NJAC XC Batch Meet #2 2023

Morris Plains, NJ
Timing/Results MCCATS

Mixed JV

 MCCATS - Contractor License                                        HY-TEK's Meet Manager
                            NJAC XC - 9/12/2023 to 10/30/2023                            
                                    Week 2 Batch Meet                                    
                              Greystone Park,Parsippany, NJ                              
                                  Last Completed Event                                   
Mixed 4k Run CC coed JV Long Junior Varsity
      Comp#  Name                       Sex  School                           Time Points
    1  6674  Van Kirk, Neil              M   Delbarton School             14:50.03       
    2  6651  Cuzzocrea, Oscar            M   Delbarton School             14:57.20       
    3  7157  Meza, Jason                 M   Morristown HS                15:01.56       
    4  7427  Goldstein, Russell          M   Randolph HS                  15:29.07      1
    5  7032  Andreazza, Shaun            M   Morris Hills HS              15:33.67      2
    6  7046  Johnson, Aidan              M   Morris Hills HS              15:34.34      3
    7  6644  Wang, Alex                  M   Chatham HS                   15:38.96      4
    8  7424  Drazek, Gavin               M   Randolph HS                  15:40.81      5
    9  6627  Rivera, Grayson             M   Chatham HS                   15:49.24      6
   10  6945  Ganguli, Nikhil             M   Montville Twp. HS            15:49.52       
   11  6614  McAloon, James              M   Chatham HS                   15:52.03      7
   12  6633  Sadler, Finn                M   Chatham HS                   16:00.09      8
   13  6634  Sasaki, Nicholas            M   Chatham HS                   16:00.92      9
   14  6639  Tivade, Josh                M   Chatham HS                   16:01.74     10
   15  7056  Qu, Alan                    M   Morris Hills HS              16:11.54     11
   16  6590  Caracciolo, Vincent         M   Chatham HS                   16:17.12     12
   17  6587  Bayard, Gabriel             M   Chatham HS                   16:25.28       
   18  6939  Anand, Aditya               M   Montville Twp. HS            16:25.90       
   19  6666  Pieroni, Josh               M   Delbarton School             16:26.69       
   20  7441  Ramsdell, Max               M   Randolph HS                  16:31.29     13
   21  7418  Byrne, Daniel               M   Randolph HS                  16:35.98     14
   22  6611  Marion, Gaspard             M   Chatham HS                   16:38.61       
   23  7045  Iorio, Hunter               M   Morris Hills HS              16:39.27     15
   24  7209  Matyskiel, Richard          M   Mount Olive HS               16:41.42     16
   25  6655  Eck, Alasdair               M   Delbarton School             16:43.99       
   26  6610  Mahon, Brandon              M   Chatham HS                   16:44.97       
   27  6872  Maurer, Karl                M   Madison HS                   16:49.09     17
   28  6855  Castanon, James             M   Madison HS                   16:52.59     18
   29  7210  Murray, Anthony             M   Mount Olive HS               16:59.84     19
   30  7432  Li, Nathan                  M   Randolph HS                  17:11.28     20
   31  7636  Gorman, Ryan                M   West Morris Central HS       17:20.57       
   32  7474  Ramos, Sivert               M   Roxbury HS                   17:27.65     21
   33  7220  Volpe, Dylan                M   Mount Olive HS               17:28.76     22
   34  7422  Dalton, Adam                M   Randolph HS                  17:29.81     23
   35  6618  Murray, Finn                M   Chatham HS                   17:32.06       
   36  6958  Zhou, Austin                M   Montville Twp. HS            17:35.53       
   37  7351  Thakur, Rajveer             M   Parsippany HS                17:35.53       
   38  7455  Johnson, Leah               W   Roxbury HS                   17:36.19       
