We combine every race from a long rainy day at Holmdel and rescore the meet!
The top 500 times from the Holmdel Park 5K course last cross country season set to return in 2023.
Here are the team race assignments for the massive New Balance Shore Coaches Invitational at Holmdel Park on October 1st!
Schedule, parking, coverage, race assignments and more! One of the largest regular season meets for New Jersey is set to kick off October 1st.
Results will be posted after each race finishes courtesy of LFRacing. Internet at park may slow down process.
The Union Catholic boys and girls had the top team performances, and several PR's were run on a wet and windy day at Holmdel Park.
Multiple albums have uploaded and are still uploading, thousands of images from the rainy muddy competitive Shore Coaches Invite.
Videos and interviews from the 2022 Shore Coaches Invitational! Every video has been uploaded.
The greatest day of the year is here! There will be 12 state championship races on Saturday at Holmdel Park during the 2022 NJSIAA Group Championships.
The greatest day of the year is here! There will be 12 state championship races on Saturday at Holmdel Park during the 2022 NJSIAA Group Championships.
A look at the top performers from the freshmen class of 2026 during the NJSIAA State Champs series as well as at Holmdel Park this past cross country season.
Team rankings based off 2022 Holmdel Park season bests for any returning athletes at New Jersey high schools.