2013 Shore Coaches XC Invitational 2013

Holmdel, NJ
Timing/Results LFRacing

Boys - JV A

  Fraulo Race Timing - Contractor License        Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER  5:47 PM  10/5/2013
                        The  2013  Shore Coaches Invitational - 10/6/2013
                                       Sponsored by Adidas
                                     Holmdel Park New Jersey

  Event 27  Boys 5k Run CC BOY JV A
    Name                    Year School                Avg Mile     Finals  Points
  1  #950 Hiler, Patrick      JR Christian Brothers        5:34      17:18    1
  2  #961 Martinek, Sean      SO Christian Brothers        5:38      17:28    2
  3  #964 McLaughlin, Christ  JR Christian Brothers        5:39      17:31    3
  4 #6404 Cauley, Nicholas    SO South Brunswick           5:39      17:33    4
  5 #6421 Trapani, Alec       SR South Brunswick           5:40      17:35    5
  6 #6521 Di Filippo, Joe     SR Southern                  5:44      17:47    6
  7 #7810 Chandler, William   JR Westfield                 5:44      17:47    7
  8  #978 Walsh, Joe          SO Christian Brothers        5:44      17:49    8
  9 #8134 Sullivan, Devin     12 North Port                5:45      17:51    9
 10  #972 Roma, Matt          SO Christian Brothers        5:45      17:51   10
 11 #2273 Morgan, Ryan        JR Hillsborough              5:47      17:57   11
 12 #7439 Leung, Winston      SR W.Windsor Pboro. S        5:48      18:01   12
 13 #7882 Siegel, Darian      SO Westfield                 5:49      18:03   13
 14 #6402 Britton, Jake       SR South Brunswick           5:50      18:06   14
 15  #936 Cusat, Neil         JR Christian Brothers        5:50      18:07   15
 16 #7427 Hesterburg, Will    JR W.Windsor Pboro. S        5:50      18:07   16
 17  #949 Henderson, Brian    JR Christian Brothers        5:50      18:08   17
 18 #4473 Higdon, Jake        SR North Hunterdon           5:51      18:09   18
 19 #7352 Doshi, Rohan        JR W. Windsor-Pboro  N       5:51      18:10   19
 20 #8122 Jacobsen, Patrick   12 North Port                5:52      18:12   20
 21 #6422 Weber, Joseph       JR South Brunswick           5:52      18:13   21
 22 #7381 Stalzer, Nicolaus   SO W. Windsor-Pboro  N       5:53      18:15   22
 23 #2580 Smith, Connor       JR Hunterdon Central         5:53      18:17   23
 24 #7836 Hall, Alexander     SO Westfield                 5:53      18:17   24
 25 #8172 Mihlebach, Mark     SO Kingsway                  5:54      18:18   25
 26 #7373 Praveen, Samuel     SR W. Windsor-Pboro  N       5:54      18:18   26
 27 #2286 Thoden, Jake        JR Hillsborough              5:54      18:19   27
 28 #6322 Muller, James       SR Shawnee                   5:54      18:19   28
 29 #7855 Lee, Gideon         SR Westfield                 5:54      18:20   29
 30 #2581 Sterling, Austin    SO Hunterdon Central         5:55      18:21   30
 31 #7844 Jackler, Bryan      JR Westfield                 5:55      18:23   31
 32 #8175 Palladino, John     SO Kingsway                  5:55      18:23   32
 33 #6408 Gibbard, Benjamin   SR South Brunswick           5:56      18:25   33
 34 #6545 Meyers, Harold      SR Southern                  5:56      18:25   34
 35 #7345 Chan, Vincent       FR W. Windsor-Pboro  N       5:56      18:26   35
 36 #7414 Brown, Rob          JR W.Windsor Pboro. S        5:56      18:26   36
 37 #2547 Gordon, Daniel      SO Hunterdon Central         5:57      18:28   37
 38 #7565 Dardis, John        FR Watchung                  5:57      18:29   38
 39 #2260 Hurley, Kyle        SO Hillsborough              5:57      18:29   39
 40 #7436 Kotecha, Zabih      JR W.Windsor Pboro. S        5:58      18:30   40
 41 #7464 Sorenson, Christia  JR W.Windsor Pboro. S        5:58      18:30   41
 42 #8119 Fischer, Matthew   12 North Port                5:58      18:31   42
 43 #3775 Waghray, Ishaan     JR Montgomery                5:58      18:31   43
 44 #8114 Behrens, Dan       10 North Port                5:58      18:32   44
