\"10 Questions With\" Bobby Papazian

\"10 Questions With Bobby Papazian\"

1.)The High Point of Your Running Life? There are really two high points that stick out. Winning the cross country Meet of Champions in 2004 was really big in my mind, because I had the whole summer and fall to build up to that moment. The other race was winning the Penn Relays 3k. After being hurt practically all winter, it was a good way to comeback for me in my first major race, and to prove to myself that I still had it.
2.) Have You Declared a Major? Undecided, but have to make up my mind by the end of the school year.
3.) Your Mileage Over the Summer? 6 weeks at 110+, the rest 90-105. I had a really good summer back in New Jersey training with Grote and the rest of the GSB crew, with a few extra people on Sunday long runs.
4.) Favorite Food (Aside from Donuts)? Despite living in Boulder, CO for a while, I\'m not such a big Granola muncher. That said, I have a certain affinity for hummus, no matter how much of a hippie food it has become. I eat it by the pound. Pretty gross actually.
5.) Goals for Your 1st XC Season at Villanova? I won\'t be happy unless Nova walks away with the Big East title, and surprises a few teams in Terre Haute come November.
6.) Life on the Main Line? Life is really good here. There are tons of roads and different parks to run on. Valley Forge national historical park is only a few minutes away, and the team drives there about 2 or 3 times a week. Some places I\'ve been are seriously overrated, but the Mainline is definitely not one of them.
7.) The Ideal Race for You? I like controlling races on really tough courses. But there's some pretty stiff competition where I am now, so I prefer races where it comes down to strength in the last few kilometers.
8.) All Time Favorite Movie? Fight Club
9.) 10 Years From Now? Hopefully still doing the marathon. Despite what some people I know say, early 30\'s isn\'t old for a marathoner...
10.) Grote? Grote seems to be doing an awesome job at Gill St. Bernard\'s. I think he\'s really starting something there. He\'s changing things that need to be changed, and he\'s in a great position to do it. I just wish I was a few years younger so I could be part of the GSB squad right now. He does more for the NJ high school running community than anyone else I know. Some people complain about not having anyone to run with, but Grote\'s there every week with an open invitation to those who want a good run on the weekend. No one else is doing that.