Big North League Championships - Patriot / American / United Div 2016

Mahwah, NJ
Timing/Results LFRacing

Big North League Championships - Patriot / American / United Div 2016 vs Big North League Championships - Patriot / American / United Div 2014

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -3 366 369
Overall Average +16.11 21:48.27 21:32.17
1st-10th Place +19.21 16:28.90 16:09.69
1st-25th Place +25.33 16:58.96 16:33.63
1st-50th Place +21.37 17:27.50 17:06.13
1st-100th Place +16.88 18:07.98 17:51.10
Common Athletes -- -- 91
Ran Faster 47 69 22
Ran Season Best 2 25 23
Average Time -42.22 20:45.83 21:28.05
Median Time -39.81 20:11.00 20:50.81
Middle 80% Times -49.83 20:23.40 21:13.23
Top 10% Times -47.14 16:44.00 17:31.14
Top 25% Times -44.98 17:19.35 18:04.33
Top 50% Times -51.61 18:12.91 19:04.52
Bottom 50% Times -31.91 22:51.66 23:23.57
Bottom 25% Times -25.56 25:34.20 25:59.76
Bottom 10% Times +16.18 28:27.66 28:11.48
Average Difference -42.22 -- --
Median Difference -19.95 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -50.37 -- --
Top 10% Difference -38.91 -- --
Top 50% Difference -44.07 -- --
Top 25% Difference -36.59 -- --
Top 50% Difference -44.07 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -39.88 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -30.39 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +16.18 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Joseph Erskine Don Bosco Prep -34.28 16:06.00 16:40.28
Justin Touhey Don Bosco Prep -1:40.41 16:07.00 17:47.41
Caleb Shaia Bergen Catholic HS -1:01.26 16:11.00 17:12.26
Gary Wilhelm River Dell HS -1:28.26 16:36.00 18:04.26
Jason Argueta Cliffside Park HS -1:08.87 16:48.00 17:56.87
Nick Kaczorowski Ramsey HS -26.12 16:49.00 17:15.12
Daniel Murray River Dell HS -28.86 17:04.00 17:32.86
Matt Tina River Dell HS -1:24.39 17:05.00 18:29.39
Peter Theuerkauf Bergen Catholic HS -46.06 17:08.00 17:54.06
Chris Murray River Dell HS -21.66 17:26.00 17:47.66
Justin Greenberg Bergen Catholic HS -40.35 17:28.00 18:08.35
Gulraiz Hashmi Cliffside Park HS +34.00 18:03.00 17:29.00
Nicholas Beutel Pascack Hills HS -1:27.37 17:30.00 18:57.37
Will Lenz Bergen Catholic HS -51.91 17:33.00 18:24.91
Ryan Scully River Dell HS -3:13.81 17:37.00 20:50.81
Franklin Shobe Ramsey HS -4:34.77 17:40.00 22:14.77
Nick Curcio Pascack Hills HS -1:00.53 17:47.00 18:47.53
Kristofer Bieri Westwood HS -0.78 17:48.00 17:48.78
Keith Petrellese Pascack Hills HS +30.77 18:19.00 17:48.23
Ryan Salvo Ramsey HS -0.81 17:49.00 17:49.81
Matt Lyons Bergen Catholic HS -1:26.73 17:51.00 19:17.73
James Nagotko Mahwah HS -1:51.12 17:58.00 19:49.12
Victor Hua Fort Lee HS -34.01 17:59.00 18:33.01
Brian Frank Don Bosco Prep -1:44.83 18:02.00 19:46.83
Michael Bartoli Pascack Hills HS -1:53.83 18:09.00 20:02.83
Matt Dicciannni Pascack Hills HS -37.32 18:12.00 18:49.32
Jesse Mingalone Don Bosco Prep -48.13 18:14.00 19:02.13
Gabe Fermin Cliffside Park HS -1:36.53 18:19.00 19:55.53
Anthony Michielini Pascack Hills HS -5.62 18:23.00 18:28.62
Jack Rossig Pascack Hills HS -1:27.55 18:27.00 19:54.55
Matthew Agrusti Don Bosco Prep -56.30 18:30.00 19:26.30
Sebastian Bonvissuto Pascack Hills HS -2:31.35 18:37.00 21:08.35
Giavanna Tabbachino Immaculate Heart Academy +20.61 19:13.00 18:52.39