 45 #7576 Martins, Ryan       FR Watchung                  5:58      18:32   45
 46 #2279 Russo, Spencer      JR Hillsborough              5:58      18:33   46
 47 #3735 Fritzinger, Patric  JR Montgomery                5:59      18:33   47
 48 #6406 Cosgrave, Joe       SR South Brunswick           5:59      18:34   48
 49 #6403 Budhu, Ryan         SO South Brunswick           5:59      18:35   49
 50 #1201 Mallardi, Anthony      Comack                    6:00      18:36   50
 51 #3757 Neves, Nick         JR Montgomery                6:01      18:40   51
 52 #8127 Napoli, Sam         10 North Port                6:01      18:40   52
 53 #8138 Tschirhart, Ryan    10 North Port                6:01      18:41   53
 54 #6407 Dave, Romeil        JR South Brunswick           6:01      18:42
 55 #4485 Meisner, Andrew     JR North Hunterdon           6:02      18:42   54
 56 #6412 LeHan, Troy         JR South Brunswick           6:02      18:44
 57 #8179 Stevens, Brendan    SO Kingsway                  6:02      18:45   55
 58 #7382 Stern, Colin        JR W. Windsor-Pboro  N       6:03      18:46   56
 59 #7349 Cunningham, Ian     JR W. Windsor-Pboro  N       6:03      18:46   57
 60 #6418 Sandoli, Stephen    JR South Brunswick           6:03      18:46
 61 #7453 O'Shea, Brendan     SO W.Windsor Pboro. S        6:03      18:47   58
 62  #962 Martinez, Josh      SO Christian Brothers        6:03      18:48
 63 #8113 Ballarano, Vincent  10 North Port                6:04      18:48   59
 64 #7878 Scalia, Anthony     SO Westfield                 6:05      18:52   60
 65 #2552 Lalas, Zachary      SO Hunterdon Central         6:05      18:54   61
 66 #4475 Jurkouich, Bryce    JR North Hunterdon           6:07      18:59   62
 67 #2284 Solovay, Samuel     JR Hillsborough              6:08      19:01   63
 68 #2288 Tubby, Brandon      SO Hillsborough              6:08      19:02   64
 69 #3851 Cantwell, John      SO Moorestown                6:08      19:03
 70 #6409 Handsman, Jesse     SR South Brunswick           6:08      19:03
 71 #7857 Loughlin, Liam      SO Westfield                 6:09      19:04   65
 72 #6420 Smith, Nathan       SR South Brunswick           6:09      19:06
 73 #6541 Lovenberg, Billy    SO Southern                  6:09      19:07   66
 74 #3030 Steele, Seamus      JR Lenape                    6:10      19:07   67
 75 #3780 White, Reed         SO Montgomery                6:10      19:08   68
 76 #1148 Paul, Jacob         SO Columbia                  6:10      19:08   69
 77 #7465 Sridhar, VJ         JR W.Windsor Pboro. S        6:10      19:08   70
 78 #8147 Childress, John     JR Kingsway                  6:10      19:09   71
 79  #935 Cusat, Jack         SO Christian Brothers        6:10      19:10
 80 #2536 Cooper, Alexander   FR Hunterdon Central         6:11      19:11   72
 81  #870 Tillinger, Dor      JR Cherry Hill East          6:11      19:11   73
 82 #1189 Bloom, Jordan          Comack                    6:11      19:13   74
 83 #6333 Tecce, Brendan      SR Shawnee                   6:11      19:13   75
 84 #2557 Mack, Alex          SO Hunterdon Central         6:12      19:14   76
 85 #7804 Baker, Matthew      SO Westfield                 6:12      19:14
 86 #7366 Logan, Jon          FR W. Windsor-Pboro  N       6:12      19:15   77
 87 #1134 Appelgren, Ethan    JR Columbia                  6:13      19:17   78
 88 #2246 Ciattarelli, Jack   JR Hillsborough              6:13      19:17   79
 89  #846 Decker, Jason       JR Cherry Hill East          6:13      19:19   80
 90 #1613 Loeser, Eric        FR East Brunswick            6:14      19:20   81
 91 #4481 Massimo, Michael    JR North Hunterdon           6:14      19:21   82
 92  #849 Federline, Ryan     SO Cherry Hill East          6:14      19:22   83
 93 #4479 Lukens, Thomas      SR North Hunterdon           6:15      19:23   84
 94 #6539 Krause, Evan        JR Southern                  6:15      19:23   85
