I love this sport and I love good presentation. So why not bring them both together and give New Jersey Track Field and Cross Country the sweet looking quality coverage it deserves. It's time for broadcast style videos. THIS WON'T BE LIVE but it should be out the next night. NJRunners is scheduled to record video at the 8th Annual Raider Relays this Saturday April 20th. All of the seeded heats will be presented in broadcast style video with announcing, dual video views, stat overlays, timer, and so on. If possible the other heats will be recorded and posted as well but without the bells and whistles. Depending on the size of the crew and amount of cameras going certain field events will be covered as well. IF You are on our Twitter or Facebook pages, then speak up during the meet with shout outs and so on. Your post or tweet may make it onto the video. This delayed broadcast is partially made possible by Second sponsorship is still pending. (If interested contact rkellert@milesplit.com) I myself have had many successful projects like this in the past, and we tested this out this past winter for the first time on NJRunners, a sample can be viewed embedded below. I have a new editing program and a bunch of excitement for this project. Look forward to seeing you all there. The cameras will be rolling so bring your best performance.
*This project is pending the weather. Note technology is not always man's best friend and errors can occur, memory cards can be corrupted and so on. If I pronounce your name incorrectly politely email me at rkellert@milesplit.com and I'll mark it down for future pronunciations. For relays team names will mostly be used when referring to the race since individuals names would be hard to keep track of. |