We will be there this Saturday providing live updates, full results after each race, race videos to come after the meet concludes, photos, interviews, a merge, and more! Everything you should need to prep for race day can be found below, please note the parking instructions.
Meet Page |
Race Assignments |
Virtual Meet Preview |
Holmdel Park Returners |
2017 Meet Coverage |
NO Bikes at Holmdel Park the day of the race. This is a Holmdel Park rule.

9:00AMBoys Frosh C
9:10AMGirls Frosh B
9:25AMBoys Junior Varsity E
9:40AMGirls Junior Varsity C
10:00AMBoys Varsity G
10:20AMBoy Varsity F
10:40AMBoys Varsity E
10:55AMGirls Varsity F
11:15AMGirls Varsity E
11:35AMGirls Varsity D
11:55AMBoys Junior Varsity D
12:10PM"Coaches Race against HUNGER"
12:20PMGirls Junior Varsity B
12:45PMGirls Junior Varsity A
1:10PMBoys Frosh B
1:20PMGirls Frosh A
1:35PMBoys Frosh A
1:50PMBoys Varsity D
2:10PMBoys Varsity C
2:30PMBoys Varsity B
2:50PMBoys Varsity A
3:10PMGirls Varsity C
3:30PMGirls Varsity B
3:50PMGirls Varsity A
4:10PMBoys Junior Varsity C
4:30PMBoys Junior Varsity B
4:50PMBoys Junior Varsity A

- There is NO SPECTATOR PARKING at Holmdel Park or on local streets
- Handicap parking is permitted in the park
- ALL spectators must park at VONAGE parking lots and take the
- FREE shuttle to and from the park. (Follow parking signs)
- DO NOT PARK on the streets in & around Holmdel Park. Violators will be ticketed and towed. The STCA will not be responsible for any parking violations by spectators or coaches.
- NO Bikes at Holmdel Park the day of the race. This is a Holmdel Park RULE!!