 95 #7870 Pinney, Frankie     SR Westfield                 6:15      19:25
 96 #7831 Fromm, Alexander    JR Westfield                 6:16      19:28
 97 #6542 Lu, Jimmy           SO Southern                  6:16      19:28   86
 98 #2259 Holcombe, Jay       SO Hillsborough              6:16      19:28
 99 #6316 Higgins, Brendan    JR Shawnee                   6:17      19:29   87
100 #8145 Carlson, Ryan       SO Kingsway                  6:17      19:31   88
101 #7852 Krueger, Conor      JR Westfield                 6:17      19:31
102  #877 Zucker, Aaron       SR Cherry Hill East          6:18      19:32   89
103  #844 Dashevsky, Brett    SO Cherry Hill East          6:18      19:33   90
104 #7559 Beckert, Brian      JR Watchung                  6:18      19:34   91
105  #853 Greenberg, Sam      SO Cherry Hill East          6:18      19:34   92
106 #4474 Jacob, Garrett      JR North Hunterdon           6:19      19:35   93
107 #2575 Robachefski, Hunte  FR Hunterdon Central         6:19      19:35   94
108 #2255 Glinsky, Cory       JR Hillsborough              6:19      19:36
109 #6323 Muller, Louis       SR Shawnee                   6:19      19:36   95
110 #1204 Palumbo, Lewis         Comack                    6:19      19:38   96
111 #1202 Marinaro, Noah         Comack                    6:20      19:38   97
112 #8112 Ballarano, John     11 North Port                6:20      19:39
113 #2535 Connelly, James     JR Hunterdon Central         6:20      19:39
114 #3035 Vicente, Adam       SO Lenape                    6:20      19:40   98
115 #6315 Gray, Trent         JR Shawnee                   6:20      19:40   99
116 #6528 Garrison, Nick      JR Southern                  6:20      19:41  100
117 #2250 DiDomenico, Matthe  SO Hillsborough              6:21      19:41
118 #6416 Saleh, Adam            South Brunswick           6:21      19:42
119 #3731 Desai, Nikolas      SO Montgomery                6:22      19:46  101
120 #2564 Miller, Thomas      FR Hunterdon Central         6:22      19:47
121 #7876 Sabato, Thomas      SO Westfield                 6:23      19:48
122 #3732 Dunbar, Alex        SO Montgomery                6:23      19:48  102
123 #7848 Johnson, Brian      JR Westfield                 6:23      19:49
124 #6537 Keizer, Tim         SR Southern                  6:23      19:50  103
125 #2282 Shein, Pierce       JR Hillsborough              6:24      19:51
126 #2638 Chandrasekar, Gout  SO J.P. Stevens              6:24      19:51  104
127 #4460 DeAngelis, Thomas   SO North Hunterdon           6:24      19:51  105
128  #859 Liu, Alexander      SO Cherry Hill East          6:24      19:52  106
129 #4458 Conti, Kyle         SO North Hunterdon           6:24      19:53
130  #840 Burt, Bryan         JR Cherry Hill East          6:25      19:55
131 #4498 Szalecki, Daniel    SO North Hunterdon           6:25      19:55
132 #2533 Carroll, Colin      SO Hunterdon Central         6:25      19:56
133 #7849 Johnston, Joseph    JR Westfield                 6:25      19:56
134 #7859 Malinsky, Jacob     JR Westfield                 6:26      19:58
135 #7812 Chin, Cameron       SO Westfield                 6:26      19:59
136 #3766 Rohmeyer, Terence   SO Montgomery                6:26      19:59  107
137  #869 Shah, Lokesh        JR Cherry Hill East          6:26      20:00
138 #3759 Orbe, Jason         SO Montgomery                6:27      20:00
139 #4466 Gassaway, Steven    SO North Hunterdon           6:27      20:00
140 #7342 Bondapalatti, Srin  JR W. Windsor-Pboro  N       6:27      20:01
141 #6949 Bogus, Bernie          Toms River North          6:27      20:01  108
142 #2276 Prince, Joshua      JR Hillsborough              6:27      20:02
143 #7558 Balla, Noah         SO Watchung                  6:27      20:02  109
144 #7341 Bogana, Shiv        SR W. Windsor-Pboro  N       6:28      20:03
145 #7802 Annitsakis, Andrew  SO Westfield                 6:28      20:04
146  #872 Vasu, Vimalesh      SO Cherry Hill East          6:28      20:04
