Shore Coaches Invitational 2009

Holmdel, NJ
Timing/Results LFRacing

Boys Varsity C

                               Last Completed Event                               
Event 15  Boys 5k Run CC BOY VAR C
    Name                    Year School                Avg Mile     Finals  Points
  1 Schoedler, Miles             Ocean City HS             5:15      16:18    1   
  2 Rankin, Michael              Paul Vi-Haddonfield       5:18      16:27    2   
  3 Purcell, Karon               Hhs                       5:24      16:45    3   
  4 Fanz, Philip                 The Prep                  5:25      16:49    4   
  5 Hagen, Michael               Ocean City HS             5:27      16:54    5   
  6 Mathews, Ryan                The Prep                  5:27      16:54    6   
  7 Yu, Charlie                  Hopewell Valley           5:27      16:55    7   
  8 Walter, Brian                Paul Vi-Haddonfield       5:27      16:56    8   
  9 Johnson, Erik                Ocean City HS             5:28      16:58    9   
 10 Pradhan, Sean                Phs                       5:30      17:03   10   
 11 Ehmann, Peter                Mendham Girls             5:30      17:04   11   
 12 Thomas, Aaron                Phs                       5:33      17:14   12   
 13 Henderek, Marty              Hopewell Valley           5:33      17:15   13   
 14 Nowicki, Luke                Pascack Valley HS         5:37      17:26   14   
 15 Petty, Clay                  Mendham Girls             5:38      17:29   15   
 16 Barry, Chris                 Mendham Girls             5:39      17:31   16   
 17 Brakewood, Harry             Vikings                   5:39      17:32   17   
 18 Hansson, Nik                 Hopewell Valley           5:40      17:34   18   
 19 Gorman, Gerald               Mendham Girls             5:40      17:34   19   
 20 Cross, Mike                  Hopewell Valley           5:41      17:38   20   
 21 Dupuis, Andre                Northern Burlington       5:41      17:40   21   
 22 Wishbow, Zachary             Allentown H.S.            5:42      17:41   22   
 23 Fredericks, Ryan             Hopewell Valley           5:42      17:41   23   
 24 Teichmann, Dan               Hhs                       5:42      17:42   24   
 25 Marabonda, Steven            Montville Twp. HS         5:42      17:42   25   
 26 DeMaria, Andrew              Ocean City HS             5:42      17:43   26   
 27 Lee, Kevin                   1313                      5:43      17:44   27   
 28 Hankinson, Dylan             Notre Dame                5:43      17:45   28   
 29 Sewnig, Jon                  Notre Dame                5:44      17:48   29   
 30 Sclafani, Matthew            girls xc                  5:45      17:51   30   
 31 Pescatore, Dan               Pascack Valley HS         5:47      17:57   31   
 32 McKean, Richard              Paul Vi-Haddonfield       5:47      17:58   32   
 33 Peskosky, Kasty              Hhs                       5:47      17:58   33   
 34 Reardon, Tim                 Burl Twp CC               5:47      17:58   34   
 35 Boothe, Jordan               girls xc                  5:48      18:00   35   
 36 Stringer, Scott              The Prep                  5:48      18:01   36   
 37 Duffy, Kevin                 Montville Twp. HS         5:49      18:02   37   
 38 Stefano, Mastrando           Paul Vi-Haddonfield       5:50      18:06   38   
 39 Foss, Tyler                  Hhs                       5:50      18:06   39   
 40 Keane, Conner                Tigers                    5:50      18:07   40   
 41 Marrone, Chris               Tigers                    5:50      18:07   41   
 42 Grohn, Eric                  Somerville                5:50      18:08   42   
 43 Murray, Sam                  Mrhs XC                   5:51      18:10   43   
 44 Ortiz, Mike                  High Point                5:52      18:14   44   
 45 Ilnitzki, Stephen            Mendham Girls             5:52      18:14   45   
 46 Lamberto, Nick               Paul Vi-Haddonfield       5:53      18:16   46   
 47 Narayan, Ashwin              Hhs                       5:53      18:17   47   
 48 Smart, Zaid                  Phs                       5:53      18:17   48   
 49 Petrovic, Kevin              Phs                       5:54      18:18   49   
 50 Dolan, Ryan                  Hhs                       5:54      18:19   50   
 51 Menzie, Bobby                Vikings                   5:55      18:21   51   
 52 O'Flaherty, Cody             Freehold Boro             5:55      18:23   52   
 53 Parker, Bobby                Pinelands                 5:56      18:24   53   
 54 Freedman, Ethan              Hhs                       5:56      18:26   54   
 55 Nagle, Damien                Phs                       5:56      18:26   55   
 56 Keena, Tyler                 West Morris Central       5:57      18:27   56   
 57 Peterson, DaWud              Crhs                      5:59      18:34   57   
 58 Plaskon, Matt                High Point                5:59      18:34   58   
 59 Peacock, John                The Prep                  6:00      18:37   59   
 60 Curry, Eric                  Hhs                       6:00      18:37   60   
