Meet Information
Email for password.
Up to 5athletes per gender in the shot put and high jump
Up to 2 relays per gender
ORDER OF EVENTS (girls first for each event)
1. Shuttle Hurdle Relay
2. DMR (1200, 400, 800, 1600)
3. 4 x 200 m
4. 4 x 800 m
5. SMR (400, 200, 200, 800)
6. 4 x 400 m
7. High jump (after the conclusion of the shuttle hurdles)
8. Shot put (after the conclusion of the shuttle hurdles 3 throws, no finals)
1. Meet will be FAT timed this year! All entries must be entered online
2. No food or drink on the infield area.
3. Please bring trash bags and clean up your team area completely before leaving.
Thank you and good luck!