147 #6540 Kubarewicz, Willia  FR Southern                  6:28      20:05
148 #6565 Yates, Ethan        FR Southern                  6:28      20:06
149 #8157 Estabillo, Ben      SO Kingsway                  6:29      20:07  110
150 #2666 Wang, David         SO J.P. Stevens              6:29      20:07  111
151 #2277 Raymond, Austin     SO Hillsborough              6:29      20:08
152 #2544 Fastenau, Jack      SO Hunterdon Central         6:29      20:09
153 #7861 Masciale, Michael   SO Westfield                 6:29      20:09
154 #3726 Brown, Mike         JR Montgomery                6:30      20:09
155 #1627 Sweet, Matthew      JR East Brunswick            6:30      20:10  112
156 #6548 Nodine, Craig       SO Southern                  6:30      20:10
157 #6410 Handsman, Justin    SO South Brunswick           6:30      20:11
158 #2664 Sun, Brian          SO J.P. Stevens              6:30      20:11  113
159 #2477 Dennison, Blake     JR Howell                    6:30      20:12  114
160 #1192 Faranda, Julian        Comack                    6:31      20:12  115
161 #7805 Birle, John         JR Westfield                 6:31      20:13
162 #2479 Devosa, Ryan        JR Howell                    6:31      20:13  116
163 #2553 Levitt, Trent       SO Hunterdon Central         6:31      20:14
164 #8140 Widmaier, Kurt      11 North Port                6:31      20:14
165 #4483 Mayer, Daniel       JR North Hunterdon           6:31      20:14
166 #2264 Kinney, Michael     SO Hillsborough              6:31      20:15
167 #1199 Kowalski, Tom          Comack                    6:31      20:15  117
168 #6313 Dufala, Ezra        SR Shawnee                   6:32      20:15  118
169 #7368 Mendez, Albert      JR W. Windsor-Pboro  N       6:32      20:16
170 #6556 Ray, Eric           JR Southern                  6:32      20:17
171 #6308 Bowley, Jacob       SR Shawnee                   6:32      20:17  119
172 #7370 Mizushima, Yuma     SR W. Windsor-Pboro  N       6:32      20:18
173 #4469 Goral, Paul         SO North Hunterdon           6:32      20:18
174 #1626 Stratton, Connor    SO East Brunswick            6:33      20:19  120
175 #6324 O'Connor, Brendan   SR Shawnee                   6:33      20:19
176 #1198 Hannahoe, Zach         Comack                    6:33      20:20  121
177 #1152 Territo, Jacob      JR Columbia                  6:33      20:21  122
178 #1614 Mandalal, Sairam    SO East Brunswick            6:33      20:21  123
179 #2545 Foley, Brendan      SO Hunterdon Central         6:34      20:22
180 #7371 Park, JungSoo       SR W. Windsor-Pboro  N       6:34      20:22
181 #3727 Chen, John          JR Montgomery                6:34      20:23
182 #7888 Stokes, Michael     SO Westfield                 6:34      20:23
183 #6953 Dispoto, Cole          Toms River North          6:34      20:24  124
184 #6522 Di Filippo, Kevin   SR Southern                  6:34      20:24
185 #7377 Santamaria, Nathan  SO W. Windsor-Pboro  N       6:35      20:26
186 #6552 Petit-Frere, Scott  SO Southern                  6:36      20:28
187 #4461 Edwards, Trevor     SR North Hunterdon           6:36      20:30
188 #2565 Mirabito, Bennett   SO Hunterdon Central         6:36      20:30
189 #8159 Eyler, Bob          SO Kingsway                  6:36      20:30  125
190 #8162 Gable, dan          SO Kingsway                  6:36      20:31
191 #4500 Weider, Casey       JR North Hunterdon           6:37      20:31
192 #8150 Cooper, Tyler       SO Kingsway                  6:37      20:31
193 #6328 Robidoux, Dillon    SO Shawnee                   6:37      20:32
194 #8151 Corley, Justin      JR Kingsway                  6:37      20:33
195 #7570 Harris, Tyler       SO Watchung                  6:37      20:33  126
196 #4459 Coyne, Hayden       SO North Hunterdon           6:37      20:33
197 #3754 McGowan, Eddie      SO Montgomery                6:37      20:34
198 #7571 Hunt, Matt          JR Watchung                  6:38      20:34  127
