Recap and video interviews from the Thompson Park Class Meet on Saturday!
Merged results from the Thompson Park Class meet!

Paul Ehmann of Mendham took first in the boys senior race around 16:15 still waiting on official results! He is looking great this season so far, back in week 1 at the Randolph Invite he had a huge course personal best running 15:57.

Meahan Driscoll took first in the girls race with a 19:31, her teammate Erin McLaughlin second 19:48. The Voorhees girls placing really well in their week 3 meet.

Dylan Peters of Pt Pleasant Boro wins the junior race at 16:39. He ran 16:12 in a tri-meet at Ocean County park last week as well and is feeling great starting the season.

Grace Dwyer of Hamilton North rocked the girls junior race around 18:48 despite an injury scare the past week. She rolled her rolled her ankle pretty badly durng a workout and wasn't able run for nine days, today was her first major test on the injury and she said she feels perfectly healthy.

For the sophomore boys Rey Rivera of Old Bridge won his first ever invitational race! Last year he only ran track, exclusively the 800m. He posted a pretty impressive first race with a gold medal and a time around 16:54! Welcome to cross country!

Katie Bragen of Pt Pleasant Boro wins the girls soph race with a time of 20:01.

Matt Costello of St. Joseph wins the freshmen race!