Travis Mahoney's Eight Weeks Of Training Ahead Of 7:41

At the end of February New Jersey's ownTravis Mahoney, who runs professionally for the Hoka NJ*NY TC and coaches at Old Bridge HS, posted a big time 3000m performance of 7:41.94 for fifth at theBoston University Last Chance Invitational. Mahoney was kind enough to write up the eight weeks of workouts leading up to his big race.

While this is a really interesting read, do remember that Travis is a professional and he's built up to this training level. For our high school viewers CBA Coach Sean McCafferty brought up a good point on twitter to learn what you can from this but do not carbon copy it.

Travis Mahoney is also the Meet Director for the annual summertime Monmouth Mile #subfourattheshore meet. NJ MileSplit been there to cover the action the past few years, check out the sub-4 mile from the 2019 meet here.

Week 1 - Week 2 - Week 3 - Week 4 - Week 5 - Week 6 - Week 7 - Week 8

By Travis Mahoney

Week of Feb 24th

Monday- 10 miles- Solo Pre meet workout
3.5 up
2x1600 w/400 jog
433, 434
6x100 with 80 second walk rest
Everything felt really easy today, thought 440s solo would be decently tough but nice weather made this a great one. Couldn't find rhythm at 70s so just ran smooth which was mid/low 430s
3 down

Tuesday- 7 easy (650s)
on the treadmill plus lift

Wednesday- 6 easy (650s)
plus 4x20 second strides

Thursday- 9 miles 7:41.94 3K PR. Fastest NJ Native/Born!- Marty Liquori 7:43 from 1977
10 min shakeout 6 hours out to get subway.
Whelp shaved off a bit more than I thought I would but that hurt so much and I really had to take myself to a dark place for that one.
Splits (335.5, 243.1, 232.2) (407.43 first 1600, 404.9 last 1600)
Last 650 in no mans land was tough, had to go around 2 guys in the same 200m segment and I was not responsive enough and let the smallest gap open up that I couldn't close down. Overall, I laid it all out there and if I'm in 741 shape in June with good hurdling mechanics I am going to be in a good place.