199 #1609 Kirschenbaum, Zach  JR East Brunswick            6:38      20:35  128
200 #2270 Mantha, Vinay       SO Hillsborough              6:38      20:36
201 #2556 Little, Samuel      SR Hunterdon Central         6:38      20:36
202 #7871 Prasek, Christophe  JR Westfield                 6:38      20:37
203 #2667 Wong, Sidney        JR J.P. Stevens              6:39      20:37  129
204 #1610 Lee, Bennett        JR East Brunswick            6:39      20:40  130
205 #7863 McIntyre, Kyle      SO Westfield                 6:40      20:41
206 #7807 Campbell, Alex      SO Westfield                 6:40      20:41
207 #2283 Sireci, Christophe  SO Hillsborough              6:40      20:43
208 #7890 Tooley, Jake        SO Westfield                 6:40      20:43
209 #1615 Marchese, Jay       FR East Brunswick            6:41      20:44  131
210 #8166 Henderson, Gary     SO Kingsway                  6:41      20:45
211 #1135 Badua, Paul         JR Columbia                  6:41      20:45  132
212 #3022 Kasper, Ryan        FR Lenape                    6:41      20:46  133
213 #1144 Morris, Reuben      SO Columbia                  6:42      20:47  134
214 #4490 Provines, Christop  JR North Hunterdon           6:43      20:51
215 #3747 Kuo, Austin         SO Montgomery                6:43      20:51
216 #2641 Deshpande, Aneesh   SO J.P. Stevens              6:43      20:52  135
217 #6975 Smoke, Daniel          Toms River North          6:43      20:52  136
218 #2635 Ajayi, Emmanuel     JR J.P. Stevens              6:44      20:53  137
219 #7896 Woods, Patrick      JR Westfield                 6:44      20:54
220 #5213 Mostowski, Jeremy   SO Piscataway                6:44      20:55
221 #7817 Datwani, Liam       JR Westfield                 6:44      20:55
222 #7808 Campbell, Zachary   SO Westfield                 6:45      20:57
223 #8165 Grey, Billy         JR Kingsway                  6:45      20:58
224 #2572 Rainey, Liam        JR Hunterdon Central         6:45      20:58
225 #8156 Doyle, Tom          SO Kingsway                  6:45      20:59
226 #6335 Walton, Josh        SO Shawnee                   6:46      20:59
227 #2550 Hunt, Andrew        JR Hunterdon Central         6:46      21:00
228 #6534 Iacovelli, Max      JR Southern                  6:46      21:00
229 #6529 Geoffroy, Dan       SR Southern                  6:46      21:01
230 #7864 McKinley, John      JR Westfield                 6:46      21:01
231 #4487 Nelson, Nicholas    SO North Hunterdon           6:46      21:02
232 #3733 Durik, Matt         JR Montgomery                6:47      21:02
233 #7885 Stern, William      SO Westfield                 6:47      21:04
234 #6513 Attardi, Jeffery    SO Southern                  6:47      21:05
235 #7581 Negri, Chris        JR Watchung                  6:47      21:05  138
236 #7357 Gunti, Murali       JR W. Windsor-Pboro  N       6:48      21:05
237 #6976 Son, David             Toms River North          6:48      21:06  139
238 #3029 Salyers, John       SR Lenape                    6:48      21:07  140
239 #7375 Ren, Max            FR W. Windsor-Pboro  N       6:49      21:08
240 #3227 Simon, kyle         FR Manalapan                 6:49      21:09
241 #7829 Frey, William       SO Westfield                 6:49      21:11
242 #3024 Keenan, David       JR Lenape                    6:50      21:11  141
243 #6337 Young, Thomas       JR Shawnee                   6:50      21:12
244 #6553 Piscopo, Zach       SO Southern                  6:50      21:12
245 #6331 Schmidheiser, Matt  SO Shawnee                   6:50      21:13
246 #7372 Patil, Akshay       JR W. Windsor-Pboro  N       6:50      21:13
247 #7046 Williams, Tyler     SR Trenton Central           6:50      21:14  142
248 #7583 Patterson, Will     SO Watchung                  6:50      21:14
249 #2537 Culver, Dylan       SR Hunterdon Central         6:51      21:15
250 #7387 Vashist, Sid        JR W. Windsor-Pboro  N       6:51      21:16
251 #8163 Gabler, Jonathan    SO Kingsway                  6:51      21:16
