Meet Information
Groups 1 & 4 @ 4pm: February 19, 2016
Groups 2 & 3 @ 9am: February 20, 2016
Groups Non-Public A&B @ 3:00pm: February 20, 2016
Registration help:

Reminder: First Events close 20 minutes prior to the listed Start Time for the Meet.
Violation of the spike rules will result in disqualification from the meet and $150 fine, payable to the Bennett Center.
1. GIRLS 400 Meter Dash*** Final on Time
2. BOYS 400 Meter Dash*** Final on Time
3. GIRLS 1600 Meter Run Final on Time
4. GIRLS 55 Meter Hurdles Trials#
BOYS 55 Meter Hurdles Trials#
5. BOYS 1600 Meter Run Finals on Time
6. BOYS 55 Meter Hurdles Finals
GIRLS 55 Meter Hurdles Finals
6 GIRLS 800 Meter Run Final on Time
7. GIRLS 55 Meter Dash Trials#
BOYS 55 Meter Dash Trials#
8. BOYS 800 Meter Run Final on Time
9. GIRLS 55 Meter Dash Finals
BOYS 55 Meter Dash Finals
10. GIRLS 3200 Meter Run** Final on Time
Boys 3200 Meter Run** Final on Time
11. GIRLS 4 x 400 Meter Relay*** Final on Time
BOYS 4 x 400 Meter Relay*** Final on Time
#Eight (8) fastest times advance to the finals NOTE: PHOTO-TIMER (FinishLynx) IS THE FINAL AUTHORITY FOR TIME
AND/OR PLACE (when available).
**If the total entries in the 3200m for two different groups are eighteen (18) or less, the two groups will be combined into one section and separated at the finish for scoring purposes. Likewise, unseeded sections in the 3200 may be combined even when the seeded section is not. If unseeded sections are combined, these sections would run before either seed section is run.
***The race will be run in lanes in all sections. EXCEPT FOR NON-PUBLIC A AND B WILL BE RUN IN ALLEYS. Max of 7 in top
2 seeded sections.
Field Events
Reminder: First Events close 20 minutes prior to the listed Start Time for the Meet.
There will be two shot puts, two pole vaults and two high jumps available which means
1. The Shot will be conducted in the Intermediate School Gym adjacent to the bubble. Boys and girls will throw at the same
time, 2. There will be two high jump pits, which means boys and girls will be jumping at the same time.
3. There will be two pole vault pits, which means boys and girls will be vaulting at the same time.
Shot Boys
Note: Starting Heights for Public Schools in High Jump and Pole Vault will be the 12th Place height from the Sectional Performance Lists
Groups 1 & 4 @ 4pm: February 19, 2016
Groups 2 & 3 @ 9am: February 20, 2016
Groups Non-Public A&B @ 3:00pm: February 20, 2016
Registration help:

Reminder: First Events close 20 minutes prior to the listed Start Time for the Meet.
Violation of the spike rules will result in disqualification from the meet and $150 fine, payable to the Bennett Center.
1. GIRLS 400 Meter Dash*** Final on Time
2. BOYS 400 Meter Dash*** Final on Time
3. GIRLS 1600 Meter Run Final on Time
4. GIRLS 55 Meter Hurdles Trials#
BOYS 55 Meter Hurdles Trials#
5. BOYS 1600 Meter Run Finals on Time
6. BOYS 55 Meter Hurdles Finals
GIRLS 55 Meter Hurdles Finals
6 GIRLS 800 Meter Run Final on Time
7. GIRLS 55 Meter Dash Trials#
BOYS 55 Meter Dash Trials#
8. BOYS 800 Meter Run Final on Time
9. GIRLS 55 Meter Dash Finals
BOYS 55 Meter Dash Finals
10. GIRLS 3200 Meter Run** Final on Time
Boys 3200 Meter Run** Final on Time
11. GIRLS 4 x 400 Meter Relay*** Final on Time
BOYS 4 x 400 Meter Relay*** Final on Time
#Eight (8) fastest times advance to the finals NOTE: PHOTO-TIMER (FinishLynx) IS THE FINAL AUTHORITY FOR TIME
AND/OR PLACE (when available).
**If the total entries in the 3200m for two different groups are eighteen (18) or less, the two groups will be combined into one section and separated at the finish for scoring purposes. Likewise, unseeded sections in the 3200 may be combined even when the seeded section is not. If unseeded sections are combined, these sections would run before either seed section is run.
***The race will be run in lanes in all sections. EXCEPT FOR NON-PUBLIC A AND B WILL BE RUN IN ALLEYS. Max of 7 in top
2 seeded sections.
Field Events
Reminder: First Events close 20 minutes prior to the listed Start Time for the Meet.
There will be two shot puts, two pole vaults and two high jumps available which means
1. The Shot will be conducted in the Intermediate School Gym adjacent to the bubble. Boys and girls will throw at the same
time, 2. There will be two high jump pits, which means boys and girls will be jumping at the same time.
3. There will be two pole vault pits, which means boys and girls will be vaulting at the same time.
Shot Boys
Note: Starting Heights for Public Schools in High Jump and Pole Vault will be the 12th Place height from the Sectional Performance Lists