
Full Metuchen Results | Photos by Tom Smith | Videos by Jim LambertVoorhees ran a NJ#1 US#13 10:21.52 to win the distance medley at Saturday's ninth annual Metuchen Relays. They'll be going after the 4x800 meter this Thursday night at the Holmdel Twilight Penn Qualifier and then attempting once again to lower their DMR time at the Skyland Conference Relays this coming Saturday. Voorhees will use Joe Capone, Max Page, Daniel McConnell, and Chris Romero in the 4x800 on Thursday, and will go with Capone, Ken Sommer, Page and Romero in the DMR on Saturday.At Metuchen, Capone ran 3:14.5, Sommer 52.5, Page a PR of 1:57.1, and Romero 4:16.4. CHECK OUT THE FULL WEEK 2 ROUND UP

The ninth annual Metuchen Relays are being held on Saturday, April 7. Follow along for all the highlights
Here is our results and coverage board from Week 2 of the season along with highlights from each meet.
1,800 images from Saturday's Metuchen Relays.
A big day for Voorhees at the Metuchen Relays opens the possibility for even faster times.