
20120525 NJSIAA North1 Sectional 1600m James Bryan Northern High
May 26, 2012
Sponsored by http://kaarme.com - Helping students find the right colleges and scholarships - free since 2005

20120525 NJSIAA North1 Sectional 100m Emma Sullivan Northern Hig
May 26, 2012
Sponsored by http://kaarme.com - Helping students find the right colleges and scholarships - free since 2005

20120525 NJSIAA North1 Sectional 1600 Ariana North Northern High
May 26, 2012
Race went out slow and turned into a kicker's affair 2:33/2:25 splits - Sponsored by http://kaarme.com - Helping students find the right colleges and scholarships - free since 2005