Jerry Hart Cross Country Invitational 2022

Hightstown, NJ
Hosted by Peddie School
Timing/Results 2L Race Services

Jerry Hart Cross Country Invitational 2022 vs Jerry Hart Cross Country Invitational 2019

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +161 233 72
Overall Average -18.54 22:43.32 23:01.86
1st-10th Place -1:31.20 16:26.90 17:58.10
1st-25th Place -1:27.28 17:16.36 18:43.64
1st-50th Place -2:24.32 18:04.94 20:29.26
1st-100th Place +2:42.40 19:17.34 16:34.94
Common Athletes -- -- 4
Ran Faster 4 4 --
Ran Season Best -1 -- 1
Average Time -1:38.65 19:29.10 21:07.75
Median Time -2:08.10 20:52.90 23:01.00
Middle 80% Times -1:31.35 15:06.65 16:38.00
Top 10% Times -29.20 17:29.80 17:59.00
Top 25% Times -29.20 17:29.80 17:59.00
Top 50% Times -1:00.80 17:36.70 18:37.50
Bottom 50% Times -2:16.50 21:21.50 23:38.00
Bottom 25% Times -2:24.90 21:50.10 24:15.00
Bottom 10% Times -2:24.90 21:50.10 24:15.00
Average Difference -1:38.65 -- --
Median Difference -2:08.10 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -1:31.35 -- --
Top 10% Difference -29.20 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:00.80 -- --
Top 25% Difference -29.20 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:00.80 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -2:16.50 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -2:24.90 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -2:24.90 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Luke Treese Peddie School -29.20 17:29.80 17:59.00
James McDonald Hun School of Princeton -1:32.40 17:43.60 19:16.00
Adam Haynes The Wilberforce School -2:08.10 20:52.90 23:01.00
Emilie Strapp Peddie School -2:24.90 21:50.10 24:15.00