NJSIAA Sectionals Central Groups 1 and 4 2019

Howell, NJ

Athlete Entries

Group 1 Boys 1,600 Meter Run 42 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Morales, Erick Bound Brook HS
Akinsanya, Joshua Willingboro HS
Waugh, Roshane Willingboro HS
Fautz, Cody Henry Hudson Reg HS
Cranley, Joseph 4:18.25 Highland Park HS
Hannon, Robert 4:28.30 Pt. Pleasant Beach HS
Munera, David 4:33.61 Roselle Park HS
Quattrochi, Stephen 4:36.55 Shore Regional HS
Habeeb, Andrew 4:36.72 Middlesex HS
Weeden, Robert 4:37.20 Shore Regional HS
Albarran, Rafael 4:45.31 South Amboy HS
Loehr, Nolan 4:45.67 Shore Regional HS
Aykit, Isa 4:49.91 Burlington City HS
Grochowski, Ben 4:50.23 New Egypt HS
Spriggs, Karon 4:50.26 Asbury Park HS
Powers, Anthony 4:51.10 Middlesex HS
Calderon, Abraham 4:51.46 South Amboy HS
Barrett, Ryan 4:52.93 South Hunterdon HS
Marley, Amos 4:56.06 South Hunterdon HS
Zylinski, Tyler 4:57.85 Pt. Pleasant Beach HS
Barnett, Andrew 4:59.22 Dunellen HS
Callaghan, Kieran 5:03.55 New Egypt HS
Lukie, Jack 5:03.86 South Amboy HS
Cutshaw, Kyle 5:04.88 Burlington City HS
Czernikowski, Damian 5:05.61 Roselle Park HS
Folkens, Chris 5:08.75 Middlesex HS
Hartwick, Ben 5:09.52 Highland Park HS
Nielsen, Matthew 5:09.93 Dunellen HS
Landrum, Amir 5:13.79 Burlington City HS
Esposito, Caleb 5:13.81 Riverside HS
Artur, Patrick 5:16.34 South Hunterdon HS
Sapata, John 5:20.13 South River HS
Cutshaw, Colby 5:20.85 Burlington City HS
Guerrero, David 5:25.85 Manville HS
Petrucci, Ryan 5:31.20 South Hunterdon HS
Jamolawicz, Joseph 5:31.31 South Amboy HS
Drake, Angelo 5:40.36 Manville HS
Kennedy, Spencer 5:40.73 South Amboy HS
Burlew, Ethan 5:44.90 Manville HS
Vandegrift, Peter 5:48.13 South Hunterdon HS
Smith, Charlie 5:52.84 South Amboy HS
Montero- Reyes, Owen 5:54.90 Highland Park HS
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Group 1 Boys 100 Meter Dash 49 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mesbah, Monower Florence Twp HS
Peterson, Kevin Willingboro HS
Labrada, Brandon Bound Brook HS
Burrell, Arlington Highland Park HS
Beer, Joshua Shore Regional HS
Santiuste, Ricardo Henry Hudson Reg HS
Lee, Julian Willingboro HS
Devine, Jimmy Dunellen HS
Elmoughani, Ahmed Highland Park HS
Young, Jaylen 11.10 Willingboro HS
Clements, Zaire 11.18 Willingboro HS
Irvin, Josh 11.33 Middlesex HS
Vazquez, Louis 11.33 Riverside HS
Norwood, Donavin 11.46 Asbury Park HS
Williams, Darnell 11.56 Burlington City HS
Beckett, Mekhi 11.57 South Hunterdon HS
Saad, Tamer 11.59 Dunellen HS
Ramirez, Josh 11.63 Middlesex HS
Christopher, Lance 11.66 South Hunterdon HS
Sampson, Samir 11.68 South Hunterdon HS
Moore, Khy'Jaron 11.78 Riverside HS
Remy, Fabrice 11.82 Roselle Park HS
Luckey, Bryan 11.84 Academy Charter HS
Massie, Najier 11.88 Asbury Park HS
Randolph, Dupream 11.90 Academy Charter HS
Marano, Brandon 11.90 South Hunterdon HS
Bridges, Daiquan 11.91 Asbury Park HS
Gill, Ethan 11.92 Middlesex HS
Kingsley, Jamaho 11.95 Willingboro HS
Roque, Alex 11.98 Middlesex HS
Gbeen, Sheraton 11.98 Willingboro HS
Royster, Jakier 12.07 Florence Twp HS
Ruffin, Fabion 12.09 Riverside HS
Brimage, Jayden 12.13 Bound Brook HS
Manfready, Austin 12.17 South Hunterdon HS
Hare, Ahmir 12.23 Academy Charter HS
George, Max 12.29 Middlesex HS
Tyler, Alexander 12.33 Shore Regional HS
Pitts, Jaylin 12.40 Burlington City HS
Danvers, Lemar 12.46 South Hunterdon HS
Ventura, Jd 12.47 Dunellen HS
Cruz Torres, Kevin 12.64 Middlesex HS
Bauer, Brendan 12.65 Shore Regional HS
Ortiz, Roberto 13.08 Bound Brook HS
Ghanim, Alex 13.14 Dunellen HS
Aguiar, Jake 13.57 Bound Brook HS
Vastey, Nathan 13.71 South Amboy HS
Negron, Brandon 14.29 Highland Park HS
Thomson, Payton 16.25 Henry Hudson Reg HS
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Group 1 Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hughes, Anaias Willingboro HS
Allen, Miles Willingboro HS
Brodeur, Ryan Pt. Pleasant Beach HS
King, Jayaire 14.49 Willingboro HS
Peterson, Kevin 15.03 Willingboro HS
Stockton, Alex 15.36 Riverside HS
Dorvilus, Joshua 15.49 Willingboro HS
Hamlin, Daniel 15.55 Riverside HS
Williams, Darnell 15.59 Burlington City HS
Moore, Khy'Jaron 15.77 Riverside HS
O'Donnell, Richard 16.51 New Egypt HS
Dixon, Caraton 16.62 Willingboro HS
Dailey, Ethan 16.86 Middlesex HS
McIntyre, Marcus 16.90 Florence Twp HS
Scott, Cameron 17.78 Asbury Park HS
Brennan, Jason 18.24 Manville HS
Tornetto, Sal 18.62 Keyport HS
Little, Porter 18.99 South Hunterdon HS
Henning, Nick 19.37 Dunellen HS
Polanco, Jason 19.42 Burlington City HS
Cheung, Tony 19.71 New Egypt HS
Ahmed, Trevor 19.92 Keyport HS
Groel, Justin 20.20 Middlesex HS
Luongo, Maxwell 20.33 Shore Regional HS
Keyes, Brian 20.81 South Hunterdon HS
Flanagan, Brendan 21.96 Shore Regional HS
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Group 1 Boys 200 Meter Dash 53 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Vastey, Nathan South Amboy HS
Kollar, Jeremy Burlington City HS
Labrada, Brandon Bound Brook HS
Gbeen, Sheraton Willingboro HS
Negron, Brandon Highland Park HS
Capp, Dinonn Willingboro HS
Tay, Afriyie Manville HS
Davis Jr., Brian STEM Civics Charter School
Young, Jaylen Willingboro HS
Pitts, Jaylin Burlington City HS
Clements, Zaire 22.67 Willingboro HS
Valme, Elijah 22.82 Willingboro HS
Beckett, Mekhi 23.37 South Hunterdon HS
Norwood, Donavin 23.49 Asbury Park HS
Peterson, Kevin 23.53 Willingboro HS
Gill, Ethan 23.71 Middlesex HS
Saad, Tamer 23.71 Dunellen HS
Robinson, Ray 23.72 Keyport HS
Williams, Darnell 23.85 Burlington City HS
Sampson, Samir 23.88 South Hunterdon HS
Massie, Najier 23.97 Asbury Park HS
Christopher, Lance 24.02 South Hunterdon HS
Remy, Fabrice 24.11 Roselle Park HS
Marano, Brandon 24.26 South Hunterdon HS
Luckey, Bryan 24.35 Academy Charter HS
Bridges, Daiquan 24.57 Asbury Park HS
Roque, Alex 24.58 Middlesex HS
Lockett, Terrell 24.60 Dunellen HS
Manfready, Austin 24.70 South Hunterdon HS
Hare, Ahmir 24.71 Academy Charter HS
Randolph, Dupream 24.80 Academy Charter HS
Ruffin, Fabion 24.84 Riverside HS
Suarez, Angel 24.86 Dunellen HS
Brimage, Jayden 24.94 Bound Brook HS
Cruz Torres, Kevin 24.95 Middlesex HS
Danvers, Lemar 25.00 South Hunterdon HS
Kelly, Quantavain 25.02 Manville HS
Tyler, Alexander 25.20 Shore Regional HS
Garcia, Brandon 25.24 Manville HS
Karlson, Dillon 25.36 Shore Regional HS
Thomas, Wayman 25.43 South River HS
Bauer, Brendan 25.52 Shore Regional HS
Vieira Clovis, Kaique 25.57 Riverside HS
Kidd, Dominic 25.81 Riverside HS
Salter, Malachi 25.95 Burlington City HS
Shinka, Dayree 26.73 South River HS
Aguiar, Jake 26.89 Bound Brook HS
Ortiz, Roberto 27.04 Bound Brook HS
Santiuste, Ricardo 28.74 Henry Hudson Reg HS
Burrell, Arlington 29.11 Highland Park HS
Eugenio, Alex 29.91 Henry Hudson Reg HS
Cheung, Gabe 30.43 Highland Park HS
Thomson, Payton 34.27 Henry Hudson Reg HS
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Group 1 Boys 3,200 Meter Run 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Calderon, Abraham 10:19.75 South Amboy HS
Green, Shawn 10:25.24 Dunellen HS
Loehr, Nolan 10:34.52 Shore Regional HS
Botteon, Angelo 10:37.59 Highland Park HS
Albarran, Rafael 10:38.60 South Amboy HS
Callaghan, Kieran 10:46.25 New Egypt HS
Myer, Stephen 10:46.59 Shore Regional HS
Barnett, Andrew 11:03.33 Dunellen HS
Marley, Amos 11:16.99 South Hunterdon HS
Artur, Patrick 11:23.13 South Hunterdon HS
Cutshaw, Colby 11:26.95 Burlington City HS
Murphy, Michael 11:29.81 Shore Regional HS
Jamolawicz, Joseph 11:31.44 South Amboy HS
Martinez, Josh 11:35.22 New Egypt HS
Czernikowski, Damian 11:35.22 Roselle Park HS
Nielsen, Matthew 11:39.15 Dunellen HS
Sapata, John 11:45.36 South River HS
Cox, Matt 11:50.82 South River HS
Wilson, Malcolm 11:58.50 South Hunterdon HS
Hagman, James 12:19.04 South Hunterdon HS
Peterson, Todd 12:37.06 Manville HS
Hicks, Kyle 13:07.04 Pt. Pleasant Beach HS
Weber, Colin 13:08.95 Manville HS
Hannon, Robert 9:37.09 Pt. Pleasant Beach HS
Godish, Ben 9:43.94 Highland Park HS
Gildenberg, Ethan 9:44.03 Highland Park HS
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Group 1 Boys 400 Meter Dash 44 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Marcoux, Luke Pt. Pleasant Beach HS
Karlson, Dillon Shore Regional HS
Suggs, Temirr Riverside HS
Kollar, Jeremy Burlington City HS
Ghanim, Alex Dunellen HS
Williams, Darnell Burlington City HS
King, Jayaire Willingboro HS
Pitts, Jaylin Burlington City HS
Williams, Kashawn 1:00.45 South River HS
Landis, Michael 1:00.51 Highland Park HS
Suh, Nick 1:01.14 South River HS
Connallon, Timothy 1:01.84 Keyport HS
Spruell, Terrell 1:01.93 Riverside HS
Eugenio, Alex 1:05.32 Henry Hudson Reg HS
Valme, Elijah 50.54 Willingboro HS
Bembridge, Devon 50.87 Burlington City HS
Young, Jaylen 52.21 Willingboro HS
Munera, David 52.28 Roselle Park HS
Sempervive, Chase 52.50 New Egypt HS
Beckett, Mekhi 52.62 South Hunterdon HS
Cranley, Joseph 52.65 Highland Park HS
Capp, Dinonn 53.56 Willingboro HS
Shannon, Davister 53.75 Burlington City HS
Ludwig, John 53.78 South Hunterdon HS
Kelly, Quantavain 54.00 Manville HS
Gbeen, Sheraton 54.00 Willingboro HS
Twigg, Matt 54.18 Keyport HS
Gill, Ethan 54.22 Middlesex HS
Klezer, Marcus 54.58 Dunellen HS
George, Max 54.65 Middlesex HS
Suarez, Angel 54.69 Dunellen HS
Schroeder, Robert 54.92 Shore Regional HS
Garcia, Brandon 54.92 Manville HS
Lockett, Terrell 55.70 Dunellen HS
Alvarado, Antonio 56.16 Bound Brook HS
Sampson, Samir 56.42 South Hunterdon HS
Manfready, Austin 56.82 South Hunterdon HS
Randolph, Dupream 56.83 Academy Charter HS
Hamilton, Kevin 57.10 South Hunterdon HS
Obando, Ian 57.69 South River HS
Gary, Bryon 58.42 Willingboro HS
Vazquez, Josh 58.63 Keyport HS
Dorff, Zach 58.90 Highland Park HS
Gleason, River 59.47 South Hunterdon HS
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Group 1 Boys 400 Meter Hurdles 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brodeur, Ryan Pt. Pleasant Beach HS
Mota, Matthew Dunellen HS
Dailey, Ethan 1:00.01 Middlesex HS
Ludwig, John 1:00.62 South Hunterdon HS
Dixon, Caraton 1:01.70 Willingboro HS
Tornetto, Sal 1:01.90 Keyport HS
Schroeder, Robert 1:02.63 Shore Regional HS
Little, Porter 1:02.74 South Hunterdon HS
Brennan, Jason 1:03.68 Manville HS
Scott, Cameron 1:03.70 Asbury Park HS
Allen, Miles 1:04.11 Willingboro HS
Martinez, Gavin 1:04.47 Riverside HS
Etienne, X'avier 1:05.06 Asbury Park HS
Pena, Bryan 1:05.27 South Amboy HS
Henning, Nick 1:07.34 Dunellen HS
Polanco, Jason 1:07.34 Burlington City HS
Keyes, Brian 1:07.40 South Hunterdon HS
Vazquez, Josh 1:08.23 Keyport HS
Spruell, Terrell 1:09.55 Riverside HS
Gibson, Liam 1:10.19 Burlington City HS
Vance, Alexander 1:10.37 Florence Twp HS
Elmoughani, Ahmed 1:10.57 Highland Park HS
Flanagan, Brendan 1:11.25 Shore Regional HS
Ahmed, Trevor 1:11.27 Keyport HS
Luongo, Maxwell 1:11.28 Shore Regional HS
Landis, Michael 1:13.74 Highland Park HS
Groel, Justin 1:14.58 Middlesex HS
King, Jayaire 54.72 Willingboro HS
Williams, Darnell 57.71 Burlington City HS
Capp, Dinonn 58.93 Willingboro HS
Hamlin, Daniel 59.55 Riverside HS
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Group 1 Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 43.00 Willingboro HS
Relay Team A 43.99 Middlesex HS
Relay Team A 45.25 South Hunterdon HS
Relay Team A 46.15 Riverside HS
Relay Team A 47.27 Dunellen HS
Relay Team A 47.31 Asbury Park HS
Relay Team A 47.80 Bound Brook HS
Relay Team A 48.22 Manville HS
Relay Team A 49.30 Shore Regional HS
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Group 1 Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:23.82 Willingboro HS
Relay Team A 3:31.32 South Hunterdon HS
Relay Team A 3:32.08 Middlesex HS
Relay Team A 3:35.68 Burlington City HS
Relay Team A 3:40.19 Dunellen HS
Relay Team A 3:41.82 Shore Regional HS
Relay Team A 3:42.68 Riverside HS
Relay Team A 3:45.17 STEM Civics Charter School
Relay Team A 3:48.83 Manville HS
Relay Team A 3:52.32 Keyport HS
Relay Team A 4:07.21 South River HS
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Group 1 Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 8:19.42 Burlington City HS
Relay Team A 8:24.41 Highland Park HS
Relay Team A 8:24.76 Shore Regional HS
Relay Team A 8:45.45 Dunellen HS
Relay Team A 8:52.57 Middlesex HS
Relay Team A 8:54.29 Willingboro HS
Relay Team A 8:56.71 South Amboy HS
Relay Team A 9:25.18 Asbury Park HS
Relay Team A 9:28.38 South Hunterdon HS
Relay Team A 9:50.13 Riverside HS
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Group 1 Boys 800 Meter Run 47 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Capp, Dinonn Willingboro HS
Allen, Miles Willingboro HS
Fautz, Cody Henry Hudson Reg HS
Cutshaw, Kyle Burlington City HS
Pena, Bryan South Amboy HS
Morales, Erick Bound Brook HS
Pestka, Harry Highland Park HS
Bembridge, Devon Burlington City HS
Myer, Stephen Shore Regional HS
Kelly, Quantavain Manville HS
Sanchez, Roger Willingboro HS
Shannon, Davister Burlington City HS
Loehr, Nolan Shore Regional HS
Cranley, Joseph 1:55.74 Highland Park HS
Munera, David 2:02.54 Roselle Park HS
Weeden, Robert 2:03.40 Shore Regional HS
Quattrochi, Stephen 2:03.72 Shore Regional HS
Klezer, Marcus 2:03.88 Dunellen HS
Habeeb, Andrew 2:05.41 Middlesex HS
Waugh, Roshane 2:05.59 Willingboro HS
Barrett, Ryan 2:05.93 South Hunterdon HS
Akinsanya, Joshua 2:07.01 Willingboro HS
Spriggs, Karon 2:07.39 Asbury Park HS
Aykit, Isa 2:08.43 Burlington City HS
McKeon, Liam 2:09.45 Shore Regional HS
Lukie, Jack 2:09.51 South Amboy HS
Lopez, Claudio 2:10.10 Dunellen HS
Maher, Rory 2:10.13 Shore Regional HS
Powers, Anthony 2:11.58 Middlesex HS
Simmons, Daniel 2:11.95 Asbury Park HS
Albarran, Rafael 2:12.75 South Amboy HS
Rodrigues, Guilherme 2:14.96 South River HS
Zylinski, Luke 2:15.36 Pt. Pleasant Beach HS
Marley, Amos 2:15.47 South Hunterdon HS
Souza, Judson 2:16.79 Riverside HS
Garofalo, Timothy 2:17.03 Middlesex HS
Landrum, Amir 2:17.61 Burlington City HS
Nieves, Anthony 2:18.09 Dunellen HS
Richardson, Duane 2:18.25 South Hunterdon HS
Hartwick, Ben 2:20.28 Highland Park HS
Petrucci, Ryan 2:20.70 South Hunterdon HS
Guerrero, David 2:23.73 Manville HS
Twigg, Matt 2:25.25 Keyport HS
Huntley, Trevor 2:32.52 Manville HS
Christopher, Garrett 2:33.83 South Hunterdon HS
Williamson, Garrett 2:34.36 South Hunterdon HS
Silveira, Matheus 2:34.61 Riverside HS
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Group 1 Boys Discus 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lewis III, Emmanuel 163-8 Willingboro HS
Meza, Devon 144-8 Keyport HS
Fields, Grant 138-0 Bound Brook HS
Malik, Norbert 120-3 Bound Brook HS
Weber, Samuel 120-2 Shore Regional HS
Lane, Shamir 117-4 Bound Brook HS
Moyer, Anthony 116-5 Riverside HS
Johnson, CJ 114-4 Willingboro HS
Eldridge, Hunter 110-10 Manville HS
Jacobs-Perez, Eli 110-5 Highland Park HS
Stroehlein, Robert 110-2 New Egypt HS
Clara, Sebastian 108-11 New Egypt HS
Reed, Gregory 108-5 Willingboro HS
Helmstetter, Anthony 108-5 Middlesex HS
Dunkerton, Gavin 107-7 Roselle Park HS
Deen, Azeem 107-5 Willingboro HS
Ubel, Tyler 107-2 South Hunterdon HS
Smith, Mason 105-11 Middlesex HS
Fox, Jeffrey 104-5 South Hunterdon HS
Geist, Brian 103-10 Middlesex HS
De Lima, Johnnie 101-8 Riverside HS
Neyhart, Anthony 100-5 Shore Regional HS
Hinman, Ryan 98-6 South Hunterdon HS
Echeverri, David 94-3 Manville HS
Herring, Kervin 93-4 Asbury Park HS
Sauer, Ty 92-7 Keyport HS
Pirolli, Jonah 91-6 Florence Twp HS
May, Matthew 90-11 Middlesex HS