 61 Carrara, Richard             Mendham Girls             6:00      18:38   61   
 62 Martin, Jared                Burl Twp CC               6:00      18:38   62   
 63 Bash, Jeff                   Hhs                       6:00      18:39   63   
 64 Weir, Ben                    Pascack Valley HS         6:00      18:39   64   
 65 Latterner, Tim               Northern Highlands        6:01      18:39   65   
 66 Hoffman, Matt                Phs                       6:01      18:40   66   
 67 Weiner, Alex                 1313                      6:01      18:41   67   
 68 Sweeney, Kevin               Notre Dame                6:01      18:42   68   
 69 Wiessler, John David         WH XC                     6:02      18:42   69   
 70 Glinbizzi, Dave              High Point                6:02      18:43   70   
 71 Shaffer, David               Hopewell Valley           6:02      18:43   71   
 72 Gaydos, Grant                Freehold Boro             6:02      18:44   72   
 73 Nowicki, Geoff               Notre Dame                6:03      18:46   73   
 74 Schmidt, Taylor              Vikings                   6:03      18:47   74   
 75 Perkins, Blake               Mendham Girls             6:03      18:47   75   
 76 Blackwood, Zachary           WH XC                     6:03      18:48   76   
 77 Berry, Brendan               Tigers                    6:04      18:49   77   
 78 Stringer, Chris              The Prep                  6:05      18:52   78   
 79 Cairo, Anthony               WH XC                     6:05      18:52   79   
 80 Mahmoud, Youseff             girls xc                  6:05      18:52   80   
 81 Reichert, Fred               Tigers                    6:05      18:53   81   
 82 Gustafson, Mike              girls xc                  6:05      18:53   82   
 83 Pelican, Ricky               Pascack Valley HS         6:05      18:54   83   
 84 Murray, Daniel               Ocean City HS             6:06      18:55   84   
 85 Brunetto, Nick               Notre Dame                6:06      18:55   85   
 86 Williams, Joshua             Pinelands                 6:06      18:56   86   
 87 Stas, Ian                    Pinelands                 6:06      18:56   87   
 88 Giannantonio, Gregory        1313                      6:06      18:56   88   
 89 Howell, William              Somerville                6:06      18:56   89   
 90 Collins, Zachary             Pinelands                 6:06      18:57   90   
 91 Ridgwell, Laurence           Northern Highlands        6:06      18:57   91   
 92 Castillo, Ace                Paramus High School       6:06      18:58   92   
 93 Hall, Lucas                  Pascack Valley HS         6:07      18:58   93   
 94 Wisnieski, Joe               The Prep                  6:07      18:59   94   
 95 Sochalski, Zachary           Notre Dame                6:07      19:00   95   
 96 Sparacio, Vincent            Crhs                      6:08      19:04   96   
 97 Cifuentes, Justin            Teaneck High School       6:09      19:04        
 98 Devine, Caleb                Northern Highlands        6:09      19:04   97   
 99 Daniel, Connor               Vikings                   6:09      19:06   98   
100 Gillhooley, David            Ocean City HS             6:10      19:08   99   
101 Catrino, Paul                Paul Vi-Haddonfield       6:10      19:09  100   
102 Uranyi, Kevin                Jefferson                 6:10      19:10  101   
103 Piterski, Dean               Pascack Valley HS         6:11      19:10  102   
104 Beal, Andrew                 Freehold Boro             6:11      19:11  103   
105 Duffy, justin                Allentown H.S.            6:11      19:12  104   
106 Gallagher, Peter             Paul Vi-Haddonfield       6:11      19:13  105   
107 Tedeschi, Andrew             Montville Twp. HS         6:12      19:13  106   
108 Cherian, Josh                Somerville                6:12      19:14  107   
109 Deutsch, Daniel              Phs                       6:12      19:16  108   
110 Granata, Sean                Montville Twp. HS         6:12      19:16  109   
111 Fessenden, Joe               Burl Twp CC               6:13      19:18  110   
112 Balzola, Guglielmo           Vikings                   6:13      19:18  111   
113 Dinwoodie, Craig             Notre Dame                6:13      19:19  112   
114 Browne, Tom                  Xc09                      6:14      19:20  113   
115 VanOrden, Chris              High Point                6:14      19:20  114   
116 Laut, Alex                   Somerville                6:14      19:21  115   
117 Mazzacano, Anthony           1313                      6:14      19:21  116   
118 Boyle, Jon                   Xc09                      6:14      19:22  117   
119 Lefer, Matthew               Paramus High School       6:15      19:23  118   
120 Rohaidy, Nicholas            1313                      6:15      19:23  119   
121 Mooney, Daniel               Pinelands                 6:15      19:23  120   
122 Hubert, David                1313                      6:15      19:25  121   
