Holmdel High School HY-TEK's Meet Manager
2023 State Group Cross Country Championhsips - 11/4/2023
Holmdel Park
Last Completed Event
Event 4 Boys 5k Run CC 1100 NPB
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Brox, Caleb 12 The Wilberfo 16:56 1
2 Gaulrapp, Ryan 12 Bishop Eustace Prep 17:28 2
3 Ern, Matthew 11 St. Rose HS 17:38 3
4 Linden, Isaac 11 Moorestown F 17:42 4
5 Caprarola, Ethan 11 Bishop Eustace Prep 17:44 5
6 McLaughlin, Grayson 10 Princeton Da 18:12 6
7 Brox, Micah 9 The Wilberfo 18:16 7
8 Edwards, Elias 9 The Wilberfo 18:18 8
9 Culp, Alex 11 Eastern Chri 18:22 9
10 Letko, Edward 9 Princeton Da 18:22 10
11 Colden, Matt 12 Bishop Eustace Prep 18:40 11
12 Kuperus, Caleb 11 Eastern Chri 18:47 12
13 Patchett, Ian 12 Morristown-B 18:56
14 Morrison, Zach 11 Rutgers Prep 18:58 13
15 Phipps, Danny 12 St. Rose HS 19:03 14
16 Shepard, Colin 11 Morris Catholic HS 19:10
17 Hubert, Nathan 10 Montclair Ki 19:11 15
18 Maas, Aidan 12 Montclair Ki 19:15 16
19 Patel, Arun 12 Princeton Da 19:18 17
20 DiCocco, Beniamino 12 St. Thomas Aquinas 19:21 18
21 Monahan, Gavin 12 St. Rose HS 19:25 19
22 Clark, Andrew 9 St. Rose HS 19:30 20
23 Levens, Mason 11 Moorestown F 19:31 21
24 Kwon, Matthew 10 Montclair Ki 19:35 22
25 Jepson, Henry 9 The Wilberfo 19:39 23
26 Llach, Jack 11 St. Rose HS 19:46 24
27 Nolte, Luke 10 Princeton Da 19:49 25
28 Rogers, Thomas 12 St. Rose HS 19:53 26
29 Ajayi, Martin 10 Montclair Ki 19:58 27
30 Zheng, Daniel 10 Ranney School 19:58 28
31 Smith, Shane 9 Bishop Eustace Prep 19:58 29
32 Dietz, Alexander 10 Bishop Eustace Prep 20:00 30
33 Ho, Tyler 10 Montclair Ki 20:07 31
34 Seeley, Liam 12 Gill St. Ber 20:09 32
35 Higby, Cole 11 Hawthorne Ch 20:13
36 Hollander, Elliot 10 Rutgers Prep 20:18 33
37 Bhagat, Bikram 10 Rutgers Prep 20:18 34
38 Maciorowski, Ryan 10 Wardlaw-Hart 20:28
39 Lin, Evan 12 Princeton Da 20:31 35
40 Hammond, Brayden 9 Gill St. Ber 20:34 36
41 Rizzo, Tyler 10 Montclair Ki 20:34 37
42 Murphy, Joseph 12 St. Rose HS 20:43 38
43 Poljevka, Thomas 12 Princeton Da 21:07 39
44 Bechler, Sterling 12 Rutgers Prep 21:19 40
45 Dally, Angelo 11 St. Thomas Aquinas 21:22 41
46 Bagga, Harrison 10 Princeton Da 21:22 42
47 Tubb, Daniel 11 Eastern Chri 21:22 43
48 Royce, Lawrence 10 Ranney School 21:23 44
49 Linchfield, Oliver 11 Gill St. Ber 21:24 45
50 David, John 10 The Wilberfo 21:26 46
51 Wang, Rongduo 10 Ranney School 21:42 47
52 Youssef, Jason 10 Moorestown F 21:49 48
53 Herr, Davis 10 Gill St. Ber 21:53 49
