MAPL Outdoor Track Championships 2018

Hightstown, NJ
Hosted by Peddie School
Timing/Results 2L Race Services

Meet Information

Entries and Seeding

Three (3) entries will be permitted in each event.Each school will be limited to one (1) team in each relay. Schools are permitted to provisionally submit eight (8) names for each relay team, giving them the flexibility to select the four competitors at the race. Entry dead line is Friday May 11th at 7pm.


An athlete may compete in four events.


Individuals:10 - 8 - 6 - 4 - 2 - 1

Relays:10 - 8 - 6 - 4 -2


Trophy to school scoring the most points. 1st Place will receive a medal, 2nd and 3rd place will receive ribbons.

At the conclusion of the 3200 coaches will vote for four "Athletes of the Meet". There will be one male and one female "track" athlete and one male and one female "field" athlete. The head coaches will vote one vote each for the four awards on paper. The awards will be announced along with the championship at the conclusion of the meet.

12:00 Noon

Field Events:

Boys Throwing Event Rotation: Discus, followed by Shot Put, followed by Javelin (All are Trials/Finals)

Girls Throwing Event Rotation: Javelin, followed by Discus, followed by Shot Put (All are Trials/Finals)

3 preliminary throws per person (7 throwers advance to the finals for 3 more throws)

Pole Vault: Boys' opening height - 8' 0" Girls' opening height - 6' 0" 6" increment increase

Opening height may can be adjusted by agreement of coaches at the coaches' meeting.

High Jump:Boys' opening height -5'0" Girls' opening height - 4' 0" First two increments by 3" then by 2" thereafter

Long Jump, Triple Jump:3 preliminary jumps per person.7 jumpers advance to the finals for 3 more jumps

Javelin, Shot Put, Discus:3 preliminary throws per person. 7 throwers advance to the finals for 3 more throws

In the finals of all field events, athletes shall compete in inverse order, with the top qualifier throwing/jumping last.

1:00 PM

Running Events: Boys will precede girls in all events

110m/100m Hurdles (trials)

100m (trials)

4 x 800m

110m/100m Hurdles (finals)

100m (finals)

Ed Poreda 1600m (heats on a timed basis, no championship heat)

4 x 100m (field events pause; officials judge exchange zones)

400m (heats on a timed basis, no championship heat)

400m Hurdles (heats on a timed basis, no championship heat)

800m (heats on a timed basis, no championship heat)

200m (heats on a timed basis, no championship heat)

Jerry Hart 3200m

4 x 400m

Except for 110m/100m hurdles trials and 100m trials, fastest heats will compete last.

In the 110m/100m hurdles and 100m, runners will advance based on time.