   39  6606  Kleinbauer, Markus          M   Chatham HS                   17:39.50       
   40  6619  Neuner, Christopher         M   Chatham HS                   17:39.64       
   41  6624  Ragins, Barrett             M   Chatham HS                   17:46.98       
   42  7208  Katsigiannis, Andrew        M   Mount Olive HS               17:49.67     24
   43  6584  Allen, Chris                M   Chatham HS                   17:57.91       
   44  6548  Creatore, Abigial           W   Chatham HS                   17:59.68      1
   45  7163  Stallone, Ethan             M   Morristown HS                18:00.57       
   46  6856  Chou, Kaden                 M   Madison HS                   18:00.64     25
   47  7064  Vadillo, Stephen            M   Morris Hills HS              18:10.36     26
   48  6866  Helmer, Xavier              M   Madison HS                   18:11.70     27
   49  7466  Elmasri, Andrew             M   Roxbury HS                   18:14.30     28
   50  7215  Pujols-Mendez, Daurin       M   Mount Olive HS               18:17.18     29
   51  6950  Macharla, Sudhish           M   Montville Twp. HS            18:18.33       
   52  7120  Gustavsen, Nina             W   Morristown HS                18:19.50      2
   53  7439  Postorino, Paul             M   Randolph HS                  18:20.80     30
   54  6553  Greene, Lily                W   Chatham HS                   18:22.96      3
   55  7318  Olsen, Benjamin             M   Parsippany Hills HS          18:27.66       
   56  6596  DeMeo, Sawyer               M   Chatham HS                   18:33.84       
   57  6853  Bauman, Maxwell             M   Madison HS                   18:39.44     31
   58  6577  Stepanian, Rosemary         W   Chatham HS                   18:40.90      4
   59  6637  Steiner, Daniel             M   Chatham HS                   18:45.80       
   60  6579  Young, Georgia              W   Chatham HS                   18:46.13      5
   61  6575  Smith, Moira                W   Chatham HS                   18:46.13      6
   62  6565  O'Donnell, Fiona            W   Chatham HS                   18:49.50      7
   63  7624  Agnolet, Dante              M   West Morris Central HS       18:54.96       
   64  6572  Raunick, Lauren             W   Chatham HS                   18:55.14      8
   65  7154  Landi, Anthony              M   Morristown HS                18:57.12       
   66  7467  Gardner, Gavin              M   Roxbury HS                   19:06.94     32
   67  6909  Gadzi, Aiden                M   Mendham HS                   19:10.12       
   68  7395  Jatamoni, Saahithi          W   Randolph HS                  19:12.24      9
   69  7399  Lambo, Aliyah               W   Randolph HS                  19:13.98     10
   70  7475  Rippon, Samuel              M   Roxbury HS                   19:14.71     33
   71  7469  Lenihan, Jaiden             M   Roxbury HS                   19:22.16     34
   72  6570  Pignatello, Kathryn         W   Chatham HS                   19:28.36       
   73  6636  Sharma, Anay                M   Chatham HS                   19:30.98       
   74  7337  Sayed, Dayyan               M   Parsippany HS                19:32.52       
   75  6881  Shah, Ajay                  M   Madison HS                   19:34.62     35
   76  6571  Pollert, Chloe              W   Chatham HS                   19:35.54       
   77  6852  Anderson, Jarom             M   Madison HS                   19:39.90     36
   78  7125  Langlois, Loretta           W   Morristown HS                19:41.38     11
   79  7212  Nguyen, Jayden              M   Mount Olive HS               19:42.38     37
   80  7402  Mahamkali, Medha            W   Randolph HS                  19:43.20     12
   81  7201  Welsch, Leah                W   Mount Olive HS               19:46.48     13
   82  7121  Holloway, Teagan            W   Morristown HS                19:47.22     14
   83  6559  Ivancich, Josephine         W   Chatham HS                   19:47.27       
   84  7198  Volpi, Emily                W   Mount Olive HS               19:54.90     15
