Full Results

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                                       HY-TEK's Meet Manager 5/14/2023 02:29 PM
                     Pennington Quad May 10 23 - 5/10/2023                     
                      live results @ www.tumeytiming.com                       
                           The Pennington  HS Track                            
Event 3  Girls 100 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 #   86 Zhou, Sophia          Princeton Da             17.86   1 
  2 #   88 Vandal, Kara          Princeton Da             19.25   1 
  3 #   89 Zhou, Kylie           Princeton Da             19.87   2 
  4 #    6 Meehan-Ritter, Za     The Penningt             20.27   2 
Event 4  Boys 110 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 #   90 Poljevka, Thomas      Princeton Da             19.86  
  2 #   41 Zheng, Leon           Princeton Da             22.75  
  3 #   92 Andino-Cruz, Carl     New Jersey S             22.93  
  4 #   58 Yuman, Junior         New Jersey S             23.19  
  5 #   91 Pratt, Andrew         The Wilberfo             23.37  
Event 5  Girls 100 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 #    2 Madigan, Maria        The Wilberfo             13.35   1 
  2 #    1 Rodriguez, Macayl     The Penningt             13.63   1 
  3 #    3 Pandolfo, Georgia     The Wilberfo             13.67   1 
  4 #    7 Daley, Kendra         Princeton Da             14.09   2 
  5 #    4 Prothero, Emily       The Wilberfo             14.17   1 
  6 #    5 Bridges, Ashton       The Penningt             14.65   1 
  7 #    6 Meehan-Ritter, Za     The Penningt             14.94   2 
  8 #    8 Vander Schaaff, A     The Penningt             15.09   2 
  9 #    9 Coleman, Zakeria      New Jersey S             15.46   2 
 10 #   10 Ozsvath, Eliana       Princeton Da             15.98   2 
 11 #   13 Rondinelli, Makay     Princeton Da             16.97   3 
 12 #   12 Zhu, Jenny            The Penningt             17.09   3 
 13 #   14 romero-Pesantez,      New Jersey S             17.26   3 
Event 6  Boys 100 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 #   15 Hope, Tyler           The Penningt             11.57   1 
  2 #   17 Manning, Seamus       The Penningt             11.85   1 
  3 #   20 Smith, Jayden         Princeton Da             12.26   1 
  4 #   21 Kenner, Keon          The Penningt             12.27   2 
  5 #   19 Miller, Zacarary      New Jersey S             12.52   1 
  6 #   24 Chadehumbe, Micha     The Wilberfo             12.67   2 
  7 #   22 Brown, Darius         The Penningt             12.68   2 
  8 #   29 Lewono, Ian           The Wilberfo             12.78   3 
  9 #   27 Kelsey, Dorian        The Penningt             12.96   3 
 10 #   23 Stewart, Adam         Princeton Da             12.97   2 
 11 #   16 Tomlinson, Zack       The Penningt             13.28   1 
 12 #   28 Mladineo, Johan       The Wilberfo             13.35   3 
 13 #   25 Bluni, Jack           The Penningt             13.56   2 
 14 #   34 Silva-Hernandez,      New Jersey S             13.67   4 
 15 #   30 Singhal, Armaan       Princeton Da             13.95   3 
 16 #   31 Sirolly, Brett        The Penningt             14.27   3 
 17 #   36 Cherukara, Matthi     The Wilberfo             14.29   4 
Event 7  Girls 1600 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 #   48 Mersereau, Gwen       The Wilberfo           5:23.56  
  2 #   79 Rubin, Perri          The Penningt           5:48.54  
  3 #   80 Readlinger, Abiga     The Wilberfo           5:55.71  
  4 #   68 Brooke, Maya          The Penningt           6:07.89  
  5 #   82 Mani, Riya            Princeton Da           6:32.34  
  6 #   72 Vardeman, Sophia      The Wilberfo           6:35.82  
  7 #   84 Dickler, Phoebe       Princeton Da           7:07.96  
  8 #   85 Li, Grace             The Penningt           7:38.35  
Event 8  Boys 1600 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 #   64 Schidlovsky, Phil     The Wilberfo           4:51.93  
  2 #   74 Drezek, Seb           The Penningt           5:19.83  
  3 #   76 Sandak, Ian           The Penningt           5:54.57  
  4 #   78 Bagga, Harrison       Princeton Da           6:02.74  
  5 #   77 Yang, Siyi            The Penningt           6:13.98  
  6 #   66 Galindo, Pedro        New Jersey S           6:22.86  
