06.21 Winslow Township HS
Foster, Starmarie 6:16.96 Highland Reg HS
Guerrero Sanchez, Priscilla 6:17.79 Highland Reg HS
Lassiter, Lakyra 6:20.00 Pennsauken HS
Serrano, Olivia 6:25.68 Cherry Hill West HS
Le, Catrina 6:34.72 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Lassiter, Makayla 6:35.00 Pennsauken HS
Bachwoski, Paige 6:37 Camden Co. V/T (Sicklerville)
Abejo, Jade 6:40.00h Cherry Hill West HS
Panchal, Brianna 6:45.76 Eastern Regional HS
Rondeau, Sydney 6:55.00h Cherry Hill West HS
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Division 2 Girls 200 Meter Dash 45 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fooks-Benbow, Deonna Camden HS
Dyer, Amina 25.20h Pennsauken HS
Jones, Naylah 25.46 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Okaro, Olivia 25.53 Winslow Township HS
Jennings, Ryan 25.59 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Dumas, Natalie 25.60 Eastern Regional HS
Marshall, Janelle 25.69 Winslow Township HS
Jones, Chloe 25.70 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Clement, Dominique 26.14 Winslow Township HS
Gonter, Johnna 26.47 Eastern Regional HS
Jones, Denirah 26.61 Camden HS
Puckett, Samiyah 26.68 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Mordi, Janell 26.71 Cherry Hill East HS
Jordan, Da'Ziyah 27.0 Triton Regional HS
Lassiter, Nevaeh 27.00h Pennsauken HS
Fisher, Jaylin 27.00h Pennsauken HS
Holness, Kamryn 27.10 Winslow Township HS
Maye, Kristin 27.17 Cherry Hill East HS
Brown, Anna Marie 27.23 Paul VI HS
Snyder, Jaiya 27.48 Camden HS
Rellosa, Alana 27.68 Cherry Hill East HS
Overton, Kayla 27.88 Cherry Hill West HS
Morell, Lina 27.90 Pennsauken HS
Edmonds, Nevaeh 28.07 Camden HS
Washington, Kyra 28.2 Cherry Hill West HS
Sutton, London 28.36 Highland Reg HS
Murray, Corey 28.40 Highland Reg HS
Ruiz, Nya 28.48 Cherry Hill West HS
Vessel-Priestley, Mercy 28.6 Camden Co. V/T (Sicklerville)
Griffin-Leyden, Samayah 28.61 Highland Reg HS
Kline, Charley 28.7h Camden Co. V/T (Sicklerville)
Consilvio, Giavanna 28.80h Paul VI HS
Medina, Olivia 28.83 Paul VI HS
Black, Rachel 28.88 Paul VI HS
Purnell, Daejah 29.00h Triton Regional HS
Eustace, Kasey 29.00h Eastern Regional HS
Caldwell, Kamryn 29.1 Camden Co. V/T (Sicklerville)
Kirk, Vivian 29.37 Cherry Hill West HS
Brittingham, Lanavieh 29.37 Eastside HS - Camden
Hamilton, Kariyah 29.58 Eastside HS - Camden
Jordan, Sejeida 29.69 Highland Reg HS
DeStefano, Angelina 30 Camden Co. V/T (Sicklerville)
Darby, Syanhi 30.79 Triton Regional HS
Vasquez, Cheyenne 31.10 Eastside HS - Camden
Hill, Olivia 31.54 Eastside HS - Camden
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Division 2 Girls 3200 Meter Run 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Le, Catrina Timber Creek Reg. HS
Abejo, Jade Cherry Hill West HS
McNally, Shaelan 10:53.46 Paul VI HS
Wassell, Grace 11:28.80 Highland Reg HS
Gutierrez, Lyana 12:28.08 Highland Reg HS
Mantuano, Giovanna 12:44.00 Paul VI HS
Feudtner, Cate 12:51.38 Cherry Hill East HS
Guillaume, Elaina 13:40.83 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Conway, Keira 13:58.83 Cherry Hill East HS
Costello, Addison 14:33.45 Highland Reg HS
Reyes, Lizbeth 14:45 Cherry Hill West HS
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Division 2 Girls 400 Meter Dash 42 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fooks-Benbow, Deonna Camden HS
Clement, Dominique 1:00.32 Winslow Township HS
Jones, Nyla 1:00.40h Timber Creek Reg. HS
Rodriguez, Ameenah 1:00.50 Pennsauken HS
Wassell, Grace 1:01.32 Highland Reg HS
Holness, Kamryn 1:01.32 Winslow Township HS
Walker, Hasina 1:01.71 Camden HS
Gordon, Nasira 1:02.1 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Kuroda, Mina 1:02.17 Cherry Hill East HS
Snyder, Jaiya 1:03.69 Camden HS