   85  7190  Jarvis, Lilah               W   Mount Olive HS               19:58.74     16
   86  7187  Gallagher, Jordan           W   Mount Olive HS               19:58.80     17
   87  7181  Tinkelman, Jonah            M   Morristown-Beard School      20:01.04     38
   88  7368  Taormina, Rocco             M   Pequannock HS                20:02.43       
   89  6843  Myers, Sophia               W   Madison HS                   20:04.51     18
   90  6552  Ferrito, Marissa            W   Chatham HS                   20:04.72       
   91  6568  O'Neil, Meghan              W   Chatham HS                   20:05.12       
   92  7027  Sridharan, Shriya           W   Morris Hills HS              20:07.54       
   93  7396  Kreitzer, Mackenzie         W   Randolph HS                  20:16.80     19
   94  6547  Clark, Avery                W   Chatham HS                   20:33.37       
   95  7411  Tuttle, Gretchen            W   Randolph HS                  20:39.12     20
   96  6685  Calderon, Estuardo          M   Dover HS                     20:47.89       
   97  6845  Sackin, Lyla                W   Madison HS                   20:52.89     21
   98  7014  Li, Vanessa                 W   Morris Hills HS              20:55.77       
   99  6591  Chakraborty, Shashwat       M   Chatham HS                   21:05.17       
  100  7122  Hong, Joanna                W   Morristown HS                21:11.52     22
  101  6831  Cooney, Riley               W   Madison HS                   21:12.62     23
  102  7133  Timmons, Micayle            W   Morristown HS                21:17.00     24
  103  7688  Tone, Kevin                 M   Morristown-Beard School      21:20.22     39
  104  7180  Spencer, Jon                M   Morristown-Beard School      21:23.51     40
  105  6847  Skinner, Dylan              W   Madison HS                   21:34.22     25
  106  7082  Saladino, Erica             W   Morris Knolls HS             21:49.06       
  107  7011  Hoerning, Sosi              W   Morris Hills HS              21:50.82       
  108  7021  Ramirez, Isabelle           W   Morris Hills HS              21:53.66       
  109  7216  Sajja, Sampath              M   Mount Olive HS               21:58.46     41
  110  7319  Patel, Panav                M   Parsippany Hills HS          22:05.31       
  111  7111  Bergeron, Isabella          W   Morristown HS                22:05.37     26
  112  6680  Fajardo, Kyara              W   Dover HS                     22:12.92       
  113  7645  Santiago, Maddox            M   West Morris Central HS       22:31.51       
  114  7460  Lynch, Meghan               W   Roxbury HS                   22:44.77       
  115  7401  Madriz, Madison             W   Randolph HS                  23:06.19     27
  116  7128  Niznik, Tessa               W   Morristown HS                23:08.03     28
  117  7263  Muller, Matthew             M   Mountain Lakes HS            23:16.06       
  118  7193  Payyappilly, Meryl          W   Mount Olive HS               23:20.63     29
  119  7244  Borin, John                 M   Mountain Lakes HS            23:26.85       
  120  6598  Dwyer, Matt                 M   Chatham HS                   23:31.78       
  121  7171  Bodack, Ben                 M   Morristown-Beard School      23:48.41     42
  122  7303  Liu, Shyanne                W   Parsippany Hills HS          24:04.19       
  123  6849  Stirk, Carlie               W   Madison HS                   24:07.31     30
  124  7453  Green, Samantha             W   Roxbury HS                   24:32.35       
  125  7686  Yermack, Chris              M   Morristown-Beard School      24:38.89     43
  126  7363  Zaccaro, Sophia             W   Pequannock HS                24:52.33       
  127  6928  Jin, Cai                    W   Montville Twp. HS            27:52.55       
  128  7188  Hung, Cierra                W   Mount Olive HS               31:51.60     31

 MCCATS - Contractor License                                        HY-TEK's Meet Manager
                            NJAC XC - 9/12/2023 to 10/30/2023                            