Event 9  Girls 400 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 #   43 Szeliga, Eve          The Wilberfo             59.92   1 
  2 #   60 Galvelis, Arden       The Penningt           1:06.61   1 
  3 #   46 Hurst, Noel           The Wilberfo           1:09.25   1 
  4 #    4 Prothero, Emily       The Wilberfo           1:11.83   1 
  5 #   61 Cardona, Zarah        Princeton Da           1:11.92   3 
  6 #   51 Melgar, Kaitlen       Princeton Da           1:15.94   3 
  7 #   14 romero-Pesantez,      New Jersey S           1:28.92   3 
  8 #   52 Burgess, McKaelah     New Jersey S           1:53.49   3 
Event 10  Boys 400 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 #   17 Manning, Seamus       The Penningt             55.26   1 
  2 #   38 Kaplowitz, Justin     Princeton Da             59.51   1 
  3 #   39 Wilson, Patrick       The Wilberfo           1:03.27   2 
  4 #   34 Silva-Hernandez,      New Jersey S           1:04.65   2 
  5 #   58 Yuman, Junior         New Jersey S           1:08.52   2 
Event 11  Girls 4x100 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 The Wilberforce School  'A'                           53.34  
     1) #3 Pandolfo, Georgianna         2) #2 Madigan, Maria              
     3) #4 Prothero, Emily              4) #43 Szeliga, Eve               
  2 Princeton Day School  'A'                             55.38  
     1) #7 Daley, Kendra                2) #88 Vandal, Kara               
     3) #86 Zhou, Sophia                4) #61 Cardona, Zarah             
  3 The Pennington School  'A'                            56.34  
     1) #60 Galvelis, Arden             2) #5 Bridges, Ashton             
     3) #6 Meehan-Ritter, Zara          4) #8 Vander Schaaff, Ava         
  4 New Jersey School for the Deaf  'A'                 1:07.26  
     1) #14 romero-Pesantez, Josseline  2) #54 Darko, Abena               
     3) #53 Olmos, Daniela              4) #9 Coleman, Zakeria            
Event 12  Boys 4x100 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 The Pennington School  'A'                            47.18  
     1) #15 Hope, Tyler                 2) #21 Kenner, Keon               
     3) #26 Xia, Chris                  4) #16 Tomlinson, Zack            
  2 The Wilberforce School  'A'                           50.47  
     1) #91 Pratt, Andrew               2) #29 Lewono, Ian                
     3) #24 Chadehumbe, Michael         4) #93 Chemodakov, Gabe           
  3 New Jersey School for the Deaf  'A'                   53.14  
     1) #34 Silva-Hernandez, Orlin      2) #66 Galindo, Pedro             
     3) #58 Yuman, Junior               4) #19 Miller, Zacarary           
Event 13  Girls 400 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 #   47 Sallade, Laura        The Wilberfo           1:13.95   1 
  2 #   44 White, Sydney         The Penningt           1:14.26   1 
  3 #   89 Zhou, Kylie           Princeton Da           1:28.96   2 
Event 14  Boys 400 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 #   90 Poljevka, Thomas      Princeton Da           1:06.97  
  2 #   41 Zheng, Leon           Princeton Da           1:20.86  
  3 #   58 Yuman, Junior         New Jersey S           1:21.85  
Event 15  Girls 800 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 #   67 Edwards, Adeline      The Wilberfo           2:25.31  
  2 #   69 Kain, Catie           The Penningt           2:41.27  
  3 #   68 Brooke, Maya          The Penningt           2:43.24  
  4 #   70 Law, Brooke           Princeton Da           2:57.28  
  5 #   72 Vardeman, Sophia      The Wilberfo           3:20.35  
  6 #   73 Ji, Nancy             The Wilberfo           3:20.36  
Event 16  Boys 800 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 #   18 Sallade, Jeremy       The Wilberfo           1:56.92  
  2 #   62 Kolaras, Drayton      The Penningt           2:00.47  
  3 #   63 Huffman, Monte        The Penningt           2:12.56  
  4 #   66 Galindo, Pedro        New Jersey S           3:14.65  
Event 17  Girls 200 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 #    1 Rodriguez, Macayl     The Penningt             26.94   1 
  2 #   48 Mersereau, Gwen       The Wilberfo             26.97   2 
  3 #   43 Szeliga, Eve          The Wilberfo             27.11   1 
  4 #   44 White, Sydney         The Penningt             28.77   1 
  5 #   46 Hurst, Noel           The Wilberfo             29.02   2 
  6 #    3 Pandolfo, Georgia     The Wilberfo             29.11   1 