Desroches, Zaneti 83-2 Academy Charter HS
Thompson, Jason 81-5 Manville HS
Frater, Roberto 78-3 Academy Charter HS
MacStudy, Martin 73-3 Shore Regional HS
Reeves, De'Ontae STEM Civics Charter School
Wharton, Kamai STEM Civics Charter School
Hammond, Ian Highland Park HS
Fink, Jacob Riverside HS
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Group 1 Boys High Jump 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Smith, Kameron 6-6 Willingboro HS
Robertson, Nate 6-2 Willingboro HS
O'Donnell, Richard 5-10 New Egypt HS
Robinson, Ray 5-8 Keyport HS
Connelly, Cole 5-8 Florence Twp HS
Walsh, Jazaan 5-8 Bound Brook HS
Hughes, Anaias 5-4 Willingboro HS
Clements, Zaire Willingboro HS
Malik, Norbert Bound Brook HS
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Group 1 Boys Javelin 43 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Stockton, Alex 163-5 Riverside HS
Fox, Jeffrey 154-10 South Hunterdon HS
Mink, Nick 154-10 Middlesex HS
Lakomy, Jacob 139-11 Roselle Park HS
Smith, Mason 133-1 Middlesex HS
Pittman, Ameir 133-0 Burlington City HS
Davis, Ah-Shaun 132-11 Willingboro HS
Helmstetter, Anthony 132-0 Middlesex HS
Neyhart, Anthony 128-7 Shore Regional HS
Hinman, Ryan 128-0 South Hunterdon HS
Martinez, Josh 127-7 New Egypt HS
Hughes, Anaias 125-1 Willingboro HS
Dunkerton, Gavin 124-4 Roselle Park HS
Stroehlein, Robert 124-2 New Egypt HS
Paglia, Ryan 122-0 Shore Regional HS
Makowski, Brandon 121-6 Florence Twp HS
Potts, Gavin 121-4 Manville HS
Bauer, Alex 120-7 South Hunterdon HS
Gottlieb, Brandon 120-0 Riverside HS
Reeves, De'Ontae 119-11 STEM Civics Charter School
Campbell, Will 118-9 Pt. Pleasant Beach HS
Cagilus, Stevens 117-8 Asbury Park HS
Rivera, Jezmel 115-9 Florence Twp HS
Fink, Jacob 114-9 Riverside HS
Williams, Matthew 113-9 Florence Twp HS
Richards, Malcolm 113-5 Burlington City HS
Wroblewski, Nick 113-3 Keyport HS
Hartwick, Ben 112-1.5 Highland Park HS
Hammond, Ian 112-0 Highland Park HS
Rios, Miguel 111-8 South River HS
Rosario, Jahvian 110-10 Willingboro HS
Moyer, Anthony 110-8 Riverside HS
Malik, Norbert 107-0 Bound Brook HS
Ahmed, Trevor 105-1 Keyport HS
Hankerson, Jamar 104-2 Willingboro HS
Geist, Brian 102-6 Middlesex HS
Wildgoose, Joey 101-10 Manville HS
Page, Rayuan 99-11 STEM Civics Charter School
Cook, Isaiah 89-9 Willingboro HS
Guzzi, Anthony 82-9 Dunellen HS
Wharton, Kamai STEM Civics Charter School
Meza, Devon Keyport HS
Lane, Shamir Bound Brook HS
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Group 1 Boys Long Jump 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Robertson, Nate 22-2 Willingboro HS
Robinson, Ray 20-10.5 Keyport HS
Ramirez, Josh 20-5.25 Middlesex HS
Luckey, Bryan 20-3 Academy Charter HS
O'Donnell, Richard 20-3 New Egypt HS
Smith, Kameron 20-1.25 Willingboro HS
Bacorn, Declan 20-0 South Hunterdon HS
Roque, Alex 19-7.75 Middlesex HS
Remy, Fabrice 19-5.25 Roselle Park HS
Sanchez, Cj 19-1.75 Highland Park HS
Ruffin, Fabion 19-1.25 Riverside HS
Lakomy, Jacob 18-11.5 Roselle Park HS
Sirak, Ethan 18-8.5 South Hunterdon HS
Cox, Jonathan 18-6 Manville HS
Marcel, Immanuel 18-5.5 Willingboro HS
Kingsley, Jamaho 18-5 Willingboro HS
Pavljuk, Alex 18-2 New Egypt HS
Cruz Torres, Kevin 17-11.5 Middlesex HS
Marcoux, Luke 17-11 Pt. Pleasant Beach HS
Brennan, Jason 17-11 Manville HS
Kidd, Dominic 17-10 Riverside HS
Wilson, Dontavis 17-9.5 Willingboro HS
Sheridan, Jared 17-9 Keyport HS
Perez, Isaac 17-1 Bound Brook HS
Walsh, Jazaan 16-11 Bound Brook HS
Barrett, Jason 16-10.5 South Hunterdon HS
Fofie, Jeremiah 16-10 Willingboro HS
Twigg, Matt 16-9.5 Keyport HS
Spruell, Terrell 16-9.5 Riverside HS
Chaves, Jordy 16-8 Bound Brook HS
Horne, Aiden 16-7.75 Dunellen HS
Burrell, Arlington 14-7 Highland Park HS
Negron, Brandon 13-4.5 Highland Park HS
Henning, Nick Dunellen HS
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Group 1 Boys Pole Vault 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wilson, Dontavis 13-0 Willingboro HS
Dingle, Jason 12-0 Willingboro HS
Howell, Marlon 11-6 Bound Brook HS
Ferguson, Glenn 11-0 Willingboro HS
Askia, Nathaniel 10-6 Willingboro HS
Esposito, Caleb 10-6 Riverside HS
Guadagno, Anderson 10-0 Shore Regional HS
Cristman, Bryce 10-0 New Egypt HS
Gary, Bryon 10-0 Willingboro HS
Vieira Clovis, Kaique 10-0 Riverside HS
Perez, Isaac 9-6 Bound Brook HS
Malik, Norbert 9-0 Bound Brook HS
Ghanim, Stephen Dunellen HS
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Group 1 Boys Shot Put 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Johnson, CJ 53-6 Willingboro HS
Weber, Samuel 53-6 Shore Regional HS
Lewis III, Emmanuel 50-2.5 Willingboro HS
Fisher, Trey 48-1.5 Florence Twp HS
Allen, Deonte 47-8.5 Willingboro HS
Helmstetter, Anthony 44-9 Middlesex HS
Meza, Devon 43-9 Keyport HS
Fields, Grant 42-10 Bound Brook HS
Clara, Sebastian 42-4.5 New Egypt HS
Lane, Shamir 41-10.75 Bound Brook HS
Thompson, Nyle 41-3.5 Willingboro HS
Peterson-Evans, Tavon 40-9.75 Willingboro HS
Paglia, Ryan 38-11.25 Shore Regional HS
Soles, Matthew 38-9.5 New Egypt HS
Eldridge, Hunter 38-9 Manville HS
Desroches, Zaneti 37-1.75 Academy Charter HS
Fink, Jacob 37-0.5 Riverside HS
Smith, Mason 37-0.25 Middlesex HS
Sauer, Ty 36-8.75 Keyport HS
Malik, Norbert 36-5 Bound Brook HS
Hahoney, Nasir 35-11.5 Riverside HS
Fox, Jeffrey 34-2.5 South Hunterdon HS
Harper, Jayden 34-2 South River HS
Tokar, Bohdan 34-1.5 Manville HS
Ubel, Tyler 34-0 South Hunterdon HS
Geist, Brian 33-11 Middlesex HS
De Lima, Johnnie 33-7 Riverside HS
MacStudy, Martin 33-5.5 Shore Regional HS
Makowski, Matthew 32-10.5 Florence Twp HS
Thompson, Jason 32-9.75 Manville HS
Jacobs-Perez, Eli 31-4 Highland Park HS
May, Matthew 30-9 Middlesex HS
Frater, Roberto 29-0 Academy Charter HS
Wharton, Kamai 27-0 STEM Civics Charter School
Toogbabu, Melvin 25-9.5 STEM Civics Charter School
Page, Rayuan STEM Civics Charter School
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Group 1 Boys Triple Jump 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Stockton, Alex 42-8.5 Riverside HS
Ortiz, David 42-6.25 Roselle Park HS
Robertson, Nate 42-5 Willingboro HS
Moore, Khy'Jaron 42-4 Riverside HS
Sirak, Ethan 42-3.75 South Hunterdon HS
O'Donnell, Richard 42-1 New Egypt HS
Vazquez, Louis 41-0 Riverside HS
Bacorn, Declan 40-9 South Hunterdon HS
Smith, Kameron 39-8 Willingboro HS
Wilson, Dontavis 39-4.5 Willingboro HS
Brennan, Jason 39-2 Manville HS
Pavljuk, Alex 38-3.5 New Egypt HS
Llizo, Justin 37-11.5 Roselle Park HS
Fofie, Jeremiah 37-7 Willingboro HS
Cox, Jonathan 37-5.5 Manville HS
Dingle, Jason 37-0 Willingboro HS
Scott, Cameron 36-9 Asbury Park HS
Walsh, Jazaan 36-6 Bound Brook HS
Barrett, Jason 36-1.75 South Hunterdon HS
Brodeur, Ryan 36-1 Pt. Pleasant Beach HS
Tornetto, Sal 32-3 Keyport HS
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Group 1 Girls 1,600 Meter Run 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Reyes, Jelissa Florence Twp HS
Collins, Erin Pt. Pleasant Beach HS
Somalwar, Anne Highland Park HS
Dasilva, Julie South River HS
Vidal, Corina 5:03.07 Henry Hudson Reg HS
Godish, Bella 5:10.01 Highland Park HS
Walter, Pari 5:40.39 Shore Regional HS
Birdsall, Krissy 5:43.97 Shore Regional HS
O'Neill, Avery 5:44.45 Pt. Pleasant Beach HS
Romano, Olivia 5:49.45 South Hunterdon HS
Williams, Janea 5:50.09 Willingboro HS
Vrublauskas, Anne 5:51.86 Middlesex HS
O'Neill, Piper 5:52.95 Pt. Pleasant Beach HS
Walsh, Mary Ann 5:53.27 South Amboy HS
Decker, Isabella 5:57.60 Shore Regional HS
Kennedy, Guinevere 6:09.14 South Amboy HS
Dunsavage, Mara 6:12.30 Middlesex HS
Basch, Josie 6:12.93 Middlesex HS
Clavel-Davio, Isabella 6:19.48 South Hunterdon HS
Foreman, Ember 6:23.53 Burlington City HS
Laning, Lauryn 6:24.60 New Egypt HS
Woll, Amber 6:24.62 Dunellen HS
Cabrera, Shadyah 6:25.60 Roselle Park HS
Najem, Zohal 6:31.56 Florence Twp HS
Coffey, Emma 6:32.32 South Hunterdon HS
Najem, Sophia 6:32.74 Florence Twp HS
Angulo, Melissa 6:49.70 Manville HS
Shimp, Megan 6:53.42 Manville HS
Boyington, Ayzelin 6:58.45 Riverside HS
Reyes, Jenthel 6:59.38 Dunellen HS
Uster, Jenna 6:59.80 New Egypt HS
Kontos, Anna 7:00.00 Manville HS
Tolmaczewiec, Helena 7:10.83 South River HS
Italiano, Marissa 7:19.22 South River HS
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Group 1 Girls 100 Meter Dash 49 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Nolan, Sanaa STEM Civics Charter School
Spruell, Nikia Riverside HS
Contreras-Garcia, Giohana Bound Brook HS
Payano, Nashari South Amboy HS
Iyiola, Balkis 12.90 Willingboro HS
Dolo, Mikell 12.96 Willingboro HS
Smith, Sophia 13.22 Florence Twp HS
Wright, Micah 13.28 Asbury Park HS
Leal, Seleste 13.34 New Egypt HS
Smith, Olivia 13.35 Florence Twp HS
Gomez, Karla 13.38 Middlesex HS
Johnson, Zy'Mayha 13.38 Asbury Park HS
Rebelo, Alyssa 13.62 Keyport HS
Perna, Kerry 13.62 Pt. Pleasant Beach HS
Shwahla, Sara 13.65 Pt. Pleasant Beach HS
Magas, Allie 13.70 South Hunterdon HS
Stephen, Shaana 13.72 Academy Charter HS
Stoff, Emily 13.87 South Hunterdon HS
Briscoe, Chelsea 13.91 Burlington City HS
Hunter, Nia 13.94 Manville HS
Garcia, Destiny 13.94 Manville HS
Wesolowski, Siobhan 13.95 Manville HS
Ewart, Jayonna 13.98 Academy Charter HS
Shaw, Zanobia 13.98 STEM Civics Charter School
Clark, Israel 14.01 Willingboro HS
Irvin, Dominique 14.13 Middlesex HS
Schmick, Haylee 14.18 New Egypt HS
Schussler, Juliana 14.19 Shore Regional HS
Schussler, Sophia 14.19 Shore Regional HS
D'Amico, Angelina 14.22 South Hunterdon HS
Vincent, Kayla 14.25 Florence Twp HS
Carnival, Lola 14.26 Florence Twp HS
Frazier, Siani 14.33 Riverside HS
Martin, Kaylin 14.34 Bound Brook HS
Paerg, Martine 14.38 South Hunterdon HS
Davis, Kamal 14.54 South Amboy HS
Silverman, Samantha 14.58 South Hunterdon HS
Mack, Emily 14.71 Shore Regional HS
Pursell, Brooke 14.85 South Hunterdon HS
Almeida, Lauren 14.91 South River HS
Rodrigues, Ludmyla 14.98 Riverside HS
Jaronko, Hailee 15.12 Shore Regional HS
Quiros, Yailen 15.19 Bound Brook HS
Chavez, Kimberly 15.39 Highland Park HS
Barcheski, Nadia 15.85 South Amboy HS
Howe, Samuellyn 16.01 STEM Civics Charter School
Fautz, Jocelyn 16.08 Henry Hudson Reg HS
Santos Teixeira, Mileide 16.12 Riverside HS
Riberio, Mylena 16.72 Riverside HS
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Group 1 Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
O'Grady, Ellison Pt. Pleasant Beach HS
Jaronko, Hailee Shore Regional HS
Dolo, Mikell 15.29 Willingboro HS
Marks, Julia 15.45 Highland Park HS
Welch Smith, Tamia 15.83 Willingboro HS
Pleva, Jaison Ashley 16.57 Riverside HS
Hughes, Gloria 16.60 Willingboro HS
Saponaro, Isabella 17.95 Shore Regional HS
Pepsny, Brianna 18.10 Shore Regional HS
Walters, Imagen 18.44 Middlesex HS
Voorhees, Eve 18.56 South Hunterdon HS
Provenzano, Ameila 18.65 Riverside HS
Hoodja, Brooke 18.78 Manville HS
Matier, Madeline 19.00 Shore Regional HS
Antonucci, Francesca 19.12 Shore Regional HS
Ucciardi, Vera 19.24 Highland Park HS
Sirak, Paige 19.27 South Hunterdon HS
Rodriguez, Sasha 19.34 Dunellen HS
Garcia, Destiny 19.54 Manville HS
Almeida, Lauren 19.55 South River HS
Macancela, Cristine 19.57 Manville HS
Hoque, Faiza 20.09 Burlington City HS
Saburova, Yekaterina 20.68 Manville HS
Coore, Gabby 20.72 Dunellen HS
Duke, Lana 20.85 Florence Twp HS
Parkin, Carolyn 21.36 Middlesex HS
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Group 1 Girls 200 Meter Dash 54 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Johnson, Zy'Mayha Asbury Park HS
Contreras-Garcia, Giohana Bound Brook HS
Adofo-Boamah, Erica Riverside HS
Coore, Gabby Dunellen HS
Tapia, Eliane Henry Hudson Reg HS
Reillo, Megan Florence Twp HS
Perna, Kerry Pt. Pleasant Beach HS
Strickland, Tionne Florence Twp HS
Shaw, Zanobia STEM Civics Charter School
Smith, Khayla South River HS
Ochan, Rebecca 25.01 Highland Park HS
Dolo, Mikell 26.18 Willingboro HS
Wright, Micah 26.71 Asbury Park HS
Iyiola, Balkis 26.78 Willingboro HS
Hunter, Nia 27.58 Manville HS
Birdsall, Hannah 27.74 Shore Regional HS
Leal, Seleste 27.87 New Egypt HS
Young, Tahteeyana 28.02 Dunellen HS
Smith, Olivia 28.02 Florence Twp HS
Irvin, Dominique 28.12 Middlesex HS
Briscoe, Chelsea 28.13 Burlington City HS
Stephen, Shaana 28.30 Academy Charter HS
Silva, Sophia 28.32 Dunellen HS
Stoff, Emily 28.40 South Hunterdon HS
Rebelo, Alyssa 28.51 Keyport HS
Olsen, Emmalee 28.59 Shore Regional HS
Ewart, Jayonna 28.69 Academy Charter HS
Shwahla, Sara 28.71 Pt. Pleasant Beach HS
Clark, Israel 28.83 Willingboro HS
Paerg, Martine 28.92 South Hunterdon HS
Schussler, Juliana 28.96 Shore Regional HS
Smith, Sophia 29.00 Florence Twp HS
Schussler, Sophia 29.02 Shore Regional HS
Schmick, Haylee 29.08 New Egypt HS
Ucciardi, Vera 29.30 Highland Park HS
Breen, Alexis 29.41 Keyport HS
D'Amico, Angelina 29.67 South Hunterdon HS
Carnival, Lola 29.87 Florence Twp HS
Almeida, Lauren 29.96 South River HS
Mack, Emily 30.11 Shore Regional HS
Gomez, Myara 30.12 Florence Twp HS
Silverman, Samantha 30.24 South Hunterdon HS
Pepsny, Brianna 30.27 Shore Regional HS
Chavez, Kimberly 30.33 Highland Park HS
Pursell, Brooke 30.74 South Hunterdon HS
Rodriguez, Sasha 31.02 Dunellen HS
Payano, Nashari 31.17 South Amboy HS
Rodrigues, Ludmyla 31.50 Riverside HS
Davis, Kamal 31.75 South Amboy HS
Quiros, Yailen 31.87 Bound Brook HS
Barcheski, Nadia 32.57 South Amboy HS
Fautz, Jocelyn 33.49 Henry Hudson Reg HS
Santos Teixeira, Mileide 34.63 Riverside HS
Riberio, Mylena 35.37 Riverside HS
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Group 1 Girls 3,200 Meter Run 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Yanez, Camila Highland Park HS
Collins, Erin Pt. Pleasant Beach HS
Godish, Bella Highland Park HS
Woll, Amber Dunellen HS
Walsh, Mary Ann 12:14.88 South Amboy HS
Walter, Pari 12:34.34 Shore Regional HS
O'Neill, Piper 12:52.90 Pt. Pleasant Beach HS
Homer, Julia 12:54.61 Pt. Pleasant Beach HS
Birdsall, Krissy 12:56.90 Shore Regional HS
Williams, Janea 13:00.45 Willingboro HS
Roig, Kayla 13:12.56 Highland Park HS
Kennedy, Guinevere 13:14.30 South Amboy HS
Costello, Alyssa 13:16.34 Shore Regional HS
Laning, Lauryn 13:42.44 New Egypt HS
Coffey, Emma 14:09.03 South Hunterdon HS
Reyes, Jelissa 14:33.60 Florence Twp HS
Artur, Vivienne 14:52.14 South Hunterdon HS
Hess, Julia 15:30.05 South Hunterdon HS
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Group 1 Girls 400 Meter Dash 38 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Strickland, Tionne Florence Twp HS
Johnson, Zy'Mayha Asbury Park HS
Cole, Carly Shore Regional HS
Najem, Julia Florence Twp HS
Cabrera, Shadyah Roselle Park HS
Ingram, Kayla Florence Twp HS
Welch Smith, Tamia 1:00.17 Willingboro HS
Birdsall, Hannah 1:00.29 Shore Regional HS
Wright, Micah 1:00.33 Asbury Park HS
Mendez, Alesia 1:01.01 Willingboro HS
Hunter, Nia 1:02.28 Manville HS
Matier, Madeline 1:02.43 Shore Regional HS
McCrone, Bridget 1:03.00 Middlesex HS
Leal, Seleste 1:03.34 New Egypt HS
Iyiola, Balkis 1:04.54 Willingboro HS
Briscoe, Chelsea 1:04.82 Burlington City HS
Young, Tahteeyana 1:05.09 Dunellen HS
Silva, Sophia 1:05.92 Dunellen HS
Wesolowski, Siobhan 1:06.53 Manville HS
Breen, Alexis 1:06.58 Keyport HS
Stoff, Emily 1:07.06 South Hunterdon HS
Russell, Hannah 1:07.74 Riverside HS
Paerg, Martine 1:07.86 South Hunterdon HS
D'Amico, Angelina 1:08.36 South Hunterdon HS
Clavel-Davio, Isabella 1:08.46 South Hunterdon HS
Anthony, Taylor 1:08.81 Middlesex HS
Reillo, Megan 1:10.02 Florence Twp HS
Shallop, Lisette 1:10.50 South Hunterdon HS