123 DelVescio, Joseph            Ocean City HS             6:16      19:26  122   
124 Viereck, Eric                Burl Twp CC               6:17      19:29  123   
125 Eisler, PJ                   Paramus High School       6:17      19:31  124   
126 Snyder, Zachary              The Prep                  6:18      19:32  125   
127 Lynch, Ben                   Freehold Boro             6:18      19:33  126   
128 Curtis, Philip               girls xc                  6:18      19:34  127   
129 Schenk, Darren               Montville Twp. HS         6:18      19:35  128   
130 Grimm, Tyler                 Somerville                6:19      19:36  129   
131 Patel, Rupkuwar              Jfk                       6:19      19:37  130   
132 Gottlick, Brian              Jfk                       6:19      19:37  131   
133 Walsh, Derek                 Vikings                   6:20      19:38  132   
134 Lare, Garrett                West Morris Central       6:20      19:38  133   
135 Vites, Edric                 Freehold Boro             6:20      19:41  134   
136 Parr, Matt                   Freehold Boro             6:21      19:41  135   
137 Farrell, Daniel              1313                      6:21      19:42  136   
138 Chappus III, Russell         Crhs                      6:21      19:43  137   
139 Bielat, Greg                 Somerville                6:22      19:45  138   
140 Hulbert, Mike                Somerville                6:22      19:46  139   
141 Mahasky, Mark                Freehold Boro             6:23      19:47  140   
142 Molnar, Matthew              Northern Burlington       6:23      19:48  141   
143 Arun, Arjun                  Northern Highlands        6:23      19:48  142   
144 Hirshfield, Eric             Northern Highlands        6:23      19:49  143   
145 sherrer, Holland             Crhs                      6:23      19:50  144   
146 Panzica, Nolan               Jefferson                 6:23      19:50  145   
147 McCoy, Jalyn                 Tigers                    6:24      19:51  146   
148 Hamilton, Ian                Mrhs XC                   6:24      19:51  147   
149 Butler, Cameron              Mrhs XC                   6:24      19:52  148   
150 Ciccarino, Brent             Montville Twp. HS         6:25      19:54  149   
151 Snyder, Erik                 Northern Burlington       6:25      19:55  150   
152 Lehman-Borer, Ryerson        Hopewell Valley           6:25      19:55  151   
153 MacKenzie, Dustin            Hhs                       6:25      19:56  152   
154 Segura, Jason                Paramus High School       6:26      19:57  153   
155 Burr, Dakota                 Pinelands                 6:26      19:59  154   
156 Gobillot, Ted                Mrhs XC                   6:27      20:01  155   
157 Balog, Troy                  WH XC                     6:27      20:01  156   
158 Kraus, Mike                  Pascack Valley HS         6:27      20:02  157   
159 Kelly, TJ                    Lawrence                  6:27      20:02        
160 Haaf, David                  Crhs                      6:28      20:05  158   
161 Hoisington, Todd             Northern Burlington       6:29      20:07  159   
162 Harris, Gregory              WH XC                     6:29      20:08  160   
163 Langione, Daniel             Allentown H.S.            6:30      20:10  161   
164 Cummings, Rex                Vikings                   6:31      20:13  162   
165 Liuecchi, Jack               Xc09                      6:31      20:14  163   
166 Rathore, Rameez              Jfk                       6:32      20:15  164   
167 Wright, Keith                Mrhs XC                   6:32      20:16  165   
168 Worosz, Matthew              Pinelands                 6:32      20:18  166   
169 Harner, Drew                 Xc09                      6:33      20:19  167   
170 Carrell, Alex                Northern Burlington       6:33      20:20  168   
171 Bodo, Rob                    Xc09                      6:35      20:26  169   
172 Cummins, Cody                WH XC                     6:35      20:27  170   
173 Henshaw, Lee                 Hhs                       6:38      20:35  171   
174 Bors, Ryan                   Tigers                    6:40      20:41  172   
175 Karaitis, Vincent            Jefferson                 6:41      20:43  173   
176 Karabin, Jeffrey             Jfk                       6:41      20:44  174   
177 Toms, Trevor                 Allentown H.S.            6:42      20:47  175   
178 Fahrnbach, Luke              Crhs                      6:42      20:47  176   
179 Labb, Nicholas               Hhs                       6:42      20:48  177   
180 DiIorio, Tim                 Burl Twp CC               6:42      20:48  178   
181 Ammirato, Michael            Hhs                       6:42      20:49  179   
182 VanWyk, Dan                  High Point                6:43      20:50  180   
183 Cheng, Justin                Montville Twp. HS         6:43      20:51  181   
184 Greenwald, Christopher       WH XC                     6:44      20:54  182   
185 House, Stephen               Crhs                      6:46      20:59  183   