  7 #    4 Prothero, Emily       The Wilberfo             29.76   2 
  8 #    7 Daley, Kendra         Princeton Da             30.31   3 
  9 #    5 Bridges, Ashton       The Penningt             30.67   3 
 10 #   49 Li, Angelyn           The Penningt             30.97   2 
 11 #    8 Vander Schaaff, A     The Penningt             32.47   2 
 12 #   51 Melgar, Kaitlen       Princeton Da             33.58   3 
 13 #    9 Coleman, Zakeria      New Jersey S             33.65   3 
 14 #   14 romero-Pesantez,      New Jersey S             38.45   3 
Event 18  Boys 200 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 #   15 Hope, Tyler           The Penningt             24.13   1 
  2 #   20 Smith, Jayden         Princeton Da             24.27   1 
  3 #   17 Manning, Seamus       The Penningt             24.75   1 
  4 #   19 Miller, Zacarary      New Jersey S             25.16   2 
  5 #   22 Brown, Darius         The Penningt             25.53   1 
  6 #   21 Kenner, Keon          The Penningt             26.11   1 
  7 #   24 Chadehumbe, Micha     The Wilberfo             26.65   2 
  8 #   29 Lewono, Ian           The Wilberfo             26.77   3 
  9 #   39 Wilson, Patrick       The Wilberfo             26.97   3 
 10 #   40 Willner, Caleb        Princeton Da             26.98   3 
 11 #   27 Kelsey, Dorian        The Penningt             27.11   2 
 12 #   28 Mladineo, Johan       The Wilberfo             27.55   3 
 13 #   25 Bluni, Jack           The Penningt             27.65   2 
 14 #   38 Kaplowitz, Justin     Princeton Da             28.14   2 
 15 #   31 Sirolly, Brett        The Penningt             28.52   3 
 16 #   42 Soto-Rivera, Edis     New Jersey S             28.72   4 
 17 #   41 Zheng, Leon           Princeton Da             28.85   3 
 18 #   37 Connor, Lekh          The Penningt             29.55   4 
Event 19  Girls 3200 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 #   59 Park, Sophia          The Wilberfo          11:26.56  
  2 #   80 Readlinger, Abiga     The Wilberfo          12:47.84  
  3 #   81 Whitman, Virginia     The Wilberfo          13:00.38  
  4 #   79 Rubin, Perri          The Penningt          14:40.46  
Event 20  Boys 3200 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 #   74 Drezek, Seb           The Penningt          11:18.57  
  2 #   76 Sandak, Ian           The Penningt          13:51.22  
Event 21  Girls Long Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 #   88 Vandal, Kara          Princeton Da         J13-10.00  
  2 #   47 Sallade, Laura        The Wilberfo         J13-10.00  
  3 #   71 Delgado, Olaya        The Penningt         J13-10.00  
  4 #    2 Madigan, Maria        The Wilberfo         J13-09.00  
  5 #   12 Zhu, Jenny            The Penningt         J12-08.50  
  6 #   55 Jones, Sage           Princeton Da         J12-06.00  
  7 #   49 Li, Angelyn           The Penningt          12-04.50  
  8 #   61 Cardona, Zarah        Princeton Da          11-02.50  
  9 #   53 Olmos, Daniela        New Jersey S           9-09.00  
Event 22  Boys Long Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 #   20 Smith, Jayden         Princeton Da          17-02.00  
  2 #   22 Brown, Darius         The Penningt          17-00.00  
  3 #   92 Andino-Cruz, Carl     New Jersey S          15-08.00  
  4 #   25 Bluni, Jack           The Penningt          15-01.00  
  5 #   91 Pratt, Andrew         The Wilberfo          14-08.00  
Event 23  Girls Triple Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 #   71 Delgado, Olaya        The Penningt          31-05.00  
  2 #   49 Li, Angelyn           The Penningt          29-09.00  
  3 #   12 Zhu, Jenny            The Penningt          26-11.00  
Event 24  Boys Triple Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 #   92 Andino-Cruz, Carl     New Jersey S          30-03.00  
Event 27  Girls Shot Put
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 #  103 Fischer, Jenna        The Wilberfo          29-02.00  
  2 #  104 Seyfath, Mia          The Penningt          23-03.75  
  3 #   13 Rondinelli, Makay     Princeton Da          22-03.75  
  4 #   54 Darko, Abena          New Jersey S          21-05.00  
  5 #  105 Malik, Simran         Princeton Da          21-02.00  
  6 #   10 Ozsvath, Eliana       Princeton Da          20-02.75  
  7 #   52 Burgess, McKaelah     New Jersey S          19-08.75  
  8 #  108 Hoekzema, Beatrix     Princeton Da          18-11.75  