Garcia, Yarislelda 1:11.04 Roselle Park HS
Pursell, Brooke 1:11.48 South Hunterdon HS
Payano, Nashari 1:12.41 South Amboy HS
Gomez, Myara 1:12.88 Florence Twp HS
Shaw, Zanobia 1:13.62 STEM Civics Charter School
Ventura, Katherine 1:16.71 Bound Brook HS
Covert, Emily 1:19.41 Keyport HS
Perez, Jennifer 1:21.70 Bound Brook HS
Tapia, Eliane 1:22.07 Henry Hudson Reg HS
Ochan, Rebecca 57.24 Highland Park HS
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Group 1 Girls 400 Meter Hurdles 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
O'Grady, Ellison Pt. Pleasant Beach HS
Welch Smith, Tamia 1:07.38 Willingboro HS
Marks, Julia 1:07.79 Highland Park HS
Donohoe, Caroline 1:09.66 Shore Regional HS
Saponaro, Isabella 1:10.73 Shore Regional HS
Dolo, Mikell 1:10.80 Willingboro HS
Hughes, Gloria 1:10.93 Willingboro HS
Walters, Imagen 1:11.16 Middlesex HS
Pleva, Jaison Ashley 1:11.30 Riverside HS
Iyiola, Afusat 1:11.57 Willingboro HS
Macancela, Cristine 1:14.94 Manville HS
Pepsny, Brianna 1:15.31 Shore Regional HS
Sirak, Paige 1:15.93 South Hunterdon HS
Speights, Asiyah 1:16.06 Asbury Park HS
Voorhees, Eve 1:16.34 South Hunterdon HS
Markey, Anna 1:17.73 New Egypt HS
Ucciardi, Vera 1:18.66 Highland Park HS
Garcia, Andrea 1:19.19 Middlesex HS
Provenzano, Ameila 1:19.20 Riverside HS
Saburova, Yekaterina 1:20.30 Manville HS
Coore, Gabby 1:21.03 Dunellen HS
Parkin, Carolyn 1:21.84 Middlesex HS
Henry, Jessica 1:22.82 South Amboy HS
Duke, Lana 1:24.32 Florence Twp HS
Rodriguez, Sasha 1:26.36 Dunellen HS
Fleming, Gabrielle 1:29.10 Florence Twp HS
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Group 1 Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 50.77 Willingboro HS
Relay Team A 52.52 Middlesex HS
Relay Team A 53.77 Florence Twp HS
Relay Team A 54.75 Dunellen HS
Relay Team A 55.20 South Hunterdon HS
Relay Team A 55.54 Riverside HS
Relay Team A 55.76 Shore Regional HS
Relay Team A 56.31 Asbury Park HS
Relay Team A 57.65 STEM Civics Charter School
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Group 1 Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:05.58 Willingboro HS
Relay Team A 4:11.67 Shore Regional HS
Relay Team A 4:16.57 Middlesex HS
Relay Team A 4:26.62 South Hunterdon HS
Relay Team A 4:37.49 Florence Twp HS
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Group 1 Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Florence Twp HS
Relay Team A Manville HS
Relay Team A Highland Park HS
Relay Team A South Amboy HS
Relay Team A 10:34.81 Willingboro HS
Relay Team A 11:03.74 Middlesex HS
Relay Team A 11:19.50 South Hunterdon HS
Relay Team A 9:49.60 Shore Regional HS
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Group 1 Girls 800 Meter Run 39 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Strickland, Tionne Florence Twp HS
Woodward, Julia Highland Park HS
Vidal, Corina Henry Hudson Reg HS
Somalwar, Anne Highland Park HS
Anthony, Taylor Middlesex HS
Williams, Janea Willingboro HS
Birdsall, Hannah 2:18.66 Shore Regional HS
Olsen, Emmalee 2:27.16 Shore Regional HS
Donohoe, Caroline 2:28.94 Shore Regional HS
Mendez, Alesia 2:33.96 Willingboro HS
O'Neill, Avery 2:34.94 Pt. Pleasant Beach HS
Welch Smith, Tamia 2:36.21 Willingboro HS
Orellana, Erika 2:36.48 Dunellen HS
Romano, Olivia 2:37.43 South Hunterdon HS
Vrublauskas, Anne 2:37.62 Middlesex HS
Ingram, Kayla 2:43.27 Florence Twp HS
Pirri, Ava 2:44.74 Highland Park HS
Wilson, Ava 2:45.74 Asbury Park HS
Macancela, Cristine 2:47.37 Manville HS
Green, Chelsea 2:47.39 Willingboro HS
Clavel-Davio, Isabella 2:48.18 South Hunterdon HS
Markey, Anna 2:51.42 New Egypt HS
Russell, Hannah 2:52.62 Riverside HS
Coffey, Emma 2:53.25 South Hunterdon HS
Henry, Jessica 2:54.13 South Amboy HS
Basch, Josie 2:54.77 Middlesex HS
Younis, Syedah 2:55.59 Willingboro HS
Sirak, Paige 2:57.19 South Hunterdon HS
Shimp, Megan 2:57.96 Manville HS
Reyes, Jenthel 3:04.61 Dunellen HS
Artur, Vivienne 3:05.31 South Hunterdon HS
Monterroso, Yenifer 3:08.26 STEM Civics Charter School
Adams, Laura 3:09.08 South Hunterdon HS
Angulo, Melissa 3:10.21 Manville HS
Boyington, Ayzelin 3:13.73 Riverside HS
Italiano, Marissa 3:15.25 South River HS
Perez, Jennifer 3:15.46 Bound Brook HS
Tolmaczewiec, Helena 3:16.00 South River HS
Dasilva, Julie 3:28.26 South River HS
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Group 1 Girls Discus 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ambicki, Michelle 103-8 Middlesex HS
Hardy, Theresa 92-6 Highland Park HS
Brown, Abigail 88-11 Willingboro HS
Vargas, Evelyn 88-9 Dunellen HS
Walsh, Alexis 86-9 Keyport HS
Morris, Cortlyn 86-8 Bound Brook HS
LaRosa, Madison 85-9 Shore Regional HS
Starke, Erin 85-5 Riverside HS
Pundock, Sarah 83-8 Middlesex HS
Starke, Riley 83-6 Riverside HS
Ur, Victoria 82-10 Dunellen HS
Zuza, Jackie 82-9 Manville HS
Bordwick, Rylee 82-8 South Hunterdon HS
Hegglin, Moira 81-9 Shore Regional HS
Sykes, Shamaryah 80-9 Willingboro HS
Kelly, Sha'Quana 80-5 Manville HS
Biesiada, Gabby 80-0 New Egypt HS
Kopec, Abigail 79-1 Shore Regional HS
Grant, Jadah 77-1 Willingboro HS
Pimpinella, Gloriann 76-5 Dunellen HS
Wescott, Janie 76-1 Florence Twp HS
Stryker, Jordan 76-1 New Egypt HS
Nolan, Sanaa 73-6 STEM Civics Charter School
Olivera, Jasmine 71-3 New Egypt HS
Voorhees, Madison 70-10 South Hunterdon HS
Parker, Kaminah 70-7 Willingboro HS
Roig, Ilyssa 69-1.5 Highland Park HS
Jusino, Taylor 67-7 Florence Twp HS
Heywood, Emma 65-6 Manville HS
McGraw, Natalie 62-5 Riverside HS
Odikanwa, Uchechi 61-11 Highland Park HS
Thiessen, Jenna 58-1 Bound Brook HS
Charles, Finley 50-3 Florence Twp HS
Baldorossi, Alyssa 43-2 Florence Twp HS
Hernandez, Nicole 40-6 Bound Brook HS
Wuelfing, Alexia Florence Twp HS
McKenzie, Kierra Florence Twp HS
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Group 1 Girls High Jump 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wilson, Kenady 5-8 Willingboro HS
Perna, Kerry 5-2 Pt. Pleasant Beach HS
O'Neill, Grace 5-0 Shore Regional HS
Voorhees, Eve 5-0 South Hunterdon HS
Welch Smith, Tamia 4-8 Willingboro HS
Korinko, Jenna 4-8 Florence Twp HS
Hughes, Gloria 4-4 Willingboro HS
McLaughlin, KatieAnn 4-4 Shore Regional HS
Schaefer, Avery 4-4 South Hunterdon HS
Guzzardo, Gabriella 4-4 New Egypt HS
Heiney, Caroline 4-2 Middlesex HS
Roig, Ilyssa 4-0 Highland Park HS
Carnival, Lola Florence Twp HS
Silva, Sophia Dunellen HS
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Group 1 Girls Javelin 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pundock, Sarah 104-9 Middlesex HS
Bordwick, Rylee 102-8 South Hunterdon HS
LaRosa, Madison 101-7 Shore Regional HS
Walsh, Alexis 98-2 Keyport HS
Voorhees, Madison 94-7 South Hunterdon HS
Hoodja, Brooke 94-2 Manville HS
Nordhaus, Samantha 93-9 Middlesex HS
Wuelfing, Alexia 91-2 Florence Twp HS
Cairns, Julia 90-8 Pt. Pleasant Beach HS
Hughes, Gloria 84-2 Willingboro HS
Baldorossi, Alyssa 81-7 Florence Twp HS
Roig, Ilyssa 80-4 Highland Park HS
Olivera, Jasmine 77-9 New Egypt HS
Ortiz, Karolynn 77-5 Keyport HS
St. Martin, Anya 77-3 Highland Park HS
Schaefer, Avery 76-8 South Hunterdon HS
Biesiada, Gabby 76-3 New Egypt HS
Nolan, Sanaa 75-0 STEM Civics Charter School
McGraw, Natalie 74-4 Riverside HS
Starke, Riley 73-8 Riverside HS
DiCianni, Chloe 73-7 Shore Regional HS
Cassiano, Vitoria 73-5 South River HS
Hegglin, Moira 70-7 Shore Regional HS
Bock, Ashlynn 69-0 New Egypt HS
Ngyuen, Katherine 67-3 Willingboro HS
Garcia, Destiny 66-4 Manville HS
Brown, Abigail 64-7 Willingboro HS
Hardy, Theresa 63-11 Highland Park HS
Thiessen, Jenna 63-0 Bound Brook HS
Bartlett, Alexis 60-11 Riverside HS
Bluni, Kaitlyn 58-2 Dunellen HS
Vasconez, Xiomara 48-7 Dunellen HS
Morris, Cortlyn Bound Brook HS
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Group 1 Girls Long Jump 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wilson, Kenady 16-9.5 Willingboro HS
Marks, Julia 16-1 Highland Park HS
Gomez, Karla 15-8 Middlesex HS
Cairns, Julia 15-7 Pt. Pleasant Beach HS
Rennar, Lucy 15-5.5 Roselle Park HS
Adofo-Boamah, Erica 15-1.75 Riverside HS
Magas, Allie 15-1 South Hunterdon HS
Villegas, Sofia 14-10 Roselle Park HS
Breen, Alexis 14-8.75 Keyport HS
Staub, Kylie 14-7.5 New Egypt HS
Vincent, Kayla 14-7.25 Florence Twp HS
Smith, Olivia 14-4.5 Florence Twp HS
Rebelo, Alyssa 14-2.5 Keyport HS
Spruell, Nikia 14-1 Riverside HS
Guzzardo, Gabriella 13-9.75 New Egypt HS
Dreher, Grace 13-6.75 New Egypt HS
Cresitello, Nicole 13-3.75 Middlesex HS
Kelley, Algeria 13-3 Keyport HS
Heiney, Caroline 13-2.75 Middlesex HS
Frazier, Siani 12-11.75 Riverside HS
Smith, Sophia 12-11.25 Florence Twp HS
Daly, Emily 12-5.5 Florence Twp HS
Watkins, Jaya 11-0 Academy Charter HS
Yildiz, Yaren 10-7.75 Florence Twp HS
Woodward, Julia Highland Park HS
Martin, Kaylin Bound Brook HS
Silva, Sophia Dunellen HS
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Group 1 Girls Pole Vault 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
DiCianni, Chloe 8-0 Shore Regional HS
Antonucci, Francesca 7-0 Shore Regional HS
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Group 1 Girls Shot Put 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ambicki, Michelle 34-1.75 Middlesex HS
Wescott, Janie 33-8 Florence Twp HS
Harvey, Maggie 33-1 Shore Regional HS
Brown, Abigail 33-0.5 Willingboro HS
Morris, Cortlyn 32-11.25 Bound Brook HS
Odikanwa, Uchechi 31-11 Highland Park HS
Starke, Riley 30-6 Riverside HS
Kelley, Algeria 29-7 Keyport HS
Bordwick, Rylee 29-4 South Hunterdon HS
Viera, Markela 29-4 New Egypt HS
Hammer, Meghan 29-0 New Egypt HS
Sykes, Shamaryah 28-2 Willingboro HS
Nordhaus, Samantha 28-2 Middlesex HS
Grant, Jadah 27-2.5 Willingboro HS
Pundock, Sarah 27-1.5 Middlesex HS
Kelly, Sha'Quana 26-7.75 Manville HS
Cesareo, Briana 26-0 Keyport HS
LaRosa, Madison 25-10.25 Shore Regional HS
Zuza, Jackie 25-9.25 Manville HS
Hardy, Theresa 25-7 Highland Park HS
Phillips, Narai 25-3.5 Dunellen HS
Voorhees, Madison 24-10 South Hunterdon HS
Furniss, Grace 24-9 Riverside HS
McKenzie, Kierra 24-7.5 Florence Twp HS
McGraw, Natalie 24-4.5 Riverside HS
Brooks, Ida 23-2.25 Florence Twp HS
Jusino, Taylor 22-10 Florence Twp HS
Kopec, Abigail 22-4.25 Shore Regional HS
Thiessen, Jenna 22-3 Bound Brook HS
Hernandez, Nicole 18-0 Bound Brook HS
St. Martin, Anya Highland Park HS
Baldorossi, Alyssa Florence Twp HS
Hegglin, Moira Shore Regional HS
Back to Top

Group 1 Girls Triple Jump 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wilson, Kenady 35-9 Willingboro HS
Magas, Allie 34-8 South Hunterdon HS
Pleva, Jaison Ashley 34-5.75 Riverside HS
Cairns, Julia 32-11.25 Pt. Pleasant Beach HS
Dolo, Mikell 32-2.25 Willingboro HS
Rennar, Lucy 31-10.5 Roselle Park HS
Staub, Kylie 31-5.5 New Egypt HS
Vincent, Kayla 31-3.5 Florence Twp HS
Spruell, Nikia 31-3.25 Riverside HS
Guzzardo, Gabriella 31-2.75 New Egypt HS
Villegas, Sofia 30-7 Roselle Park HS
Dreher, Grace 30-7 New Egypt HS
DiCianni, Chloe 30-5.25 Shore Regional HS
Breen, Alexis 29-8.75 Keyport HS
Cresitello, Nicole 29-0.75 Middlesex HS
Daly, Emily 27-0 Florence Twp HS
Irvin, MaKayla 27-0 Middlesex HS
Evci, Duygu 24-6.5 Florence Twp HS
Adofo-Boamah, Erica Riverside HS
Yildiz, Yaren Florence Twp HS
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Group 4 Boys 1,600 Meter Run 79 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Friedman, Ryan Manalapan HS
Rojas, Dereck Hunterdon Central HS
Das, Sameer 4:15.67 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Zullo, Tucker 4:17.50 Princeton HS
McCarthy, Jackson 4:18.03 Princeton HS
Lundberg, Nick 4:18.59 Freehold Township HS
Hill, Christopher 4:18.88 Franklin Township HS
Simon, Zach 4:19.44 Freehold Township HS
Davies, Reyden 4:22.28 East Brunswick HS
Purcell, Timothy 4:23.97 Old Bridge HS
Chittigidde, Amaresh 4:27.55 Edison HS
Davies, Leland 4:29.09 East Brunswick HS
Garcia, Jeremie 4:29.51 Manalapan HS
Moran, Justin 4:30.69 Sayreville HS
Rodriguez, Dylan 4:30.70 Sayreville HS
Weinglass, Aran 4:31.23 East Brunswick HS
Williams, Jake 4:31.41 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Keefe, Michael 4:31.83 Old Bridge HS
Klein, Michael 4:32.38 Hightstown HS
Cicoria, Joseph 4:32.64 Monroe Twp. HS
Hillyer, TJ 4:33.63 Howell HS
Fanta, Ben 4:34.35 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Nicholasi, Andrew 4:34.76 Howell HS
Epifania, Dario 4:35.58 South Brunswick HS
Rodriguez, Michael 4:35.88 Monroe Twp. HS
Cool, Steven 4:37.86 Old Bridge HS
Chen, Eric 4:38.11 Marlboro HS
Digricoli, Christopher 4:38.47 Hillsborough HS
Moran, Brett 4:38.67 Sayreville HS
Gagliardi, Tyler 4:38.74 Freehold Township HS
Guarino, Jacob 4:38.84 Freehold Township HS
Rebele, Connor 4:39.30 North Brunswick HS
Lew, Nicholas 4:39.62 Freehold Township HS
Minkel, Nicholas 4:39.62 East Brunswick HS
Tenenbaum, Samuel 4:40.55 Monroe Twp. HS
Farnsworth, Drew 4:40.93 Long Branch HS
Colagiuri, James 4:40.96 Montgomery HS
BAAH-MENSAH, Steven 4:41.28 Old Bridge HS
Shukla, Nikhil 4:41.55 Montgomery HS
Lopez, Erik 4:41.62 New Brunswick HS
Neary, Griffin 4:41.75 East Brunswick HS
Maroulis, Apostolos 4:42.09 East Brunswick HS
Balas, Tyler 4:42.56 Hillsborough HS
Omoniyi, Oluwasemilore 4:43.47 Edison HS
Bornstein, Jacob 4:44.43 Princeton HS
Engelhardt, Aaron 4:44.58 Hunterdon Central HS
Vedmala, Abhinav 4:44.86 South Brunswick HS
Antala, Dhavan 4:44.99 Manalapan HS
Gumber, Josh 4:45.54 South Brunswick HS
Herrera, Jose 4:45.76 Hunterdon Central HS
Cox-Alison, Kai 4:46.09 Sayreville HS
Yahi, Kenan 4:46.09 Hillsborough HS
Villegas, Brandon 4:46.11 North Brunswick HS
Kilheeney, Drew 4:46.38 North Brunswick HS
Eichenbaum, Zachary 4:46.67 Montgomery HS
Jerry, Richard 4:47.03 South Brunswick HS
White, Micah 4:47.13 Edison HS
Micco, Brian 4:47.29 Hunterdon Central HS
Inguardi, Jake 4:47.40 South Brunswick HS
Sheth, Sahil 4:47.74 South Brunswick HS
Carella, Joe 4:47.92 Monroe Twp. HS
Golub, Jason 4:48.34 Freehold Township HS
Lombardi, Joseph 4:48.90 Marlboro HS
Meredith, Christopher 4:49.02 Hillsborough HS
Alaboura, Najeeb 4:51.99 Edison HS
McMullen, Naji 4:52.73 Franklin Township HS
Sarmiento Rodriguez, Anthony 4:54.38 Franklin Township HS
Allain, William 4:54.60 Hunterdon Central HS
Patel, Ansh 4:54.98 Monroe Twp. HS
Wroblewski, Michael 4:56.43 Manalapan HS
Eisenman, Max 4:56.86 Manalapan HS
Lopez-Sanchez, Nestor 4:56.90 Trenton Central HS
Ferrell, Justin 4:58.71 Edison HS
Watkins, Cameron 4:59.05 Hightstown HS
Datta, Tilak 5:01.67 Edison HS
Solano, Jose 5:03.69 Trenton Central HS
Prather, John 5:10.61 Hightstown HS
Giddens, Nazir 5:27.25 Trenton Central HS
Rodriguez, Malachi 5:29.37 Long Branch HS
Back to Top

Group 4 Boys 100 Meter Dash 77 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sasso, Steven Edison HS
McCloskey, Ryan Hunterdon Central HS
Afriyie, Nana East Brunswick HS
Raboy, Tyler Freehold Township HS
Gorospe, Humber Edison HS
Familia, Wilson Old Bridge HS
Massey, Kayshaun Trenton Central HS
Smith, Khayri South Brunswick HS
Flax, Adam East Brunswick HS
McDonald, Joshua Franklin Township HS
Lee, Robert Freehold Township HS
Servil, Doraldinho Princeton HS
Amen, Osei Trenton Central HS
Anagnos, Ryder Freehold Township HS
James, Nikolai Old Bridge HS
Heslop, Mario 10.81 Franklin Township HS
Isadare, Temitayo 11.12 Hightstown HS
Williams, Jared 11.15 Franklin Township HS
McFadden, Carter 11.15 Montgomery HS
Jackson, Anthony 11.15 Sayreville HS
Hicks, Dahvey 11.19 North Brunswick HS
Phillip, Jayden 11.19 East Brunswick HS
Perello, Matthew 11.25 Princeton HS