252 #3016 Depativo, Nick      JR Lenape                    6:51      21:17  143
253 #7190 Yubi, Frank         SO Union City                6:52      21:18  144
254 #3749 Lu, Junlan          SO Montgomery                6:52      21:19
255 #6318 Kinney, Kevin       JR Shawnee                   6:52      21:20
256 #1191 Fanning, Liam          Comack                    6:53      21:21
257 #3736 Garaffa, Jon        SO Montgomery                6:53      21:22
258 #2579 Skrant, Brandon     JR Hunterdon Central         6:53      21:22
259 #6972 Schock, Alex           Toms River North          6:53      21:23  145
260 #3225 Rittenbach, Kevin   JR Manalapan                 6:54      21:24
261 #3021 Hochberg, Jeffrey   FR Lenape                    6:54      21:25  146
262 #4495 Spann, Ivan         SO North Hunterdon           6:55      21:29
263 #6960 Kowalski, Eddie        Toms River North          6:56      21:30  147
264 #3762 Qian, Chris         SO Montgomery                6:56      21:30
265 #3721 Atschinow, Alex     SO Montgomery                6:57      21:35
266 #3015 Davis, Jordan       FR Lenape                    6:57      21:36
267 #7586 Shanahan, Greg      FR Watchung                  6:58      21:36
268 #2489 Miller, Zach        SO Howell                    6:59      21:40  148
269 #6966 Matrone, Chris         Toms River North          6:59      21:42  149
270 #2254 Gerry, Christian    SR Hillsborough              7:00      21:45
271 #7348 Cortell, Dan        SO W. Windsor-Pboro  N       7:01      21:46
272 #2248 Dallmeyer, Joseph   SR Hillsborough              7:01      21:47
273 #7378 Sekhar, Pranav      FR W. Windsor-Pboro  N       7:01      21:48
274 #3213 Agulian, Zachary    FR Manalapan                 7:02      21:50
275 #3223 Moore, Daniel       FR Manalapan                 7:02      21:51
276 #7847 Jason, Kyle         JR Westfield                 7:02      21:51
277 #3767 Romagaoli, Joseph   SO Montgomery                7:03      21:52
278 #6519 Connelly, Sean      SR Southern                  7:04      21:55
279 #8178 Roscoe, Eric        SO Kingsway                  7:04      21:56
280 #5226 Varma, Daniel       JR Piscataway                7:05      21:58
281  #871 Vasu, Vignesh       SO Cherry Hill East          7:05      21:59
282 #5080 Henriquez, Christi     Perth Amboy               7:05      22:01
283 #6517 Caporrino, Michael  JR Southern                  7:06      22:01
284 #7189 Umanzor, Daniel     JR Union City                7:07      22:05  150
285 #4501 Wells, Andrew       SO North Hunterdon           7:07      22:05
286 #7172 DE Los Santos, And  JR Union City                7:07      22:06  151
287 #3013 Carvin, Matt        SR Lenape                    7:07      22:06
288 #3723 Barrett, Alex       JR Montgomery                7:08      22:09
289  #851 Goldstein, Zach     JR Cherry Hill East          7:08      22:10
290 #6531 Harrington, Reilly  JR Southern                  7:09      22:12
291 #2257 Harding, John       SO Hillsborough              7:09      22:13
292 #2532 Carden, Aidan       JR Hunterdon Central         7:10      22:14
293 #7582 Patel, Shivam       SO Watchung                  7:10      22:15
294 #3623 Mastrobuono, Vince  10 Millville                 7:10      22:16  152
295 #3742 Hong, Jonathan      SO Montgomery                7:11      22:16
296 #7033 Garcia, Jose        SO Trenton Central           7:11      22:17  153
297 #3779 Wei, Mark           JR Montgomery                7:11      22:18
298 #4502 Willsey, Jacob      SO North Hunterdon           7:11      22:19
299 #7566 DiDonna, Brian      SO Watchung                  7:12      22:22
300 #6563 Wohl, Andrew        FR Southern                  7:13      22:26
301 #3753 Maslanka, Jeff      JR Montgomery                7:14      22:26
302 #8149 Cook, Chris         SO Kingsway                  7:14      22:28
303 #3774 Vemulopolli, Bharg  SO Montgomery                7:15      22:31
304 #4468 Gladdis, Jacob      SO North Hunterdon           7:15      22:32