                                    Week 2 Batch Meet                                    
                              Greystone Park,Parsippany, NJ                              
                                  Last Completed Event                                   
Mixed 2800 Meter Run CC coed short c Varsity
      Comp#  Name                       Sex  School                           Time Points
    1  7508  Hopkins, Deagan             M   Sparta HS                    10:18.96       
    2  7160  Ruiz, Alexander             M   Morristown HS                10:42.31      1
    3  7061  Sethumadhavan, Premkumar    M   Morris Hills HS              10:47.43      2
    4  6672  Sommer, James               M   Delbarton School             10:53.74      3
    5  7038  Cruz, Cristian              M   Morris Hills HS              11:01.67      4
    6  7515  Pazmino, Nicolas            M   Sparta HS                    11:02.94       
    7  7156  Manno, Anthony              M   Morristown HS                11:05.21      5
    8  6661  Laurenzi, Matthew           M   Delbarton School             11:06.72      6
    9  6676  Wigginton, Thatcher         M   Delbarton School             11:07.65      7
   10  7062  Sharma, Saahil              M   Morris Hills HS              11:08.38      8
   11  7473  Miller, Edward              M   Roxbury HS                   11:11.51       
   12  7383  Boyanowski, Nick            M   Pope John Xxiii HS           11:12.70       
   13  7052  Palm, Daniel                M   Morris Hills HS              11:20.38      9
   14  6673  Tonzola, Alex               M   Delbarton School             11:24.48     10
   15  6647  Zukor, Ethan                M   Chatham HS                   11:26.32     11
   16  7047  Kiessling, Sean             M   Morris Hills HS              11:29.04     12
   17  7141  Bautista, Riley             M   Morristown HS                11:29.68     13
   18  6660  Kapp, Andy                  M   Delbarton School             11:39.85     14
   19  7049  Mahapatra, Anish            M   Morris Hills HS              11:42.03     15
   20  7468  Lad, Aryan                  M   Roxbury HS                   11:42.61       
   21  6650  Clow, Owen                  M   Delbarton School             11:43.18     16
   22  6616  Molander, Rion              M   Chatham HS                   11:43.75     17
   23  7148  Doyle, Brendan              M   Morristown HS                11:44.29     18
   24  7067  Vu, Anhphi                  M   Morris Hills HS              11:44.86     19
   25  7660  Conklin, Evan               M   Whippany Park HS             11:46.26     20
   26  7057  Ribeiro, Nolan              M   Morris Hills HS              11:47.46       
   27  7477  Vargas, Diego               M   Roxbury HS                   11:50.20       
   28  7389  Simonelli, Dylan            M   Pope John Xxiii HS           11:52.96       
   29  6677  Xu, Raymond                 M   Delbarton School             11:54.41     21
   30  7093  DiGuglielmo, Gerard         M   Morris Knolls HS             11:58.88     22
   31  7033  Au, Jeremiah                M   Morris Hills HS              12:00.54       
   32  6640  Tomishma, Reed              M   Chatham HS                   12:02.76     23
   33  6626  Richichi, Conlan            M   Chatham HS                   12:06.67     24
   34  6580  Zito-Ferraro, Robbie        W   Chatham HS                   12:07.24      1
   35  6607  Kleinbauer, Thomas          M   Chatham HS                   12:10.12     25
   36  7664  Lin, Kenneth                M   Whippany Park HS             12:13.83     26
   37  7153  Kosiak, Alex                M   Morristown HS                12:14.55     27
   38  7673  Scholl, Owen                M   Whippany Park HS             12:15.39     28
   39  7101  Nauheimer, Jake             M   Morris Knolls HS             12:22.20     29
   40  7680  Yu, Richard James           M   Whippany Park HS             12:23.55     30
   41  6608  Krieg, Peter                M   Chatham HS                   12:25.48     31