Tawe, Tawe 11.26 Hillsborough HS
Wildberg, Nils 11.27 Princeton HS
Porbeni, Ola 11.29 South Brunswick HS
Blount, Demonte 11.34 North Brunswick HS
Gadie, Sam 11.35 Trenton Central HS
Ezema, William 11.37 Hunterdon Central HS
O'Neal, Christian 11.38 Trenton Central HS
Howard-Baker, Majid 11.44 South Brunswick HS
Asamoah, Chance 11.44 Hightstown HS
Dumornay, Micah 11.47 Hunterdon Central HS
Miller, Chris 11.51 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Smalling, Michael 11.55 Old Bridge HS
Newton, Joshua 11.58 East Brunswick HS
Smith, Rhyne 11.59 Old Bridge HS
Gilliam, Orion 11.60 Edison HS
Rath, Christian 11.62 Howell HS
Scherer, Parker 11.64 Freehold Township HS
Joe-Kamara, Thomas 11.66 South Brunswick HS
Bailey, Myles 11.66 North Brunswick HS
Valvano, Frank 11.68 Manalapan HS
Levonaitis, Sean 11.68 Hillsborough HS
Agnew, Jagger 11.68 Monroe Twp. HS
Risse, Carter 11.75 Hunterdon Central HS
Nwosu, Uchenna 11.76 Franklin Township HS
Evans, Cole 11.77 Manalapan HS
Sannoh, Ibrahim 11.78 Sayreville HS
Allen, Jalen 11.79 Monroe Twp. HS
Brown-Miller, Ahyan 11.81 New Brunswick HS
Maryala, Santosh 11.82 South Brunswick HS
Farrar, Jayon 11.82 Long Branch HS
Duodu, Gregory 11.84 Edison HS
Williams, Dashawn 11.85 Manalapan HS
Ajiboro, Adeola 11.85 Edison HS
Thompson, Deandre 11.87 Trenton Central HS
Orvos, Jace 11.87 Montgomery HS
Benitez, Alex 11.92 Montgomery HS
Cypress, Vince 11.92 Old Bridge HS
Frohn, Patrick 11.93 Hunterdon Central HS
Hill, Keyon 11.95 North Brunswick HS
Scarpaci, Thomas 11.95 Freehold Township HS
Johnson, Andre 11.95 Manalapan HS
Adjangba, Ian 12.05 Howell HS
Jones, Aston 12.07 East Brunswick HS
Agrawala, Davin 12.11 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Crooks, Matthew 12.11 Montgomery HS
Glebavicius, Tadas 12.12 Howell HS
Lee, Jason 12.24 Hillsborough HS
Garelick, Matthew 12.24 Monroe Twp. HS
Berner, Adam 12.26 Princeton HS
Murray, Everett 12.28 Princeton HS
Pacheco, Nigel 12.29 Monroe Twp. HS
Veras, Bianhel 12.39 Edison HS
Fenton, Troy 12.65 Freehold Township HS
Dehne, Jack 12.72 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
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Group 4 Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 55 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Nagy, Jack Hunterdon Central HS
Gallashaw, Amir Monroe Twp. HS
Steele, Ryan Monroe Twp. HS
Lawrence, Felix 14.30 Freehold Township HS
Smith, Sebastian 14.57 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Yarber, Malcolm 14.64 South Brunswick HS
Hargrove, Xavier 14.90 Howell HS
Kore, Lucas 15.12 Edison HS
Porbeni, Ola 15.15 South Brunswick HS
Osei, Kumi 15.21 Franklin Township HS
Colbert, Andrew 15.29 Freehold Township HS
Cella, Joshua 15.33 South Brunswick HS
Knight, Christopher 15.34 Old Bridge HS
Shingles, Hasani 15.42 Franklin Township HS
Engler, Jason 15.45 Hunterdon Central HS
Knight, Jason 15.57 Montgomery HS
Gorospe, Humber 15.58 Edison HS
Soherwardy, Ali 15.64 East Brunswick HS
Asamoah, Chance 15.87 Hightstown HS
Olayemi, Emmanuel 16.07 North Brunswick HS
Fedorowiat, Wiktor 16.08 East Brunswick HS
O'Connell, Thomas 16.08 Monroe Twp. HS
Nwosu, Uchenna 16.15 Franklin Township HS
Sannoh, Ibrahim 16.17 Sayreville HS
Krishnan, Shawn 16.20 Montgomery HS
Oppong-Dwamena, Seth 16.25 East Brunswick HS
Serrao, Christopher 16.26 East Brunswick HS
Silvestrone, Tom 16.26 Freehold Township HS
Khan, Faizjilani 16.34 Sayreville HS
Scarpaci, Thomas 16.36 Freehold Township HS
O'Malley, Shane 16.47 Freehold Township HS
Tinitigan, Matthew 16.58 Monroe Twp. HS
Rittweger, Brandon 16.73 East Brunswick HS
Polgardi, David 16.79 Monroe Twp. HS
Szymanski, Aiden 16.87 Freehold Township HS
Jones, Nashawn 16.99 Hunterdon Central HS
Lie, Augustino 17.07 Edison HS
Linko, Kevin 17.37 Princeton HS
Castellanos, Manuel 17.44 Sayreville HS
Stefanic, Nick 17.57 Manalapan HS
Dooley, Girum 17.98 Hunterdon Central HS
Romeu, Thomas 18.13 Manalapan HS
Shah, Rohan 18.19 Montgomery HS
Colditz, Carl 18.44 Manalapan HS
Gilliam, Orion 18.83 Edison HS
Sapienza, Rex 18.95 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Taylor, Trejon 19.19 Franklin Township HS
Creange, Connor 19.47 Hunterdon Central HS
Atkinson, Anthony 19.81 Manalapan HS
Paulin, Frantz 19.85 Manalapan HS
Chaturvedi, Neil 19.95 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Angello, Liam 20.87 Hillsborough HS
Posner, Mason 21.70 Edison HS
Nydick, Skylar 21.74 Princeton HS
Santiago, Saul 24.28 South Brunswick HS
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Group 4 Boys 200 Meter Dash 81 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Levonaitis, Sean Hillsborough HS
Hubbard, James Trenton Central HS
Jones, Aston East Brunswick HS
Garelick, Matthew Monroe Twp. HS
Modeste, Naieem Princeton HS
Akande, Daniel Franklin Township HS
Nwankwo, Chukwubuikem Old Bridge HS
Yarber, Malcolm South Brunswick HS
Derilhomme, Nasset East Brunswick HS
Cella, Joshua South Brunswick HS
Castellanos, Manuel Sayreville HS
Pemberton, Josh Monroe Twp. HS
Smith, Khayri South Brunswick HS
Lipman, Ben East Brunswick HS
Wang, Sean Montgomery HS
Bailey, Myles North Brunswick HS
McCloskey, Ryan Hunterdon Central HS
Osei, Kumi Franklin Township HS
Amen, Osei Trenton Central HS
Hicks, Dahvey North Brunswick HS
Heslop, Mario 21.62 Franklin Township HS
Wildberg, Nils 21.99 Princeton HS
Berberena, Ramy 22.08 North Brunswick HS
Isadare, Temitayo 22.13 Hightstown HS
Perello, Matthew 22.31 Princeton HS
McRae, Ny'Aare 22.61 Trenton Central HS
McFadden, Carter 22.62 Montgomery HS
Phillip, Jayden 22.69 East Brunswick HS
Tawe, Tawe 22.88 Hillsborough HS
Williams, Jared 22.90 Franklin Township HS
Ezema, William 22.99 Hunterdon Central HS
Newton, Joshua 23.09 East Brunswick HS
Howard-Baker, Majid 23.10 South Brunswick HS
Gilliam, Orion 23.12 Edison HS
Porbeni, Ola 23.15 South Brunswick HS
Rosiak, Dominick 23.17 Old Bridge HS
Miller, Chris 23.22 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
White, Garrett 23.27 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
McRae, Mahsiah 23.27 Trenton Central HS
Agnew, Jagger 23.31 Monroe Twp. HS
Blount, Demonte 23.41 North Brunswick HS
Thornton, Robert 23.45 Hunterdon Central HS
Smalling, Michael 23.53 Old Bridge HS
Rath, Christian 23.57 Howell HS
Eckert, Benjamin 23.69 Hunterdon Central HS
Maryala, Santosh 23.69 South Brunswick HS
Smith, Rhyne 23.79 Old Bridge HS
Adjangba, Ian 23.83 Howell HS
Lee, Robert 23.87 Freehold Township HS
Veras, Bianhel 23.90 Edison HS
Francoeur, Jeremy 23.91 Hightstown HS
Khan, Faizjilani 23.92 Sayreville HS
Duodu, Gregory 23.93 Edison HS
Berner, Adam 23.93 Princeton HS
James, Nikolai 23.99 Old Bridge HS
Allen, Jalen 24.01 Monroe Twp. HS
Evans, Cole 24.04 Manalapan HS
Gadie, Sam 24.07 Trenton Central HS
Pacheco, Nigel 24.07 Monroe Twp. HS
Farrar, Jayon 24.10 Long Branch HS
Clopton, Tairiq 24.12 Hightstown HS
Afriyie, Nana 24.15 East Brunswick HS
Basse, Khalil 24.18 Hightstown HS
Cohen, Justin 24.21 Manalapan HS
Zinger, Justin 24.22 Hillsborough HS
Gorospe, Humber 24.27 Edison HS
Ajiboro, Adeola 24.30 Edison HS
Williams, Dashawn 24.31 Manalapan HS
Valvano, Frank 24.35 Manalapan HS
Mohamed, Muzaffar 24.37 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Malik, Haris 24.48 Marlboro HS
Santiago, Hector 24.54 Freehold Township HS
Lainez, Marco 24.62 Montgomery HS
Glebavicius, Tadas 24.73 Howell HS
Thompson, Deandre 24.84 Trenton Central HS
Raboy, Tyler 24.86 Freehold Township HS
Daum, Joshua 24.88 Marlboro HS
Hill, Keyon 25.02 North Brunswick HS
Sansano, Anthony 25.23 Edison HS
Adam, Caleb 25.25 Hillsborough HS
Dumornay, Micah 25.75 Hunterdon Central HS
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Group 4 Boys 3,200 Meter Run 74 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Datta, Tilak Edison HS
Moran, Justin Sayreville HS
Shah, Rohan Edison HS
Keefe, Michael Old Bridge HS
Eastman, Aidan Hunterdon Central HS
Cool, Steven Old Bridge HS
Ferrell, Justin Edison HS
BAAH-MENSAH, Steven 10:00.08 Old Bridge HS
Guarino, Jacob 10:01.51 Freehold Township HS
Gonzalez, Matthew 10:04.62 East Brunswick HS
Chartoff, Nicholas 10:05.94 East Brunswick HS
Bornstein, Jacob 10:09.30 Princeton HS
Moran, Brett 10:12.58 Sayreville HS
Rebele, Connor 10:13.66 North Brunswick HS
Tan, Steven 10:14.57 Old Bridge HS
Rodriguez, Michael 10:14.60 Monroe Twp. HS
Tenenbaum, Samuel 10:15.40 Monroe Twp. HS
Tiongko, Matthew 10:16.44 East Brunswick HS
Colagiuri, James 10:16.70 Montgomery HS
Engelhardt, Aaron 10:18.01 Hunterdon Central HS
Gaughan, James 10:19.82 Marlboro HS
Gumber, Josh 10:20.65 South Brunswick HS
Lew, Nicholas 10:20.93 Freehold Township HS
Sheth, Sahil 10:21.19 South Brunswick HS
Cox-Alison, Kai 10:22.00 Sayreville HS
Blazej, Lucas 10:22.91 East Brunswick HS
White, Micah 10:24.55 Edison HS
Kilheeney, Drew 10:24.57 North Brunswick HS
Valentino, Daniel 10:24.70 Freehold Township HS
Lopez-Sanchez, Nestor 10:28.54 Trenton Central HS
Yahi, Kenan 10:30.89 Hillsborough HS
DiLella, Daniel 10:32.99 Princeton HS
Eisenman, Max 10:36.36 Manalapan HS
Shokoff, William 10:36.89 Hillsborough HS
Lee, Samuel 10:41.20 Franklin Township HS
McMullen, Naji 10:41.27 Franklin Township HS
Erbeck, Tucker 10:45.87 Montgomery HS
Lombardi, Joseph 10:49.81 Marlboro HS
Biggs, Charlie 10:51.05 Princeton HS
Rojas, Dereck 10:53.11 Hunterdon Central HS
Alaboura, Najeeb 10:53.92 Edison HS
Yao, Oliver 10:54.51 Montgomery HS
Watkins, Cameron 11:00.72 Hightstown HS
Ajgaonkar, Mandar 11:02.15 Monroe Twp. HS
Edralin, Thomas 11:04.69 Marlboro HS
Allain, William 11:13.21 Hunterdon Central HS
Bonilla, Kyle 11:14.85 Howell HS
Mutchnick, Tyler 11:22.17 Hightstown HS
Solano, Jose 11:26.78 Trenton Central HS
Chen, Jonathan 11:31.90 Edison HS
Acharya, Ganesh 11:35.95 North Brunswick HS
Das, Sameer 9:17.43 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Davies, Reyden 9:18.88 East Brunswick HS
Lundberg, Nick 9:20.02 Freehold Township HS
Hillyer, TJ 9:28.78 Howell HS
Hill, Christopher 9:29.76 Franklin Township HS
Zawatski, Zachary 9:32.53 Freehold Township HS
Polam, Vidhur 9:33.96 South Brunswick HS
Mitchell, Ryan 9:34.50 Hillsborough HS
Sharma, Rishi 9:37.60 Manalapan HS
Fanta, Ben 9:42.36 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Mustaqali, Sameer 9:43.21 South Brunswick HS
Harvey, Charles 9:44.63 Old Bridge HS
Zullo, Tucker 9:45.67 Princeton HS
Mehta, Malav 9:48.61 Manalapan HS
Purcell, Timothy 9:49.18 Old Bridge HS
True, Austin 9:49.77 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Rodriguez, Dylan 9:50.97 Sayreville HS
Weinglass, Aran 9:51.66 East Brunswick HS
Spector, Kyle 9:53.91 Manalapan HS
Friedman, Ryan 9:54.74 Manalapan HS
Epifania, Dario 9:54.94 South Brunswick HS
Gagliardi, Tyler 9:55.64 Freehold Township HS
Diaz, Brandon 9:59.11 South Brunswick HS
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Group 4 Boys 400 Meter Dash 80 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Molina, Alonzo Sayreville HS
Orvos, Jace Montgomery HS
Nolasco, Jan New Brunswick HS
Bellina, Jason Hillsborough HS
Shaker, Eric Marlboro HS
Gaynor, Paul Freehold Township HS
Ramirez, Dimitri Hillsborough HS
Heller, Tyler Hunterdon Central HS
Cordova, Jason South Brunswick HS
Richardson, Rahsaan Franklin Township HS
Wittenburg, Davis South Brunswick HS
Rapley, Luke Marlboro HS
Kinder, Joseph Freehold Township HS
Heslop, Mario 48.10 Franklin Township HS
Berberena, Ramy 48.73 North Brunswick HS
Medeiros, Nicholas 49.09 Old Bridge HS
Gorka, Adam 49.56 South Brunswick HS
Kaplan, Jordan 49.75 Monroe Twp. HS
KELLY, Tyler 49.76 Freehold Township HS
McRae, Ny'Aare 50.26 Trenton Central HS
Liggins, Miles 50.29 South Brunswick HS
McFadden, Carter 50.56 Montgomery HS
Whetstone, Jack 50.59 Princeton HS
Perello, Matthew 50.81 Princeton HS
Graves, Eugene 50.86 Marlboro HS
Hubbard, James 51.00 Trenton Central HS
Stowe, Matthew 51.13 Sayreville HS
Redwood, Malik 51.42 Long Branch HS
Reeves, Anthony 51.49 Franklin Township HS
Lewis, Thomas 51.54 Sayreville HS
Miller, Chris 51.69 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Rosiak, Dominick 51.87 Old Bridge HS
Donou, Sergino 51.89 Old Bridge HS
White, Garrett 51.92 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Reid, Kristof 52.07 Hunterdon Central HS
Evans, Cole 52.08 Manalapan HS
Phillip, Jayden 52.10 East Brunswick HS
McRae, Mahsiah 52.19 Trenton Central HS
Veras, Bianhel 52.40 Edison HS
Scherer, Parker 52.45 Freehold Township HS
Duodu, Gregory 52.57 Edison HS
Romanek, Jacob 52.57 Hunterdon Central HS
Jerome, Andrew 52.70 Freehold Township HS
Risse, Carter 52.73 Hunterdon Central HS
Altamirano, Michael 52.81 New Brunswick HS
Manyem, Aadit 52.87 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Abramik, Sean 52.95 Edison HS
Whitelock, Brian 53.37 East Brunswick HS
Gadie, Sam 53.37 Trenton Central HS
Woo, Jason 53.57 Old Bridge HS
Cifrodelli, Spencer 53.63 Montgomery HS
Nwankwo, Chukwubuikem 53.65 Old Bridge HS
Morrow, Jacob 53.70 Monroe Twp. HS
Katona, Charles 53.73 South Brunswick HS
Pacheco, Nigel 53.75 Monroe Twp. HS
Williams, Dashawn 53.87 Manalapan HS
Soherwardy, Ali 53.95 East Brunswick HS
Afriyie, Nana 53.99 East Brunswick HS
Familia, Wilson 54.14 Old Bridge HS
Cassidy, Rowan 54.14 Manalapan HS
Orrico, Zachary 54.16 Freehold Township HS
Lipman, Ben 54.25 East Brunswick HS
Derilhomme, Nasset 54.29 East Brunswick HS
Thompson, Deandre 54.31 Trenton Central HS
Lee, Jason 54.54 Hillsborough HS
Daum, Joshua 54.56 Marlboro HS
Malik, Haris 54.59 Marlboro HS
Moran, Chase 54.75 Princeton HS
Zinger, Justin 54.83 Hillsborough HS
Eckert, Benjamin 55.31 Hunterdon Central HS
Adam, Caleb 55.43 Hillsborough HS
Sansano, Anthony 55.59 Edison HS
Cohen, Justin 55.84 Manalapan HS
Garcia, Albert 56.25 Franklin Township HS
garcia, Anguel 56.61 New Brunswick HS
Baker, Dachaun 57.07 North Brunswick HS
Murray, Everett 57.89 Princeton HS
Omoniyi, Oluwasemilore 58.53 Edison HS
Lux, Dylan 59.03 Princeton HS
Ortiz, Gabe 59.76 Edison HS
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Group 4 Boys 400 Meter Hurdles 50 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Page, Rasaan Trenton Central HS
Li, Eric South Brunswick HS
Linko, Kevin 1:00.05 Princeton HS
Knight, Christopher 1:00.06 Old Bridge HS
Krishnan, Shawn 1:00.19 Montgomery HS
Scarpaci, Thomas 1:00.57 Freehold Township HS
Gaynor, Paul 1:00.80 Freehold Township HS
Sannoh, Ibrahim 1:01.08 Sayreville HS
Silvestrone, Tom 1:01.20 Freehold Township HS
Ye, Wan 1:01.30 South Brunswick HS
Martin, Malcolm 1:01.34 Franklin Township HS
Khan, Faizjilani 1:01.70 Sayreville HS
Polgardi, David 1:02.07 Monroe Twp. HS
Stefanic, Nick 1:02.22 Manalapan HS
O'Malley, Shane 1:02.40 Freehold Township HS
Nagy, Jack 1:02.72 Hunterdon Central HS
Laduke, Nathan 1:03.15 Monroe Twp. HS
Serrao, Christopher 1:03.93 East Brunswick HS
Mundy, Jason 1:04.63 Hunterdon Central HS
Lie, Augustino 1:05.09 Edison HS
Nadakuditi, Vineel 1:05.68 Montgomery HS
Atkinson, Anthony 1:06.10 Manalapan HS
Rittweger, Brandon 1:06.93 East Brunswick HS
Bernier, Tyler 1:06.98 Montgomery HS
Schuddeboom, Joshua 1:07.74 Hunterdon Central HS
Ramirez, Dimitri 1:08.39 Hillsborough HS
Yanamandra, Kaveesh 1:09.56 East Brunswick HS
Johnson, Thomas 1:09.68 Edison HS
Nydick, Skylar 1:10.16 Princeton HS
Sudharshan, Sachit 1:10.89 Monroe Twp. HS
Bellina, Jason 1:11.34 Hillsborough HS
Rosa, Joshua 1:12.49 Manalapan HS
Coutros, Peter 1:13.76 Hunterdon Central HS
Berberena, Ramy 52.83 North Brunswick HS