Carlo Antonelli River Dell HS -1:58.27 18:54.00 20:52.27
Briant Escobar Ridgefield Park HS -2:04.79 18:56.00 21:00.79
John Forester River Dell HS -37.46 19:02.00 19:39.46
Eric Hong Fort Lee HS +18.72 19:31.00 19:12.28
Ryan Lairmore Paramus Catholic HS +23.86 19:54.00 19:30.14
Caitlin McPartland Immaculate Heart Academy -1:09.89 19:33.00 20:42.89
Max Schreiber Mahwah HS -1:09.79 19:35.00 20:44.79
Megan Brockmeier Immaculate Heart Academy +1:02.16 20:44.00 19:41.84
Kenny Zhao Fort Lee HS -33.99 19:43.00 20:16.99
James Lin Fort Lee HS -2.57 19:50.00 19:52.57
Shannon Goria River Dell HS -22.31 19:51.00 20:13.31
John Lin Fort Lee HS -1:47.48 20:00.00 21:47.48
Lindsay McNeill Ramsey HS -2:06.40 20:06.00 22:12.40
Jorge Mascaro Bergen Catholic HS -7.19 20:11.00 20:18.19
Brian Chambers River Dell HS -1:46.76 20:12.00 21:58.76
Melissa Dougherty River Dell HS -1:07.54 20:15.00 21:22.54
Ginger Pojednic River Dell HS -40.52 20:18.00 20:58.52
Carlos Barquin Dumont HS -43.14 20:19.00 21:02.14
Victoria Clinton Ramsey HS +1:05.68 21:25.00 20:19.32
Erinn McGahan Ramsey HS -1:14.43 20:20.00 21:34.43
Christopher Hall Paramus Catholic HS +3.61 20:25.00 20:21.39
Rhiannon Novelli Academy Of The Holy Angels +36.55 21:02.00 20:25.45
Elizabeth Flood Ramsey HS -21.24 20:29.00 20:50.24
Alex Corbo Westwood HS +1:21.31 21:57.00 20:35.69
Eve Schoenberg River Dell HS -4:40.92 20:37.00 25:17.92
Jill Neggia Immaculate Heart Academy -19.95 20:38.82 20:58.77
Emily Prendergast Pascack Hills HS -1:11.35 21:07.00 22:18.35
Hannah Figueroa Pascack Hills HS +1:19.84 22:29.00 21:09.16
Cameron Boggio Pascack Hills HS -2:02.69 21:10.00 23:12.69
Anthony Orlando River Dell HS -1:17.32 21:15.00 22:32.32
Valerie Ervin Mahwah HS -35.89 21:17.00 21:52.89
Julia Scherer Immaculate Heart Academy +41.54 22:08.02 21:26.48
Bryan Bardes Pascack Hills HS -19.79 21:42.00 22:01.79
Courtney Deloughery Dumont HS -13.54 21:51.00 22:04.54
John Powell Pascack Hills HS -1:11.16 22:02.00 23:13.16
Nina Rubenstein Pascack Hills HS -16.25 22:16.00 22:32.25
Sophia Beutel Westwood HS +2:23.32 24:40.00 22:16.68
Tiffany Bueno Cliffside Park HS -54.40 22:22.00 23:16.40
Reagan Stroka Immaculate Heart Academy -1:25.25 22:22.92 23:48.17
Allie Gluck Pascack Hills HS -3:36.55 22:31.00 26:07.55
Jessica Uben Ridgefield Park HS -1:22.10 22:34.00 23:56.10
Erin O'Connor Cliffside Park HS +12.77 22:57.00 22:44.23
DeShawn Johnson Dwight Morrow HS -1:17.69 23:11.00 24:28.69
Josephine Wang Fort Lee HS +0.15 23:30.00 23:29.85
Emma Ohlstein Westwood HS -2:15.28 23:35.00 25:50.28
Marisa Entrup Mahwah HS +40.13 24:18.00 23:37.87
Zsofia Balog Dumont HS -30.95 23:44.00 24:14.95
Nichole Toleno Ridgefield Park HS -10.05 25:16.00 25:26.05
Grace Falanga Pascack Hills HS -1:39.11 25:18.99 26:58.10
Bridget Hayden Academy Of The Holy Angels -4:28.50 25:35.20 30:03.70
Hannah Doktor DePaul Catholic HS +2:34.54 28:47.37 26:12.83
Lily Baffo Ridgefield Park HS +36.36 27:03.00 26:26.64
Christina Joseph Dwight Morrow HS +2:18.23 29:00.00 26:41.77
Kelley Corbett Immaculate Heart Academy +10.38 27:05.87 26:55.49
Lauren Rogers Immaculate Heart Academy +3:36.14 30:41.20 27:05.06
Nayely Hernandez Dwight Morrow HS -1:04.65 28:04.00 29:08.65
Anastasia Bogdanova Ridgefield Park HS -48.00 28:36.00 29:24.00
Ruby Maury Dwight Morrow HS +1:26.45 34:25.00 32:58.55