Ocean County Championship 2010

Neptune, NJ

Boys 400

Licensed to Neptune High School         HY-TEK's Meet Manager 5/6/2010 05:38 PM
             OCEAN COUNTY CHAMPIONSHIP 2010 - 5/6/2010 to 5/8/2010             
Boys 400 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Micheliche, Andrew           TR South               51.34      49.76   1  10   
  2 Desaulniers, Evan            TR East                50.20      49.83   1   8   
  3 Barile, Raymond              Central                50.70      50.06   1   6   
  4 Kirkland, Steve              Barnegat               51.60      50.09   1   4   
  5 Cortes, Gilson               Jackson Memorial       51.40      50.75   1   2   
  6 Ellis, Sean                  Southern               51.34      51.27   1   1   
  7 Worthy, Erik                 TR South               52.14      51.59   2 
  8 Nueva, Christopher           Barnegat               51.80      51.85   1 
  9 Edwards, Chance              Lakewood               52.70      51.97   3 
 10 Jones, Devon                 Lakewood               51.94      51.98   2 
 11 Ruiz, Kristian               Jackson Liberty        51.90      52.31   2 
 12 Botti, Robert                TR North               52.40      52.38   3 
 13 Gautier, Brian               Barnegat               51.60      52.45   1 
 14 Bestreski, Scott             TR North               52.50      52.50   3 
 15 Gonzalez, Daniel             Southern               52.24      52.52   2 
 16 Germe, Nicaise               Jackson Liberty        52.30      52.78   2 
 17 Puza, Ryan                   Brick Township         53.20      53.17   3 
 18 Rosa, Christopher            Barnegat               52.90      53.29   3 
 19 Cox, Brette                  Southern               53.04      53.43   3 
 20 Olsen, Ryan                  Jackson Memorial       53.84      53.50   4 
 21 Daniels, Bryon               Jackson Liberty        53.00      53.65   3 
 22 Rogers, Mike                 Jackson Memorial       53.34      53.66   4 
 23 Veltre, Tim                  Brick Memorial         54.00      53.96   5 
 24 Alexander, Brandon           Msgr. Don.             52.40      53.97   2 
 25 Castellanos, Dennis          Brick Memorial         53.50      54.80   4 
 26 Kotwitcki, Chris             Southern               54.34      55.02   5 
 27 Goddard, Jon                 Southern               54.04      55.09   5 
 28 Derringer, Garrett           Jackson Memorial       53.14      55.13   3 
 29 Jackson, Maurice             Jackson Memorial       57.14      55.17   8 
 30 Gardner, Justin              Brick Township         55.10      55.27   7 
 31 Rudd, Dan                    TR North               53.80      55.34   4 
 32 Filtz, Ryan                  Point Pl. Boro.        58.00      55.38   8 
 33 Caldwell, Greg               Jackson Memorial       52.14      55.43   2 
 34 Stranieri, Andrew            Brick Memorial         54.70      55.61   5 
 35 Rogacki, Matt                Jackson Memorial       55.34      55.64   7 
 36 Sloan, Gabe                  TR North               58.00      55.79   8 
 37 Reid, Donyell                Lakewood               58.10      55.92   8 
 38 Yarde, Anthony               TR North               55.00      55.94   6 
 39 Swetits, Peter               Point Pl. Boro.        55.80      56.32   7 
 39 Legagneur, Karl              Barnegat               56.90      56.32   8 
 41 Thornberry, Eric             Barnegat               55.00      56.50   6 
 42 Arfuso, Greg                 Jackson Memorial       55.34      56.51   7 
 43 Baroni, Greg                 Point Pl. Boro.        57.30      56.60   8 
 44 Huizing, Tyler               Brick Township         55.00      56.62   6 
 45 Clauser, William             Point Pl. Boro.        54.40      56.71   5 
 46 Policastro, Zach             Southern               56.84      56.80   8 
 47 Harris, David                TR East                55.00      57.03   6 
 48 Winston, Brandon             Jackson Memorial       56.44      57.14   7 
 49 Coleman, Cody                Point Pl. Beach        54.50      57.17   5 
 50 McKenzie-Simon, Justin       Jackson Memorial       54.94      57.18   6 
 51 Gonzalez, Abe                Southern               55.04      57.37   6 
 52 Andujar, Ramel               Jackson Memorial       55.44      57.61   7 
 53 Duffell, Tom                 TR East                55.00      57.70   6 
 54 Williams, Ryan               Jackson Memorial       56.24      58.07   7 
 55 Contucci, Ray                Brick Memorial         55.50      58.15   7 
 56 Wolf, Brandon                Point Pl. Boro.        57.40      58.58   8 
 57 Woodard, Ja'Shon             Point Pl. Boro.        59.80      59.90   9 
 58 Alvarez, Chris               Jackson Memorial       59.44    1:01.28   9 
 59 Jafri, Qasim                 Jackson Memorial     1:05.00    1:04.77   9 
                    Women - Team Rankings - 4 Events Scored
    1) Southern Regional           31        2) Jackson Memorial           24   
    3) Toms River High School Nor  21        4) Point Pleasant Borough Hi  10   
    4) Toms River High School Sou  10        6) Barnegat High School        8   
    6) Central Regional             8        6) Msgr. Donovan High School   8   
    9) Jackson Liberty              4                                           
                     Men - Team Rankings - 5 Events Scored
    1) Toms River High School Nor  23        2) Jackson Memorial           22   
    3) Barnegat High School        20        4) Toms River High School So  16   
    5) Lacey Twp.                  14        6) Southern Regional          12   
    7) Lakewood High School        10        8) Msgr. Donovan High School   9   
    9) Toms River High School Eas   8        9) Brick Memorial High Schoo   8   
   11) Central Regional             7       12) Jackson Liberty Boys Spri   6