Lawrence, Felix 53.63 Freehold Township HS
Akande, Daniel 56.90 Franklin Township HS
Cella, Joshua 57.33 South Brunswick HS
Santiago, Saul 57.40 South Brunswick HS
Soherwardy, Ali 57.71 East Brunswick HS
Hargrove, Xavier 57.77 Howell HS
Taylor, Trejon 58.18 Franklin Township HS
Kore, Lucas 58.24 Edison HS
Oppong-Dwamena, Seth 58.35 East Brunswick HS
Gorka, Adam 58.57 South Brunswick HS
Przygoda, Ethan 59.02 Freehold Township HS
Gorospe, Humber 59.04 Edison HS
Fedorowiat, Wiktor 59.13 East Brunswick HS
Altamirano, Michael 59.57 New Brunswick HS
Shingles, Hasani 59.63 Franklin Township HS
Dooley, Girum 59.71 Hunterdon Central HS
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Group 4 Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 42.87 Trenton Central HS
Relay Team A 43.09 North Brunswick HS
Relay Team A 43.23 South Brunswick HS
Relay Team A 43.30 Franklin Township HS
Relay Team A 43.83 East Brunswick HS
Relay Team A 43.83 Montgomery HS
Relay Team A 44.16 Sayreville HS
Relay Team A 44.27 Hunterdon Central HS
Relay Team A 44.40 Edison HS
Relay Team A 44.49 Old Bridge HS
Relay Team A 44.54 Hillsborough HS
Relay Team A 44.77 Marlboro HS
Relay Team A 44.89 Monroe Twp. HS
Relay Team A 44.92 Freehold Township HS
Relay Team A 45.47 Hightstown HS
Relay Team A 45.93 Manalapan HS
Relay Team A 46.85 Princeton HS
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Group 4 Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:18.90 Freehold Township HS
Relay Team A 3:21.65 Trenton Central HS
Relay Team A 3:22.54 Marlboro HS
Relay Team A 3:22.96 South Brunswick HS
Relay Team A 3:23.76 Franklin Township HS
Relay Team A 3:24.83 Princeton HS
Relay Team A 3:26.02 Old Bridge HS
Relay Team A 3:28.64 Edison HS
Relay Team A 3:28.80 Sayreville HS
Relay Team A 3:29.16 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Relay Team A 3:29.46 East Brunswick HS
Relay Team A 3:30.60 Hunterdon Central HS
Relay Team A 3:31.09 Hillsborough HS
Relay Team A 3:36.64 New Brunswick HS
Relay Team A 3:37.66 Manalapan HS
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Group 4 Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Relay Team A 7:56.00 East Brunswick HS
Relay Team A 8:09.24 Freehold Township HS
Relay Team A 8:13.50 Sayreville HS
Relay Team A 8:13.93 Old Bridge HS
Relay Team A 8:16.85 Howell HS
Relay Team A 8:18.04 Manalapan HS
Relay Team A 8:18.72 Edison HS
Relay Team A 8:19.39 Marlboro HS
Relay Team A 8:27.77 Hunterdon Central HS
Relay Team A 8:28.58 Franklin Township HS
Relay Team A 8:29.24 South Brunswick HS
Relay Team A 8:29.25 Hillsborough HS
Relay Team A 8:33.26 Princeton HS
Relay Team A 8:37.40 Trenton Central HS
Back to Top

Group 4 Boys 800 Meter Run 77 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hill, Christopher Franklin Township HS
Datta, Tilak Edison HS
Chartoff, Nicholas East Brunswick HS
Cunniff, Brendan Hunterdon Central HS
Alaboura, Najeeb Edison HS
Medeiros, Nicholas 1:53.57 Old Bridge HS
Liggins, Miles 1:53.89 South Brunswick HS
Kaplan, Jordan 1:54.36 Monroe Twp. HS
Lewis, Thomas 1:56.67 Sayreville HS
McCarthy, Jackson 1:57.38 Princeton HS
Davies, Leland 1:58.03 East Brunswick HS
KELLY, Tyler 1:58.30 Freehold Township HS
Leohner, Justin 1:59.19 Freehold Township HS
Whetstone, Jack 1:59.23 Princeton HS
Myadam, Archit 2:00.22 South Brunswick HS
Cicoria, Joseph 2:00.30 Monroe Twp. HS
Gafanha, Dominick 2:00.48 Old Bridge HS
Chittigidde, Amaresh 2:00.54 Edison HS
Gultekinoglu, Aleksander 2:00.66 East Brunswick HS
Nicholas, Brandon 2:01.40 Franklin Township HS
Cassidy, Rowan 2:01.76 Manalapan HS
Audibert, Amael 2:02.12 South Brunswick HS
Edison, Zachary 2:02.36 Manalapan HS
BENI, Ryne 2:02.37 Hillsborough HS
Kinder, Joseph 2:02.68 Freehold Township HS
Neary, Griffin 2:02.70 East Brunswick HS
Nicholasi, Andrew 2:02.79 Howell HS
Ling, Devin 2:02.95 Marlboro HS
Bettermann, Kenneth 2:02.96 Hunterdon Central HS
Moran, Justin 2:03.21 Sayreville HS
Hudak, Kyle 2:03.54 Hillsborough HS
Huang, Brian 2:03.83 Old Bridge HS
Lopez, Erik 2:03.85 New Brunswick HS
Riga, Alexander 2:04.01 Hunterdon Central HS
Cifrodelli, Spencer 2:04.05 Montgomery HS
Arpaio, Robby 2:04.39 East Brunswick HS
Cordova, Jason 2:04.46 South Brunswick HS
Omoniyi, Oluwasemilore 2:04.52 Edison HS
Balas, Tyler 2:04.52 Hillsborough HS
Allegro, William 2:04.80 Franklin Township HS
Cabrera, Diego 2:04.90 Edison HS
Reid, Coshawn 2:04.93 Trenton Central HS
Andrews, Matthew 2:04.94 Franklin Township HS
Magesh, Aditya 2:05.05 Marlboro HS
Reddy, Rithvik 2:05.35 Montgomery HS
McCafferty, Collin 2:05.51 Princeton HS
Abramik, Sean 2:05.79 Edison HS
Brown, Michael 2:05.87 Howell HS
Gochuico, George 2:05.89 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Digricoli, Christopher 2:05.98 Hillsborough HS
Klein, Michael 2:06.03 Hightstown HS
Villegas, Brandon 2:06.16 North Brunswick HS
Erlichson, Matt 2:06.20 Princeton HS
Sarkar, Eeheet 2:06.26 Monroe Twp. HS
Tranchina, Matthew 2:06.56 Old Bridge HS
Reid, Kristof 2:06.67 Hunterdon Central HS
Chen, Eric 2:06.69 Marlboro HS
Molina, Alonzo 2:06.81 Sayreville HS
Niedrig, Patrick 2:06.97 Princeton HS
Petosa, Ryan 2:07.49 Manalapan HS
Woo, Jason 2:07.70 Old Bridge HS
Judge, Aidan 2:08.36 Monroe Twp. HS
Constantini, Ty 2:08.49 Hunterdon Central HS
MacDonald, Aaron 2:08.62 Howell HS
Zetell, Caleb 2:09.27 Freehold Township HS
Gaynor, Paul 2:09.35 Freehold Township HS
Blake, Dylan 2:09.38 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Hans, Andrew 2:09.56 Montgomery HS
Golub, Jason 2:10.08 Freehold Township HS
Torres, Vincent 2:12.16 Sayreville HS
Besser, James 2:12.39 Manalapan HS
Harden, Masiah 2:13.26 Trenton Central HS
Redwood, Malik 2:16.05 Long Branch HS
Savage, Christian 2:16.48 Manalapan HS
Rodriguez, Malachi 2:17.24 Long Branch HS
Prather, John 2:17.90 Hightstown HS
Soto, Samuel 2:25.01 Trenton Central HS
Back to Top

Group 4 Boys Discus 69 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brennan, Paul 186-11 Princeton HS
Marshall, Ethan 149-1 Hunterdon Central HS
Whalen, Joseph 147-3 Hunterdon Central HS
Carlson, Joseph 144-7 South Brunswick HS
Trampe, Stephen 141-3 Hillsborough HS
Fredrick, Justyn 140-5 Hightstown HS
Wabb, Mark 140-3 Old Bridge HS
Ajala, Adedamola 136-8 Sayreville HS
Battle, Isaiah 135-10 Long Branch HS
Ohiokhai-Benson, Abraham 134-2 Sayreville HS
McNicholas, Daniel 130-1 Manalapan HS
Bassista, Michael 129-9 Manalapan HS
Chin, Connor 129-1 South Brunswick HS
Grant, Stephen 128-6 North Brunswick HS
Defilippis, Matthew 128-0 Old Bridge HS
Betti, Joseph 127-7 Hunterdon Central HS
Hassanin, Adam 127-2 Montgomery HS
Evanego, Jared 124-3 Freehold Township HS
Williams, Myles 121-11 Franklin Township HS
Turay, Prince 121-2 North Brunswick HS
Lin, Ivan 121-2 Montgomery HS
Comer, David 120-5 East Brunswick HS
Leake, Jordan 119-2 Franklin Township HS
Chinn, Nicholas 117-7 Howell HS
Yu, Alex 116-8 Marlboro HS
Martinez Peralta, Jean Carlos 116-2 South Brunswick HS
Ringel, Joshua 116-0 Marlboro HS
Richards, Christian 115-7 East Brunswick HS
Schweitzer, Pierce 113-11 Hightstown HS
Patel, Krish 113-6 Howell HS
Sauchelli, Joseph 112-9 Manalapan HS
Xi, Matthew 112-0 Franklin Township HS
James, Andrew 111-6 Franklin Township HS
Ahmed, Ali 109-10 Hightstown HS
Williams, James 109-5 Freehold Township HS
Baradhi, Michael 109-4 North Brunswick HS
Martinez, Jaden 109-1 South Brunswick HS
Voto, Robert 108-7 Sayreville HS
Kuse, Brandon 107-5 Freehold Township HS
Mueller, Fred 105-6 Howell HS
Guron, Manbir 104-9 Hightstown HS
Kim, Edward 104-6 East Brunswick HS
Buonavolonta, Dominic 104-5 Princeton HS
Yeh, Knicholas 103-11 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Bryant, Zaqui 101-11 Trenton Central HS
Lozak, Richard 101-9 Hunterdon Central HS
Katz, Zachary 98-7 East Brunswick HS
Irving, Matt 95-4 Montgomery HS
Santora, Joseph 94-10 Old Bridge HS
Carew, Justin 94-6 East Brunswick HS
Perkins, Tyrese 93-1 Trenton Central HS
Pacheco, Oscar 92-0 New Brunswick HS
Trapp, Tre'von 91-9 Edison HS
Bradfield, Ethan 88-6 Old Bridge HS
Nichols, Hayden 87-8 Princeton HS
O'Hara, Aiden 85-6 Edison HS
Wheeler, Matthew 83-5 Princeton HS
Kapoor, Ron 83-2 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Miller, Michael 73-10 Princeton HS
Luna, Kevin 73-8 Edison HS
Ramsamujh, Justin 73-5 East Brunswick HS
Kelly, James 71-4 Hillsborough HS
Gudimalla, Rishi 70-2 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Stepien, Oscar 65-6 Edison HS
Michalski, Mike 51-10 Edison HS
Thomas, Jaden Sayreville HS
Straz, Jacob Hillsborough HS
O'Brien, John Hightstown HS
Villafranca, Travis Edison HS
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Group 4 Boys High Jump 40 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Colbert, Andrew 6-6 Freehold Township HS
O'Neal, Christian 6-6 Trenton Central HS
Wright, Zuriel 6-4 Sayreville HS
Glasser, Zach 6-4 Freehold Township HS
Bailey, Dante 6-2 South Brunswick HS
Hubbard, James 6-2 Trenton Central HS
Cruz, Divas 6-0 Howell HS
Subramaniam, Aravindh 6-0 South Brunswick HS
Williams, Nigel 6-0 North Brunswick HS
Wingo, Samod 6-0 North Brunswick HS
Engler, Jason 6-0 Hunterdon Central HS
Hanntz, Adam 6-0 Hunterdon Central HS
Bampoe-Parry, Asare 6-0 Franklin Township HS
Eluwa, Ikenna 6-0 Franklin Township HS
Knight, Jason 6-0 Montgomery HS
Oppong-Dwamena, Seth 5-10 East Brunswick HS
Vemula, Yathin 5-10 South Brunswick HS
Howard-Baker, Majid 5-10 South Brunswick HS
Colditz, Carl 5-10 Manalapan HS
Jones, Nashawn 5-10 Hunterdon Central HS
Glasser, Ryan 5-10 Freehold Township HS
Massey, Kayshaun 5-10 Trenton Central HS
Johnson, Thomas 5-10 Edison HS
Barnes, CJ 5-8 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Donnamaria, Ryan 5-8 Sayreville HS
Caban, Jaden 5-8 Old Bridge HS
Krishnan, Shawn 5-8 Montgomery HS
Muyingo, Zack 5-6 East Brunswick HS
Mothy, David 5-6 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Umebuani, Tobenn 5-6 Sayreville HS
Paulin, Frantz 5-6 Manalapan HS
Coleman, Alex 5-4 East Brunswick HS
Vankadhara, Amit 5-4 South Brunswick HS
Melecio, Jordan 5-4 Franklin Township HS
Gilliam, Orion 5-2 Edison HS
Dumas, Jayvee 5-0 East Brunswick HS
McSweeney, Brian East Brunswick HS
Lee, Joshua East Brunswick HS
Ohiokhai-Benson, Abraham Sayreville HS
Hanus, Anthony Edison HS
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Group 4 Boys Javelin 66 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Schwoerer, Christopher 170-10 Hunterdon Central HS
Fasano, Thomas 165-7 Hunterdon Central HS
Whalen, Joseph 160-9 Hunterdon Central HS
Sauchelli, Joseph 159-2 Manalapan HS
Zimbicki, Hunter 157-7 East Brunswick HS
Benitez, Alex 155-2 Montgomery HS
Bush, Travis 151-6 South Brunswick HS
Voto, Robert 149-9 Sayreville HS
Baradhi, Michael 149-6 North Brunswick HS
Santora, Joseph 149-0 Old Bridge HS
Mueller, Fred 145-6 Howell HS
Moreira, Jonnathan 145-5 Manalapan HS
Galayda, Mark 144-8 Howell HS
Vera, Andrew 142-11 Old Bridge HS
Lipschutz, Adam 142-1 Princeton HS
Urschel, Nickolas 137-2 East Brunswick HS
Diaz, Jonathan 134-9 East Brunswick HS
Defilippis, Matthew 134-6 Old Bridge HS
Apicella, Jacob 134-2 South Brunswick HS
O'Brien, Kevin 133-7 Montgomery HS
Cella, Joshua 133-6 South Brunswick HS
Cozzi, Jason 132-7 Hunterdon Central HS
Gilliam, Orion 132-6 Edison HS
Solomon, Isiah 131-1 Franklin Township HS
Mollica, Jake 130-10 Freehold Township HS
Sheehan, Brendan 130-3 Hillsborough HS
Parisi, Angelo 129-5 Manalapan HS
Ohiokhai-Benson, Abraham 129-2 Sayreville HS
Dehne, Maceo 128-8 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Devine, Donal 128-3 Hunterdon Central HS
Xi, Matthew 127-11 Franklin Township HS
Morgan, Andrew 127-9 Hightstown HS
Agrawala, Davin 127-8 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Benjamin, Khalil 122-6 Princeton HS
Nichols, Hayden 121-9 Princeton HS
Yeh, Knicholas 121-8 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
O'Hara, Aiden 120-4 Edison HS
Rosa, Arthur 119-11 Howell HS
Iovine, Benny 119-6 New Brunswick HS
Kelly, James 118-10 Hillsborough HS
Infosino, Matt 118-8 Hightstown HS
Bouchard, Cody 117-4 Sayreville HS
Lewis, Thomas 116-11 Sayreville HS
Rizzi, Ethan 115-0 Montgomery HS
Davila, Keshon 114-4 New Brunswick HS
Beni, Samuel 111-2 Hillsborough HS
Pavone, Liam 111-0 Long Branch HS
Ahmed, Ali 109-2 Hightstown HS
Suquilanda, Juan 108-3 Hightstown HS
Buonavolonta, Dominic 106-11 Princeton HS
Arana, Christopher 105-11 Franklin Township HS
Golub, Jason 104-7 Freehold Township HS
Wheeler, Matthew 104-5 Princeton HS
Frank, Christian 103-10 Freehold Township HS
Hincapie, Steven 103-10 Old Bridge HS
Farhat, Daniel 103-2 South Brunswick HS
Thecar, Mike 99-11 Edison HS
Sanchez, Luis 99-10 North Brunswick HS
Rullo, Jordan 99-0 East Brunswick HS
Duncan, Cyrus 95-3 South Brunswick HS
Ramiro, Antonio 79-10 Trenton Central HS
Villafranca, Travis 75-5 Edison HS
Stepien, Oscar 70-0 Edison HS
Goodger, Ian East Brunswick HS
Savillo, Maximiliano Hightstown HS
Tamburri, Michael Sayreville HS
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Group 4 Boys Long Jump 61 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wildberg, Nils 23-8 Princeton HS
Heller, Tyler 22-6 Hunterdon Central HS
Jolly, David 22-2.25 Freehold Township HS
Colbert, Andrew 22-1.25 Freehold Township HS
Wright, Zuriel 22-0 Sayreville HS
Jackson, Anthony 21-10.5 Sayreville HS
Howard-Baker, Majid 21-9.75 South Brunswick HS
McRae, Mahsiah 21-7.75 Trenton Central HS
McDonald, Joshua 21-5 Franklin Township HS
Johnson, Andre 21-4 Manalapan HS
Farrar, Jayon 21-1.75 Long Branch HS
Yen, Tyler 20-7 East Brunswick HS
Turchio, Jonathan 20-6 Howell HS
Davis, Derrick 20-5 East Brunswick HS
Javeri, Dhruv 20-1 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Agnew, Jagger 20-0.75 Monroe Twp. HS
Alea, Vail 20-0.75 Monroe Twp. HS
Engler, Jason 20-0 Hunterdon Central HS
Lie, Augustino 19-11 Edison HS
Caban, Jaden 19-10.5 Old Bridge HS
Hanntz, Adam 19-10 Hunterdon Central HS
Tawe, Tawe 19-10 Hillsborough HS
Potterton, Jason 19-9.5 Marlboro HS
Boadi, Gabriel 19-9.25 Old Bridge HS
Phelan, Jack 19-9 Princeton HS
Donnellan, Zack 19-9 Howell HS
Pemberton, Josh 19-8.5 Monroe Twp. HS
Haynes, Jaidin 19-7 Sayreville HS
Frohn, Patrick 19-7 Hunterdon Central HS
Vemula, Yathin 19-6.5 South Brunswick HS
Sasso, Steven 19-5.5 Edison HS
Muyingo, Zack 19-4 East Brunswick HS
Mothy, David 19-4 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Smith, Khayri 19-1 South Brunswick HS
Brown, Kahzir 19-0 Trenton Central HS
Williams, Jared 18-11.75 Franklin Township HS
Tash, Kyle 18-11.5 Howell HS
Flax, Adam 18-10.25 East Brunswick HS
Hooper, Cyre 18-10 Franklin Township HS
Sheehan, Brendan 18-10 Hillsborough HS
Erenberg, Daniel 18-9.5 Marlboro HS
Battle, Jai 18-8.5 Montgomery HS
Johnson, Thomas 18-1 Edison HS
Pollera, Evan 18-0 Freehold Township HS
Mraz, Jason 17-11 Edison HS
Jones, Javon 17-10 Trenton Central HS
Romeu, Thomas 17-6.75 Manalapan HS
Fenton, Troy 17-2.5 Freehold Township HS
Eluwa, Ikenna 17-1.75 Franklin Township HS
Sisler, Will 17-1 Montgomery HS
Stefanic, Nick 16-10.25 Manalapan HS
Bellina, Jason 16-7.5 Hillsborough HS
Anagnos, Ryder 16-5 Freehold Township HS
Taormina, Vinny 15-3.5 East Brunswick HS
Porbeni, Ola South Brunswick HS
Joe-Kamara, Thomas South Brunswick HS
Donou, Sergino Old Bridge HS
Sharma, Mann Montgomery HS
Ajiboro, Adeola Edison HS
Mundlur, Ritvik Edison HS
James, Nikolai Old Bridge HS
