At the end of the day, Ashley Higginson may be the closest thing to the definition of the 21st Century woman that I can think of. She has earned high honors both academically and athletically from childhood through High School and College and now leads the life of a law school student and world class distance runner specializing in the 3000 Meter Steeplechase.
In the next two years, Higginson, who is ranked #4 in the US at her specialty, will be a law school graduate on the brink of a probable successful career and a possible member of the US Olympic Track & Field team. Quite an accomplishment for either endeavor. On September 2nd, Ashley spoke to the Hillsborough HS Girls Cross Country Team and reflected on her journey down both these avenues. Afterwards she took questions from the group. The following is a video record of her appearance. Enjoy
The Presentation - A Running Journey
Audience Questions and Answers