186 Luca, Nick                   girls xc                  6:47      21:04  184   
187 Pham, Jerry                  Northern Burlington       6:49      21:11  185   
188 Hedderich, Ryan              Xc09                      6:50      21:14  186   
189 Pak, Theo                    High Point                6:51      21:14  187   
190 Allen, Zach                  Lawrence                  6:51      21:15        
191 Sullivan, Ed                 Tigers                    6:51      21:17  188   
192 Patel, Sagar                 Jfk                       6:52      21:18  189   
193 Park, Solomon                Lawrence                  6:52      21:19        
194 Monarque, Mike               Jefferson                 6:52      21:20  190   
195 Neu, Robbie                  Burl Twp CC               6:53      21:21  191   
196 Hannigan, Patrick            Jefferson                 6:54      21:24  192   
197 Skehan, Ryan                 West Morris Central       6:54      21:25  193   
198 O'Keefe, Ryan                Northern Highlands        6:55      21:29  194   
199 McFadden, Patrick            Jfk                       6:56      21:31  195   
200 Urbanski, Greg               Xc09                      6:57      21:33  196   
201 Granville, Peter             High Point                7:00      21:42  197   
202 Reilly, Matthew              Allentown H.S.            7:01      21:47  198   
203 Yelle, Brendan               Mrhs XC                   7:01      21:48  199   
204 Lefkowitz, Jay               Teaneck High School       7:02      21:49        
205 Joo, Kevin                   Paramus High School       7:04      21:57  200   
206 Brunken, Matt                West Morris Central       7:10      22:13  201   
207 Katz, David                  Mrhs XC                   7:13      22:23  202   
208 Claiborne, Isiah             Jfk                       7:18      22:39  203   
209 Staskowski, Robert           Scarlet Fliers            7:20      22:47        
210 Arnold, Charles              girls xc                  7:28      23:12  204   
211 Tiernan, Jake                West Morris Central       7:31      23:21  205   
212 Rodreguz, Frank              Scarlet Fliers            7:32      23:23        
213 Dilks, Ethan                 Burl Twp CC               7:46      24:08  206   
214 Hoover, Garrett              Allentown H.S.            8:31      26:28  207   
215 Taras, Kevin                 West Morris Central       8:44      27:06  208   
216 Newton, Harry                Scarlet Fliers            9:10      28:27        
217 Evans, Phil                  West Morris Central       9:37      29:52  209   
                                   Team Scores                                    
Rank Team                      Total    1    2    3    4    5   *6   *7   *8   *9 
   1 Hopewell Valley              81    7   13   18   20   23   71  151           
      Total Time:  1:27:03.00                                                     
         Average:    17:24.60                                                     
   2 West Morris Mendham Girl'   106   11   15   16   19   45   61   75           
      Total Time:  1:27:52.00                                                     
         Average:    17:34.40                                                     
   3 Ocean City HS               125    1    5    9   26   84   99  122           
      Total Time:  1:26:48.00                                                     
         Average:    17:21.60                                                     
   4 Paul Vi-Haddonfield         126    2    8   32   38   46  100  105           
      Total Time:  1:27:43.00                                                     
         Average:    17:32.60                                                     
   5 Hightstown High School      146    3   24   33   39   47   54   60           
      Total Time:  1:28:48.00                                                     
         Average:    17:45.60                                                     
   6 Princeton High School       174   10   12   48   49   55   66  108           
      Total Time:  1:29:18.00                                                     
         Average:    17:51.60                                                     
   7 St. Augustine Prep School   183    4    6   36   59   78   94  125           
      Total Time:  1:29:13.00                                                     
         Average:    17:50.60                                                     
   8 Notre Dame                  283   28   29   68   73   85   95  112           
      Total Time:  1:31:56.00                                                     
         Average:    18:23.20                                                     
   9 Pascack Valley HS           285   14   31   64   83   93  102  157           
      Total Time:  1:31:54.00                                                     
         Average:    18:22.80                                                     
  10 Voorhees High School        351   17   51   74   98  111  132  162           
      Total Time:  1:33:04.00                                                     