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Group 4 Boys Pole Vault 39 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Santiago, Javier 15-0 South Brunswick HS
Schenk, Simon 14-6 Princeton HS
Winiarski, Samuel 14-1 Hunterdon Central HS
Stocki, Jake 14-0 East Brunswick HS
Sabin, Mark 14-0 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
McSweeney, Brian 13-6 East Brunswick HS
Mraz, Jason 13-0 Edison HS
Fastenau, James 12-9 Hunterdon Central HS
LoMonaco, James 12-6 Manalapan HS
Sheehan, Brendan 12-6 Hillsborough HS
Linko, Kevin 12-0 Princeton HS
Padki, Kedar 12-0 South Brunswick HS
Howard-Baker, Majid 11-6 South Brunswick HS
Creange, Connor 11-6 Hunterdon Central HS
Daoud, Nader 11-6 Freehold Township HS
Nieratko, Joshua 11-0 Sayreville HS
Teicher, Ben 11-0 Freehold Township HS
Sasso, Steven 11-0 Edison HS
Balakumar, Rushil 10-6 South Brunswick HS
O'Sullivan, Kevin 10-6 Hillsborough HS
Carew, Sean 10-0 East Brunswick HS
Posner, Mason 10-0 Edison HS
Costa, Christopher 9-6 Franklin Township HS
Martin, Malcolm 9-6 Franklin Township HS
Richardson, Rahsaan 9-6 Franklin Township HS
Feola, Zach 9-6 Montgomery HS
Miller, Jack 9-0 Hunterdon Central HS
Franklin, Dylan 9-0 Hunterdon Central HS
Kecskes, Joeseph 9-0 Hightstown HS
Steele, Ryan 9-0 Monroe Twp. HS
Kelly, Ian 8-6 Sayreville HS
Spector, Jordan 8-6 Montgomery HS
Grubbs, Robert 8-0 Hightstown HS
Taormina, Vinny East Brunswick HS
Dumas, Jayvee East Brunswick HS
Bowles, Brian Sayreville HS
Donnamaria, Sean Sayreville HS
Del Rosario, Kobe Edison HS
Brown, Makhai Trenton Central HS
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Group 4 Boys Shot Put 70 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brennan, Paul 56-6 Princeton HS
Grant, Stephen 50-0 North Brunswick HS
Leake, Jordan 49-8.5 Franklin Township HS
Defilippis, Matthew 49-6.25 Old Bridge HS
Colva, Vaughn 47-5.75 Hillsborough HS
Ohiokhai-Benson, Abraham 47-5 Sayreville HS
Voto, Robert 47-4 Sayreville HS
Comer, David 46-6 East Brunswick HS
Palumbo, Dom 46-4.5 Marlboro HS
Marshall, Ethan 45-9.5 Hunterdon Central HS
Davila, Keshon 45-2 New Brunswick HS
Fells, James 44-9.75 Hillsborough HS
Trampe, Stephen 44-8.5 Hillsborough HS
Carlson, Joseph 44-3 South Brunswick HS
Lin, Ivan 43-11 Montgomery HS
Bassista, Michael 43-10.25 Manalapan HS
Santora, Joseph 43-9 Old Bridge HS
Cozzi, Jason 43-8.25 Hunterdon Central HS
Turay, Prince 43-8 North Brunswick HS
Chinn, Nicholas 43-3.5 Howell HS
Thomas, Jaden 43-3 Sayreville HS
O'Brien, Kevin 43-1 Montgomery HS
James, Andrew 42-10 Franklin Township HS
Sadek, Daniel 42-4 South Brunswick HS
Fredrick, Justyn 42-3 Hightstown HS
Sanders, Kamal 41-7 Old Bridge HS
Chin, Connor 41-5 South Brunswick HS
Mueller, Fred 41-4 Howell HS
Battle, Isaiah 41-2 Long Branch HS
Patel, Krish 40-10.5 Howell HS
Aradas, Milt 40-10 Freehold Township HS
Carney, Zachary 40-8 Freehold Township HS
Schweitzer, Pierce 40-7 Hightstown HS
Tropeano, Angelo 40-6.75 Marlboro HS
Massey, Kayshaun 40-6.5 Trenton Central HS
DiTorrice, Anthony 40-4 Montgomery HS
Evanego, Jared 40-1.5 Freehold Township HS
Richards, Christian 39-11.5 East Brunswick HS
Bryant, Zaqui 39-1.25 Trenton Central HS
Wisbeski, Nicholas 39-1 South Brunswick HS
Betti, Joseph 38-9 Hunterdon Central HS
Perkins, Tyrese 38-3.5 Trenton Central HS
Ajala, Adedamola 38-0.75 Sayreville HS
Katz, Zachary 37-9 East Brunswick HS
Bradfield, Ethan 37-6.5 Old Bridge HS
Williams, Myles 37-5.5 Franklin Township HS
Palazzolo, John 37-5 Manalapan HS
Gambino, Vincent 37-3 East Brunswick HS
Lipschutz, Adam 37-1.25 Princeton HS
Shankar, Sharan 36-9 South Brunswick HS
Iovine, Benny 36-8 New Brunswick HS
Goodger, Ian 36-4.5 East Brunswick HS
McLaughlin, Robert 35-8 Manalapan HS
Savillo, Maximiliano 35-7 Hightstown HS
Trapp, Tre'von 33-9.5 Edison HS
Hanrahan, Patrick 33-8 Hunterdon Central HS
Engler, Jason 33-1.25 Hunterdon Central HS
Nichols, Hayden 32-1.75 Princeton HS
Ramsamujh, Justin 31-4 East Brunswick HS
Kapoor, Ron 30-10 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Buonavolonta, Dominic 30-3 Princeton HS
Luna, Kevin 30-2 Edison HS
Brahmajosyula, Anil 29-8.5 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Herrera, Jerald 29-1.5 Edison HS
Miller, Michael 29-1.5 Princeton HS
Gudimalla, Rishi 28-0.25 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Elbehiry, Fadi 24-3 Edison HS
Michalski, Mike 22-11 Edison HS
Stepien, Oscar 22-9.5 Edison HS
Yang, David Princeton HS
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Group 4 Boys Triple Jump 54 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Knight, Jason 43-7 Montgomery HS
Wright, Zuriel 43-6.5 Sayreville HS
Jolly, David 43-5 Freehold Township HS
McRae, Mahsiah 43-2.5 Trenton Central HS
Potterton, Jason 43-0 Marlboro HS
Phelan, Jack 42-9 Princeton HS
Jackson, Anthony 42-2.25 Sayreville HS
Boadi, Gabriel 42-0.25 Old Bridge HS
Cruz, Divas 41-8.5 Howell HS
Donou, Sergino 41-6.5 Old Bridge HS
Yen, Tyler 41-5 East Brunswick HS
Mothy, David 41-2.5 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Rivera, Eli 41-1 Sayreville HS
Engler, Jason 40-7 Hunterdon Central HS
Hooper, Cyre 40-6.75 Franklin Township HS
Turchio, Jonathan 40-6.5 Howell HS
Smith, Khayri 40-5.5 South Brunswick HS
Pemberton, Josh 40-5.5 Monroe Twp. HS
Shelly, Jayon 40-5 North Brunswick HS
Lie, Augustino 40-3 Edison HS
Battle, Jai 40-2 Montgomery HS
Vemula, Yathin 39-10.5 South Brunswick HS
Erenberg, Daniel 39-8.5 Marlboro HS
Osei, Kumi 39-7 Franklin Township HS
Bampoe-Parry, Asare 39-6.5 Franklin Township HS
Szymanski, Aiden 39-6 Freehold Township HS
Anagnos, Ryder 39-5.5 Freehold Township HS
Davis, Derrick 39-0 East Brunswick HS
Shepard, Kwame 38-11.5 Franklin Township HS
Hanntz, Adam 38-11.25 Hunterdon Central HS
Kamara, Sam 38-10 Old Bridge HS
Javeri, Dhruv 38-9.5 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
O'Connell, Thomas 38-9 Monroe Twp. HS
Flax, Adam 38-7 East Brunswick HS
O'Malley, Shane 38-2 Freehold Township HS
Johnson, Thomas 38-2 Edison HS
Fullman, Jon 38-1.25 Old Bridge HS
Fenton, Troy 38-0.5 Freehold Township HS
Beisner, Michael 37-5.5 Hunterdon Central HS
Brown, Raymond 37-3.5 Edison HS
Przygoda, Ethan 36-11 Freehold Township HS
Sharma, Mann 36-7.5 Montgomery HS
Hutchings, Branden 36-6 Hunterdon Central HS
Jones, Javon 35-10.5 Trenton Central HS
Pacheco, Nigel 35-2.5 Monroe Twp. HS
Romeu, Thomas 35-1 Manalapan HS
Ajiboro, Adeola 34-11 Edison HS
Ye, Wan 34-10.5 South Brunswick HS
Bellina, Jason 34-10.25 Hillsborough HS
Devine, Donal 33-7.5 Hunterdon Central HS
Soherwardy, Ali East Brunswick HS
Muyingo, Zack East Brunswick HS
Cella, Joshua South Brunswick HS
Spears, Teron Edison HS
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Group 4 Girls 1,600 Meter Run 63 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Piasecki, Maggie East Brunswick HS
Donou, Gabrielle East Brunswick HS
Man, Lauren Old Bridge HS
Turi, Alexa Manalapan HS
Moran, Siena 5:00.63 Princeton HS
Mehlhorn, Caroline 5:01.11 Montgomery HS
Obbineni, Nikhila 5:07.44 South Brunswick HS
Kurtz, Laurel 5:07.86 Hunterdon Central HS
Miller, Sam 5:14.33 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Osley, Chantel 5:16.40 South Brunswick HS
Keiser, Marisa 5:17.01 South Brunswick HS
Cella, Hannah 5:17.13 Hunterdon Central HS
Hartman, Rebecca 5:20.24 South Brunswick HS
Chidirala, Yashika 5:21.62 South Brunswick HS
McCloskey, Carolina 5:23.22 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Noyelle, Emma 5:23.65 Montgomery HS
Tummalapalli, Kavya 5:24.18 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Apanovitch, Samantha 5:25.80 Hunterdon Central HS
Carella, Samantha 5:25.83 Monroe Twp. HS
Gilmore, Charlotte 5:27.63 Princeton HS
Wurst, Jade 5:32.52 Old Bridge HS
Bedard, Shannon 5:32.88 Hunterdon Central HS
Cheema, Gurkamal 5:34.97 Hillsborough HS
Bird, Alessandra 5:35.33 Hillsborough HS
Hoegler, Emily 5:35.41 Freehold Township HS
Raj, Sanjana 5:37.21 South Brunswick HS
Lips, Emma 5:40.57 Princeton HS
Minneci, Alexa 5:40.83 Old Bridge HS
Daly, Ruthi 5:41.50 Howell HS
Wiseman, Colleen 5:43.21 Princeton HS
Hogan, Hannah 5:43.70 Montgomery HS
Lobrow, Olivia 5:43.93 Old Bridge HS
Stauffer, Alexandra 5:43.97 Freehold Township HS
Filmalter, Kayree 5:45.48 Montgomery HS
Martinez, London 5:45.65 Sayreville HS
Da Cruz, Sofia 5:46.39 Princeton HS
Kulpa, Sarah 5:46.87 Monroe Twp. HS
Joshi, Preeta 5:47.37 Hillsborough HS
Kathiresan, Nandita 5:49.86 Hillsborough HS
Titus, Brianna 5:49.95 Hightstown HS
Dadi, Khyathi 5:51.19 Hillsborough HS
Kyvelos, Emma 5:52.47 Manalapan HS
Galvanek, Isabella 5:54.24 Freehold Township HS
Winkley, Lauren 5:55.85 Howell HS
Pusung, Emma 5:59.74 East Brunswick HS
Vogel, Heidi 6:01.62 Monroe Twp. HS
Gonzalez-Romero, Ivanna 6:03.44 Long Branch HS
Zins, Sarah 6:05.49 North Brunswick HS
Tenenbaum, Sarabeth 6:06.91 Monroe Twp. HS
Kannan, Tharani 6:08.01 Hightstown HS
Amer, Sara 6:08.04 East Brunswick HS
Shek, Celina 6:11.12 East Brunswick HS
Galkin, Emilia 6:13.20 East Brunswick HS
Benito, Jessica 6:17.60 Hillsborough HS
Vadul, Pooja 6:19.49 Edison HS
Martino, Amanda 6:25.32 Howell HS
Ramirez, Dayana 6:28.08 Trenton Central HS
Bader, Jillian 6:28.48 Edison HS
Hernandez, Jenessa 6:29.16 Edison HS
Hill, Emily 6:33.19 North Brunswick HS
Patel, Anmol 6:35.56 North Brunswick HS
Severino, Marielys 6:46.91 Trenton Central HS
Martinez, Melitza 7:05.03 Long Branch HS
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Group 4 Girls 100 Meter Dash 72 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McDermid, Jayde Hillsborough HS
Poston, Gracie Princeton HS
Fowler, Oshanay Trenton Central HS
Atadja, Beatrice Hillsborough HS
Pinto, Gina South Brunswick HS
Moy, Kylie Monroe Twp. HS
Hopkins, Genesis Edison HS
Man, Kirsten South Brunswick HS
Brown, Deja Trenton Central HS
Weaver, Nakaja 12.37 North Brunswick HS
May, Zania 12.57 Franklin Township HS
Itua, Ruth 12.74 Sayreville HS
Taitt, Joanna 12.75 South Brunswick HS
Lisanti, Alysia 12.79 Old Bridge HS
Otoo, Deirdre 12.80 East Brunswick HS
Williamson, Kendall 12.80 Princeton HS
Owusu, Carlien 12.82 Old Bridge HS
Villani, Sydney 12.94 Hunterdon Central HS
Picklo, Erin 13.09 Manalapan HS
Porta, Miranda 13.10 Sayreville HS
Akande, Rebecca 13.14 Franklin Township HS
Ratcliffe, Riley 13.14 South Brunswick HS
Morales, Evelise 13.23 Howell HS
Davis, Mariya 13.23 Franklin Township HS
Fofanah, Alisha 13.23 Franklin Township HS
Esi, Jordan 13.26 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Anthony, Machaela 13.27 Trenton Central HS
Martinez, Ismel 13.28 New Brunswick HS
Muller, Asha 13.33 South Brunswick HS
Wnorowski, Sarah 13.33 Hillsborough HS
Carvelli, Nicolette 13.38 Hunterdon Central HS
Allison, Teresa 13.40 Hightstown HS
Aboagyewaa-Sarfo, Maame 13.40 Old Bridge HS
Foat, Imani 13.41 North Brunswick HS
Anderson, Denise 13.42 North Brunswick HS
Wekesa, Isabella 13.43 Sayreville HS
Dass, Amelie 13.45 Manalapan HS
Martinez, Angelina 13.48 East Brunswick HS
Murphy, Ashlin 13.50 Hillsborough HS
Gatto Roach, Ahmya 13.53 Freehold Township HS
Fields, Jaiya 13.54 Trenton Central HS
Caccamo, Julianna 13.58 Howell HS
Casella, Marissa 13.58 Marlboro HS
Karthikeyan, Nithya 13.59 Hillsborough HS
Byrd, Eryn 13.62 Trenton Central HS
Magesh, Sneha 13.63 East Brunswick HS
Hames, Kaiyla 13.69 Hightstown HS
Cruz, Vera 13.73 Franklin Township HS
Ruple, Anna 13.73 Montgomery HS
Hosamane, Nidhi 13.73 Montgomery HS
Colburn, Khadijah 13.74 Hillsborough HS
Class, Olivia 13.74 Manalapan HS
Pittman, Chanyel 13.76 South Brunswick HS
Jarrett, Jadan 13.77 Hunterdon Central HS
Tota, Michelle 13.80 Monroe Twp. HS
Caramanno, Paulina 13.84 Freehold Township HS
Sellers, Eden 13.85 Edison HS
Van Hook, Jennifer 13.88 Montgomery HS
Kotsen, Ella 13.88 Princeton HS
Burk-Fisher, Sotera 13.99 Trenton Central HS
Allen, Ashley 14.01 East Brunswick HS
Campbell, Deanna 14.01 Old Bridge HS
Hines, Jaidyn 14.05 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Zielinski, Isabelle 14.08 Monroe Twp. HS
Chakraverty, Anjuna 14.15 Edison HS
Micheals, Abigail 14.15 Monroe Twp. HS
Agnese, Natalie 14.15 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Camba, Emmatta 14.16 Edison HS
Celano, Marisa 14.29 Freehold Township HS
Savage, Emily 14.65 Manalapan HS
Dover, Be'yania 14.66 New Brunswick HS
Vargas, Rosa 15.36 New Brunswick HS
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Group 4 Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 62 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Murphy, Ashlin Hillsborough HS
Asante, Adelaide 15.38 North Brunswick HS
Schechter, Kirstyn 15.40 Hillsborough HS
Mullen, Sarah 15.41 Howell HS
Kobus, Jamie 15.62 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Richardson, Nicole 15.69 Princeton HS
Porta, Miranda 15.75 Sayreville HS
Caccamo, Julianna 15.78 Howell HS
Santamauro, Marisa 15.89 Howell HS
Barrett, Abrianna 15.97 Montgomery HS
Villani, Sydney 16.17 Hunterdon Central HS
Wallace, Chilly 16.17 Montgomery HS
Rigby, Shelsea 16.19 Hillsborough HS
Leitz, Lara 16.34 Hillsborough HS
Giancaspro, Alessia 16.35 Monroe Twp. HS
Gurak, Cheyenne 16.46 Hunterdon Central HS
Messinger, Lindsay 16.51 Freehold Township HS
McGlyn, Maggie 16.55 East Brunswick HS
Richardson, Tiffany 16.58 Princeton HS
George, Susan 16.60 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Dorrler, Allison 16.70 Hillsborough HS
Orders, Janai 16.78 South Brunswick HS
McDermid, Jayde 16.85 Hillsborough HS
Ntim, Emanuella 17.01 Old Bridge HS
Dooley, Radha 17.08 Hunterdon Central HS
Chionchio, Gianna 17.09 Old Bridge HS
Davis, Gabrielle 17.12 Franklin Township HS
Valan, Brooke 17.13 South Brunswick HS
Gerke, Maya 17.20 Freehold Township HS
Davis, Mariya 17.21 Franklin Township HS
Divins, Alyssa 17.23 Monroe Twp. HS
Prieto, Allison 17.29 Sayreville HS
Wehrle, Taylor 17.31 Sayreville HS
Melville, Jamie 17.40 Monroe Twp. HS
George, Miriam 17.51 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Poston, Gracie 17.54 Princeton HS
Nartey, Renee 17.61 South Brunswick HS
Carlson, Rita 17.64 Montgomery HS
Koublanou, Joanna 17.66 Hightstown HS
Van Ness, Emily 17.72 Franklin Township HS
Little, Nyasia 17.77 Trenton Central HS
Stump, Rachel 17.85 Monroe Twp. HS
Emery, Zaria 17.85 Hightstown HS
Sheard, Laurel 17.87 East Brunswick HS
Eltringham, Chelsea 17.97 South Brunswick HS
Capolupo, Faith 18.02 Manalapan HS
Gracia, Ashleymarie 18.13 North Brunswick HS
Kean, Jillian 18.23 Freehold Township HS
Boopalam, Mirnalini 18.47 South Brunswick HS
Metaxas, Ada 18.70 Princeton HS
Camba, Emmatta 18.71 Edison HS
Coyne, Shelby 19.11 East Brunswick HS
Nicol, Melvina 19.23 South Brunswick HS
Osuji, Precious 19.31 Old Bridge HS
Byrd, Eryn 19.34 Trenton Central HS
Deans, Jessica 19.41 Manalapan HS
Watkins, Janiya 19.45 Trenton Central HS
Goodger, Lauren 19.48 East Brunswick HS
Gupta, Bhayva 20.39 Edison HS
Sellers, Eden 20.80 Edison HS
Ali, Kayah 21.01 East Brunswick HS
Fields, D'Maya 21.59 East Brunswick HS
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Group 4 Girls 200 Meter Dash 74 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Zaatreh, Aya East Brunswick HS
Brown, Deja Trenton Central HS
Van Hook, Jennifer Montgomery HS
Omoniyi, Oluwadamilola Edison HS
Carbone, Jillian South Brunswick HS
Murphy, Ashlin Hillsborough HS
Atadja, Beatrice Hillsborough HS
Chakraverty, Anjuna Edison HS
Walton, Danielle Old Bridge HS
Dorrler, Allison Hillsborough HS
Magesh, Sneha East Brunswick HS
Raccaro, Emma Montgomery HS
Cavallo, Jamie East Brunswick HS
Gee, Amanda Marlboro HS