Kirk, Vivian 1:03.76 Cherry Hill West HS
Ruiz, Nya 1:04.26 Cherry Hill West HS
Puckett, Samiyah 1:04.32 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Short, Danielle 1:05 Cherry Hill West HS
Swen, Elexis 1:05.45 Highland Reg HS
Washington, Kyra 1:05.69 Cherry Hill West HS
Hatcher, Analyce 1:06.00 Pennsauken HS
Medina, Olivia 1:06.69 Paul VI HS
Campbell, Brooke 1:07.00h Triton Regional HS
Doyle, Cara 1:07.50 Paul VI HS
Edmonds, Nevaeh 1:07.75 Camden HS
Greene, Kiana 1:07.98 Pennsauken HS
Eustace, Kasey 1:08.00h Eastern Regional HS
Vessel-Priestley, Mercy 1:09 Camden Co. V/T (Sicklerville)
McCaully, Chole 1:09 Camden Co. V/T (Sicklerville)
Purnell, Daejah 1:09.00h Triton Regional HS
Mosier, Maggie 1:09.88 Eastern Regional HS
Hamilton, Kariyah 1:10.39 Eastside HS - Camden
Jordan, Sejeida 1:10.41 Highland Reg HS
Dominguez, Neima 1:14 Camden Co. V/T (Sicklerville)
Morsindi, Janiya 1:14 Camden Co. V/T (Sicklerville)
Brittingham, Lanavieh 1:16.10 Eastside HS - Camden
Kinard, Taniyah 1:17.74 Eastside HS - Camden
Jones, Chloe 57.28 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Dumas, Natalie 57.79 Eastern Regional HS
Dyer, Amina 58.75 Pennsauken HS
Magee, Claire 58.79 Paul VI HS
Puglisi, Giuliana 58.95 Cherry Hill East HS
Okaro, Olivia 59.00 Winslow Township HS
Brown, Anna Marie 59.06 Paul VI HS
Henry, Alana 59.33 Winslow Township HS
Griffin-Leyden, Samayah 68.5 Highland Reg HS
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Division 2 Girls 400 Meter Hurdles 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Edmonds, Nevaeh Camden HS
Dumas, Natalie 1:04.76 Eastern Regional HS
Marshall, Janelle 1:05.02 Winslow Township HS
Jones, Nyla 1:05.73 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Frazier, Billie 1:06.52 Timber Creek Reg. HS
McGinnis, Nadia 1:07.74 Cherry Hill East HS
Wiltshire, Ciara 1:08.37 Winslow Township HS
Dupree, Sanaya 1:08.75 Pennsauken HS
Walker, Hasina 1:08.89 Camden HS
Lewis, Julia 1:09 Cherry Hill West HS
Edwards, Jessenia 1:09.16 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Holness, Kamryn 1:09.23 Winslow Township HS
Doyle, Cara 1:10.08 Paul VI HS
Dupree, Olivia 1:11.00h Highland Reg HS
James, Makenzie 1:11.20 Eastern Regional HS
Rellosa, Alana 1:12.00h Cherry Hill East HS
Scrivanich, Giselle 1:14.00h Paul VI HS
Haynes, Ashley 1:14.69 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Franks, Analia 1:15.4 Camden Co. V/T (Sicklerville)
Greenberg, Brooke 1:15.42 Cherry Hill East HS
Nunyuie, Nana Yaa 1:17.00h Cherry Hill West HS
Gerace, Mia 1:17.11 Cherry Hill West HS
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Division 2 Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:00.00h Eastern Regional HS
Relay Team A 4:00.53 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Relay Team A 4:03.72 Winslow Township HS
Relay Team A 4:04.00 Pennsauken HS
Relay Team A 4:07.58 Cherry Hill East HS
Relay Team A 4:15.66 Paul VI HS
Relay Team A 4:18.36 Highland Reg HS
Relay Team A 4:18.98 Cherry Hill West HS
Relay Team A 4:20.93 Camden HS
Relay Team A 4:53.09 Eastside HS - Camden
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Division 2 Girls 800 Meter Run 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dumas, Kadence 2:14.59 Eastern Regional HS
Wassell, Grace 2:15.18 Highland Reg HS
Tepper, Alexis 2:17.72 Cherry Hill East HS
Dupree, Sanaya 2:26.00 Pennsauken HS
Phillips, Devin 2:27.00h Paul VI HS
Lewis, Julia 2:28 Cherry Hill West HS
Billings, Reese 2:29 Cherry Hill West HS
Henry, Alana 2:29.13 Winslow Township HS
Millner, Ava 2:29.25 Winslow Township HS
Rodriguez, Ameenah 2:30.00 Pennsauken HS
Johnson, Karla 2:31.00h Paul VI HS
Jones, Nyla 2:35.00h Timber Creek Reg. HS
Haynes, Ashley 2:36.31 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Short, Danielle 2:37.04 Cherry Hill West HS
