Cherry Hill East and Rumson-Fair Haven have the best overall team performances at OCP on Friday.
CH East and R-F Haven Do Work, Individuals Shine | Battle at Ocean County Park
Sep 22, 2015

163 New Times! Updated Battle at OCP All-Time Girls List
Sep 20, 2015
Now including the 2015 meet times! 163 girls times added to the top 500 list.

UPDATED! Battle at Ocean County Park All-Time Boys List
Sep 19, 2015
Now including the 2015 meet times! 140 boys times added to the top 500 list.
Battle at OCP | Attending Teams & Meet Information
Sep 18, 2015
Everything you need to know about the battle at OCP!
Battle at Ocean County Park All-Time Girls List | See Who Made the Cut!
Sep 17, 2015
The meet moved to Ocean County Park in 2010, this list includes the fastest 500 at the event.
Battle at Ocean County Park All-Time Boys List | Plenty of Current Athletes
Sep 17, 2015
The meet moved to Ocean County Park in 2010, this list includes the fastest 500 times run at this version of the event.