Itua, Ruth 25.35 Sayreville HS
Linko, Colleen 25.69 Princeton HS
Schechter, Kirstyn 25.86 Hillsborough HS
Taitt, Joanna 25.96 South Brunswick HS
Owusu, Carlien 26.18 Old Bridge HS
Lisanti, Alysia 26.19 Old Bridge HS
May, Zania 26.27 Franklin Township HS
Picklo, Erin 26.29 Manalapan HS
Williamson, Kendall 26.56 Princeton HS
Otoo, Deirdre 26.61 East Brunswick HS
Williamson, Raina 26.61 Princeton HS
Akande, Rebecca 26.64 Franklin Township HS
Villani, Sydney 26.78 Hunterdon Central HS
Allison, Teresa 27.02 Hightstown HS
Carvelli, Nicolette 27.05 Hunterdon Central HS
Hames, Kaiyla 27.22 Hightstown HS
Martinez, Angelina 27.22 East Brunswick HS
Wekesa, Isabella 27.25 Sayreville HS
Fofanah, Alisha 27.28 Franklin Township HS
Tota, Michelle 27.28 Monroe Twp. HS
Friedman, Alexa 27.43 Marlboro HS
Barrett, Asia 27.49 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Martinez, Ismel 27.59 New Brunswick HS
Ruple, Anna 27.60 Montgomery HS
Ratcliffe, Riley 27.62 South Brunswick HS
Aboagyewaa-Sarfo, Maame 27.69 Old Bridge HS
Pedersen, Kathleen 27.73 Hillsborough HS
Mullen, Sarah 27.73 Howell HS
Hopkins, Genesis 27.74 Edison HS
Colburn, Khadijah 27.78 Hillsborough HS
Jarrett, Jadan 27.80 Hunterdon Central HS
Anderson, Denise 27.85 North Brunswick HS
Foat, Imani 27.86 North Brunswick HS
Downie, Kiana 27.92 Trenton Central HS
Muller, Asha 28.03 South Brunswick HS
Casella, Marissa 28.07 Marlboro HS
Class, Olivia 28.10 Manalapan HS
Esi, Jordan 28.10 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Campbell, Deanna 28.11 Old Bridge HS
Morales, Evelise 28.13 Howell HS
Dass, Amelie 28.21 Manalapan HS
Lawrence, Evangel 28.31 Monroe Twp. HS
Gatto Roach, Ahmya 28.33 Freehold Township HS
Hamza, Juliet 28.37 South Brunswick HS
Caramanno, Paulina 28.38 Freehold Township HS
Pittman, Chanyel 28.46 South Brunswick HS
Smith, Kiajah 28.49 New Brunswick HS
Duah, Jimela 28.61 Old Bridge HS
Tarver, Tyquasha 28.67 Trenton Central HS
Poston, Gracie 29.05 Princeton HS
Byrd, Eryn 29.11 Trenton Central HS
Moy, Kylie 29.13 Monroe Twp. HS
Anthony, Machaela 29.14 Trenton Central HS
Kotsen, Ella 29.31 Princeton HS
Goodger, Brielle 29.44 East Brunswick HS
Wright, Jade 29.62 Edison HS
Agnese, Natalie 29.67 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Savage, Emily 29.67 Manalapan HS
Diaz, Abriana 29.89 Freehold Township HS
Dover, Be'yania 29.92 New Brunswick HS
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Group 4 Girls 3,200 Meter Run 46 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Galkin, Emilia East Brunswick HS
Mehlhorn, Caroline 10:59.38 Montgomery HS
Obbineni, Nikhila 11:07.28 South Brunswick HS
Kurtz, Laurel 11:10.57 Hunterdon Central HS
Hartman, Rebecca 11:10.63 South Brunswick HS
Tavares, Jennifer 11:17.16 Hillsborough HS
Keiser, Marisa 11:17.42 South Brunswick HS
McCloskey, Carolina 11:28.66 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Chidirala, Yashika 11:31.51 South Brunswick HS
Mao, Julia 11:34.68 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Quinn, Cassidy 11:38.36 Hunterdon Central HS
Gilmore, Charlotte 11:40.17 Princeton HS
Henderson, Elizabeth 11:43.31 Montgomery HS
Martin, Lea 11:43.31 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Lanahan, Catherine 11:49.94 Hillsborough HS
Gandolfo, Gillian 11:50.16 Freehold Township HS
Noyelle, Emma 11:50.93 Montgomery HS
Raj, Sanjana 11:55.54 South Brunswick HS
Carella, Samantha 11:56.88 Monroe Twp. HS
Wurst, Jade 12:01.64 Old Bridge HS
Bird, Alessandra 12:03.90 Hillsborough HS
Dooley, Bethlehem 12:07.13 Hunterdon Central HS
Man, Lauren 12:11.10 Old Bridge HS
Zyontz, Liann 12:13.63 South Brunswick HS
Lips, Emma 12:19.85 Princeton HS
Daly, Ruthi 12:20.79 Howell HS
Povell, Madison 12:22.68 Manalapan HS
Kulpa, Sarah 12:22.78 Monroe Twp. HS
Herrera, Karen 12:23.12 Edison HS
Cheema, Gurkamal 12:25.28 Hillsborough HS
Simon, Alexandra 12:31.63 Freehold Township HS
Titus, Brianna 12:32.60 Hightstown HS
Hoegler, Emily 12:34.37 Freehold Township HS
Park, Lena 12:38.13 East Brunswick HS
Povell, Briana 12:40.33 Manalapan HS
McArthur, Megan 12:44.34 Hillsborough HS
Gray, Shelby 12:48.07 Old Bridge HS
Joshi, Preeta 12:52.24 Hillsborough HS
Pusung, Emma 13:03.27 East Brunswick HS
Kannan, Tharani 13:15.99 Hightstown HS
Chen, Christina 13:16.50 East Brunswick HS
Kyvelos, Emma 13:20.59 Manalapan HS
Smith, Hannah 13:20.74 Monroe Twp. HS
Shek, Celina 13:21.04 East Brunswick HS
Subramanian, Shruti 13:23.29 Hightstown HS
Vadul, Pooja 13:48.22 Edison HS
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Group 4 Girls 400 Meter Dash 72 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Schechter, Breanna Hillsborough HS
Patel, Anu Monroe Twp. HS
Donohue, Kiera Manalapan HS
Brown, Karyne Franklin Township HS
Russo, Alexea Hightstown HS
Goodger, Brielle East Brunswick HS
Picklo, Erin Manalapan HS
Deneka, Allison Hunterdon Central HS
Hamza, Juliet South Brunswick HS
Otoo, Deirdre East Brunswick HS
Wehrle, Taylor Sayreville HS
Dass, Amelie Manalapan HS
Gugliotta, Laura 1:00.30 Howell HS
O'Brien, Jessica 1:00.48 Howell HS
Spano, Samantha 1:00.66 Marlboro HS
Downie, Kiana 1:00.94 Trenton Central HS
Williamson, Kendall 1:01.25 Princeton HS
Joseph, Camille 1:01.50 Freehold Township HS
Hames, Kaiyla 1:01.64 Hightstown HS
McDermid, Jayde 1:01.89 Hillsborough HS
Friedman, Alexa 1:01.93 Marlboro HS
O'Regan, Noelle 1:01.96 Old Bridge HS
Barrett, Asia 1:02.00 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Caccamo, Julianna 1:02.14 Howell HS
Taitt, Joanna 1:02.21 South Brunswick HS
Little, Nyasia 1:02.31 Trenton Central HS
Atadja, Beatrice 1:02.46 Hillsborough HS
Class, Olivia 1:02.59 Manalapan HS
Cote, Bridget 1:02.83 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Adams, Janna 1:02.93 Old Bridge HS
Lawrence, Evangel 1:02.94 Monroe Twp. HS
Drew, Alexis 1:03.01 North Brunswick HS
Hopkins, Genesis 1:03.16 Edison HS
Raccaro, Emma 1:03.36 Montgomery HS
Van Hook, Jennifer 1:03.36 Montgomery HS
Pedersen, Kathleen 1:03.38 Hillsborough HS
Dorrler, Allison 1:03.51 Hillsborough HS
McNeill, Mya 1:03.67 Hunterdon Central HS
James, Gia 1:03.87 East Brunswick HS
Sananes, Isabel 1:04.09 South Brunswick HS
Gaffney, Victoria 1:04.17 Old Bridge HS
Tota, Michelle 1:04.35 Monroe Twp. HS
Lubin, Alexandra 1:04.50 Hunterdon Central HS
Casella, Marissa 1:04.64 Marlboro HS
Peterson, Brynn 1:04.85 Hightstown HS
Wright, Jade 1:05.02 Edison HS
Muller, Asha 1:05.04 South Brunswick HS
Zaatreh, Aya 1:05.31 East Brunswick HS
Litherland, Julia 1:05.39 Hunterdon Central HS
Cavallo, Jamie 1:05.50 East Brunswick HS
Tarver, Tyquasha 1:05.58 Trenton Central HS
Charles, Kiara 1:05.62 Franklin Township HS
Watkins, Janiya 1:05.67 Trenton Central HS
Man, Kirsten 1:05.84 South Brunswick HS
Enes, Taylor 1:06.12 Monroe Twp. HS
Hodges, Sophia 1:06.19 Freehold Township HS
Diaz, Abriana 1:06.35 Freehold Township HS
Savage, Emily 1:06.48 Manalapan HS
Nower, Jessica 1:07.38 East Brunswick HS
Adler, Katherine 1:07.44 Manalapan HS
Gee, Amanda 1:07.97 Marlboro HS
Colburn, Khadijah 1:09.10 Hillsborough HS
Omoniyi, Oluwadamilola 1:09.43 Edison HS
Pola, Divya 1:09.49 South Brunswick HS
Herrera, Zalma 1:09.50 New Brunswick HS
Witt, Sarah 57.47 Montgomery HS
Linko, Colleen 57.51 Princeton HS
Loew, Katherine 57.53 Hunterdon Central HS
Itua, Ruth 58.35 Sayreville HS
Asante, Adelaide 58.39 North Brunswick HS
Akande, Rebecca 58.41 Franklin Township HS
Williamson, Raina 59.53 Princeton HS
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Group 4 Girls 400 Meter Hurdles 54 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Asante, Adelaide 1:02.21 North Brunswick HS
Schechter, Kirstyn 1:03.83 Hillsborough HS
Rigby, Shelsea 1:05.34 Hillsborough HS
Leitz, Lara 1:05.47 Hillsborough HS
Davis, Gabrielle 1:05.93 Franklin Township HS
Santamauro, Marisa 1:06.19 Howell HS
Otoo, Deirdre 1:07.85 East Brunswick HS
Dorrler, Allison 1:07.87 Hillsborough HS
Gurak, Cheyenne 1:07.97 Hunterdon Central HS
McDermid, Jayde 1:08.25 Hillsborough HS
Watkins, Janiya 1:09.30 Trenton Central HS
Prieto, Allison 1:09.38 Sayreville HS
Richardson, Nicole 1:09.41 Princeton HS
Kobus, Jamie 1:09.52 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Bossdorf, Tess 1:09.59 Freehold Township HS
Wright, Jordyn 1:09.77 Franklin Township HS
Ogungbesan, Omotoyosi 1:09.88 Franklin Township HS
Milnes, Nicole 1:10.18 Howell HS
Orders, Janai 1:10.42 South Brunswick HS
Messinger, Lindsay 1:10.62 Freehold Township HS
Richardson, Tiffany 1:10.62 Princeton HS
Little, Nyasia 1:10.88 Trenton Central HS
Wehrle, Taylor 1:10.95 Sayreville HS
Anderson, Denise 1:11.35 North Brunswick HS
Deutsch, Talya 1:11.46 Montgomery HS
Capolupo, Faith 1:11.61 Manalapan HS
Smith, Denia 1:11.70 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Carlson, Rita 1:12.06 Montgomery HS
Thomas, Mia 1:12.28 Old Bridge HS
Boopalam, Mirnalini 1:12.34 South Brunswick HS
Poston, Gracie 1:12.45 Princeton HS
Riccardelli, Victoria 1:12.78 Howell HS
Deans, Jessica 1:13.15 Manalapan HS
Deneka, Allison 1:13.15 Hunterdon Central HS
Gerke, Maya 1:13.29 Freehold Township HS
Sellers, Eden 1:13.71 Edison HS
Lingam, Lahari 1:13.73 South Brunswick HS
Camba, Emmatta 1:15.03 Edison HS
LaMarca, Madison 1:15.35 Hunterdon Central HS
Wang, Annabelle 1:16.28 Montgomery HS
Ali, Kayah 1:16.78 East Brunswick HS
Coyne, Shelby 1:16.80 East Brunswick HS
Hamza, Juliet 1:17.53 South Brunswick HS
Adcroft, Ariane 1:17.89 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Gabbidon, Zoe 1:18.26 Old Bridge HS
Quezada, Lianna 1:18.33 Old Bridge HS
Gasko, Kirsten 1:19.34 Monroe Twp. HS
Smith, Hannah 1:19.74 Monroe Twp. HS
Lepri, Nicole 1:21.03 Monroe Twp. HS
Gupta, Bhayva 1:21.34 Edison HS
Fields, D'Maya 1:21.62 East Brunswick HS
Balabaev, Nicole 1:22.14 East Brunswick HS
Magnus, Katie 1:24.53 Old Bridge HS
Byrd, Eryn 1:24.77 Trenton Central HS
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Group 4 Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 48.71 North Brunswick HS
Relay Team A 49.72 Sayreville HS
Relay Team A 49.86 Old Bridge HS
Relay Team A 49.90 Franklin Township HS
Relay Team A 50.33 Hillsborough HS
Relay Team A 50.38 South Brunswick HS
Relay Team A 50.43 East Brunswick HS
Relay Team A 50.56 Montgomery HS
Relay Team A 51.16 Marlboro HS
Relay Team A 51.84 Hunterdon Central HS
Relay Team A 51.87 Manalapan HS
Relay Team A 52.41 Monroe Twp. HS
Relay Team A 52.99 Edison HS
Relay Team A 53.02 Trenton Central HS
Relay Team A 53.36 Hightstown HS
Relay Team A 53.61 New Brunswick HS
Relay Team A 59.97 Freehold Township HS
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Group 4 Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:54.23 Princeton HS
Relay Team A 3:58.78 Hillsborough HS
Relay Team A 4:00.36 South Brunswick HS
Relay Team A 4:01.37 Franklin Township HS
Relay Team A 4:02.07 Hunterdon Central HS
Relay Team A 4:07.31 Edison HS
Relay Team A 4:08.13 Old Bridge HS
Relay Team A 4:10.25 Montgomery HS
Relay Team A 4:10.93 Howell HS
Relay Team A 4:11.46 Freehold Township HS
Relay Team A 4:12.20 Trenton Central HS
Relay Team A 4:12.40 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Relay Team A 4:13.16 Marlboro HS
Relay Team A 4:14.66 East Brunswick HS
Relay Team A 4:15.08 Manalapan HS
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Group 4 Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Relay Team A 10:03.76 East Brunswick HS
Relay Team A 10:18.55 Howell HS
Relay Team A 10:19.45 Manalapan HS
Relay Team A 10:20.06 Old Bridge HS
Relay Team A 12:57.56 Trenton Central HS
Relay Team A 9:32.21 Hillsborough HS
Relay Team A 9:36.83 Edison HS
Relay Team A 9:46.16 South Brunswick HS
Relay Team A 9:51.03 Freehold Township HS
Relay Team A 9:51.42 Montgomery HS
Relay Team A 9:55.62 Princeton HS
Relay Team A 9:57.31 Hunterdon Central HS
Relay Team A 9:58.66 Franklin Township HS
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Group 4 Girls 800 Meter Run 73 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lobrow, Victoria Old Bridge HS
Hernandez, Jenessa Edison HS
Chidirala, Yashika South Brunswick HS
Colletto, Kacy Edison HS
Carella, Samantha Monroe Twp. HS
Zyontz, Liann South Brunswick HS
Dadi, Khyathi Hillsborough HS
Vadul, Pooja Edison HS
Tilve, Ria South Brunswick HS
Boryeskne, Cynthia 2:11.57 Edison HS
Obbineni, Nikhila 2:15.36 South Brunswick HS
Osley, Chantel 2:17.89 South Brunswick HS
Sarno, Danielle 2:18.39 Hunterdon Central HS
Witt, Sarah 2:18.89 Montgomery HS
Moran, Siena 2:19.17 Princeton HS
Jackson, Jasmine 2:19.32 Franklin Township HS
Narayanan, Gayathri 2:19.91 Edison HS
Mahajan, Sia 2:20.01 Hillsborough HS
Yuan, Mona 2:21.31 Sayreville HS
Tummalapalli, Kavya 2:22.22 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Peterson, Brynn 2:24.13 Hightstown HS
Vega, Cassandra 2:24.98 South Brunswick HS
Friedman, Megan 2:25.24 Howell HS
Cella, Hannah 2:25.44 Hunterdon Central HS
Donou, Gabrielle 2:25.55 East Brunswick HS
Donohue, Kiera 2:26.48 Manalapan HS
Kirsch, Brianna 2:26.91 Freehold Township HS
Martinez, London 2:27.45 Sayreville HS
Piasecki, Maggie 2:27.91 East Brunswick HS
Alpaugh, Yelena 2:28.01 Hunterdon Central HS
Cote, Bridget 2:28.33 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Keegan, Rory 2:28.43 East Brunswick HS
Bossdorf, Molly 2:29.02 Freehold Township HS
Esposito, Bridget 2:29.42 Hillsborough HS
O'Regan, Riley 2:29.60 Old Bridge HS
Lopez, Leah 2:30.17 Sayreville HS
Adler, Katherine 2:30.41 Manalapan HS
Lips, Emma 2:30.41 Princeton HS
Glumova, Alena 2:31.32 Manalapan HS
Medvedeva, Yana 2:31.33 Princeton HS
Bossdorf, Abigail 2:31.45 Freehold Township HS
Stucker, Ana 2:32.21 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Dalgauer, Megan 2:32.34 Hunterdon Central HS
Brown, Karyne 2:33.79 Franklin Township HS
Enes, Taylor 2:34.35 Monroe Twp. HS
Apanovitch, Samantha 2:34.36 Hunterdon Central HS
Russo, Alexea 2:34.46 Hightstown HS
Stromberg, Kelsey 2:34.75 Monroe Twp. HS
Fong, Skyler 2:35.48 Montgomery HS
Angelozzi, Olivia 2:35.83 Hunterdon Central HS
Park, Lena 2:36.08 East Brunswick HS
Minneci, Alexa 2:36.26 Old Bridge HS
Amer, Sara 2:36.38 East Brunswick HS
Foxx, Allie 2:36.55 Montgomery HS
Rampino, Marissa 2:36.99 Old Bridge HS
Zhao, Ivy 2:37.28 Montgomery HS
Benito, Jessica 2:38.28 Hillsborough HS
Cheema, Gurkamal 2:39.75 Hillsborough HS
Patel, Anu 2:40.37 Monroe Twp. HS
Joshi, Preeta 2:43.90 Hillsborough HS
Ortega, Yesica 2:43.98 New Brunswick HS
Martino, Amanda 2:48.32 Howell HS
Davis, Nia 2:51.00 Franklin Township HS
Santamaria, Isabella 2:54.00 Howell HS
Gonzalez-Romero, Ivanna 2:54.64 Long Branch HS
Ramirez, Dayana 2:55.26 Trenton Central HS
Severino, Marielys 2:58.33 Trenton Central HS
Hopkins, Lilyanna 3:10.14 Franklin Township HS
den Ouden, Madeleine 3:11.52 Trenton Central HS
Martinez, Melitza 3:11.80 Long Branch HS
Pierrecius, Kel'lyasia 3:19.50 Trenton Central HS
Southerland, Jordan 3:27.73 Long Branch HS
Acevedo, Kimberly 4:09.55 Trenton Central HS
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Group 4 Girls Discus 69 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wilson, Bryanna 127-7 Howell HS
van der Laan, Samira 119-1 Hightstown HS
Scattergood, Amanda 114-8 South Brunswick HS
Marsh, Symone 113-9 Hillsborough HS
DeAngelis, Amanda 111-1 Manalapan HS
Lacombe, Suzy 109-8 Hunterdon Central HS
Simmon, Adijah 109-6 Sayreville HS
Marrero, Alyahna 108-0 Old Bridge HS
Skeba, Ashlynn 106-8 Freehold Township HS
Ianniello, Madison 104-7 South Brunswick HS
