Meet Information
The 1st Annual Sprint Twilight Series is ready to begin!
- Howell High School -
- 405 Squankum Yellowbrook Rd, Farmingdale, NJ 07727 -
- Meet Starts at 6pm -
This is a great opportunity to get those much needed seed times!
1st race starts at 6pm! $10 per Entry with a maximum of $150 per Team per Gender
All participants must be entered using Milesplit prior to the deadline.
You will have until 3pm the day of competition to finalize your entries and
seeds. After entries close, you are responsible for paying for all athletes entered in the meet.
The top 6 athletes in the 100 & 200 will advance to the final.
Athletes that do not make the final will have an opportunity to make their class final.
All events that have a final will always be the top 6.