Passaic County Meet - by Gary Anolik

Halloween came early for the runners at Friday's Passaic County Cross Country Championships. It was a scene right out of any horror movie, and many runners fell victim of the consequences.

At about 2:45pm all the runners assembled at Garret Mountain in West Paterson were warming up, or talking about the upcoming race. Then without warning a huge down pour and gusts of winds rained down on the runners and on an already muddy and water logged course. The result left the course with large puddles and mud through out the course, especially at about the 1.75 mile mark behind the lake. The storm created 26 mile an hour head winds that the runners had to deal with in the first mile and part of the second mile. Additionally the tempeture began to plummet. By 4:45, just two hours after the initial storm, the tempeture dropped from 60 degrees to 43 degrees. In fifteen minuets this became a new race. Runners were tapping their shoes, bundling up to stay warm, replacing their spikes, and getting to the starting line which was delayed by fifteen minuets.

The Men's race took off with Tony Salvatore and Steve Abate from Wayne Valley leading the way along with runners from DePaul, Clifton and JFK Kennedy. After the initial first series of hills at about the half mile mark, Salvatore and Abate separated themselves from the field, and led the way in that order to the finish. Nick Miehe from DePaul led a pack of about ten other runners through the remaining part of the race, and as is always the case at Garret it came down to who had the strength in the last half mile going up the hill. Runners were passing and re-passing each other up the hill with Miehe taking third.

The team competition reflected the close competition of the race as Wayne Valley defeated Clifton, two time Passaic County Champions, by just three points.

The Women's race was initially considered a West Milford coronation ceremony. That was until anyone spoke to one of their top runners, Leanne Pelak. The Lady Highlander senior is well known for her determination and no nonsense additude about running. Always a participant at all Meet of Champions events, today she came ready to run, but this time sick with strep throat. Rival Clifton could now not be counted out.

The winner of the race was never in doubt from the opening shot. Christina Valerio from West Milford took off and finished: 47 seconds ahead of Carlin Keil from Wayne Valley. Even though she had a lead, Valerio never relaxed. She constantly looked behind her to see if the competition was gaining in on her. Third place went to JFK Kennedy's Kristin Crawford, and fourth to the upcoming Crystal Carlson also of West Milford.

The remainder of the West Milford team stepped up with Pelak sick. Alanna Haight took 6th, Jennifer Paulson 17th, Brianne Grant, 20th and tough as nails Pelak took 21st to nail down West Milford's 4th straight Passaic County Championship, once again over Clifton.

Coach Judy Musel after four years still refuses to take any credit. The coach who is probably the most technically astute around and extremely passionate about her runners gave the Lady Highlanders all the credit. "Its all about them," Musel said, "They knew all week that Leanne was sick, so they knew they had to step it up, and they trained for that and they excuted."

For their part Clifton's future is bright. The Mustangs have only one senior on their team. That is Jessica Torres, who placed 10th. All the other runners are juniors. They are Susan Martinez (5th place), Sabina Weglinska (9th), Sarah Mendoza (14th), and Alyssa Philhower (19th), Tara Anton(29th) and Sarah Weiss (33rd). Additionally the Clifton coaches, John Pontes entering his 35th year of coaching and former All American Lisa (Giaconia) Smith are among the most respected in the State.