Bethanie Brown is Maine’s Mighty Miler Marc Bloom Jun 05, 2013

Bethanie Brown of Maine — whose diverse running experiences include a 10-mile workout with Joan Benoit Samuelson, a breakthrough performance in a race against boys, and severe dehydration issues in both track and cross country — collected four gold medals last Saturday in the Maine State Class B Championships on a scorching hot day in Bath (via Runner's World)

Marc Bloom's Pre-Season Super 25 Marc Bloom Aug 04, 2011

Award-winning journalist Marc Bloom has been compiling high school cross-country rankings for more than 20 years. His most recent books are “God on the Starting Line” (Breakaway, 2004) and “Young Runners” (Simon & Schuster/Fireside, 2009).

Running home Marc Bloom Dec 18, 2008

Article from "The Harrier" editor Marc Bloom about Jacob Swearingen and the loss of his home. Many thanks to Chris Auckley (Auck) for his devotion to the running community and bringing us the article.

High School workouts Marc Bloom Apr 27, 2006

Have you ever glimpsed a high school practice, and noticed the whoosh of young bodies flying around the track or cross-country course? Most high school distance runners have modest talent. What they do have are coaches who know how to train and motivate them to enjoy running, make steady progress and reach their potential. You can get a piece of the action.