         Average:    18:36.80                                                     
  11 Jackson liberty high scho   354   30   35   80   82  127  184  204           
      Total Time:  1:33:10.00                                                     
         Average:    18:38.00                                                     
  12 South Plainfield High Sch   385   40   41   77   81  146  172  188           
      Total Time:  1:33:47.00                                                     
         Average:    18:45.40                                                     
  13 Montville Twp. HS           405   25   37  106  109  128  149  181           
      Total Time:  1:33:48.00                                                     
         Average:    18:45.60                                                     
  14 Northern Valley-Old Tappa   417   27   67   88  116  119  121  136           
      Total Time:  1:34:05.00                                                     
         Average:    18:49.00                                                     
  15 Pinelands Regional High S   436   53   86   87   90  120  154  166           
      Total Time:  1:34:36.00                                                     
         Average:    18:55.20                                                     
  16 High Point                  466   44   58   70  114  180  187  197           
      Total Time:  1:35:41.00                                                     
         Average:    19:08.20                                                     
  17 Somerville High School      482   42   89  107  115  129  138  139           
      Total Time:  1:35:15.00                                                     
         Average:    19:03.00                                                     
  18 Freehold Boro               487   52   72  103  126  134  135  140           
      Total Time:  1:35:32.00                                                     
         Average:    19:06.40                                                     
  19 Burlington Twp Cross Coun   507   34   62  110  123  178  191  206           
      Total Time:  1:36:11.00                                                     
         Average:    19:14.20                                                     
  20 Northern Highlands          538   65   91   97  142  143  194                
      Total Time:  1:36:17.00                                                     
         Average:    19:15.40                                                     
  21 Warren Hills B/G Cross Co   540   69   76   79  156  160  170  182           
      Total Time:  1:36:31.00                                                     
         Average:    19:18.20                                                     
  22 Cumberland Regional H. S.   592   57   96  137  144  158  176  183           
      Total Time:  1:37:16.00                                                     
         Average:    19:27.20                                                     
  23 Hammonton High School       613   50   63  152  171  177  179                
      Total Time:  1:38:17.00                                                     
         Average:    19:39.40                                                     
  24 Northern Burlington         639   21  141  150  159  168  185                
      Total Time:  1:37:50.00                                                     
         Average:    19:34.00                                                     
  25 Monmouth Regional  XC       658   43  147  148  155  165  199  202           
      Total Time:  1:38:10.00                                                     
         Average:    19:38.00                                                     
  26 Allentown H.S.              660   22  104  161  175  198  207                
      Total Time:  1:39:37.00                                                     
         Average:    19:55.40                                                     
  27 Paramus High School         687   92  118  124  153  200                     
      Total Time:  1:39:46.00                                                     
         Average:    19:57.20                                                     
  28 Sparta Cross Country 2009   729  113  117  163  167  169  186  196           
      Total Time:  1:39:41.00                                                     
         Average:    19:56.20                                                     
  29 John F. Kennedy Mem. H.S.   788  130  131  164  174  189  195  203           
      Total Time:  1:41:31.00                                                     
         Average:    20:18.20                                                     
  30 West Morris Central         788   56  133  193  201  205  208  209           
      Total Time:  1:45:04.00                                                     
         Average:    21:00.80                                                     
  31 Jefferson Twp  XC 2009      801  101  145  173  190  192                     
      Total Time:  1:42:27.00                                                     
         Average:    20:29.40