54 Belasco, Louis J 11 Wildwood Cat 21:54
55 Serrapica, Michael 11 Ranney School 22:01 50
56 Trivedi, Adit 11 Rutgers Prep 22:01 51
57 Pratt, Andrew 12 The Wilberfo 22:02 52
58 Birnbaum, Patrick 11 Morristown-B 22:04
59 Norden, Rohan 10 Gill St. Ber 22:09 53
60 Turben, Alex 12 Morristown-B 22:12
61 Cornette, Leroy 11 Roselle Catholic HS 22:20
62 Kokoszka, Patrick 12 Rutgers Prep 22:23 54
63 Cohen, Oliver 9 Rutgers Prep 22:31 55
64 Smith, Zev 10 Moorestown F 22:38 56
65 Kim, Nathan 10 Eastern Chri 22:44 57
66 Bowman, Blake 9 Holy Cross HS 22:47
67 Gafanhao, Brandon 11 St. Thomas Aquinas 22:51 58
68 Oostydk, Colby 10 Hawthorne Ch 22:53
69 Trousdale, Benjamin 10 Morris Catholic HS 23:01
70 Trousdale, William 9 Morris Catholic HS 23:01
71 DeAndreas, Owen 9 Moorestown F 23:06 59
72 Gurbicz, Greg 9 St. Thomas Aquinas 23:28 60
73 Cohen, Ethan 10 Moorestown F 23:33 61
74 McArthur, Luke 10 St. Thomas Aquinas 23:34 62
75 Stobie, Ethan 11 Ranney School 23:39 63
76 Moini, Joshua 10 Ranney School 23:40 64
77 Shen, Zayn 9 Wardlaw-Hart 23:41
78 McCall, James 9 Roselle Catholic HS 23:43
79 Smith, Abraham 12 Roselle Catholic HS 23:48
80 Baxter, Erik 12 Morris Catholic HS 23:48
81 Sipple, Cade 11 Eastern Chri 24:20 65
82 Davis, Stone 12 Eastern Chri 24:35 66
83 Shi, Harry 9 Eastern Chri 26:15 67
84 Wells, Evan 12 St. Thomas Aquinas 26:41 68
85 Khizar, Ahmad 10 Wardlaw-Hart 26:52
86 Cohen, Samuel 10 Wardlaw-Hart 27:38
87 Hary, Mike 11 St. Thomas Aquinas 27:40 69
Team Scores
Rank Team Total 1 2 3 4 5 *6 *7 *8 *9
1 Bishop Eustace Prep 77 2 5 11 29 30
Total Time: 1:33:50.00
Average: 18:46.00
2 St. Rose HS 80 3 14 19 20 24 26 38
Total Time: 1:35:22.00
Average: 19:04.40
3 The Wilberforce School 85 1 7 8 23 46 52
Total Time: 1:34:35.00
Average: 18:55.00
4 Princeton Day School 93 6 10 17 25 35 39 42
Total Time: 1:36:12.00
Average: 19:14.40
5 Montclair Kimberley Acade 111 15 16 22 27 31 37
Total Time: 1:38:06.00
Average: 19:37.20
6 Rutgers Prep 171 13 33 34 40 51 54 55
Total Time: 1:42:54.00
Average: 20:34.80
7 Eastern Christian HS 186 9 12 43 57 65 66 67
Total Time: 1:45:35.00
Average: 21:07.00
8 Moorestown Friends School 188 4 21 48 56 59 61
Total Time: 1:44:46.00
Average: 20:57.20
9 Gill St. Bernard's School 215 32 36 45 49 53
Total Time: 1:46:09.00
Average: 21:13.80
10 Ranney School 232 28 44 47 50 63 64
Total Time: 1:48:43.00
Average: 21:44.60
11 St. Thomas Aquinas 239 18 41 58 60 62 68 69
Total Time: 1:50:36.00
Average: 22:07.20