Along the Fence - It Must be Spring


Calendar Spring actually started 2 weeks ago, on Thursday March 20th. However, for the athletes coaches and fans of our sport, "Spiritual Spring" started this week with the beginning of the  2014 Outdoor Track&Field season here in New Jersey. Once again, it will be a banner year for so many of the Garden States runners, jumpers and throwers. PRs, Records and Championships will all be on the menu as a smorgasboard of meets will fill the New Jersey calendar between now and the Meet of Champions on June  4th.

Along the Fence, a new feature on, will periodicallly check in and report on a variety of subjects related to NJ athletics. Some commentary, some interviews some meet coverage. A whole host of coverage.


Stay tuned


<p> Check out previous posts from the Along the Fence Series written by Pat Montferrat</p>