  9 #  109 Sangha, Ziya          Princeton Da          17-06.50  
 10 #  111 McGraw, Caroline      The Penningt          17-05.00  
 11 #   53 Olmos, Daniela        New Jersey S          17-03.75  
 12 #  114 Arias, Celine         New Jersey S          13-07.50  
Event 28  Boys Discus Throw
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 #   99 Ennis, Dawson         The Penningt             96-09  
  2 #   98 Olmstead, Tyler       Princeton Da             96-08  
  3 #  112 Tomlinson, Shane      The Penningt             91-09  
  4 #   92 Andino-Cruz, Carl     New Jersey S             74-06  
  5 #   91 Pratt, Andrew         The Wilberfo             72-10  
  6 #  101 Calderon, Sebasti     The Penningt             67-04  
  7 #  100 Haase, Aiden          The Penningt             61-03  
  8 #   93 Chemodakov, Gabe      The Wilberfo             55-07  
  9 #   30 Singhal, Armaan       Princeton Da             54-04  
 10 #  113 Martinez, James       New Jersey S             43-03  
 11 #  102 Phillip, Justin       Princeton Da             29-00  
Event 29  Girls Discus Throw
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 #  103 Fischer, Jenna        The Wilberfo             74-09  
  2 #  104 Seyfath, Mia          The Penningt             66-08  
  3 #  110 Redding, Lauren       The Wilberfo             55-00  
  4 #   54 Darko, Abena          New Jersey S             54-07  
  5 #  105 Malik, Simran         Princeton Da             43-06  
  6 #   52 Burgess, McKaelah     New Jersey S             39-03  
  7 #  106 Akhtar, Shahrin       The Penningt             38-07  
  8 #  111 McGraw, Caroline      The Penningt             38-02  
  9 #  108 Hoekzema, Beatrix     Princeton Da             35-08  
 10 #   10 Ozsvath, Eliana       Princeton Da             33-07  
 11 #  109 Sangha, Ziya          Princeton Da             32-10  
 12 #  114 Arias, Celine         New Jersey S             24-02  
Event 30  Boys Javelin Throw
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 #   99 Ennis, Dawson         The Penningt            104-06  
  2 #   98 Olmstead, Tyler       Princeton Da            100-03  
  3 #   97 Damrau, Matthias      The Wilberfo             98-05  
  4 #  101 Calderon, Sebasti     The Penningt             78-08  
  5 #  100 Haase, Aiden          The Penningt             71-11  
  6 #  102 Phillip, Justin       Princeton Da             34-04  
Event 31  Girls Javelin Throw
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 #  103 Fischer, Jenna        The Wilberfo             65-10  
  2 #  105 Malik, Simran         Princeton Da             59-09  
  3 #  104 Seyfath, Mia          The Penningt             55-10  
  4 #  110 Redding, Lauren       The Wilberfo             50-09  
  5 #  108 Hoekzema, Beatrix     Princeton Da             43-01  
  6 #   10 Ozsvath, Eliana       Princeton Da             40-03  
  7 #  109 Sangha, Ziya          Princeton Da             36-02  
  8 #  111 McGraw, Caroline      The Penningt             35-03  
Event 32  Boys Shot Put
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 #  112 Tomlinson, Shane      The Penningt          39-08.00  
  2 #   98 Olmstead, Tyler       Princeton Da          35-05.25  
  3 #   99 Ennis, Dawson         The Penningt          31-04.75  
  4 #   16 Tomlinson, Zack       The Penningt          31-03.25  
  5 #   30 Singhal, Armaan       Princeton Da          25-11.00  
  6 #  101 Calderon, Sebasti     The Penningt          25-00.00  
  7 #  113 Martinez, James       New Jersey S          16-00.00  
  8 #  102 Phillip, Justin       Princeton Da          15-06.00  
Event 35  Girls High Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 #   88 Vandal, Kara          Princeton Da           4-06.00  
  2 #   46 Hurst, Noel           The Wilberfo           4-03.00  
  3 #   86 Zhou, Sophia          Princeton Da           4-00.00  
Event 36  Boys High Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 #   22 Brown, Darius         The Penningt           5-03.00  
Event 37  Boys 4x400 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 The Pennington School  'A'                          3:41.21  
  2 The Wilberforce School  'A'                         3:52.56  
Event 38  Girls 4x400 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 The Wilberforce School  'A'                         4:09.65  
  2 The Pennington School  'A'                          4:35.71