   42  6581  Engstrom, Sebastian         M   Chatham HS                   12:27.04     32
   43  6675  Velez, Drake                M   Delbarton School             12:37.93       
   44  6669  Ross, Dylan                 M   Delbarton School             12:38.95       
   45  6678  Zervigon, Ed                M   Delbarton School             12:39.54       
   46  7060  Sakthisundaram, Shrivathsan M   Morris Hills HS              12:40.86       
   47  7055  Ponce, Brian                M   Morris Hills HS              12:42.90       
   48  7037  Corcoran, Shane             M   Morris Hills HS              12:44.60       
   49  7109  Zimmerman, Ethan            M   Morris Knolls HS             12:45.56     33
   50  7674  Selitto, Anthony            M   Whippany Park HS             12:47.09     34
   51  7510  Laznik-Moraghan, Daemian    M   Sparta HS                    12:48.84       
   52  7039  Eory, Grayson               M   Morris Hills HS              12:49.77       
   53  7671  Rafaniello, Nicholas        M   Whippany Park HS             12:54.52     35
   54  6563  Morton, Maeve               W   Chatham HS                   12:55.17      2
   55  6574  Slater, Emilla              W   Chatham HS                   13:01.18      3
   56  7507  Henrie, Rowan               M   Sparta HS                    13:04.42       
   57  6620  O'Keefe, Jake               M   Chatham HS                   13:06.10       
   58  7470  Marquez Gonzalez, Steve     M   Roxbury HS                   13:07.64       
   59  7102  Nemerofsky, Matthew         M   Morris Knolls HS             13:16.49     36
   60  7390  Ahrens, Grace               W   Randolph HS                  13:17.51       
   61  7075  Hyder, Samarah              W   Morris Knolls HS             13:18.20      4
   62  6604  Kahn, Jacob                 M   Chatham HS                   13:21.60       
   63  7572  Calipa, Valentina           W   Villa Walsh Academy          13:23.30       
   64  7089  Buchman, Kyle               M   Morris Knolls HS             13:25.12     37
   65  7142  Butterfield, Jack           M   Morristown HS                13:25.57     38
   66  6632  Rourke, Kiernan             M   Chatham HS                   13:26.15       
   67  7342  Naik, Ishaan                M   Parsippany HS                13:26.82       
   68  6546  Christiano, Angelina Jo     W   Chatham HS                   13:27.84      5
   69  7068  Bergen, Samantha            W   Morris Knolls HS             13:28.77      6
   70  6561  Molinaro, Caroline          W   Chatham HS                   13:30.13      7
   71  6605  Keane, Finn                 M   Chatham HS                   13:36.50       
   72  7074  Gaglione, Olivia            W   Morris Knolls HS             13:40.66      8
   73  7177  Katz, Evan                  M   Morristown-Beard School      13:41.45       
   74  7104  Roldan, Marco               M   Morris Knolls HS             13:47.48     39
   75  7406  Sabahoglu, Seymanur         W   Randolph HS                  13:49.75       
   76  6728  Bozydaj, Jackson            M   Hanover Park HS              13:51.26     40
   77  7024  Ruiz, Kacey                 W   Morris Hills HS              13:56.72       
   78  6724  Akos, Robert                M   Hanover Park HS              13:59.20     41
   79  7073  Doherty, Amanda             W   Morris Knolls HS             14:00.82      9
   80  6583  Albrecht, Nicholas          M   Chatham HS                   14:02.93       
   81  7620  Parkes, Alanna              W   West Morris Central HS       14:04.20       
   82  7176  Karp, Major                 M   Morristown-Beard School      14:10.22       
   83  7159  Rodgers, Wyatt              M   Morristown HS                14:10.41     42
   84  7578  Hong, Gemma                 W   Villa Walsh Academy          14:10.98       
   85  6557  Horan, Jacqueline           W   Chatham HS                   14:12.97     10
   86  7629  Collado, Alexander          M   West Morris Central HS       14:13.63       
   87  7409  Slocum, Emily               W   Randolph HS                  14:15.36       