305  #855 Grossman, Benjamin  SO Cherry Hill East          7:17      22:36
306 #3765 Risley, Thomas      JR Montgomery                7:18      22:40
307 #7347 Chuang, Hung-Wei    JR W. Windsor-Pboro  N       7:19      22:42
308 #7045 Thomas, Jordan      SR Trenton Central           7:19      22:43  154
309 #4476 Kistler, Sam        SR North Hunterdon           7:19      22:44
310 #7031 Diaz, Danny         SO Trenton Central           7:20      22:47  155
311 #4496 Spann, Maximillian  SO North Hunterdon           7:21      22:51
312 #7380 Sreeram, Arjun      JR W. Windsor-Pboro  N       7:22      22:52
313 #6536 Keizer, John        SO Southern                  7:26      23:03
314 #2493 Roszkowski, Matt    SO Howell                    7:27      23:08  156
315 #2475 Cavezza, Alex       SR Howell                    7:27      23:08  157
316 #3614 Baxter, Jared       SO Millville                 7:29      23:15  158
317 #3739 Greenstein, Matthe  SO Montgomery                7:30      23:16
318 #7182 Ng, Kennedy         SO Union City                7:30      23:18  159
319 #3019 Goldstein, Josh     FR Lenape                    7:32      23:22
320 #7350 Daley, Brandon      JR W. Windsor-Pboro  N       7:32      23:22
321 #7168 Castillo, Marcos    SO Union City                7:34      23:29  160
322 #7355 Dutta, Rishov       JR W. Windsor-Pboro  N       7:36      23:36
323 #8177 Romano, Avery       SO Kingsway                  7:36      23:37
324 #3033 Thompson, John      FR Lenape                    7:37      23:39
325 #6561 Tront, Bobby        SO Southern                  7:38      23:41
326 #2249 Delacruz, Justin    JR Hillsborough              7:38      23:43
327 #5088 Reyes, Jose            Perth Amboy               7:39      23:46
328 #7181 Melendez, Kevin     JR Union City                7:40      23:48  161
329 #2261 Irwin, Michael      SO Hillsborough              7:40      23:48
330 #7164 Argueta, Leonel     JR Union City                7:41      23:50  162
331 #3627 Probst, Malachi     SO Millville                 7:42      23:56  163
332 #7351 Davidar, Daniel     JR W. Windsor-Pboro  N       7:43      23:57
333 #2274 Norfleet, Cole      SO Hillsborough              7:44      24:00
334 #7175 Granados, Henry     SR Union City                7:45      24:04
335 #7041 Pearsall, Peter     SR Trenton Central           7:48      24:13  164
336 #6558 Salazar, Chris      SO Southern                  7:50      24:20
337 #2501 Vitale, Brian       SO Howell                    7:51      24:22  165
338 #2243 Bose, Varun         SO Hillsborough              7:52      24:26
339 #2252 Dillon, Connor      SO Hillsborough              7:53      24:28
340 #3620 Grennon, Adam       SO Millville                 7:53      24:29  166
341 #6564 Yacano, Dan         SO Southern                  7:55      24:34
342 #2290 Yan, William        SO Hillsborough              7:55      24:36
343 #7369 Menezes, Phanuel    JR W. Windsor-Pboro  N       7:58      24:44
344 #1145 Murray, Noel        SO Columbia                  7:58      24:45  167
345 #6546 Meyers, Travis      SO Southern                  7:59      24:46
346 #2241 Albee, Brandon      SO Hillsborough              8:00      24:49
347 #7585 Shah, Sachin        SO Watchung                  8:05      25:05
348 #4450 Alummootil, Emil    SO North Hunterdon           8:07      25:13
349 #7374 Purma, Rohit        JR W. Windsor-Pboro  N       8:08      25:16
350 #7028 Burton, Raekwon     SR Trenton Central           8:10      25:23  168
351 #5077 Felix, Javier       JR Perth Amboy               8:13      25:29
352 #7179 Malkowski, David    SO Union City                8:14      25:33
353 #3744 Kelly, Colton       SR Montgomery                8:19      25:49
354 #3761 Patel, Harshal      JR Montgomery                8:20      25:53
355 #7034 Jaquez, Jordi       SO Trenton Central           8:20      25:53  169
356 #7166 Calderon, Brian     SR Union City                8:24      26:05