Frazier, Billie 2:37.27 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Wiltshire, Ciara 2:37.74 Winslow Township HS
Punch, Katie 2:39.12 Highland Reg HS
Pedicelli, Madison 2:40.01 Paul VI HS
Mosier, Maggie 2:40.03 Eastern Regional HS
Guillaume, Elaina 2:41.36 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Lassiter, Makayla 2:42.00 Pennsauken HS
Lassiter, Lakyra 2:42.00 Pennsauken HS
Guidarelli, Tiffany 2:44.39 Cherry Hill East HS
Musmeci, Audrey 2:44.72 Highland Reg HS
Campbell, Brooke 2:50 Triton Regional HS
Serrano, Olivia 2:50.00h Cherry Hill West HS
Swen, Elexis 2:51.21 Highland Reg HS
Bachwoski, Paige 2:54 Camden Co. V/T (Sicklerville)
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Division 2 Girls Discus 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Roberts, Brook-lynn 114-7 Winslow Township HS
May, Saige 114-3 Winslow Township HS
Wilson, AJ 108-8 Highland Reg HS
Dodd, Savana 102-3 Eastern Regional HS
Smith, Aniyah 98-5 Eastern Regional HS
Freeman, Samantha 91-1 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Rodriguez, Julisa 85-1 Cherry Hill West HS
Sheppard, Kaleshia 84-9 Cherry Hill West HS
Wardell, Cassidy 83-2 Triton Regional HS
Weaver, Sabrina 80-0 Highland Reg HS
Swartz, Brianna 76-7 Cherry Hill East HS
Doyle, Tyasia 75-10 Winslow Township HS
Garcia, Isabella 72-8 Cherry Hill West HS
Bullock, Emiyah 68-2 Camden HS
Frenes, Alliyah 65-11 Triton Regional HS
Pichardo, Jada 60-7 Pennsauken HS
Plummer, Natijah 59-4 Camden HS
Gibson, Brier 56-2 Paul VI HS
Basarte-Cruz, Yamilet 50-11 Eastside HS - Camden
Soriano, Abigail 48-10 Eastern Regional HS
Mendez, Shelsea 46-0 Pennsauken HS
Nichols, McKenna 42-11 Pennsauken HS
Abate, Mia 38-5 Paul VI HS
Penna, Ismailyn 37-11 Eastside HS - Camden
Sanders, Ly'Airrah Timber Creek Reg. HS
Brown, Yasmine Cherry Hill East HS
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Division 2 Girls High Jump 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brawner, Ma'Syiah 5-4 Winslow Township HS
Cieslik, Kamryn 5-2.25 Paul VI HS
Pierre, Guerlande 5-2 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Walker, Chantina 5-0 Winslow Township HS
Gottilla, Bridget 4-10 Paul VI HS
Taylor, Jennah 4-8 Cherry Hill West HS
Robinson, Lailah 4-6 Winslow Township HS
Bachwoski, Paige 4-6 Camden Co. V/T (Sicklerville)
Franks, Analia 4-6 Camden Co. V/T (Sicklerville)
Campbell, Brooke 4-6 Triton Regional HS
Haynes, Ashley 4-6 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Mendoza, Alaina 4-6 Cherry Hill West HS
Esposito, Sophia 4-2 Cherry Hill East HS
Alexander, Ayonna 4-0 Winslow Township HS
Frazier, Billie Timber Creek Reg. HS
Jones, Nyla Timber Creek Reg. HS
Grossman, Molly Cherry Hill East HS
Edmonds, Nevaeh Camden HS
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Division 2 Girls Javelin 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Smith, Aniyah 126-9 Eastern Regional HS
Rodriguez, Julisa 110-0 Cherry Hill West HS
Roberts, Brook-lynn 106-4 Winslow Township HS
Basarte-Cruz, Yamilet 99-2 Eastside HS - Camden
Wardell, Cassidy 95-1 Triton Regional HS
Green, Cianni 81-6 Winslow Township HS
Mendoza, Alaina 79-5 Cherry Hill West HS
Morell, Lina 78-4 Pennsauken HS
May, Saige 76-10 Winslow Township HS
Grossman, Molly 75-7 Cherry Hill East HS
O'Shaughnessy, Sophia 71-8 Cherry Hill West HS
Frenes, Alliyah 68-2 Triton Regional HS
Rios, Gianna 66-8 Triton Regional HS
Acevedo, Arianna 65-3 Eastern Regional HS
Pichardo, Jada 56-6 Pennsauken HS
Penna, Ismailyn 35-11 Eastside HS - Camden
Frager, Chania Timber Creek Reg. HS
Bullock, Emiyah Camden HS
Plummer, Natijah Camden HS
Carter, Phoenix Cherry Hill East HS