   88  6612  Mathews, Spencer            M   Chatham HS                   14:20.63       
   89  7488  Hessel, Leisl               W   Sparta HS                    14:25.06       
   90  7147  Coughlin, John              M   Morristown HS                14:25.85       
   91  6732  Gern, Mason                 M   Hanover Park HS              14:37.89     43
   92  7677  Vasilik, Brady              M   Whippany Park HS             14:39.17     44
   93  6931  Marotta, Sophia             W   Montville Twp. HS            14:40.14       
   94  7006  Alblas, Amelia              W   Morris Hills HS              14:55.57       
   95  7106  Sofield, Sean               M   Morris Knolls HS             14:56.74     45
   96  6738  Mathew, Aiden               M   Hanover Park HS              14:57.67     46
   97  6623  Purcell, Andy               M   Chatham HS                   14:58.56       
   98  7025  Ruiz, Kaylee                W   Morris Hills HS              15:19.23       
   99  6954  Perez, Juan                 M   Montville Twp. HS            15:29.31       
  100  7672  Sarno, Jeremy               M   Whippany Park HS             15:30.75       
  101  7492  Paniker, Sachi              W   Sparta HS                    15:31.84       
  102  7034  Cano, Ronnie                M   Morris Hills HS              15:36.94       
  103  6777  Barbach, Charlotte          W   Kinnelon HS                  15:43.22       
  104  7048  Lu, Ethan                   M   Morris Hills HS              15:51.56       
  105  7077  Kelleher, Mackenzie         W   Morris Knolls HS             15:55.65     11
  106  7457  Kalsi, Maya                 W   Roxbury HS                   15:56.47     12
  107  7308  To, AnnaRose                W   Parsippany Hills HS          15:56.90       
  108  7385  Furman, Liam                M   Pope John Xxiii HS           15:57.09       
  109  7657  Trexler, Lily               W   Whippany Park HS             16:08.90       
  110  7622  Vanko, Kayla                W   West Morris Central HS       16:13.21       
  111  7484  Errichetti, Sage            W   Sparta HS                    16:16.60       
  112  7461  McInnes, Julia              W   Roxbury HS                   16:19.89     13
  113  6740  Ryzwaniuk, Juan             M   Hanover Park HS              16:27.14     47
  114  7305  Morgan, Andi                W   Parsippany Hills HS          16:41.22       
  115  7347  Sembudurage, Vageesha       M   Parsippany HS                16:47.26       
  116  6930  Katapally, Aashka           W   Montville Twp. HS            16:48.36       
  117  7576  Hadzima, Katelyn            W   Villa Walsh Academy          16:55.42       
  118  7403  McFay, Cameron              W   Randolph HS                  17:04.69       
  119  7462  Pranzo, Ava                 W   Roxbury HS                   17:37.21     14
  120  6778  Baxter, Athena              W   Kinnelon HS                  17:58.80       
  121  7670  Priore, Daniel              M   Whippany Park HS             17:58.80       
  122  6927  Ghumwala, Julia             W   Montville Twp. HS            18:37.79       
  123  6668  Rodriguez, Sebastian        M   Delbarton School             18:41.28       
  124  7459  La, Kristina                W   Roxbury HS                   18:42.91     15
  125  7456  Juarez Medina, Cindy        W   Roxbury HS                   18:53.70     16
  126  7139  Barthe, Jacques             M   Morristown HS                18:55.43       
  127  7311  Duszkiewicz, Oscar          M   Parsippany Hills HS          19:04.44       
  128  7110  Barthe, Micheline           W   Morristown HS                19:20.66       
  129  6782  Phillip, Evangeline         W   Kinnelon HS                  20:14.44       
  130  7086  Zuffi, Anabella             W   Morris Knolls HS             20:16.52     17
  131  7463  Wilson, Anya                W   Roxbury HS                   20:41.66     18
  132  6543  Aditya, Aanya               W   Chatham HS                   23:27.90     19
  133  6532  Blake, Patrick              M   Boonton HS                   30:32.00