357 #7043 Sharp, Mikel        JR Trenton Central           8:27      26:14
358 #4464 Francki, Darian     SO North Hunterdon           8:28      26:19
359 #4455 Burns, Stephen      JR North Hunterdon           8:35      26:37
360 #7557 Andrew, Darion      SO Watchung                  8:36      26:41
361 #3023 Keane, Andrew       FR Lenape                    8:41      26:57
362 #2490 Minisohn, Dan       SR Howell                    8:41      26:59  170
363 #6535 Johnson, Nick       JR Southern                  8:46      27:13
364 #3619 Forand, Joshua      SO Millville                 8:57      27:48  171

                                   Team Scores
Rank Team                      Total    1    2    3    4    5   *6   *7   *8   *9
   1 Christian Brothers           24    1    2    3    8   10   15   17
      Total Time:  1:27:57.00
         Average:    17:35.40
   2 South Brunswick              77    4    5   14   21   33   48   49
      Total Time:  1:29:52.00
         Average:    17:58.40
   3 Westfield                   104    7   13   24   29   31   60   65
      Total Time:  1:30:50.00
         Average:    18:10.00
   4 W.Windsor Pboro. S          145   12   16   36   40   41   58   70
      Total Time:  1:31:34.00
         Average:    18:18.80
   5 W. Windsor-Pboro  N         158   19   22   26   35   56   57   77
      Total Time:  1:31:55.00
         Average:    18:23.00
   6 North Port                  167    9   20   42   44   52   53   59
      Total Time:  1:31:46.00
         Average:    18:21.20
   7 Hillsborough                186   11   27   39   46   63   64   79
      Total Time:  1:32:19.00
         Average:    18:27.80
   8 Hunterdon Central           223   23   30   37   61   72   76   94
      Total Time:  1:33:11.00
         Average:    18:38.20
   9 Kingsway                    271   25   32   55   71   88  110  125
      Total Time:  1:34:06.00
         Average:    18:49.20
  10 Southern                    277    6   34   66   85   86  100  103
      Total Time:  1:34:10.00
         Average:    18:50.00
  11 North Hunterdon             300   18   54   62   82   84   93  105
      Total Time:  1:34:34.00
         Average:    18:54.80
  12 Montgomery                  310   43   47   51   68  101  102  107
      Total Time:  1:34:38.00
         Average:    18:55.60
  13 Shawnee                     384   28   75   87   95   99  118  119
      Total Time:  1:36:17.00
         Average:    19:15.40
  14 Watchung                    409   38   45   91  109  126  127  138
      Total Time:  1:37:10.00
         Average:    19:26.00
  15 Cherry Hill East            415   73   80   83   89   90   92  106
      Total Time:  1:36:57.00
         Average:    19:23.40
  16 Comack                      432   50   74   96   97  115  117  121
      Total Time:  1:37:17.00
         Average:    19:27.40
  17 Columbia                    535   69   78  122  132  134  167
      Total Time:  1:40:18.00
         Average:    20:03.60
  18 East Brunswick              564   81  112  120  123  128  130  131
      Total Time:  1:40:45.00
         Average:    20:09.00
  19 Lenape                      579   67   98  133  140  141  143  146
      Total Time:  1:41:51.00
         Average:    20:22.20
  20 J.P. Stevens                592  104  111  113  129  135  137
      Total Time:  1:41:38.00
         Average:    20:19.60
  21 Toms River North            652  108  124  136  139  145  147  149
      Total Time:  1:43:46.00
         Average:    20:45.20
  22 Howell                      691  114  116  148  156  157  165  170
      Total Time:  1:48:21.00
         Average:    21:40.20
  23 Union City                  764  144  150  151  159  160  161  162
      Total Time:  1:52:16.00
         Average:    22:27.20
  24 Trenton Central             768  142  153  154  155  164  168  169
      Total Time:  1:53:14.00
         Average:    22:38.80
  25 Millville                   810  152  158  163  166  171
      Total Time:  2:01:44.00
         Average:    24:20.80