\"10 Questions With...\" Doug Smith

1.) The Change from Soccer to XC?
The change from soccer was very hard! I loved playing soccer so it wasn't easy to give up. I love running a lot more but I certainly do miss soccer occasionally especially when I see the soccer team playing at Gill St. Bernard's.

2.) What was your Summer training like?
My summer training was very busy! I would have never imagined putting in as many miles as I did week after week. Coming into the summer I thought running 70+ miles a week was crazy but I got use to it plus Grote gradually build up my miles each week. Always with a long run on Sunday though. Every other day varied.

3.) Favorite post-race food?
My favorite post-race food is Cheese Raviolis at Joes Pizzeria in Roxbury. They are very good. It's my big superstition!

4.) Describe your 1st race at Holmdel?
My first race at Holmdel was good. It wasn't great but it was sufficient for my first race ever there. I am hoping to better my time every time I run there! I definitely enjoyed running on the course though.

5.) What is your favorite workout?
My favorite workout it 6 x 1000s with 200 meter jog on the track. I feel that workout benefits my legs the most. It's a tough workout. It helps out my shorter distance speed and endurance with a short rest period.

6.) Have your goals changed from the start of the season?
Nope, my goals have not changed one bit. I still plan on going after the sophomore course record at Holmdel and shoot for making Footlocker Nationals. I have been very pleased with my season so far and plan on taking it a lot farther!

7.) All-time favorite movie?
My all-time favorite movie would have to be Wedding Crashers! I just love laughing at the movie from beginning to end when watching that movie.

8.) Who or what has most influenced your running so far?
My dad has by far influenced my running the most. He always use to make me go out and train because he believed running was my thing. Now I have no problem going out on my own to train and I enjoy doing it! Grote right now is obviously having a huge impact on much of my success so far this season, and we both hope for many great moments to come. I would also have to say doing well in middle school track and cross-country helped me to decide whether or not I would run in high school. Also I always enjoyed running faster and being able to run a lot longer then everyone else on my soccer team, which also had an impact on me deciding to run.

9.) What is your favorite subject in school?
My favorite subject in school would have to be History. Mainly because it's my best class, grade average wise.

10) Doug Smith in 10 years?
Doug Smith in 10 years? Hmm that's awhile from now! I would see myself married to this girl Morgan who goes to Gill St. Bernard's also and to have fast running babies! Just like Ryan and Kathy Grote's will hopefully be! So excited for them! Can't wait for it. Would also like to have some money and hopefully still be running competitively at a high level and would also like to run some marathons.