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Division 2 Girls Long Jump 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brawner, Ma'Syiah 17-11.75 Winslow Township HS
Walker, Chantina 17-3 Winslow Township HS
Kline, Charley 16-11.75 Camden Co. V/T (Sicklerville)
Jones, Denirah 16-5.75 Camden HS
Picott, Taneyah 16-5 Winslow Township HS
Serrano, Layla 15-10 Pennsauken HS
Jones, Chloe 15-7.25 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Collins, Lilly 15-3.5 Paul VI HS
Tatem, Allysa 14-11.5 Eastern Regional HS
Edwards, Jessenia 14-8.5 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Caffee, Jazmyne 14-5 Camden Co. V/T (Sicklerville)
Grossman, Molly 14-3 Cherry Hill East HS
Hamilton, Kariyah 14-0.5 Eastside HS - Camden
Berry, Marie 14-0.5 Pennsauken HS
Johnson, Karla 13-11 Paul VI HS
Gerace, Mia 13-7.75 Cherry Hill West HS
Nunyuie, Nana Yaa 13-0 Cherry Hill West HS
Cohen, Jaelyn 13-0 Cherry Hill West HS
Johnson, Britani 12-4 Cherry Hill West HS
Dela Torre, Isabel 12-0.75 Cherry Hill East HS
Hill, Olivia 12-0.5 Eastside HS - Camden
Brittingham, Lanavieh 10-8 Eastside HS - Camden
Frazier, Billie Timber Creek Reg. HS
Gordon, Nasira Timber Creek Reg. HS
Sutton, London Highland Reg HS
Fooks-Benbow, Deonna Camden HS
Nwobu, Muna Paul VI HS
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Division 2 Girls Pole Vault 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Scrivanich, Giselle 8-0 Paul VI HS
Tatem, Allysa 7-6 Eastern Regional HS
Carolina, Sherrell 7-0 Winslow Township HS
Jackson, Jahrya 7-0 Winslow Township HS
Hazelton, Cherish 7-0 Winslow Township HS
Williams, Nyla 7-0 Winslow Township HS
Moore, Cassidy 7-0 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Siri, Madeleine 6-0 Eastern Regional HS
Crabtree, Claudia Paul VI HS
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Division 2 Girls Shot Put 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dodd, Savana 39-8.25 Eastern Regional HS
Wilson, AJ 36-6.75 Highland Reg HS
Roberts, Brook-lynn 35-5.5 Winslow Township HS
Doyle, Tyasia 34-10.5 Winslow Township HS
Smith, Aniyah 33-7.75 Eastern Regional HS
May, Saige 30-6 Winslow Township HS
Tyson, Ari 30-6 Cherry Hill West HS
Lindsay, Kaylin 30-1 Camden Co. V/T (Sicklerville)
Freeman, Samantha 29-2 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Plummer, Natijah 28-10 Camden HS
Wardell, Cassidy 28-3.25 Triton Regional HS
Basarte-Cruz, Yamilet 27-10 Eastside HS - Camden
Rodriguez, Julisa 27-6 Cherry Hill West HS
Frenes, Alliyah 27-5 Triton Regional HS
Weaver, Sabrina 27-5 Highland Reg HS
Brown, Yasmine 27-4.5 Cherry Hill East HS
Swartz, Brianna 26-3 Cherry Hill East HS
Gibson, Brier 26-0.75 Paul VI HS
Farmer, Jasmine 25-9 Pennsauken HS
Sheppard, Kaleshia 24-6.5 Cherry Hill West HS
Abate, Mia 23-3 Paul VI HS
Bullock, Emiyah 22-0 Camden HS
Soriano, Abigail 21-2.5 Eastern Regional HS
Penna, Ismailyn 18-5 Eastside HS - Camden
Sanders, Ly'Airrah Timber Creek Reg. HS
Toure, Aissata Triton Regional HS
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Division 2 Girls Triple Jump 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brawner, Ma'Syiah 35-8.5 Winslow Township HS
Walker, Chantina 35-5 Winslow Township HS
Edwards, Jessenia 35-5 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Pierre, Guerlande 35-0.25 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Bonas, Janelle 30-8.25 Timber Creek Reg. HS
Collins, Lilly 30-2 Paul VI HS
Nunyuie, Nana Yaa 30-0 Cherry Hill West HS
Cohen, Jaelyn 29-0.75 Cherry Hill West HS
Washington, Kyra 28-3.5 Cherry Hill West HS
Grossman, Molly 28-1 Cherry Hill East HS
Powell-Stroud, Princess 27-8.75 Cherry Hill West HS
Patrick, Angel 25-11 Camden Co. V/T (Sicklerville)
Dela Torre, Isabel 25-4.5 Cherry Hill East HS
Gordon, Nasira Timber Creek Reg. HS
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