Ansong, Adwoa 103-0 South Brunswick HS
Diaz, Brianna 102-8 Marlboro HS
Grayson, Kali 102-4 Long Branch HS
Reilly, Jessica 101-2 Hunterdon Central HS
Sadek, Sarah 100-6 South Brunswick HS
Wish, Vanessa 100-4 South Brunswick HS
Sutter, Jessica 99-11 Hillsborough HS
Silverman, Kylee 99-10 Princeton HS
Volkova, Elynna 99-5 Hillsborough HS
Marte, Isabella 99-5 Old Bridge HS
Scibich, Julia 98-1 Hightstown HS
Lombardi, Jeannette 97-10 Marlboro HS
Beche, Yasmine 96-7 Old Bridge HS
Feigelmuller, Isabel 93-11 East Brunswick HS
Heller, Briana 92-0 Hunterdon Central HS
Kelly, Brielle 91-11 Hillsborough HS
Long, Maliyah 91-4 Freehold Township HS
DiDonna, Lia 90-7 Freehold Township HS
Krok, Jessica 87-0 Montgomery HS
Matticoli, Elizabeth 86-9 South Brunswick HS
O'Connell, Brookelynn 86-9 Monroe Twp. HS
Hildebrant, Kendall 86-6 Howell HS
Lubiak, Fenway 84-5 Hightstown HS
Spera, Daniela 84-1 Montgomery HS
Ifill, Nadja 82-7 North Brunswick HS
Torres, Graziella 82-5 North Brunswick HS
O'Shea, Danielle 81-0 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Epps, Sydney 80-10 Franklin Township HS
Herrera, Guadalupe 80-3 Edison HS
Downey, Cecila 79-0 Manalapan HS
Butash, Courtney 78-10 Manalapan HS
Alaboura, Nadyeh 78-8 Edison HS
Damoah, Kayla 77-8 Sayreville HS
Sola-Ojelade, Anjolaoluwa 77-5 Sayreville HS
Kamara, Samantha 76-11 Sayreville HS
Kondas, Alexa 76-9 Monroe Twp. HS
Festus, Eniola 76-9 East Brunswick HS
Zecchini, Eva 76-6 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Vicenti, Kayla 76-6 East Brunswick HS
Caridi, Emily 76-3 Hillsborough HS
Sewell, Amanda 75-10 Trenton Central HS
Miller, Sarah 75-9 East Brunswick HS
Anzer, Camelia 75-8 East Brunswick HS
Devine, Nora 75-6 Princeton HS
Pyskaty, Molly 75-6 Howell HS
Moore, Miracle 73-5 Trenton Central HS
Anderson, Shaylah 72-1 Franklin Township HS
Kipnis, Jenna 72-1 Edison HS
Onukwugha, Amaka 70-3 Monroe Twp. HS
Prewitt, Tatianna 67-6 Trenton Central HS
Nicolas, Anahi 65-9 New Brunswick HS
Lopez, Emily 64-8 Franklin Township HS
Shovlin, Miranda 61-9 Montgomery HS
Tapia, Michaela 61-1 East Brunswick HS
Fernando, Deseni 56-3 Edison HS
Alaboura, Rania 54-10 Edison HS
Walker, Donna 54-9 New Brunswick HS
Appau, Ciera Hillsborough HS
Salem, Simran West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
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Group 4 Girls High Jump 41 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Schechter, Kirstyn 5-4 Hillsborough HS
Lacombe, Suzy 5-4 Hunterdon Central HS
Barrett, Abrianna 5-4 Montgomery HS
Walker-Woodard, Eliah 5-2 North Brunswick HS
Dooley, Radha 5-2 Hunterdon Central HS
Yun, Sophia 5-2 Freehold Township HS
Fronc, Izabel 5-2 Freehold Township HS
Santamauro, Marisa 5-2 Howell HS
Agarwal, Neev 5-0 Hillsborough HS
Clark, Laila 5-0 North Brunswick HS
Eltringham, Chelsea 5-0 South Brunswick HS
Kumar, Hansini 5-0 Montgomery HS
Chakraverty, Anjuna 4-10 Edison HS
Palermo, Erica 4-10 Marlboro HS
Beckhorn, Amber-Sage 4-10 Long Branch HS
Seidel, Brielle 4-10 Hillsborough HS
Fennell, Breshia 4-10 Sayreville HS
LaCorte, Melanie 4-10 South Brunswick HS
Carfagno, Catharine 4-10 Freehold Township HS
Rozenberg, Ilana 4-10 Old Bridge HS
Ngoy, Sara 4-10 Old Bridge HS
Sheard, Laurel 4-10 East Brunswick HS
Nevin, Hunter 4-10 East Brunswick HS
Jaquez, Lineth 4-8 North Brunswick HS
McDermid, Jayde 4-8 Hillsborough HS
Hussain, Noreen 4-8 Hunterdon Central HS
Brengel, Lauren 4-8 South Brunswick HS
Gupta, Khushi 4-8 South Brunswick HS
Nicol, Melvina 4-8 South Brunswick HS
Saunders, Taylor 4-8 Franklin Township HS
Smith, Kiajah 4-8 New Brunswick HS
Man, Kirsten 4-6 South Brunswick HS
Adeleke, Toyosi 4-6 Old Bridge HS
Flynn, Kayla 4-6 East Brunswick HS
Saldanha, Trisha 4-6 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Capolupo, Faith 4-4 Manalapan HS
Goodger, Lauren 4-4 East Brunswick HS
Henningsen, Emily Edison HS
Metaxas, Ada Princeton HS
Schechter, Breanna Hillsborough HS
Melville, Jamie Monroe Twp. HS
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Group 4 Girls Javelin 55 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sutter, Jessica 129-3 Hillsborough HS
Grayson, Kali 122-10 Long Branch HS
Fitzpatrick, Kaili 114-6 Hillsborough HS
Rodgers, Jessica 113-1 South Brunswick HS
Simmon, Adijah 109-10 Sayreville HS
van der Laan, Samira 109-6 Hightstown HS
Gonzalez, Edith 102-2 South Brunswick HS
Matticoli, Elizabeth 99-8 South Brunswick HS
Sullivan, Kathryn 98-7 Manalapan HS
Anzer, Camelia 97-6 East Brunswick HS
Marrero, Alyahna 96-10 Old Bridge HS
Petrillo, Makayla 96-4 Hillsborough HS
Solla, Gillian 96-2 Freehold Township HS
Khoury, Gabby 93-1 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Chaballa, Kelly 92-5 Howell HS
Dalgauer, Rylie 90-2 Hunterdon Central HS
DeRasmo, Claudia 89-1 Hillsborough HS
Rosenmertz, Hanna 88-9 Howell HS
Reilly, Jessica 86-10 Hunterdon Central HS
Barbosa, Veronica 86-6 Sayreville HS
Jicha, Mary 85-10 Freehold Township HS
Butash, Courtney 85-7 Manalapan HS
Feigelmuller, Isabel 85-5 East Brunswick HS
Rosen, Carly 82-4 South Brunswick HS
Lagji, Ines 81-10 Manalapan HS
Wolak, Beata 81-6 Howell HS
Johnston, Alexa 81-5 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Lopez, Emily 81-5 Franklin Township HS
Krok, Jessica 81-5 Montgomery HS
Abril, Giselle 80-9 Freehold Township HS
Gurak, Cheyenne 80-0 Hunterdon Central HS
Garcia, Carina 78-2 Hightstown HS
Battle, Shirell 77-7 East Brunswick HS
David, Alison 76-2 Montgomery HS
Krok, Jennifer 75-5 Montgomery HS
Fitzpatrick, Brielle 74-9 Monroe Twp. HS
Anous, Batul 74-7 Franklin Township HS
Onukwugha, Amaka 74-3 Monroe Twp. HS
Petras, Hailey 74-0 Sayreville HS
Kitto, Rachel 73-10 East Brunswick HS
Zecchini, Isabella 73-10 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Slattery, Delaney 72-5 Hightstown HS
Dorrler, Melissa 70-5 Hillsborough HS
Tapia, Michaela 67-6 East Brunswick HS
Herrera, Guadalupe 66-9 Edison HS
Moore, Miracle 65-10 Trenton Central HS
Alaboura, Nadyeh 65-2 Edison HS
Eshun, Baaba 62-10 Old Bridge HS
Alaboura, Rania 56-10 Edison HS
Adebayo, IJ 56-2 Princeton HS
Prewitt, Tatianna 50-11 Trenton Central HS
Hodges, Gianni 48-9 Trenton Central HS
Kipnis, Jenna 39-0 Edison HS
Perovic, Aida Edison HS
Kelly, Brielle Hillsborough HS
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Group 4 Girls Long Jump 64 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Weaver, Nakaja 17-8 North Brunswick HS
Morales, Evelise 17-7 Howell HS
Spano, Samantha 17-5 Marlboro HS
Gurak, Cheyenne 17-5 Hunterdon Central HS
Schechter, Kirstyn 17-4 Hillsborough HS
D'Agostino, Alyson 17-3 Marlboro HS
Agarwal, Neev 17-1 Hillsborough HS
May, Zania 16-10.25 Franklin Township HS
Hosamane, Nidhi 16-8.5 Montgomery HS
Carbone, Jillian 16-6.5 South Brunswick HS
Hussain, Noreen 16-5.75 Hunterdon Central HS
Mandell, Haley 16-5.5 Hillsborough HS
Kobus, Jamie 16-5.25 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Williams-White, Leah 16-4.5 Sayreville HS
Fitzpatrick, Kaili 16-4.5 Hillsborough HS
Porta, Miranda 16-4 Sayreville HS
Palermo, Erica 16-3.5 Marlboro HS
Grayson, Madison 16-3.5 Long Branch HS
McGlyn, Maggie 16-2 East Brunswick HS
Van Ness, Emily 16-0 Franklin Township HS
Capolupo, Faith 16-0 Manalapan HS
Martinez, Angelina 15-11.5 East Brunswick HS
Sagoe, Abah 15-11 Monroe Twp. HS
Valan, Brooke 15-10 South Brunswick HS
Chionchio, Gianna 15-10 Old Bridge HS
Sagoe, Oyinlola 15-9.5 Monroe Twp. HS
Williamson, Raina 15-8 Princeton HS
Bell, Sydni 15-7.75 Howell HS
Labbate, Olivia 15-7 Hunterdon Central HS
Sheard, Laurel 15-6.5 East Brunswick HS
Eltringham, Chelsea 15-6 South Brunswick HS
Serido, Allison 15-5.75 Howell HS
Hopkins, Genesis 15-5.5 Edison HS
Bossdorf, Tess 15-5.5 Freehold Township HS
Litherland, Jessica 15-5 Hunterdon Central HS
Schechter, Breanna 15-5 Hillsborough HS
Fronc, Izabel 15-4.5 Freehold Township HS
Carlson, Rita 15-3 Montgomery HS
Nartey, Renee 15-2.5 South Brunswick HS
Kim, Joan 15-0.25 Manalapan HS
Kurz, Meghan 15-0 Hillsborough HS
Celano, Marisa 14-11.25 Freehold Township HS
Giudice, Kaylee 14-11 North Brunswick HS
George, Susan 14-11 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Kumar, Eashna 14-11 Monroe Twp. HS
Barnes, Jada 14-11 North Brunswick HS
Anthony, Machaela 14-11 Trenton Central HS
Wilson, Jordan 14-10 Sayreville HS
Martinez, Ismel 14-10 New Brunswick HS
Cox, Sydney 14-9.25 Hunterdon Central HS
Chin, Leah 14-8.75 East Brunswick HS
Rodzik, Olivia 14-6.75 Old Bridge HS
Smith, Kiajah 14-6.5 New Brunswick HS
Ayeke, Uchechukwu (Adaoma) 14-4.75 Manalapan HS
Goodger, Lauren 14-4.25 East Brunswick HS
Venkatesh, Sanjana 14-3.5 Montgomery HS
Chakraverty, Anjuna 14-3 Edison HS
George, Miriam 13-7.5 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Metaxas, Ada 13-6.25 Princeton HS
Fofanah, Alisha 13-5 Franklin Township HS
Nevin, Hunter 13-2.5 East Brunswick HS
Hood, Amari 11-11.5 New Brunswick HS
Omoniyi, Oluwadamilola 11-5.5 Edison HS
Ntim, Emanuella Old Bridge HS
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Group 4 Girls Pole Vault 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ray, Sabrina 11-9 South Brunswick HS
Hathaway, Annie 11-0 Montgomery HS
Pasram, Jennifer 11-0 Old Bridge HS
Kraft, Courtney 10-6 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Dooley, Radha 10-6 Hunterdon Central HS
Lacombe, Suzy 10-0 Hunterdon Central HS
Colletto, Kacy 9-0 Edison HS
Richardson, Nicole 9-0 Princeton HS
Hahn, Tanner 9-0 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Trpisovsky, Hannah 9-0 South Brunswick HS
Flynn, Kayla 9-0 East Brunswick HS
Hussain, Noreen 8-6 Hunterdon Central HS
Ratcliffe, Riley 8-6 South Brunswick HS
Pauley, Svetlana 8-6 Freehold Township HS
Fronc, Izabel 8-6 Freehold Township HS
Henningsen, Emily 8-6 Edison HS
Bazar, Abigail 8-0 Princeton HS
Tejani, Sachi 8-0 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Pistilli, Angela 8-0 Sayreville HS
Stevens, Sarah 8-0 Montgomery HS
Larson, Andrea 8-0 Hunterdon Central HS
McGlyn, Maggie 8-0 East Brunswick HS
Mraz, Isabella 7-6 Edison HS
Kurz, Meghan 7-6 Hillsborough HS
Schechter, Breanna 7-6 Hillsborough HS
Prieto, Allison 7-6 Sayreville HS
Klotz, Alicia 7-6 Freehold Township HS
Stockton, Claire 7-6 Montgomery HS
Blatteis, Shelby 7-6 East Brunswick HS
Sharma, Jiya 7-0 Hillsborough HS
Boateng, Emmanuella 7-0 Old Bridge HS
Rodzik, Olivia 7-0 Old Bridge HS
Kolenovic, Aida 6-6 East Brunswick HS
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Group 4 Girls Shot Put 64 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wilson, Bryanna 43-1 Howell HS
Kelly, Brielle 40-5.25 Hillsborough HS
Kamara, Samantha 39-9 Sayreville HS
Marsh, Symone 39-3.25 Hillsborough HS
Rosenmertz, Hanna 37-5.75 Howell HS
Grayson, Kali 37-4 Long Branch HS
van der Laan, Samira 36-7.5 Hightstown HS
Ozokpor, Ifechukwu 35-5.5 Hillsborough HS
Gonzalez, Edith 34-11.25 South Brunswick HS
Ansong, Adwoa 34-7.75 South Brunswick HS
Scibich, Julia 34-0.25 Hightstown HS
Matticoli, Elizabeth 34-0 South Brunswick HS
Simmon, Adijah 33-8 Sayreville HS
Marte, Isabella 33-7.25 Old Bridge HS
Reilly, Jessica 33-3 Hunterdon Central HS
Krok, Jennifer 32-11.25 Montgomery HS
Downey, Cecila 32-1.75 Manalapan HS
Krok, Jessica 32-1 Montgomery HS
Ifill, Nadja 31-11.25 North Brunswick HS
Ross, Mya 31-9.5 South Brunswick HS
Wish, Vanessa 31-5.75 South Brunswick HS
Sheerin, Jolie 31-4.75 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Ntim, Emanuella 31-1.75 Old Bridge HS
DeAngelis, Amanda 31-1 Manalapan HS
Skeba, Ashlynn 30-11.25 Freehold Township HS
Solla, Gillian 30-11 Freehold Township HS
Devine, Nora 30-10 Princeton HS
Lubiak, Fenway 30-9.25 Hightstown HS
Beche, Yasmine 30-8.25 Old Bridge HS
Marrero, Alyahna 30-7.5 Old Bridge HS
Burdge, Jillian 30-3.5 Howell HS
Lacombe, Suzy 30-1 Hunterdon Central HS
Salem, Simran 29-11 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Spera, Daniela 29-11 Montgomery HS
Diaz, Brianna 29-10.75 Marlboro HS
Onukwugha, Amaka 29-9 Monroe Twp. HS
Torres, Graziella 29-6 North Brunswick HS
Heller, Briana 29-6 Hunterdon Central HS
Zappulla, Gianna 29-5 Freehold Township HS
Silverman, Kylee 29-4.75 Princeton HS
Zecchini, Eva 29-3.5 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Ianniello, Madison 29-1.75 South Brunswick HS
Damoah, Kayla 28-10.25 Sayreville HS
Battle, Shirell 28-4.5 East Brunswick HS
Epps, Sydney 28-3.5 Franklin Township HS
Caridi, Emily 28-3.5 Hillsborough HS
Bimonte, Francesca 28-3 Manalapan HS
Prewitt, Tatianna 28-1.25 Trenton Central HS
Sewell, Amanda 28-0.75 Trenton Central HS
Festus, Eniola 28-0.5 East Brunswick HS
Anderson, Shaylah 27-10 Franklin Township HS
Walker, Donna 27-2 New Brunswick HS
Pyskaty, Molly 27-1 Howell HS
Moore, Miracle 26-2 Trenton Central HS
Piasecki, Aleksandra 24-8.25 East Brunswick HS
Perovic, Aida 24-6 Edison HS
Reid, Mikayla 23-8 Franklin Township HS
Boyd, Tiffany 23-2.25 East Brunswick HS
Kipnis, Jenna 22-6.75 Edison HS
Herrera, Guadalupe 22-2.25 Edison HS
Alaboura, Nadyeh 21-8 Edison HS
Fernando, Deseni 19-8 Edison HS
Appau, Ciera Hillsborough HS
Salvacion, Sydney Hillsborough HS
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Group 4 Girls Triple Jump 54 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kobus, Jamie 35-10.5 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Wallace, Chilly 35-9 Montgomery HS
Williams-White, Leah 35-4.5 Sayreville HS
Hosamane, Nidhi 35-0.5 Montgomery HS
Carbone, Jillian 34-7.5 South Brunswick HS
Spano, Samantha 34-6.5 Marlboro HS
Agarwal, Neev 34-6.5 Hillsborough HS
Fitzpatrick, Kaili 34-6 Hillsborough HS
D'Agostino, Alyson 34-5.75 Marlboro HS
Grayson, Madison 34-4.25 Long Branch HS
Weaver, Nakaja 34-0 North Brunswick HS
Giudice, Kaylee 33-11.25 North Brunswick HS
Nartey, Renee 33-11 South Brunswick HS
Wehrle, Taylor 33-10.5 Sayreville HS
George, Susan 33-9 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Schechter, Kirstyn 33-8 Hillsborough HS
Orders, Janai 33-7 South Brunswick HS
Valan, Brooke 33-2.75 South Brunswick HS
Melville, Jamie 33-1.25 Monroe Twp. HS
Peralta, Rourke 33-0.75 Hunterdon Central HS
Sagoe, Abah 33-0.5 Monroe Twp. HS
Milnes, Nicole 32-11 Howell HS
Kraft, Courtney 32-9.75 West Windsor Plainsboro South HS
Sagoe, Oyinlola 32-6.75 Monroe Twp. HS
Bossdorf, Tess 32-3.5 Freehold Township HS
McNeill, Mya 32-2.25 Hunterdon Central HS
Bell, Sydni 31-11.5 Howell HS
Nevin, Hunter 31-11.5 East Brunswick HS
Palermo, Erica 31-10.25 Marlboro HS
Goodger, Lauren 31-9.5 East Brunswick HS
Litherland, Jessica 31-8 Hunterdon Central HS
Barnes, Jada 31-6.5 North Brunswick HS
Martinez, Ismel 31-6.5 New Brunswick HS
Cox, Sydney 31-5.25 Hunterdon Central HS
Chandra, Ananya 31-1.75 East Brunswick HS
Gerke, Maya 30-11 Freehold Township HS
Ntim, Emanuella 30-10.75 Old Bridge HS
Bertscha, Molly 30-10.25 Freehold Township HS
Chionchio, Gianna 30-9 Old Bridge HS
Taylor, Tyriana 30-8 Franklin Township HS
Rodzik, Olivia 30-5.25 Old Bridge HS
Kim, Joan 30-4.25 Manalapan HS
Pittman, Chanyel 30-3.5 South Brunswick HS
Seidel, Brielle 30-1.25 Hillsborough HS
Van Ness, Emily 29-11 Franklin Township HS
Man, Kirsten 29-11 South Brunswick HS
Smith, Kiajah 29-7.5 New Brunswick HS
Fofanah, Alisha 29-7 Franklin Township HS
Ayeke, Uchechukwu (Adaoma) 29-5.5 Manalapan HS
Chin, Leah 29-3.5 East Brunswick HS
Kastramados, Andrea 28-6 Montgomery HS
Dover, Be'yania 27-2.5 New Brunswick HS
Metaxas, Ada Princeton HS
Mandell, Haley Hillsborough HS
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